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Arq. bras. neurocir ; 43(3): 187-193, 2024.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571415


Objective To describe the microsurgical anatomy and the physiology of the endolymphatic sac (ES) that a neurosurgeon should know. Methods Review of previous studies from 1927 to 2021, from basic and translational research using human and animal ES tissue or cells, as well as previous reviews about the subject. The present article is divided into three parts. In this first part, we review the microsurgical anatomy and physiology of the ES. Results The ES is a structure situated in the inner ear, together with the cochlea, the vestibular system, and other structures. Differently from its adjacent structures, the ES does not have a specialized epithelium; instead, it has mitochondria-rich cells and ribosomal-rich cells, which are responsible for ionic transportation and secretory activity. Apart from these functions, the ES is also responsible for homeostasis regulation of the inner ear, endolymphatic fluid volume control, immune response, elimination of inner ear cellular debris and floating otoconia, regulation of membranous labyrinth pressure, acid/basic transport, and secretion of substances. Its anatomy is not very variable, since in most studies no more than 20mm separates the location of the ES in the samples, in any direction. Conclusion The human ES has vital functions in the inner ear, and its anatomy is rarely variable. Knowing that, and the importance of this area for neurosurgery, the present study elucidates the exact location of the ES and the lost functions that a lesion in this structure must cause.

Objetivo Descrever a anatomia microcirúrgica e a fisiologia do saco endolinfático (SE) que um neurocirurgião deve saber. Métodos Revisão de estudos prévios de 1927 até 2021, de pesquisa básica até translacional usando tecidos ou células do SE humanas e animais, além de revisões sobre o assunto. O presente artigo é dividido em três partes. Nesta primeira, nós revisamos a anatomia microcirúrgica e a fisiologia do SE. Resultados O SE é uma estrutura situada no ouvido interno, junto da cóclea, do sistema vestibular e outras estruturas. Diferentemente das estruturas adjacentes, o SE não tem um epitélio especializado; ao invés disso, possui células ricas em mitocôndrias e outras ricas em ribossomos, que são responsáveis por transporte iônico e atividade secretória. Além dessas funções, o SE é responsável por regulação homeostática do ouvido interno, controle do fluido endolinfático, resposta imune, eliminação de detritos e otólitos livres, regulação da pressão da membrana labiríntica, transporte ácido/básico e secreção de substâncias. Sua anatomia não é muito variável, já que na maior parte dos estudos a máxima diferença de localização entre as amostras do SE foi dada em 20 mm, em todas as direções. Conclusão O SE humano tem uma função vital no ouvido interno e sua anatomia não é muito variável. Sabendo disso, e da importância dessa região para a neurocirurgia, o presente estudo elucida a localização exata do SE e as funções perdidas em uma eventual lesão dessa estrutura.

Serv. soc. soc ; 146(3): e6628331, 2023. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522998


Resumo: Este artigo objetiva retomar as contribuições de Rui Mauro Marini para o pensamento crítico latino-americano. Apresentamos três temas candentes contemporâneos da realidade brasileira como expressões do capitalismo dependente: 1. O padrão de especialização produtiva e a reprimarização da economia brasileira; 2. A transferência de valor por meio das dívidas públicas;3. O aprofundamento da superexploração.

Abstract: This article aims to review Rui Mauro Marini's contributions to Latin American critical thought. We present three burning contemporary themes in the Brazilian reality as expressions of dependent capitalism: 1. The pattern of productive specialization and the reprimarization of the Brazilian economy; 2. The transfer of value through public debts;3. The deepening of superexploitation

BioSCIENCE ; 81(2): 108-119, 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524194


Introdução: Os gliomas são tumores encefálicos e da medula espinhal que se originam nas células gliais e cuja progressão invade o tecido cerebral adjacentee e dentre eles um dos mais desafiadores são localizados no lobo cerebral da ínsula. Estas artérias irrigam estruturas nobres e sua lesão pode produzir danos sensitivos, motores e de linguagem. Objetivo: Descrever o impacto da extensão da ressecção, sobrevida global e dos resultados funcionais após a cirurgia dos gliomas insulares, quando estes tumores estejam ou não envolvidos pelas artérias lenticuloestriadas. Métodos: Revisão integrativa nas plataformas virtuais em português e inglês, buscando AND ou OR dados através dos seguintes descritores "Gliomas da ínsula, Mapeamento cerebral, Artérias lenticuloestriadas". A busca inicial foi baseada no título e/ou resumo. Decididos os trabalhos incluíveis foi realizada a leitura na íntegra dos textos. Ao total foram estudados 55 artigos. Resultados: O lobo da ínsula fica "escondido" pela sobreposição dos lobos frontal, parietal e temporal. Para alcançá-lo pode-se realizar as abordagens transsilviana ou transcortical. Ocorre que ao chegar na ínsula visualiza-se significativa ramificação constituída pelas artérias lenticuloestriadas, cuja manipulação pode determinar déficit neurológico e, ao se aprofundar no córtex insular, depara-se com outras estruturas tão importantes quanto a própria ínsula. O conhecimento anatômico das artérias lenticuloestriadas e suas relações é de fundamental importância para a ressecção de glioma insular, pois o comprometimento delas e da artéria cerebral média podem determinar a isquemia dos núcleos da base e da cápsula interna. Conclusão: O tratamento dos gliomas insulares permanece como grande desafio. Devido à sua localização e possibilidade de desenvolvimento de déficits neurológicos na manipulação cirúrgica é necessário não somente conhecer sua localização topográfica, mas também a íntima relação vascular com as artérias lenticuloestriadas. O envolvimento delas pelo tumor possui implicações na sobrevida e na preservação da função neurológica. O conhecimento detalhado da anatomia da região é fundamental para diminuir complicações que afetem grandemente a qualidade de vida dos pacientes.

