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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992101


Objective:To explore the application of union physio-psycho-social assessment questionnaire (UPPSAQ-70) in screening anxiety and depression in outpatients from general hospital.Methods:A total of 510 outpatients from Peking Union Medical College Hospital from June 2020 to November 2021 were recruited.They were assessed with UPPSAQ-70, self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) and self-rating depression scale (SDS). The internal consistency of the UPPSAQ-70 was tested by Cronbach′s α coefficient.The convergent validity of the UPPSAQ-70 was evaluated by examining correlations with the SAS and SDS.Clinical diagnosis, being considering as the " gold standard" , was used to test criterion validity.Result:The UPPSAQ-70 showed good item characteristics and reliability (Cronbach α=0.947). The UPPSAQ-70 total score showed significant correlations with SAS( r=0.843, P<0.01) and SDS ( r=0.852, P<0.01). The area under the curve (AUC) of the UPPSAQ-70 was 0.875 ( P<0.01), the cut-off value was 65 points with the sensitivity 83.2% and the specificity 75.5%.The AUC of the SAS and SDS was 0.848 and 0.808 respectively(both P<0.001). For the SAS(standard score of 50 as the cut-off value), the sensitivity was 47.3%, and specificity was 92.5%.For the SDS(standard score of 53 as the cut-off value), the sensitivity was 62.9%, and specificity was 86.8%. Conclusion:UPPSAQ-70 has high sensitivity and is more suitable for screening of anxiety and depression in general hospital outpatients.

Rev. luna azul ; 48: 135-155, Enero 01, 2019. ilus, mapas
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1119451


La valoración social de la vida silvestre es reconocida como esencial para lograr una conservación biológica efectiva. Esto se fundamenta en la comprensión de las relaciones de las personas con la vida silvestre. Esta necesidad ya ha sido planteada en el contexto de las políticas ambientales internacionales. En Chile, ha sido explícitamente mencionada como relevante en la Estrategia Nacional de Biodiversidad, que declara la necesidad de un mejor entendimiento de cómo los ciudadanos chilenos están utilizando y valorando la biodiversidad. Sin embargo, en Chile aún existe poca evidencia científica al respecto. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las relaciones que las personas tienen con la naturaleza de su territorio de tal forma de establecer cuáles son las visiones que tienen sobre la fauna y flora. El estudio se desarrolla en un área periurbana de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile. El enfoque utilizado para el análisis de las relaciones personas-vida silvestre fue cualitativo, con base en la Teoría Fundamentada. A través del estudio se evidenció que la naturaleza es identificada por los habitantes por medio de elementos tangibles de su entorno natural, la cual se constituye a través de una relación entre el individuo, la sociedad y el mundo físico. Los resultados muestran una gran importancia de los bosques de quillay (Quillaja saponaria) para los participantes lo cual da luces sobre la relevancia que tiene el contexto socio-cultural en el cual se llevan a cabo las valoraciones sociales de la vida silvestre, dado que en este tipo de estudios la fauna generalmente emerge como más relevante. En Chile, a excepción de unos pocos estudios científicos, existen muy pocas experiencias publicadas que aborden la importancia social de plantas particulares. Con este estudio pretendemos aportar a la literatura científica con un estudio de caso así como también contribuir a la gestión de la conservación del área.

The social assessment of wildlife is recognized as essential to achieve effective biological conservation. This is based on the understanding of people's relationships with wildlife. This need has already been raised in the context of international environmental policies. In Chile, it has been explicitly mentioned as relevant in the National Biodiversity Strategy, which declares the need for a better understanding of how Chilean citizens are using and valuing biodiversity. However, in Chile there is still little scientific evidence in this regard. This article aims to analyze the relationships that people have with nature in their territory in order to establish what the visions that they have on fauna and flora are. The study is carried out in a peri-urban area of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile. The approach used for the analysis of people-wildlife relationships was qualitative, based on the Grounded Theory. Through the study it was shown that nature is identified by the inhabitants through tangible elements of their natural environment, which is constituted through a relationship between the individual, society and the physical world. The results show a great importance of the quillay forests (Quillaja saponaria) for the participants which gives light on the relevance of the socio-cultural context in which social assessment of wildlife are carried out, given that in this type of studies fauna generally emerges as more relevant. With the exception of a few scientific studies, there are very few published experiences in Chile that address the social importance of particular plants. This study intends to contribute to the scientific literature with a case study, as well as to contribute to the management of the conservation of the area.

Humanos , Vida Silvestre , Deseabilidad Social , Chile , Naturaleza
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-775985


Objective To validate the Union Physio-Psycho-Social Assessment Questionnaire(UPPSAQ-70)and test its validity and reliability.Methods From April,2013 to July,2018,patients were asked to finish the computer evaluation of UPPSAQ-70 and Symptom Checklist 90(SCL-90)in Peking Union Medical College Hospital(PUMCH).Confirmatory factor analysis(CFA)was conducted on the SPSS 17.0,and the number of fixed factors was 8 factors and 3 factors.Amos 23.0 was used to verify the original 8-factor model,8-factor revision model,3-factor model,3-factor revision model,and single-factor model.Each factor of SCL-90 was used as the calibration standard to calculate the correlation coefficient between factors.The retest reliability was tested by the outpatients in PUMCH in July,2018.Results Exploratory factor analysis indicated that the 8-factor revised model included:depression,anxiety and fatigue,sleep,physical discomfort,sexual function,happiness and satisfaction,hypochondria,and social anxiety.The 3 factors revised model included that:psychological,physiological and social dimension.Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the 8-factor modified model was superior to the 3-factor model and the single-factor model: =10 410.4,=1862,RMSEA=0.07,CFI=0.753,and NFI=0.715.With SCL-90 as the standard criteria,except the low correlation coefficient between emotional scale and depression(=0.600)and anxiety(=0.520),the correlation coefficients of other symptoms were below 0.5.The chronbach's between each factor and total score of UPPSAQ-70 was between 0.823 and 0.904,and the Chronbach's coefficient of the whole scale was between 0.954 and 0.956 after each item was deleted.The retest reliability of the scale of 32 participants Chronbach's was 0.847.Each item of the scale measured between one week was significantly correlated(<0.05). Conclusion UPPSAQ-70 is a good scale for evaluating overall health status and is especially feasible in general hospitals.

