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Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(1): 1-19, ene.-abr. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1428038


A satisfação com a vida tem sido descrita como um constructo psicológico que se refere à avaliação global que o indivíduo faz em relação a sua vida. O presente estudo objetiva investigar se fatores individuais (gênero e idade), socioeconômico (classe social), de autoper-cepção (nível de estresse, estado de saúde e qualida-de do sono) e de percepção de qualidade de vida na universidade (oportunidade e motivação para aprendi-zagem, ambiente social para aprendizagem, ambiente físico e equipamentos para aprendizagem, autoava-liação de conhecimento e relevância da universidade) predizem a satisfação com a vida entre universitários de instituições públicas do Estado da Bahia, Brasil. Participaram do estudo 1.506 universitários dos cursos de graduação presenciais das Universidades Federais (ufs) localizados no Estado da Bahia, sendo 537 ho-mens (35.7 %), 968 mulheres (64.3 %) e um que não identificou seu gênero, com idades entre 18 a 24 anos (63.5 %) e sem companheiro(a) (86.0 %). Os resultados indicaram que o modelo que melhor predisse a satis-fação com a vida foi aquele que incluiu classe social, nível de estresse, estado de saúde, qualidade do sono, grau de motivação, ânimo para assistir as aulas do seu curso, relacionamento com os demais colegas do seu curso e oportunidade de participação em atividades de ensino, extensão e pesquisa. Juntas, essas variáveis foram responsáveis por explicar aproximadamente 27.5 % da variância em satisfação com a vida, o que é uma razoável capacidade explicativa, se considerarmos que satisfação com a vida é um constructo psicológico, complexo e multideterminado.

La satisfacción con la vida ha sido descrita como un constructo psicológico que hace referencia a la valoración global que el individuo tiene en relación a su vida. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo investigar si factores individuales (género y edad), socioeconó-micos (clase social), autopercepción (nivel de estrés, estado de salud y calidad del sueño) y calidad de vida percibida en la universidad (oportunidad y motivación para el aprendizaje, ambiente social para el aprendizaje, ambiente físico y equipamiento para el aprendizaje, autoevaluación de conocimientos y pertinencia de la universidad) predicen la satisfacción con la vida en estudiantes universitarios de instituciones públicas del Estado de Bahía, Brasil. Participaron en el estudio 1.506 estudiantes universitarios de cursos de graduación presenciales en Universidades Federales (uf) ubicadas en el Estado de Bahía, 537 hombres (35.7 %), 968 mujeres (64.3 %) y uno que no identificó su género, edad entre 18 y 24 años (63.5 %) y sin pareja (86.0 %). Los resultados indicaron que el modelo que mejor predijo la satisfacción con la vida fue el que incluyó la clase social, el nivel de estrés, el estado de salud, la calidad del sueño, el grado de motivación, la disposición a asistir a las clases de su curso, la relación con los demás compañeros y la oportunidad de participar en actividades de docencia, extensión e investigación. En conjunto, estas variables fueron responsables de explicar aproximada-mente el 27.5 % de la varianza en la satisfacción con la vida, lo cual es una capacidad explicativa razonable, si consideramos que la satisfacción con la vida es un constructo psicológico, complejo y multideterminado.

Life satisfaction has been described as a psychological construct referring to the overall assessment the individ-ual makes regarding their life. The present study aims to investigate whether individual factors (gender and age), socioeconomic factors (social class), self-perception (level of stress, health status and quality of sleep), and perceived quaility of life at the university (opportu-nity and motivation for learning, social environment for learning, physical environment and equipment for learning, self-assessment of knowledge and relevance of the university) predict life satisfaction among university students from public institutions in the state of Bahia. In this study, 1.506 university students from undergraduate courses of the federal universities (ufs) participated in the study: 537 men (35.7 %), 969 women (64.3 %), and one student that did not identify their gender, with ages between 18 to 24 years (63.5 %) and without a partner (86.0 %). The results indicated that the model that best predicted life satisfaction was the one including social class, stress level, health status, quality of sleep, degree of motivation, willingness to attend classes in their degree, relationship with other colleagues in their degree, and opportunity to participate in teaching, ex-tension and research activities. Together these variables explained approximately 27.5 % of the variance in life satisfaction, which is a reasonable explanatory capacity if we consider that life satisfaction is a psychological, complex, and multidetermined construct.

Humanos , Salud , Conocimiento , Vida , Aprendizaje Social , Autoevaluación , Aprendizaje
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220019


