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Kinesiologia ; 43(1): 73-80, 20240315.
Artículo en Español, Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552615


La Kinesiología chilena ha tenido un desarrollo científico sostenido, particularmente durante las últimas décadas. Este desarrollo ha promovido progresivamente el posicionamiento de kinesiólogos y kinesiólogas como profesionales de la salud dentro de la comunidad, los cuales tienen como fundamento el estudio y aplicación de conocimiento relacionado al movimiento humano. Sin embargo, este desarrollo no ha sido azaroso, sino más bien ha respondido a la creciente actividad científica de los integrantes de la comunidad kinesiológica, además de la cada vez más indispensable utilización de información científica para la toma de decisiones clínicas. Por tanto, el presente artículo discute dos formas de analizar el desarrollo de las disciplinas científicas, y plantea que la kinesiología puede considerarse un programa de investigación, definición desde la cual se pueden analizar los desafíos actuales y futuros respecto al dinamismo necesario de la ciencia y el cómo la kinesiología se relaciona con otras disciplinas para potenciar su crecimiento, sin caer en la redundancia y/o repetición disciplinar.

The physical therapy in Chile has had sustained scientific development, particularly during the last decades. This development has progressively promoted the positioning of physical therapists as health professionals within the community, whose foundation is the study and application of knowledge related to human movement. However, this development has not been random, but rather has responded to the growing scientific activity of members of the physical therapy community, in addition to the essential use of scientific information for clinical decision making. Therefore, this article discusses two ways of analyzing the development of scientific disciplines and proposes that physical therapy can be considered a research program, a definition from which current and future challenges can be analyzed regarding the necessary dynamism of science, and how physical therapy relates to other disciplines to enhance their growth, without falling into professional redundancy and/or repetition.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556968


Introducción: El sueño garantiza el bienestar físico y mental del individuo mediante retroalimentación directa. Los trastornos del sueño implican alteraciones respecto a calidad y cantidad de horas de sueño y obedecen a una alteración real de su función fisiológica que controla y opera durante el mismo. La Medicina del Sueño es una especialidad nueva, surgida en los últimos 50 años, cuyo campo de acción aborda la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de los trastornos del sueño; los cuales hasta el momento se han identificado alrededor del centenar. Esta enfermedad se ha convertido en problema social crucial y creciente, difícil de abordar en la práctica médica contemporánea; debido a la complejidad en la toma de decisiones respecto a su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Esta temática requiere ser evaluada desde un enfoque interdisciplinario para reducir la morbimortalidad asociada a manifestaciones neurológicas, psicológicas, psiquiátricas, cardiovasculares y endocrinometabólicas. Objetivo: Establecer la propuesta de Consulta Interdisciplinaria de Medicina del Sueño en la provincia Camagüey. Métodos: Se efectuó una investigación cualitativa de tipo descriptivo para la selección de aspectos pertinentes a una consulta especializada proveedora de pacientes pediátricos con trastornos del sueño, en el período comprendido entre julio y diciembre de 2022, en el Centro de Inmunología y Productos Biológicos de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey. El universo del grupo de trabajo estuvo integrado por ocho profesionales de las Ciencias Médicas. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos como la revisión documental, histórico-lógico, análisis y síntesis, inducción-deducción, métodos matemáticos-estadísticos y métodos computacionales. Resultados: Se conformó un algoritmo de trabajo para la atención médica, que desarrolló el ordenamiento de los elementos sustantivos propios de la analítica polisomnográfica en el contexto cubano. Logró unificar criterios y opiniones generales de manera consensuada por equipos interdisciplinarios. Conclusiones: Resulta definido el documento científico rector de la Consulta Interdisciplinaria de Medicina del Sueño en Camagüey.

Introduction: Sleep guarantees the physical and mental well-being of the individual through direct feedback. Sleep disorders involve alterations in the quality and quantity of hours of sleep and are due to a real alteration in the physiological function that controls and operates during sleep. Sleep Medicine is a new specialty, emerged in the last 50 years, whose field of action addresses the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders; of which around a hundred have been identified so far. This kind of disorders has become a crucial and growing social problem, difficult to address in contemporary medical practice; due to the complexity in decision-making regarding diagnosis and treatment. This topic requires being evaluated from an interdisciplinary approach to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with neurological, psychological, psychiatric, cardiovascular and endocrine-metabolic manifestations. Objective: To establish the proposal of Interdisciplinary Consultation of Sleep Medicine in the province Camagüey. Methods: A qualitative descriptive research was carried out to select aspects relevant to a specialized consultation providing pediatric patients with sleep disorders, in the period between July and December 2022, at the Center for Immunology and Biological Products of the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey. The universe of the working group was made up of eight professionals from the Medical Sciences. Theoretical methods such as documentary review, historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, induction-deduction, mathematical-statistical methods and computational methods were used. Results: A work algorithm for medical care was formed, which developed the ordering of the substantive elements of polysomnographic analysis in the Cuban context. It manages to unify general criteria and opinions in a consensus by interdisciplinary teams. Conclusions: The governing scientific document of the Interdisciplinary Consultation of Sleep Medicine in Camagüey is defined.

Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 16(4): 11903, out./dez. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524116


Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a percepção de curadores sobre a qualidade dos serviços de Fisioterapia neuropediátrica ofertados em Centros Especializados em reabilitação (CER) no Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, quantitativo, de caráter avaliativo, cujo público-alvo foi representado por cuidadores das crianças em reabilitação. O instrumento AQSF-Neuroped foi utilizado para avaliar a qualidade dos serviços de Fisioterapia neuropediátrica em três CER, com base na percepção de 320 cuidadores. Utilizou-se o teste de hipótese para uma proporção a partir de cada item e dimensão do AQSF-Neuroped. Os modelos Weight of Evidence e Análise de Classes Latentes foram usados para avaliar o comportamento de variáveis sobre a percepção de qualidade. Obteve-se um escore médio total de qualidade de 133±14 pontos, implicando uma percepção positiva de qualidade; porém, há aspectos relacionados à estrutura física (dimensão interpessoal) e ao acesso (dimensão organizacional II) que precisam ser aprimorados (p-valores<0,05) para melhor atender às expectativas dos cuidadores. O CER B foi melhor avaliado dentre os demais serviços (IV<0,10). A ACL permitiu identificar, por meio da formação de grupo, características do cuidador que determinaram uma perspectiva positiva ou negativa da qualidade. Assim, disponibilizou-se os resultados para subsidiar as melhores práticas nos serviços.

This study evaluates the perception of caregivers of the quality of neuropediatric physiotherapy services offered at specialized rehabilitation centers (SRC) in Brazil. This is a cross-sectional, quantitative, evaluative study whose target population was caregivers of children in rehabilitation. The AQSF-Neuroped instrument was used to evaluate the quality of three SRC based on the perception of 320 caregivers. The one-proportion hypothesis test was used based on each AQSF-Neuroped item and dimension. The Weight of Evidence and Latent Class Analysis models were used to evaluate the influence of variables on the perception of quality. A mean overall quality score of 133±14 points indicated a positive perception of quality; however, there were aspects related to physical structure (Interpersonal Dimension) and access (Organizational Dimension II) that needed to be improved (p-values<0.05) to better meet the expectations of caregivers. By group formation, the LCA enabled identification of the caregivers' characteristics that determined either a positive or negative perspective of the quality. SRC B was best evaluated among all SRC (IV<0.10). Finally, managers are provided with results to support improvements in services.

Acta fisiátrica ; 30(3): 180-186, set. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531041


A sinovectomia radioativa (SR) é considerada o tratamento de eleição no controle da sinovite crônica não responsiva ao tratamento conservador, sendo recomendado tratamento fisioterapêutico para a melhora da funcionalidade. Objetivo: Verificar a influência do tratamento fisioterapêutico na independência funcional e saúde articular de hemofílicos após tratamento com SR. Método: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, analítico e metodologia quali-quantitativa. Realizou-se avaliação fisioterapêutica, aplicação do HJHS para avaliação da saúde articular e Escore FISH para avaliação da independência funcional. Os participantes foram subdivididos em dois grupos de acordo com a realização ou não da fisioterapia após a SR. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 8 pessoas com hemofilia A, sexo masculino, média de idade de 19±5,3 anos. Foram 12 articulações submetidas a SR, dessas 41,67% cotovelos, 33,33% joelhos e 25% tornozelos. Na comparação dos grupos, não houve diferença estatística entre os eles nas variáveis: saúde articular e a Independência Funcional. Conclusão: O estudo é uma primeira tentativa de descrever o impacto da fisioterapia na independência funcional e saúde articular de hemofílicos submetidos à SR. Embora possua limitações, foi possível observar que o grupo que não realizou fisioterapia apresentava melhor saúde articular e melhor independência funcional previamente à SR em comparação ao grupo que realizou fisioterapia; porém, o grupo fisioterapia apresentava pior quadro global, com a funcionalidade impactada por outras articulações e não somente aquela tratada com SR, apresentando maior número de articulações alvo.

Radioactive synovectomy (RS) is considered the treatment of choice in the control of chronic synovitis resistant to conservative treatment, and physiotherapy is recommended to improve functionality after procedure. Objective: The aim was to verify the effects of physiotherapy on functional independence and joint health after RS. Method: This is a descriptive, retrospective, analytical study with qualitative/quantitative methodology. Physiotherapeutic evaluation, Hemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS) application for joint outcome assessment and Functional Independence Score in Hemophilia (FISH) were used to measure the patient's functional ability. The participants were divided into two groups: one group underwent a physiotherapy program and one not treated with physiotherapy after RS. Results: The study included 8 people with hemophilia A, all male, their mean age was 19±5.3 years. Twelve joints were submitted to RS, in which 41.67% elbows, 33.33% knees and 25% ankles. In the comparison of the groups, there was no statistically significant difference between them in joint health and functional independence. Conclusion: The study is a first attempt to describe the impact of physiotherapy on functional independence and joint health of hemophilic patients submitted to SR. Although this study has limitations, it was possible to observe that the group not treated with physiotherapy had better joint health and better functional independence prior to SR compared to the group that underwent physiotherapy, but the group treated with physiotherapy had worse overall health and have their functionality impacted by joints other than those treated with RS, presenting a higher number of target joints.

Kinesiologia ; 42(3): 168-171, 20230915.
Artículo en Español, Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552489


Aunque la historia de Kinesiología Respiratoria en Chile es relativamente breve, al igual que nuestra profesión, a lo largo de la historia mundial han existido hitos relevantes para el aprendizaje y desarrollo de los diferentes procedimientos que ejecutamos hoy en día. La evolución en los procesos investigativos y las mejoras tecnológicas han permitido que la Kinesiología Respiratoria se apegue a la ciencia y que el uso de técnicas y procedimientos se acerquen cada vez más a lo estrictamente efectivo de acuerdo a la evidencia.

Although the history of Respiratory Physiotherapy in Chile is relatively new, as is our profession, throughout world history there have been relevant milestones for the learning and development of the different procedures that we perform today. The evolution in research processes and technological improvements have allowed Respiratory Physiotherapy to stick to science and the use of techniques and procedures are increasingly closer to the strictly effective according to the evidence.

