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Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 40(3): 132-139, sept. 2020. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1129139


Introducción: en 2014, tras más de 10 años de comenzada la Carrera de Medicina en el Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (IUHIBA), en la comunidad educativa se comenzó a plantear la necesidad de realizar un cambio curricular con el objetivo de lograr la enseñanza de habilidades complejas en forma integrada para generar un aprendizaje significativo y un mayor desarrollo de competencias. El cambio curricular comenzó a implementarse en 2018. Propósitos: describir la experiencia de diseño de las actividades de enseñanza en un currículo integrado. Desarrollo: para el diseño de las actividades de cada módulo (de un cuatrimestre de duración) se conformaron grupos planificadores multidisciplinarios. El objetivo principal de la planificación fue que los estudiantes comenzaran a desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para poder llevar adelante las actividades profesionales (EPAs: Entrustable Professional Activities) al final de la carrera. Los escenarios donde transcurren las actividades del Ciclo Inicial son las sesiones de aprendizaje basado en problemas, los laboratorios para el desarrollo de habilidades, las charlas plenarias y la atención primaria orientada a la comunidad. Fueron definidas EPAs para desarrollarse en el Ciclo Inicial, que guiaron la planificación en diálogo con los contenidos seleccionados para el cuatrimestre. Para poder realizar un diseño integrado se estableció la relación de cada actividad con las de los módulos precedentes, retomando y complejizando los contenidos para que el diseño fuera espiralado. Conclusiones: el mayor desafío de esta experiencia radicó en que debimos sumergirnos en un nuevo paradigma. El principal logro como grupo planificador fue hacer propia esta nueva forma de enseñanza: basada en el alumno, en problemas, integrada, espiralada. Evaluaremos los resultados tras su implementación y rediseñaremos las actividades, de ser necesario. (AU)

Introduction: in 2014, after 10 years of the establishment of the School of Medicine at the Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (IUHIBA), the educational community identified the need to make a curricular change to teach complex skills in an integrated way to generate meaningful learning and further development of skills. The new curriculum was implemented in 2018. Purposes: to describe our experience in designing teaching activities for an integrated curriculum. Development: multidisciplinary planning groups were formed to design the activities of each four-month module. The main objective was for students to develop the skills necessary to carry out professional activities (EPAs: Entrustable Professional Activities) by the time of graduation. The "Initial Cycle" activities took place in four scenarios: (i) problem-based learning; (ii) skills lab (iii) forum discussions; and (iv) communityoriented education. The EPAs that would be acquired in the Initial Cycle were selected. Those EPAs, together with the contents selected for the semester guided the planning groups. To ensure an integrated design, the relationships of each module with the preceding one were established. We adopted a spiral design where we returned to the same topics at a deeper level and with more complexity. Conclusions: the greatest challenge was that this experience involved a paradigm change. Our main achievement was to adopt a new form of teaching that was student and problem based, within an integrated and spiral curriculum. We plan to evaluate the results after implementation and redesign the activities, if necessary. (AU)

Humains , Enseignement/enseignement et éducation , Apprentissage par problèmes/méthodes , Argentine , Soins de santé primaires , Écoles de médecine/tendances , Étudiant médecine , Enseignement/tendances , Universités/tendances , Techniques de planification , Compétence clinique , Apprentissage par problèmes/tendances , Programme d'études/tendances , Formation Professionnelle
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 38(3): 110-114, sept. 2018. graf.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1022821


Introducción. La educación en residencias médicas, tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de competencias. Para que esto ocurra los tutores deben reflexionar sobre su propia actividad docente. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer qué piensan los residentes del Servicio de Obstetricia del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (HIBA) respecto de la supervisión que reciben. Material y métodos. Se realizó un cuestionario abierto no estandarizado sobre aspectos relevantes de la supervisión de los residentes. Las preguntas se enfocaron en la supervisión en general que reciben. Resultados. Se analizaron 14 cuestionarios. La supervisión en general, (11/14) fue considerada "adecuada", (refiriéndose a la posibilidad de consulta, supervisión constante en cirugías y buen clima de aprendizaje). Observaron falencias en la supervisión en guardia (5/14). Perciben un buen equilibrio entre autonomía alcanzada y la posibilidad de consulta. Sobre las devoluciones, todos consideran que deben ser oportunas (cercanas a la situación que está siendo evaluada), y destacan que no siempre es así (6/14). Las evaluaciones formativas son consideradas suficientes para valorar el desempeño de los residentes (8/14). La mayoría (9/14) proponen actividades de simulación y talleres de casos clínicos y temas básicos de obstetricia (5/14). Comentarios. La realización de este cuestionario permitió conocer la opinión de los residentes sobre aspectos relevantes de la enseñanza clínica y de la supervisión que reciben. Los resultados muestran que la supervisión en general ha sido considerada como positiva y que existe un buen clima de aprendizaje. (AU)

