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Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 308-316, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558118


En la asignatura de anatomía aún existen estudiantes que no se encuentran motivados con su propio proceso de aprendizaje. El rol del docente es un factor extrínseco clave que contribuye a dicha vinculación afectiva. El Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje (DUA) es un modelo educativo que propone una serie de pautas de aplicación docente para poder activar en los alumnos sus redes neuronales afectivas, asociadas con la formación de estudiantes decididos y motivados. El objetivo de este estudio es crear una propuesta de intervención, basada en el uso selectivo de las pautas de compromiso afectivo del DUA, para mejorar la práctica docente y la motivación de los estudiantes en anatomía. Es una investigación acción que utiliza el modelo de Whitehead, implicando el cruce conceptual y metodológico entre las pautas de compromiso afectivo del DUA y las fases y factores que determinan la motivación. Corresponde a la programación de seis sesiones de laboratorio de anatomía, los instrumentos para la recopilación de la información y las técnicas de análisis de la misma. La propuesta de intervención presenta un valor teórico ya que fue diseñada a partir de un análisis exhaustivo del DUA y de las publicaciones existentes sobre la motivación, y un valor práctico que se sustenta en su aplicabilidad directa y recursiva en los laboratorios de anatomía y en la incorporación del DUA en el currículum de una asignatura de educación superior. La motivación es el motor de la educación, ya que impulsa y mantiene el quehacer académico tanto a nivel estudiantil como docente. El DUA permite que los docentes aborden la desmotivación de los estudiantes de una forma accesible, precisa y confiable, lo que llevó a considerarlo como uno de los pilares de la propuesta de intervención.

SUMMARY: In anatomy courses there are still students who are not motivated by their own learning process. The teacher´s role is a key extrinsic factor that contributes to this bonding process. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational model that proposes a series of teaching application guidelines to activate students' affective neural networks, associated with the formation of motivated students. The objective of this study is to create an intervention proposal, based on the selective use of the UDL affective commitment guidelines, to improve teaching practice and student motivation in anatomy. It is an action research that uses Whitehead's model, involving the conceptual and methodological intersection between the UDL's affective commitment guidelines and the phases and factors that determine motivation. It corresponds to the programming of six anatomy laboratory sessions, the instruments for collecting information and the techniques for analyzing it. The intervention proposal has a theoretical value since it was designed based on an exhaustive analysis of the UDL and existing publications on motivation, and a practical value that is based on its direct and recursive applicability in anatomy laboratories and in the incorporation of the UDL in the curriculum of a higher education subject. Motivation is the driving force of education, since it drives and maintains academic work at both the student and teacher level. The UDL allows teachers to address student lack of motivation in an accessible, precise and reliable way, considering this one of the pillars of the intervention proposal.

Humains , Étudiant dentisterie/psychologie , Anatomie/enseignement et éducation , Apprentissage , Motivation , Conception universelle
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 811-816, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012984


As an important carrier of cultivating people with virtue, curriculum aesthetic education combines aesthetic education with professional courses and general courses, and brings it into the whole process of professional talent cultivation. As the core course of medical humanistic education, Medical Ethics not only has natural affinity with aesthetic education, but also has the functions of emotional aesthetic education, rational aesthetic education and human aesthetic education. Through the analysis of aesthetic education points in Medical Ethics, this paper put forward the implementation path to realize the function of the curriculum aesthetic education: exert aesthetic influence on medical students with the help of aesthetic media, guide medical students’ aesthetic attitude, and then make medical students learn to feel, appreciate beauty through practice and sharing ideas, before or after class, online or offline, so as to contribute to the cultivation of high-quality medical talents with lofty aesthetic pursuit and noble-personality cultivation.

REVISA (Online) ; 13(Especial 1): 305-314, 2024.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538292


Objetivoaplicar metodologias práticas de biologia no ensino médio em escola estadual de Feira de Santana do período noturno, utilizando a biotecnologia com intuito de proporcionar novas experiências didáticas para jovens e adultos. Método: A abordagem metodológica é de modo qualitativo e descritivo através de relato de experiência, com aplicação de aula prática com materiais de baixo custo sobre a extração de DNA.Resultados: Com relação às dificuldades enfrentadas na Educação Básica, esta forma de metodologia do trabalho realizado mostrou-se produtiva, uma vez que possibilitou um espaço para discussão e troca de experiências dos alunos associando com seu cotidiano. Conclusão: Esta pesquisa mostrou que o uso desta abordagem didática facilitou o entendimento dos conteúdos trabalhados e do diálogo aluno-professor, evidenciando-a como uma ótima ferramenta para ser trabalhada na sala de aula

