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Trab. Educ. Saúde (Online) ; 22: e02463247, 2024. tab, graf, il. color
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560600


RESUMO: O estudo objetivou analisar o processo de trabalho do agente comunitário de saúde com a população idosa, dando especial ênfase à visita domiciliar no município de Foz do Iguaçu, no Paraná. Delineou-se um estudo transversal, de cunho analítico-descritivo, com abordagem mista. Participaram 114 agentes comunitários de saúde, com predominância do sexo feminino, média de idade de 43,2 (DP 10,76) anos, cor de pele branca, estado civil casada, religião católica e com ensino médio completo como maior grau de escolaridade. Surgiram três categorias discursivas que descrevem os desafios enfrentados por esses profissionais no trabalho com idosos: o 'território epidemiológico' reúne as demandas sanitárias dos idosos acompanhados pelas agentes; a 'abordagem clínica' discute aspectos do modelo assistencial da estratégia saúde da família; e a 'vida em comunidade' retoma a questão das relações sociais entre o idoso e o meio. O estudo permitiu constatar que a visita domiciliar é a principal atividade desenvolvida pelas agentes comunitárias de saúde com a população idosa. Achados do estudo oferecem aportes à gestão sanitária local, por meio da discussão dos desafios enfrentados por um segmento significativo de profissionais da saúde alocados na Atenção Primária à Saúde.

ABSTRACT: The study aimed to analyze the work process of the community health agent with the older adults population, with special emphasis on home visits in the municipality of Foz do Iguaçu, Parana (Southern Brazil). A cross-sectional, analytical-descriptive study with a mixed approach was designed. A total of 114 community health workers participated, with a predominance of women, mean age of 43.2 (SD 10.76) years, white skin color, married marital status, Catholic religion, and complete high school as the highest level of education. Three discursive categories emerged that describe the challenges faced by these professionals in working with the older people: the 'epidemiological territory' brings together the health demands of the elderly accompanied by the workers; the 'clinical approach' discusses aspects of the care model of the family health strategy; and 'community life' takes up the issue of social relations between the older people and the environment. The study showed that home visits are the main activity developed by community health workers with the older population. Findings of the study offer contributions to local health management through the discussion of the challenges faced by a significant segment of health professionals allocated to Primary Health Care.

RESUMEN: El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el proceso de trabajo de los agentes comunitarios de salud con la población adulta mayores, con especial énfasis en las visitas domiciliarias en el municipio de Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná (sur de Brasil). Se trató de un estudio transversal, analítico-descriptivo, con abordaje de métodos mixtos. En total, participaron 114 agentes comunitarios de salud, en su mayoría del sexo femenino, con edad media de 43,2 (DP 10,76) años, color de piel blanca, estado civil casado, religión católica y con título de educación secundaria como máximo nivel de escolaridad. Surgieron tres categorías discursivas que describen los desafíos enfrentados por estos profesionales en el trabajo con las personas adultas mayores: el 'territorio epidemiológico' reúne las demandas de salud de los ancianos monitoreados por los agentes; el 'abordaje clínico' discute aspectos del modelo de atención de la estrategia de salud de la familia; y la 'vida comunitaria' retoma la cuestión de las relaciones sociales entre los adultos mayores y su entorno. El estudio demuestra que las visitas domiciliarias son la principal actividad realizada por los agentes comunitarios de salud con la población adulta mayor. Las conclusiones del estudio suponen una contribución a la gestión sanitaria local al analizar los retos a los que se enfrenta un segmento relevante de los profesionales sanitarios que trabajan en la Atención Primaria de Salud.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Médecine de famille
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010250


In view of the high incidence of malignant diseases such as malignant arrhythmias in the elderly population, accidental injuries such as falls, and the problem of no witnesses when danger occurs, the study developed a human vital signs and body posture monitoring and positioning alarm system. Through the collection and analysis of electrocardiogram (ECG), respiration (RESP) and acceleration (ACC) signals, the system monitors human vital signs and body posture in real time, automatically judges critical states such as malignant arrhythmias and accidental falls on the local device side, and then issues alarm information, opens the positioning function, and uploads physiological information and patient location information through 4G communication. Experiments have shown that the system can accurately determine the occurrence of ventricular fibrillation and falls, and issue position and alarm information.

Humains , Sujet âgé , Troubles du rythme cardiaque/diagnostic , Fibrillation ventriculaire , Électrocardiographie , Chutes accidentelles , Signes vitaux , Posture , Monitorage physiologique
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959236


@#Geriatrics is a branch of medicine concerned with diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases in older people and problems specific to aging. The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that the number of people aged 65 or older is projected to grow from an estimated 524 million in 2010 to nearly 1.5 billion in 2050. The burden of diseases in the aging population will dramatically impact healthcare expenses in low- and middle-income countries and even developed ones. A preventive approach is essential. The role of medical institutions and inclusion of geriatrics in the medical curriculum have become important. However, incorporating geriatrics into the medical curriculum is associated with various issues and challenges: compact preexisting curriculum, attitudes of teachers and students, and shortage of teaching geriatricians. An individualized institutional approach to curricular integration guided by the American Geriatrics Society’s minimum required competencies for the undergraduate will circumvent these challenges.

