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Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 365-368, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038932


Objective@#To explore the effects of whole wheat flour on blood glucose and lipid levels and antioxidant capacity of high-fat fed mice.@*Methods@#Thirty-two male C57BL/6J mice at ages of 3 to 4 weeks were randomly divided into 4 groups with 8 mice in each group. The normal control group was fed with ordinary diet, the high-fat diet group was fed with high-fat diet, the whole wheat flour group was fed with high-fat diet and whole wheat flour, and the refined wheat flour group was fed with high-fat diet and refined wheat flour. Nine weeks later, blood was collected from the tail for measurement of fasting blood glucose (FBG), and blood was also collected from the eyeball to determine the levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and malondialdehyde (MDA). Adipose tissue was taken and weighed after death. Body weight, total food intake, Lee's index, adipose index, blood glucose, blood lipids, and antioxidant indicators were compared among the four groups of mice.@*Results@#Compared with the normal control group, the mice in the high-fat diet group, whole wheat flour group, and refined wheat flour group exhibited increased body weight, total food intake, Lee's index, and adipose index, as well as decreased GSH-Px levels; the high-fat diet group had elevated levels of TC, TG, LDL-C and MDA (all P<0.05). When compared to the high-fat diet group, the whole wheat flour group showed lower Lee's index and adipose index, but the difference was not statistically significant (both P>0.05). Both the whole wheat flour group and the refined wheat flour group had reduced levels of TC, TG, LDL-C, and MDA, as well as increased GSH-Px levels (all P<0.05).@*Conclusions@#Whole wheat flour can effectively reduce the body weight of high-fat feeding mice, improve blood lipid levels, and enhance antioxidant capacity. However, there was no significant difference in the effects of whole wheat flour and refined wheat flour on mice during the experimental period.

Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 73(3): 191-200, sept 2023. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1516063


Introducción. Los cereales tienen aminoácidos limitantes y mezclarlos con harinas de origen marino presentan un mejor equilibrio en éstos mejorando la composición nutricional en productos de panificación, principalmente de proteína y aminoácidos. Objetivo. Desarrollar panes tipo "baguette" sustituyendo parcialente harina de trigo (HT) por harina de calamar (HC) y evaluar su calidad física, química y sensorial. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizó la técnica de masa esponja incorporando 7,5, 10 y 12,5 % de HC. Análisis físicos: tiempo de amasado, peso y fermentación de la masa, volumen específico, peso de los panes (g), % pérdida humedad y color de miga; análisis químicos: humedad, proteína cruda, cenizas, extracto etéreo, fibra cruda, carbohidratos, aminoácidos indispensables y energía bruta y evaluación sensorial: textura, olor, color y sabor. Resultados. Las propiedades físicas no presentaron diferencias (p>0,05), pero sí (p<0,05) para las variables de color en todos los panes, al igual que en los análisis químicos y perfil de aminoácidos (p<0,05), incrementándose la proteína (15,63 % pan con 7,5 % de HC hasta 23,27 % pan con 12,5 % de HC) y mismo comportamiento de aminoácidos indispensables conforme aumentó la inclusión de HC. Los resultados de la evaluación sensorial fueron similares (p>0,05) para 7,5 % de HC (me gusta), para 10,0 y 12,5 % fue indiferente. Conclusiones. La inclusión de HC (7,5 %) en baguette logró un aumento de proteínas y aminoácidos esenciales mejorando la calidad nutricional, con buena aceptación de acuerdo con la prueba de carácter exploratorio con consumidores que se empleó(AU)

Introduction. Cereals have limiting amino acids and mixing them with flours of marine origin could provide a better balance in these improving the nutritional composition in bakery products, mainly protein and amino acids. Objective. To develop and evaluate the physical, chemical, and sensory quality of three white breads of baguette type by partially substitution of wheat flour (HT) with squid flour (HC). Materials and methods. The sponge dough technique was used incorporating 7,5, 10,0 and 12,5 % of HC. Physical analysis: kneading time, dough weight, dough fermentation, specific volume, bread weight (g), % loss of moisture and crumb color; chemical analysis: moisture, crude protein, ash, ether extract, crude fiber, carbohydrates, indispensable amino acids and sensory evaluation: texture, odor, color, and flavor. Results. Physical properties did not show differences (p>0.05), differences (p<0.05) for color variables in all breads as well as in chemical analysis and amino acid profile (p<0.05), the protein show an increase (15,63 % for bread with HT to 23,27 % for bread with 12.5 % of HC) and the same behavior for indispensable amino acids, that increase as inclusion of HC increases. The results of the sensory evaluation were similar (p>0.05) in control and 7,5 % of HC (I like it), for 10 and 12,5% it was indifferent. Conclusions. The inclusion of squid flour (7,5 %) in the preparation of baguette bread achieved an increase of proteins and essential amino acids that improved the nutritional quality of this food, which also presented a good acceptance according to an exploratory test with consumers(AU)

Decapodiformes , Sciences de la nutrition , Farine/analyse
Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 729-734, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997020


ObjectiveTo investigate the pollution level of deoxynivalenol (DON) in wheat flour and its products sold in Shanghai, and to assess the health risks of DON exposure for residents in Shanghai who ingested DON from wheat flour and its products. MethodsRisk monitoring data of DON in wheat flour and its products sold in Shanghai from 2017 to 2021 were combined with the consumption data of wheat flour and its products by Shanghai residents. A probabilistic assessment method was used to assess dietary exposure of DON in wheat flour and its products. ResultsThe overall detection rate of DON in wheat flour and its products was 77.3% (1 041/1 347), with a mean concentration of 226.3 μg·kg-1, P50 of 130.0 μg·kg-1 and a maximum value of 3 080.0 μg·kg-1. The mean daily exposure and 95th percentile daily exposure (by body weight) of DON from wheat flour and its products in Shanghai residents were 0.279 μg·kg-1 and 1.146 μg·kg, accounting for 27.9% and 114.6% of the daily tolerable intake of DON TDI, 1 μg·kg, respectively. The probability assessment results indicated that 6.1% of the whole population in Shanghai had DON exposure exceeding the TDI value. Among them, 12.8% of the population aged 6 years old and below, 16.4% of the population aged between 7 and 17 years old, 3.9% of the population aged between 18 and 59 years old and 3.2% of the population aged 60 years old and above exceeded the TDI value for daily DON exposure through wheat flour and its products. ConclusionCertain populations in Shanghai may face certain health risks from daily DON intake wheat flour and its products. Special attention should be paid to the health risk of daily DON exposure through wheat flour and its products for individuals age below 18 years old .

