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Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 234-237, 2023.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991612


Objective:To learn about the cognition of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) prevention knowledge among key population in the IDD area of Jilin Province, and to evaluate the effect of health education.Methods:From 2015 to 2019, 10 counties (cities, districts, hereinafter referred to as counties) in Jilin Province were selected as project counties every year. Public health education covered the entire project county. In each project county, 3 project townships were selected, and students of grades 4-6 were selected from the central primary schools of each project township for school health education. In each project township, 3 project villages were selected to carry out community health education. Before and after health education, 30 fifth-grade students were selected from the central primary school of each project township, and 15 housewives were selected from the vicinity of each primary school to conduct a questionnaire survey on IDD prevention knowledge.Results:After health education, the overall awareness rate of IDD prevention knowledge among primary school students and housewives in Jilin Province was 96.26% (13 324/13 842) and 96.40% (6 819/7 074), which was significantly higher than that before the intervention [65.36% (9 032/13 818) and 71.26% (5 039/7 071)], and the differences were statistically significant (χ 2 = 4 258.34, 1 647.92, P < 0.001), and the awareness rates of primary school students and housewives increased by 30.90% and 25.14%, respectively. Conclusion:Health education has significantly increased the awareness rate of IDD prevention knowledge among key populations in Jilin Province, and is an important measure to ensure the continuous elimination of IDD.

International Eye Science ; (12): 187-192, 2023.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960933


AIM: To determine the students' satisfaction with the three teaching modes in the contact lens course and provide suggestions to improve teaching quality.METHODS: We conducted a survey at Tianjin Medical University in June 2021 using the Students' Evaluations of Educational Quality(SEEQ)questionnaire. We used descriptive statistics to analyze SEEQ items and the One-way ANOVA was used to determine differences in scores among the three modes.RESULTS: Among the 221 valid responses collected, 87(39.4%)respondents were males and 134(60.6%)were females. The total scores were 151.46(12.45), 148.71(13.14), and 147.97(14.56)for offline, online, and blended teaching, respectively, with no significant difference(F=1.10, P=0.33). Students had a longer interaction time with the teacher in offline teaching than in online and blended teaching(P=0.03). The three different teaching modes have no significant difference among genders or academic performance(P=0.33, P=0.91, respectively). Furthermore, 18.1% of students suggested that the amount of experiment time should be increased.CONCLUSION: Students were satisfied with all three teaching modes. However, they had more interaction time with teachers in traditional offline teaching compared with online and blended teaching. More time is needed to increase teachers' online teaching ability.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(supl.1): e2023S115, 2023.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449119


SUMMARY Women and men can have the same illnesses, but with different prevalence and reactions to symptoms. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to emphasize that distinct traits between men and women require a different approach for each of them. METHODS: PubMed and Google Scholar were searched using the following terms: Disability Evaluations, Women's health, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, and Lymphedema, Pregnancy. RESULTS/CONCLUSION: Disease management can go beyond the symptoms, assessing the long-term consequences and possibly the disabilities they can generate, compromising the quality of life of the person, his/her family members, and eventually caregivers.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 39(4): 442-449, oct. 2022. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1424344


Objetivos. Determinar los factores sociodemográficos, clínicos y radiológicos asociados al tiempo de progresión de discapacidad en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple (EM). Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal analítico, basado en registros de la historia clínica de pacientes del Instituto Neurológico de Colombia, entre el 2013 y 2021. La progresión a discapacidad de los pacientes con EM se definió como el tiempo hasta un aumento de por lo menos 0,5 puntos en el valor de la EDSS (del inglés Expanded Disability Status Scale), sostenido por al menos seis meses. Se usó un modelo de regresión de Cox para estimar la función de supervivencia y los hazard ratios (HR) con sus intervalos de confianza de 95% (IC 95%). Resultados. Se incluyeron 216 pacientes, de los cuales el 25% progresó a discapacidad, la mediana de supervivencia fue de 78 meses (RIC 95%: 70−83), las lesiones activas (HR = 1,94; IC 95%: 1,10−3,44), el sexo masculino (HR = 2,5; IC 95%: 1,32−4,73), y las enfermedades neurológicas (HR = 2,18; IC95%: 1,03−4,61) se asociaron en el modelo multivariado. Conclusiones. La mediana de tiempo de progresión hacia la discapacidad fue de 72 meses. Las lesiones activas captadas en resonancia magnética y el sexo masculino se asociaron con mayor progresión de la discapacidad, con resultados estadísticamente significativos en el modelo multivariado.

Objectives. To determine the sociodemographic, clinical and radiological factors associated with time to disability progression in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Materials and methods. Cross-sectional descriptive study with an analytical component, based on clinical records of patients at the Neurological Institute of Colombia, between 2013 and 2021. Progression to disability in MS patients was defined as the time to an increase of at least 0.5 points in the EDSS (Expanded Disability Status Scale) score, sustained for at least six months. A Cox regression model was used to estimate the survival function and Hazard Ratios (HR) with their 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Results. We included 216 patients, of whom 25% progressed to disability, median survival was 78 months (95% CI: 70-83), active lesions (HR = 1.94; 95% CI: 1.10-3.44), cerebellar complications (HR = 2.03; 95% CI: 0. 99-4.16), being male (HR = 2.5; 95% CI: 1.32-4.73), and having neurological diseases (HR = 2.18; 95% CI: 1.03-4.61) were associated as risk factors. While relapsing remitting MS (HR = 0.63; 95% CI: 0.31-1.26) and age at diagnosis less than 40 years (HR = 0.96; 95% CI: 0.53-1.76) were associated as protective factors. Conclusions. Progression is affected by many factors, and there is no single independent factor.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Analyse multifactorielle , Personnes handicapées , Sclérose en plaques , Patients , Survie (démographie)
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2022. 201 f p. tab, fig, graf.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425263


