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Psicol. Educ. (Online) ; (53): 109-117, dez. 2021.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1438147


Face às exigências do processo de ensino-aprendizagem na universidade, a literatura mostra a importância de se identificar dimensões que melhor descrevam os métodos de estudo para explicar o rendimento acadêmico dos estudantes. Este artigo descreve a construção e os estudos preliminares de validação de um questionário de avaliação dos métodos de estudo e de aprendizagem de estudantes do Ensino Superior. Os estudantes foram abordados sobre suas condutas habituais de estudo, dentro e fora de sala de aula, nomeadamente aqueles que melhor explicam ou predizem seus níveis de rendimento acadêmico. Após a uma primeira sistematização do conteúdo das respostas dos estudantes um questionário com 45 itens foi aplicado em 132 estudantes de Portugal, abrangendo diferentes cursos em Ciências e Humanidades, maioritariamente do sexo feminino (81%), do 1º ano, com a idade mais frequente de 18 anos (37,9%). Os resultados da análise fatorial exploratória permitem identificar quatro dimensões: organização e planejamento do estudo (alfa=.76); persistência nas tarefas de estudo (alfa=.78); autoeficácia no estudo (alfa=.65) e participação ativa na sala de aula (alfa=.64). Estas dimensões refletem métodos de estudo que combinam aspectos cognitivos, motivacionais e atitudinais que algumas vezes, aparecem diferenciadas na investigação, podendo o estudante combinar ainda abordagens superficiais e profundas quando necessárias ao seu estudo. (AU)

Given the requirements of the teaching-learning process at the university, the literature highlights the importance of identifying dimensions that best describe study methods to explain students´ academic performance. This article presents the construction and preliminary studies of validation of a questionnaire assessing the study and learning methods of college students. Students were asked about their usual study behaviours, in and out of the classroom, especially those habits that best explain or predict their levels of academic performance. After a first systematization of the content of the students' answers in a questionnaire formed by 45 items, this was applied to a sample of 198 students in Brazil and 132 students in Portugal, covering different undergraduate courses in Sciences and Humanities domains. The data presented in this article refer to the Portuguese students characterized mainly by the female sex (81%), the first year (79%), with the most frequent age of 18 years (37.9%). The results of the exploratory factorial analysis allow to identify four dimensions: organization and planning of the study (alpha = .76); persistence in the tasks of study (alpha = .78); self-efficacy in the study (alpha = .65); and participation in the classroom (alpha = .64). These dimensions explicit study methods that combine cognitive, motivational and attitudinal aspects that sometimes appear differentiated in the investigation, being able the student to combine superficial and deep approaches when necessary for their study. (AU)

Dadas las exigencias del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la universidad, la literatura muestra la importancia de identificar las dimensiones que mejor describan los métodos de estudio para explicar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes. Este artículo describe la construcción y los estudios preliminares de validación de un cuestionario para evaluar los métodos de estudio y aprendizaje de los estudiantes en la educación superior. Se abordó a los estudiantes sobre sus conductas habituales de estudio, dentro y fuera del aula, es decir, aquellas que mejor explican o predicen sus niveles de rendimiento académico. Tras una primera sistematización del contenido de las respuestas de los alumnos en un cuestionario de 45 ítems, este se aplicó a 132 alumnos de Portugal, que cubrían diferentes cursos de Ciencias y Humanidades, en su mayoría mujeres (81%), de 1º año, de mayor edad. frecuente 18 años (37,9%). Los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio permiten identificar cuatro dimensiones: organización y planificación del estudio (alfa=.76); persistencia en las tareas de estudio (alfa=.78); autoeficacia en el estudio (alfa=.65) y participación en el aula (alfa=.64). Estas dimensiones reflejan métodos de estudio que combinan aspectos cognitivos, motivacionales y actitudinales que en ocasiones aparecen diferenciados en la investigación, pudiendo el estudiante combinar también enfoques superficiales y profundos cuando sea necesario para su estudio. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Jeune adulte , Enseignement , Universités , Enquêtes et questionnaires/normes , Apprentissage , Portugal , Brésil , Niveau d'instruction , Études d'évaluation comme sujet
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 31: 31302, 2021.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291406