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 119(5): 304-309, oct. 2021. tab
Article Dans Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1292011


Introducción. El enriquecimiento de la harina de trigo es una de las estrategias de salud pública recomendadas para prevenir las deficiencias de micronutrientes, entre ellos el hierro. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el contenido de hierro en harina de trigo enriquecida y sus derivados, y la contribución de estos a las recomendaciones nutricionales en niños. Población y métodos. Estudio observacional, analítico, de corte transversal, basado en la metodología de estudio de dieta total. Se analizaron la harina de trigo enriquecida (según la ley 25630) y sus derivados más consumidos. Para seleccionar los alimentos, se realizó un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo y recordatorio de 24 horas a los padres de niños con edades entre 6 meses y 7 años. Se determinó la concentración de hierro en los alimentos mediante absorción atómica y se evaluó su contribución al requerimiento promedio estimado. Resultados. La harina enriquecida y sus derivados tuvieron la cantidad de hierro esperada, excepto el pan francés y el pan rallado. La contribución a los requerimientos de hierro de los alimentos evaluados fue el 7 % en niños de 6 meses a 1 año, el 81 % en el grupo de 1 a 3 años y el 45 % en los mayores de 4 años. Conclusiones. Excepto el pan francés y el pan rallado, las harinas y sus derivados analizados presentaron el nivel de enriquecimiento esperado. El consumo de estos alimentos no aporta cantidades significativas de hierro en los lactantes, pero sí en los niños mayores de 1 año.

Introduction. Wheat flour enrichment is a public health strategy recommended to prevent micronutrient deficiencies, including iron deficiency. The objective of this study was to determine iron content in enriched wheat flour and flour products and their contribution to nutritional recommendations for children. Population and methods. Observational, analytical, cross-sectional study based on the total diet study method. Enriched wheat flour (as per Law no. 25630) and the most frequently consumed flour products were analyzed. Products were selected using a questionnaire on the frequency of food intake and a 24-hour recall interview with the parents of children aged 6 months to 7 years. Food iron levels were determined based on atomic absorption spectrometry and their contribution to the estimated average requirement was assessed. Results. Enriched flour and flour products showed the expected iron amount, except for French bread and breadcrumbs. The contribution of studied products to iron requirements was 7 % in children aged 6 months to 1 year, 81 % in those aged 1-3 years, and 45 % in those older than 4 years. Conclusions. Except for French bread and breadcrumbs, studied flour and flour products showed the expected enrichment level. The consumption of this type of food does not provide significant amounts of iron to infants, but it does to children older than 1 year.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Nourrisson , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Aliment enrichi , Farine , Fer , Triticum , Études transversales
Perspect. nutr. hum ; 21(2): [159-171], septiembre 12 de 2019.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103617


Background: Colombia's mandatory wheat flour fortification program has yet to be evaluated. Objective: Examine associations between consumption of fortified wheat flour and low serum fer¬ritin (LSF) and anemia prevalence. Materials and Methods: A secondary analysis of the 2005 national nutrition survey (ENSIN) was completed for 3988 children 2-4 y, 5669 children 5-12 y and 2053 nonpregnant women 13-49 y. The relationship between consumption (quartiles) of wheat flour containing food (WFCF) and LSF and anemia was examined using chi-square analyses and logistic regression models. Results: In adjusted models, controlling for socio-economic status, intake of animal-origin foods, and supplement use in the last 24 hours, a correlation was found between WFCF and anemia in the preschool aged group, when comparing the quartile of highest WFCF consumption with the lowest quartile (OR: 0.7, 95 % CI: 0.6-0.9). The prevalence of LSF was similar across all quartiles of WFCF consumption in all age groups. The highest prevalence of anemia was observed in the lowest WFCF consumption quartiles in all age groups, but was not significantly different in non-pregnant women 13-49 y. No association between WFCF and LSF was observed in adjusted or unadjusted models. Conclusions: In Colombia, consumption of wheat flour containing foods is associated with lower levels of anemia in pre-school aged children.

Antecedentes: la fortificación obligatoria de harina de trigo en Colombia no se ha evaluado. Objetivo: examinar las asociaciones entre el consumo de harina y ferritina sérica baja (BSF) y la prevalencia de anemia. Materiales y métodos: se completó un análisis secundario de la Encuesta Nacional de la Situación Nutricional de 2005 (ENSIN) para 3988 niños de 2-4 años, 5669 escolares de 5-12 años y 2053 mujeres no embarazadas de 13-49 años. Se examinó la relación entre el consumo (cuartiles) de alimentos que contenían harina (ACHT) y la BSF y la anemia mediante análisis de ji al cuadrado y modelos de regresión logística. Resultados: en modelos ajustados, controlando por el estado socioeconómico, alimentos de origen animal y la ingesta de suplementos en las 24 horas anteriores, existía relación entre ACHT y la anemia en los preescolares, al comparar el cuartil más alto del consumo de ACHT con el cuartil más bajo (OR: 0,7; IC 95 %: 0,6-0,9). No se observó asociación entre ACHT y BFS en modelos ajustados. Conclusiones: en Colombia, el consumo de alimentos que contienen harina de trigo se asocia con niveles más bajos de anemia en preescolares.