Programme d'études , Éducation
Gac. méd. espirit ; 23(1): 24-34, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250003


RESUMEN Fundamento: El comportamiento de la mortalidad y morbilidad de la población femenina ocupada, es relevante por el rol de la mujer en lo laboral y familiar en un contexto envejecido. Objetivo: Analizar el comportamiento de la mortalidad y morbilidad de la población femenina ocupada en la Empresa Contratista General de Obras de Villa Clara. Metodología: El análisis documental de datos oficiales sobre la mortalidad femenina condujo a realizar un estudio de caso en la Empresa Contratista General de Obras de Villa Clara, mediante el trabajo grupal y la aplicación de la escala de autovaloración Dembo-Rubistein. Resultados: La mayor morbilidad y discapacidad de las mujeres se justifica por los patrones de socialización, roles familiares, obligaciones, expectativas laborales y tipos de ocupación que generan situaciones de sobrecarga física y emocional con marcada influencia en su salud. Conclusiones: En las condiciones actuales se hace necesario atender a la mujer más allá de su salud reproductiva y tener en cuenta el costo que para ella, la familia y la sociedad representa, el tener que asumir determinados roles como cargos de dirección, el ser trabajadora, jefas de hogar, cuidadoras, lo que puede ocasionar una sobrecarga psicológica, física y de su salud en general.

ABSTRACT Background: The mortality and morbidity behavior in employed female population is significant due to the role of women regarding work and family matters in an aging context. Objective: To analyze the mortality and morbidity behavior in employed female population at the Villa Clara General Work Contractor Enterprise. Methodology: The documentary analysis of official data on female mortality led to a case study at the Villa Clara General Work Contractor Enterprise, through group work and the application of the Dembo-Rubistein self-assessment scale. Results: The greater morbidity and disability of women is justified by socialization patterns, family roles, responsibilities, job expectations and types of occupation that generate some physical and emotional overload conditions with a marked influence on their health. Conclusions: At present, it is essential to give attention to women outside their reproductive health, also consider the cost that family and society represents for her, assuming different roles such as management positions, being a worker, heads of household, caregivers, which can produce a general psychological, physical and health overload.

Femmes qui travaillent , Dynamique des populations , Épidémiologie , Cause de décès/tendances , Santé au travail
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 38: e0157, 2021. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288521


El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las características de la evolución de la mortalidad en los últimos veinte años en Argentina, a partir del estudio del proceso de compresión de la mortalidad, según sexo y región geográfica. Se analizó la compresión de la mortalidad, según la metodología propuesta por Kannisto (2000), a través del análisis de las curvas de sobrevivencia y de las muertes en tablas de vida. Se construyeron tablas de vida para los últimos tres períodos censales disponibles. Para suavizarlas, se elaboraron a partir del promedio de defunciones trianuales: 1990-1992, 2000-2002, 2009-2011. Los resultados indican que, tanto en hombres como en mujeres de las diversas regiones de Argentina, existe una tendencia a la convergencia en la compresión de la mortalidad, aunque todavía es atrasada en la región Noreste. Estos datos indicarían una tendencia a la convergencia en el proceso de compresión de la mortalidad al interior del país, aunque persisten diferencias en algunas regiones.

O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as características da evolução da mortalidade nos últimos 20 anos na Argentina, a partir de um estudo do processo de compressão da mortalidade, segundo sexo e região geográfica. A compressão da mortalidade foi analisada de acordo com a metodologia proposta por Kannisto (2000), por meio da análise de curvas de sobrevivência e óbitos por tábuas de vida. As tábuas de vida foram construídas para os três últimos períodos censitários disponíveis. Para suavizá-las, elas foram produzidas com base na média de mortes em três anos: 1990-1992, 2000-2002, 2009-2011. Os resultados indicam que, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres das diversas regiões da Argentina, há uma tendência de convergência na compressão da mortalidade, embora ainda defasada na região Nordeste. Esses dados indicariam que existe uma tendência de convergência no processo de compressão da mortalidade no país, embora as diferenças persistam em algumas regiões.

The aim of this work is to analyze the characteristics of the evolution of mortality in the last 20 years in Argentina, based on the study of the process of compression of mortality, according to sex and geographic region. Compression of mortality was analyzed, according to the methodology proposed by Kannisto (2000) through the analysis of survival curves and deaths from life tables. Life tables were constructed for the last three census periods available. To soften them, they were based on the average of three-year deaths: 1990-1992, 2000-2002, 2009-2011. The results indicate that, in men and women in the various regions of Argentina, there is a trend to convergence in compression of mortality, although it is still late in the Northeast region. These data would indicate that there is a tendency towards convergence in the process of compression of mortality inside the country, although differences persist in some regions.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Mortalité , Tables de survie , Survie (démographie) , Argentine , Dynamique des populations , Registre civil , Répartition par sexe , Recensements
Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 18(2): 348-361, 2019.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087827


As projeções demográficas têm sinalizado a tendência nacional de ampliação no número relativo e absoluto de idosos. Nesse contexto, surgem diferentes abordagens políticas para justificar reformas do Estado brasileiro: por um lado, utiliza-se de argumentos estritamente quantitativos para justificar a redução das responsabilidades do Estado diante do envelhecimento e aumentar a responsabilização individual. Por outra perspectiva, a sustentabilidade é observada para além da questão puramente fiscal, inserindo a população idosa na agenda pública, como cidadã de direito e demandante de novas políticas públicas para o desenvolvimento na dimensão social. O objetivo deste artigo é oferecer elementos para a análise destas diferentes posições políticas acerca da sustentabilidade no Sistema de Seguridade Social brasileiro. Para tanto, além da breve revisão bibliográfica acerca do termo sustentabilidade, o estudo apresenta a trajetória e as perspectivas para a proteção social voltada aos idosos no Brasil.