Introduction: Gliomas are brain and spinal cord tumors that originate in glial cells and whose progression invades the adjacent brain tissue and among them one of the most challenging are located in the cerebral lobe of the insula. These arteries supply noble structures and their damage can cause sensory, motor and language damage. Objective: To describe the impact of the extent of resection, overall survival and functional results after surgery for insular gliomas, when these tumors are or are not involved by lenticulostriate arteries. Methods: Integrative review on virtual platforms in Portuguese and English, searching for AND or OR data using the following descriptors "Insula gliomas, Brain mapping, Lenticulostriate arteries". The initial search was based on the title and/or abstract. Once the included works were decided, the texts were read in full. In total, 55 articles were studied. Results: The insula lobe is "hidden" by the overlap of the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes. To achieve this, transsylvian or transcortical approaches can be performed. It turns out that when arriving at the insula, a significant branch made up of lenticulostriate arteries is seen, the manipulation of which can cause neurological deficits and, when going deeper into the insular cortex, one comes across other structures as important as the insula itself. Anatomical knowledge of the lenticulostriate arteries and their relationships is of fundamental importance for the resection of insular glioma, as their involvement and that of the middle cerebral artery can determine ischemia of the basal ganglia and internal capsule. Conclusion: The treatment of insular gliomas remains a major challenge. Due to its location and the possibility of developing neurological deficits during surgical manipulation, it is necessary not only to know its topographic location, but also the intimate vascular relationship with the lenticulostriate arteries. Their involvement by the tumor has implications for survival and preservation of neurological function. Detailed knowledge of the region's anatomy is essential to reduce complications that greatly affect patients' quality of life.

Artères cérébrales , Cortex insulaire
BioSCIENCE ; 81(2): 88-96, 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524191


Introdução: Os meduloblastomas são os tumores sólidos mais comuns da infância e classificados em 4 subgrupos moleculares: WNT, SHH, grupo 3 e grupo 4. Muitos estudos buscam desenvolvimento de novos quimioterápicos para os meduloblastomas através da identificação de genes cuja expressão sejam novos alvos moleculares para drogas, como receptores de membrana associados a replicação celular. Objetivo: Avaliar a associação da expressão de CD114 com a mortalidade de pacientes portadores de meduloblastoma. Métodos: Revisão feita colhendo informações publicadas em plataformas virtuais em português e inglês. Inicialmente foi realizada busca por descritores relacionados ao tema - neurocirurgia, oncologia cirúrgica, terapia de alvo molecular e meduloblastoma - e seus equivalentes em inglês - neurosurgery, surgical oncology, molecular targeted therapy e medulloblastoma - com busca AND ou OR, considerando o título e/ou resumo. Após, foram incluídos somente os que tinham maior relação ao tema, e realizada a leitura da íntegra dos textos. Finalmente foram referidos 2 artigos. Resultados: Há diferença na expressão do receptor de membrana CD114 entre o Grupo 3 e os demais grupos moleculares, além de diferença entre o subtipo molecular SHH γ e os subtipos moleculares Grupo 3 α e Grupo 3 ß. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os demais grupos e subtipos. Em relação à mortalidade, esta revisão não demonstrou significância estatística na relação entre expressões baixas e elevadas desse gene e a mortalidade. Conclusão: Não há relação direta entre a expressão do receptor de membrana CD114 e a mortalidade em pacientes portadores de meduloblastoma. Entretanto, são necessários estudos adicionais sobre as vias de sinalização intracelulares associadas a esse receptor e ao seu gene, o CSF3R.