Analyse de médiation
Hig. aliment ; 31(266/267): 80-84, 30/04/2017. Ilus, Tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-833330


A fim de se agregar valor ao resíduo farelo de trigo gerado em indústrias do setor alimentício avaliou-se, no presente trabalho, o potencial deste subproduto como substrato para produção de enzima xilanase no cultivo em estado sólido, utilizando consórcios fúngicos bem como os fungos Aspergillus oryzae CCT nº 0975 (ATCC9362) eTrichoderma reesei CCT nº 2768 - QM 9414. Para tanto utilizou-se o farelo de trigo, não lavado e não autoclavado, como fonte de carbono e energia na fermentação em estado sólido pelo fungo Aspergillus oryzae que apresentou maior produção do percentual de proteína nas 72 horas de cultivo. Depois de realizado um Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (DCCR) - planejamento fatorial 23,com três repetições no ponto central e seis pontos axiais - partiu-se para otimização dos fatores que foram considerados significativos no processo: umidade, pH e granulometria. Os fatores foram considerados significativos pela A NOVA com o nível de 95% de confiança e com o resultado otimizado de atividade enzimática de (1.84 ± 0.01) UI/mL utilizando pH 3,3, granulometria de 900,0 µm e umidade de 40%. O caldo enzimático obtido foi considerado eficiente na modificação de tipificação de farinhas de trigo pelo estudo dos parâmetros reológicos do falling number e alveografia sendo estável por cerca de 3 meses

This study aimed to find alternatives for wheat bran disposal destination generated in food industry sector,thus contributing to the reduction of the resultant impact of residue depo-sition in the environment. The poten-tial of the wheat bran as a substrate for xylanase production by solid-state fermentation using fungal con-sortiums as well as Aspergillus ory-zae (ATCC9362) and Trichoderma reesei (2768) was valued. The use of non-washed and non-autoclaved wheat bran as carbon and energy source in solid-state fermentation by A. oryzae fungus showed greater per-centage of produced protein after 72 h of cultivation. The use of a central composite rotatable design(CCRD), 23 factorial planning with three rep-etitions at the central point as well as six axial points, coupled with Sur-face Response Methodology (SRM) allowed to assay the influence of hu-midity, pH, and grain size (indepen-dent variables or factors) on the xy-lanase activity(dependent variable or response) as well as to optimize the best conditions for the enzyme production. The results showed that all factors and their combinations were significant at 95% confidence level. The optimized xylanase activi-ty was (1.84 ± 0.01) UI/mL, obtained at 40% humidity and pH 3.3 with a grain size of 900.0 µm. The produced broth was stable for 3 months and approximately had 50% of the initial xylanase activity at 4°C. SDS-PAGE assay showed that xylanase has 30 kDa molar mass. The obtained en-zymatic broth was efficient to modify wheat flours as shown by the falling number rheologic parameters and alveography assay

Humains , Xylosidases , Fermentation/physiologie , Farine , Aspergillus oryzae , Xylanes/métabolisme , Électrophorèse sur gel de polyacrylamide/méthodes , Activation enzymatique
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition ; : 1-7, 2017.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-625508


The paper highlights the history, policy, programs of food fortification intervention and its impact on reducing micronutrient deficiency, especially iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), iron deficiency anaemia (IDA), and vitamin A deficiency (VAD) in Indonesia. General issues in the management of food fortification, and lessons learned from the Indonesian experience are discussed in this paper.

Rev. chil. enferm. respir ; 32(2): 113-118, jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-795887


Wheat flour is a known sensitizer for humans. Bakers exposed to flour dust may develop occupational rhinitis and asthma. In Chile there is no current permissible limit for occupational exposure to wheat flour. To propose such a limit, 9 bakeries located in 6 districts of Santiago de Chile were evaluated, 6 bakeries were semi-industrial and 3 were small business. Twenty-eight environmental personal samples were obtained by standard sampling methods and they were analyzed at the Institute of Public Health of Chile. No significant differences were found (p = 0,2915, Kruskall-Wallis' test) between air concentrations of flour particles in the working environment of semi-industrial (geometric mean: MG = 0.88 mg/m³,geometric deviation: DEG = 2,68) and small business (MG = 1.39 mg/m³, DEG = 2,31). A permissible limit of wheat flour dust exposure is recommended.

Se conoce que la harina de trigo es un sensibilizador en seres humanos. Los panaderos expuestos a polvo de harina pueden desarrollar rinitis y asma ocupacional. En Chile actualmente no existe un límite permisible para la exposición ocupacional a polvo de harina. Con el objetivo de proponer un límite, fueron evaluadas 9 panaderías de 6 comunas de Santiago de Chile, de las cuales 6 fueron semi-industriales y 3 pequeñas. Un total de veintiocho muestras personales de aire fueron obtenidas según método estándar de muestreo y analizadas en el Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (p = 0,2915, prueba de Kruskall-Wallis) en la concentración de partículas de harina en el ambiente de trabajo semi-industrial (media geométrica: MG = 0,88 mg/m³, desviación geométrica: DEG = 2,68) y en el de panaderías pequeñas (MG = 1,39 mg/m³, DEG = 2,31). En base a las observaciones realizadas se recomienda establecer un límite permisible de exposición para polvo de harina de trigo.

Humains , Mâle , Poudres/analyse , Allergènes/analyse , Exposition professionnelle/effets indésirables , Asthme professionnel/étiologie , Farine/analyse , Industrie alimentaire , Chili , Exposition professionnelle/analyse
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 73(1): 67-76, jan.-mar. 2014. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: lil-782587


Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a widespread nutritional disorder that affects a significant proportion of the Brazilian population. The obligatory fortification of wheat flour with iron and folic acid represents a strategy of the Brazilian Ministry of Health for combating IDA. However, several studies have reported the occurrence of iron in excessive concentrations and insufficient contents of folic acid in commercial flour samples. In the light of these information, a participatory observational study on the wheat flour production processes was undertaken in 11 major flour mills located in the São Paulo state, Brazil. This study aimed at writing a detailed good manufacturing practice (GMP) guidelines for the industrial sectors, including directives for standardized operational procedures (SOPs) on the flour fortification. The outcomes of this study are a GMP checklist and the recommended SOPs, which help to standardize the production processes in flour fortification, which currently is incongruous one, and also to facilitate the work of the government health inspectors...