Background: Though human civilization has reached its 21st-century cancer is still considered as the name of a fatal alarm all over the world. More or less, all cancer patients start being haunted by the horror of death from the day of diagnosis. This fear not only weakens their physical and psychological stature; it also has a bad impact on their normal lifestyles. Even this apprehension also affects their treatment as well. However, it is believed that the mind is the driving force of a man, that is, nothing intimidating can happen to a man who possesses a strong mind. Aim of the study: the purpose of this study is to see whether boosting, increasing, or instilling mental strength in cancer patients can bring any further improvement in their treatment and lives.Material & Methods:This prospective study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital where 40 cancer patients were included on the basis of some criteria (isolated, silent, mentally shocked, paralyzed, poor PS, patient with severe pain, end-stage disease). They were taken to a silent room and were asked to follow some interesting instructions for 15 minutes with utmost belief in their GOD for successive three days. Data were collected by using a performed questionnaire from both patients and attendants after 14 days.Results:The result was appreciable. Out of 40 patients, females were more than males. Most of them were educated with a mean age of about 45 years. Patients with advanced disease were more (60%). Among them behavioral changes were observed in almost 80% of patients, improvement in mobility was found in almost 75 % of all paralyzed patients, narcotics dependency was reduced in almost 90 % of patients with severe bone pain, and positive attitudes were built in 80% patients. Therapeutic responses were also increased in some patients. Moreover, among most of the patients some interesting findings like improved healing power, decreased CT-induced toxicities, improvement in a familial relationship, improvement in appetite, and improvement in sleep disturbance were observed.Conclusion:Patients with cancer in spite of craving for life, begin counting/her days after being aware of this disease. As a result, this terror of death creates a sense of hopelessness and this psychological breakdown affects the treatment in such a way that even the best medical care does not work as expected. This study has successfully found that if the mental spirit of a patient can be brought to work with all the medical procedures, a certain success is possible. They just have to be made confident enough to believe that “a man”, as Ernest Hemmingway says, “can be destroyed, but not defeated”.

Poblac. salud mesoam ; 19(1)dic. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386927


Resumen Introducción: La salud autoevaluada se ha considerado como una medida subjetiva del estado de salud general. El objetivo de este estudio consistió en identificar factores asociados a la salud autoevaluada en personas adultas costarricenses. Métodos: la muestra provino de un estudio de corte transversal que incluyó 992 hombres y 1570 mujeres participantes de una nueva corte de jubilación del proyecto Costa Rica: Estudio de Longevidad y Envejecimiento Saludable, referido como CRELES-RC. La salud autoevaluada se midió a través de una sola pregunta sobre la valoración del estado de salud, con cinco opciones de respuesta: excelente, muy buena, buena, regular y mala. Se calcularon odds ratios (OR) para cuantificar la contribución de las enfermedades crónicas y otros factores con una mala salud autoevaluada. Resultados: por un lado, los modelos de regresión logística determinaron que la salud autoevaluada se asocia con la zona de residencia, el nivel educativo, la percepción de la situación económica, la actividad física, el apoyo emocional y la presencia de enfermedad crónica. Por otro lado, las personas con alguna enfermedad crónica, excepto cáncer, evidenciaron una peor salud autoevaluada; la relación más fuerte se presentó con la artritis, la enfermedad pulmonar y la diabetes. Conclusiones: el estudio identificó que la zona de residencia, la actividad física, el nivel educativo, el apoyo emocional y la enfermedad crónica podrían afectar la salud de las personas.

Abstract Introduction: Self-rated health has been considered a subjective measure of general health status. We aim was identified factors associated with self-rated health in the Costa Ricans adult population. Methods: a population cross-sectional study with a total of 992 men and 1570 women representing a new retirement cohort participating in the project Costa Rica: Longevity and Healthy Aging Study and referred to as CRELES-RC. Self-rated health was measured through a single question on the assessment of health status that considers five options: excellent, very good, good, fair and poor. Odds ratios (OR) were calculated to quantify the contribution of chronic diseases and other factors to poor self-rated health. Results: The logistic regression models determined that self-rated health is associated with the area of residence, educational level, perception of the economic situation, physical activity, emotional support and the presence of chronic disease. People with a chronic disease, except cancer, indicate poorer self-rated health. The strongest relationship was with arthritis, lung disease, and diabetes. Conclusions: the study allowed to identify that the area of residence, education, physical activity, emotional support and chronic illness could affect people's health.

Estado de Salud , Enfermedad Crónica , Costa Rica , Factores Sociodemográficos
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-827471


OBJECTIVE@#To summarize and elucidate the characteristics and evolvement of Chinese medicine (CM) patterns reflecting the physical and mental conditions of participants in the Mars 500 long-term closed environment.@*METHODS@#The DS01-T Digital TCM Four-Diagnostic Instrument and CM Inquiring Diagnostic Questionnaire were used to collect information from 6 participants in the Mars 500 International Joint Research Project, through diagnostic methods of observation, palpation and inquiry according to CM theory. During the 520 days of the experiment, data collection was performed 37 times; a total of over 400 digital images of tongues and facial complexion and over 20,000 data were collected. These data were then analyzed by a team of experts in CM, statistics, and data mining.@*RESULTS@#The CM pattern evolvement of participants in the long-term closed environment followed some common trends. Qi deficiency was the main CM pattern observed, with individual features depending on constitutional differences [manifested in varying degrees of accompanying patterns of Gan (Liver) qi stagnation, Pi (Spleen) deficiency, dampness encumbering, or yin deficiency].@*CONCLUSION@#The research has verified the effectiveness of CM syndrome differentiation based on the four diagnostic methods, which should serve as a solid foundation for observation, monitoring, and intervention in regard to the health conditions of astronauts in long-term space flights in the future.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-807055