Introduction: Medulloblastomas are the most common solid tumors of childhood and classified into 4 molecular subgroups: WNT, SHH, Group 3 and Group 4. Many studies seek to develop new chemotherapy drugs for medulloblastomas by identifying genes whose expression is new molecular targets for drugs, such as membrane receptors associated with cell replication. Objective: To evaluate the association of CD114 expression with mortality in patients with medulloblastoma. Methods: Review carried out collecting information published on virtual platforms in Portuguese and English. Initially, a search was carried out for descriptors related to the topic - neurosurgery, surgical oncology, molecular targeted therapy and medulloblastoma, with AND or OR search, considering the title and/or summary. Afterwards, only those that were most related to the topic were included, and the texts read in full. Finally, 23 articles were referred. Results: There is a difference in the expression of the CD114 membrane receptor between Group 3 and the other molecular groups, in addition to a difference between the SHH γ molecular subtype and the Group 3 α and Group 3 ß molecular subtypes. There was no statistically significant difference between the other groups and subtypes. Regarding mortality, this review did not demonstrate statistical significance in the relationship between low and high expressions of this gene and mortality. Conclusion: There is no direct relationship between the expression of the CD114 membrane receptor and mortality in patients with medulloblastoma. However, additional studies are needed on the intracellular signaling pathways associated with this receptor and its gene, CSF3R.

Arq. bras. neurocir ; 42(2): 145-151, 2023.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570584


Objective This article is divided into three parts. In the second part of this review, the authors focus on describing the endolymphatic sac tumor and presenting illustrative cases. Methods A review of previous studies, from 1957 to 2021, from basic and translational research using human and animal endolymphatic sac (ES) tissue or cells, as well as other reviews on this theme. Results The ES is an inner ear structure, which is responsible for the homeostatic regulation, as well as endolymphatic fluid volume control, immune response etc. One of the possible alterations of the ES is the ELST, a low-grade malign neoplasm that originates from the epithelium of the endolymphatic duct and sac. The clinical presentation of the ELST includes hearing loss, tinnitus, headache, and vertigo. The diagnosis in the early stages is rare, given that this group of symptoms is very similar to other, more common, diseases such as the Meniere syndrome. Its diagnosis is made by computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), immunohistochemistry, and confirmed by histopathology. However, none of these examinations are part of the pathological guidelines for ELST. The treatment for ELST in the early stages has a high rate of success. Conclusion The ELST is a very difficult diagnosis due to its presentation. Furthermore, the interactions between ELST and the Von Hippel-Lindau disease usually result in a more aggressive condition. Despite the difficulty of the diagnosis, doing it early increases the chances of successful treatment.

Objetivo Este artigo é dividido em três partes. Na segunda parte desta revisão, os autores focam em descrever os tumores do saco endolinfático (TSE) e apresentar casos ilustrativos. Métodos Revisão de estudos prévios, de 1957 até 2021, de pesquisa básica até translacional usando tecidos ou células do saco endolinfático (SE) humanas e animais, além de revisões sobre o assunto. Resultados O SE é uma estrutura situada na orelha interna, e é responsável pela regulação homeostática, controle do fluido endolinfático, resposta imune, etc. Uma das possíveis alterações do SE são os TSE, uma neoplasia de crescimento lento, com agressão local e de baixo grau, que se origina do epitélio do saco e do ducto endolinfático. A apresentação clínica do TSE se dá com perda auditiva, zumbido, cefaleia e vertigem. O diagnostico em estágios iniciais é raro devido a apresentação clínica similar a diversas outras patologias mais comuns como a Síndrome de Ménière. O diagnóstico é feito com por tomografia computadorizada (TC), ressonância magnética (RM), imuno-histoquímica e confirmada com histopatologia. Entretanto nenhum desses exames está nas diretrizes das patologias que mimetizam o TSE. O tratamento para o TSE em estágios iniciais tem uma alta taxa de sucesso. Conclusão O TSE é uma patologia de difícil diagnostico devido a sua apresentação. Além disso, a interação entre o TSE e a doença de Von Hippel-Lindau resulta em uma condição mais agressiva da doença de maneira geral. Apesar dessa dificuldade de diagnostico, fazê-lo em estágios iniciais aumenta muito as chances de sucesso no tratamento.

Arq. bras. neurocir ; 42(2): 160-164, 2023.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570597


Objective To elucidate all the aspects that neurosurgeons should know about the Ménière disease (MD). Methods Review of guidelines, books, and studies from 1933 to 2021, from basic to translational research, using human and animal endolymphatic sac (ES) tissue or cells, as well as reviews, case reports, and papers about surgical experience. This article is divided into three parts. In this last part, we review the MD. Results The MD is one of the most common pathologies in the ES. It was first described by Prosper Ménière in 1861 with its clinical triad: dizziness, tinnitus, and hearing loss. A lot of theories relating ES to the MD have been proposed. Some of them postulate that it is caused by a narrowing and shortening in the endolymphatic duct, and others relate it to severe inflammation on the ES. Mostly due to the lack of understanding of this pathology, the diagnosis is mainly clinical, despite histopathology being helpful to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment of the MD can be done in 3 different ways: pharmacological, nonpharmacological, and surgical. Conclusion The MD is one of the most common pathologies in the inner ear and has been largely studied over the years. The latest diagnosis guidelines must help in the classification and give better basis for diagnosis and treatment, which, despite not being curative yet, has improved over the years. Pharmacological treatment based on the possible etiologies, allied with proper diet and routine exercise, is showing promising results.