Humains , Aliment enrichi , Pratiques de Bonne Fabrication , Norme d'Identité et de Qualité pour les Produits et Services , Triticum , Carences en fer
Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 50(4): 703-712, Oct-Dec/2014. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-741351


Bread characteristics are dependent upon the chemical composition and fiber content of the wheat flour used. A healthy diet can help prevent chronic diseases, where whole grains and fewer calories from fat are components of a healthy diet. The aims of this study were to determine the centesimal composition of wheat flour samples (whole, refined, and flour blends) along with their farinographic parameters (water absorption, development time and stability) and also to verify the specific volume, crumb texture profile and digital imaging of bread loaves made with 60% whole wheat flour and 3% fat or fat replacer. Increasing the whole wheat flour percentage in the blends also increased levels of protein, ash and insoluble fiber. All the farinographic parameters were also increased. Enzymatically modified starch was found to be an effective fat replacer in whole wheat loaves. The loaves made using fat replacer had the same specific volume and higher cell density as those made with fat, but exhibited different texture profile parameters such as higher hardness value and lower springiness value.

A composição química da farinha de trigo e a presença de fibras afeta as características dos pães. Uma forma de contribuir com a prevenção de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis é através de alimentação saudável, incluindo grãos integrais na dieta alimentar e reduzindo as calorias de determinado alimento, substituindo a gordura. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo determinar a composição centesimal das amostras de farinha de trigo integral, refinada e as misturas entre elas; bem como os parâmetros farinográficos (absorção de água, tempo de desenvolvimento e estabilidade) das mesmas. Além disso, verificar volume específico, perfil de textura do miolo e análise de imagem de pães elaborados com 60% de farinha de trigo integral e com 3% de gordura ou com substituto de gordura. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância. À medida que aumenta o percentual de farinha integral, os teores de proteína, cinzas e fibra insolúvel alcançam valores significativamente maiores e a absorção de água fica maior na farinografia, bem como o tempo de desenvolvimento e a estabilidade. O amido modificado enzimaticamente utilizado na elaboração de pão com 60% de farinha de trigo integral funcionou como um efetivo substituto de gordura. O pão integral elaborado com substituto de gordura apresentou volume específico significativamente igual ao pão integral elaborado com gordura, porém com diferenças em relação a parâmetros do perfil de textura, maior firmeza e menor elasticidade além de maior densidade celular do que o pão elaborado com gordura.

Pain/classification , Matières grasses/analyse , Fibre alimentaire/pharmacologie , Norme d'Identité et de Qualité pour les Produits et Services
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-151583


The present study was conducted to see the effect of Wheat Amylase Rich Food (ARF) on the baking quality of whole wheat flours of selected three varieties i.e. vw-120, J-24 and Bhalia of wheat. The specific objectives were to study the physico-chemical properties of selected whole wheat flours, standardization of whole wheat flour bread (control) and to incorporate ARF at 1%, 2% and 3% levels in whole wheat flours to see its effect on dough and bread and carrying out acceptability trials of the final product using sensory evaluation. The physicochemical assessment of breads prepared with different additions of ARF revealed a significant increase in loaf volume as compared to their controls. Maximum increase was recorded with 3% ARF addition in J-24. Product developed with 1% addition of ARF was rated as most acceptable and 3% as least acceptable in terms of various sensory attributes. Among all,Bhalia variety treated with 1% ARF scored maximum (93%) comparable to standard (94%). Thus wheat ARF could play an important role as an additive to improve the overall bread making properties of whole wheat flours pre-dominantly the loaf volume at 1% level.

Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research ; : 42-47, 2013.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-48734


PURPOSE: It is known that ovomucoid, an egg allergen, is heat resistant and remains soluble after heating. However, a recent study showed that the antigenic activity of ovomucoid could be reduced by heating when egg white (EW) was mixed with wheat flour. This study was performed to determine the influence of wheat flour on the antigenic activities of EW proteins when EW is heated, and the influence of the duration of heat treatment. METHODS: A mixture of EW and wheat flour was kneaded for 10 minutes and then baked at 180degrees C for 10 minutes and 30 minutes. The EW without wheat flour was also heated at 180degrees C for 10 minutes and 30 minutes. The proteins were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and IgE immunoblotting was performed with the pooled sera of 5 egg-allergic patients. The antigenic activities of ovomucoid in different EW samples were measured by inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). RESULTS: 1) SDS-PAGE: the intensity of the 37-50 kD bands (overlapped bands of ovomucoid and ovalbumin) decreased significantly in the mixture of EW and wheat flour baked for 30 minutes, compared with the mixture baked for 10 minutes, heated EW and raw EW. 2) IgE immunoblot: in the mixture of EW and wheat, a remarkable decrease of IgE reactivity to 37-50 kD was observed when baked for 30 minutes. 3) Inhibition ELISA: the antigenic activity of ovomucoid decreased significantly in the mixture of EW and wheat baked for 30 minutes, but not in the heated pure EW. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the antigenic activity of ovomucoid can be reduced by baking EW with wheat flour. The decrease in ovomucoid antigenicity in the baked mixture of EW and wheat flour was dependent on the time of heat treatment, indicating that heating should be prolonged to achieve a reduction in ovomucoid antigenic activity.

