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Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2019. 148 p. ilus, tab.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1426675


Baseados nos pressupostos da Teoria de Liderança Autêntica, líderes e liderados têm a oportunidade de encontrar maior sentido nas atividades exercidas, garantindo maior comprometimento no trabalho. Dada a carência de líderes na área da saúde e, em especial na enfermagem, fez-se imperativo, após adaptação do Authentic Leadership Questionnaire - ALQ para o contexto brasileiro, já concretizado por outro pesquisador da área de enfermagem, testar suas propriedades psicométricas em uma amostra de profissionais enfermeiros e validá-lo, tornando-o profícuo para Brasil. O estudo objetiva testar a validade do Questionário de Liderança Autêntica (ALQ) após sua adaptação cultural para o português do Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo metodológico e de corte transversal. A população do estudo foram 200 enfermeiros que responderam às duas versões do Questionário de Liderança Autêntica - ALQ, versão "Avaliando o meu jeito de liderar", e a versão "Avaliando o seu líder". Portanto, um mesmo indivíduo respondeu o questionário duas vezes: 1) tendo em vista o perfil de liderança do seu chefe imediato (RATER); e 2) tendo em vista seu perfil de liderança (SELF). Filtrou-se as observações completas das versões do ALQ e foram considerados 181 questionários para a análise dos dados. Analisou-se o perfil da amostra por meio de análise descritiva, e procedeu-se à validação das duas escalas a partir da Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (AFC) com abordagem mais exploratória. Os modelos foram estimados por Máxima Verossimilhança (MV). No caso dos dois modelos finais, modificados à luz da teoria, estimou-se a qualidade do ajustamento local por meio de pesos fatoriais (>0,50), utilizou-se a fiabilidade compósita (FC > 0,70) e para cada fator, a variância média extraída (VME > 0,50). Conferiu-se as VME de cada fator com o quadrado da correlação entre os fatores, para analisar a validade discriminante. Elegeu-se o modelo Higher-Order, tanto para a escala RATER como para a escala SELF. Atesta, no caso da escala RATER a forte dependência de um fator de ordem superior. Além disso, os altos pesos fatoriais entre os itens que ficaram no modelo final e os quatro fatores corroboram sua validade convergente. Na escala SELF, os pesos fatoriais entre os itens remanescentes e os quatro fatores foram altos e significativos. Por fim, o questionário de Liderança Autêntica está apresentado na seguinte formatação: Avaliando meu jeito de liderar (escala SELF) com os itens 1 a 3 para o fator Transparência Relacional, itens 4 e 5 para Perspectiva Moral, itens 6 e 7 para Processamento Equilibrado e itens 8 a 10 para Autoconsciência. Avaliando o seu líder (escala RATER) com os itens 1 a 3 para Transparência Relacional, 4 e 5 para Perspectiva Moral, 6 a 8 para Processamento Equilibrado e 9 a 11 para Autoconsciência. Os resultados apontados da validação das propriedades psicométricas do instrumento ALQ permitem a disponibilização de um instrumento válido, confiável e específico para avaliação da Liderança Autêntica na população de Enfermeiros dos serviços de saúde do Brasil

Based on the assumptions of the Authentic Leadership Theory, leaders and those who have been led have the opportunity to find greater meaning in their activities assuring greater commitment to work. Given the lack of leaders in the health area, especially in nursing field, it is necessary adapting Authentic Leadership Questionnaire - ALQ for the Brazilian context, already accomplished by another researcher of the nursing area, testing its psychometric properties in a sample of nursing professionals and to validate it, making the instrument valid and reliable for the target culture. The study aims to test the validity of the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) after its cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese. This is a methodological and cross-sectional study. The study population consisted of 200 nurses who responded to the two versions of the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ), the "Assessing my way to lead" version, and the "Evaluating its leader" version. Therefore, the same individual answered the questionnaire twice: 1) in view of the leadership profile of his immediate boss (RATER); and 2) in view of their leadership profile (SELF). The complete observations of the ALQ versions were filtered and 181 questionnaires were considered for data analysis. The profile of the sample was analyzed by means of descriptive analysis, and the two scales were validated from the Factorial Confirmatory Analysis (AFC) with a more exploratory approach. The models were estimated by Maximum Likelihood (MV). In the case of the two final models, modified in the light of the theory, the quality of the local adjustment by factorial weights (> 0.50) and the individual reliability of the items were evaluated through composite reliability (HR> 0.70) and variance (VME> 0.50) for each factor. In the case of more than one factor, the discriminant validity was evaluated by comparing the EMRs of each factor with the square of the correlation between the factors. The Higher-Order model was chosen for both the RATER scale and the SELF scale. In the case of the RATER scale, it is strongly dependent on a higher order factor. In addition, the high factor weights between the items that remained in the final model and the four factors corroborate their convergent validity. In the SELF scale, the factorial weights between the remaining items and the four factors were high and significant. Finally, the authentic leadership questionnaire is presented in the following format: Evaluating my way of leading (SELF scale) with items 1 to 3 for the Relational Transparency factor, items 4 and 5 for Moral Perspective, items 6 and 7 for Balanced Processing and items 8 to 10 for Self-Awareness. Evaluating your leader (RATER scale) with items 1 to 3 for Relational Transparency, 4 and 5 for Moral Perspective, 6 to 8 for Balanced Processing, and 9 to 11 for Self-Awareness. The validated results of the validation of the psychometric properties of the ALQ instrument allow the availability of a valid, reliable and specific instrument to evaluate the authentic leadership in the population of Nurses of the Brazilian health services