Objetivo Elucidar todos os aspectos que neurocirurgiões devem saber sobre a doença de Ménière (DM). Métodos Revisão das diretrizes, livros e estudos de 1933 até 2021, de pesquisa básica até translacional, usando tecidos ou células do saco endolinfático (SE) humanas e animais, além de revisões, relatos de caso e artigos sobre experiencia cirúrgica. Este artigo é dividido em três partes. Nesta última nós revisamos a DM. Resultados A DM é uma das patologias mais comuns do SE. Ela foi inicialmente descrita por Prosper Ménière em 1861 com a tríade clínica: tontura, zumbido e diminuição da audição. Muitas teorias têm relacionado o SE com a DM. Algumas delas postulam que esta é causada por uma diminuição e estreitamento do ducto endolinfático e outras a relacionam com uma inflamação grave do SE. Principalmente devido à falta de entendimento sobre a patologia, o diagnóstico é primariamente clínico, apesar da Histopatologia ajudar na confirmação diagnóstica. O tratamento da DM pode ser feito de três diferentes formas: farmacológico, não farmacológico e cirúrgico. Conclusão A DM é um dos distúrbios mais comuns da orelha interna e tem sido muito estudada nos últimos anos. As diretrizes mais recentes devem ajudar na classificação e fornecer mais bases para o diagnóstico e tratamento, que, apesar de ainda não ser curativo, teve grandes avanços ao longo dos anos. O tratamento farmacológico baseado nas teorias etiológicas, aliado com dieta apropriada e exercícios físicos rotineiros, tem mostrado excelentes resultados.

Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 72(6): 749-756, Nov.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420616


Abstract Background Pulmonary aspiration is one of the most important complications in anesthesiology. Assessment of gastric content by ultrasound is a good method to quantify gastric volume and to determine the risk of intraoperative pulmonary aspiration. The aim of this study is to determine the accuracy of the gastric ultrasonography in the qualitative analysis of gastric content, mainly in the analysis of small amounts of liquid content. Methods Gastric ultrasound was performed to 36 patients before upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGI), making two longitudinal scans at the epigastric level, one in supine position and the other in right lateral decubitus position, measuring two diameters and the area of the gastric antrum and assessing the content characteristics determining whether it was an empty stomach or contained fluid or solid content. Subsequently, the ultrasound findings were compared with UGI findings. Results Gastric areas were analyzed by the trace and the lengths of the craniocaudal and anteroposterior axes concluding that there are no significant differences between the two methods. No statistically significant difference was found between UGI and US assessment technics. No statistically significant difference was found between the estimated volume by UGI and US. Conclusions Though our study has some limitations, qualitative analysis of gastric content using ultrasound followed by endoscopy enabled the conclusion that there are no differences in the qualitative assessment regarding these two techniques, supporting the important role of point-of-care gastric ultrasound (POCGUS) in the assessment of pulmonary aspiration risk by the anesthesiologist in the perioperative period.

Humains , Estomac/imagerie diagnostique , Contenus gastro-intestinaux/imagerie diagnostique , Antre pylorique/imagerie diagnostique , Études prospectives , Échographie/méthodes
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 41(4): 340-347, 2022.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568488


The learning curve reflects surgeons' experience in managing several patients with the same disease. In skull base surgery, the professional's place on the curve could be related to the number of times the same procedure was performed. Where does curve begin? What amount of training is necessary prior to its application in surgical settings? What were the results of the first few skull base tumor surgeries performed by a surgeon who goes on to produce excellent results, and how is reflected in the start of their learning curve? The only way for neurosurgeons to improve their results from the start is with prior training in the microsurgery laboratory. This learning technique is essential to maximize the chance of success of a neurosurgical procedures, minimizing the morbidity rate to which patients are subjected by less experienced neurosurgeons. This article is divided in two parts, and its purpose is to show how training in the microsurgical laboratory fits into the construction of knowledge about skull base surgery, based on authors' experience and reflections. This first part discusses the technical, psychological, and philosophical aspects of medical knowledge, primarily addressing those training in skull base surgery, the principles of some selected philosophical currents, and their influence on the development of current medical knowledge.

Arq. bras. neurocir ; 41(4): 348-361, 2022.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568494


In this second part, the authors review and suggest a methodology for studies in skull base surgery and training inmicrosurgical laboratory, based on their experiences and reflections. Not only are the foundations for the acquisition of microsurgical skills presented, but also what is needed to be an effective skullbase surgeon with good results. The present article reflects in particular the philosophy of professor Evandro de Oliveira and also serves to present to the neurosurgical community a new state-of-the-art laboratory for hands-on courses in Brazil, at the Faculdade Evangélica Mackenzie do Paraná.