Esta tese objetivou identificar estratégias de triagem para infecção latente por Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) ­ ILTB em profissionais de saúde que viabilizem o uso mais eficiente dos recursos disponíveis. No Brasil, recomenda-se que os profissionais de saúde, um dos grupos de risco para a ILTB, realizem triagem periódica para detecção da infecção e aqueles que apresentarem conversão aos testes de diagnóstico, indica-se o tratamento preventivo da tuberculose (TB) ­ TPT uma vez que pessoas com conversão recente apresentam elevada chance de progressão para a doença. Desenvolvemos, no primeiro artigo, um modelo preditivo para identificar profissionais de saúde com maior probabilidade de resultado negativo para dois testes de diagnóstico da ILTB a partir de uma análise secundária de dados publicados anteriormente de 708 profissionais de saúde da atenção primária, de cinco capitais brasileiras, submetidos à prova tuberculínica (PT) e ao Quantiferon®-TB Gold in-tube (QFT-IT®). Construímos um modelo preditivo utilizando árvore de classificação e regressão (CART, classification and regression tree). A avaliação do desempenho foi realizada por meio da análise receiver operating characteristics (ROC) e area under the curve (AUC). Utilizou-se o mesmo banco de dados para validação cruzada do modelo. Entre os 708 profissionais de saúde, 247 (34,9%) apresentaram resultado negativo para os testes. A CART identificou que os médicos e agentes comunitários de saúde apresentaram chances duas vezes maior de testes negativos (probabilidade = 0,60) do que os enfermeiros e técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem (probabilidade = 0,28) naqueles com menos de 5,5 anos de atuação na atenção primária. Na validação cruzada, a acurácia do modelo preditivo foi de 68% [intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) 65 ­ 71) ], AUC de 62% (IC95% 58 ­ 66), especificidade de 78% (IC95% 74 ­ 81) e sensibilidade de 44% (IC95% 38 ­ 50). Apesar do baixo poder preditivo do modelo, a CART permitiu identificar subgrupos com maior probabilidade de terem ambos os testes negativos. No segundo artigo, analisou-se a razão de custo-efetividade de dois testes de sensibilidade cutânea baseados em antígenos específicos do Mtb -Diaskintest® e C-TST® - e a do QFT-Plus® para o diagnóstico da ILTB comparadas com a estratégia diagnóstica atual (PT) entre profissionais de saúde. Desenvolveu-se um modelo analítico de decisão, representado por coorte hipotética de 100.000 profissionais de saúde, de ambos os sexos, com resultado negativo para a PT no ano anterior, horizonte temporal de cinco anos, na perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde. Avaliaram-se três regimes de tratamento para a ILTB: três meses de doses semanais de rifapentina (900 mg) e isoniazida (900 mg) (3HP), seis e nove meses de doses diárias de isoniazida (300 mg) (6H e 9H, respectivamente). Aplicou-se taxa de desconto de 5% na efetividade, medida em casos de TB ativa evitados, e nos custos das estratégias de triagem e de tratamento avaliados, estimados em dólares americanos (US$) com taxa média anual de 2021 de acordo com o Banco Central (US$ 1 = 5,39 reais). Foram realizadas análises de sensibilidade determinística univariada e probabilística. Os testes Diaskintest®, C-TST® e QFT-Plus® apresentam maior especificidade (0,98, 0,98 e 0,97, respectivamente). Os custos com QFT-Plus® foram maiores devido aos equipamentos, mão de obra e ao custo do kit. O Diaskintest® foi o teste mais econômico (US$ 7.042, US$ 5.781 e US$ 18.892 por caso de TB ativa evitado para os regimes de tratamento com 3HP, 6H e 9H, respectivamente), inclusive nas análises de sensibilidade. No cenário nacional, o Diaskintest® foi o teste de melhor custo-efetividade para avaliação anual dos profissionais de saúde.

This thesis aimed to identify screening strategies for tuberculosis infection (TBI) in healthcare workers (HCW) that enable the most efficient use of available resources. Investigation of TBI in HCWs is recommended in Brazil as part of the worker's pre-employment and periodic (annual) health visits. HCWs with a first tuberculin skin test (TST) induration < 10 mm are invited to repeat the test in one to three weeks to assess the booster effect (induration size increment of 10 mm). Those with a persistent TST < 10 mm will undergo a one-step TST every 12 months. TPT is recommended when conversion (10 mm increment over latest induration size) occurs. We developed, in the first manuscript, a predictive model to identify HCWs best targeted for TBI screening. We carried out a secondary analysis of previously published results of 708 HCWs working in primary care services in five Brazilian State capitals who underwent two TBI tests: tuberculin skin test and Quantiferon®-TB Gold in-tube. We used a classification and regression tree (CART) model to predict HCWs with negative results for both tests. The performance of the model was evaluated using the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve and the area under the curve (AUC), cross-validated using the same dataset. Among the 708 HCWs, 247 (34.9%) had negative results for both tests. CART allowed us to identify that physicians or a community health agents were twice more likely to be uninfected (probability = 0.60) than registered or aid nurse (probability = 0.28) when working less than 5.5 years in the primary care setting. In cross validation, the predictive accuracy was 68% [95% confidence interval (95%CI): 65 ­ 71], AUC was 62% (95%CI 58 ­ 66), specificity was 78% (95%CI 74 ­ 81), and sensitivity was 44% (95%CI 38 ­ 50). Despite the low predictive power of this model, CART allowed to identify subgroups with higher probability of having both tests negative. In the second manuscript, we analyzed the cost-effectiveness of two TB antigen-based skin tests (TBST) using the recombinant ESAT-6 and CFP-10 immunogens (Diaskintest® and C-TST®) and of QFT-Plus® for TBI diagnosis compared with the current standard of care, TST, among HCWs in Brazil. A state-transition Markov model was created, simulating a cohort of 100,000 HCWs (five annual cycles) for TBI treatment scenarios with 3 months of weekly doses of rifapentine (900 mg) and isoniazid (900 mg) (3HP). We adopted the Brazilian public health system perspective. Effects [tuberculosis disease (TBD) averted) and costs for screening and treating TBI were discounted at 5%. Incremental cost-effectiveness per TBD averted was calculated. Hypothetical cohort of 100,000 HCWs of both sexes with a negative result of TST in the previous year. Diaskintest®, C-TST® and QFT-Plus® tests have higher specificity (0.98, 0.98 and 0.97, respectively). Costs with QFT-Plus® were higher due to equipment, human labor and cost of the kit by test. Diaskintest® was the most cost-effective test (US$ 7,042, US$ 5,781, and US$18,892 per case of TBD averted for the 3HP, 6H, and 9H treatment regimens, respectively), including sensitivity analyses. In the Brazilian scenario, Diaskintest® is the most cost-effective test for sequential testing of HCWs.