Humains , Psychométrie , Services de santé , Leadership , Infirmiers
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2018. 186 p. tab.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1428020


A Teoria da Liderança Autêntica baseia-se na filosofia e na psicologia, ao propor construir organizações mais autênticas, com líderes mais conscientes e relações mais transparentes e éticas. Este estudo, de delineamento metodológico, teve como objetivo realizar a adaptação cultural do Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) para a língua portuguesa no contexto da enfermagem brasileira. Esse instrumento, original em língua inglesa, possui duas versões, SELF e RATER, com o intuito de avaliar a autenticidade do líder e do liderado. O ALQ possui 16 itens distribuídos em quatro domínios: Transparência nos Relacionamentos; Perspectiva Moral e Ética; Processamento Equilibrado de Informações e Autoconsciência, com afirmações que são respondidas por uma escala Likert de zero a quatro pontos, sendo raramente/nunca (0 ponto), de vez em quando (1 ponto), às vezes (2 pontos), frequentemente (3 pontos) e muitas vezes, quase sempre (4 pontos). Assim, a pontuação varia de zero a sessenta e quatro, no qual os maiores valores refletem a maior a autenticidade do líder. O processo de adaptação seguiu todos os pressupostos necessários recomendados aos estudos metodológicos. As duas versões do questionário foram inicialmente traduzidas para o português, dando origem a duas outras versões que foram analisadas pelo comitê de juízes I, resultando na síntese da tradução de cada versão. As versões produzidas foram submetidas às retrotraduções e, posteriormente encaminhadas ao principal autor do ALQ. Ao serem acatadas as sugestões, foi realizada nova retrotradução das duas versões e, após sintetizadas, foram encaminhadas ao comitê de juízes II afim de garantir a equivalência cultural, conceitual e idiomática entre o instrumento original e o traduzido, o qual originou uma versão final para aplicação no pré-teste. Nesta etapa, foi verificada a validade de face e de conteúdo de todos os itens de ambas as versões do ALQ, por meio da aplicação da taxa de concordância de pelo menos 80% entre os participantes. Os membros do comitê de juízes I e II foram compostos por especialistas. O pré-teste foi realizado com 80 enfermeiros, sendo: 64 Assistenciais, 8 Supervisores e 7 Coordenadores de Enfermagem, atuantes em diversas clínicas de cinco hospitais de duas cidades da região Centro Oeste do país. Os dados foram coletados no período de junho a agosto de 2016. Posteriormente, um dos autores do instrumento atestou que ambas as versões foram devidamente traduzidas e adaptadas. Considerando que a validação de um instrumento é um processo acumulativo, o questionário, nas duas versões SELF e RATER, deverá ser submetido a novos estudos, no intuito de avaliar as propriedades psicométricas, a fim de disponibilizar um instrumento válido e confiável para os pesquisadores, que objetivem ter uma melhor compreensão no que se refere a autenticidade dos profissionais enfermeiros atuantes nas instituições brasileiras

The Theory of Authentic Leadership is based on philosophy and psychology as it proposes the establishment of more authentic organizations, with more conscious leaders and more transparent and ethical relations. The objective of this methodological study was to perform the cultural adaptation of the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) to Portuguese in the context of Brazilian Nursing. This instrument, originally written in English, has two versions, SELF and RATER: one assesses the authenticity of leaders and the other assesses the authenticity of those under leadership. ALQ has 16 items distributed into four domains: Relational Transparency; Moral Perspective and Ethics; Balanced Processing of Information; and Self-Awareness with statements answered on a four-point Likert scale: rarely/never (0 points), once in a while (1 point), sometimes (2 points), often (3 points), and very often, almost always (4 points). Hence, scores range from zero to 64; the higher the score, the more authentic a leader is. The adaptation process followed all the recommendations for methodological studies. Both versions (SELF and RATER) were initially translated to Portuguese and resulted in two other versions. An expert committee analyzed the versions and a synthesis of each version was obtained. These versions were then back translated and sent to the main author of the original ALQ. Changes were implemented according to the author's suggestion and the two versions were back translated once again. The syntheses were submitted to a second expert committee in order to ensure cultural, conceptual and idiomatic equivalences, resulting in the final version that was used in a pre-test. Face and content validity of all items of both versions was verified at this point by employing an inter-rater agreement of at least 80%. Both committees were composed of experts. The pre-test was applied to 80 nurses: 64 clinical nurses, eight supervisors, and seven nursing coordinators, who worked in various clinics of five hospitals located in two cities in the Midwest region of Brazil. Data were collected from June to August 2016. Afterwards, one of the instrument's authors certified that both versions were properly translated and adapted. Considering that the validation of an instrument is a cumulative process, the questionnaire in its two versions, SELF and RATER, should be submitted to new investigations in order to assess its psychometric properties and make available a valid and reliable instrument for researchers intending to acquire a better understanding in terms of authenticity of nurses working in Brazilian institutions