Objective: to apply practical biology methodologies in high school at a state school in Feira de Santana at night, using biotechnology with the aim of providing new teaching experiences for young people and adults. Methods:The methodological approach is qualitative and descriptive through experience reports, with the application of practical classes with low-cost materials on DNA extraction. Results: In relation to the difficulties faced in Basic Education, this form of work methodology proved to be productive, as itprovided a space for discussion and exchange of students' experiences associated with their daily lives. Conclusion:This research showed that the use of this didactic approach facilitated the understanding of the content covered and the student-teacher dialogue, highlighting it as a great tool to be used in the classroom

Objetivo: aplicar metodologías prácticas de biología en la escuela secundaria en una escuela pública de Feira de Santana en horario nocturno, utilizando la biotecnología con el objetivo de brindar nuevas experiencias de enseñanza a jóvenes y adultos. Métodos: El enfoque metodológico es cualitativo y descriptivo a través de relatos de experiencia, con la aplicación de clases prácticas con materiales de bajo costo sobre extracción de ADN. Resultados: En relación a las dificultades enfrentadas en la Educación Básica, esta forma de metodología de trabajo resultó productiva, ya que brindó un espacio de discusión e intercambio de experiencias de los estudiantes asociadas a su vida cotidiana. Conclusión: Esta investigación demostró que el uso de este enfoque didáctico facilitó la comprensión de los contenidos tratados y el diálogo alumno-profesor, destacándolo como una gran herramienta para ser utilizado en el aula.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018257


Activity is the basic unit of teaching. Task-based teaching activity is popular because it emphasizes "learning by doing". Based on the activity theory, this paper designs a task-based teaching triangle model for TCM ESP course, and applies it to a TCM ESP course Introducing TCM Culture in English. An empirical study of task-based teaching activity is carried out by analyzing the subject, determining the object, employing tools, setting rules, clarifying the division of labor, constructing the community, focusing on the results, and enriching evaluation methods. It is proved that the application of the model is helpful to improve students' learning initiative, enrich their TCM English knowledge structure, enhance their TCM English application ability, and optimize TCM English teaching effect.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 29: e29025, 2023.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506735


A discussão deste texto, elaborada a partir de uma pesquisa de doutorado realizada em uma escola pública municipal do Rio Grande do Sul, tem por objetivo compreender como a autoetnografia crítica constitui um processo teórico-metodológico de pesquisa que permite reconstruir a prática docente. Para isso, apresentamos o aporte teórico-metodológico da autoetnografia crítica ao relacionar a pesquisa autoetnográfica com a fundamentação conceitual da teoria crítica. Na sequência, utilizamos narrativas de experiências docentes para identificar como os processos recursivos e reflexivos, ambos sustentados na reflexão crítica, têm implicações diretas na formação e na prática docente do pesquisador. Nas considerações finais, dialogamos sobre a autoetnografia crítica como experiência duplamente transformadora, pois envolve processos gradativos e simultâneos de leituras de mundo e reconstrução da prática docente que ocorrem ao longo da própria investigação. (AU)

The discussion of this text, elaborated from a doctoral research project carried out in a municipal public school in Rio Grande do Sul, aims to understand how critical autoethnography constitutes a theoretical-methodological research process that allows the reconstruction of the teaching practice. For this, we present the theoretical-methodological contribution of critical autoethnography by relating autoethnographic research with the conceptual foundation of critical theory. , We then use narratives of teaching experiences to identify how recursive and reflective processes, both supported by critical reflection, have direct implications for the researcher's teaching training and practice. In the final considerations, we discuss critical autoethnography as a doubly transforming experience, as it involves gradual and simultaneous processes of reading the world and reconstructing the teaching practice that occurred throughout the investigation itself. (AU)

La discusión de este texto, elaborado a partir de una investigación doctoral realizada en una escuela pública municipal de Rio Grande do Sul, pretende comprender cómo la autoetnografía crítica constituye un proceso de investigación teórico-metodológico que permite la reconstrucción de la práctica docente. Para ello, presentamos el aporte teórico-metodológico de la autoetnografía crítica al relacionar la investigación autoetnográfica con la fundamentación conceptual de la teoría crítica. En la secuencia, utilizamos narrativas de experiencias docentes para identificar cómo los procesos recursivos y reflexivos, ambos sustentados en la reflexión crítica, tienen implicaciones directas en la formación y práctica docente del investigador. En las consideraciones finales, nosotros discutimos la autoetnografía crítica como una experiencia doblemente transformadora, en tanto implica procesos graduales y simultáneos de lectura del mundo y de reconstrucción de la práctica docente que se dan a lo largo de la propia investigación. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3)set-dez. 2022.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414499


