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Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535273


Objetivo: Describir las interacciones de algunos estudiantes de dos programas de Medicina en Colombia relacionadas con el currículo oculto. Metodología: Estudio hermenéutico, que utilizó la etnografía y la teoría fundamentada, mediante la aplicación de observación participante en cinco escenarios de práctica y once entrevistas en profundidad. El análisis de los datos se hizo con codificación abierta, axial y selectiva, propias de la teoría fundamentada, lo que generó una matriz del paradigma. Resultados: Estudiar Medicina implica hacer parte de una jerarquía desde inspiradora hasta excesiva. La exigencia de la educación médica por formar un médico incansable e intachable, la competencia para ser admitido a cada rango y el miedo a equivocarse exacerban el funcionamiento negativo de la jerarquía médica. Esta jerarquía se basa en el poder del conocimiento que permite el maltrato. Lo anterior desencadena agotamiento, frustración, desinterés y afecta la ética profesional, aspectos que estropean al médico en formación. Conclusión: El currículo oculto determina la formación del médico más que el currículo formal. Reconocer y reflexionar sobre el currículo oculto desde la comunidad académica permite visibilizar, en futuras reformas curriculares, el papel que este desempeña.

Objective: To describe the interactions of some students from two Medicine programs in Colombia related to the hidden curriculum. Methodology: Hermeneutic study, which used ethnography and grounded theory, through the application of participant observation in five practice scenarios and eleven in-depth interviews. The data analysis was done with open, axial and selective coding, typical of the grounded theory, which generated a matrix of the paradigm. Results: Studying Medicine implies being part of a hierarchy from inspiring to excessive. The demand of medical education to train a tireless and blameless doctor, the competition to be admitted to each rank and the fear of making mistakes exacerbate the negative functioning of the medical hierarchy. This hierarchy is based on the power of knowledge that allows abuse. The above triggers exhaustion, frustration, lack of interest and affects professional ethics, aspects that spoil the doctor in training. Conclusion: The hidden curriculum determines the doctor's training more than the formal curriculum. Recognizing and reflecting on the hidden curriculum from the academic community makes visible, in future curricular reforms, the role it plays.

Objetivo: Descrever as interações de alguns alunos de dois cursos de Medicina da Colômbia em relação ao currículo oculto. Metodologia: Estudo hermenêutico, que utilizou etnografia e teoria fundamentada, por meio da aplicação da observação participante em cinco cenários de prática e onze entrevistas em profundidade. A análise dos dados foi feita com codificação aberta, axial e seletiva, típica da teoria fundamentada, que gerou uma matriz do paradigma. Resultados: Estudar Medicina implica fazer parte de uma hierarquia que vai do inspirador ao excessivo. A exigência da formação médica para formar um médico incansável e irrepreensível, a competição para ser admitido em cada posto e o medo de errar exacerbam o funcionamento negativo da hierarquia médica. Essa hierarquia é baseada no poder do conhecimento que permite o abuso. O exposto acima desencadeia esgotamento, frustração, desinteresse e afeta a ética profissional, aspectos que prejudicam o médico em formação. Conclusão: O currículo oculto determina mais a formação do médico do que o currículo formal. Reconhecer e refletir sobre o currículo oculto da comunidade acadêmica torna visível, em futuras reformas curriculares, o papel que ele desempenha.

Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cuello (En línea) ; 49(3): 238-243, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1292721


Los procesos educativos en la medicina son de gran complejidad y conllevan paradojas debido a que es una profesión de un inmenso prestigio, donde se aplica la ciencia y la tecnología con sus avances más recientes; no obstante, en el ámbito educativo y formativo no sucede así ya que existe un sinnúmero de necesidades que trasforman los paradigmas educativos obsoletos, los cuales perpetúan la formación de médicos con un sentido humano desgastado, extenuante y marchito. En esta revisión narrativa abordamos el aspecto no plasmado en algún documento de la práctica educativa en el médico en formación, elemento que incide en los aspectos morales y éticos de la profesión, que culmina con una pérdida del humanismo profesional.