Nesta segunda parte, os autores revisam e sugerem uma metodologia para o estudo em cirurgia de base de crânio e treinamento em laboratório de microcirurgia baseado em suas experiencias e reflexões. Não apenas os fundamentos para a aquisição de habilidades microcirúrgicas estão presentes, como também, o que é necessário para ser um eficiente cirurgião de base de crânio com bons resultados. Este artigo reflete, em particular, a filosofia do Professor Evandro de Oliveira, além de servir para apresentar a comunidade neurocirúrgica o novo "estado da arte" em laboratórios de cursos "hands-on" no Brasil, na Faculdade Evangélica Mackenzie do Paraná.

Royal Entomological Society ; 31(10)2021. graf., Tab.
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BVSDIP | ID: biblio-1556431


Control of Chagas disease in endemic countries is primarily accomplished through insecticide spraying for triatomine vectors. In this context, pyrethroids are the first-choice insecticide, and the evolution of insect resistance to these insecticides may represent an important barrier to triatomine control. In insects, cytochrome P450s are enzymes involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics and endogenous chemicals that are encoded by genes divided into different families. In this work, we evaluated the role of three Rhodnius prolixus CYP4EM subfamily genes during blood meal and after deltamethrin exposure. CYP4 gene members were expressed in different insect organs (integument, salivary glands (SGs), midgut, fat body and malpighian tubules) at distinct transcriptional levels. CYP4EM1 gene was highly expressed in the SG and was clearly modulated after insect blood meal. Injection of CYP4EM1dsRNA promoted significant reduction in mRNA levels of both CYP4EM1 and CYP4EM2 genes and induced deleterious effects in R. prolixus nymphs subsequently exposed to sublethal doses of deltamethrin (3.4 or 3.8 ng/nymph treated). The higher dose reduced the survival over time and increased susceptibility of R. prolixus nymphs to deltamethrin. A better understanding of this mechanism can help in developing of more efficient strategies to reduce Trypanosoma cruzi vector transmission in Americas.

Maladie de Chagas , Insecticides , Maladie , Triatominae
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis;27: e20200098, 2021. graf, ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1154770


Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) is a hematophagous insect and the main vector of Trypanosoma cruzi (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae). In the present study, the authors investigated whether a serine protease activity from the saliva of T. infestans has a role in vasomotor modulation, and in the insect-blood feeding by cleaving and activating protease-activated receptors (PARs). Methods T. infestans saliva was chromatographed as previously reported for purification of triapsin, a serine protease. The cleavage activity of triapsin on PAR peptides was investigated based on FRET technology. Mass spectrometry was used to analyze the sites of PAR-2 peptide cleaved by triapsin. NO measurements were performed using the DAN assay (2,3-diaminonapthalene). The vasorelaxant activity of triapsin was measured in vessels with or without functional endothelium pre-contracted with phenylephrine (3 µM). Intravital microscopy was used to assess the effect of triapsin on mouse skin microcirculation. Results Triapsin was able to induce hydrolysis of PAR peptides and showed a higher preference for cleavage of the PAR-2 peptide. Analysis by mass spectrometry confirmed a single cleavage site, which corresponds to the activation site of the PAR-2 receptor. Triapsin induced dose-dependent NO release in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), reaching a maximum effect at 17.58 nM. Triapsin purified by gel-filtration chromatography (10-16 to 10-9 M) was applied cumulatively to mouse mesenteric artery rings and showed a potent endothelium-dependent vasodilator effect (EC30 = 10-12 M). Nitric oxide seems to be partially responsible for this vasodilator effect because L-NAME (L-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester 300 µM), a nitric oxide synthetase inhibitor, did not abrogate the vasodilation activated by triapsin. Anti-PAR-2 antibody completely inhibited vasodilation observed in the presence of triapsin activity. Triapsin activity also induced an increase in the mouse ear venular diameter. Conclusion Data from this study suggest a plausible association between triapsin activity mediated PAR-2 activation and vasodilation caused by T. infestans saliva.(AU)

Animaux , Peptides , Triatoma , Trypanosoma cruzi , Vasodilatation , Chromatographie , Récepteur de type PAR-2 , Monoxyde d'azote
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(5): 1676-1686, 01-09-2020. graf, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147861


