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Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 29(4): 727-733, out.-dez. 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365518


Resumo Considerando o impacto da morte em múltiplos aspectos da coletividade humana, este artigo reflete sobre como diferentes culturas, em épocas distintas, relacionaram-se com esse tema, buscando interpretar os vários significados associados à finitude. Para tanto, o estudo parte de uma revisão bibliográfica de abordagem qualitativa. Constata-se que as civilizações que se sucederam ao longo dos séculos têm em comum uma série de barreiras para compreender e aceitar a morte. E, a despeito de novos paradigmas socioculturais, da liberdade de expressão e de toda a evolução tecnológica que caracterizam a sociedade contemporânea, a desmistificação da morte ainda requer empenho. Em sua conclusão, o texto enfatiza a necessidade de ampliar discussões e estratégias para enfrentar as questões relacionadas à finitude humana, levando em conta que novas ressignificações conceituais sempre emergem com o progresso da ciência.

Abstract Considering the impact of death on multiple aspects of human collectivity, this article reflects on how different cultures, at different times, related to this theme, seeking to interpret the various meanings associated with finitude. Therefore, the study starts with a literature review of a qualitative approach. It found that civilizations that have succeeded each other over the centuries have in common a number of barriers to understanding and accepting death. And, despite new sociocultural paradigms, freedom of expression and all the technological evolution that characterize contemporary society, the demystification of death still requires commitment. In its conclusion, the text emphasizes the need to broaden discussions and strategies to address issues related to human finitude, considering that new conceptual re-significations always emerge with the progress of science.

Resumen Considerando el impacto de la muerte en múltiples aspectos de la colectividad humana, este artículo reflexiona sobre cómo diferentes culturas, en diferentes momentos, se relacionaron con este tema, buscando interpretar los diversos significados asociados a la finitud. Por lo tanto, el estudio parte de una revisión bibliográfica de un enfoque cualitativo. Se constata que las civilizaciones que se han sucedido a lo largo de los siglos tienen en común una serie de barreras para comprender y aceptar la muerte. A pesar de los nuevos paradigmas socioculturales, la libertad de expresión y toda la evolución tecnológica que caracteriza a la sociedad contemporánea, la desmitificación de la muerte aún requiere compromiso. En su conclusión, el texto enfatiza la necesidad de ampliar las discusiones y estrategias para abordar cuestiones relacionadas con la finitud humana, teniendo en cuenta que siempre surgen nuevas resignificaciones conceptuales con el progreso de la ciencia.

Derecho a Morir , Tanatología , Eutanasia , Discusiones Bioéticas , Muerte
Interdisciplinaria ; 36(2): 79-95, dic. 2019. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056542


Resumen El desarrollo de estudios en torno a la memoria colectiva da lugar a la consideración de nuevas elaboraciones y distinciones en su composición. De estas últimas, hay dos que son relevantes al presente estudio. La primera, en relación a la fuente del recuerdo, distingue entre una memoria comunicativa y una memoria cultural. La segunda, en relación al tipo de recuerdo, distingue entre la memoria colectiva semántica vivida (MCSV) y la memoria colectiva semántica distante (MCSD). También se considera la forma de afectación que han tenido los hechos sobre los participantes y la autocategorización ideológica/política de los participantes. El presente estudio aborda cómo los factores tipo de recuerdo, afectación e ideología influyeron en el contenido del recuerdo colectivo de la crisis de 2001, considerando a los temas/ideas principales. 80 participantes respondieron a una tarea de recuerdo libre. Se llevaron a cabo múltiples Análisis de la Varianza (ANOVAs). Los resultados muestran que los distintos grupos (MCSV y MCSD; Afectados Directamente e Indirectamente; Derecha e Izquierda) comparten los mismos contenidos, caracterizados por una descripción de hechos y por una ausencia de contextualización de los mismos. Las pocas diferencias tienden a mostrar un clima emocional y social de la época, ofrecido por aquellos participantes con recuerdos vividos y afectados indirectamente. No se encontraron diferencias en función de la autocategorización ideológica/política. Esta falta de diferencias se explicaría por las características propias de una memoria a predominio comunicativo, como la de la crisis de 2001, que no promovería la elaboración de contextos en la memoria colectiva.