Évaluation de la technologie biomédicale , Analyse coût-bénéfice , Personnel de santé , Tuberculose latente/diagnostic
Clinics ; 77: 100080, 2022. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404327


Abstract Economic assessments are relevant to support the decision to incorporate more cost-effective strategies to reduce Cervical Cancer (CC) mortality. This systematic review analyzes the economic evaluation studies of CC prevention strategies (HPV DNA-based tests and conventional cytology) in low- and middle-income countries. Medline, EMBASE, CRD, and LILACS were searched for economic evaluation studies that reported cost and effectiveness measures of HPV DNA-based tests for CC screening and conventional cytology in women, without age, language, or publication date restrictions. Selection and data extraction were carried out independently. For comparability of results, cost-effectiveness measures were converted to international dollars (2019). Report quality was assessed using the CHEERS checklist. The Dominance Matrix Ranking (DRM) was used to analyze and interpret the results. The review included 15 studies from 12 countries, with cost-effectiveness analyzes from the health system's perspective and a 3% discount rate. The strategies varied in age and frequency of screening. Most studies used the Markov analytical model, and the cost-benefit threshold was based on the per capita GDP of each country. The sensitivity analysis performed in most studies was deterministic. The completeness of the report was considered sufficient in most of the items evaluated by CHEERS. The Dominance Interpretation (DRM) varied; in 6 studies, the HPV test was dominant, 5 studies showed a weak dominance evaluating greater effectiveness of the HPV test at a higher cost, yet in 2 studies conventional cytology was dominant. Although the context-dependent nature of economic evaluations, this review points out the challenge of methodological standardization in the analytical models.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 25: e200187, 2021.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154568


A avaliação externa do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB) ocorreu para verificação in loco dos itens pactuados entre os municípios e o Ministério da Saúde. Equipes foram constituídas e treinadas e viajaram a campo para coletar dados no Piauí. Objetivou-se compreender os significados da experiência da avaliação externa no PMAQ-AB atribuídos pelos supervisores e entrevistadores no estado do Piauí. Desenvolvemos uma pesquisa qualitativa a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Exploramos três unidades de significado: memórias que vivi, que senti e que percebi. O trabalho das equipes foi longo, intenso e desafiador. Percebemos uma realidade diversa da Atenção Básica à Saúde, destacando a necessidade de organização e funcionamento dos serviços. Ademais, os encontros dos entrevistadores com os usuários, profissionais e gestores dispararam reflexões importantes quanto à Atenção Básica à Saúde no Piauí. (AU)

The external evaluation of the National Program for Improving Primary Care Access and Quality (PMAQ-AB) was conducted to assess the items agreed between municipalities and the Ministry of Health in loco. Teams were formed and trained and travelled to the field to collect data in the State of Piauí. The aim of the study was to understand the meanings of the PMAQ-AB external evaluation experience assigned by supervisors and interviewers in Piauí. We conducted a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews exploring three units of meaning: memories that I experienced, what I felt, and what I realized. The work was long, intense and challenging. We witnessed varying primary health care realities, highlighting the need to organize and make the services work. The interviewees' meetings with the service users, professionals and managers stimulated important reflections on primary health care in Piauí. (AU)

La evaluación externa del Programa Nacional de Mejora del Acceso y de la Calidad de la Atención Básica (PMAQ-AB, por sus siglas en portugués) se realizó para la verificación in situ de los ítems pactados entre los municipios y el Ministerio de la Salud. Se constituyeron y capacitaron equipos que viajaron a campo para colectar datos en el Estado de Piauí. El objetivo fue comprender los significados de la experiencia de la evaluación externa en el PMA1-AB atribuidos por los supervisores y entrevistadores en el Estado de Piauí. Desarrollamos una investigación cualitativa a partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Exploramos tres unidades de significado: memorias que viví, que sentí, que percibí. El trabajo de los equipos fue largo, intenso y desafiador. Percibimos una realidad diversa de la Atención Básica de la Salud, destacándose la necesidad de organización y funcionamiento de los servicios. Además, los encuentros de los entrevistadores con los usuarios, profesionales y gestores desencadenaron reflexiones importantes con relación a la Atención Básica de la Salud en el Estado de Piauí. (AU)

Évaluation de programme/méthodes , Gestion de la Santé , Récit personnel , Entretiens comme sujet/méthodes , Recherche qualitative
Psicol. teor. prát ; 22(2): 444-457, May-Aug. 2020. tab
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1125456


Generally, it is assumed that practicing sports may contribute to developing positive self-perceptions. However, this assumption is still controversial, especially in competitive sports, which is characterized by high amounts of pressure and possible frustrations. Therefore, this study aims to investigate and compare the core self-evaluations (CSE) of three groups of college students: competitive sports practitioners (CSP), recreational sports practitioners (RSP), and non-practitioners (NP). Participants were 703 college students from different regions of Brazil. Covariance analyses showed that CSP had significantly higher CSE means than RSP (p < 0.05) and NP (p < 0.001). The RSP also presented significantly higher means than NP (p < 0.001). Despite the controversies, the results demonstrate that individuals who practice sports, even at a competitive level, may present more positive CSE, which contributes to better adaptation to different life demands and greater personal agency.