This study aimed to evaluate the morphogenetic, structural, and productive characteristics of Andropogon gayanus cv. 'Planaltina' subjected to different nitrogen fertilization levels and defoliation intensities. The experiment was done in a completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement of six nitrogen doses (0, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 kg N ha-1) and two defoliation intensities (15 and 30 cm). The production and structure data were grouped into rainy and dry periods, while morphogenesis data were compared only among different fertilization and defoliation intensities. The total dry forage biomass (TDFB), dry mass of leaves (DML), dry mass of stems (DMS), and dead forage dry mass (DFDM) were then determined. In addition to these variables, the morphogenetic characteristics of the plants and the numbers of tillers alive and dead were evaluated. There was no interaction (P>0.05) between the effects of nitrogen fertilization doses and the intensity of defoliation on TDFB, DML, DMS, and DFDM in both of the evaluated phases (rainy and dry). It was also observed that the rates of leaf elongation, leaf appearance, and leaf blade elongation increased with nitrogen fertilization. On the other hand, the culm elongation rate and phyllochron decreased as the dose applied increased. The defoliation intensity did not influence (P>0.05) the morphogenetic characteristics examined, nor did it affect the senescence rate of nitrogen in leaves and number of live leaves per tiller. The number of dead tillers increased linearly during the rainy period. Based on these results, to improve the efficiency of production of gamba grass it is recommended that it be managed with a defoliation intensity of 30 cm and nitrogen fertilization of 286.52 kg N ha-1 year-1.

Objetivou-se avaliar as características morfogênicas, produtivas e estruturais do Andropogon gayanus cv. Planaltina submetido a níveis de adubação nitrogenada e intensidades de desfolha. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com arranjo fatorial 6x2, doses de nitrogênio (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 e 500 kg de nitrogênio ha-1) e intensidades de desfolhas (15 e 30 cm). Os dados de produção e estrutura foram agrupados em períodos chuvoso e seco e os de morfogênese analisados somente em função da adubação e intensidade de desfolha. Foi determinada a produção de biomassa de forragem seca total (BFST), massa seca de folhas (MSF), massa seca de colmos (MSC) e massa seca de forragem morta (MSFM). Além dessas variáveis foram avaliadas as características morfogênicas e de perfilhos vivos e mortos. Houve interação (P<0,05) entre as doses e intensidade de desfolhas para a MSFT, MSF, MSC e MSFM em ambas as fases de avaliação. Observou-se que as taxas de alongamento foliar, aparecimento foliar e comprimento da lâmina foliar aumentaram com a adubação nitrogenada. Por outro lado, a taxa de alongamento do colmo e Filocrono diminuíram com a aplicação das doses crescentes. As intensidades de desfolha não influenciaram (P>0,05) nas características morfogênicas, assim como a adubação na taxa de senescência foliar e número de folhas vivas por perfilho. O número de perfilhos mortos aumentou de forma linear durante o período chuvoso. Recomenda-se manejar o capim-andropógon com intensidade de desfolha de 30 cm e adubação nitrogenada de 286,52 kg de N ha-1 ano-1, visando a maior produção.

Déchets , Saison Sèche , Saison des Pluies , Andropogon
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 39(2): 83-94, 15/06/2020.
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362544


Objective To describe the endoscopic and microsurgical anatomy of the cavernous sinus (CS) with focus on the surgical landmarks in microsurgical anatomy. Materials and methods Ten formalin-fixed central skull base specimens (20 CSs) with silicone-injected carotid arteries were examined through an extended endoscopic transsphenoidal approach. Fifteen formalin-fixed heads were dissected to simulate the surgical position in CS approaches. Results Endoscopic access enables identification of the anterior and posterior surgical corridors. Structures within the CS and on its lateral wall could be visualized and studied, but none of the triangular areas relevant to the transcranial microsurgical anatomy were fully visible through the endoscopic approach. Conclusion The endoscopic approach to the CS is an important surgical technique for the treatment of pathological conditions that affect this region. Correlating endoscopic findings with the conventional (transcranial)microsurgical anatomy is a useful way of applying the established knowledge into a more recent operative technique. Endoscope can provide access to the CS and to the structures it harbors.

Humains , Sinus caverneux/anatomie et histologie , Sinus caverneux/chirurgie , Interventions chirurgicales mini-invasives/méthodes , Endoscopie/méthodes , Neuroendoscopie/méthodes , Microchirurgie/méthodes
Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade (Online) ; 15(42): 2645, 20200210. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1282622


Introdução: Quando um utente recorre a uma consulta médica, este já tem uma ideia pré-definida do seu problema de saúde. Esta advém da sua experiência anterior, da cultura local e da sua estrutura de apoio. Apresentação do Caso: Mulher de 48 anos, ex-fumadora. Antecedentes pessoais de excisão de leiomioma uterino há 18 anos. Recorreu à médica de família por tosse há quatro meses. Fez uma tomografia computadorizada tórax, onde se individualizavam formações nodulares dispersas, sugestivas de metastização. Referenciou-se de urgência para consulta de pneumologia, onde lhe foi pedida biópsia, a qual a doente recusou. Após breve avaliação familiar, a própria utente compreendeu que o seu medo era gerado pela sua experiência prévia de vida. A utente acabou por realizar biópsia que revelou padrão de leiomioma. Admitiu-se leiomiomatose benigna metastizante secundária à excisão de miomas uterinos. Conclusão: A "dolência" compreendida pelos utentes vai influenciar o modo como vão gerir a sua doença e a sua dolência. Na consulta existe a gestão entre os medos do doente e as incertezas diagnósticas por parte do médico. Nestes casos, o médico de família não deve assumir uma posição paternalista de decisão, mas sim capacitar os utentes para uma escolha consciente e informada.

