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Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551099


The 'Criolla' potato (Solanum tuberosum) phureja group cultivated in the inter-Andean valleys of the high tropics, is commonly fertilized only with mineral nutrients in conventional production, without the use of soil test and use of organic fertilizers. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of organic chicken manure as a source of nutrients to increase yield and quality in 'Criolla' potatoes compared to conventional fertilization. Treatments evaluated were organic chicken manure, mineral nutrition based on soil tests, organic manure mixed with mineral nutrition, and conventional nutrition based on farmers' typical nutrition plans. In plant response conventional and mineral treatments mixed with organic matter were the best in leaf area and dry weight of shoot and tuber. Treatment with mineral nutrition mixed with organic manure (2 and 6 t) obtained the largest length of the main stems. The best yield response was obtained with conventional nutrition, while the major size was obtained with mineral and mineral combined with organic treatments. According to the results, the best response was obtained with the application of mineral nutrition in the combination of 6 t ha-1 organic manure.

La papa criolla (Solanum tuberosum) grupo phureja es cultivada en los valles interandinos del trópico alto, comúnmente fertilizada con nutrientes minerales en la producción convencional, sin hacer uso de análisis de suelos y nutrición con fertilizantes orgánicos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el potencial de la materia orgánica de gallinaza, como fuente de nutrientes, para incrementar el rendimiento y la calidad en la papa criolla, comparándola con la nutrición convencional. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron gallinaza, nutrición mineral, basado en análisis de suelos; nutrición mineral, combinada con materia orgánica y un tratamiento soportado en la fertilización convencional, con base en los planes nutricionales, típicos de los agricultores. En las respuestas de la planta, los tratamientos convencionales y minerales mezclados con nutrición mineral obtuvieron los valores más altos en área foliar y peso seco de la parte aérea y el tubérculo. En longitud de tallo, la mejor respuesta se obtuvo con los tratamientos minerales mezclados con materia orgánica (2 y 6 toneladas). La mejor respuesta en rendimiento fue obtenida en la nutrición mineral convencional, mientras que las papas con mayor calibre, se lograron con los tratamientos mineral y mineral mezclado con orgánico. De acuerdo con los resultados, la mejor respuesta en cultivo se puede obtener con la nutrición mineral, en combinación con 6 toneladas de materia orgánica.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 25(1)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535718


Con el objetivo de evaluar la diversidad fenotípica de ocho cultivares de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) procedentes de Vietnam, para su introducción en los programas de mejora y en la producción en Cuba, apoyados en caracteres morfoagronómicos y técnicas de análisis multivariado, fue desarrollado este trabajo en la Unidad Científico Tecnológica de Base "Los Palacios", perteneciente al Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas de Cuba. Los cultivares vietnamitas se sembraron en campo junto a los comerciales INCA LP-5 e INCA LP-7, para ser caracterizados agronómicamente con la utilización de 29 descriptores cualitativos y 22 cuantitativos. Los resultados mostraron que 16 caracteres cualitativos resultaron homogéneos para los ocho cultivares procedentes de Vietnam y los dos cultivares comerciales cubanos, la asociación entre varios caracteres cuantitativos reafirma la influencia que ejercen algunos componentes sobre el rendimiento, los que son considerados como marcadores para la selección, tres cultivares de procedencia vietnamita (GL301, LCG3-4 y DS1) no pueden ser utilizados en la producción arrocera en Cuba, por su susceptibilidad a Tagosodes. Todos los cultivares mostraron resistencia a Rhizoctonia solani y Sarocladium oryzae y dos (GL 301 y LTH 31) fueron susceptibles a Pyricularia grisea. Los cultivares OM6976, OM5451 y OM8087 alcanzaron valores altos de rendimiento, por lo que pudieran ser utilizados, como progenitores en los programas de mejora, así como cultivares comerciales.

With the objective of evaluating the phenotypic diversity of eight rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) from Vietnam, for their introduction in breeding programs and production in Cuba, supported by morphoagronomic characters and multivariate analysis techniques, this work was developed in Scientific and Technological Base Unit belonging to the National Agricultural Sciences Institute of Cuba. The Vietnamese cultivars were planted in the field together with the commercial cultivars INCA LP-5 and INCA LP-7, to be characterized agronomically with the use of 29 qualitative and 22 quantitative descriptors. The results showed that 16 qualitative characters were homogeneous for the eight cultivars from Vietnam and the two Cuban commercial cultivars, the association between various quantitative characters reaffirms the influence exerted by some components on yield, which are considered as markers for selection. Three cultivars of Vietnamese origin (GL301, LCG3-4 and DS1) cannot be used in Cuban rice production, due to their susceptibility to Tagosodes. All cultivars showed resistance to Rhizoctonia solani and Sarocladium oryzae and two (GL 301 and LTH 31) were susceptible to Pyricularia grisea. The OM6976, OM5451 and OM8087 cultivars reached high yield values, so they could be used as parents in breeding programs, as well as commercial cultivars.