Técnicos de enfermagem compreendem a maior força de trabalho na área da saúde, contudo, existem poucas publicações sobre a formação deste profissional. Este estudo objetivou identificar na literatura as metodologias ativas de ensino-aprendizagem utilizadas no processo formativo dos cursos técnicos em enfermagem. O método utilizado foi uma revisão integrativa de literatura que incluiu estudos indexados nas bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), SciELO, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Web of Science e SCOPUS, publicados entre 2011 e 2021. Esta revisão foi estruturada em cinco passos metodológicos e os dados foram analisados qualitativamente. Identificou-se 988 registros, dos quais foram selecionados 6 artigos, totalizando 151 sujeitos e 24 instituições de ensino públicas e privadas. As intervenções identificadas foram: storytelling, mentoring, feedback, problematização e prática simulada. Docentes e discentes reconheceram a influência positiva das metodologias ativas no processo formativo de técnicos em enfermagem. Apesar de qualificados, os docentes manifestaram insegurança para uso deste método, sendo necessário um investimento e apoio institucional e a valorização do corpo docente para fomentar essa prática. Destaca-se ainda uma escassez de estudos com qualidade metodológica acerca da educação técnica em enfermagem, evidenciando um interesse científico incipiente nesta área.

Nursing technicians comprise the largest workforce in the health area, however, there are few publications on the training of this professional. This study aimed to identify in the literature the active teaching-learning methodologies used in the formative process of technical courses in nursing. The method used was an integrative literature review that included studies indexed in the databases Virtual Health Library (VHL), SciELO, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Web of Science, and SCOPUS, published between 2011 and 2021. This review was structured into five methodological steps and the data were analyzed qualitatively. It identified 988 records, from which 6 articles were selected, totaling 151 subjects and 24 public and private educational institutions. The interventions identified were: storytelling, mentoring, feedback, problematization, and simulated practice. Teachers and students recognized the positive influence of active methodologies in the formative process of nursing technicians. Despite being qualified, the teachers expressed insecurity about using this method, and institutional investment and support is needed, as well as an appreciation of the teaching staff in order to promote this practice. A scarcity of studies with methodological quality about technical education in nursing is also noteworthy, showing an incipient scientific interest in this area.

Los técnicos de enfermería constituyen la mayor fuerza de trabajo en el área de la salud, sin embargo, existen pocas publicaciones sobre la formación de este profesional. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar en la literatura las metodologías activas de enseñanza-aprendizaje utilizadas en el proceso formativo de los cursos técnicos de enfermería. El método utilizado fue una revisión bibliográfica integradora que incluyó estudios indexados en las bases de datos Virtual Health Library (BVS), SciELO, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Web of Science y SCOPUS, publicados entre 2011 y 2021. Esta revisión se estructuró en cinco pasos metodológicos y los datos se analizaron cualitativamente. Se identificaron 988 registros, de los que se seleccionaron 6 artículos, con un total de 151 sujetos y 24 instituciones educativas públicas y privadas. Las intervenciones identificadas fueron: narración de historias, tutoría, retroalimentación, problematización y práctica simulada. Docentes y estudiantes reconocieron la influencia positiva de las metodologías activas en el proceso de formación de los técnicos de enfermería. Además de estar cualificados, los profesores manifiestan inseguridad en el uso de este método, por lo que es necesaria una inversión y apoyo institucional y la valoración del cuerpo docente para fomentar esta práctica. También destaca la escasez de estudios con calidad metodológica sobre la formación técnica en enfermería, lo que demuestra un incipiente interés científico en esta área.