Objective@#To understand the healthy status of radiation workers on the staff in Nanjing, and to analysis the relationship between abnormal crystalline lens and its influencing factors.@*Methods@#We described physical indicators including blood pressure (BP) 、blood sugar (BG) 、thyroid B ultrasound、crystalline lens、chromosome and so on among 3 349 radiation workers on the staff in the year 2016 from Jan 1 to Dec 31, and the abnormal results of crystalline lens were analyzed statistically.@*Results@#The rate of abnormal BP、BG、WBC、Thyroid B ultrasound、crystalline lens was 19.0%、2.2%、5.8%、30.0%、3.6% respectively; The rate of chromosome aberration was 0.1%, and the chromosomal micronuclei are all within normal range. With the rate of abnormal crystalline lens increasing in age and working years, statistical significance both existed in the trend; Compared to the lowest group, the risk of abnormal crystalline lens increased 3.86 times in ≥60 year old group and 3.16 times in ≥30 years working group; The risk of abnormal crystalline lens in nosocomial radation group was higher than non-medical group; There's no found in smoking and drinking alcohol increasing the risk. Morphologically, dot abnormal focused on 30~39 years old and 0~9 working years group, while lamellar abnormal concentrated upon ≥60 year old、≥30 working years group; Age and working-year were both the risk factors of lamellar abnormal; The risk of lamellar abnormal in nosocomial radiation group was significantly higher than non-medical group.@*Conclusion@#Existing nisk foctions in the radiation work has a serious impact on several healthy physiology indicators, the more prominent was crystalline lens. Attention should be paid to eye protection and comprehensive health management.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 70(3): 640-646, May-June 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-843680


ABSTRACT Objective: to verify the correlation between health condition and memory performance of older adult women in the community. Method: Analytical cross-sectional study developed with 28 older adult women living in Cuiabá-MT. They answered the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and a shortened Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) to screen for dementia and depression symptoms. Memory skills were assessed through Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT). Results: The mean age was 66.36 years and 75% of the participants had educational level higher than 7 years. The MMSE mean score was 28.45. The correlations found were: educational level and immediate memory (r = 0.49; p = 0.008); delayed recall and immediate memory (r = 0.71; p < 0.001); memory recognition and immediate memory (r = 0.43; p = 0.021) and recognition memory with delayed recall (r = 0.47; p = 0.012). Conclusion: High scores in the MMSE and a satisfactory health perception among the participants were evident. There was no correlation between memory performance and health perception.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Comprobar la interrelación entre las condiciones de salud y el desempeño de la memoria de mujeres mayores de la comunidad. Método: Estudio transversal analítico, realizado con 28 mujeres mayores residentes en Cuiabá-Mato Grosso. Dichas mujeres se sometieron a sondeo para demencias y síntomas depresivos por medio del Mini Test del Estado Mental (MEEM, sigla en inglés) y de la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica Abreviada (GDS-15). La evaluación de las habilidades de la memoria se realizó por medio de la Prueba de Aprendizaje Auditivo-Verbal de Rey (RAVLT). Resultados: La edad promedio era de 66,36 años y 75% poseían escolaridad mayor que siete años. La media del MEEM fue del 28,45. Las interrelaciones encontradas fueron las siguientes: escolaridad y memoria inmediata (r = 0,49; p = 0,008); evocación tardía y memoria de reconocimiento con memoria inmediata (r = 0,71; p < 0,001 y r = 0,43; p = 0,021) y memoria de reconocimiento con evocación tardía (r = 0,47; p = 0,012). Conclusión: Se hizo evidente el marcador elevado del MEEM y la percepción de salud satisfactoria entre los participantes. No hubo interrelación entre el desempeño de la memoria y la percepción de la salud.

RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar a correlação entre condições de saúde e desempenho da memória de idosas da comunidade. Método: Estudo transversal analítico, realizado com 28 idosas residentes em Cuiabá-MT. Essas foram submetidas a rastreio para demências e sintomas depressivos por meio do Miniexame do Estado Mental (MEEM) e Escala de Depressão Geriátrica Abreviada (GDS-15). A avaliação das habilidades de memória ocorreu por meio do Teste de Aprendizagem Auditivo-Verbal de Rey (RAVLT). Resultados: A idade média foi de 66,36 anos e 75% possuíam escolaridade maior que sete anos. A média do MEEM foi 28,45. As correlações encontradas foram: escolaridade e memória imediata (r = 0,49; p = 0,008); evocação tardia e memória de reconhecimento com memória imediata (r = 0,71; p < 0,001 e r = 0,43; p = 0,021) e memória de reconhecimento com evocação tardia (r = 0,47; p = 0,012). Conclusão: Evidenciou-se escore elevado no MEEM e percepção de saúde satisfatória entre os participantes. Não houve correlação entre desempenho da memória e percepção de saúde.

Humanos , Femenino , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Estado de Salud , Trastornos de la Memoria/epidemiología , Psicometría/instrumentación , Psicometría/métodos , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Depresión/complicaciones , Depresión/etiología , Depresión/epidemiología , Persona de Mediana Edad , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas
Rev. gerenc. políticas salud ; 16(32): 10-32, ene.-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-901706


Resumen El artículo es una revisión de literatura sobre desigualdades/inequidades en salud en Latinoamérica. Se revisaron Scielo y Lilacs entre 2000 y 2014. Los artículos se clasificaron en tres categorías: mortalidad y artículos teóricos, desigualdades en morbilidad y autopercepción del estado de salud y acceso a servicios de salud. Se realizó análisis crítico de artículos de mortalidad entre 2007 y 2014, periodo con mayor proporción de producción académica. Se encontraron más investigaciones en Brasil, Colombia y México, especialmente en universidades, con redes de colaboración incipientes. Las metodologías más utilizadas fueron revisiones teóricas, estudios ecológicos y transversales, y predominó el modelo de determinantes sociales de la salud de la OMS. Las categorías empleadas fueron: clase social, posición económica, género, etnia/raza y unidad geográfica. Se concluyó que hay brechas entre la discusión teórica y las investigaciones empíricas, concentración de la producción en pocos países, escaso uso de otros enfoques teóricos y necesidad de fortalecer la colaboración entre instituciones.