Abstract Among the distinctions in the field of collective memory studies, there is one that refers to the source of the memories, and is growing in force and importance: that is, the distinction between communicative and cultural memories. Another important distinction refers to the type of memories that constitute collective memories, and is the one between Lived Semantic Collective Memory and Distant Semantic Collective Memory. Another two important factors are the ideology of the rememberer and how was the rememberer affected by the crisis. The present study aims to investigate how the last three factors (type of memory, being affected or not, and ideology) influenced the content of collective recall of the 2001 crisis, considering themes/main ideas as dependent variables. As national memories allow us to study collective memory, the present study is focused on the memories Argentinians have of the economic, political and social crisis of 2001. This is considered the most profound economic and financial crisis in Argentina´s recent history. After years of economic recession, the crisis was triggered by an economic measure called "corralito," which almost completely froze bank accounts and thereby prevented people from withdrawing their money. Demonstrations and protests followed, which contributed to the resignation of President Fernando de la Rúa after he declared a state of siege. Police action resulted in more than 30 deaths. Institutional and political chaos and a succession of five Presidents in one week followed De la Rúa's resignation. Despite its magnitude, there is not a cultural memory constituted around this event. For example, there are only a few books, films, memorials or monuments on this event, it has received little attention in High School history curricula, and there is not a national commemorative day. That is why it is considered an event around which people have predominantly a communicative memory. Conversely, the 1976 coup d´état and the military dictatorship that followed has led to the development of a cultural memory (for example, there are many books, movies, monuments or memorials, and a national commemorative day). In the present study, participants´ memories about the 2001 crisis are considered. Eighty participants responded to a free-recall task about the crisis. Two groups of forty participants were conformed, one with Lived Semantic Collective Memory and the other with Distant Semantic Collective Memory. At the same time, half of the members of each of these groups were directly affected by the crisis, and the other half was indirectly affected. The political ideology of the participants in terms of right and left is also considered. The dependent variables were the themes or main ideas that constitute the participants recall of the 2001 crisis. Multiple Anova´s were performed. Results showed that participants with Lived Semantic Collective Memories and indirectly affected remembered themes/main ideas which offered information regarding the social and emotional climate of that period or, in the case of those with Lived Semantic Collective Memories, a themes/main idea that assigned responsibilities for the crisis. We found no differences as a function of ideology. But most importantly, results show a predominant lack of differences in the themes/main ideas remembered by different groups. Overall, the recall is mostly composed of themes/main ideas that are mostly descriptive of the different facts that took place during the 2001 crisis. There are no differences for themes/main ideas that offered a more contextualized recall. In general, results are explained in terms of the kind of memories promoted by communicative memories, which are less elaborated, more emotional and composed mostly of facts. In contrast, cultural memories seem to offer a more contextualized version, with causes and consequences that explain the facts.

Interdisciplinaria ; 36(2): 203-215, dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056548


Resumen En la investigación cualitativa, el análisis y la interpretación de los datos es una tarea de difícil manejo, incluso para los investigadores más experimentados. Si bien existen muchas técnicas disponibles para llevar a cabo el análisis de datos cualitativos, algunos autores relevantes del área proponen que es posible identificar un núcleo básico sin necesidad de hacer coincidir las distintas perspectivas del método cualitativo. Hacer foco en esta comunalidad permitirá hacer más comprensible la tarea de análisis para los investigadores noveles. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es mostrar en qué consiste este núcleo básico de análisis, dando cuenta de los pasos necesarios para llevarlo a cabo. Además, se revisan técnicas concretas para la detección de temas, se presentan ejemplos haciendo uso del software Atlas.ti, y se muestran las formas posibles de presentación de los resultados.