Humanos , Análisis Factorial , Pruebas Psicológicas , Estándares de Referencia , Psicometría , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Rev. chil. nutr ; 39(4): 173-179, dic. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-673065


Introducción: El Programa Nacional de Alimentación Complementaria (PNAC), es considerado la mayor intervención nutricional en Chile. Objetivo: Evaluar el consumo y valoración social de "Leche-Purita-Fortificada®" (LPF) y "Leche-Purita-Cereal®" (LPC) en beneficiarios del PNAC. Sujetos y métodos: Estudio transversal. Se aplicó una encuesta de consumo a 544 ninos entre 11 y 72 meses de muestra representativa de las Regiones Metropolitana y Quinta de Chile. La valoración social fue evaluada en 11 grupos focales. Resultados: El 73% y 69% de las madres declaró alimentar a su hijo con LPF y LPC, respectivamente. Las madres declararon entregar una mediana de 60 (45-75)g de LPF y 50 (40-75)g de LPC; diluidas al 10 (8-10)% y 10 (10-10)%, respectivamente. Existe una buena valoración social de los alimentos. Discusión: Los alimentos LPF y LPC son ampliamente consumidos y bien valorados por la población beneficiaria. Sin embargo, el consumo y uso de estos productos puede ser mejorado.

Background: The National Complementary Feeding Program (NCFP) is a universal nutritional intervention in Chile. Objective: To evaluate the consumption and social assessment ofiron fortified milk "Leche-Purita-Fortificada® (LPF)" and "Leche-Purita-Cereal® (LPC)" in NCFP's beneficiaries. Subjects and methods: Cross-sectional study. A feeding questionnaire was conducted in 544 children aged 11 to 72 months in a representative sample from the Metropolitan and fifth Chilean Regions. The social assessment was evaluated through 11 focus groups. Results: Seventy three % and 69% ofbeneficiaries consumed LPF and LPC, respectively. The mothers claimed to deliver a median of 60 (45-75) g of LPF and 50 g of LPC (40-75) g, with a dilution of 10 (8-10) %% and 10 (10-10) %%, respectively. The perceived social value of these foods was positive. Discussion: LPF and LPC were consumed for most beneficiaries and well appreciated by the target population. However, the consumption of these milks can be improved.

Humanos , Deseabilidad Social , Alimentos Fortificados , Ingestión de Alimentos , Leche , Chile
Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol ; 12(1): 25-33, jan.-maio 2009.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-514968


As novas diretrizes do pacto de gestão fortalecem as ações de atenção à saúde do idoso a partir do momento em que se torna uma das prioridades do Ministério da Saúde. Além disso, a Política Nacional de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa preconiza uma atenção integral e integrada com ênfase em abordagens multidimensionais que buscam resgatar ou preservar a autonomia e independência do sujeito que envelhece. Um novo paradigma na atenção emerge trazendo a avaliação geriátrica ampla, realizada por uma equipe multidisciplinar, como uma prática essencial no rastreamento e identificação dos variados problemas que acometem o indivíduo idoso. Nesta modalidade de avaliação é fundamental um olhar direcionado aos problemas sociais que podem influenciar no restabelecimento da saúde ou no aparecimento de novas doenças. A entrevista social é um instrumento técnico que fornecerá ao profissional subsídios para realizar uma avaliação que possa gerar uma intervenção adequada a partir do conhecimento das possibilidades e limitações dos usuários que buscam atenção em unidades geriátricas. O objetivo deste trabalho é tecer algumas considerações acerca da avaliação social no processo de avaliação geriátrica ampla. É também um esforço preliminar de contribuir com o fazer profissional do assistente social, visto que as produções teóricas neste campo são escassas e as questões sociais se constituem em elementos essenciais para o estabelecimento de condutas terapêuticas eficazes.

The new guidelines of the pledge management strengthen actions towards the elderly care now that it has become one of the Health Ministery's priorities. Furthermore, the National Policy of Elderly prescribes a thorough and integrated care with emphasis on the multidimensional approaches that aim at rescuing or preserving both the autonomy and independence of the aging subject. A new paragon in the care appears bringing the comprehensive geriatric assessment, which is accomplished by a multidisciplinary team, as an essential praxis of both tracking and identifying the numerous illnesses to which the elderly is susceptible to. In this kind of assessment, it is fundamental to look into the social issues that might either retard the elderly's recuperation or bring about new maladies. The social interview is a technical instrument that will provide the professional with resources for an assessment that will entail an adequate intervention from the knowledge of the possibilities and limitations of the patients coming to geriatric facilities. This work aims at taking under consideration the social assessment withing the range of the comprehensive geriatric assessment. It is also an effort to contribute to the praxis of the social worker, given that theory in this is rare and social issues are central to the establishment of efficient therapeutic procedures.