Humains , Résines acryliques , Protéines d'oeuf , Blanc d'oeuf , Électrophorèse sur gel de polyacrylamide , Test ELISA , Farine , Chauffage , Température élevée , Immunotransfert , Immunoglobuline E , Ovomucoïde , Ovule , Protéines , Dodécyl-sulfate de sodium , Triticum
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-163758


Wheat flour was used to substitute mushroom flour at the ratio of 70:30 as category A, 50:50 as category B, 30:70 as category C, and each categories were substituted with spice (Murraya koenigii) at concentration ratio of 5g, 10g, and 15g respectively. The cookies prepared without wheat flour and also without mushroom flour serve as positive control. The spread ratio was determined with meter rule: Total Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Coliform and Fungi count were determined using standard microbiological procedure and the effect of the spice (Murraya koenigii) concentration was noted. Consumer preference or otherwise was also determine using a taste parnel list. The mean quality scores of microbial count, Staphylococcal count and Fungi count reduces significantly at p<0.05 as the spice concentration increases but the Bacillus proves resistant to the effect of the spice. The mean quality sensory scores of the cookies range from: colour (3.55 – 3.45), flavour (4.9 – 3.5), taste (4.9 – 3.0) and overall acceptability (5.0 – 3.0) for 70:30. Colour (4.9 – 3.0), flavour (4.0 – 3.5), taste (4.9 – 3.0) and overall acceptability (4.9 – 3.0) for 50:50. Colour (3.5 – 2.0), taste (2.5 – 2.0) and overall acceptability (3.0 – 2.0) for 30:70 respectively. The result shows a significant difference at probability level P<0.05 as the spice concentration increases for category A and B but C display no significant difference. the production of cookies from wheat flour fortified with (Murraya koenigii) be encouraged to achieve and harvested the preservatives, potential of the spice (Murraya koenigii) and the other medical properties that has been recorded from literature review.

Journal of Korean Medical Science ; : 382-387, 2012.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-25824


Lower respiratory symptoms in bakery workers may be induced by wheat flour and endotoxins. We hypothesized that endotoxins from wheat flour may stimulate innate immunity and that interleukin-18 (IL-18) gene polymorphisms may affect their regulatory role in innate immune responses to endotoxins. To investigate the genetic contribution of IL-18 to sensitization to wheat flour, we performed a genetic association study of IL-18 in Korean bakery workers. A total of 373 bakery workers undertook a questionnaire regarding work-related symptoms. Skin prick tests with common and occupational allergens were performed and specific antibodies to wheat flour were measured by ELISA. Three polymorphisms of the IL-18 gene (-607A/C, -137G/C, 8674C/G) were genotyped, and the functional effects of the polymorphisms were analyzed using the luciferase reporter assay. Genotypes of -137G/C (GC or CC) and haplotype ht3 [ACC] showed a significant association with the rate of sensitization to wheat flour. Luciferase activity assay indicated ht3 [AC] as a low transcript haplotype. In conclusion, the regulatory role of IL-18 in lipopolysaccharide-induced responses in bakery workers may be affected by this polymorphism, thus contributing to the development of sensitization to wheat flour and work-related respiratory symptoms.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Allèles , Allergènes/immunologie , Anticorps/analyse , Gènes rapporteurs , Génotype , Haplotypes , Interleukine-18/génétique , Maladies professionnelles/génétique , Polymorphisme de nucléotide simple , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Hypersensibilité respiratoire/génétique , Tests cutanés , Triticum/immunologie
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 69(3): 371-378, jul.-set. 2010. tab, graf


Para avaliar o efeito da remoção de fenilalanina no perfil peptídico dos hidrolisados proteicos de farinha de trigo, foram preparados nove hidrolisados empregando-se a associação sucessiva de pancreatina e de extrato enzimático bruto obtido da casca de abacaxi (EB). Foram testados o efeito da ordem de adição das enzimas, da temperatura de reação, da relação enzima: substrato (E:S) e do tratamento físico da amostra. A análise do perfil peptídico dos hidrolisados foi realizada em duas etapas: antes e após a remoção da fenilalanina. A cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência de exclusão molecular foi utilizada para efetuar o fracionamento e a quantificação dos peptídeos e aminoácidos livres pela técnica da Área Corrigida da Fração. O processo de remoção de fenilalanina melhorou o perfil peptídico de três hidrolisados, mas não afetou no de cinco hidrolisados. O efeito benéfico desse processo está associado ao aumento no teor de di- e tripeptídeos ou à redução na quantidade de peptídeos grandes. O melhor perfil peptídico foi obtido após a remoção de fenilalanina, utilizando-se pancreatina E:S de 4:100 a 50°C, durante 210 min, seguidade EB E:S de 10:100 a 70°C durante 90 min.

The effect of phenylalanine removal on the peptide profile of the protein hydrolysates from wheat flour wasinvestigated. Nine hydrolysates were prepared, using a successive association of a pancreatin and a crudeenzymatic extract obtained from pineapple peel (CE), and the effect of the order of enzymes addition, thereaction temperature, the enzyme: substrate (E:S) ratio, and the physical treatment of sample were examined.The analysis of peptide profile of hydrolysates was performed in two stages, that is before and after removingphenylalanine. The size-exclusion high performance liquid chromatography was used for performing the fractionation, followed by Correct Fraction Area technique for quantifying peptides and free amino acids. The process of phenylalanine removal improved the peptide profile of three hydrolyzed samples, but it did not affect the five hydrolysates. The beneficial effect of this process is correlated with the increase of di- and tripeptides contents, or in reducing the amount of large peptides. The best peptide profile was obtained after phenylalanine removal by using pancreatin at E:S ratio of 4:100 at 50ºC for 210min, followed by CE at E:S ratio of 10:100 at 70ºC for 90 min.