Abstract Within the research process, the analysis of the data emerges as one of the most important steps. In qualitative research, the analysis of data is a difficult task for even the most experienced researchers and often brings up many doubts about the way to implement it. It is therefore necessary to have material that facilitates the analysis process. Even though there are numerous manuals that focus on the analysis of qualitative data, researchers often can be confused with the large number of names that this type of analysis receives (e.g. Thematic Analysis, Content Analysis) or with the various qualitative methods (e.g. Phenomenology, Grounded Theory) that are available. Each of these qualitative approaches presents a particular language to detail the research process, which makes it difficult to recognize common aspects shared by these methods. Recently, the American Psychological Association has emphasized the need to identify, within the various qualitative methods and procedures, shared standards for reporting this type of work. In agreement with the above, several qualitative researchers have pointed out that beyond the aforementioned diversity it is possible to identify a basic core with regard to qualitative analysis, without having to match the different perspectives of the qualitative method, such as Grounded Theory, Ethnography ore Phenomenology. Focusing on this communality will facilitate a simpler and clearer approach to the data analysis process. The analysis process mainly involves 1) data condensation, and 2) presentation of results. Following this line, the present manuscript aims to: (a) develop what the basic core of data analysis consists of, (b) show the necessary steps to carry out this analysis process, (c) review specific techniques for the detection of categories, (d) present examples using the Atlas.ti software, and (e) show the possible ways of presenting the results. Researchers have realized the importance of having methodological works that facilitate the analysis of qualitative data, and allow answering the question: What does qualitative analysis look like in practice?. The development of this type of work pretends on the one hand to facilitate the understanding of the process of qualitative data analysis and, on the other hand, serve to shape better and in a more standard way which was the data analysis procedure applied in the respective investigations. This material should be taken as a first step in the understanding of the process, and it should not be understood that the qualitative analysis is reduced only to what is developed in this article. For example, in the first level grouping step or first coding cycle, the researcher can make use of 25 different types or forms of coding (e.g., live coding). Even so, the development of works such as the present manuscript is intended to facilitate the understanding and reporting the process of qualitative data analysis. Beyond the name with which the researcher calls the analysis procedure carried out, it is relevant to report in his works the basic steps (i.e. Identification, First and Second Level of Categorization), and the specific techniques used to detect categories or topics (e.g. repetition or similarities). Likewise, it is advisable to follow the guidelines recently published by the APA for the publication of qualitative research. We hope that this material will be useful especially for new researchers who need an introductory text to carry out the qualitative data analysis.

Saúde debate ; 43(spe7): 114-125, Dez. 2019.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127413


RESUMO Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a reflexão sobre o corpo no desenvolvimento do Estado-Nação entre o século XIX e o início do século XX tendo a metáfora do sangue como como chave heurística e referencial de análise. A escolha desse período se deu por sua importância política, econômica e social para os Estados Modernos. Nestes, os dispositivos biopolíticos e de biopoder, engendrados pelo paradigma da imunização e por intermédio das teorias higienistas e eugenistas misturadas à linguagem de germes e de genes, concorreram para que a noção de fronteira nacional ultrapassasse o limite territorial. Nesse entendimento, o Estado-Nação, visto por meio da metáfora do sangue, pode auxiliar a compreensão dos dispositivos biopolítico-imunitários na sua construção identitária. Tais dispositivos, agindo sobre os corpos, integraram-se à agenda nacionalista de algumas ex-colônias desde sua dimensão geográfica até o âmbito da vida privada. Nesse contexto, os discursos biomédico, científico, político e moral se confundiram, fundamentando um conjunto de comportamentos, crenças e saberes sobre o corpo e o território que cooperaram com seus projetos nacionalistas. Por fim, o objetivo deste artigo foi ilustrar, por meio da metáfora do sangue, que a polissemia do termo 'sangue' no discurso dominante do paradigma da imunização do final do século XIX e do início do século XX consolidava os debates sobre cidadania, naturalização e inclusão em países como Austrália, Estados Unidos e Brasil.

ABSTRACT This work intends to contribute to the reflection on the human body position in the development of the nation-state between the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries with the metaphor of blood as the heuristic and referential analysis key. This period was chosen because of its political, economic and social importance for the Modern States. In these, biopolitical and biopower devices, engendered by the paradigm of immunization and through hygienist and eugenic theories mixed with the language of germs and genes, contributed to the notion of national boundary crossing the territorial limit. In this understanding, the nation state, viewed through the metaphor of blood, can help the understanding of biopolitical-immune devices in their identity construction. Such devices, acting on the human bodies, were integrated into the nationalist agenda of some former colonies from their geographical dimension to the realm of private life. In this context, the biomedical, scientific, political and moral discourses were confused, supporting a set of behaviors, beliefs and knowledge about the human body and territory that cooperated with their nationalist projects. Finally, the aim of this paper was to illustrate, through the blood metaphor, that the polysemy of the term 'blood' in the dominant discourse of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century immunization paradigm consolidated the debates on citizenship, naturalization, and inclusion in countries such as Australia, the United States, and Brazil.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198540