Demographic projections have signaled the national tendency to increase the relative and absolute number of the elderly. In this context, different political approaches emerge to justify reforms of the Brazilian State: on one side strictly quantitative arguments are used to justify the reduction of state responsibilities face of aging and to increase individual accountability. On the other, the sustainability is observed beyond the purely fiscal issue, including the elderly population into the public agenda as citizen and demander of new public policies for development in the social dimension. The purpose of this article is to provide elements for the analysis of these different political positions on sustainability in the Brazilian Social Security System. Therefore, in addition to the brief bibliographical review about the term sustainability, the study presents the trajectory and perspectives for social protection aimed at the elderly in Brazil.

Humains , Sujet âgé , Aide sociale aux personnes âgées , Sécurité sociale , Services sociaux et travail social (activité) , Vieillissement , Réforme des soins de santé , Politique de santé
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 34(4): e1490, oct.-dic. 2018. tab
Article de Espagnol | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1126463


RESUMEN Introducción: Con el envejecimiento de la población y mayor supervivencia de personas con enfermedades crónicas y discapacidades, aumenta el número de dependientes de cuidados, acompañado de mayor sobrecarga para los cuidadores, en quienes es necesario desarrollar conocimientos y habilidades para la atención del Adulto Mayor dependiente. Objetivo: Evaluar efectividad de una intervención educativa en sobrecarga del cuidador de adultos mayores dependientes institucionalizados. Métodos: Estudio cuasi experimental con 38 cuidadores de adultos mayores dependientes institucionalizados en la Casa de Abuelos del municipio Pinar del Río, durante 2015, desarrollado en tres fases (identificación de percepción de sobrecarga, intervención, evaluación). La información se obtuvo mediante la escala de Zarit aplicada antes y después de la intervención, que clasifica al cuidador en: Sin sobrecarga, Sobrecarga ligera y sobrecarga intensa. Se realizó análisis descriptivo de la información que incluyó frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes para variables cualitativas; medias, medianas, desviaciones estándar con intervalos de confianza (95 por ciento para variables cuantitativas). Para estudiar la efectividad de la intervención se compararon los resultados de la escala de Zarit antes y después de la intervención mediante la prueba exacta de Wilcoxon para datos apareados. Se valoraron niveles de significación inferiores al 0,05. Resultados: El 92,10 por ciento de los cuidadores fueron mujeres, el 92,10 por ciento eran hijos, antes de la intervención el 100,00 por ciento de los cuidadores reportó sobrecarga de cuidado, después de intervenir, el 76,32 no percibieron sobrecarga. Conclusión: La intervención educativa realizada a los cuidadores de los adultos mayores dependientes institucionalizados fue efectiva, al disminuir significativante la percepción de sobrecarga del cuidador(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: With the aging population and longer survival of people with chronic illnesses and disabilities, the number of dependent care, accompanied by increased overhead for carers, who need to develop knowledge and skills for the care of the elderly dependent. Objective: To evaluate effectiveness of an educational intervention on caregiver burden institutionalized elderly dependent. Methods: Quasi-experimental study with 38 caregivers of dependent elderly institutionalized in the House of Grandparents of Pinar del Rio municipality during 2015, developed in three phases (identification of perceived overload, intervention, evaluation). The information was obtained by the Zarit scale applied before and after the intervention, which classifies the caregiver: No overload, overload light and heavy overload. Descriptive analysis of the information included absolute frequencies and percentages for qualitative variables were performed; means, medians, standard deviations, confidence intervals (95 percent for quantitative variables). To study the effectiveness of the intervention results Zarit scale were compared before and after surgery using the exact Wilcoxon test for paired data. Lower levels of significance were set at 0.05. Results: The 92.10 percent of caregivers were women, 92.10 percent were children, before intervention 100.00 percent of caregivers reported overload care after intervene; the 76.32 percent perceived no overloading. Conclusion: The educational intervention for caregivers of dependent elderly institutionalized was effective, by decreasing the perception significativante caregiver burden(AU)

Humains , Perception , Vieillissement , Aidants , Survie (démographie) , Qualité de vie , Santé des Anciens Institutionnalisés
Investig. psicol ; 23(1): 15-25, abr. 2018.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-970846


El envejecimiento poblacional implica un desafío para la salud pública por las patologías cuyos casos aumentan con la extensión de la vida. Se ha propuesto que ciertas actividades de la vida diaria (AVDs) avanzadas de tiempo libre poseen un efecto bené+co en la cognición de los adultos mayores. El objetivo de este trabajo fue relevar estudios empíricos presentando evidencia respecto a la relación entre dichas actividades y el funcionamiento cognitivo, para países iberoamericanos. Se incluyeron trabajos escritos en español, portugués e inglés, de enero de 2012 a mayo de 2017, involucrando a adultos de 60 y más años de edad no institucionalizados. Se hallaron 15 trabajos. Considerados en su conjunto, existiría evidencia de una relación entre las mencionadas actividades y el rendimiento cognitivo. Los trabajos de diseño prospectivo y los de intervención indicarían que la realización de dichas actividades avanzadas incide bene+ciosamente en el funcionamiento cognitivo.