Chromatographie , Enzymes , Farine , Phénylalanine , Hydrolysats de protéines , Triticum
Bol. micol ; 24: 57-63, dic. 2009. graf, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-585744


With the purpose of evaluating the wheat grain and wheat flour contamination by Deoxynivalenol (DON) in the municipality of Chapeco-SC, and standardize an useful method to detect this mycotoxin by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), six samples of wheat grains from different storage location, and one sample of wheat grain from the flour milling industry were obtained during in the month of august 2008. Samples belong to a corporation from Chapeco-SC that stores and processes wheat grains, flour and wheat middlings, among other products. The extraction has been carried out with methanol: water (100: 100 v / v), filtered paper filter and applied in immunoaffinity column specific DON. After the wash with water column, the toxin was eluted with methanol. The detection and quantification Deoxynivalenol in samples was carrid out through the method of HPLC in the UV-visible with detection 244 nm. The 6 analyzed samples of wheat grain showed DON levels within 7.0 and 10.1 ppb, while the wheat flour contained 90.2 ppb. DON contents in wheat grains and wheat flour are lower than the limits claimed by the studied corporated importers and the international legislation.

Con el objetivo de evaluar la contaminación por Deoxinivalenol (DON) en granos y harina del trigo en la municipalidad de Chapeco-SC y estandarizar un método de deteccíon para este micotoxina por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (CLAR), se procesaron durante el mes de agosto de 2008, seis muestras de granos del trigo en diferentes situaciones de almacenamiento y una muestra de harina de trigo de un molino . Las muestras pertenecen a una cooperativa de Chapeco-SC que procesa y almacena granos y harinas de trigo entre otros productos. La extracción de la micotoxina se obtuvo con metanol: agua (100: 100 v / v), filtrado en papel filtro y aplicado a una columna de inmunoafinidad específica (DON). Después del lavado de la columna con agua, la toxina fue elucidada con metanol. La detección y cuantificación de Deoxinivalenol en las muestras se determinó por el método CLAR en el UV- visible con una longitud de onda de 244 nm. Las 6 muestras analizadas del grano, mostraron que el DON nivela entre 7,0 y 10, 1 ppb, mientras la harina del trigo alcanzó las 90,2 ppb. Los niveles de DON en los granos y harina de trigo tienen límites menores que los exigidos por las cooperativas importadoras estudiadas y la legislación internacional.

Chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance , Mycotoxines/isolement et purification , Mycotoxines/toxicité , Triticum/microbiologie , Triticum/toxicité
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 68(2): 278-288, maio-ago. 2009. tab, graf


O objetivo deste trabalho foi validar um método quantitativo para determinação de L-fenilalanina (Fen) em farinha de trigo por espectrofotometria derivada segunda. A amostra de farinha de trigo, na quantidade de 0,525g, foi submetida à hidrólise ácida com HCl a 5,7 mol/L, a 110 °C, por 24 h. O material hidrolisado foi reconstituído para 50 mL com tampão fosfato de sódio a 0,1 mol/L, pH 7,0. As soluções preparadas a partir dessa amostra foram submetidas às leituras de absorvância, entre 230 nm e 280 nm, em espectrofotômetro UV/VIS. Os espectros de derivada segunda foram traçados e os valores das áreas dos picos negativos foram utilizados para estimar os teores de Fen. A linearidade do método foi demonstrada na faixa de 0,010 mg/mL a 0,035 mg/mL (correspondente a teores de 251 mg/100g a 877 mg/100g de Fen em farinha de trigo). Efeitos de matriz foram observados. A determinação de Fen não sofreu interferência de compostos como L-tirosinae L-triptofano. As porcentagens de recuperação variaram de 81% a 118% e os desvios padrão relativos de repetitividade e reprodutibilidade parcial foram respectivamente 11% e 15%, para amostras contendo 354 mg/100g, demonstrando adequada recuperação e precisão do método. Os limites de detecção e quantificação foram, respectivamente, 63 mg/100ge 175 mg/100g. Os parâmetros de desempenho estudados indicaram adequação do método para o monitoramento e controle de teores de Fen em farinha de trigo.

Spectrophotométrie , Études de validation comme sujet , Farine , Phénylalanine
Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 45(1): 93-98, jan.-mar. 2009. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-525775


Visando ao preparo de farinha de trigo com baixo teor de fenilalanina (Phe), extraiu-se, enzimaticamente as proteínas, empregando-se uma protease alcalina de Bacillus licheniformis. Em seguida, os extratos protéicos foram hidrolisados pela ação de enzimas comerciais (pancreatina e bromelina) e de extratos enzimáticos obtidos da casca de abacaxi (bruto e purificado), avaliando-se alguns parâmetros enzimáticos, tais como tipo de enzima, tipo de ação enzimática, tipo de associação enzimática e ordem de ação enzimática. O carvão ativado (CA) foi empregado como meio adsorvente e a eficiência da remoção de Phe foi avaliada por espectrofotometria derivada segunda, determinando-se o teor de Phe na farinha de trigo e em seus hidrolisados, após tratamento com CA. O melhor resultado foi encontrado ao se empregar a associação sucessiva do extrato bruto seguida da pancreatina, tendo atingido 66,28 por cento de remoção e o teor final de Phe de 522,44 mg/100 g de hidrolisado.

With the aim of producing wheat flour with low phenylalanine (Phe) content to be introduced in phenylketonuric's diet, the proteins were enzymaticaly extracted, using an alkaline protease from Bacillus licheniformis. Then, the protein extracts were hydrolyzed by the action of commercial enzymes (pancreatin and bromelain) and of enzymatic extracts obtained from pineapple peel (crude and purified). Some enzymatic parameters were evaluated, such as type of enzyme, type of enzyme action, type of enzymatic association and order of enzyme action. The activated carbon (AC) was used as adsorbent and the efficiency of Phe removal was evaluated by second derivative spectrophotometry measuring the Phe content in wheat flour and in their hydrolysates after AC treatment. The best result was found for the successive association of crude extract followed by pancreatin obtaining 66.28 percent of removal and a final Phe content of 522.44 mg/100 g of hydrolysate.