Abstract This article is a literature review on inequalities/inequities in health in Latin America. Scielo and Lilacs databases were reviewed between the years 2000 and 2014. The articles were classified into three categories: mortality and theoretical articles, inequalities in morbidity and self-perception of health condition, and access to health services. We carried out a critical analysis of mortality articles between the years 2007 and 2014, the period with the highest proportion of academic production. More research articles were found in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico, especially in universities with emerging collaboration networks. The most used methodologies were theoretical reviews, ecological and cross-section studies, and a prevailing use of the model of social determinants of health of the WHO. The categories used were: social class, economic position, gender, ethnicity/race, and geographical unit. It was concluded that there are gaps between the theoretical discussion and the empirical research, a concentration of production in a few countries, little use of other theoretical approaches, and a need to strengthen collaboration between institutions.

Resumo O artigo é revisão de literatura sobre desigualdades/inequidades em saúde na América Latina. Revisaram-se Scielo e Lilacs entre 2000 e 2014. Os artigos foram classificados em três categorias: mortalidade e artigos teóricos, desigualdades em morbidade e autopercepção do estado de saúde e acesso a serviços de saúde. Análise crítica de artigos de mortalidade entre 2007 e 2014, período com maior proporção de produção académica, foi realizada. Encontraram-se mais pesquisas no Brasil, Colômbia e México, especialmente em universidades, com redes de colaboração emergindo. As metodologias mais utilizadas foram revisões teóricas, estudos ecológicos e transversais, e predominou o modelo de determinantes sociais da saúde da OMS. As categorias empregadas foram: camada social, posição económica, género, etnia/raça e unidade geográfica. Concluiu-se que tem fendas entre discussão teórica e pesquisas empíricas, concentração da produção em poucos países, utilização insuficiente de outros enfoques teóricos e necessidade de fortalecer a colaboração entre instituições.

Humanos , Disparidades en el Estado de Salud , Estado de Salud , Mortalidad , Determinantes Sociales de la Salud
Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 3682-3684, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-661997


Objective To study the prevalence situation of chronic diseases among teachers from some middle and primary schools in Chongqing City.Methods The physical examination data of 6969 teachers in 52 middle and primary schools in a district of Chongqing major city were collected.The survey data of overweight,obesity,hyperlipidemia,osteoporosis,fatty liver and hyperuricemia were statistically analyzed.Results The total morbidity rates of overweight,obesity,hyperlipidemia,osteoporosis,fatty liver and hyperuricemia were 31.3 %,7.5 %,35.1%,34.7 %,22.4 % and 22.2 % respectively.The incidence rates of above diseases had difference among the age periods of ≤44 year old,>44 <60 years old and ≥60 year old (P<0.05).The incidence rate was significantly increased with age increase (P<0.05).The incidence rate of osteoporosis in females was higher than that in males(P< 0.01);while the incidence rate of fatty liver and hyperuricemia in males were higher that in females (P<0.01).Conclusion The incidence of chronic diseases among teachers in middle and primary schools is worth attention.Therefore it is necessary to carry out the health education aiming at the teacher population characteristics,strengthen their heath management and behavior intervention for increasing their health level.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 3682-3684, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-659193


Objective To study the prevalence situation of chronic diseases among teachers from some middle and primary schools in Chongqing City.Methods The physical examination data of 6969 teachers in 52 middle and primary schools in a district of Chongqing major city were collected.The survey data of overweight,obesity,hyperlipidemia,osteoporosis,fatty liver and hyperuricemia were statistically analyzed.Results The total morbidity rates of overweight,obesity,hyperlipidemia,osteoporosis,fatty liver and hyperuricemia were 31.3 %,7.5 %,35.1%,34.7 %,22.4 % and 22.2 % respectively.The incidence rates of above diseases had difference among the age periods of ≤44 year old,>44 <60 years old and ≥60 year old (P<0.05).The incidence rate was significantly increased with age increase (P<0.05).The incidence rate of osteoporosis in females was higher than that in males(P< 0.01);while the incidence rate of fatty liver and hyperuricemia in males were higher that in females (P<0.01).Conclusion The incidence of chronic diseases among teachers in middle and primary schools is worth attention.Therefore it is necessary to carry out the health education aiming at the teacher population characteristics,strengthen their heath management and behavior intervention for increasing their health level.

Kampo Medicine ; : 288-295, 2015.
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-377427


In Japanese traditional medicine, “<i>ganmenshin</i>” (facial diagnosis), which means assessment of a patient's health based on the color of his/her face, is frequently used in a clinical setting. However, little scientific evidence is available to substantiate such diagnoses. In the present study, we investigated the relationship between skin color and patient's health status to ascertain the clinical usefulness of the “<i>ganmenshin</i>” technique. We evaluated the color of the cheeks and forearms of 30 healthy study participants and also administered questionnaires to determine their health. A correlation was observed between skin color and work efficiency and the <i>inkyo </i>(yin-fluid deficiency) scores in all subjects. In male subjects, skin color was correlated with their bodymass index (BMI), self-rated health status, work efficiency, and <i>suitai </i>(fluid stagnation) scores. In female subjects, skin color was correlated with the patient's age, work efficiency, and <i>inkyo </i>scores. These results suggest that “<i>ganmenshin</i>” may be clinically useful because of the correlation between skin color and the health of patients.

