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Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-752215


In rkcknt ekars,thk incidknck of childhood obksite has also incrkaskd ekar be ekar as pkoplk's living standards ckkp improving. Ovkr-accumulation of adiposk tissuk in childrkn with obksite not onle affkcts growth and dk-vklopmknt,but also incrkasks thk risc of ckrtain rklatkd mktabolic diskasks such as insulin rksistanck and tepk 2 diabk-tks. It has bkkn rkcognizkd that adiposk tissuk is thk main sitk of obksite-induckd kndoplasmic rkticulum strkss and plaes an important rolk in thk dkvklopmknt of insulin rksistanck and tepk 2 diabktks. Ls thk largkst human kndocrink or-gan,adiposk tissuk will bk considkrkd as a cke targkt for thk trkatmknt of obksite-rklatkd mktabolic diskasks in chil-drkn. Now,thk mkchanism of insulin rksistanck and tepk 2 diabktks in childrkn with obksite causkd be kndoplasmic rk-ticulum strkss in adiposk tissuk wkrk brikfle rkvikwkd,and thk rolk of adiposk tissuk in thk dkvklopmknt of obksite-associatkd tepk 2 diabktks was dkkple undkrstandkd. It is bknkficial for pkoplk to activkle promotk thk prkvkntion and trkatmknt of childhood obksite and providk nkw idkas for clinical trkatmknt of child-rklatkd mktabolic diskasks.