Background: Anatomy is the basic science discipline dealt for 1st M.B.B.S for the first two semesters. Detailedknowledge of human anatomy is a must for clinical examination and diagnosis. Students tend to memorize thesubject with rote-learning without much emphasis on clinical application. An attempt has been made to collectand analyze the perspectives and opinions of clinicians regarding the anatomical knowledge and competenciesto be attained by a medical graduate for safe clinical practice.Materials and Methods: A qualitative study was conducted with in depth interviews of 20 clinicians of variousspecialties of Dr.PSIMS&RF. Data was collected, documented, collated and categorized into themes and subthemes (THEMATIC ANALYSIS).Results: The main themes derived from data included curriculum of 1st MBBS course, teaching learning methodsand competencies to be attained. Some of the sub-themes categorized under the themes included, increase incourse duration, not a need for early clinical exposure in present scenario, incorporation of surface anatomyand radiology in the curriculum, broad emphasis on clinical application with integration of clinical and basicsciences. Others included promotion of use of latest gadgets and frequent revision in clinics. Self-directedlearning and critical appraisal of medical literature were the predominant competencies identified. Conclusions:The present study clearly states a slight modification of present curriculum, introduction of advanced T-L methodsand impressing upon major competencies as self-directed learning and better understanding of medical education

Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development ; (4): 29-37, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960068


@#<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>BACKGROUND:</strong> Filipino society's normative definition of a 'family' is one that is composed of a married heterosexual couple and their children. In such cultural set-up, both the mothers and fathers are expected to share the responsibility in raising their child or children. However, for solo mother households, this scenario is farfetched with solo mothers serving as the primary economic provider and caregiver.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>OBJECTIVES:</strong> The study aimed to chart the challenges faced by solo mothers and identify the coping strategies they employed through understanding their lived experiences.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>METHODOLOGY:</strong> The study used a phenomenological approach to magnify a better understanding of the phenomenon as experienced by solo mothers. The researcher conducted personal in-depth interviews with thirteen (13) solo mothers from the city of Manila. The inclusion criteria for the participants were: (a) solo mothers who raised their child alone, (b) at least 25 years of age, and (c) has at least one biological child who is 20 years old and below. The participants were recruited through purposive and snowball sampling. The interviews were carefully recorded, transcribed and critically analyzed. After careful thematic analysis of the data and with quantitative methods used, seven themes answering the study's objectives emerged.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: </strong>The seven major themes recorded were: Absence of A Partner, Conflicting Responsibilities, Child Care, Social Support, Willing Endurance, Spiritual Guidance, and Self-Care. These themes were gathered from the respondents who on the averaged have been solo mothers for 10 years already. Solo mothers used both problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies, but the nature of the problem dictates the strategy to be employed. Solo mothers make sure to look after themselves to be able to take care of their children in the future. Given the reality of struggles of solo parenting, solo mothers as a sector must be provided with support programs and policies by the government to strengthen their stand on raising their children well.</p>

Cuidado del Niño , Autocuidado
Interdisciplinaria ; 33(1): 41-63, jun. 2016. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-841041


El recuerdo del Golpe de Estado de 1976 en Argentina ofrece una oportunidad para estudiar los procesos de formación y composición de la memoria colectiva. En el trabajo que se informa se estudió cómo los contenidos del recuerdo del golpe son afectados por dos factores: las generaciones que lo recuerdan y la ideología política de los participantes. Con este objetivo, se solicitó a 52 participantes argentinos y de ambos sexos que completaran una tarea de Recuerdo Libre entorno a los hechos del Golpe de Estado de 1976. Se dividió la muestra en dos grupos de 26 sujetos, uno estuvo compuesto por personas que vivieron durante esos años (mayores de 48 años) y el otro, por personas de una generación que no vivió aquella época (menores de 30). Se consideró también la ideología política de los participantes (Izquierda o Derecha). Se utilizó un enfoque de análisis descriptivo, centrado en analizar el contenido del recuerdo, considerando qué temas / ideas principales lo conformaban. Los resultados muestran una mayoría de temas comunes al recuerdo de los distintos grupos. Estos elementos comunes conformarían una memoria nacional del golpe. También muestran que la generación y la ideología política promueven temas / ideas principales propios de cada grupo. Aquellos de la generación mayor recordaron más temas / ideas principales de tipo contextual y emocional / afectivo. Los de la generación menor recordaron en mayor medida los hechos acontecidos durante la dictadura. Los sujetos del grupo de Izquierda recordaron temas / ideas principales vinculados a la violencia de Derecha y más aspectos contextuales que los del grupo de Derecha. Se propone que hay un sistema de memoria nacional que operaría en los sujetos y que es afectado por las metas y objetivos de cada grupo.