Sci. med ; 23(4): 239-243, out.-dez. 2013. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-712313


Objetivos: Identificar a prevalência de sibilância e fatores associados em crianças com idade inferior a três anos de uma amostra populacional de baixa renda e medir outros marcadores de gravidade associados à sibilância e à asma nos primeiros anos de vida.Métodos: Os pais ou responsáveis das crianças incluídas foram entrevistados no centro de saúde de atenção primária de uma região de baixa renda da cidade de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, e responderam a um questionário desenvolvido para estimar a prevalência de sibilância e avaliar os fatores associados, denominado EISL (Estudo Internacional de Sibilância em Lactentes). Foram incluídos pacientes com idade até 36 meses que consultavam para puericultura e/ou vacinação. Pacientes trazidos na emergência não foram incluídos.Resultados: O estudo avaliou um total de 153 crianças com idade média de 12,6±9,5 meses. Destes, 63% tiveram episódios de sibilância relatados, que ocorreram uma ou mais vezes durante os primeiros três anos de vida. A média de idade do primeiro episódio de sibilância foi 4,9±5,3 meses. Utilizaram β2-agonistas, corticoides orais e corticoides inalatórios 58,2%, 32,7% e 19% dos pacientes, respectivamente. Mais de 58% dos pacientes foram à emergência por sibilância e 13% foram hospitalizados pelo menos uma vez nos primeiros anos de vida.Conclusões: Este estudo mostrou que a prevalência de sibilância foi alta entre as crianças pequenas atendidas em um centro de saúde de uma região de baixa renda da cidade de Porto Alegre, sendo que os primeiros sintomas geralmente ocorreram durante os primeiros dois anos de vida. Além disso, alta frequência de uso de medicamentos e internação hospitalar demonstram o impacto da doença pulmonar obstrutiva neste grupo etário...

Aims: To identify the prevalence of wheezing and associated factors in children younger than three years of age in a sample of low income region, and to measure other markers associated with severity and risk of asthma in early life.Methods: Parents or legal guardians of infants were interviewed at the primary health center in a low-income area from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, and answered a questionnaire designed to estimate the prevalence of wheezing and evaluate the associated risk factors, called EISL (International Study of Wheezing in Infants). We included patients up to 36 months of age visiting for routine examination or vaccination. Patients brought to emergency room were not included.Results: The study evaluated a total of 153 children with a mean age of 12.6±9.5 months. Of them, 63% had at least one episode of wheezing reported, which occurred one or more times during the first year of life. The average age of the first episode of wheezing was 4.9±5.3 months. Use of β2-agonists, oral and inhaled corticosteroids was reported by 58.2%, 32.7% and 19%, respectively. More than 59% of the patients visited an emergency unit due to wheezing episodes and 13% were hospitalized at least once in the first years of life because of wheezing.Conclusions: This study has shown that the prevalence of wheezing on young children is high in a low-income area from Porto Alegre, and the symptoms usually occur during the first two years of life. In addition, high frequency of medication usage and hospitalization demonstrates the impact of obstructive lung disease in this age group...

Niño , Evaluación en Salud , Prevalencia
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-153284


Objective: To investigate the various body ailments both communicable and non communicable diseases in conjunction with nutritional status of elderly in Ondo state, Nigeria. Methods: This was a random sampling of 400 elderly individuals (>60 years) living in Ondo State, Nigeria. By means of Open ended and structured questionnaire, data were collected on health, diet and Sociodemographic characteristics. There was anthropometric measurement to assess nutritional status. Results: Most of the elderly aged 60-69 years were married and have no formal education. Most of them were from monogamy and polygamy family structure. The body ailment reported consist of body pain (28%) respiratory related complications (14%) eye ailments (11%), hypertension (8%) diabetes (3%) and musculoskeletal problems (24%) such as rheumatism, cramps and arthritis. The prevalence of self reported hypertension was 26% less in male respondents than in female respondents. The dietary pattern revealed that elderly ate from major food groups with animal protein foods (74% ate daily) but low dairy products (7% ate daily). The food habit related significantly with body ailments such as skipping meals ((c=19.2; P<0.05) and eating three times a day ((c=8.4; P<0.05). The body Mass index classification showed more than half were in normal nutritional status (58%), but 20% underweight, 15% overweight and 7% were obese. The body ailments associated significantly with nutritional status (c=55.1; P<0.05).

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 30(2): 35-42, sep. 2013.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-685239


El incidente de enfermedad, también denominado en otros países como estado de salud, es un mecanismo legal derivado de un derecho fundamental inherente a todo ser humano, que es el derecho a la vida, el cual busca garantizar en todo momento que el privado de libertad cuente con una adecuada atención de su salud, estableciendo que si se determina la existencia de un deterioro o daño, que pueda poner en riesgo la salud del privado de libertad por su permanencia en el centro penal, y que ésta no pueda ser tratada dentro del mismo, pueda recibir la atención de salud necesaria para corregirlo, la cual puede ir desde un traslado urgente a un centro de salud especializado, un internamiento o hasta una conmutación de la pena.