Farine , Phénylalanine , Hydrolysats de protéines , Tests enzymatiques en clinique , Hydrolyse
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2009. 76p tab.
Thèse Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-859034


O governo brasileiro adotou a fortificação de farinhas de trigo com ferro para auxiliar na redução da anemia no país. Esta intervenção não está administrada como um programa sanitário coordenado, com monitoramento de atividades e avaliação de impacto. Essas ações têm ocorrido na forma de pesquisa acadêmica dispersa no país, e têm focado na compreensão da estratégia pelos moinhos de trigo, no monitoramento da concentração de ferro nas farinhas do mercado, e na avaliação do impacto sobre a saúde de grupos vulneráveis à anemia. Os resultados dessas pesquisas levam a pensar num trabalho coordenado, com avaliações padronizadas sobre alvos adequados, e na necessidade de instrumentos específicos de monitoramento da fortificação para a indústria e para a fiscalização sanitária. O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar um roteiro de verificação das Boas Práticas de Fabricação de farinhas enriquecidas com ferro em moinhos de trigo, que incluísse diretrizes para procedimentos operacionais padronizados de fortificação, nas hipóteses da existência de grande diversidade tecnológica de fortificação nos moinhos, e na necessidade deste checklist pela fiscalização para auditar esse processo. A padronização desses procedimentos é imprescindível para a efetividade do combate a anemia, porque normaliza a qualidade dos produtos fortificados, tornando-os mais homogêneos. Para elaborar o roteiro de verificação foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica científica e de regulação, sobre Boas Práticas de Fabricação. Um roteiro inicial, para uma pesquisa de observação da indústria do trigo, foi extraído das legislações da vigilância sanitária, inclusive do programa nacional de fortificação do sal com iodo. A partir desse roteiro, entre 2007 e 2008, o pesquisador realizou uma pesquisa etnográfica em 11 moinhos de trigo no estado de São Paulo e elaborou uma lista de verificação de procedimentos operacionais de fortificação, contando com a colaboração de 20 profissionais de vigilância sanitária, convidados para aplicar o roteiro de BPF e apresentar parecer sobre o instrumento elaborado. Eles receberam do pesquisador uma capacitação em tecnologia de produção de farinhas em moinhos de trigo e posteriormente, colaboraram na elaboração e avaliação da efetividade do instrumento, acompanhando o pesquisador nas observações dos moinhos. O resultado é uma extensa lista de verificação das Boas Práticas de Fabricação em moinhos de trigo, com atenção às operações de fortificação das farinhas, que incluem procedimentos de dosagem e homogeneização de micronutrientes altamente diluídos na farinha, e de controles de qualidade de formulações de fortificantes e produtos finais, inclusive o registro de todas as informações. No checklist são indicados procedimentos operacionais padronizados de fortificação de farinhas e também, a amostragem para análise laboratorial da concentração de ferro e ácido fólico baseado no volume de moagem de trigo diário do moinho. A lista de verificação incluiu observações de moinhos de grande porte, que utilizavam diferentes sistemas de dosagem (volumétricos e gravimétricos) dos compostos de micronutrientes, controlados por procedimentos desde mecânicos até eletrônicos. Observações de laudos analíticos de farinhas levaram a concluir que existe ampla faixa de variação na concentração de micronutrientes entre as amostras analisadas. A qualidade dos resultados pode ser atribuída à baixa freqüência de controle dos sistemas de dosagem de menor automação, ao ponto de dosagem dos fortificantes que provoca pouca homogeneização da farinha fortificada, e à qualidade do composto de micronutrientes. Para melhorar a confiabilidade dos resultados de análise de ferro e ácido fólico são indicados procedimentos padronizados para análises laboratoriais com métodos analíticos validados. Concluiu-se que o método de observação participativa dos moinhos catalisou o conhecimento do pesquisador sobre a cultura do setor moageiro do trigo, fornecendo uma coleção significativa de itens de observação, que influenciam a qualidade dos procedimentos de fortificação. O checklist resultante de Boas Práticas de Fabricação enfocado na fortificação de farinhas contempla a variedade de situações tecnológicas observadas no mercado do estado de São Paulo e sugere-se sua utilização pelos moinhos de trigo para monitorar a produção de farinhas fortificadas e pela vigilância sanitária para auditorias e inspeções dos procedimentos industriais de fortificação.