Argentina, as well as others Latin American countries, lived through a military dictatorship from 1976 to 1983. Because of the magnitude of its consequences, it is a period of the Argentinean history that is still discussed by its citizens and that has a place in the educational curricula of the country now. Moreover, its current importance is evident, for example, as shown in the ongoing trials for the responsibilities of the crimes committed by the militaries so many years ago, and the frequent news of people recovering their stolen identity after being born in captivity during those years and being raised by families that appropriated them. A collective memory of the events taking place over those years is in the process of constitution and development. As people talk about it, as new information is spread on the news, as justice works over those committing the terrible crimes during that period in Argentina, a collective memory of the 1976 coup d’état takes shape. One aim of the present work was to contribute to the study of the collective memory of the coup d´état of 1976 in Argentina. Even though this issue has received attention in previous studies, an empirical approach towards it that focuses on the discourse of the memories of the participants, conforms a new contribution. Another aim of this study was to contribute to the study of collective memory from a psychological perspective. Recalls of the coup d´état of 1976 in Argentina offer one of those opportunities to study the processes of formation and constitution of collective memory. In the present study, we are interested in studying how the contents of the recall of the coup d´état are affected by two specific factors: generations and ideology. Our interest is to study how similar and different are the memories for those events for different generations of citizens. We are basically considering those who lived through those years and those who learned about those same events indirectly, through books, documentary, news, etc. We are also interested in studying how much political ideology can affect the recall of those events. In that, we considered the basic ideological distinction between left and right. The dependent variable was a concrete aspect of the content of the recall: the -mes / main ideas. A total of 52 subjects participated in the study. The sample was divided in two groups, one of which was constituted by subjects who lived-through those years. This was the older generation group. The other group conformed the younger generation and was integrated by subjects that didn’t live through those years because they were not yet born. At the same time, people from the left and right ideologies composed each of these two groups. Participants completed a Free Recall Test, where we asked them to recall all of what they could remember about the events around March 24, 1976. We focused on analyzing the content of there call, considering the themes / main ideas that configured it. There are common elements of the recall that seem to configure a national memory of the coup d´état. However, generations and political ideology promoted themes / main ideas typical of each group. Those of the older generation remembered more contextual and emotional / affective themes / main ideas. Those of the younger generation remembered more facts that took place during the military dictatorship. People with a left wing ideology remembered more themes / main ideas related to the ‘Right wing violence’ and more contextual aspects than those with a right wing ideology. A national memory system that would operate in the citizens and that is affected by the goals of each group is proposed.

Journal of Sleep Medicine ; : 53-59, 2016.
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-55059


OBJECTIVES: The current study aimed to explore the difference of dream themes, emotional intensity, and sleep parameters between nightmares and bad dreams in nightmare sufferers. METHODS: Twenty-four nightmare sufferers who endorsed clinical levels of nightmares (Disturbing Dream and Nightmare Severity Index Scores ≥10) recorded daily information about their dream themes using a modified version of the Typical Dreams Questionnaire, emotional intensity about their nightmares and bad dreams, and sleep for two weeks on a mobile device. RESULTS: Evil presence (35%) was reported with higher frequency in nightmares, whereas interpersonal conflicts (31%) were predominantly reported in bad dreams. Nightmares were rated substantially more emotionally intense than bad dreams. Especially, fear (Z=-2.118, p=0.034) was rated as being significantly higher in nightmares than bad dreams. There were differences on time in bed, wake after sleep onset, sleep efficiency on the days with nightmares or bad dreams compared to other days; however, there were no differences in sleep parameters between nightmares and bad dreams. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that nightmares may be qualitatively and quantitatively different from bad dreams in nightmare sufferers.

Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science ; (12): 1130-1134, 2015.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-488385


Objective To analyse characteristics of military pilot group sandplay work and reveal their psychological status.Methods Using the self-reporting 90-item Symptom Checklist (SCL-90) to test the validity of group sandplay work made by 87 groups of military pilots.Statistical analysis was used to analyse the characteristics of code data in group sandplay work.Results Positive and negative themes in group sandplay work showed negative and positive correlations(r=-0.59,0.59) with symptom factors of SCL-90,respectively.Positive and negative themes scores were 5.37±2.25 and 2.36± 1.85 ,respectively.The secondary theme scores in the positive theme were entirely higher than those in the negative theme.Scores of energy, connection, cooperation, integration, relaxation, and spirituality in the positive theme and threat,limitation, and aggression in the negative theme were relatively high.The overall evaluations of the work include power, integration, enrichment, and fluency.The theme names of the work include life, military, natural and abstract.Conclusion Group sandplay is an effective method in the study of military pilots' psychological health and military pilots are in good mental health.These pilots have strong intrinsic energy,teamwork and communication.However,some pilots have symptoms of anxiety,tension and insecure.

Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management ; (4): 209-212,235, 2014.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-599025


The purpose of this article was to explore the hotspots in the field of international classification of diseases in China.The methods adopted were Factor Analysis,Cluster Analysis,Multidimensional Scaling Analysis and Social Network Analysis by building the high-frequency keywords co-occurrence matrix in this field.The themes are clustered into ten classes based on the results of Factor Analysis with ten common factors extracted.The results of Social Network Analysis showed that the research of medical payment methods using medical records information is the core theme in this field,which will continue in the future.

Rev. psicol. polit ; 13(28): 549-553, dez. 2013. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-753893


El presente artículo pretende hacer una reseña descriptiva de las características más relevantes de la Revista Electrónica de Psicología Política (Argentina), a lo largo de sus 10 años de publicación en línea. Para tal descripción, fueron tenidas en cuenta las temáticas abordadas por los artículos publicados en la revista, los autores según su origen y filiación institucional, y las características de difusión de la publicación en cuanto a diversidad idiomática y gratuidad de acceso a sus artículos...

This article aims to do a descriptive review of the most relevant features of Revista Electrónica de Psicología Política (Argentina), throughout its 10 years of online publishing. For such a description, takes into account the issues addressed by the articles published in the journal, the authors according to their origin and institutional affiliation, and the diffusion characteristics of the publication in terms of language diversity and free access to their articles...

Este artigo tem como objetivo fazer uma revisão descritiva das características mais relevantes da Revista Electrónica de Psicología Política (Argentina), ao longo de seus 10 anos de publicação online. Para tal descrição, foram tidas em conta as questões abordadas pelos artigos publicados na revista, os autores de acordo com a sua origem e filiação institucional, e as características de difusão da publicação em termos de diversidade linguística e livre acesso aos seus artigos...

Cet article vise à faire un aperçu descriptif des caractéristiques les plus pertinentes de Revista Electrónica de Psicología Política (Argentine), au long de ses 10 années de édition en ligne. Pour cette description, ont été pris en compte les questions abordées par les articles publiés dans la revue, les auteurs en fonction de leur origine et l'affiliation institutionnelle, et les caractéristiques de diffusion de la publication en termes de diversité linguistique et le libre accès à leurs articles...

Humanos , Publicación Periódica , Política , Psicología , Publicaciones Periódicas como Asunto
Educ. fis. deporte ; 32(2): 1421-1430, jul.-dic. 2013.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-713396


Comprometido com a formação de identidades democráticas, o currículo cultural da Educação Física analisa as práticas corporais, investigando e debatendo os marcadores sociais nelas presentes. A percepção de que o modo de selecionar os conhecimentos a serem trabalhados difere das demais propostas do componente (esportivista, psicomotora, desenvolvimentista, educação para a saúde) fez surgir o interesse de conhecer os procedimentos empregados pelos professores que desenvolvem uma prática pedagógica culturalmente orientada. A análise dos relatos de prática mediante o confronto com os referenciais dos Estudos Culturais e do multiculturalismo crítico, identificou a articulação com o Projeto Pedagógico da escola e o reconhecimento e valorização do patrimônio cultural corporal da comunidade como estratégias para eleição dos temas de ensino.