Population aging implies a challenge to public health for the pathologies whose cases increase with the extension of life. It has been proposed that certain leisure advanced activities of daily living (ATLs) have a bene+cial effect on the cognition of the elderly. The objective of this work was to relieve empirical studies presenting evidence regarding the relationship between these activities and cognitive functioning, for Iberoamerican countries. Works written in Spanish, Portuguese and English were included from January 2012 to May 2017, involving non-institutionalized adults aged 60 and over. Fifteen papers were found. Considered as a whole, there would be evidence of a relationship between these activities and cognitive performance. Prospective design and interventional studies would indicate that such advanced activities has a bene+cial impact on cognitive functioning.

Humains , Dynamique des populations , Activités de la vie quotidienne , Santé publique , Adulte
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-806761


Objective@#To investigate trends of mean age of diagnosis for liver cancer during 2000 to 2014, which may provide basic information for making feasible cancer prevention strategies.@*Methods@#Based on the continuous cancer incidence data from 22 cancer registries of China between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2014, the incidence by birth-cohort (year of birth between 1925 and 1994) and age specific incidence rates were calculated. The incidence of different age groups were also calculated. World Segi's population was used for age standardization. The liner regression model was applied to analyze the changing trend of mean age of diagnosis.@*Results@#In 2014, the incidence rate for population with 80 years older and above was 108.21 per 100 000, whereas the rate for population at 30-39 years old was 5.09 per 100 000. But the mean age of diagnosis for liver cancer showed an increasing trend from 2000 to 2014. For male, it had increased from 58.80 to 62.35 (t=18.70, P<0.001) . For female, it had increased from 64.02 to 68.99 (t=20.50, P<0.001) . After age standardization, the mean age of diagnosis still showed increasing trend. Meanwhile, the proportion of liver cancer in people above 70 years old was 25.05% in 2014, which was higher than that in 2000 (22.49%).@*Conclusion@#The mean age of liver cancer incidence was increasing during 2000-2014.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);22(8): 2753-2762, Ago. 2017. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-890419


Resumo O envelhecimento da população e o crescimento no número de pessoas expostas aos cuidados do sistema de saúde suplementar no Brasil aumentam a preocupação dos gestores públicos e privados com o crescimento dos custos da área de saúde. Neste trabalho foram analisados os custos por gênero, por tipo de gasto médico e por faixa etária de uma operadora de autogestão brasileira no período entre 2007 a 2013. Tal operadora é de grande interesse pois além de retratar uma condição única de restrição de crescimento de receita, também replica o perfil demográfico esperado para o Brasil no ano de 2050, quando aproximadamente um terço da sua população estará acima dos 60 anos. As análises corroboram a literatura vigente uma vez que demonstram um aumento na utilização do plano pelos mais idosos, e apontam para uma diferença nas taxas de internação entre os gêneros. O estudo também mostra um expressivo aumento no tempo médio de permanência nos hospitais e mostra crescimento dos gastos médicos muito acima da inflação, com destaque para materiais e medicamentos. No geral, esperamos que o presente estudo auxilie estudiosos e interessados em futuras comparações dos gastos médicos por idade e gênero e que colabore na sustentabilidade das operadoras de saúde no Brasil.

Abstract Brazil's aging population and the rising number of people reliant upon the country's supplementary healthcare system have elicited the concern of public and private managers regarding the increase in healthcare costs. In this paper, the costs per gender, per type of medical expenses and per age group of a major Brazilian self-managed healthcare provider between 2007 and 2013 were analyzed. This healthcare provider is of interest because, besides portraying a single condition of revenue growth restricted to the existing contributors, it also replicates the demographic profile expected for Brazil in 2050, when approximately one-third of its population will be over 60 years of age. The analyses confirm the current literature as they show an increase in healthcare plan usage by the elderly and the difference between admission rates by gender. They also reveal an increase in average length of stay in hospital and the increase in medical costs far above inflation, especially for materials and medicines. It is hoped that this study will help scholars and others interested in comparisons of medical expense trends, especially by age and sex, and that it encourages further collaboration on the sustainability of health insurance providers in Brazil.

Humains , Sujet âgé , Coûts des soins de santé/tendances , Personnel de santé/statistiques et données numériques , Dépenses de santé/tendances , Prestations des soins de santé/statistiques et données numériques , Brésil , Vieillissement , Facteurs sexuels , Facteurs âges , Personnel de santé/économie , Prestations des soins de santé/économie , Hospitalisation/statistiques et données numériques , Durée du séjour/tendances , Adulte d'âge moyen
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 34(2): 391-414, mayo-agosto 2017. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-898645