Educational processes in medicine are highly complex and paradoxicals due to the fact that it is a profession of immense prestige, where science and technology with its most recent advances are applied, however, in the educational and training field, it does not happen. Thus, there are a number of needs that transform the obsolete educational paradigms that perpetuate the training of doctors with a worn out, exhausted and withered human sense. In this narrative review, we address the aspects not included in any document of educational practice in medical training, elements that affect the moral and ethical aspects of the profession, culminating in a loss of professional humanism.

Humanos , Educación Médica , Aprendizaje
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 118(4): 290-294, agosto 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1118604


Introducción. Currículum oculto son aquellos contenidos aprendidos que no pertenecen al currículum formal. La medicina narrativa permite conocer las experiencias de profesionales de la salud. Aproximarse al currículum oculto permitiría modificar o reforzar instancias de aprendizaje no formal.Objetivo. Analizar producciones narrativas de estudiantes de Medicina para identificar contenidos del currículum oculto.Población y métodos. Estudio de corte transversal con estudiantes de la materia Pediatría durante 2017.Resultados. Los 14 estudiantes de una cursada realizaron 50 narraciones. El 53 % correspondieron al contexto internación; el 17 %, a atención ambulatoria; el 17 %, a la central de emergencias, y el 13 %, a neonatología. Los principales contenidos fueron comunicación médico-paciente, inclusión de la familia en la consulta pediátrica, empatía, enfermedad crónica en los niños y comunicación de malas noticias.Conclusiones. Las producciones narrativas permitieron aproximarse al currículum oculto a través de reflexiones sobre el accionar profesion

Introduction. Hidden curricula are those contents learned that do not belong to the formal curriculum. Narrative medicine allows knowledge of health professionals ́ experiences. Approaching to the hidden curriculum can allow modifying or reinforcing instances of the non-formal learning.Objective. Analyze narrative medical students ́ productions to identify hidden curriculum contents.Population and methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted with Pediatric students during 2017.Results. All the students of the course (14) participated and performed 50 narrative productions: 53 % corresponded to the hospitalization context, 17 % to ambulatory care, 17 % to the emergency center and 13 % to neonatology.The main topics described were doctor-patient communication, importance of family inclusio in the pediatric consultation, empathy, impact of chronic disease in children and communication of bad news.Conclusions. Narrative productions allowed an approximation to the hidden curriculum through reflections on professional action

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Curriculum , Educación Médica , Pediatría , Estudiantes de Medicina , Estudios Transversales , Tutoría , Medicina Narrativa
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 24: e190572, 2020. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101209


O currículo oculto resulta das relações interpessoais vividas academicamente, extrapolando o currículo formal, podendo ser um facilitador e também um empecilho ao aprendizado. Essa revisão objetiva compreender a abordagem da temática na educação médica e sua relação com o profissionalismo. A revisão integrativa nos permitiu observar uma sobrecarga cognitiva e emocional do(a)s estudantes causada pelo currículo oculto. Todavia, constatamos como a educação médica tem trabalhado com a finalidade de reduzir esses prejuízos. Nesse sentido, é importante problematizar os modelos hegemônicos que influenciam valores, interesses, discursos, saberes e práticas ao longo da formação. Para isso, é fundamental o debate em torno de conceitos/ações como identidade, diversidade, inclusão, hegemonia, ideologia, poder e cultura, que pode ocorrer de forma longitudinal e integrada em unidades curriculares relacionadas às humanidades.(AU)