Enseignement/enseignement et éducation , Enseignement infirmier , Formation préparatoire au diplôme d'infirmier (USA) , Bibliothèques numériques , Corps enseignant et administratif de l'école d'infirmières/enseignement et éducation , Apprentissage
Educ. med. super ; 36(2)jun. 2022. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1404556


Introducción: El aprendizaje colaborativo exige interacción entre los miembros del grupo y responsabilidad individual con el aprendizaje. Se utiliza como método en la preparación de alumnos ayudantes de la carrera de medicina para incorporarlos a la práctica docente en curso de Reanimación Cardiopulmonar Básico con el primer año. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad del aprendizaje colaborativo como método en la preparación de alumnos ayudantes para la práctica docente. Método: Se realizó una investigación de evaluación, en la que se utilizaron métodos teóricos: análisis síntesis e histórico lógico; y métodos empíricos: revisión documental, observación y encuesta. La muestra intencionada estuvo conformada por 18 alumnos ayudantes, por lo que se correspondió con la totalidad de los participantes. Se organizó en dos etapas: de preparación en contenidos específicos y en educación médica, y de ejecución de las clases prácticas, con cuatro variables. Resultados: Resultaron con nivel alto la manera de comportarse los alumnos ayudantes en las actividades de preparación, en las dos áreas (FR > 0,95), y el desempeño específico en las clases prácticas (FR: 96). En ambos existió ascenso en el valor de los indicadores desde la primera hasta la última actividad. Se autoevaluó de nivel alto la práctica con los estudiantes (FR: 0,96) y el 90,74 por ciento de ellos se mostró muy satisfecho con la preparación recibida y con la práctica docente realizada. Conclusiones: La preparación de alumnos ayudantes sustentada en el aprendizaje colaborativo resultó muy efectiva para su práctica docente en el curso de reanimación cardiopulmonar básico del primer año de la carrera de medicina(AU)

Introduction: Collaborative learning requires interaction among group members, as well as individual responsibility with learning. It is used as a method for training student teachers in order to incorporate them to the teaching practice of the basic course on cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the first academic year. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of collaborative learning as a method for training student teachers to be part of teaching practice. Methods: An evaluation research was carried out using theoretical (analysis-synthesis and historical-logical), as well as empirical (document review, observation and survey) methods. The purposive sample consisted of eighteen student teachers, which corresponded to the total number of participants. The research was organized in two stages: preparation with specific contents and medical education, and execution of practical lessons. Four variables were defined. Results: The way that they student teachers behaved in the training activities were found to have a high level, in both areas (FR>0.95); as well as for the specific performance in the practical lessons (FR: 96). Both showed an increase in the value of the indicators from the first to the last activity. The practice with the students was self-evaluated as being at a high level (FR: 0.96), while 90.74 percent of them were very satisfied with the training that they received, as well as with the teaching practice carried out. Conclusions: The training of student teachers based on collaborative learning was very effective for their teaching practice in the basic course on cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the first academic year of the medical major(AU)

Humains , Adolescent , Étudiants , Efficacité (Effectiveness) , Corps enseignant/enseignement et éducation , Stage interdisciplinaire/méthodes , Étudiant médecine , Réanimation cardiopulmonaire/enseignement et éducation ,
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931334


Based on the characteristics of medical imaging specialty, this paper introduces in detail several features of standardized residency training in the Department of Radiology in our hospital, from the aspects of teaching purpose, preliminary preparation and specific implementation, namely, the morning reading and analysis of difficult cases, the analysis of postoperative cases and missed diagnosis cases, and the teaching reading. At the same time, it also deeply analyzes the advantages, existing problems and solutions of this teaching practice. In order to provide reference for improving the teaching quality of the standardized residency training in the Department of Radiology.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931443


In order to improve the quality of medical English teaching, Xiamen Medical College has applied case-based teaching mode in medical English classes for nursing undergraduate students. In the practice of case-based teaching, it mainly uses case presentation, role-play, personal reflective stories sharing, or fast case analysis in classroom teaching, thus changing the traditional teaching mode of "teachers' teaching" to "students' speaking", which may improve students' situational English speaking, critical thinking, independent thinking and problem-solving, independent learning and communication ability.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955654


Gene Engineering is a compulsory course for students majoring in biotechniques. Therefore, we have made innovative reforms to strengthen the "scientific thinking" elements in the course in all aspects of the course, such as content design, teaching strategies, inspection and evaluation methods on the teaching. Briefly, the contents are designed to reflect the scientific rules and thinking manners, and milestone findings and stories are mined thoroughly. During the teaching process, students are inspired and enlightened based on the history by scene reappearance to form the scientifc thinking. During the evaluation process, students are advocated to share their stories in gene engineering field and the underlying scientific thinking manners are taken into the assessment. With the teaching reform in the Gene Engineering course, the "scientific thinking" ability of the students has been significantly improved.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 811-816, 2022.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031207