Espera-se que o engajamento em práticas esportivas contribua para o desenvolvimento de autopercepções positivas. Porém, há controvérsias sobre esse pressuposto, sobretudo no esporte competitivo, que é caracterizado por maior pressão e possíveis frustrações. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar e comparar as avaliações autorreferentes centrais (AAC) de três grupos de universitários: praticantes de esportes em nível competitivo (PEC), praticantes de esportes por lazer (PEL) e não praticantes (NP). Participaram 703 universitários de diferentes regiões do Brasil. As análises de covariância demonstraram que os PEC apresentaram médias de AAC significativamente maiores que os PEL (p < 0,05) e NP (p < 0,001). Os PEL também apresentaram médias significativamente maiores que os NP (p < 0,001). Os resultados demonstram que, apesar das controvérsias, indivíduos que praticam esportes, inclusive em nível competitivo, podem apresentar AAC mais positivas, o que contribui para uma melhor adaptação às diferentes demandas da vida e para um maior exercício da agência pessoal.

Psicologia do Esporte





Se espera que la práctica de deportes contribuya al desarrollo de autopercepciones positivas. Todavía, hay controversias sobre ese presupuesto, especialmente en el deporte competitivo, que se caracteriza por mayor presión y posibles frustraciones. Este estudio pretende investigar y comparar las evaluaciones auto-referentes centrales (EAC) de tres grupos de universitarios: practicantes de deportes a nivel competitivo (PDC), practicantes de deportes por ocio (PDO) y no practicantes (NP). Participaron 703 universitarios de diferentes regiones de Brasil. Los análisis de covariancia demostraron que PDC presentaron promedios de EAC significativamente mayores que PDO (p < 0,05) y NP (p < 0,001). PDO también presentaron promedios significativamente mayores que NP (p < 0,001). Los resultados demuestran que, a pesar de las controversias, individuos que practican deportes, incluso el competitivo, pueden presentar EAC más positivas, lo que contribuye a una mejor adaptación a las diferentes demandas de la vida y mayor ejercicio de la agencia personal.

Humains , Psychologie du sport , Auto-dépistage
Rev. lasallista investig ; 17(1): 188-213, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156726


Abstract Introduction. Do consumers prefer to support certain types of causes more than others? Today, many brands use cause-related marketing (CRM) in their strategies as a way to connect with consumers. However, little is known if consumers prefer to support certain types of causes more than others. Extant literature on CRM has long studied the role of brand/cause fit in the effectiveness of CRM campaigns. Somewhat surprisingly, almost no research has addressed the issue of whether certain types of causes (e.g., human-related causes) are more important to the consumer than other types of causes (e.g. non-human-related campaigns). Objective. Based on the self-categorization theory this study aims to understand the role of cause category (human vs. non-human) and willingness to support, on consumers' perceptions and behavioral intentions. Materials and methods. The methodology used in this research is experimental. Results. Cause category has a significant direct effect on people's willingness to support. Additionally, results showed that willingness to support has a positive direct effect on both brand evaluations and purchase intentions. Conclusions. Advance in the discussion on what type of causes should companies promote, by highlighting the importance of consumer's willingness to support as a requisite to improve brand as well as purchase intentions.

Resumen Introducción. ¿Los consumidores prefieren algún tipo de causas más que a otro? Hoy en día muchas marcas utilizan el marketing con causa en sus estrategias como una forma de conectarse con los consumidores. Sin embargo, poco se sabe si los consumidores prefieren apoyar ciertos tipos de causas más que a otros. La literatura existente sobre marketing con causa ha estudiado durante mucho tiempo el rol de la relación entre la marca y causa en la efectividad de las campañas de marketing con causa. Sorprendentemente, poco se ha explorado si ciertos tipos de causas (ej. dirigidas a humanos) son más importantes para el consumidor que otros tipos de causas (ej. no dirigidas a humanos). Objetivo. Realizar una explicación breve y clara explicación de la investigación basado en la teoría de la autocategorización, este estudio pretende comprender el papel de la categoría de causa (humana versus no humana) y la disposición de apoyar, en las percepciones de los consumidores y las intenciones de compra. Materiales y métodos. La metodología utilizada en este trabajo es experimental. Resultados. El tipo de causa tiene un efecto directo en la disposición para apoyar. Adicionalmente, la disposición para apoyar tiene un efecto directo positivo tanto en las evaluaciones de marca como en las intenciones de compra. Conclusiones. Se avanza en la discusión sobre qué tipo de causas deberían promover las empresas, destacando la importancia de la disposición de los consumidores a apoyar como un requisito para mejorar la marca y las intenciones de compra.

Resumo Introdução. ¿Os consumidores prefiram mais tipos de causas que são outro? Hoje em dia muitas marcas utilizam o marketing com base em estratégias como uma forma de conectar com os consumidores. Mas é uma questão de saber se você está interessado em saber quais são os tipos de causas mais comuns que outros. A publicação existente sobre marketing com relação a um longo período de tempo para estudar a relação entre a marca e a causa na efetividade das campanhas de marketing com causa. Objetivo. Basado na teoría de la autocategorización, este estudo pretende comprender o papel da categoría de causa (humana versus não humana) e a disposição de ajudar, nas percepções dos consumidores e as intenções de compra. Materiais e métodos. A metodologia utilizada neste trabalho é experimental. Resultados. A categoria de causa tem um efeito direto significativo na disposição das pessoas em apoiar. Além disso, os resultados mostraram que a disposição de apoiar tem um efeito positivo direto nas avaliações da marca e nas intenções de compra. Conclusões. A avanza na discusão sobre o tipo de causas favoráveis às empresas, destacando-se a importância da disposição dos consumidores, é um fator determinante para a compra da marca e as intenções de compra.