El curriculo cultural de la Educacion Fisica analiza los marcadores sociales presentes en las practicas corporales. El interés por conocer los procedimientos empleados por los profesores que desarrollan una didactica culturalmente orientada, ha partido de la percepcion de que la manera de seleccionar los conocimientos a ser trabajados, es distinta de las demás propuestas existentes (deportivista, psicomotriz, desarrollo motor, educacion para la salud). El analisis de los relatos de practica a partir del contraste con los referenciales de los Estudios Culturales y del multiculturalismo critico, ha identificado la articulacion con el Proyecto Pedagogico de la escuela y el reconocimiento y valoracion del patrimonio cultural de la comunidad, como estrategias para la seleccion de las tematicas de enseñanza.

Committed to the configuration of democratic identities, the cultural curriculum of Physical Education examines the body practices, investigating and debating the social markers present in them. The perception of the way to select the knowledge to be worked differs from other proposals of the discipline (esportivista, psychomotor, health education, developmental) has raised the interest of acknowledging the procedures employed by teachers who develop a culturally oriented pedagogical practice. Analysis of the practice reports through the confrontation with the benchmarks of cultural studies and critical multiculturalism, identified the relationship with the schoolïs educational project and the recognition and value of the corporal cultural heritage of the community as strategies for the election of teaching themes.

Humanos , Cultura , Educación , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Enseñanza
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 12(3): 430-437, jul.-set. 2013.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-685997


Introducción: diversos han sido los estudios pedagógicos en diferentes especialidades, disciplinas y esferas del conocimiento para determinar las necesidades de aprendizaje. La capacitación del personal de la salud en temas económicos constituye un reclamo permanente de sus directivos y trabajadores en diferentes escenarios. Objetivo: determinar las necesidades de aprendizaje y el impacto educativo del módulo de Preparación Económica en los Directivos de la provincia La Habana, quienes cursan el Diplomado de Dirección en Salud. Material y Métodos: se aplicó una encuesta -al inicio y al final del módulo- a los 43 diplomantes que asistieron a este. La información se analizó con el software SPSS, utilizando la estadística descriptiva, y el Test de McNemar para evaluar el impacto del módulo. Resultados: el promedio de la edad fue de 45,0±5,4 años, y trabajando en el sector fue de 20,1±6,9 años. En el cargo de dirección promediaban en 2,7±2,1 años. Fueron estadísticamente significativas las diferencias en las respuestas (antes y después) sobre la eficiencia económica (16,3 vs. 81,4), y su aplicación en la Atención Primaria (46,5 vs. 81,4). Las respuestas sobre el control interno fueron altas en ambos momentos. Conclusiones: se constatan (al inicio) carencias cognoscitivas en relación con los temas económicos. Luego de impartido el módulo, la mayoría de los cursistas elevaron sus conocimientos sobre estos temas. Lo relacionado al Control Interno, fue bien respondido tanto al inicio como al final, lo que pudo estar determinado por el uso que de este se viene realizando desde hace tiempo en el sector.

Introduction: various pedagogic studies in different specialties, disciplines and branch of knowledge have determined learning needs. The training of the health´s professional in economic themes constitutes a permanent need for them, at different scenarios. Objective: to determine the learning needs and the educational impact of the module about economic themes, in the Havana's professionals of health, who take a course in the Directing Graduate in Health. Material and Methods: a surveys was applied, to the start and at the end of the module, to 43 students that assisted the first day. Data were analyzed by SPSS software, and were used descriptive statistics, and McNemar's test to evaluate the impact of module. Results: mean of age was 45,0±5,4 years old, working at the sector was 20,1±6,9 years old, and as executives of health sector were 2,7±2,1 years old. It was statistically significant the answers (before and after) on the economic efficiency (16,3 vs. 81,4 ), and his application in the first attention level of health (46,5 vs. 81,4). The answers on the internal control were high in both moments. Conclusions: knowledge lacks in relation to the economic themes was verified at the beginning. After the economy module was given, the majority of the students raised their knowledge on these themes. The answers about aspects of internal control were good in both moments (before and after).