The Brazilian government adopted the compulsory fortification of wheat flour with iron and folic acid to help reduce the iron deficiency anemia in the country. This intervention is not managed as a centralized sanitary program, with specific activities to monitor and to evaluate the impact on the health of a target population. These actions are being performed as a country spread academic research, on: the understanding of the intervention by wheat mills managers; the monitoring of the iron and folic acid concentration on samples of wheat flour for bakery and domestic use; and the evaluation of the intervention impact on the health of anemia vulnerable groups. The results of these researches make us think about a coordinated work, with standardized evaluations on adjusted targets, and specific instruments for monitoring the fortification process in the mills, and to be adopted by the sanitary inspection. The objective of this dissertation is to draw up a checklist for the inspection of the Good Manufacturing Practices of wheat mills focused in the production of iron fortified flour, including directions for the standardization of the fortification processes, in case there is great technological diversity in the mills in the country. In addition, it is useful to provide public health agents with a checklist for sanitary inspection. The standardization of the fortification processes is essential for the effectiveness of the fight against anemia, because it brings the quality of the fortified products into line, thus making them more homogeneous. To draw up the checklist, a scientific and regulatory bibliographical research was conducted on Good Manufacturing Practices. An initial checklist to make the first observation of the wheat mills was obtained from the Sanitary Surveillance Agency legislation, including the national program for fortifying salt with iodine. Between 2007 and 2008, the researcher conducted an ethnographic research in 11 wheat mills in the state of São Paulo, using the initial guideline, and elaborated the checklist for the inspection of the flour fortification operational procedures, counting on the contribution of 20 professionals of the Sanitary Surveillance system, who were invited both to use the checklist and to give their expert remarks. The researcher shared his knowledge and trained these professionals on wheat flour technology, and after that they could better collaborate to test the effectiveness of the checklist, accompanying the researcher during the wheat mills observation trip. The result is a comprehensive checklist for Good Manufacturing Practices in wheat mills, with special focus on the operations to fortify flour, including dosage and dilution of micronutrients, and quality control of micronutrients and fortified flours, including the registration of all information. The checklist highlights the standardized operational procedures for flour fortification and the sampling for laboratory analysis of iron and folic acid contents, based on the daily grinding volume of wheat in the mill. The checklist includes observation of big mills that used different systems for dosaging micronutrients (volumetric and gravimetrical), controlled by mechanic and electronic procedures. The analysis of some analytical reports on flours showed a considerable variation in the concentration of micronutrients of the samples. These results can be attributed to the infrequent control of the dosage systems of micronutrients; the point of dosage of fortifiers in the production line, thus impairing homogenization of the flour; and to the quality of the micronutrient compounds. To improve the reliability of lab results for iron and folic acid, some standardized procedures with validated analytical methods are recommended. As a conclusion, the ethnographic research method of participant observation of wheat mills has accelerated the researcher´s knowledge of the culture of the wheat milling sector. This approach brought significant information on items to be observed that influence the quality of the fortification process. The Good Manufacturing Practices checklist focused on the fortification of flour included a variety of technological situations observed in the state of São Paulo. We suggest its use for monitoring the production of fortified flours by the mills, and for inspections of the fortification procedures by the Sanitary Surveillance system.

Farine/ressources et distribution , Pratiques de Bonne Fabrication , Surveillance de l'environnement , Triticum , Anémie par carence en fer , Industrie de la Farine , Fer/administration et posologie
Nutrire Rev. Soc. Bras. Aliment. Nutr ; 33(3): 1-15, dez. 2008. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-502284


Anemia caused by iron defi ciency is very prevalent in Brazil, and so the government decided that wheat flour should be fortified with iron. This paper presents the perceptions of the wheat milling industry on the Brazilianlaw which determines flour fortification. Professionals responsible for implementing the law, and representing 60% of the Brazilian wheat flourmarket, were interviewed and the answers analyzed using the method of Collective Discourse of the Subjects. This method combines the main ideas of the subjects, using their own verbal expressions, to reveal their perceptions. Interpretation of the results showed that millers agree with the law; how everthey complained about the authoritarian way in which it was introduced. They had previously asked the government for advertising to educate the consumers, but this was not done. The millers do not believe that the population of low socioeconomic status will be benefitted by this law because of the high cost of wheat-derived products. The millers say they are observing the law, in spite of initial technological deficiencies. These have been solvedby using the services of micronutrient suppliers and over-dosing the flour.Wheat flour for domestic use is usually fortified with reduced iron, but other iron compounds are used in the flour supplied to industry. In the perceptionof the millers, the fortification issues are more administrative and politicalthan technical.

Debido a la elevada prevalencia en el paísde anemia por défi cit de hierro, el gobiernobrasileño decidió implantar la fortificaciónde la harina de trigo con este elemento. Estetrabajo expone la opinión de la industriamolinera sobre la resolución que determinala fortificación. Fueron entrevistados los profesionales responsables por la implementación de la medida que su ministran 60% de laharina al mercado brasileño. Las respuestas seanalizaron utilizando el método del Discursodel Sujeto Colectivo. Este método combina las principales ideas de los entrevistados pararevelar sus opiniones sobre el tema. El análisis de los resultados mostró que los molinerosestán de acuerdo con la legislación, pero no concuerdan con la forma autoritaria como fue presentada. Ellos habían solicitado al gobiernola realización de propaganda educativa delos consumidores, que no fue realizada. La industria no cree que la población de bajo poder adquisitivo será beneficiada por la medida, debido al elevado costo de los derivados detrigo. Afirman estar cumpliendo la legislación, a pesar de las dificultades tecnológicas, que hansido resueltas con sobredosis de micronutrientesen las harinas. La harina de trigo para uso doméstico es generalmente fortificada con hierroreducido, pero otros compuestos de hierro son usados para la harina industrial. El juicioque la industria tiene es que los problemas defortificación son más políticos y administrativosque técnicos.

A anemia provocada pela deficiência de ferro tem alta prevalência no Brasil e, assim sendo, o governo decidiu fortificar a farinha de trigo com ferro. Este trabalho apresenta a percepção da indústria moageira do trigo sobre a Resolução brasileira que determina a fortificação.Profissionais responsáveis pela implementação da legislação e que fornecem 60% da farinha do mercado brasileiro foram entrevistados e suas respostas foram analisadas usando o métododo Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Este combina as principais idéias dos entrevistados, usando suas expressões verbais para revelar suas percepções sobre o assunto. A interpretação dos resultados mostrou que os moleiros concordam com a legislação, no entanto reclamam sobre a forma autoritária como esta foi apresentada. Eles haviam solicitado ao governo que realizas se propaganda para educar os consumidores, mas isto não foi feito. A indústria não acredita que as populações de baixo poder aquisitivo serão atendidas pela legislação, devido ao alto custo dos produtos derivados do trigo. Eles afirmam estar cumprindo a legislação, apesar das dificuldades tecnológicas, que têm sido resolvidas com a sobre-dosagem na farinha dos micronutrientes, cujos fornecedores incluem serviços laboratoriais. A farinha de trigo para uso doméstico é geralmente fortificada com ferroreduzido, mas outros compostos de ferro são usados para a farinha industrial. Na percepção da indústria, os problemas da fortificação são mais político-administrativos que técnicos.

Anémie par carence en fer , Aliment enrichi/normes , Farine/normes , Législation sur les aliments , Brésil , Industrie de la Farine
Détails de la recherche