The incident of disease also named in other countries as health condition. It`s a legal mechanism from a human right that belongs to every citizen in the world which is the right to life. The incident of disease is one of many ways to guarantee, in every moment, a proper health care for a person condemned by the law. It determines if the imprisoned person himself has an illness as a reason to justify that his or her life is in danger during their deprivation of freedom. If the medical exam practiced by the forensic specialist establishes that the illness that the prisoner presents can be worsened by the imprisonment or if the prisoner needs a specialized medical attention that can only be provided in a hospital, then he or she can be treated out of prison until the illness disappears or the physical condition is as good as to be able to stay in prison.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Atención a la Salud , Estado de Salud , Atención al Paciente
Int. j. morphol ; 30(3): 1139-1149, Sept. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-665537


In aquatic ecosystems, the complex mixture of pollutants may mediate the formation of free radicals and cause oxidative damage to the biota. Yuriria Lake (a Ramsar site in Central Mexico) receives input of wastewater from its tributaries, agricultural runoff, and municipal discharge. We studied the lipid peroxidation (LPO), antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and histopathology of gill and liver of the native fish Goodea atripinnis in Yuriria Lake. Results were compared to a control group of fish cultivated in the laboratory. LPO, SOD, and CAT showed no significant differences compared to controls, but GPx showed greater and significant differences in both tissues. Three class sizes were identified; organisms of classes I and II had slight vasocongestion in the liver as compared to controls. Hepatocytes of class III showed cytoplasmic vacuolization, cellular disorganization, and the liver showed marked fibrosis compared to controls. Gills of controls and classes I and II showed no damage in gill filaments. Tissue damage in class III included hypertrophy, loss of the typical morphology, and edema in the gill filaments. The longer exposure of older organisms to Yuriria Lake conditions may have resulted in their poorer health condition...

En los ecosistemas acuáticos, la mezcla compleja de contaminantes presente puede mediar la producción de radicales libres y causar daño por estrés oxidativo a la biota. La laguna de Yuriria (sitio RAMSAR en la parte central de México) recibe aguas residuales de sus afluentes, escorrentías agrícolas y descargas municipales. Se estudió la peroxidación lipídica (LPO), las enzimas antioxidantes superóxido dismutasa, (SOD), catalasa (CAT) y glutatión peroxidasa (GPx); y la histopatología de las branquias e hígado del pez nativo Goodea atripinnis en la Laguna de Yuriria. Los resultados obtenidos fueron comparados con un grupo control de peces cultivados en laboratorio. La LPO, SOD y CAT no mostraron diferencia significativa en comparación con los controles; pero la GPx mostró diferencias significativas para ambos tejidos. Se identificaron tres clases de talla; los organismos de la clase I y II tuvieron una ligera vasocongestión en el hígado en comparación con los controles. Los hepatocitos de la clase III mostraron vacuolización citoplásmica, desorganización celular y el hígado mostró una marcada fibrosis. Las branquias de los organismos control y de las clases I y II no mostraron daño en sus filamentos. El daño tisular en los organismos de la clase III incluyó hipertrofia, pérdida de la morfología típica y edema en los filamentos branquiales. La exposición prolongada a las condiciones de la Laguna de Yuriria pudo haber influido en el precario estado de salud de los organismos más longevos...

Animales , Branquias/patología , Hígado/patología , Estrés Oxidativo , Smegmamorpha , Peces , México , Humedales
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374214


The purpose of this study was to reveal physiological conditions of commuter cyclist from the standpoint of multiple approaches. Ten male employees (37 ± 9 yr) who usually commute by bicycle participated in this study. Global Positioning System (GPS) was used to analyze their commuting route three-dimensionally. And heart rate was recorded simultaneously to determine their exercise intensity. Blood test, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), and maximal aerobic test was conducted in our laboratory. Semantic differential method (SD) questionnaire was conducted to clarify their feelings during and after their commute. The results of blood test and OGTT showed that all of determined values were good and no one exceeded the standard value. GPS log showed that subjects covered 13.3 ± 7.2 km and 40 ± 20 minute with integrating 201 ± 114 meter altitude gain per commute. Heart rate data showed 129 ± 12 bpm per commute. However, subjects demonstrated higher peak heart rate during their commute ranged between 157 and 181 bpm, we determined details by frequency distribution method. The data revealed that commuter cycling was consisted by aerobic exercise with intermittent vigorous intensity exercise. Despite of such a hard exercise cycling to work, the result of SD questionnaire indicated that subjects felt briskness with less tiredness when they commute. Commuter cycling with a higher than moderate exercise intensity, could have good physical and mental effects for employees.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2012. 198 p. ilus, tab.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1037474