Hidden curriculum results from interpersonal relations experienced in academia and go beyond the formal curriculum, being both a facilitator and an obstacle to learning. This analysis aims at understanding the thematic approach of medical education and its relationship with professionalism. Through an integrative review, we were able to observe a cognitive and emotional overload in students caused by hidden curriculum. However, we noticed how medical education has been trying to reduce these negative effects. In this sense, it is important to question hegemonic models that influence values, interests, discourses, knowledges, and practices throughout the learning process. In order to do that, it is essential to discuss concepts/actions such as identity, diversity, inclusion, hegemony, ideology, power, and culture, which can occur longitudinally and integrated with curricular units related to Humanities.(AU)

El currículo oculto es resultado de las relaciones interpersonales vividas académicamente que extrapola el currículum formal, pudiendo ser un facilitador y también un obstáculo para el aprendizaje. Esta revisión tiene el objetivo de comprender el abordaje de la temática en la educación médica y su relación con el profesionalismo. La revisión integradora nos permitió observar una sobrecarga cognitiva y emocional de los estudiantes causada por el currículo oculto. Sin embargo, constatamos cómo la educación médica ha trabajado con la finalidad de reducir esos perjuicios. En ese sentido, es importante problematizar los modelos hegemónicos que influyen sobre valores, intereses, discursos, saberes y prácticas durante la formación. Para tanto, es fundamental el debate alrededor de los conceptos/acciones tales como identidad, diversidad, inclusión, hegemonía, ideología, poder y cultura, que puede ocurrir de forma longitudinal e integrada en unidades curriculares relacionadas con las humanidades.(AU)

Humanos , Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas , Educación Médica/tendencias , Profesionalismo/educación , Literatura de Revisión como Asunto
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-185132


Introduction : The impact of hidden curriculum on the medical students is huge. As the students tend to internalize and perpetuate the patterns of behavior and values that surround them,it becomes particularly relevant for medical teachers to study the hidden curriculum in their respective institutions. Methods: A Cross sectional study was conducted in AIMSR for a period of 6 months involving final MBBS students . A well structured questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection from students . Mean scores of opinion of the students regarding the statements in the questionnaire were tabulated and data analysed using SPSS software using Descriptive statistics analysis method. Results : Out of the 44 items in the questionnaire , student’s perception was positive for about 36 items suggesting that these item areas are satisfactory in our institute. Perception of students was not satisfactory for 8 items. Conclusion :. Students’ reflections on the hidden curriculum are a rich resource for gaining a deeper understanding of the hidden curriculum of an institution. Medical teachers can use these results to reform, revise, and humanize clinical medical education . Review is a promising approach for addressing the hidden curriculum .

Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion ; (12): 1229-1232, 2019.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-776183


To discuss the advantages and necessity of hidden curriculum construction in the academic experience inheritance of distinguished TCM veteran doctors by analyzing the characteristics of the hidden curriculum and the academic experience inheritance of distinguished TCM veteran doctors, and put forward viewpoints and pathways of promoting academic experience inheritance of distinguished TCM veteran doctors through the construction of hidden curriculum,such as optimal design of teaching environment,reasonable planning of teaching content and development of teaching information model,to effectively improve student cultivation quality and achieve the TCM talent cultivation goal which clinical diagnosis and treatment skills and clinical innovation ability are the core.

Humanos , Curriculum , Medicina Tradicional China , Médicos
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 23(1): 85-100, jan. -mar. 2017. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-833551


El miedo condiciona la manera de vivir, aprender y crecer en la escuela. Partiendo de datos etnográficos, este estudio explora la experiencia de miedo en Educación Física (EF) por medio de una perspectiva narrativa. Para analizar los datos y comunicar los resultados se utilizan prácticas analíticas creativas. El núcleo del artículo es una historia contada por Eva, una alumna que se enfrenta a un examen de EF. Su mirada evoca qué hace el miedo en diversos ambientes narrativos. La historia se presenta como un recurso para pensar con y sobre la experiencia del miedo en EF(AU)