As an important carrier of cultivating people with virtue, curriculum aesthetic education combines aesthetic education with professional courses and general courses, and brings it into the whole process of professional talent cultivation. As the core course of medical humanistic education, Medical Ethics not only has natural affinity with aesthetic education, but also has the functions of emotional aesthetic education, rational aesthetic education and human aesthetic education. Through the analysis of aesthetic education points in Medical Ethics, this paper put forward the implementation path to realize the function of the curriculum aesthetic education: exert aesthetic influence on medical students with the help of aesthetic media, guide medical students’ aesthetic attitude, and then make medical students learn to feel, appreciate beauty through practice and sharing ideas, before or after class, online or offline, so as to contribute to the cultivation of high-quality medical talents with lofty aesthetic pursuit and noble-personality cultivation.

Rev. cuba. enferm ; 37(3)sept. 2021.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, BDENF, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408282


Introducción: La mentoría en formación de estudiantes de enfermería en ambientes clínicos es reconocida en países como Canadá, Reino Unido (Nursing Midwifery Council) España e Italia, donde es identificada como problemática de la profesión, por debilitarse el tutelaje de estudiantes en escenarios de formación práctica. Objetivo: Describir atributos que perciben tutores clínicos de enfermería para conducir el aprendizaje formativo en prácticas clínicas. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio. Las unidades de análisis fueron tutores de dos unidades académicas de universidades chilenas, temporalidad del estudio: marzo 2018 a noviembre 2019. Para seleccionar los participantes se optó por muestreo homogéneo; activo hasta obtener saturación muestral y suficiencia de información. Se incluyeron al estudio enfermeras asistenciales, contratadas por universidades, con más de tres años como tutores; se excluyeron, académicos supervisores de prácticas, que son parte del cuerpo de escuelas de enfermería de ambas universidades. El trabajo de campo se inició con vagabundeo; se crearon mapas sociales y temporales para primeros acercamientos a los participantes. Para recoger la información, se usó técnica de grupos focales. Se respetaron exigencias y principios éticos de estudios con seres humanos. Resultados: Los tutores percibieron que una buena práctica se inicia con proyección y proximidad de universidad con hospital, destacan necesidad de formación para su acción de mentoría con estudiantes, influenciada por condiciones favorecedoras del clima de aprendizaje del entorno clínico. Conclusiones: Cinco subcategorías configuran atributos de tutores para conducir prácticas clínicas: desarrollo del plan de estudio, planificación de tutoría, entorno de aprendizaje clínico, supervisión de práctica y pensamiento científico-reflexivo(AU)

Introduction: Advisorship in the training of Nursing students in clinical settings is recognized in countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom (Nursing Midwifery Council), Spain and Italy, where it is identified as a problem in the profession, due to the weakening of student tutelage in settings for practice training. Objective: To describe attributes perceived by clinical Nursing advisors concerning the conduction of formative learning in clinical practices. Methods: Descriptive and exploratory study. The analysis units were advisors from two academic units of Chilean universities. The study period was defined from March 2018 to November 2019. To select the participants, homogeneous sampling was chosen, active until sample saturation and information sufficiency were obtained. The study included practicing nurses hired by universities, with more than three years as advisors. The study excluded academic practice advisors who belong to the Nursing school faculties of both universities. Field work began with mind-wandering; social and temporal maps were created for first approaches to the participants. To collect the information, the focus group technique was used. Demands and ethical principles of studies with human beings were respected. Results: The advisors perceived that a good practice begins with a projection and proximity between university and hospital. They highlight their need for training in the work as students' advisors, influenced by conditions that favor the learning environment of the clinical setting. Conclusions: Five subcategories make up the attributes of advisors to conduct clinical practices: development of the study plan, planning of advisorship, clinical learning environment, supervision of practice, and scientific-reflective thinking(AU)

Humains , Élève infirmier , Stage de formation clinique , Enseignement infirmier/méthodes , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Apprentissage par problèmes
Salud bienestar colect ; 5(2): 80-93, sept.-dic. 2021.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367175