A criança egressa da unidade de terapia intensiva, que apresenta condição crônica de saúde, necessita de acompanhamento durante a infância e requer cuidados especiais que são realizados pela família em conjunto com a rede social. Pressupomos que o suporte familiar é aquele que assegura, em primeira instância, a integralidade e a continuidade do cuidado e não se conhece de forma sistematizada, como as práticas de cuidado se dão em relação à condição crônica e de que maneira a família se organiza para isso. Diante disso, este estudo teve como objetivo geral analisar a organização familiar para o cuidado à criança em condição crônica egressa da unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. Os objetivos específicos consistem em verificar as implicações do cuidado à criança em condição crônica na dinâmica familiar e levantar os desafios determinados pela condição crônica aos cuidadores. O trabalho é de natureza qualitativa e foi orientado pela abordagem teórica da dialética. Os sujeitos do estudo foram famílias de 12 crianças egressas da UTIN do Hospital Sofia Feldman, com condição crônica de saúde e o cenário do estudo foi o domicílio dessas crianças. A coleta de dados foi dividida em três fases. A fase I, realizada a partir da análise documental dos prontuários de crianças egressas da UTIN, momento em que as crianças foram identificadas. A coleta de dados da fase II deu-se por meio da aplicação do QuICCC-R (Questionnaire for Identifying Children with Chronic Conditions - Revised) e a fase III, consistiu na construção do genograma e do ecomapa e de entrevista fundamentada no Modelo Teórico Family Management Style Framework-FMSF, com os familiares das crianças incluídas no estudo. O diário de campo foi utilizado como instrumento de registro da pesquisadora. A análise dos dados foi realizada conforme a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo proposta por Bardin (2008). A partir dos discursos, foram reveladas as seguintes categorias: (1) A chegada da criança...

The child coming from the neonatal intensive care unit, who has chronic health condition, requires accompaniment during infancy and needs special care that are held by the family in conjunction with the social network. We presuppose that family support is one which ensures, in the first instance, integrality and continuity of care and it is not known, in a systematic way, how care practices take place in relation to chronic condition and how the family organizes itself to this. Given this, the general objective of this work is to analyze the family organization to take care of the child in chronic condition who is coming from the neonatal intensive care unit. The specific objectives are to study the implications in the family dynamics because of taking care of a child in chronic condition and to point out challenges determined by chronic condition to caregivers. The study is qualitative and was guided by theoretical approach of dialectics. The study subjects were 12 families of children discharged from NICU of Sofia Feldman Hospital with a chronic health condition and the setting was the home of these children. Data collection was divided into three phases. Phase I, conducted from documentary analysis of medical records of children discharged from the NICU, when the children were identified. The data collection of phase II occurred through the application of QuICCC-R (Questionnaire for Identifying Children with Chronic Conditions - Revised) and phase III consisted of the construction of the genogram and eco-map and interview based on the Theoretical Model Management Family StyleFramework-FMSF with the families of the children included in the study. The field diary was used as an instrument to records of the researcher. Data analysis was performed according to the technique of Content Analysis proposed by Bardin (2008). From the speeches, were revealed the following categories: (1) The arrival of a child: pregnancy, birth and early care; (2) knowledge...

Humanos , Enfermedad Crónica , Familia/psicología , Salud de la Familia , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Investigación Cualitativa , Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal
Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 27(3): 396-405, jul.-set. 2011.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-615502


INTRODUCCIÓN: El parasitismo intestinal de conjunto con otras enfermedades infecciosas trasmisibles, constituye el motivo por el cual un gran número de pacientes acude a los consultorios populares en la República Bolivariana de Venezuela; dentro de ellos predominan los niños y adolescentes, debido a la pobre condición higiénico- sanitaria de las barriadas. OBJETIVO: Determinar la presencia de algunos factores ambientales condicionantes en niños parasitados, del sector Altos de Milagro Norte, Maracaibo estado Zulia, entre diciembre de 2008 y diciembre de 2009. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo para determinar el comportamiento de la parasitosis intestinal en los niños del sector y su relación con algunos factores ambientales, para lo cual se utilizó una encuesta realizada por la autora, con la finalidad de obtener la información relacionada con las diferentes variables a estudiar. RESULTADOS: Fueron atendidos 56 pacientes, 51,7 por ciento representó al sexo masculino, este último fue el más parasitado con un 42,7 por ciento, predominaron las edades comprendidas entre 1-4 años con 39,2 por ciento, la disposición inadecuada de excretas estuvo presente en un 86,6 por ciento, así como la presencia de vectores en un 94,6 por ciento, y 26 pacientes consumían agua no tratada (57,8 por ciento). CONCLUSIONES: Existió una elevada presencia de la enfermedad, el sexo masculino fue el más afectado; sin embargo no mostró diferencias significativas con el otro sexo. Predominó el grupo etario de 1-4 años. El alto porcentaje obtenido en los factores ambientales estudiados, mostró que fueron importantes en el comienzo, transmisión y propagación de la parasitosis. Se recomendó efectuar programas de intervención comunitaria que impidan o limiten la aparición de estas enfermedades

INTRODUCTION: The intestinal parasitism together with other transmissible and infectious disease is the reason by which many patients come to popular consulting rooms in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela including the predominance of children and adolescents due the poor hygienic health condition in the neighborhoods. OBJECTIVE: To determine the presence of some environmental factors present in parasitized children from the Altos de Milgro Norte Maracaibo, Zulia state, from December, 2008 to December, 2009. METHODS: A retrospective and descriptive study was conducted to determine the behavior of the intestinal parasitosis in children from that sector and its relation to some environmental factors using a survey carried out the author. RESULTS: Fifty six patients were cared, the 51.7 percent was of male sex, this latter was the more parasitized with a 42.7 percent, there was predominance of ages from 1 to 4 years with a 39.2 percent, the inappropriate disposition of excretes was present in a 86.6 percent, as well as the presence of vectors in a 94.6 percent and 26 patients drank non-prepared water (57.8 percent). CONCLUSIONS: There was high presence of disease where the male sex was the more involved; however, there was not significant differences with the female one and predominance of age group from 1 to 4 years. The high percentage obtained in study environmental factors showed that it was important in appearance, transmission and widespread of the parasitosis. Authors recommended designing programs of community interventions to avoid or to limit the appearance of these diseases