Kinesiologia ; 42(3): 149-156, 20230915.
Artículo en Español, Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552482


Introducción. La kinesiología musculoesquelética pediátrica es una especialidad reconocida en el mundo pero que en Chile está muy poco desarrollada. Objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue recolectar la opinión de profesionales acerca de la kinesiología musculoesquelética pediátrica en Chile, para exponer la creciente necesidad que existe de fomentar esta área en el país. Esto para impulsar su desarrollo y buscar alcanzar los estándares europeos y norte americanos, donde ésta se reconoce como una especialidad. Métodos. Se utilizó una encuesta online de 10 preguntas creada por la autora para recopilar la opinión de traumatólogos/as, kinesiólogos/as y estudiantes de último año de kinesiología acerca de la kinesiología musculoesquelética pediátrica en Chile. Los resultados se presentan como frecuencia absoluta y porcentaje de respuesta para cada pregunta. Resultados. de las 232 respuestas, 82.92% fueron de kinesiólogos/as y 8.19% fueron de traumatólogos/as. De acuerdo con estos profesionales, la kinesiología es un complemento esencial a la traumatología (98.71%), y la kinesiología pediátrica es diferente a la de los/as adultos/as (92.67%). Esta última requiere de habilidades técnicas (89.22%) y relacionales (96.98%) específicas. También se piensa que es un área poco desarrollada en Chile (90.09%), la cual debería desarrollarse (89.66%). Conclusiones. los traumatólogos/as y kinesiólogos/as de Chile están de acuerdo en que la kinesiología musculoesquelética pediátrica es un área de práctica que está poco desarrollada y que debería desarrollarse en Chile. Este estudio muestra un vacío que existe en la kinesiología chilena, el cual debería llenarse con futuras investigaciones científicas y cambios en los programas educacionales.

Background. Pediatric musculoskeletal physiotherapy is a recognized specialty in the world but it is underdeveloped in Chile. Objective. The aim of this study was to collect professionals' opinion about pediatric musculoskeletal physiotherapy in Chile to expose the growing need to promote this area of practice in the country. This to encourage its development for the good of our children and adolescents, and to seek to achieve European and north American standards, where this area of practice is recognized as specialty. Methods. An online self-created survey was used to collect orthopedic medical doctors and physiotherapists' opinions on pediatric musculoskeletal physiotherapy in Chile trough 10 Likert scale questions. Results are presented as absolute frequency and percentage for each question. Results. 232 responses were included in the analysis, where 82.92% of the responders were physiotherapists and 8.19% were orthopedic medical doctors. According to these professionals, physiotherapy is an essential complement to orthopedics (98.71%), and pediatric physiotherapy is different from adult physiotherapy (92.67%), so it needs technical (89.22%) and relational (96.98%) specific skills. They also think that it is an underdeveloped area of expertise in Chile (90.09%) that should be developed (89.66%). Conclusions. Chilean orthopedic medical doctors and physiotherapists agreed that pediatric musculoskeletal physiotherapy is an underdeveloped area of practice that should be developed in the country. This study shows an existing void in Chilean physiotherapy that should be filled in with future research and changes in educational programs.

Indian J Pediatr ; 2023 Jul; 90(7): 718–722
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223762


Respiratory illnesses are common causes of morbidity and mortality in children. Postgraduates in Pediatrics spent significant time in learning to manage respiratory disorders. Improved survival of preterm neonates, improved diagnosis and survival of chronic respiratory problems, and advances in diagnosis and therapeutics have increased the need for specialists trained in managing these patients. Training programs in Pediatric Pulmonology are evolving over the past few decades. In India, super-specialty training in Pediatric Pulmonology has grown over the past few years. There is a need to modify the training structure used in industrialized countries due to differences in patient population, priorities, and limited available resources and expertise. Formal training courses have been started in a limited number of institutions. There is a large gap between the need for a trained workforce and the available specialists in the limited number of institutions. The Indian Academy of Pediatrics National Respiratory Chapter (IAPNRC) has initiated a fellowship program to bridge the gap. Comprehensive training involving academic and hands-on training may go a long way to improve the care of children with acute and chronic respiratory problems. For sustainable development of the super specialty, there is a need to work towards creating Pediatric Pulmonology service departments in various institutions that may be responsible for comprehensive training and research activities to answer common research questions.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(1)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521926


Introducción: Las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (ICT por sus siglas en inglés) han originado la enseñanza mediante los llamados entornos virtuales de enseñanza-aprendizaje. La Universidad Virtual de la salud (UVS) de Pinar del Río, es una de las instituciones que se destaca en este quehacer, no obstante, son insuficientes las publicaciones relacionadas con la virtualización de contenidos en la especialidad de Oftalmología. Objetivo: desarrollar una aplicación web para la virtualización de los procesos docentes en la especialidad de Oftalmología en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río. Métodos: La investigación se basa en el enfoque dialéctico. Desde este enfoque se utilizaron métodos de investigación teóricos: análisis histórico lógico, análisis y síntesis, inducción y deducción, y empíricos: modelación y análisis documental. Para la modelación y diseño de artefactos de ingeniería se utilizó el Enterprise Architect y para la elaboración de la web el WordPress. Resultados: Se podrán visualizar los contenidos de la especialidad en cada uno de los años de rotación, tanto en pregrado como en el postgrado, a través de interfaz gráfica amigable, sencilla y amena. Conclusiones: Con la elaboración de esta aplicación web se resuelven problemas de masividad, espacio y tiempo, así como de llevar el conocimiento más actualizado y pertinente hasta donde están quienes más lo necesitan, sin que tengan que ausentarse de su entorno laboral y familiar, de forma masiva.