Con el presente artículo pretendemos ahondar en lo que se puede denominar como una concepción y visión sanadora de la sociedad desde el ámbito que como maestros nos ocupa, que es el educativo. Para ello, tomamos como referencia la más reciente literatura científica relativa al docente y a la didáctica como elementos curativos en potencia y la relacionamos con los colegios como espacios donde se produce el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Así, unimos las reflexiones previas sobre esta temática con aquellas surgidas en España durante los meses de pandemia, ya que nuestra forma de vida ha cambiado considerablemente y hay aspectos que deben visibilizarse en las aulas. A lo largo del texto ponemos también el foco en los futuros docentes, es decir, en los alumnos que se están formando para ser maestros y que, a lo largo de su formación, dedicarán tiempo a las prácticas pedagógicas en centros educativos. Estos alumnos que se encuentran realizando el prácticum son el futuro de la educación, por lo que es fundamental que vayan desarrollando determinadas competencias docentes y que lleguen a amar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a través de un aprendizaje lúcido y lúdico.

With this article we aim to delve into what can be called as a healing conception and vision of society from the field that we are dealing with as teachers, which is the educational. For this, we take as a reference the most recent scientific literature related to teaching and didactics as potential curative elements and we relate it to the schools like places where this teaching-learning process occurs. Thus, we join the previous reflections on this issue with those that emerged in Spain during the months of the pandemic, since our way of life has changed considerably and there are aspects that must be visible in the classroom. Throughout the text, we also focus on future teachers, that is, students who are being trained to be teachers and who, throughout their training, will spend time on their practices in educational centers. These students who are doing the practicum are the future of education, so it is essential that they develop certain teaching skills and that they come to love teaching-learning process through ludic and lucid learning.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Adulte , Organismes d'aide sociale , Pandémies , COVID-19 , Établissements scolaires , Enseignement , Éducation , Corps enseignant
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-908883


EEG and EMG, as important classical techniques in electrophysiology, play a special role in both basic scientific research and clinical application. Based on the mature application of EEG and EMG recording technology of the school, the authors have carried out an experimental course for postgraduate students on the topic of "practice of EEG/EMG recording based on flipped classroom". And this teaching method has been introduced from three aspects of experiments design, implementation significance and practical reflection, aiming at cultivating active knowledge-seeking practice and rigorous scientific thinking of students, and improving the comprehensive teaching quality of teachers. At the same time, the experience reflection can provide beneficial reference for other courses to implement the teaching model of "technology+flipped classroom".

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-908916


Through the description of the content and design of "first-class course of virtual simulation of flow cytometry application", combined with the application in experimental teaching of different subjects, this paper expounds the teaching effect and students' evaluation of the blended learning method of "virtual simulation experiment of flow cytometry application" combined with offline experimental content by means of questionnaire survey, and puts forward some views and opinions on the construction of the virtual simulation experiment teaching content system.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-908944


Teaching practice is an important link in the process of postgraduate training. This paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of postgraduate teaching practice, and discusses the influence of new teaching practice mode on postgraduate training. Aiming at the problems existing in the teaching practice of postgraduate students, this paper carries out the reform from five aspects: subject course learning, teaching preparation, theoretical teaching, experimental teaching participation and teaching management participation, and evaluates the implementation effect of the reform. Through the reform of postgraduate teaching practice, the teaching ability and social competitiveness of postgraduate students have been effectively improved. The new teaching practice mode provides new ideas and methods for the cultivation of postgraduate students' teaching ability.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 3368-3375, 2021.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921432


Human Anatomy and Physiology is one of the basic professional courses for students majored in special education in normal colleges. It is of great importance to develop a comprehensive curriculum and improve the associated teaching approaches. In recent years, we have taken a series of approaches including optimizing the teaching content, highlighting the curriculum value, diversifying the teaching methods, and improving the evaluation methods. These approaches have received good effects and responses. Here we summarize the experiences and share our insights with colleagues.

Humains , Programme d'études , Enseignement spécialisé , Étudiants , Universités
Conexões (Campinas, Online) ; 19: e021027, 2021.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1343965


Objetivo: O objetivo desse ensaio foi discutir a potencialidade da prática educativa intelectual e transformadora em tempos de educação neoliberal e do avanço dos movimentos neoconservadores no território brasileiro. Método: Nosso material para análise crítica, além da conjuntura econômica, política, social, é a narrativa de duas experiências político-pedagógicas de aulas de Educação Física construídas em Porto Alegre e São Paulo e que foram problematizadas com essa intencionalidade. Resultados: A nossa defesa é que um professor intelectual busca a transformação social, pensa em todas as suas ações educativas para fazer resistência ao sistema econômico imposto no seu cotidiano, compreende que é apenas o trabalho coletivo que pode modificar a realidade injusta instalada na sociedade contemporânea e assume a responsabilidade em organizar projetos educativos que dialogam com uma escola pública democrática. Considerações Finais: Os professores de Educação Física em seus respectivos contextos resistiram contra a cultura dominante.