Rev. méd. Panamá ; 40(1): 30-35, ene.2020. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099684


Introducción: Los costes informales derivan de cuidados informales que es la atención prestada a un enfermo o discapacitado por parte de personas que no son profesionales socio sanitarios y que no reciben una remuneración económica. El objetivo del trabajo es explicar los costes informales en salud, su definición, su obtención, análisis y el im­ pacto en su incorporación en las evaluaciones económicas en salud. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda del tema sobre costes informales en la base de datos de Medline­Pubmed y en la búsqueda de la biblioteca de la Universidad Carlos III Madrid vía internet a través de varias bases de datos como EconLit y ABI/IN­ FORM collection. Resultados: Se define los cuidados informales, los métodos para su medición en tiempo, en preferencias reveladas, preferencias establecidos fijados, otros métodos, la importan­ cia de incorporar los costos informales en las evaluaciones económicas en salud. Conclusión: La evaluación económica a nivel de la perspectiva de la sociedad se debe incluir, pero muchas veces se realiza según el pagador por lo difícil que puede ser su medición.

Introduction: Informal costs derive from informal care, which is the care provided to a sick or disabled person by people who are not socio­health professionals and who do not receive financial compensation. The objective of the work is to explain the informal costs in health, its definition, its obtaining, analysis and the impact on its incorporation in the economic health evaluations. Material and methods: A search of the topic on informal costs was carried out in the Medli­ ne­Pubmed database and in the search of the Carlos III Madrid University library via the In­ ternet through several databases such as EconLit and ABI / INFORM collection. Results: Informal care is defined, the methods for its measurement in time, in revealed preferences, established preferences, other methods, the importance of incorporating informal costs in economic health evaluations. Conclusion: The economic evaluation at the level of the society perspective must be in­ cluded, but many times it is carried out according to the payer because of how difficult its measurement can be done

Évaluation de la Santé , Aidants/économie , Économie médicale/organisation et administration , Qualité de vie/psychologie , Bases de données bibliographiques , Évaluation des besoins
Acta odontol. Colomb. (En linea) ; 10(2): 100-111, 2020. tab, graf, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1123480


Objetivo: analizar y mejorar las prescripciones de antibióticos por parte de odontólo-gos, a través de una intervención educativa. Método: se realizó un estudio analizando las recetas de prescripción de medicamentos antes y después de la intervención educa-tiva, en el Instituto de Servicios Sociales de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. El es-tudio comprendió tres etapas; en la etapa A se identificaron problemas de prescripción, que fueron socializados con los profesionales durante la intervención educativa como parte de la etapa B, cuya modalidad consistió en dos entrevistas presenciales, con talle-res de discusión y debate. En esta se trabajó, además, con el informe de los resultados obtenidos en el análisis de situación de la etapa A. En la etapa C se analizó el impacto de la intervención educativa. Resultados: en la etapa A se observaron 417 recetas con 202 prescripciones de antibióticos, los más indicados fueron azitromicina (31%), amoxicilina con clavulánico (10%) y amoxicilina (8%). La adecuación de prescripción en relación a la indicación fue del 26%. En la etapa C, de un total de 191 recetas, se analizaron 107 rece-tas con prescripción de antibióticos. La amoxicilina fue el medicamento más prescripto (37%); la prescripción de azitromicina disminuyó a 14% y su adecuación fue del 46%. Ello evidenció una mejoría del 20%, la cual fue validada a través del test chi2 (p=0,00). Conclusión: por medio de la intervención educativa presencial es posible mejorar las prescripciones de antibióticos, no obstante se desconoce si el cambio de conducta prescriptiva se mantiene en el tiempo.

Objective: Analyze the antibiotic prescriptions by dentists and improve their prescription through an educational intervention. Method: This study was carried out with an educational intervention, in a Social Services Institute analyzing prescriptions for antibiotics pre- and post-intervention. The study included three stages, the first to identify prescription problems to were presented to professionals during the educational intervention, which included of two face-to-face interviews, with discussion and debate workshops. In the last stage, the impact of the educational intervention was analyzed. Results: Stage A: 417 prescriptions with 202 antibiotic prescriptions were observed, the most indicated were azithromycin (31%); amoxicillin with clavulanic (10%) and amoxicillin (8%). The adequacy of prescription concerning the indication was 26%; stage B corresponded to the educational intervention, through discussion and analysis of the situation. In step C of 191 recipes, 107 prescriptions with antibiotic prescription were analyzed, it was observed that the most prescribed was amoxicillin (37%) and the azithromycin prescription decreased to 14%. The adequacy was 46%, evidencing an improvement of 20%, validated through the chi2 test (p = 0.00). Conclusion: It was observed that through an educational intervention for prescribing professionals, antibiotic prescriptions could be improved, however, it is unknown if the change in prescriptive behavior is maintained over time.

Humains , Ordonnances médicamenteuses , Éducation , Azithromycine , Savoir , Dentistes , Amoxicilline , Antibactériens
Rev. colomb. psicol ; 28(1): 131-146, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013949


Abstract This study examined the mediating role of perceived job characteristics in the relationship between core self-evaluations (CSES) and job satisfaction. Data were collected from two independent samples of highly skilled workers in Argentina (190 scholars and 116 managers). The results from the structural equation modeling analysis revealed that perceived job characteristics partly mediated the relationship between CSES and job satisfaction in both samples (32% in sample 1 and 65% in sample 2), suggesting that those individuals with higher CSES tended to perceive their jobs as more resourceful (i.e., more rewarding, secure, and supportive), which increased their levels of job satisfaction. These findings were consistent with those reported in North-American and European organizational settings, which provided further support to the universality and cross-cultural generalizability of the CSE construct.