Introduction: ICT have originated training in the so-called virtual teaching-learning environments. The UVS of Pinar del Río is one of the institutions that stands out in this task; however, the publications related to the virtualization of contents in the specialty of Ophthalmology are insufficient. Objective: to develop a web application for the virtualization of teaching processes in the specialty of Ophthalmology at the University of Medical Sciences of Pinar Del Río. Methods: the dialectical approach is the basis of the research. Theoretical methods used were: logical-historical analysis, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction; empirical methods included modeling and documentary analysis. The Enterprise Architecture was used for the modeling and design of engineering artifacts, and WordPress was used for the development of the Web. Results: the contents of the specialty might be visualized in both undergraduate and postgraduate years of rotation through a friendly, simple and enjoyable graphical interface. Conclusions: the use of this web application can solve problems of massiveness, space and time, bringing the most updated and relevant knowledge to where people need it, without having to be absent from their work and family environment.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219163


Introduction:The primary source of health information for a patient is medical record data. Thus, accurate, complete, and properly recorded patient data are important to provide the best treatment. The workload of the hospital may be reduced and operate more effectively in the hospital if staff members have the necessary knowledge, awareness, and desired clinical abilities, together with an understanding of medical records. Materials and Methods: From January 1 to December 31, 2017, the study was carried out at Tertiary Care Hospital Medical Record Department (MRD). The staff was evaluated for their competency and skill gaps using questionnaires. The complete use of the medical records was then evaluated per quarter for a year. Results: The staff showed adequate understanding of the various questions about medical records. Over the year, there was the highest utilization of files from the MRD, with medicine and obstetrics and gynecology in broad specialties and the department of cardiology with nephrology having the highest utilization in superspecialties. Conclusion: The job environment was pleasant for the staff, and the questionnaire revealed adequate knowledge. Increased satisfaction among MRD staff members, as well as among doctors, nurses, paramedics, and patients, may be related to the utilization being greater in MRD that has been scientifically designed, well‑planned, and appropriately structured, with the best physical amenities

Acta fisiátrica ; 30(2): 81-86, jun. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516367


A Paralisia Cerebral (PC) é uma patologia amplamente conhecida e estudada entre os profissionais de saúde. No meio acadêmico, possui algumas classificações importantes que auxiliam a comunicação entre a equipe multiprofissional. O Sistema de Classificação da Função Motora Grossa (Gross Motor Function Classification System -GMFCS) classifica a função motora grossa do indivíduo segundo a habilidade do movimento autoiniciado, sendo dividido em cinco níveis. O domínio sobre a classificação e nível motor da criança devem ser de responsabilidade da equipe multiprofissional bem como o conhecimento por parte dos pais e ou responsáveis. Esse saber, muitas vezes pode estar limitado, e com isso a relação entre os profissionais de saúde, família e paciente pode entrar em conflito, gerando dúvidas. Objetivo: Este estudo tem por finalidade quantificar a concordância entre o conhecimento dos pais e/ou responsáveis sobre a classificação da função motora grossa quando comparados à classificação dada pelos fisioterapeutas e médicos, assim como, quantificar o quanto destes pais e/ou responsáveis já tinham um conhecimento prévio da classificação. Método: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo observacional, com 96 pacientes, aos quais foram analisados em prontuário eletrônico. Sendo aplicado, então, o Questionário de Relato Familiar (GMFCS Family Report Questionnaire).Resultados: Em todas as variáveis dependentes avaliadas demonstrou-se uma taxa de concordância acima dos 60%; o valor de Kappa apresentado foi de k= >0,7, havendo, portanto, uma confiabilidade entre grupos de moderada a forte. Conclusão: Em geral, os profissionais de saúde se apresentam mais suscetíveis a classificarem os pacientes em níveis funcionais melhores do que quando comparados aos pais/responsáveis.

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a widely studied and known pathology between the health professionals and carries with it, in the academic environment, some important classifications that help the communication between professionals in a multidisciplinary team. The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) purpose is to classify the gross motor in the child based on the self-initiated movement ability, being divided in five levels. Just like the multidisciplinary team needs to be aware of this classification and the child level, the parents and/or caregivers also need to know about it and agree on it. This understanding can often be limited, and with that, the relationship between the health professionals and the family can conflict, presenting problems in the future. Objective: This study has the purpose to quantify agreement between the parents and/or caregivers about the classification of the gross motor function when compared with the classification given by the physiotherapy and physiatrist, as well as quantify how much the parents and/or caregivers knew about the previous classification.Method:It is a prospective observational study, done with 96 patients, in which the electronic medical records were analyzed and tabulated. Being then applied the GMFCS Family Repost Questionnaire. Results:All dependent variables who were evaluated demonstrated a concordance above 60%; the Kappa value present was k= >0.7, having, therefore, a moderate to strong reliability between the groups. Conclusion: In general, thehealth professionals are more susceptible to classify the patients on better functional levels when compared with the family.

Conscientiae Saúde (Online) ; 22: e23261, 01 jun. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552233


Introdução: A reabilitação precoce pode minimizar a perda de força e funcionalidade causada pela fraqueza muscular adquirida na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), no entanto, sua prática ainda enfrenta obstáculos para implementação plena. Objetivo: identificar as barreiras para implementação e execução da reabilitação precoce em pacientes críticos. Metodologia: Analisou-se, através de um questionário estruturado, as barreiras relacionadas ao paciente, ao processo, as barreiras estruturais e culturais. Quarenta e quatro profissionais da saúde que trabalhavam nas UTI de 2 hospitais participaram da pesquisa. Resultados: As barreiras relacionadas ao paciente mais citadas foram instabilidade hemodinâmica (85,8%), perda de dispositivos (58,9%) e intubação endotraqueal (55,3%). Nas barreiras estruturais identificou-se a falta de diretrizes ou protocolos. Já nas barreiras culturais e relacionadas ao processo, notou-se a falta de um profissional responsável para avaliar os pacientes aptos a iniciar a reabilitação. Conclusão: A plena implementação da reabilitação precoce nos dois hospitais estudados é prejudicada por inúmeras barreiras, especialmente as ligadas ao paciente e as estruturais.