O Brasil vem experimentando um processo de envelhecimento populacional que impõe desafios para atender às necessidades dos idosos, especialmente os dependentes funcionais. Nesse cenário, as instituições de longa permanência para idosos (ILPI) podem ser importantes para prover auxílio e amparo a esse grupo populacional e seus familiares. O objetivo desse estudo é caracterizar o perfil do cuidador de idosos institucionalizados em ILPI, abordando especificamente a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde mensurada pelo instrumento SF-36. Foi também analisado o perfil sociodemográfico e ocupacional desses indivíduos. Os dados provêm de uma pesquisa realizada em 2012 entre os cuidadores formais ocupados em 11 das 12 ILPI cadastradas em Natal, RN. Foram entrevistados 92 cuidadores formais, representando 68% do universo desse grupo ocupacional. Realizaram-se análises descritivas do perfil do cuidador, distinguindo-se por natureza da ILPI (filantrópica ou privada), bem como testes estatísticos para verificar se as diferenças segundo a natureza das instituições eram significativas. A maior perda de saúde foi observada para o domínio "estado de saúde geral", seguido pelos domínios vitalidade e de dor, definidos pelo SF-36. A perda de saúde pode refletir, em certa medida, a sobrecarga de trabalho imposta aos cuidadores, em relação tanto à jornada de trabalho como ao elevado número de idosos sob a responsabilidade de cada cuidador. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde segundo natureza das instituições.

Brazil has experienced an aging population process that poses challenges to meet the needs of the elderly group, especially those with functional limitations. In this scenario, Long-Term Care (LTC) institutions for the elderly can be important to provide support and help to this population group and their families. The aim of this paper is to characterize the profile of the formal caregivers in LTC institutions. More specifically, this paper addresses the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of this population group measured by the SF-36 instrument. Sociodemographic and occupational profile of these individuals is also discussed. The data come from a survey carried out in 2012 among the formal caregivers employed in 11 of the 12 ILPI registered in Natal, RN. Ninety two formal caregivers were interviewed and they represent 68% of the total universe of this group in the city. Descriptive analysis and statistical tests to verify differences between philanthropic and private institutions are provided. The greatest loss of HRQoL was observed for the general health perceptions dimension followed by vitality and bodily pain domains. The loss of HRQoL may reflect the excessive workload imposed on caregivers related to both working hours and the high number of elderly people under the responsibility of each caregiver. Non statistically significant differences were observed in the HRQoL between philanthropic and private institutions.

Brasil está experimentando un proceso de envejecimiento de la población que plantea desafíos para satisfacer a las necesidades de las personas mayores, sobre todo los dependientes funcionales. Instituciones de larga permanencia (ILP) para adultos mayores pueden ser una opción de ayuda y apoyo a este grupo de la población y sus familias. El objetivo de este artículo es caracterizar el perfil del cuidador de los ancianos institucionalizados y específicamente abordar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) basado en el SF-36. También se analizó el perfil sociodemográfico y laboral de estas personas. Los datos provienen de una encuesta realizada en 2012 entre los cuidadores formales ocupados en 11 de las 12 ILP registradas en Natal, RN. Se entrevistó a 92 cuidadores formales, lo que representa el 68% del universo. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos y pruebas estadísticas para verificar las diferencias entre las instituciones filantrópicas y privadas. La mayor pérdida de la CVRS se observó para la dimensión de las percepciones de la salud general, seguida por los dominios de la vitalidad y dolor. La pérdida de la salud puede, en cierta medida, reflejar la mayor carga de trabajo impuesta a los cuidadores, tanto en relación con las horas de trabajo, así como el elevado número de adultos mayores bajo la responsabilidad de cada cuidador. No se observaron diferencias significativas en la CVRS entre las instituciones filantrópicas y privadas.

Qualité de vie , Épuisement professionnel , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Santé au travail , Aidants , Caractéristiques de la population , Dynamique des populations , Démographie
China Pharmacy ; (12): 3601-3604, 2017.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-607140


OBJECTIVE:To provide experience and reference for the reform ofintegration of medicine and nursingunder the strategy ofHealth China 2030. METHODS:By literature analysis,the demand characteristics and supply situation ofinte-gration of medicine and nursingservice model in China were analyzed. The development bottleneck ofintegration of medicine and nursingservice model in China was discussed to put forward countermeasures and suggestions. RESULTS&CONCLUSIONS:Integration of medicine and nursingis a new model of the development of pension services in China. Throughout whole country, it is still in the stage of exploration and practice. There are some problems,such as serious inadequate beds,low participation of private pension institutions,pension service quality ofintegration of medicine and nursinghaving to be improved,weak market competition of pension institutions,social forces participation having to be improved,big demand gap of medical and nursing staff,inadequate high-quality medical and nursing talent. A clear positioning ofintegration of medicine and nursingservice model in China should be put forward andintegration of medicine and nursingmonitoring system should be improved. It is suggested to establish service complaint mechanism of pension institutions,encourage the active participation of diverse social forces,broaden the financing channels ofintegration of medicine and nursing,build service information sharing platform ofintegration of medi-cine and nursing,establish electronic health records for the elderly and set up maintenance personnel training mechanism so as to promote the rapid development of the reform ofintegration of medicine and nursing.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-616782


Based on the social background of increasingly serious aging of the population and the growth of chronic diseases,the paper introduces the mode of Connected Health (cHealth),analyzes the differences between cHealth and Mobile Health (mHealth) as well as the advantages of cHealth,introduces the application of cHealth in contemporary society,and discusses the challenges of cHealth,including the optimization of sensing strategy,creation of data integration,analysis on the new mode,optimization of feedback strategy and development of new health insurance modes.

Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 33(3): 591-612, set.-dez. 2016. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-843768


Resumo A população mundial vem experimentando um processo gradativo de envelhecimento de sua estrutura etária, em função da queda acentuada da fecundidade e da mortalidade nas últimas décadas. Esse processo, que está em curso em praticamente todos os países do mundo, traz à tona a preocupação com o crescimento das despesas em saúde. O objetivo do presente artigo é avaliar o efeito das mudanças da estrutura etária nos gastos com internação do Sistema Único de Saúde do Brasil. Para tanto, foi realizada uma decomposição dos gastos em saúde, utilizando o método Tchoe e Nam, adaptado para a realidade do caso brasileiro. A decomposição também é feita considerando três grupos de doenças: infecciosas e parasitárias, neoplasias e circulatórias. Os dados são provenientes do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares (SIH-SUS). De forma geral, os resultados encontrados mostram a importância da variação na estrutura etária (envelhecimento populacional) nos gastos das internações hospitalares do SUS entre 2000 e 2010, principalmente para os grupos de doenças associados a uma população mais envelhecida, doenças circulatórias e neoplasia.

Abstract The world population is experiencing a gradual process of aging of its age structure, due to the sharp decline in fertility and mortality in recent decades. This process, in course practically in all countries of the world, brings up the concern about health spending growth. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect of the changes in the age structure on hospitalization spending of the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) in Brazil. To achieve this goal a breakdown of health expenditures was performed using Tchoe and Nam method, adapted to the reality of the Brazilian case. The decomposition is also performed considering three groups of diseases: infectious and parasitic diseases, cancer and circulatory. The data are from the Sistema de Informação Hospitalar (SIH-SUS). In general, the results of the decomposition show the importance of variation in age structure (aging population) on SUS hospitalizations spending between 2000 and 2010, especially for groups of diseases associated with an aging population, such as circulatory diseases and cancer.

Resumen La población mundial está experimentando un proceso gradual de envejecimiento en su estructura de edad, debido a la fuerte caída de la fecundidad y de la mortalidad en las últimas décadas. Este proceso, que ocurre prácticamente en todos los países del mundo, conlleva una gran preocupación por el crecimiento del gasto en salud. El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar el efecto de los cambios en la estructura de edades en el gasto en hospitalización del Sistema Único de Saúde de Brasil. Para lograr este objetivo, el desglose de los gastos en salud se realizó mediante el método Tchoe y Nam, adaptado para el caso de Brasil. La descomposición se hizo teniendo en cuenta tres grupos de enfermedades: infecciosas y parasitarias, cánceres y circulatorias. Los datos proceden del Sistema de Informação Hospitalar (SIH-SUS). En general, los resultados de la descomposición muestran la importancia de la variación en la estructura de edad (envejecimiento de la población) en el gasto de las hospitalizaciones en el SUS entre 2000 y 2010, especialmente para los grupos de enfermedades asociadas con el envejecimiento de la población como es el caso de las enfermedades circulatorias y el cáncer.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Nourrisson , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Dynamique des populations , Dépenses de santé , Services de santé/économie , Hospitalisation/économie , Système de Santé Unifié , Distribution de L'âge et du Sexe , Brésil , Maladie chronique , Systèmes d'information hospitaliers/statistiques et données numériques
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);21(11): 3533-3544, Nov. 2016. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-828476


Resumo Estudos têm avaliado a qualidade de vida (QV) em grupos diversos, entretanto, relatos em usuários de Centro de Referência à Pessoa Idosa são escassos. A pesquisa visou identificar fatores associados à boa QV de idosos de um Centro de Referência, em Belo Horizonte, MG. Estudo transversal com 257 idosos, usuários do Centro de Referência. Adotou-se o instrumento World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment versão breve (WHOQOL-bref) para avaliação da QV dos idosos. A análise foi racionalizada por meio da definição de dois grupos em relação à percepção da QV e satisfação com a saúde. Análise de regressão logística foi realizada para avaliar a direção e a magnitude das associações de cada variável independente com a QV. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria (63,4%) dos idosos consideravam sua QV boa e encontravam-se satisfeitos com sua saúde. O domínio ambiental obteve pior escore (média = 14,4). Idade avançada, ser natural do interior de MG, atividade física, diabetes melito, doenças osteomusculares, hipertensão arterial e depressão permaneceram independentemente associados à QV e à satisfação com a saúde após ajuste do modelo. Os dados obtidos permitem orientar estratégias de cuidado aos idosos mais vulneráveis, com especial atenção às questões que interferem no meio ambiente.

Abstract Studies have evaluated the quality of life (QOL) of many groups; however, such studies in relation to Reference Centers for the Elderly are scarce. This research identified factors associated with a good QOL of people using a Reference Center in the city of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Transversal study of 257 elderly people who used a Reference Center for the Elderly. The short version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-BREF) was used to evaluate the QOL of the elderly people. The analysis was rationalized by defining two groups in relation to perceptions of QOL and satisfaction regarding health. Logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the direction and magnitude of the association of each variable with QOL. The results showed that the majority (63.4%) of the elderly people considered that they had a good QOL and that they were satisfied with their health. The environmental domain received the lowest scores (average = 14.4). The factors of advanced age, being from the interior of the state of Minas Gerais, physical activity, diabetes, musculoskeletal diseases, hypertension and depression remained independently associated with QOL and satisfaction with health after the model was adjusted. The data that was obtained can be used to direct care strategies for the most vulnerable elderly people, with particular attention to issues that affect the environment.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Satisfaction personnelle , Qualité de vie , État de santé , Brésil , Modèles logistiques , Études transversales , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Modèles statistiques , Facteurs âges
Gac. méd. espirit ; 17(3): 223-233, dic. 2015.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-769354