China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 5124-5128, 2019.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008374


Cultivated ginseng in the farmland would become the mainly planting mode of Panax ginseng. However,there are relatively few cultivation ginseng varieties for farmland in China. Correlative analysis of qualitity and agronomic traits of P. ginseng cultivation in the farmland could provide a reference for the selection of excellent germplasm and new variety breeding of P. ginseng. In this study,the main index of saponin and agronomic traits of 4-6 years' samples were analyzed by UPLC and measured. The results show that there was significant difference in agronomic indexes of Damaya. The coefficient of variation of the root length( CV = 41. 97%) and fresh weight( CV = 31. 81%) were maximum,and the coefficient of variation of the stems thickness( 16. 72%) and root thickness were minimum. There was a significant correlation between yield and root thickness( P<0. 05). There was significant difference in drug yield of different harvest years( P<0. 05),and the yield of 6-years was 31. 52%-39. 69% higher than 4-years. However,there wasn't significant difference in total ginsenosides between 4 and 6 years old P. ginseng,but there was significant difference in ginseng Rg2,Rc and Rb2( P<0. 05),and the ginsenoside contents of different harvesting years were accorded with the criterion standards of 2015 Chinese Pharmacopoeia. There was no significant correlation between the saponin and the agronomic trait,while there was positive correlation with root thickness( P < 0. 05). Therefore,the stem diameter was positive correlation with yield of P. ginseng. Selection of the stem thickness of seedlings is beneficial to the increase of the yield and breeding of P. ginseng.

China , Producción de Cultivos , Ginsenósidos/análisis , Panax/química , Fitomejoramiento , Raíces de Plantas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Tallos de la Planta/crecimiento & desarrollo
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 32(2): 354-360, mar./abr. 2016. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-965419


Trying to obtain information relevant to the genetic improvement of rice, the aim of research was to estimate genetic parameters and identify agronomic characters directly and indirectly correlated with the grain yield of ten cultivars of upland rice. The experiment was conducted in the municipality of Aquidauna-MS, region of transition among the Savanna and Pantanal biomes. The experimental design was a randomized block with three replications. Treatments consisted of ten genotypes (BRS Aimoré, BRS Coringa, BRS Pepita, BRS Bonança, BRS Talento, BRS Maravilha, BRS Primavera, BRS Caiapó, BRS Monarca and BRS Aroma). The following variables were measured: days to flowering and maturity, plant height, number of stems and panicles, thousand grains mass and grain yield. It was determined the following genetic parameters: environmental, phenotypic and genotypic variances; coefficients of experimental and genotypic variation; heritability; b quotient; environmental, phenotypic and genetic correlations. Phenotypic correlations among traits and grain yield (principal dependent variable) were unfolded in direct and indirect effects. The population under study proved to be promising for improvement based on the traits plant height, days to flowering, thousand grains mass and grain yield. Plant height, number of panicles and thousand grains mass directly influence the yield, being recommended for direct selection of superior genotypes.

Visando à obtenção de informações relevantes para o melhoramento genético da cultura do arroz, o objetivo do trabalho foi estimar os parâmetros genéticos e identificar quais caracteres agronômicos estão correlacionados direta e indiretamente com a produtividade de grãos de dez genótipos de arroz sequeiro. O experimento foi realizado no município de Aquidauana, MS, região de transição entre os biomas Cerrado e Pantanal. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso com três repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram em dez genótipos (BRS Aimoré, BRS Coringa, BRS Pepita, BRS Bonança, BRS Talento, BRS Maravilha, BRS Primavera, BRS Caiapó, BRS Monarca e BRS Aroma). Foram mensuradas as seguintes variáveis: dias para o florescimento e maturação, altura de plantas, número de colmo e panículas, massa de mil grãos e produtividade de grãos. Foram estimados dos os seguintes parâmetros genéticos: variâncias ambiental, fenotípica e genotípica; coeficientes de variação experimental e genotípico; herdabilidade; quociente b; correlações ambientais, fenotípicas e genotípicas. As correlações fenotípicas entre os caracteres e a produtividade (variável dependente principal) foram desdobradas em efeitos diretos e indiretos. A população em estudo mostrou-se promissora para o melhoramento com base nos caracteres altura de plantas, dias para o florescimento, massa de mil grãos e produtividade de grãos. Os caracteres altura de plantas, número de panículas e massa de mil grãos influenciam diretamente a produtividade de grãos, sendo recomendados para a seleção direta de genótipos superiores.

Oryza , Fitomejoramiento , Genotipo