Adaptation psychologique , Culture organisationnelle , Gestion de la Santé , Leadership , Infirmières et infirmiers
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-502736


Objective To explore the impact of authentic leadership on silence behavior of nurses and test the mediating effect of organizational support. Methods The 354 valid questionnaires were collected using the a cross-sectional survey with Authentic Leadership Questionnaire, Perceived Organizational Support Scale and Silence Behavior Scale between September to November in 2015, using the multiple line hierarchical regression analysis to test the relationship between variables. Results Authentic leadership could significantly promote the perceived organizational support of subordinate nurses (β= 0.543, P<0.01), which in turn, significantly restrain silence behavior of subordinate nurses (β=-0.323, P<0.01), the perceived organizational support completely mediate the relationship between authentic leadership and silence behavior (β=0.175, P<0.01). Conclusions By constructing the supporting work environment, authentic leadership can eliminates nurses′ voice worry, motivates the voice motivation and efficiency, in turn to break the silence. This article propose the action mechanisms from three perspectives.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 564-567, 2016.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876989


OBJECTIVE: To explore the relationship of authentic leadership,job engagement and turnover intention in civil servants of tax system. METHODS: A total of 414 tax system civil servants were selected from 8 local tax bureaus and 6national tax bureaus by convenience sampling as the study subjects. They were investigated by the questionnaires of Authentic Leadership Scale,Job Engagement Scale and Turnover Intention Scale. RESULTS: The average scores of authentic leadership,job engagement and turnover intention in the 414 tax system civil servants were( 3. 28 ± 0. 76),( 3. 56 ±0. 68) and( 2. 50 ± 0. 90) respectively. There were 69 servants( 16. 7 %) and 77 servants( 18. 6 %) in the high turnover intention group and low turnover intention group respectively. Authentic leadership was positively related to job engagement[correlation coefficient( r) = 0. 376,P < 0. 01] but negatively correlated with turnover intention( r =- 0. 357,P <0. 01). The job engagement was negatively correlated with turnover intention( r =- 0. 425,P < 0. 01). Job engagement was the intermediate( 41. 7 % of the total effect) variable between authentic leadership and turnover intention. CONCLUSION: The job engagement of civil servants in the tax system partially mediated the relationship between authentic leadership and turnover intention.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 29: 40, 2016. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-909897


The Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) is used to assess authentic leadership (AL). Although ALQ is often used in empirical research, cross-cultural studies with this measure are scarce. Aiming to contribute to filling this gap, this study assesses the invariance of the ALQ measure between samples of Brazilian (N= 1019) and Portuguese (N= 842) employees. A multi-group confirmatory factor analysis was performed, and the results showed the invariance of the first- and second-order factor models between the Brazilian and Portuguese samples. The results are discussed considering their cultural setting, with the study's limitations and future research directions being pointed out. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Comparaison interculturelle , Leadership , Culture organisationnelle , Reproductibilité des résultats , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Traductions , Brésil , Organismes , Portugal , Psychométrie
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-19624


PURPOSE: This study was done to determine the influential factors related to organizational citizenship behavior of nurses with a focus on authentic leadership and organizational justice. METHODS: The study participants were 186 nurses who work at K University Hospitals in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. Data were collected in September and October, 2013. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection and data were analyzed using the SPSS/Window program. RESULTS: The factor most influential for organizational citizenship behavior was authentic leadership (beta=.371, p<.001), followed by organizational justice (beta=.221, p=.005), and marital status (beta=.142, p=.023). These factors accounted for 30.7% of the variance in organizational citizenship behavior. CONCLUSION: In order to enhance organizational citizenship behavior of nurses, strategies for human resource management, which improve the perception of head nurses' authentic leadership and organizational justice, are required.

Humains , Collecte de données , Tête , Hôpitaux universitaires , Leadership , Situation de famille , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Séoul , Justice sociale