Resumen El estudio analizó el rol mediador que cumplen las características percibidas del trabajo en la relación entre las auto-evaluaciones esenciales (CSES) y la satisfacción laboral. Se recopilaron datos a partir de dos muestras independientes de trabajadores argentinos altamente calificados (190 académicos y 116 gerentes). Los resultados del análisis de ecuaciones estructurales reveló que las características percibidas del empleo mediaron parcialmente la relación entre las CSES y la satisfacción laboral en ambas muestras (32% en la muestra 1 y 65% en la muestra 2), lo cual sugiere que las personas con CSES más altas tienden a percibir sus empleos como más beneficiosos (es decir, más gratificantes, seguros y contenedores). Esto aumentó sus niveles de satisfacción laboral. Los resultados concuerdan con aquellos reportados en entornos organizacionales norteamericanos y europeos, lo que sustenta aún más la universalidad y la posibilidad de generalización transcultural del constructo CSE.

Resumo O estudo analisou o papel mediador das características percebidas do emprego na relação entre a core self-evaluations (CSES) e satisfação no trabalho. Os dados foram coletados de duas amostras independentes de trabalhadores argentinos altamente qualificados (190 acadêmicos e 116 gerentes). Os resultados da análise a partir da equação estrutural revelaram que as características de percepção do emprego mediaram parcialmente a relação entre as CSES e a satisfação no trabalho em ambas as amostras (32% na amostra 1 e 65% na amostra 2), sugerindo que pessoas com CSES mais altas tendem a perceber seus empregos como mais beneficiosos (isto é, mais gratificantes, seguros e solidários). O que aumentou seu nível de satisfação no trabalho. Os resultados concordam com os relatados em entornos organizacionais norte-americanos e europeus, o que apoia ainda mais a universalidade e a possibilidade de generalização transcultural do construto CSE.

Nucleus (La Habana) ; (65): 11-15, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091382


Abstract Metal artifacts are common in clinical images. Many methods for artifact reduction have been published to overcome this problem. In this work, animage smoothing method for artifact reduction (ISMAR) is proposed for image quality improvement in patients with hip prosthesis and dental fillings, which caused metal artifacts. ISMAR was evaluated and compared with three well-known methods for metal artifact reduction (linear interpolation (LI), normalized metal artifact reduction (NMAR) and frequency split metal artifact reduction (FSMAR)). The new method is based on edge-preserving smoothing via L0 Gradient Minimization filter. Image quality was evaluated by two experienced radiologists completely blinded to the information about if the image was processed or not to suppress the artifacts. They graded image quality in a five points-scale, where zero is an index of clear artifact presence, and five, a whole artifact suppression. The new method had the best results and it was statistically significant respect to the other tested methods (p < 0.05). This new method has a better performance in artifact suppression and tissue feature preservation.

Resumen Los artefactos metálicos son comunes en las imágenes clínicas. Muchos métodos para la reducción de los artefactos han sido publicados para superar este problema. En el presente trabajo, un método de suavizado de imágenes para la reducción de artefactos (ISMAR) es propuesto para mejorar la calidad de la imagen en pacientes con prótesis de cadera y empastes dentales, los cuales causaron artefactos metálicos. ISMAR fue evaluado y comparado con otros tres métodos reconocidos por su desempeño en la reducción de los artefactos metálicos (Interpolación lineal (LI), reducción de artefactos de metal normalizados (NMAR) y reducción de artefactos de metal divididos en frecuencia (FSMAR)). El nuevo método se basa en el suavizado y conservación de bordes, utilizando para ello el filtro de minimización de gradiente L0. La calidad de la imagen fue evaluada por dos radiólogos experimentados completamente ciegos a la información sobre si la imagen fue procesada o no para suprimir los artefactos. Ellos calificaron la calidad de la imagen en una escala de cinco puntos, donde el cero indica la presencia de artefactos, y el cinco, una supresión total de los artefactos. El nuevo método tuvo los mejores resultados y fue estadísticamente significativo con respecto a los otros métodos probados (p < 0.05). Este nuevo método tiene un mejor rendimiento en la supresión de artefactos y en la conservación de las características de los tejidos.

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 218-226, 2019.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738243


Objective: From the economic point of view, this study was to systematically assess the status quo on lung cancer screening in the world and to provide reference for further research and implementation of the programs, in China. Methods: PubMed, EMbase, The Cochrane Library,CNKI and Wanfang Data were searched to gather papers on studies related to economic evaluation regarding lung cancer screening worldwide, from the inception of studies to June 30(th), 2018. Basic characteristics, methods and main results were extracted. Quality of studies was assessed. Cost were converted to Chinese Yuan under the exchange rates from the World Bank. The ratio of incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) to local GDP per capita were calculated. Results: A total of 23 studies (only 1 randomized controlled trial) were included and the overall quality was accepted. 22 studies were from the developed countries. Nearly half of the studies (11 studies) took 55 years old as the starting age of the screening program. Smoking history was widely applied for the selection of criteria on target populations (18). Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) was involved in every study used to evaluate the economic effectiveness. Annual (17) and once-life time (7) screening were more common frequencies. 22 studies reported ICERs for LDCT screening, compared to no screening, of which 17 were less than 3 times local GDP per capita, and were considered as cost-effectiveness, according to the WHO's recommendation. 15 and 7 studies reported ICERs for annual and once-life time screening, of which 12 and 7 studies were in favor the results of their cost-effectiveness, respectively. Additionally, the cost-effectiveness of once-lifetime screening was likely to be superior to the annual screening. Differences of cost-effectiveness among the subgroups, by starting age or by the smoking history, might exist. Conclusions: Based on the studies, evidence from the developed countries demonstrated that LDCT screening programs on lung cancer, implemented among populations selected by age and smoking history, generally appeared more cost-effective. Combined with the local situation of health resource, the findings could provide direction for less developed regions/countries lacking of local evidence. Low frequency of LDCT screening for lung cancer could be adopted when budget was limited. Data on starting ages, smoking history and other important components related to the strategy of screening programs, needs to be precisely evaluated under the situation of local population.

Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Chine , Analyse coût-bénéfice , Dépistage précoce du cancer/méthodes , Tumeurs du poumon/prévention et contrôle , Années de vie ajustées sur la qualité , Essais contrôlés randomisés comme sujet
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-800337


Objective@#To explore the sensitivity and specificity of the Chinese version of the volume and viscosity swallowing test with modified safety and effectiveness indicators (VVST-CV) in assessing deglutition disorders.@*Methods@#The solvent, volume, viscosity, and test index of the volume and viscosity swallowing test were modified before it was used to evaluate 89 patients with swallowing disorders. The positive rates of the safety indexes (coughing, voice changes and blood oxygen saturation decline at least 3%) and the efficiency indexes (poor lip closure, oral residue, pharynx residue and swallowing) were recorded and compared and compared with the positive rates of penetration, aspiration and food residue determined by means of according to the videofluoroscopic swallowing study, then the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the modified VVST-CV with regard to the safety and efficiency of swallowing were calculated.@*Results@#The VVST-CV′s sensitivity in detecting dysphagia was 0.97. For impaired safety it was 0.85 and for impaired swallowing efficiency it was 0.95. The sensitivity of the coughing index was 0.65, that of sound change was 0.60 and that of oxygen saturation decrease was 0.42. The positive predictive values for coughing, sound change and oxygen saturation decrease were 0.98, 0.94 and 0.94, respectively.@*Conclusion@#The VVST-CV is simple, feasible and sensitive. It can be widely useful in the evaluation of dysphagia in clinical practice.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-824800


Objective To explore the sensitivity and specificity of the Chinese version of the volume and viscosity swallowing test with modified safety and effectiveness indicators ( VVST-CV) in assessing deglutition disor-ders. Methods The solvent, volume, viscosity, and test index of the volume and viscosity swallowing test were modified before it was used to evaluate 89 patients with swallowing disorders. The positive rates of the safety indexes ( coughing, voice changes and blood oxygen saturation decline at least 3%) and the efficiency indexes ( poor lip clo-sure, oral residue, pharynx residue and swallowing) were recorded and compared and compared with the positive rates of penetration, aspiration and food residue determined by means of according to the videofluoroscopic swallowing study, then the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the modified VVST-CV with regard to the safety and efficiency of swallowing were calculated. Results The VVST-CV's sensitivity in detecting dysphagia was 0.97. For impaired safety it was 0.85 and for impaired swallowing efficiency it was 0.95. The sensitivity of the coughing index was 0.65, that of sound change was 0.60 and that of oxygen saturation decrease was 0.42. The positive predictive values for coughing, sound change and oxygen saturation decrease were 0.98, 0.94 and 0.94, respectively. Conclusion The VVST-CV is simple, feasible and sensitive. It can be widely useful in the e-valuation of dysphagia in clinical practice.

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 218-226, 2019.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-736775


Objective From the economic point of view,this study was to systematically assess the status quo on lung cancer screening in the world and to provide reference for further research and implementation of the programs,in China.Methods PubMed,EMbase,The Cochrane Library,CNKI and Wanfang Data were searched to gather papers on studies related to economic evaluation regarding lung cancer screening worldwide,from the inception of studies to June 30th,2018.Basic characteristics,methods and main results were extracted.Quality of studies was assessed.Cost were converted to Chinese Yuan under the exchange rates from the World Bank.The ratio of incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) to local GDP per capita were calculated.Results A total of 23 studies (only 1 randomized controlled trial) were included and the overall quality was accepted.22 studies were from the developed countries.Nearly half of the studies (11 studies) took 55 years old as the starting age of the screening program.Smoking history was widely applied for the selection of criteria on target populations (18).Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) was involved in every study used to evaluate the economic effectiveness.Annual (17) and once-life time (7) screening were more common frequencies.22 studies reported ICERs for LDCT screening,compared to no screening,of which 17 were less than 3 times local GDP per capita,and were considered as cost-effectiveness,according to the WHO's recommendation.15 and 7 studies reported ICERs for annual and once-life time screening,of which 12 and 7 studies were in favor the results of their cost-effectiveness,respectively.Additionally,the cost-effectiveness of once-lifetime screening was likely to be superior to the annual screening.Differences of cost-effectiveness among the subgroups,by starting age or by the smoking history,might exist.Conclusions Based on the studies,evidence from the developed countries demonstrated that LDCT screening programs on lung cancer,implemented among populations selected by age and smoking history,generally appeared more cost-effective.Combined with the local situation of health resource,the findings could provide direction for less developed regions/countries lacking of local evidence.Low frequency of LDCT screening for lung cancer could be adopted when budget was limited.Data on starting ages,smoking history and other important components related to the strategy of screening programs,needs to be precisely evaluated under the situation of local population.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008203