Introdução: A graduação em Medicina tem passado por diversas mudanças curriculares, com transferência gradativa do ensino tradicional para metodologias ativas, as quais preconizam a aprendizagem significativa e a participação ativa dos discentes. Orientado pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais vigentes, o curso de graduação em Medicina da Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), contempla essa nova perspectiva formativa. Apresenta como foco as construções de competências médicas, desenvolvidas desde etapas iniciais do curso, com ênfase no vínculo entre teoria e prática. Método: O presente estudo aborda um relato de experiência e tem por objetivo refletir acerca da implementação da disciplina "Introdução à Psicologia e Habilidades Médicas" (IPHM). Resultados: Por meio das atividades do referido componente curricular, é ofertado desde o primeiro semestre o contato dos discentes com a entrevista médica, com ênfase na construção da anamnese e na compreensão dos aspectos relacionais e comunicacionais englobados. Ainda que outras instituições desenvolvam a construção de aspectos relacionados à anamnese médica em fases iniciais, o curso de Medicina da Unipampa apresenta inovações na forma como conduz esse trabalho, com emprego de metodologias ativas associadas às situações clínicas simuladas (Role-play), com foco tanto na redação, como nas relações interpessoais e qualidade da comunicação na relação médico-paciente. Conclusões: Por meio da abordagem dos desafios e potencialidades do processo de implementação do referido componente curricular, cumpre reconhecer a adequação e a pertinência da experiência, no sentido de estabelecer um espaço de construção de competências profissionais para a entrevista médica, em momento inicial da formação acadêmica.

Introduction: Graduation in Medicine has experienced several changes in the training curriculum, by changing from the traditional way of teaching to active methodologies, providing meaningful learning and active participation by students. Guided by the National Curriculum Guidelines, the undergraduate course in Medicine, from the Federal University of Pampa (Unipampa), contemplates this new formative perspective, through curricular innovations in the methodological and organizational fields. It focuses on the construction of medical skills, developed since the initial stages of the course, with emphasis on the link between theory and practice. Method: This study is an experience report, with a qualitative approach and aims to reflect on the implementation of the IPHM discipline. Results: Through the activities of this curricular component, student´s contact with the medical interview is offered in the first semester, emphasis on the construction off the anamnesis and the knowlegment of its relational and communicational aspects. Although other academies develop the construction of aspects related to medical anamnesis in early stages, the Unipampa's Medicine course introduced a inovation in the way that conducts it's work, using active methodologies associated with simulated clinical situations (Roleplay), focusing both writing, interpersonal relationship and quality of communication between doctor and patient. Conclusions: Through addressing the challenges and potentialities of the implementation process of the said curricular component, it is important to recognize the adequacy and relevance of the experience, in order to establish a space for the construction of professional skills for the medical interview, at the beginning of academic training.

Humains , Compétence professionnelle , Enseignement médical , Relations médecin-patient , Méthodes D'étude de Matière Médicale , Créativité , Programme d'études , Enseignement médical premier cycle , Recueil de l'anamnèse
Educ. med. super ; 32(2): 0-0, abr.-jun. 2018.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-989722


El nivel de preparación de los estudiantes de la carrera de medicina y los factores que lo determinan son objeto de debate y preocupación en las reuniones de los departamentos docentes. Con el objetivo de identificar los principales factores que están influyendo en la calidad del egresado se realizó una investigación de desarrollo en el Hospital Clínico- Quirúrgico "Celia Sánchez Manduley" de Manzanillo, Granma, Cuba en el que se utilizaron como técnicas y métodos de pesquisa la revisión documental de las actas de reuniones metodológicas departamentales, de las tarjetas de habilidades de los estudiantes y de los registros de control de asistencia y evaluaciones (C-1). También se trabajó con un grupo nominal conformado por los jefes de cátedras y una consulta a expertos que fueron profesores del área básica y clínica con categoría docente superior. Como principales conclusiones se señalan los incumplimientos del Plan de trabajo metodológico, la inadecuada preparación pedagógica del claustro y la carencia de métodos y hábitos de estudio en los educandos(AU)