O medo condições como viver, aprender e crescer na escola. Com base em dados etnográficos, este estudo explora a experiência do medo em Educação Física (EF) através de uma perspectiva narrativa. Para analisar os dados e relatar os resultados foram utilizadas práticas analíticas criativas. O núcleo do artigo é uma história contada por Eva, uma estudante que enfrenta um exame de EF. Seu olhar evoca que faz ele medo em vários ambientes narrativos. A história é apresentada como um recurso para o pensamento e a experiência do medo em EF(AU)

Fear determines how students live, learn and grow up in schools. Drawing on ethnographic data, this study explores fear experience in Physical Education (PE) through a narrative perspective. Creative analytical practices were used to analyse data and represent findings. The core of the paper is a story told by Eva, a student who faces a PE exam. Through her gaze, the story shows rather than tells what fear does within several narrative environments. The story is offered as a resource to think with and about fear experienced in PE(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Miedo , Narración , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Educación Primaria y Secundaria
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1023428


Partiendo de los resultados de un estudio etnográfico desarrollado en dos barrios pobres del sur del Gran Buenos Aires, en este artículo, examino las consecuencias de la criminalización del consumo de drogas, en los vínculos entre instituciones de salud y usuarios/as de drogas que viven bajo condiciones de pobreza y marginación social. Específicamente, defino y caracterizo la lógica de la sospecha, es decir, aquel conjunto de prácticas simbólicas que incluye desde la duda, la desconfianza, la sospecha, la modificación del significado de los mensajes, la dificultad de fijar la intencionalidad del interlocutor hasta la elaboración de teorías sobre planes de aniquilación de determinados grupos sociales. Partiendo del análisis de una dispersión de experiencias, narraciones, posiciones, actitudes y elaboraciones, examino a la sospecha que estructura esta lógica como una barrera entre los usuarios/as de drogas y las instituciones de salud

. Based on results of the ethnographic research that were carried out in two shantytowns located in the Greater Buenos Aires, in this paper, I exam the criminalization of drug use and its multiple consequences on the bonds between health institutions and poor and marginalized consumers. Specifically, I define and characterize what I named "the logic of suspicion". This logic refers to a diverse set of symbolic practices that includes: doubt, distrust, suspicion, alteration in the meaning of messages from state institutions, difficulties to determine the intentionality of other people and construction of theories about annihilation plans. By analyzing drug users experiences, narratives, positions, attitudes and constructions, in this article I interpret the logic of suspicion as a barrier that regulates the gap and types of bonds between drug users and health institutions

Partindo dos resultados de um estudo etnográfico desenvolvido em dois bairros pobres do Sul do Gran Buenos Aires, examino, neste artigo, as consequências da consideração criminosa do consumo de drogas, nos vínculos entre instituições de saúde e usuários/as de drogas que vivem sob condições de pobreza e marginação social. Especificamente, defino e caracterizo a lógica da suspeita, quer dizer, aquele conjunto de práticas simbólicas que parte da dúvida, a desconfiança, a suspeita, a modificação do significado das mensagens, a dificuldade de fixar a intencionalidade do interlocutor e chegar até a elaboração de teorias relativas aos planos de aniquilação de determinados grupos sociais. Partindo da análise da dispersão de experiências, narrativas, posições, atitudes e elaborações, examino a suspeita que estrutura esta lógica como una barreira entre os usuários/as de drogas e as instituições de saúde

Humanos , Pobreza , Centros de Salud , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias , Marginación Social , Barreras de Acceso a los Servicios de Salud
Rev. méd. Chile ; 144(8)ago. 2016.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508696


Background: It is unknown if medical education is preparing physicians to successfully work at primary health care settings. Aim: To explore what are the perceptions of faculty members and students about the type of physician needed and if medical education is coherent with the practice of primary health care. Material and Methods: Fifteen semi-structured interviews to key informants from faculty members and ten focus groups with students were carried out. Results: Important influences of role modelling and hidden curriculum were found, especially in relation to the type of physician needed, generalist or specialist, and in relation to the places where the clinical practices were done. Although primary health care was declared in the profiles, most of clinical practices were done at hospitals and supervised by specialists. Working at primary health care is seen as a temporary work, not valued by professionals nor by the society. Conclusions: Medical Schools are not preparing professionals for primary health care but for hospital care and specialized medicine.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-32283