Introduction. The ultimate goal of medical education during residency is skill development. In order for this to occur, tutors must often reflect on their own teaching activity and experiences. The aim of this study was to evaluate how the residents of the Obstetrics Department of the Hospital Italiano of Buenos Aires (HIBA) perceive the supervision they receive from their elder staff. Materials and Methods. We developed an open non-standardized questionnaire detailing relevant aspects of resident supervision. The questions were specifically oriented towards the global aspects of the supervision process. Results. Fourteen questionnaires were analyzed. In general, 11 out of 14 described their supervision as "adequate" in terms of availability of advisory and consultation opportunities, constant supervision during surgical procedures and an encouraging learning environment. Several weaknesses were observed regarding supervision during active call duty (5/14). In general, a favorable balance is noted between resident autonomy and senior availability for consult. With regards to feedback, they all concur in saying that timing is key (ideally feedback should be offered in close proximity to the activity that is being supervised) and point out that this is not always the case (6/14). Formative assessments are globally considered adequate for resident evaluation (8/14). Most surveys suggest use of simulation activities and clinical case workshops regarding basic obstetric practice scenarios (9/14). Comments. The development of this questionnaire has given us great insight towards our residents' thoughts regarding clinical teaching and supervision. Results show that supervision is in general regarded as a positive experience and the learning environment is perceived as pleasant and nurturing. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Évaluation de la Santé/statistiques et données numériques , Service hospitalier de gynécologie et d'obstétrique/statistiques et données numériques , Enseignement médical/statistiques et données numériques , Évaluation des acquis scolaires/statistiques et données numériques , Internat et résidence/statistiques et données numériques , Mentors/enseignement et éducation , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Autonomie professionnelle , Enseignement médical/organisation et administration , Programmes Postgradués en Santé , Corps enseignant et administratif en médecine/psychologie , Corps enseignant et administratif en médecine/tendances , Internat et résidence/organisation et administration , Apprentissage
Vertex rev. argent. psiquiatr ; 24(109): 215-20, 2013 May-Jun.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1176904


From the Pedagogical Advisory of Italian Hospital’s University Institute is a need to develop training processes regarding teaching practices that promote changes in regular teaching proposals. Teachers "in training", involved in counseling under the Teacher Education Program, in most cases have a career in the practice of teaching. That’s why it is intended to recover their experiences and, at the same time, conduct them to a critical analysis towards improving their daily work. In this paper we review, and consider the perspective of those who have been trained under this system, the principles supporting the pedagogical counseling approach: the dialectical relationship between theory and practice, the reflection on action, and interventions redefinitions towards maintaining and reviewing its educational purposes.

Science/enseignement et éducation , Corps enseignant , Santé , Programme d'études
Vertex rev. argent. psiquiatr ; 24(109): 179-83, 2013 May-Jun.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1176908


The Portfolio is an assessment tool of learning that recently appears in academic forums, and since 2008 is part of the University Teacher Education Program (Teaching Training) at University Institute of Hospital Italiano. Was included to allow teachers reflect on their own practices and accompany them in their educational work everyday. This paper shares the evaluative experience focused on the educational value of the writing process of the Portfolio, as long as is a reflection and a learning tool, by the relationship that promotes between theory and practice. Writing promotes psychological processes that enable students gain new meanings of the knowledge and take over them. At the same time, it can attend the construction of practical rationality that governs the ways of intervening in the classroom, because they write and reflect from their own teaching work. They have been introduced changes in the proposed during the course of its implementation to preserve its purposes: to accompany the draft review, jointly define index, etc. Students point that it is high impact training and conclude that writing is re-think about what they have learned, and therefore keep learning.

Science/enseignement et éducation , Corps enseignant , Santé , Compétence professionnelle , Humains
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