The level of preparation of the students of the medical career and the factors that determine it are the object of debate and concern in the meetings of the teaching departments. In order to identify the main factors that are influencing the quality of the graduate, a development research was carried out at the "Celia Sánchez Manduley" Clinical and Surgical Hospital of Manzanillo, Granma, Cuba, where they were used as research techniques and methods. the documentary review of the minutes of departmental methodological meetings, of the students' skill cards and of attendance control and evaluation records (C-1). We also worked with a nominal group formed by the chairs of chairs and a consultation with experts who were professors of the basic and clinical area with higher teaching category. The main conclusions are the breaches of the Methodological Work Plan, the inadequate pedagogical preparation of the faculty and the lack of methods and study habits in the students(AU)

Humains , Compétence professionnelle , Étudiant médecine , Performance scolaire
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 42(2): 18-26, 2017. Tab, ilus, Graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1016532


Introducción: El proceso de enseñanza de la medicina ha cambiado a través de la historia en la medida que sus estudiantes cambian. Los profesores de medicina se adaptan con dificultades a los nuevos estudiantes y muchas veces no son capaces de reconocer los nuevos intereses de sus propios alumnos. En este contexto resulta importante analizar qué métodos de estudio utilizan los actuales alumnos durante los siete años de la carrera de Medicina. Métodos: Estudio basado en metodología mixta: cualitativa (grupales focales)y cuantitativa (encuestas) aplicadas a alumnos de quinto, sexto o séptimo año de la carrera, médicos recién egresados y docentes activos de la Escuela de Medicina de la Pontificia Universidad Católica. Resultados: Los resultados de nuestro estudio muestran que los métodos de estudio que más utilizan los estudiantes de medicina son: apuntes de clases (1-5 años) y los manuales (internado). Los encuestados creen que los manuales son muy importantes, que facilitan el aprendizaje, que deben estar actualizados y que de preferencia deben estar disponibles en formato digital. Los docentes usaron como método preferente de estudio, durante la carrera de medicina, los libros de texto. Conclusión: Los estudiantes de medicina han cambiado, y así han evolucionado sus técnicas de estudio/ aprendizaje. Es indispensable que los métodos docentes se adapten a estas nuevas características; por lo que es indispensable ayudar a los profesores a modernizar sus técnicas docentes adaptándolas a las necesidades de los alumnos.(AU)

Introduction: The process of teaching medicine has changed throughout history as its students change. The medical professors adapt with difficulties to the new students and many times they are not able to recognize the new interests of its own students. In this context, it is important to analyze what methods of study the current students use during the seven years of the medical career. Methods: This study was based on a mixed methodology: qualitative (focus groups) and quantitative (surveys) applied to students in the fifth, sixth or seventh year of the medical studies, recently graduated doctors and active teachers of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Results: The results of our study show that the study methods most used by medical students are: class notes (1-5 years) and handbooks (internship). Respondents believe that handbooks are very important, that they facilitate learning, that they should be up to date and that they should preferably be available in digital format. The teachers used as a preferred method of study, during the medical career, textbooks. Conclusion: Medical students have changed, and so have their study / learning techniques evolved. It is essential that teaching methods adapt to these new characteristics; thus, it is essential to help teachers to modernize their teaching techniques by adapting them to the needs of students.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Livres , Méthodes D'étude de Matière Médicale , Étudiant médecine , Précis , Intervalle Intergénérationnel
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-637540


Primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG) is a group of complex ophthalmic disorders with genetic heterogeneity.PACG appears to be more frequently occurred in Asian population and females worldwide.Recently,some studies tried to find the possible pathogenesis of PACG from biomolecular level,some association analysis and genome-wide association study (GWAS) technique have been used to illustrate the mechanism of PACG.But so far its pathogenesis still is not yet elucidated,there are much more puzzles in molecular genetic study on PACG.Up to now,only a few uncertain genes and three new susceptibility loci were reported to be associated with PACG and only 40 literature were published.However,some genes referred to POAG display a close association with PACG.As eyes with PACG tend to share certain anatomic biometric characteristics,the associations between PACG and several genes,such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF),which involve in the modulation of eye growth.Besides,GWAS shows us another way to find out the PACG-associated genes.So they may become novel breakthroughs for PACG genetic study.

Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 21(1)jan.-abr. 2013.
Article de Portugais, Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-673988


Este trabalho buscou identificar a percepção dos alunos sobre a importância do julgamento simulado como estratégia de ensino da ética médica em uma escola de medicina. Durante o julgamento simulado do segundo semestre de 2010 compareceram 211 alunos, que responderam um questionário contendo itens escalonados de Likert, no qual foram incluídas três questões específicas sobre a utilização da estratégia: contribuição para a aquisição de conhecimentos sobre ética médica, relevância para a formação profissional e se recomenda a continuidade da atividade na instituição. Os alunos que responderam (definitivamente sim) ou (provavelmente sim) para as três questões escalonadas alcançaram, respectivamente, um total de 96,2 por cento, 93,9 por cento e 92,5 por cento. Este resultado permitiu concluir que, com base na percepção favorável dos estudantes pesquisados, é recomendável a continuidade do julgamento simulado como uma das estratégias de ensino da ética médica na instituição.

This study aimed to identify students’ perceptions about the importance of the mock trial as a strategy for teaching medical ethics in a medical school. During the mock trial of the second term of 2010, students answered a questionnaire with Likert scaled items that in which were included three specific questions about theuse of the strategy: contribution to learn about medical ethics, relevance to the training and if recommendsthe continuation of the activity at the Institution. Two hundred eleven students attended and all respondedto the survey. Students who answered “definitely yes” or “probably yes” to three questions scaled reached,respectively, a total of 96.2%, 93.9% and 92.5%. This result led to conclude that, based on the favorable perception of the students surveyed; it is recommended the continuation of the mock trial as a strategy for theteaching of Medical Ethics at the Institution.

Universités , Enseignement médical/méthodes , Écoles de médecine , Déontologie médicale/enseignement et éducation , Méthodes D'étude de Matière Médicale , Étudiant médecine , Mentorat
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 15(1): 116-128, ene.-mar. 2011.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-739627


La dirección del trabajo independiente en la disciplina Morfofisiología de la carrera de Estomatología de la Universidad Médica de Pinar del Río, presenta deficiencias que limitan la calidad del proceso de formación profesional del estudiante. Objetivo: determinar cómo se comporta la dirección del trabajo independiente en dicha disciplina, así como su relación con el rendimiento académico alcanzado por los estudiantes. Método: se realizó una investigación descriptiva y de corte transversal en la disciplina Morfofisiología de la carrera de Estomatología de la Universidad Médica de Pinar del Río, al comienzo del segundo semestre del curso 2009 - 2010. La muestra estuvo constituida por los 61 estudiantes de primer año, que cursan la carrera en la sede central, así como los 5 profesores que imparten la disciplina en dicha sede. Los métodos empíricos utilizados fueron: análisis documental y la encuesta a estudiantes y profesores. Los datos fueron procesados, utilizando la estadística descriptiva y la prueba Ji cuadrado, con un nivel de confianza del 95 %. Resultados: a pesar de que los profesores refirieron tener en cuenta los elementos necesarios en la conducción del proceso docente-educativo, que garantizan la correcta dirección del trabajo independiente, estos resultados no coincidieron con los de la totalidad de los estudiantes. Un número de ellos consideró que aún existen deficiencias, sobre todo, en lo que se refiere a su motivación y ejecución, resultados que no guardaron relación significativa con el rendimiento académico alcanzado. Conclusión: la necesidad de perfeccionar la dirección del trabajo independiente en la disciplina.

The direction of the independent work in the discipline of Morphology-Physiology in Dentistry studies at "Pinar del Rio" Medical University presents deficiencies that limit the quality of the professional training in dentistry studies. Objective: to determine the behavior of the direction for independent work in such discipline, and its relation to the academic performance achieved by the students. Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional study in Morphology-Physiology in Dentistry studies at "Pinar del Rio" Medical University, during the beginning of the second term in the academic course 2009-2010. The sample was comprised of 61 students enrolled in 1st academic year (Central Venue), as well as the 5 professors who teach the discipline. The empiric methods used were: documentary analysis, surveys to students and professors. Data were processed using the descriptive statistics and the chi-square test with a level of confidence of 95%. Results: despite the professors referred that they considered the necessary elements to conduct the teaching-educational process which guarantees the correct direction of the independent work; these results did not coincide with the total of the students. A group of students considered the existence of deficiencies regarding motivation and implementation, the results did not express a significant relation to the academic performance achieved. Conclusion: the need to improve the direction of the independent work in the discipline.

Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 18(3)set.-dez. 2010.
Article de Portugais, Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-581011


Os autores revisaram 15 trabalhos da literatura mundial publicados entre 2005 e janeiro de 2010 com o objetivo de analisar a técnica de dramatização como estratégia de ensino. Como resultado, encontrou-se que a dramatização, no contexto de um conjunto de atividades do tipooficina, laboratório (workshop) ou similar, é uma estratégia frequentemente utilizada para o ensino da comunicação de más notícias ao paciente durante a graduação médica. A dramatização tanto pode ser realizada mediante o desempenho de papéis (role playing) entre colegas como pela utilização de pacientes simulados ou padronizados. Catorze dos 15 trabalhos revisados utilizam ou recomendam a dramatização como parte prática do treinamento desta habilidade. Os autores concluem que a dramatização constitui estratégia adequada para o ensino dacomunicação de más notícias ao paciente durante a graduação médica.

Bioéthique , Communication , Universités , Enseignement médical premier cycle , Communication sur la santé , Apprentissage , Méthodes D'étude de Matière Médicale , Actualités , Jeu de rôle , Apprentissage par problèmes/méthodes , Corps enseignant et administratif en médecine , Étudiant médecine
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-87832


Since the first survey done in 1983, this is the second national sample survey of medical students about their perception and evaluation on medical study, career plan, and medical care system. One out of every 10 students plus one in each class were systematically sampled from each grade year of 32 medical schools in Korea that had students from freshman to senior in November 1997. A questionnaire was developed by adding items related with recent changes in medical care environment and with viewpoint on medicine and physician as an occupation to the questionnaire used in 1983. The questionnaire was administered at each school under the supervision of designated collaborator of the same school in December 1997 through January 1998. A total of 1,386 students were sampled from a total of 11,987 medical students and 1,233 students(89.0%) filled out the questionnaire. Twelve students were excluded from the analysis because of incomplete response and the final analysis was done for 1,221 students. A few demographic characteristics of the sample were compared with those of the study population to check the representativeness of the sample and found no skew. The contents of the study were divided into three parts and the first part describes the study methods, demographic and other characteristics of the sample, students' viewpoint on medical education, and students' aptitude for medicine Male students accounted for 75.7% of the sample. The proportion of students who entered medical school right after graduating from a high school was 45.8% in Seoul and 53.4% in other than Seoul area. The students who classified their own political inclination conservative were 43.9% in Seoul and 33.0% in other than Seoul and the percentage of students with progressive inclination was higher in out of Seoul than Seoul area. The proportion of students who have a religion was 57.2%; Christian 31.0%, Catholic 15.2%, and Buddhist 9.5%. The educational level of fathers of students was far higher than the level of general population, e.g. 59.8% had college or higher education. Occupation of fathers was mainly white-collar worker; professional worker 21.2%, company employee 17.2%, government official 13.1%, manager 11.8%, and medical professional 8.7%. In the decision-making process to enter the medical school, 53.7% of the students were influenced by someone else and 62.1% of them were parents. Socio-economic factor was the most common reason for recommending medical school and it accounted 33.5% of the reasons. Medical students enjoy learning life phenomenon(47.2%) and human being(44.3%) in medical study but most disturbing factors are memory work(39.7%) and too much to study(34.1%). If students were given another chance to choose a college as a senior student in high school, 50.3% of them said that they would choose medical school. Only 6% of students have intention to change their major subject of study if they are allowed to change now. The proportion of students who consider their scholastic aptitude is compatible with medical study was 64.9% and such proportion increased with grade. The percentage of students who are going to recommend medical school to their own son in the future was 36.6% for male and 26.7% for female students and to their own daughter 33.6% and 27.7%, respectively.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Aptitude , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Éducation , Enseignement médical , Pères , Intention , Corée , Apprentissage , Mémoire , Famille nucléaire , Groupes professionnels , Professions , Organisation et administration , Parents , Écoles de médecine , Séoul , Étudiant médecine