PURPOSE: Students of health education are often offended by the transitions and challenges they face while encountering diverse people, ideas and academic workloads. They may be offended because of reasons not only related to their societal background but also to their basic competence in managing transitions. In the Asian scenario, students enter the first year of professional education in their late teen age along with the definition of self which was created by their parents. There are different issues that arise in this age group that may positively shape or negatively affect the personalities of students. They need to achieve a sense of balance between personal and professional traits on their own. Several students are often unable to cultivate the expected required qualities, which leads to an abject state of mind and hinder their progress. We identified the most common personal and professional hurdles in the lives of dental students and we provided experiential solutions to overcome the hurdles by using a sociable approach through an integrated, continuing education program. METHODS: Designing and implementing a cohesive, amalgamated and inspiring personal and professional enhancement action program for dental students. RESULTS: Feedback from students reflected that the needs and expectations of students vary with academic phase. In addition students expressed that this program series inculcated some positive skills, and overall, they are satisfied with the utility of the program. CONCLUSION: Personal and professional enhancement of students in accordance with individual needs as well as with expected requirements needs a committed administrative action plan. Our results in this context are encouraging and can be considered for application in dental institutions.

Adolescente , Humanos , Pueblo Asiatico , Educación Continua , Educación en Odontología , Educación Profesional , Educación en Salud , Competencia Mental , Padres , Estudiantes de Odontología
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-470086


Objective To study the effect of hidden curriculum on the professional value of nursing students in higher education.Methods A total of 300 full-time nursing students in higher education were collected by the cluster sampling method.They were divided into experimental group and control group by natural class lottery method with 150 students each.The students in experimental group accepted the hidden curriculum such as administrator working of nursing students training,simulated the candidates and the volunteer activities.Then the professional value of the 2 groups was evaluated with nursing professional value questionnaire.Results The total score of the professional value in experimental group after intervention was (126.38±3.29) scores,and caring was (32.50±1.20) scores,trust was (24.40±1.59) scores,justice was (25.54±1.55) scores,profession was (19.64±1.26) scores and behaviorism was (24.31±1.30) scores.The total score of the professional value in control group after intervention was (123.62±2.76) scores,and caring was (32.51±1.24) scores,trust was (22.36±1.30) scores,justice was (26.47±1.54) scores,profession was (19.80±1.23)scores and behaviorism was (22.54±1.59) scores.The scores of trust and behaviorism in experimental group were higher than those in control group,and there were significant differences,t=2.813,2.441,P<0.05.Conclusions Nursing students of college have positive professional values.The hidden curriculum can cultivate the nursing students' trust and positive psychological quality in higher education.And thus it can be reasonably used in teaching,which would produce a more proactive effect in higher education.

Artículo en Español | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1050274


El tema de la "deshumanización" en la medicina ha sido motivo de múltiples proyectos de reforma en la educación médica. Sin embargo, buena parte de esos proyectos han sido orientados por enfoques eclécticos y descontextualizados del problema. Por el contrario, este trabajo procura examinar la deshumanización en la educación médica a partir de tres líneas de fuerza (vectores) que moldean las experiencias cotidianas de alumnos y docentes. Bajo esa perspectiva, se propone un reencuadre humanizador en la educación médica guiado por las metáforas de la participación y del entramado alternativo

Several reform projects in medical education were focused on answering to the question of "dehumanization in medicine". Most of them have been directed by both eclectic and out-of-context approaches. This paper examines three force lines (vectors) that influence everyday students and teachers' experiences and takes to dehumanization in medical education. An educational humanizing frame is suggested guided by participating and alternative structure metaphors