Introduction: When a patient has a medical appointment, they already have a pre-defined idea of their health problem. This idea is influenced by their previous experience, local culture and family support. Case Description: 48-year-old female, former smoker. She reveals a personal history of uterine leiomyoma excision 18 years ago. She turns to her doctor complaining of cough for the last four months. A chest computed tomography was ordered, in which nodular formations were identified, suggestive of metastasis. An urgent referral was made to a pulmonology consultation, where a biopsy was requested, which the patient refused to perform. After a family assessment, the patient realized that her previous life experience generated her fear. The patient ended up performing the biopsy that revealed a leiomyoma pattern. The diagnosis of benign metastatic leiomyomatosis secondary to uterine fibroid excision was made. Conclusion: The "illness" understood by patients will influence how they will manage their disease and their malaise. In the consultation there is a confrontation between the patient's fears and the diagnostic uncertainties of the physician. In such cases, the family doctor should not assume a paternalistic position of decision, but should empower patients to make a conscious and informed choice

Introducción: Cuando un paciente tiene una cita médica, ya tiene una idea predefinida de su problema de salud. Esta idea está influenciada por su experiencia previa, cultura local y apoyo familiar. Presentación del caso: Mujer de 48 años, exfumadora. Ella revela una historia personal de escisión de leiomioma uterino hace 18 años. Ella recurre a su médico quejándose de tos durante los últimos cuatro meses. Se ordenó una Tomografía computarizada de tórax, en la que se identificaron formaciones nodulares, sugestivas de metástasis. Se hizo una referencia urgente a una consulta de neumología, donde se solicitó una biopsia, que el paciente se negó a realizar. Después de una evaluación familiar, la paciente se dio cuenta de que su experiencia de vida anterior generaba miedo. Se realizó el diagnóstico de leiomiomatosis benigna metastatizante secundaria a escisión de fibromas uterinos. Conclusión: La "enfermedad" entendida por los pacientes influirá en cómo manejarán su enfermedad y su malestar. En la consulta existe una confrontación entre los temores del paciente y las incertidumbres diagnósticas del médico. En tales casos, el médico de familia no debe asumir una posición paternalista de decisión, sino que debe capacitar a los pacientes para que tomen una decisión consciente e informada.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Soins de santé primaires , Léiomyomatose , Nodules pulmonaires multiples
Braz. j. infect. dis ; Braz. j. infect. dis;23(4): 224-230, July-Aug. 2019. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039234


Abstract Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) has low prevalence rates, but is endemic in some regions of the world. It is usually a chronic asymptomatic infection, but it can be associated with serious neurologic and urinary conditions. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is broadly spread out worldwide. The majority of these infections have a chronic course that may progress to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Objectives: To compare sociodemographic and mental health (risk behaviors, depression, and suicide) aspects, and quality of life among patients with HCV or HTLV-1. Methods: Observational, comparative and cross-sectional study involving outpatients with HCV or HLTV-1 infection. Sociodemographic characteristics, risk behaviors and quality of life were assessed through the questionnaires Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview - MINI Plus (depression and suicide) and Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (quality of life). Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses (hierarchical logistic regression) were conducted. Results: 143 individuals with HCV and 113 individuals with HTLV-1 infection were included. Males were predominant in the HCV group (68.8%) and females in the HTLV-1 group (71.7%). The frequency of risk behaviors (sexual and drug use) was greater in those with HCV (p < 0.05). A past depressive episode was more common in the HTLV-1 group (p = 0.037). Quality of life was significantly worse in the physical functioning, vitality, mental health, and social functioning domains in those with HTLV-1 (p < 0.05). HTLV-1 infection remained independently associated with worse quality of life in multivariate analysis. Conclusions: Risk behaviors are frequent among those infected with HCV. Additionally, despite HTLV-1 being considered an infection with low morbidity, issues related to mental health (depressive episode) and decreased quality of life are relevant.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Qualité de vie/psychologie , Prise de risque , Infections à HTLV-I/psychologie , Hépatite C/psychologie , Dépression/virologie , Échelles d'évaluation en psychiatrie , Comportement sexuel , Brésil , Santé mentale , Études transversales , Analyse multifactorielle , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Facteurs de risque , Statistique non paramétrique , Idéation suicidaire
Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 18(1): 66-77, 2019.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026585