Introduction: Early rehabilitation can minimize the loss of strength and functionality caused by acquired muscle weakness in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU); however, its practice still faces obstacles for full implementation. Objective: To identify barriers to the implementation and execution of early rehabilitation in critically ill patients. Methodology: Barriers related to the patient, the process, structural barriers, and cultural barriers were analyzed through a structured questionnaire. Forty-four healthcare professionals working in the ICUs of two hospitals participated in the survey. Results: The most cited barriers related to the patient were hemodynamic instability (85.8%), loss of devices (58.9%), and endotracheal intubation (55.3%). In structural barriers, the lack of guidelines or protocols was identified. Cultural and process-related barriers included the absence of a responsible professional to assess patients eligible to start rehabilitation. Conclusion: The full implementation of early rehabilitation in the two studied hospitals is hindered by numerous barriers, especially those related to the patient and structural issues.

Distúrb. comun ; 35(1): e56268, 01/06/2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436311


Introdução: Diferentes condições clínicas podem afetar a quantidade e a qualidade do sono. As medidas de higiene do sono interferem diretamente na qualidade deste. Elas podem ser propagadas à população por meio de aplicativos. Objetivo: Desenvolver, avaliar e disponibilizar um aplicativo que contemple as medidas de higiene do sono e que seja capaz de gerar mudança e verificar a ocorrência de sonolência diurna excessiva. Metodologia: O aplicativo "Somnum" foi desenvolvido e 26 fonoaudiólogos certificados em Sono pela Associação Brasileira do Sono foram convidados a avaliar usando o questionário Emory e outro questionário elaborado pelas autoras. Após, 38 estudantes usaram o aplicativo e responderam antes e depois do uso o Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh e a Escala de Epworth. Resultados: Após seu desenvolvimento, o aplicativo foi avaliado por 4 fonoaudiólogas que contribuíram com suas sugestões e 38 universitários participaram respondendo os questionários, sendo que 6 deles participaram antes e após o uso do aplicativo. Sobre o Índice de qualidade de sono de Pittsburgh, foi observado na análise estatística, comparando o antes e após o uso do aplicativo, melhora da qualidade de sono (p=0,04). No que se refere ao questionário Epworth, foi verificado na situação após o uso do aplicativo "Somnum", que não houve diferença significativa. Conclusão: Após o uso do aplicativo, verificou-se possível melhora na qualidade de sono. Houve ocorrência de sonolência diurna excessiva. (AU)

Introduction: Different clinical conditions can affect the quantity and quality of sleep. Sleep hygiene measures directly affect the quality of sleep. They can be disseminated to the population by means of applications. Objective: To develop, evaluate and make available an application that approach sleep hygiene and that is able to generate changes and verify the occurrence of excessive daytime sleepiness. Methodology: The application "Somnum" was developed and 26 speech therapists certified in sleep by the Brazilian Sleep Association were invited to evaluate it using the Emory questionnaire and another questionnaire developed by the authors. Afterwards, 38 students used the application and answered before and after the use the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the Epworth Scale. Results: After its development, the app was evaluated by 4 speech therapists who contributed with their suggestions, and 38 university students participated by answering the questionnaires, 6 of them before and after the use of the application. In the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, it was observed in the statistical analysis, comparing before and after using the application, improvement in sleep quality (p=0.04). In the Epworth questionnaire, it was verified in the situation after using the "Somnum" application, that there was not significant difference. Conclusion: After using the application, there was a possible improvement in sleep quality. There was occurrence of excessive daytime sleepiness. (AU)

Introducción: Diferentes condiciones clínicas pueden afectar a la cantidad y calidad del sueño. Las medidas de higiene del sueño afectan directamente a la calidad del mismo. Pueden propagarse a la población mediante aplicaciones. Objetivo: Desarrollar, evaluar y poner a disposición una aplicación que incluya medidas de higiene del sueño y que sea capaz de generar cambios y verificar la aparición de somnolencia diurna excesiva. Metodología: Se desarrolló la aplicación "Somnum" y se invitó a 26 fonoaudiólogos certificados en soeño por la Asociación Brasileña del Sonido a evaluarla utilizando el cuestionario Emory y otro cuestionario elaborado por los autores. Posteriormente, 38 estudiantes utilizaron la aplicación y respondieron antes y después del uso de la misma al Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh y a la Escala de Epworth. Resultados: Tras su desarrollo, la aplicación fue evaluada por 4 fonoaudiólogos que aportaron sus sugerencias y 38 estudiantes universitarios participaron respondiendo a los cuestionarios, 6 de ellos antes y después del uso de la aplicación. Sobre el Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh, se observó en el análisis estadístico, comparando antes y después del uso de la aplicación, mejoría en la calidad del sueño (p=0,04). Con respecto al cuestionario de Epworth, se verificó en la situación posterior al uso de la aplicación "Somnum", que no hubo diferencia significativa. Conclusión:Después de usar la aplicación, hubo uma posible mejora em la calidad del sueño. Hubo ocurrencia de somnolencia diurna excesiva. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Telemedicina/instrumentación , Teléfono Inteligente , Higiene del Sueño , Trastornos del Sueño-Vigilia/terapia , Estudiantes del Área de la Salud , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Evaluación de Eficacia-Efectividad de Intervenciones , Fonoaudiología , Trastornos de Somnolencia Excesiva
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(6)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560239


Antecedentes: La decisión de estudiar una especialidad médica implica considerar una serie de factores personales, familiares y profesionales, y actualmente en Chile se dispone de muy poca información acerca de esto. Objetivo: Determinar los factores que explican la intención por estudiar una especialidad médica en estudiantes de medicina. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó una encuesta a estudiantes de medicina con un total de 266 respuestas válidas (58,7% de tasa de respuesta). El instrumento midió la intención, la actitud, las normas subjetivas y la autopercepción de capacidades hacia el estudio de una especialidad médica. Dicho instrumento fue verificado en cuanto a su confiabilidad y validez. Para la estimación del modelo se usó la técnica de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) a través de mínimos cuadrados parciales (SEM-PLS). Resultados: El coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach, la fiabilidad compuesta, el indicador Dijkstra-Hernseler's y las cargas de cada ítem mostraron valores adecuados. Respecto del modelo estructural, el test de efecto tamaño indicó que dos de los tres constructos son relevantes para explicar la intención. Las pruebas por bootstrapping mostraron la relevancia predictiva del modelo. Globalmente, el ajuste global del modelo fue adecuado. Conclusiones: El factor que más influye en la intención de los estudiantes por continuar hacia una especialidad médica es la actitud personal, seguido por el control percibido de la conducta, y por último por los ingresos futuros esperados.