O assunto da "desumanização" na medicina tem sido objeto de muitos projetos de reforma na educação médica . No entanto, muitos desses projetos têm sido orientados de maneira eclética e sem levar em consideração o contexto. Pelo contrário, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a desumanização no ensino médico a partir de três linhas de força (vetores) que moldam as experiências cotidianas dos alunos e professores. Sob essa perspectiva, propomos um reenquadramento humanizador na educação médica guiado pelas metáforas de participação e do tecido alternativo

Humanos , Deshumanización , Educación Médica , Empatía , Ética Profesional/educación
Rev. argent. cardiol ; 82(5)oct. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-734529


Introducción: El "ambiente educacional", producto del ambiente físico, de las relaciones interpersonales, de los factores estresantes y del sistema de reconocimientos y sanciones, entre otros, influye en la motivación de los estudiantes, en la disposición hacia el estudio y en el rendimiento académico. La evaluación del ambiente educacional se focaliza en la percepción que los estudiantes tienen del contexto más allá de lo que podría ser apreciado "objetivamente" por un observador externo. Objetivo: Presentar los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación de una versión local del cuestionario PHEEM a residentes de cardiología para explorar si la percepción de los residentes es diferente según la condición pública o privada del servicio hospitalario. Material y métodos: Se utilizó el cuestionario PHEEM (Postgraduate Hospital Educational Environment Measure), desarrollado por S. Roff, S. McAleer y A. Skinner, el cual es un instrumento específico para evaluar el ambiente educacional en el contexto hospitalario. Resultados: Respondieron 148 residentes de 31 hospitales diferentes de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y el Conurbano Bonaerense, asistentes al Curso Bienal de Cardiología en 2012: 71 residentes de hospitales públicos, 75 de hospitales privados y 2 no identificaron la condición del hospital. Se encontraron diferencias significativas que indicarían mejores condiciones para el aprendizaje en las residencias privadas. Las diferencias se refieren a la disponibilidad de supervisión, a las instalaciones sanitarias y sala de reuniones/descanso para los médicos de guardia, a la sensación de seguridad física dentro del hospital y a la cantidad de consultas y de estudios suficientes para el aprendizaje. No se registraron discrepancias en cuanto al alto nivel de exigencia, al escaso feedback y a la falta de tiempo "protegido" para estudiar dentro del horario de trabajo semanal. Conclusión: Sería necesario evaluar residencias de otras especialidades y en otras jurisdicciones para analizar si se trata de una conclusión general o si aplica solo a la especialidad cardiología en el área metropolitana.

Introduction: The "educational environment", which is the combined result of physical environment, interpersonal relations, stressing factors and the reward and penalty system, among others, influences student motivation, readiness to study and academic achievement. Educational environment assessment focuses on student perception of the context beyond what might be "objectively" appreciated by an external observer. Objective: The aim of this study is to present results obtained from the application of a local version of the PHEEM questionnaire to cardiology residents to explore whether their perception differs according to hospital public or private condition. Methods: We applied the PHEEM (Postgraduate Hospital Educational Environment Measure) questionnaire, developed by S. Roff, S. McAleer and A. Skinner, which is a specific tool to assess educational environment in the hospital setting. Results: One hundred and forty eight residents from 31 Buenos Aires City and Greater Buenos Aires hospitals, who attended the 2012 Biennial Cardiology Course, completed the questionnaire: 71 residents from public hospitals, 75 from private hospitals and 2 who did not identify hospital condition. Private hospital residencies showed significantly better learning conditions. Differences were found in supervision availability, sanitation facilities and resting / meeting rooms for doctors on call, the sense of physical security inside the hospital and the adequate number of patients and studies for learning. There were no differences regarding the high level of exigency, poor feedback and lack of "protected" time to study during working week hours. Conclusions: It would be necessary to evaluate other specialty residencies and programs implemented in other jurisdictions, to analyze whether this is a general conclusion or it only applies to cardiology residencies in the metropolitan area.