Fundamento: El envejecimiento en Cuba constituye un problema demográfico con un 18,3 % de la población con 60 años y más, se espera que para el 2025 represente el 25 % de la población total, en el 2050 se duplicará la proporción de la población mundial con más de 60 años. Objetivo: Analizar el envejecimiento poblacional y sus retos actuales para la sociedad en general y el sector sanitario en particular. Conclusiones: El envejecimiento poblacional en Cuba se incrementa progresivamente como fenómeno actual y futuro de significativa connotación; las causas esenciales del mismo se asocian al incremento de la esperanza de vida, unido a la disminución de la mortalidad y al descenso de la fecundidad, así como al saldo migratorio negativo, entre otros factores. Por ello se necesitan estrategias para incrementar la natalidad y mejorar las condiciones y calidad de vida del adulto, así como para la atención diferenciada, sistemática y con calidad del perfil de morbilidad característico de este grupo poblacional frágil y vulnerable.

Background: The aging in Cuba constitutes a demographic problem with an 18, 3 % of the population with 60 years old and more, it is expected that for the 2025 the 25 % represents the total population, in the 2050 the world population's proportion will be duplicated with more than 60 years old. Objective: To analyze the aging population and their current challenges for the society in general and the sanitary sector in particular Conclusions: Aging population in Cuba is increasing progressively as current phenomenon and future of significant connotation; the essential causes of it are associated to the increment of the hope of life, together to the decrease of the mortality and to the descent of the fecundity, as well as to the negative migratory balance, among other factors. For this are needed strategies to increase the natality and to improve the conditions and quality of the adult's life, as well as for the differentiated attention, systematic and with quality of the profile of characteristic morbidity of this fragile and vulnerable population group.

Dynamique des populations , Sujet âgé , Cuba
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-773364


Introducción: el envejecimiento poblacional es un reto asistencial que preocupa a los nefrólogos a nivel mundial, por la incidencia de la enfermedad renal crónica. Objetivo: determinar los enfermos renales crónicos y con enfermedad renal oculta. Método: estudio transversal retrospectivo sobre la prevalencia de la enfermedad renal crónica en los sujetos del hogar de ancianos en el municipio Banes. El universo se formó por 136 personas que viven en la institución; la muestra, por 109, excluyendo a los seminternos y a los hospitalizados. Se revisaron las historias clínicas. Sin variar su presencia durante el estudio, la enfermera de asistencia tomó muestras de sangre para la creatinina sérica y de orina para microalbuminuria. Las muestras fueron procesadas por licenciados en laboratorio clínico vinculados al servicio de nefrología, a los sujetos cuyas primeras muestras fueron positivas se les tomó una segunda y tercera muestra con un intervalo de 30 días entre cada una de ellas, se calculó el filtrado glomerular estimado a través de la fórmula de MDRD (modification of diet in renal desease), con la calculadora disponible en, se realizó la clasificación por estadios según las guías KDIGO (Kidney disease: Improving Global Outcomes). Resultados: el 55,8 por ciento de los ancianos presentó enfermedad renal crónica y el 35 %, enfermedad renal oculta, con un promedio de edad de 89,4 años. Conclusiones: el por ciento de ancianos con enfermedad renal crónica y enfermedad renal oculta en Hogar del Municipio Banes fue elevado(AU)

Introduction: the population´s aging is welfare's challenge that worries the nephrologists all over the world due to the affection of the Objectives: to determine the chronic renal disease chronic's renal ill patients and with hidden renal illness. Methods: it was done a transversal retrospective's study about the prevailing of the chronic renal disease in the characters of the residential home for the elderly in Banes municipality, the sample was formed by 136 persons who live in the institution, the sample 109 excluding the semi-internal and the one's hospitalized. It was revised the medical history, it was taken blood samples for the serum creatinine and picked the urine for the micro albuminury by the assistant nurse without varying its presence during the study, the samples were processed by graduated in clinic laboratory linked to the nephrology service, to the characters whose first samples were positives it was done a second and a third sample with an interval of 30 days, it was calculated the estimated glomerular's filtrate throughout a MDRD's (modification of diet in renal disease) formula, with the available calculator in It was carried out the classification as the stages following the KDIGO (Kidney disease: Improving Global Outcomes). Results: 55.8 percent of the elderly present Renal Chronic Disease and the 35 % hidden Renal Disease, with an average of ages of about 89.4 years. Conclusions: the Chronic Renal Disease and the Hidden Renal Disease in elderly from the old people's home at Banes Municipality is large(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Insuffisance rénale chronique/épidémiologie , Maisons de retraite médicalisées/statistiques et données numériques , Prévalence , Études transversales , Études rétrospectives , Cuba/épidémiologie , Distribution de L'âge et du Sexe , Débit de filtration glomérulaire
Aquichan ; 15(2): 228-238, abr.-jun. 2015.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: lil-757234