Lactante , Preescolar , Parasitosis Intestinales/epidemiología , Parasitosis Intestinales/prevención & control , Control de Vectores de las Enfermedades , Contaminantes Ambientales/efectos adversos , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Retrospectivos
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-961529


@# Objective To explore the self-rated health condition of hospitalized schizophrenics, manics and major depressed patients.Methods 304 cases with schizophrenics, 112 cases with manics, 98 cases with major depressed and 120 healthy volunteers were assessedwith a self-developed questionnaire and self-related health measurement scale (SRHMS) version 1.0. Results Compared with the controls,schizophrenics and major depressed patients showed lower scores in total score of SRHMS and each factor (PP<0.05). Manics showed lowerscore in social health factor of SRHMS than controls (P<0.05). Major depressive patients showed the lowest scores in total score ofSRHMS and each factor (P<0.01). Compared with manics, shcizophrenics got lower scores in total score of SRHMS, physiological and psychologicalfactors (P<0.05). Conclusion All the patients with these 3 kinds of mental disorders suffer from bad health condition to some extent,especially for major depresive patients.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 15(supl.1): 1575-1584, jun. 2010. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-555692


A proliferação das formas de trabalho cooperado e autogestionário, na cidade e no campo, torna relevante o debate sobre o potencial de contribuição das experiências na solução de problemas sociais. O artigo procura refletir sobre como esta lógica organizativa pode melhorar as condições de vida e a saúde dos trabalhadores rurais. Estudando o processo organizativo de um assentamento rural, procurei compreender os sentidos atribuídos pelos trabalhadores à saúde-doença e as práticas de saúde desenvolvidas. Considerando aspectos objetivos e subjetivos envolvidos na noção de condição de vida e a partir de uma perspectiva teórico-metodológica que trata o processo de produção do conhecimento como construção social, analisei e confrontei informações obtidas através de análise documental, entrevistas e observações do cotidiano de trabalho e vida no assentamento. A contraposição do modo de vida rural com o urbano é traço marcante do sentido da saúde-doença. Entre sentidos idealizados e práticas possíveis, as tentativas para solucionar os problemas e concretizar a saúde como direito social esbarravam no modo fragmentado e desarticulado com que as políticas públicas envolvidas na reforma agrária têm sido implementadas pelo Estado.

The wide spread of cooperated and self-managed ways of work, not only in the urban but also in rural areas, makes relevant the debate on the contributive potential of these experiences for the solution of social problems. This article tries to reflect on the way this organizational logic is able to improve life and health conditions of rural workers. Studying the organizational process of a rural settling, I have tried to understand the meaning given to health-illness by these workers and the health practices being developed. Considering the objective and subjective aspects involved in the concept of life condition and starting from a perspective which deals with the process of knowledge production as social construction, I analyzed and compared information obtained from documentary analysis, interviews and observation of the daily routine of life and work in the settling. The contrast between urban and rural life way is a strong feature in the meaning of health-illness. Between idealized concepts and feasible practices, the attempt to solve problems and make health a social right, came up against the fragmentary and inarticulate way that public policy involved in the land reform has been implemented by the state.

Humanos , Agricultura , Estado de Salud , Salud Laboral , Calidad de Vida , Salud Rural
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 788-792, 2009.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-261279


Objective To develop a presenteeism questionnaire for Chinese high-technology skilied workers.Methotis Memods being used would include literature review,face-to-face in depth interview,experts'consultation in developing the questionnaire.Results The presenteeism questionnaire includes two sections;one on employee's general health condition and the second one is a survey on the influences of employees'health conditions on their productivity.The first section includes 55 terms and 8 dimensionalities as below:Ache,Symptoms,Sleeping problem,Attention,Bad emotion,Pressure,Fatigue,Social adapting.These dimensionalities Cronbach's α are 0.79,0.83,0.75,0.69,0.83,0.86,0.80,0.88 respectively and their half Spearman-Browns ale 0.78,0.75,0.61,0.62,0.82,0.81,0.77,0.88,respectively.Goodness of fit test model indices are as below:x2/df-3.68,normed fit index 0.95,non-normed fit index 0.96,comparative fit index 0.96,standardized root mean residual 0.05.root mean square error of approximation 0.05.The relate-coefficient wlth SF-36 is of employees having received the survey,claim that their health problem do not influence their productivity,and 55.72% of them claiming that their productivity ale reduced to 50%-90% because of theif health problems while another 1.51% of them claim that their productivity reduced more than 50%.84.5% of the interviewees claim that they have never been absent at work because of health problems.and 15.3% of them claim that their total hours of absence ale between 0 and 100.Only 0.2% of the workers claim that the total hours of absence are more than 100.Conclusion The developed presenteeism shows good reliability and higher validity,so can be used to measure the presenteeism of skilied workers working at high-technology enterprises.