Trab. educ. saúde ; 12(2): 343-361, maio-ago. 2014.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-710489


Este artigo analisa a dimensão ética da formação profissional de estudantes de odontologia. Empregando-se a abordagem qualitativa, foram realizadas entrevistas com professores e estudantes, observações de atividades acadêmicas e grupos focais com alunos de dois cursos. Por meio das categorias de análise relacionadas ao currículo oculto foi possível perceber os valores mais presentes ou menos no processo de socialização profissional, implicados em conflitos de interesses, em questões de prestígio das áreas e de poder nas dinâmicas das relações interpessoais, bem como nos modelos em que os estudantes se espelham na sua construção identitária. A discussão e a reflexão sobre esses achados permitem avançar na compreensão da complexidade de fatores que compõem o 'currículo real' e que conformam a dimensão ética da formação profissional, tão importante para o desenvolvimento de futuros profissionais-cidadãos eticamente sensíveis e socialmente competentes.

This article examines the ethical dimension of the professional training of dentistry students. Using a qualitative approach, interviews were carried out among professors and students, observations were made of academic activities, and focus groups were held with students from two courses. By means of the analysis categories associated with the hidden curriculum, it was possible to note the values that are more or less present in the professional socialization process involved in conflicts of interest, in matters of area prestige, in the power of the dynamics of interpersonal relationships, as well as in the models in which students reflect on their identity. Discussing and reflecting on these findings allow one to make progress in understanding the complexity of factors that make up the 'actual curriculum' and shape the ethical dimension of vocational training, which is so important to develop future professionals-citizens who are ethically sensitive and socially competent.

Este artículo examina la dimensión ética de la formación profesional de estudiantes de odontología. Mediante el empleo de un enfoque cualitativo, se realizaron entrevistas con profesores y estudiantes, observaciones de actividades académicas y grupos de discusión con alumnos de dos cursos. Por medio de las categorías de análisis asociadas al currículo oculto fue posible observar los valores más o menos presentes en el proceso de socialización profesional, involucrados en conflicto de intereses, en temas de prestigio de las áreas y de poder en las dinámicas de las relaciones interpersonales, así como en los modelos en que los estudiantes se reflejan en la construcción de su identidad. El debate y la reflexión sobre estos hallazgos permiten avanzar en la comprensión de la complejidad de los factores que conforman el 'currículo real' y que constituyen la dimensión ética de la formación profesional, tan importante para el desarrollo de futuros profesionales-ciudadanos éticamente sensibles y socialmente competentes.

Humanos , Bioética , Curriculum , Odontología , Educación en Odontología , Ética
Medical Education ; : 123-126, 2011.
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374438


1)Professionalism should be explicitly introduced as a fundamental content into curricula/programs of undergraduate medical education, postgraduate clinical training, and of continuing medical education provided by professional societies and the Japan Medical Association.<br>2)We need to enhance our research activities on goals and objectives which should be accomplished through professionalism education, effective learning strategies, appropriate assessment methods, as well as the impact of informal and hidden curricula.<br>3)We propose that the medical profession should collaboratively develop various activities to win the trust of the general society in tandem with the introduction of professionalism education.

Medical Education ; : 367-370, 2011.
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374460


1)For 3 years, we have asked fifth–year medical students what they consider an ideal physician to be and what they think is required to become one.<br>2)They considered an ideal physician to be holistic, honest, mindful, and caring. Some students also wanted to themselves be role models for other physicians and students.<br>3)To be an ideal physician, many students wanted to learn from role models.However, some students wanted to avoid being influenced by "bad physicians," suggesting the impact of a hidden curriculum. On the whole, students sought experiences for personal growth and for improving practical skills in communication and interviewing. Such knowledge may help in medical education.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-416092