O presente artigo propõe uma retomada às raízes da Teoria Marxista da Dependência (TMD) como vertentes do pensamento marxista dedicadas a contribuir para explicar o processo do desenvolvimento capitalista em economias dependentes, em especial, na América Latina. Valendo-se do método dialético e das categorias econômicas desenvolvidas em O Capital, Rui Mauro Marini, junto a outros autores, fundam um arcabouço teórico-explicativo para a realidade das economias periféricas, sem cair em um revisionismo simplificador. Portanto, com o intuito de aprofundar essa reflexão, apresentam-se neste trabalho, os principais conceitos da Teoria Marxista da Dependência como particularidades da reprodução do capital na América Latina. Posteriormente, utilizamos esses fundamentos interpretativos para esclarecer o austericídio verificado no Brasil hoje, no sentido de legitimar a contemporaneidade da TMD e o seu potente vetor interpretativo e transformador em tempos de crise estrutural do capital, examinando um conjunto de contrarreformas em andamento e a serem implementadas, a saber: o Novo Regime Fiscal, a Reforma Trabalhista e a "Nova Previdência".

This article proposes to take up the roots of Marxist Theory of Dependence as a part of Marxist thought dedicated to explaining the process of capitalist development in dependent economies, especially in Latin America. Using the dialectical method and the economic categories developed in Capital, Rui Mauro Marini, along with other authors, found a theoretical framework that explains the reality of peripheral economies, without falling into a simplistic revisionism. In order to deepen the reflection, this paper presents the main concepts of the Marxist Theory of Dependence as particularities of the reproduction of capital in Latin America. Later we will use these interpretative foundations to clarify the current austerity in Brazil, examining the set of counter-reforms in progress and to be implemented: New Fiscal Regime, Labor Reform and the "New Social Security" in order to legitimize the contemporaneousness of TMD and its powerful vector interpretive and transformative in times of structural crisis of capital.

Politique , Sécurité sociale , Communisme
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis;232017.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484710


Abstract Background Snakes of the genus Bothrops, popularly known as pit vipers, are responsible for most cases of snakebite in Brazil. Within this genus, Bothrops jararacussu and B. jararaca deserve special attention due to the severity of their bites and for inhabiting densely populated areas. Regarding the treatment of snakebites by Bothrops jararacussu, questions have been raised about the effectiveness of the specific bothropic antivenom in neutralizing myotoxic effects; however, there are no accurate data for humans. Thus, the development of a differential diagnostic kit for this species would be of great interest because it provides, for healthcare professionals, a tool that would allow us to determine whether the accident was caused by B. jararacussu or other species of the genus. It would also make it possible to evaluate the specificity of the treatment and to provide data for epidemiological studies. Methods First, we produced a species-specific polyclonal antibody a potential biomarker of Bothrops jararacussu venom against bothropstoxin-I (BthTx-I), which is also found in smaller quantities in the venoms of B. jararaca from southern Brazil. Results Polyclonal antibodies against bothropstoxin-I could be separated into several species-specific immunoglobulins. Then, aiming to develop a system of safe and standardized immunoassay, we produced monoclonal antibodies. Seven hybridomas were obtained. Five of them were specific to the venom of B. jararacussu and two recognized the venom of B. jararaca from the southeastern population. The use of monoclonal antibodies also made it possible to differentiate B. jararacussu from B. jararaca venom obtained from the southern population. Analyzing the reactivity of monoclonal antibodies against other bothropic venoms, we found mAb Bt-3 to be more specific than others for B. jararacussu venom. Conclusions These results show the potential of BthTx-I for producing monoclonal antibodies that differentiate between B. jararacussu and other Bothrops species venoms.

J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis;232017.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484733


Abstract Background Snakebite treatment requires administration of an appropriate antivenom that should contain antibodies capable of neutralizing the venom. To achieve this goal, antivenom production must start from a suitable immunization protocol and proper venom mixtures. In Brazil, antivenom against South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) bites is produced by public institutions based on the guidelines defined by the regulatory agency of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, ANVISA. However, each institution uses its own mixture of rattlesnake venom antigens. Previous works have shown that crotamine, a toxin found in Crolatus durissus venom, shows marked individual and populational variation. In addition, serum produced from crotamine-negative venoms fails to recognize this molecule. Methods In this work, we used an antivenomics approach to assess the cross-reactivity of crotalic antivenom manufactured by IVB towards crotamine-negative venom and a mixture of crotamine-negative/crotamine-positive venoms. Results We show that the venom mixture containing 20% crotamine and 57% crotoxin produced a strong immunogenic response in horses. Antivenom raised against this venom mixture reacted with most venom components including crotamine and crotoxin, in contrast to the antivenom raised against crotamine-negative venom. Conclusions These results indicate that venomic databases and antivenomics analysis provide a useful approach for choosing the better venom mixture for antibody production and for the subsequent screening of antivenom cross-reactivity with relevant snake venom components.