Background: The decision to study a medical specialty involves considering several personal, family, and professional factors, and currently, in Chile, there needs to be more information about this. Objective: To determine the factors that explain the intention to study a medical specialty in medical students. Materials and Methods: A survey of medical students was conducted with 266 valid responses (58.7% response rate). The instrument measured the intention, attitude, subjective norms, and self-perception of abilities toward studying a medical specialty. This instrument was verified for its reliability and validity. We used the Structural Equations Model (SEM) through partial least squares (SEM-PLS) to estimate the whole model. Results: Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, composite reliability, and Dijkstra-Hernseler's indicator of each item showed adequate values. Regarding the structural model, the size effect test indicated that two of the three constructs are relevant to explaining the intention. Bootstrapping tests showed the predictive relevance of the model. The overall fit of the model was adequate. Conclusions: The factor that most influence students' intention to continue towards a medical specialty is personal attitude, followed by perceived control of behavior, and finally by expected future income.

Educ. med. super ; 37(1)mar. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1514074


Introducción: Como formas de posgrado se encuentran la especialidad y el doctorado, donde se desarrollan habilidades investigativas que no se enfocan siempre en dar continuidad al proceso. En la actualidad se precisa de propuestas que permitan alcanzar ambas categorías de forma paralela. Objetivo: Presentar una propuesta para la formación co-doctoral del profesional de las ciencias médicas. Posicionamiento de los autores: La propuesta se sustenta en un diplomado contentivo de 12 cursos, que tienen el taller como forma fundamental de organización de la enseñanza. Incluye cursos relacionados directamente con la gestión de la información científica, la redacción académica de textos científicos, la metodología de la información, entre otras temáticas para desarrollar habilidades docente investigativas en función del grado científico. El desarrollo de este se realizará de forma paralela a la especialización, por lo que requiere de la coordinación directa con los diferentes comités académicos de las especialidades. Conclusiones: Esta actividad de superación profesional, llevada a cabo junto con las contenidas en la especialidad, permitirá desarrollar habilidades docente-investigativas en el residente, para lograr un impacto significativo en sostenibilidad del claustro de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba (AU)

Introduction: Specialty and doctoral programs are forms of postgraduate studies, in which research skills are developed but not always focused on providing continuity to the process. At present, proposals are needed to achieve both categories in parallel. Objective: To present a proposal for the co-doctoral training of medical sciences professionals. Authors' position: The proposal is based on a diploma program containing twelve courses, with the workshop as the fundamental form of teaching organization. It includes courses directly related to scientific information management, academic writing of scientific texts, information methodology, among other topics for developing teaching and research skills according to the scientific degree. This program will be developed in parallel with the specialization; therefore; it requires direct coordination with the different academic boards of the specialties. Conclusions: This professional upgrading activity, carried out together with those already part of the specialty, will allow the development of teaching-research skills in the resident, thus achieving a significant impact on the sustainability of the faculty of Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba (AU)

Humanos , Competencia Profesional , Enseñanza/educación , Docentes/educación , Tutoría/métodos
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 13(1)fev., 2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442308


O rápido envelhecimento populacional brasileiro mudou nosso cenário de saúde, o que exige que o profissional fisioterapeuta esteja preparado para lidar com as especificidades desta população. A Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia em Gerontologia (ABRAFIGE), que tem a missão de fortalecer a especialidade e promover assistência qualificada em Fisioterapia em Gerontologia, propõe uma relação das competências fundamentais para formação no ensino nos cursos de graduação em Fisioterapia e de pósgraduação lato sensu em Fisioterapia em Gerontologia. Essa iniciativa visa auxiliar os gestores das Instituições de Ensino Superior das diversas regiões brasileiras no planejamento de tais cursos de forma a melhorar a qualidade da formação dos fisioterapeutas nessa área.

The rapid aging of the Brazilian population has changed the health scenario. Such a change requires physiotherapists to be prepared to deal with the specificities of this population. The Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia em Gerontologia - ABRAFIGE (Brazilian Association of Physical Therapy in Gerontology), which has the mission of strengthening the specialty and the purpose of promoting qualified assistance in physical therapy in gerontology, proposes fundamental skills for training in teaching in undergraduate and graduate courses in physical therapy in gerontology. This initiative aims to assist administrators at higher education institutions in different regions of Brazil in the planning of such courses to improve the quality of the education of physiotherapists in this field.

Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Dinámica Poblacional , Geriatría
BrJP ; 6(1): 52-57, Jan.-Mar. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447536


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: With the mother's body's changes in the immediate puerperium, painful conditions may arise that can interfere with the women functional activities. Knowing the characteristics of pain reported by puerperal women is essential to propose effective therapies for pain control. The objective of this study was to identify pain characteristics in women in the immediate puerperium after vaginal delivery. METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out with puerperal women hospitalized in the immediate postpartum period after vaginal delivery. The McGill Pain Questionnaire (Br-MPQ) was used to assess pain and a form was used to characterize the sample. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, frequencies and percentages) were used to represent the variables. RESULTS: 60 postpartum women participated. The most frequent pain characteristics were brief pain (63.4%), localized pain (96.7%), and deep pain (78.3%). The most cited pain category was sensory, and the most cited descriptors to define pain cramp/colic (71.7%), spreading in circles (58.4%), uncomfortable (56.7%), painful (46.7%) and throbbing (31.7%). The most frequent classification was intense pain (38.3%), in the abdomen (75.0%), the vaginal canal (36.7%), and the lumbar (20.0%). CONCLUSION: The most frequent complaint of pain was with strong intensity, deep and localized, with the abdominal region, vaginal canal, and lumbar most affected, and the most used descriptors for its characterization were cramp/colic, which spreads in circles, uncomfortable, sore and throbbing.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Com as alterações que o organismo materno passa no puerpério imediato, podem surgir quadros dolorosos que podem interferir nas atividades funcionais da mulher. Conhecer as características da dor relatada pelas puérperas é fundamental para propor terapias efetivas para o controle álgico. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as características da dor em mulheres no puerpério imediato após o parto vaginal. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um estudo descritivo transversal, com puérperas internadas no puerpério imediato após o parto vaginal. Foi aplicado para avaliação da dor o questionário McGill de dor (Br-MPQ) e uma ficha para caracterização da amostra. Foram utilizadas estatísticas descritivas (média, desvio padrão, mínimo, máximo, frequências e porcentagens) para representar as variáveis. RESULTADOS: Participaram do estudo 60 puérperas. As características de dor mais frequentes foram dor breve (63,4%), dor localizada (96,7%) e dor profunda (78,3%). A categoria de dor mais citada foi a sensorial, e os descritores mais citados para definir a dor foram câimbra/cólica (71,7%), que espalha em círculos (58,4%), incômoda (56,7%), dolorida (46,7%) e latejante (31,7%). A classificação mais frequente foi a dor intensa (38,3%), nas regiões do abdômen (75,0%), canal vaginal (36,7%) e lombar (20,0%). CONCLUSÃO: A queixa de dor mais frequente foi dor intensa, do tipo profunda e localizada, tendo a região abdominal, canal vaginal e lombar mais afetadas, e os descritores mais utilizados para sua caracterização foram câimbra/cólica, que espalha em círculos, incômoda, dolorida e latejante.

BrJP ; 6(1): 11-15, Jan.-Mar. 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447537


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Health professionals attitudes and beliefs about musculoskeletal pain have a negative influence on patient beliefs and outcomes. However, there is no gold standard for assessing knowledge and attitudes toward pain among these professionals. Thus, the objective of the present study was to translate, adapt and validate the Knowledge and Attitudes of Pain (KNAP) questionnaire into Brazilian Portuguese (KNAP-Br), apply the questionnaire and analyze the correlation of its results with the Neurophysiological Pain Questionnaire (NPQ). METHODS: After being translated, back-translated and adapted, the NKAP-Br was applied to 60 physical therapy and medicine students for validation. The correlation between the results obtained by multiplying the scores of the questions of the NKAP-Br instrument and the NPQ was evaluated. To assess reliability, another 200 students responded to the initial KNAP-Br (T1), performed the Pain Education Program (PEP) in one week and one week after T1, the participants received access to answer the KNAP-Br end (T2). RESULTS: Concurrent validity was assessed by the correlation between NPQ and the final KNAP-Br score. A significant correlation was found between the NPQ result (0.3 and p-value=0.0001) and the KNAP-Br score. Intragroups, 84% improved in the KNAP-Br score after studying PEP, 43.50% improved at or above the minimal detectable difference (MDD) and at or above the minimal important difference (MID). CONCLUSION: The questionnaire was translated and adapted respecting the Brazilian population cultural aspects and presented satisfactory reliability and construct validity, being considered valid for the assessment of knowledge and the interpretation of pain by health professionals.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As atitudes e as crenças dos profissionais de saúde sobre dor musculoesquelética têm influência negativa nas crenças e resultados dos pacientes. Entretanto, não existe um padrão ouro para avaliar o conhecimento e as atitudes relativas à dor entre esses profissionais. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi traduzir, adaptar e validar o questionário Knowledge and Attitudes of Pain (KNAP) para a língua portuguesa brasileira (KNAP-Br), aplicar o questionário e analisar a correlação dos seus resultados com o Questionário Neurofisiológico de Dor (QND). MÉTODOS: Após ser traduzido, retrotraduzido e adaptado, o KNAP-Br foi aplicado em 60 estudantes de fisioterapia ou medicina para validação. Foi avaliada a correlação entre os resultados obtidos pela multiplicação dos escores das questões dos instrumentos KNAP-Br e QND. Para avaliação da confiabilidade, outros 200 estudantes responderam o KNAP-Br inicial (T1), realizaram em uma semana o Programa de Educação em Dor (PED) e uma semana após T1 os participantes receberam acesso para responder o KNAP-Br final (T2). RESULTADOS: A validade concorrente foi avaliada pela correlação entre QND e o escore final do KNAP-Br. Foi encontrada uma correlação significativa entre o resultado do QND (0,3 e valor de p=0,0001) e o escore do KNAP-Br. Intragrupos, 84% melhoraram no escore do KNAP-Br após estudar PED, 43,50% melhoraram igual ou acima da menor diferença detectável (MDD) e igual ou acima da diferença mínima importante (DMI). CONCLUSÃO: O questionário foi traduzido e adaptado, respeitando os aspectos culturais da população brasileira, e apresentou satisfatória confiabilidade e validade de constructo, sendo considerado válido para avaliação do conhecimento e para a interpretação da dor por profissionais de saúde.