Saúde Soc ; 22(1): 32-43, jan.-mar. 2013.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: lil-674698


Neste artigo, apontam-se inicialmente algumas questões fundamentais para o entendimento das relações entre ciências sociais e saúde desde o inicio do século XX. Posteriormente, discute-se a presença das ciências sociais na saúde pública e a constituição do campo da saúde coletiva, com a criação da Associação Brasileira de Pós- Graduação em Saúde Coletiva - ABRASCO, ao final dos anos 70. Aborda-se a definição de três eixos de pesquisa do novo campo - Política de Saúde e Organização de Serviços de Saúde, Condições de Vida e Saúde, Recursos Humanos na Saúde - e dois temas emergentes de pesquisa: trabalho e saúde, violência e saúde. Nos últimos tópicos, dedicado aos desafios para a produção do conhecimento na interface entre ciências sociais, saúde pública e saúde coletiva, a autora apresenta suas considerações sobre alguns pontos abordados por Amélia Cohn na Mesa Redonda promovida pela Revista Saúde e Sociedade em 20 de março de 2012 e os novos desafios, eixos de pesquisa e temas emergentes para a saúde coletiva e para as ciências sociais nesse campo, no contexto dos anos 2000.

Ciencias Sociales , Comunicación y Divulgación Científica , Condiciones Sociales , Condiciones de Trabajo , Política de Salud , Publicaciones Científicas y Técnicas , Fuerza Laboral en Salud , Reforma de la Atención de Salud , Salud Pública , Servicios de Salud , Investigación
Rev. bras. orientac. prof ; 12(1): 107-117, jun. 2011. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-603746


A orientação vocacional tem sido considerada essencial para o desenvolvimento saudável dos estudantes. Percebe-se nos temas transversais, conforme legislação brasileira na área da Educação, um meio eficaz na promoção do amadurecimento vocacional, mas, para tanto, faz-se imprescindível a capacitação dos professores. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar a experiência de um curso com a finalidade de preparar profissionais da educação para pensarem a orientação vocacional como tema transversal. Percebeu-se que apesar de resistências e empecilhos apontados pelas participantes, ao final do curso, elas compreendiam melhor o poder de influência do professor, o processo de desenvolvimento vocacional e a educação transversal. Por fim, produziram-se projetos viáveis de aplicação prática com o potencial de contribuir na escolha vocacional dos estudantes.

Vocational guidance is becoming more relevant in society and is considered essential for students' healthy development. Cross-curricular themes, as proposed by the Brazilian legislation in Education, are seen as an effective means to promote vocational development but, for that, teachers must be well trained. The purpose of this study is to describe an experience of training education professionals to think of vocational guidance as a cross-curricular theme. It was noticed that, despite resistance offered by the participants and the obstacles they raised during the course, at the end, they could understand better issues such as: the teacher's power to influence, vocational development and cross-curricular education. Finally, the participants produced simple but useful projects that could contribute effectively to the students' vocational choice.

La orientación vocacional ha sido considerada esencial para el desarrollo saludable de los estudiantes. Se nota en los temas transversales, de acuerdo con la legislación brasileña en el área de la Educación, como un medio eficaz para promover la madurez vocacional pero para ello es imprescindible la capacitación de los profesores. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar la experiencia de un curso con la finalidad de preparar profesionales de la educación para pensar la orientación vocacional como tema transversal. Se notó que a pesar de las resistencias y los obstáculos señalados por los participantes, al final del curso, ellos comprendían mejor el poder de influencia del profesor, el proceso de desarrollo vocacional y la educación transversal. Finalmente, se produjeron proyectos viables de aplicación práctica con el potencial de contribuir a la elección vocacional de los estudiantes.

Selección de Profesión , Movilidad Laboral , Docentes , Mentores
Medical Education ; : 71-75, 2000.
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-369722


We examined appropriate group size and related factors in a small-group learning system conducted in a single department with sociomedical themes. The students were randomly divided into 4-and 6-person groups, and results of evaluations of the students and teaching staff were compared. The results suggest that the smaller the group, the more committed the students are to studying. Furthermore, teaching staff should participate in group discussion to deal with inactive students or to improve group dynamics.

Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology ; (6)1993.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-548630


Objective:Sandplay themes and TAT stories of BPD's were deeply analyzed in order to explore the relationship between healing-trauma themes and need-pressure system.Methods:The healing-trauma themes of 30 BPD students' were compared with that of 30 non-BPD students'.A correlation analysis was done between healing-trauma themes and need-pressure system.Results:①Scores of trauma themes of BPD were significantly higher than those of normal participants(3.67?1.06/2.33?0.92,t=5.19,P