To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Yupingfeng Granules in the treatment of recurrent respiratory tract infection.Six Chinese and English databases were retrieved,namely CNKI,Wan Fang,VIP,CBM,PubMed and Cochrane Library. Randomized controlled trials of Yupingfeng Granules in the treatment of recurrent respiratory tract infection were collected and screened. According to the evaluation criteria and tools of Cochrane,the heterogeneity among the studies was analyzed,and the Meta-analysis was carried out by Rev Man 5.3 software. A total of 16 studies were included in this study,with a total sample size of 1 788 cases,including 901 cases in the experimental group and 887 cases in the control group. Among them,11 intervention measures were Yupingfeng Granules combined with Western medicine routine vs routine Western medicine,and 5 research interventions were Yupingfeng Granules combined with pidomod vs pidomod based on routine therapy. Meta-analysis showed that the total effective rate of Yupingfeng Granules combined with Western medicine in the treatment of recurrent respiratory tract infection was better than that of Western medicine( RR= 1. 27,95%CI[1. 21,1. 34],P<0. 000 01). Based on the routine therapy,the total effective rate of Yupingfeng Granules combined with pidomod in the treatment of recurrent respiratory tract infection was better than that of pidomod( RR = 1. 23,95% CI[1. 13,1. 35],P<0. 000 01). A total of 21 cases of adverse events were reported in this study,including 6 cases in the experimental groups combined with traditional Yupingfeng Granules therapy and conventional Western medicine therapy and 15 in the control group. The adverse events were mainly gastrointestinal reactions,such as fatigue,nausea and diarrhea,which can tolerate or disappear with no impact on treatment. The incidence of adverse events in the two groups was not statistically significant( RR = 0. 44,95% CI[0. 19,1. 03],P = 0. 06). The results showed no significant difference in the incidence of adverse events between the two groups during treatment. Based on the routine therapy,no adverse event was reported in Yupingfeng Granules pidomod vs pidomod,indicating that both groups were safe. The analysis showed that Yupingfeng Granules combined with routine Western medicine therapy or combined with pidomod could increase the level of immunoglobulin and T lymphocytes in children. Based on the existing data and methods,Yupingfeng Granules combined with routine Western medicine therapy for recurrent respiratory tract infection can improve the total effective rate,immune function and body immunity,with no serious adverse reaction. However,because of the low quality of the literatures included in this study,it is still necessary to adopt well-designed large-sample clinical trials in conformity to international standards to improve the quality of evidence.

Enfant , Humains , Mâle , Médicaments issus de plantes chinoises/usage thérapeutique , Infections de l'appareil respiratoire/traitement médicamenteux
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 62(spe): e19190002, 2019. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055426


Abstract Governments and private companies have increased efforts to identify effective actions for improving energy efficiency in manufacturing processes. The objective of this work is to improve the decision-making process by increasing the quality of information related to energy indicators in the food industry. This research involves developing a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify energy efficiency indicators in the food industry, which serve as inputs for a sectoral evaluation based on multicriteria techniques. The SLR identified six criteria evaluated by food industry experts, which form the proposed basis for evaluating the performance of related sectors. These criteria are: benchmarks, key performance indicators, framework, monitoring, ISO 50001, and information communication technologies (ICTs) in sectoral evaluations. The criteria were evaluated by experts using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which prioritizes the most important food industry issues using an evaluation scale. Weights were attributed to each issue and positioned according to the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) to evaluate each sector by the identified criteria. The evaluated criteria are applicable to the three sectors surveyed, with emphasis on the beverage sector. Among the evaluated criteria, ICTs were highlighted by Industry 4.0 as a concern for the food sector.

Industrie alimentaire , Processus d'analyse hiérarchique" , Analyse et exécution des tâches , Référenciation
Pensar prát. (Impr.) ; 21(3): 672-682, jul.-set.2018. Tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-968176


Este estudo comparou o comportamento tático de jogadores de futebol da categoria Sub-15, de acordo com o estatuto posicional. Vinte e cinco jogadores de dois clubes portugueses foram avaliados através do Sistema de Avaliação Tática no Futebol. Utilizou-se estatística descritiva e o teste Qui-quadrado (χ²), com o nível de significância de p<0,05. Os resultados apresentaram diferença significativa nas variáveis: Unidade ofensiva, Contenção e Concentra- ção (Defensores); Mobilidade (Meio-campistas); Ações táticas ofensivas no meio de campo defensivo (Defensores); Cometer faltas, ceder lateral ou escanteio (Meio-campistas e Atacantes); Continuar sem a posse de bola (Defensores). Conclui-se que o comportamento tático dos jogadores apresentou níveis de especialização nas suas posições.

This study compared the tactical behavior of U-15 soccer players according to the positional role. Twenty-five players from two Portuguese clubs were evaluated through the System of Tactical Assessment in Soccer (FUT-SAT). Descriptive statistics and chi-square test (χ²) were used, with significance level of p<0.05. Results displayed significant statistical differences for the following variables: Offensive Unit, Delay and Concentration (Defenders); Depth Mobility (Midfielders); Offensive tactical actions in defensive midfield (Defenders); Commit a foul, give away a corner or throw-in (Midfielders and Forwards); Ball possession of the opponent (Defenders). We conclude that the tactical behavior of the players presented levels of specialization in their positions.

Este estudio comparó el comportamiento táctico de los jugadores de fútbol de la categoría Sub-15 en relación al rango posicional. Evaluamos a 25 jugadores de dos clubes Portugueses por medio del Sistema de Evaluación de la Táctica en Fútbol (FUT-SAT). Usamos la estadística descriptiva y el test de Chi-cuadrado (χ²), con elnivel de significancia de p<0,05. Los resultados presentaron diferencia significativa en las variables: Unidad ofensiva, Contención y Concentración (Defensas); Movilidad (Mediocampistas); Acciones tácticas ofensivas en el medio de campo defensivo (Defensas); Cometer faltas, ceder un saque de banda o córner (Mediocampistas y Atacantes); continuar sin la posesión del balón (Defensas). Se concluyó que el comportamiento táctico de los jugadores presentó niveles de especialización en sus posiciones.

Humains , Football , Prise de décision , Athlètes , Cognition