Rev. APS (Online) ; 25(2): 259-279, 18/01/2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1562316


O objetivo é analisar as características socioeconômicas, de qualificação e a atuação dos fisioterapeutas nos Núcleos Ampliados de Saúde da Família e Atenção Básica em Sergipe. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com caráter quali-quantitativo, com abordagens descritiva e analítica. A amostra foi de 13 fisioterapeutas com predomínio de mulheres, brancas, nascidas em capitais de estados e com 12 ou mais anos de formadas. Com relação às ferramentas tecnológicas do Núcleo Ampliado de Saúde da Família, o apoio matricial foi a única utilizada por todos os participantes. As visitas domiciliares (61,5%) foram as atividades mais realizadas, sendo que dessas, 84,6% ocorreram em equipe e para a população idosa. As ações semanais tinham ênfase na promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças (69,2%). Quanto ao processo de trabalho, 76,92% relataram que não havia avaliação conjunta entre o Núcleo e gestores, mesma frequência dos que relataram não haver interação entre o Núcleo e o Conselho Municipal de Saúde. Todos afirmaram que ocorria articulação entre o Núcleo e a Equipe de Saúde Família, sendo reconhecido por 53,85% que essa articulação era estabelecida de forma satisfatória. Também foi observada deficiência nos conhecimentos a respeito do Núcleo Ampliado de Saúde da Família e a carência na oferta de capacitações.

The aim is to analyze the socioeconomic characteristics, qualification and the performance of physical therapists in the Family Health and Primary Care Extended Centers in Sergipe. This is a cross-sectional study with a qualitative and quantitative character, with descriptive and analytical approaches. The sample consisted of 13 physiotherapists in which predominantly white women, born in capital and aged 12 or more years since graduation. Regarding the Family Health and Primary Care Extended Centers technological tools, matrix support was the only one used by all participants. Home visits (61.5%) were the most performed activities, of which 84.6% occurred in teams for the elderly population. The weekly actions had an emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention (69.2%). In the work process, 76.9% reported that there was no joint assessment between Family Health and Primary Care Extended Center and manager. The same frequency between Family Health Team and Primary Care Extended Center and municipal health council. Between the Family Health and Primary Care Extended Center and the Family Health Team, all physical therapists reported occurring. There was also a lack of knowledge about the Family Health and Primary Care Extended Center and a lack of training provision.

Atención Primaria de Salud , Estrategias de Salud Nacionales , Modalidades de Fisioterapia
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 439-442, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991336


Objective:To evaluate the effects of learning initiative on teaching effectiveness.Methods:The research subjects were the 2nd year medical students of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The learning initiative factor was calculated from the data of the attendance registration of the on-line learning of Physiology, and the performance of the on-line test was used as an evaluation indicator of teaching effectiveness. SPSS software was used to perform correlation analysis between the learning initiative factor and teaching effectiveness. Results:We found that learning initiative could significantly affect the teaching effectiveness, with differences among different specialties. There was a positive correlation between learning initiative and teaching effectiveness in clinical and pediatric medicine, while no correlation was observed in preventive medicine and medical imaging.Conclusion:In conclusion, learning initiative can affect teaching effectiveness, and the intensity of this effect shows difference among different specialties.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1555074


A Classificação Internacional de Incapacidade, Funcionalidade e Saúde (CIF) é uma ferramenta criada em 2001 pela Organização Mundial da Saúde que deve fazer parte da formação dos profissionais de saúde, sendo necessário o conhecimento sobre a ferramenta por docentes. O artigo tem o objetivo de analisar o nível de conhecimento da CIF por docentes fisioterapeutas do curso de fisioterapia de uma instituição de ensino superior pública. Metodologia: Trata-se de estudo observacional transversal de caráter descritivo. Aplicou-se no período de fevereiro a abril de 2021 um questionário semi estruturado e adaptado online contendo 21 questões sobre conhecimento da CIF, que permitiu avaliar o participante em três dimensões: uso, conhecimento e aplicabilidade da CIF. Resultados: Obtivemos 27 participantes, a média de idade foi de 43±6,17anos, maioria sexo feminino 55,4% (15), 100% (27) conheciam a CIF, a maioria referiu nível de conhecimento bom 44,4% (12), 70,4% (19) utilizam a CIF na atividade profissional, 77,8% (21) utilizam nas disciplinas que ministram na graduação, 55,6% (15) referiram dificuldade para entender e 70,4% (19) para aplicar a CIF em diferentes níveis, 92,6% (25) acham importante utilizar ou aplicá-la em atividades de sala de aula. A maioria dos docentes conhecem a CIF, consideram seu nível de conhecimento bom, aplicam atividades com a ferramenta em sala de aula, e consideram importante a sua utilização, mas relatam dificuldade de entender e aplicar podendo comprometer o aprendizado dos discentes

The International Classification of Disability, Functioning and Health (ICF) is a tool created in 2001 by the World Health Organization that should be part of the training of health professionals, requiring knowledge about the tool by professors. The objective of this article is to analyze the level of knowledge of the ICF by physiotherapist professors of the physiotherapy course at a public higher education institution.This is a cross-sectional observational study of a descriptive nature. A semi-structured and adapted online questionnaire containing 21 questions about knowledge of the ICF was applied from February to April 2021, which allowed the participant to be evaluated in three dimensions: use, knowledge and applicability of the ICF. We obtained 27 participants, the mean age was 43±6,17 years, mostly female 55,4% (15), 100% (27) knew the ICF, most reported a good level of knowledge 44,4% (12), 70,4% (19) use the ICF in their professional activity, 77,8% (21) use it in the disciplines they teach at graduation, 55,6% (15) reported difficulty in understanding and 70,4% (19) in applying the ICF at different levels, 92,6% (25) find it important to use or apply it in classroom activities.Most professors know the ICF, consider their level of knowledge to be good, apply activities with the tool in the classroom, and consider its use important, but report difficulty in understanding and applying it, which can compromise the students' learning

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Adulto Joven , Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, de la Discapacidad y de la Salud , Docentes , Estudios Observacionales como Asunto