Objective: The purpose of this essay was to discuss the potential of intellectual and transformative educational practice in times of neoliberal education and the advancement of neoconservative movements in brazilian territory. Method: Our material for critical analysis, in addition to the economic, political, social context, is the narrative of two political-pedagogical experiences of Physical Education classes built in Porto Alegre and São Paulo and which were problematized with this intentionality. Results: Our defense is that an intellectual teacher seeks social transformation, thinks about all his educational actions to resist the economic system imposed on his daily life, understands that it is only collective work that can modify the unfair reality installed in contemporary society and assumes the responsibility for organizing educational projects that dialogue with a democratic public school. Final Considerations: Physical Education teachers in their respective contexts were against the dominant culture.

Objetivo: El propósito de este ensayo fue discutir el potencial de la práctica educativa intelectual y transformadora en tiempos de la educación neoliberal y el avance de los movimientos neoconservadores en el territorio brasileño. Método: Nuestro material para el análisis crítico, además del contexto económico, político y social, es la narración de dos experiencias político-pedagógicas de las clases de Educación Física construidas en Porto Alegre y São Paulo y que fueron problematizadas con esta intencionalidad. Resultados: Nuestra defensa es que un maestro intelectual busca la transformación social, piensa en todas sus acciones educativas para resistir el sistema económico impuesto en su vida cotidiana, entiende que solo el trabajo colectivo puede modificar la realidad injusta instalada en la sociedad contemporánea y asume La responsabilidad de organizar proyectos educativos que dialoguen con una escuela pública democrática. Consideraciones finales: Los profesores de Educación Física en sus respectivos contextos estaban en contra de la cultura dominante.

Éducation physique et entraînement physique , Narration , Éducation , Politique , Établissements scolaires , Culture (sociologie) , Corps enseignant , Droits de l'homme
Rev. lasallista investig ; 17(2): 60-76, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361013


Resumen Introducción: la formación de profesionales de enfermería ha transitado por enfoques pedagógicos diversos y fundamentado en prácticas que requieren ser evaluadas. Objetivo: la investigación tuvo como objetivo, identificar las prácticas pedagógicas enmarcadas dentro de un modelo constructivista que tienen los docentes de un programa de enfermería en Boyacá y su posible relación con los procesos de aprendizaje, percibidos por los estudiantes. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico a partir del método de caso único; la recolección de la información se hizo a través de la cartografía social pedagógica con la construcción de dieciocho mapas por un grupo de 64 estudiantes, el análisis se realizó desde el abordaje de Colaizzi. Resultados: surgieron categorías y subcategorías deductivas desde lo propuesto por Lev Vygotski: andamiaje (entorno, estudiante - maestro, compañeros), Instrumentos mediadores (relaciones, metodología) y zona de desarrollo próximo (enseñanza - aprendizaje). Conclusiones: se concluye que no se encuentra diversidad de prácticas pedagógicas, ya que confluyen en el modelo tradicional de transmisión de conocimiento, que incide sobre los procesos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes con el uso de metodologías convencionales y verticales, que minimizan la diversidad de las prácticas fundamentadas en el cumplimiento de contenidos temáticos, trabajos, tareas, evaluaciones y horarios inflexibles que no permiten el bienestar e impiden la construcción, transformación y relación del conocimiento.

Abstract Introduction: the training of nursing professionals has passed through different pedagogical approaches and based on practices that need to be evaluated. Objective: the objective of the research was to identify the pedagogical practices framed within a constructivist model that the teachers of a nursing program in Boyacá have and their possible relationship with the learning processes, perceived by the students. Materials and methods: a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach was carried out from the single case method; the collection of information was done through pedagogical social cartography with the construction of eighteen maps by a group of 64 students, the analysis was carried out from the Colaizzi approach. Results: deductive categories and sub-categories emerged from what was proposed by Lev Vygotski: Scaffolding (environment, student-teacher, classmates), Mediating instruments (relationships, methodology) and zone of proximal development (teaching-learning). Conclusions: it's concluded that there is no diversity of pedagogical practices, since they converge in the traditional model of knowledge transmission, which affects the learning processes of students with the use of conventional and vertical methodologies, which minimize the diversity of grounded practices in the fulfillment of thematic contents, works, tasks, evaluations and inflexible schedules that do not allow well-being and prevent the construction, transformation and relationship of knowledge.