It is one of the common problems faced by many medical schools how to carry out the hidden curriculum in humanities education of medical education.This article approaches the composition and connotation of the curriculum in order to improve the relevance and effectiveness of the humanities education of medical education

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166041


Background: Japan has undergone dramatic change relating to both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, with the influence of the hidden curriculum being largely disregarded. This study explores themes concerning what hidden factors affect undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in bedside learning in a Japanese medical school and teaching hospital. Methods: The study was conducted on a one-to-one semi-structured interview basis, using qualitative methodology. Year 5 medical students and post-graduate year 2 junior residents at a teaching hospital were surveyed, with interviews being conducted over an 8-month period, each one lasting 30 to 60 minutes. The interviewees’ perceptions concerning the quality of teaching in their bedside learning and related experiences were collected and analyzed thematically. Results: Twenty five medical students and twenty three junior residents consented to participate in the interview. Six main themes emerged; persistence of hierarchy and exclusivity, existence of gender issues, overestimation of medical knowledge and skills, and underestimation of attitudes, perception of education as having a low priority, prevalence of positive/negative role models, and relationships with colleagues. Discussion & conclusions: There were both commonalities and differences between the results of the UK study and our study. While such differences may be due to the curriculum or educational practices, we suggest that there is a universality of the effects of a hidden curriculum that exists even if there is a significant difference between countries in their demographic backgrounds.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623538


The research of curriculum tells us that in every university there are two kinds of curriculums.One is noticeable,the other is hidden.Both of them work for the goal of bringing the students up.The witchery of hidden curriculum is that it affects the students continually and secretly.This essay discuses the significance,principle and approaches of the construction of hidden curriculum in higher learning.

Hacia promoc. salud ; (10): 59-70, dic. 2005. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-479412


El objetivo del presente trabajo fueexplicar la relación entre factores curriculares y las actitudes hacia la promoción de la salud, que tienen los estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad de Caldas, entre los años 2002 y 2003 en la ciudad de Manizales. Se calculó una muestra de 230 estudiantes, de los cuales se aplicó una encuesta y una escala Liker a 173. Además se realizaron 4 grupos focales y el análisis documental de los principios del currículo oficial de programa de medicina y del plan de estudios. Se encontró que el 66.5% de los estudiantes presentó actitud indiferente hacia la promoción de la salud, el 15% actitud positiva y actitud muy positiva el 2.9%; para el 13.9% la actitud fue negativa y muy negativa para el 1.7 %. Lasmaterias de las áreas básica, clínicas, quirúrgicas y de salud mental, presentan enfoque mórbido excepto las asignaturas de pediatría, pues son las únicasque involucran componentes como promoción de la salud en la formación del estudiante. Los hallazgos demuestran que los currículos oficial y oculto fortalecen la formación clínica y reproducen la impronta institucional que ha tenido el programa, lo que podría explicar la actitud indiferente hacia la promoción de la salud

The objective of this work was to explain the relationship between the curricular factors and attitudes towards health promotion of the medicine students at the Universidad de Caldas between 2002 and 2003 in the city of Manizales. A sample of 230 students was estimated, from which a poll was applied to 173 in the Liker scale. Additionally, four focal groups were organized, and the documental analysis was carried out of the official curricular principles of the Medicine Program, and of the study plan. It was found that 66.5% of the students showed an indifferent attitude towards health promotion, 15% showed a positive attitude and 2.9% showed a very positive attitude; 13.9% showed a negative attitude and 1.7% showed a very negative attitude. The courses in the basic areas, clinical, surgical and mental health show a morbid focus except for the Pediatric courses which involve components of health promotion in the integral formation of the students. The findings show that the official and hidden curricula strengthen the clinical formation and reproduce the institutional profile of the program, which could explain the indifference towards the health promotion

Humanos , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Educación , Educación Médica , Estudiantes de Medicina , Promoción de la Salud