Resumo Introdução: a formação dos profissionais de enfermagem tem passado por diversas abordagens pedagógicas e com base em práticas que precisam ser avaliadas. Objetivo: o obj etivo da pesquisa foi identificar as práticas pedagógicas enquadradas dentro de um modelo construtivista que os professores de um curso de enfermagem de Boyacá tem e sua possível relação com os processos de aprendizagem, percebidos pelos alunos. Materiais e métodos: foi realizado um estudo qualitativo com abordagem fenomenológica a partir do método de caso único; a coleta das informações foi feita por meio de cartografia social pedagógica com a construção de dezoito mapas por um grupo de 64 alunos, a análise foi realizada a partir do enfoque Colaizzi. Resultados: as categorias e subcategorias dedutivas emergiram do proposto por Lev Vygotski: Andaime (ambiente, aluno-professor, colegas), Instrumentos mediadores (relações, metodologia) e zona de desenvolvimento proximal (ensino-aprendizagem). Conclusões: Conclui-se que não há diversidade de práticas pedagógicas, uma vez que convergem no modelo tradicional de transmissão de conhecimento, que afeta os processos de aprendizagem dos alunos com a utilização de metodologias convencionais e verticais, que minimizam a diversidade de práticas fundamentadas. no cumprimento de conteúdos temáticos, obras, tarefas, avaliações e cronogramas inflexíveis que não permitem o bem-estar e impedem a construção, transformação e relação do conhecimento.

Rev. Psicol., Divers. Saúde ; 9(4): 442-448, Dez. 2020.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1281930


Na esteira de comemorações dos 20 anos de existência do curso de Psicologia da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública (EBMSP), este artigo cumpre o objetivo de apresentar o histórico de surgimento e posterior desenvolvimento do método PBL (Problem Based Learning) no currículo do curso. Apresenta-se um breve panorama das mudanças socioeconômicas e culturais deflagradoras de novos modos de organização social impactando todas as dimensões da vida, sobremaneira o campo educacional. Descreve-se, em linhas gerais, o modo de operação do método PBL, como recurso pedagógico afinado com as demandas da sociedade contemporânea sem, contudo, deixar de indicar sua potência enquanto ferramenta crítica dessa mesma sociedade. Na discussão apresentada, isto depõe a favor do entendimento de que o emprego das metodologias ativas na educação, em atenção aos imperativos do novo cenário globalizado instituído, torna-se poderosa fonte de recursos para se elaborar o mal estar contemporâneo e promover condições de saúde mental. A inserção do método PBL no âmbito do curso de Psicologia da EBMSP ocorreu no ano de 2009. Desde então, seu desenvolvimento é demonstrado como um processo contínuo de construção coletiva, tendo por autores um grupo de docentes, o qual vem realizando a experiência de ministrar tutorias correspondentes aos componentes curriculares que abordam o ciclo de vida no eixo curricular 'Ser humano e Ciclo de vida'. Os efeitos deste trabalho são referidos pelos alunos, professores e pela qualidade da formação apresentada pelos alunos egressos.

In the wake of celebrations of the 20 years of existence of the Psychology course at the Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health (EBMSP), this article emerges fulfilling the objective of presenting the history of the emergence and subsequent development of the PBL (Problem Based Learning) method in the curriculum of the course. A brief overview of the socioeconomic and cultural changes triggering new modes of social organization is presented, impacting all dimensions of life, especially the educational field. The mode of operation of the PBL method is described in general terms, as a pedagogical resource in tune with the demands of contemporary society, without, however, failing to indicate its potency as a critical tool of that same society. In the discussion presented, this demonstrates in favor of the understanding that the use of active methodologies in education, in attention to the imperatives of the new globalized scenario instituted, becomes a powerful source of resources to elaborate contemporary malaise and promote mental health conditions. The insertion of the PBL method within the scope of the Psychology course at EBMSP took place in 2009. Since then, its development has been demonstrated as a continuous process of collective construction by a group of teachers, who have been carrying out the experience of teaching tutorials corresponding to the curriculum components that address the life cycle in the curricular axis 'Human Being and Life Cycle'. The effects of this work are mentioned by the students, teachers and the quality of training presented by the alumni.

Santé mentale , Enseignement , Méthodologie
Détails de la recherche