Objetivo: analizar algunos predictores de la calidad de vida en personas mayores, diferenciando entre mayores jóvenes o muy mayores. Esto es, se estudia un potencial efecto moderador debido a ser muy mayor, dado que este sector de la población está en rápido crecimiento en todo el mundo. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal analítico de encuesta a 224 personas mayores, en dos grupos diferenciales, menores de 75 años y 75 años o más, que viven en la ciudad de Valencia (España). Resultados: se ajustó un modelo estructural multimuestra donde las dimensiones de espiritualidad y la esperanza predicen dos indicadores de calidad de vida en personas mayores: satisfacción vital y percepción de salud. Se han encontrado relaciones estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,05) entre la espiritualidad y la esperanza, y los dos indicadores; especialmente potente es la predicción de la satisfacción vital. Asimismo, los resultados multimuestra indican que la fe juega un papel diferencial relevante en los muy mayores. Discusión: se ponen en relación los hallazgos con la literatura. Conclusiones: existe un importante impacto, en algunos casos diferencial para los muy mayores, de la espiritualidad sobre indicadores de envejecimiento con éxito tales como la satisfacción vital y la salud, y la capacidad para realizar actividades, ya sea instrumentales de la vida diaria, o en general todo tipo de actividades productivas.

Objective: Analyze several predictors of quality of life in older people, differentiating between relatively younger and much older senior citizens. Methods: This is a cross-sectional survey of 224 elderly individualsliving in the city of Valencia (Spain), who were divided into two separate groups: those under age 75 and those age 75 or older. Findings: A multi-sample structural model was adapted to include the dimensions of spirituality and hope so as to predict two indicators of quality of life in the elderly: satisfaction with life and perceived health. Statistically significant relationships (p<0.05) were found between spirituality and hope and the two indicators. The prediction of life satisfaction is especially powerful. The multi-sample findings indicate faith plays a relevant differential role among the very elderly. Discussion: The findings are compared to the literature. Conclusions: For the very old, spirituality has an important impact, in some cases differential, on indicators of aging with quality of life, such as life satisfaction and health, and on the ability to perform tasks, whether instrumental in daily life or in productive activities.

Objetivo: analisar alguns preditores da qualidade de vida em pessoas adultas, diferenciando entre adultos jovens ou idosos. Materiais e métodos: estudo transversal analítico de enquete a 224 pessoas adultas em dois grupos diferenciais, menores de 75 anos e 75 ou mais, que moram na cidade de Valência (Espanha). Resultados: ajustou-se um modelo estrutural multiamostra em que as dimensóes de espiritualidade e a esperança predizem dois indicadores de qualidade de vida em pessoas adultas: satisfação vital e percepção de saúde. Constataram relaçóes estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,05) entre a espiritualidade e a esperança, e os dois indicadores; especialmente potente é a predição da satisfação vital. Além disso, os resultados multiamostra indicam que a fé desempenha um papel diferencial e relevante nos idosos. Discussão: póem-se em relação as constataçóes com a literatura. Conclusóes: existe um importante impacto, em alguns casos diferencial, para os idosos, da espiritualidade sobre indicadores de envelhecimento com qualidade de vida, tais como: a satisfação vital e a saúde, e a capacidade para realizar atividades, tanto instrumentais da vida diária quanto em atividades produtivas.

Humains , Qualité de vie , Dynamique des populations , Spiritualité , Prévision
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-137576


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the association between presence of depression symptoms and the exposure level to insecticides among aged population in rural area, determined via measured levels of urinary 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3-PBA), after controlling for socioeconomic confounding factors. METHODS: Using a cross-sectional study design, we randomly recruited participants for our study (161 male and 239 female) from rural areas of Asan, Chungnam, Korea. Environmental risk factor exposure was assessed using a questionnaire, and gas chromatography- mass spectrometry was used to analyze urinary 3-PBA levels. We used a logistic regression analysis to assess the association of urinary 3-PBA levels with the presence of self-reported depression symptoms. RESULTS: After controlling for creatinine levels, the median (interquartile range) concentration of 3-PBA was approximately 1.5 times (p<0.05) higher among female (1.54 [0.90 to 2.35]) mug/g) than among male (1.06 [0.64 to 1.81] mug/g). Our study found that among female participants, the unit increase in 3-PBA levels exhibited a likely positive association (odds ratio, 1.12; 95% confidence interval, 1.00 to 1.25) with an increased risk of presence of self-reported depression symptoms, after adjusting for socioeconomic insurance type, daily physical condition, marital status, smoking status, and age. CONCLUSIONS: Given our finding of a potential association between the presence of selfreported depression symptoms and 3-PBA levels, precautions should be considered to minimize exposure to insecticides and thus protect the health of aged residents in rural areas.

Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Créatinine , Études transversales , Dépression , Insecticides , Assurance , Corée , Modèles logistiques , Situation de famille , Spectrométrie de masse , Facteurs de risque , Fumée , Fumer
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-137577


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the association between presence of depression symptoms and the exposure level to insecticides among aged population in rural area, determined via measured levels of urinary 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3-PBA), after controlling for socioeconomic confounding factors. METHODS: Using a cross-sectional study design, we randomly recruited participants for our study (161 male and 239 female) from rural areas of Asan, Chungnam, Korea. Environmental risk factor exposure was assessed using a questionnaire, and gas chromatography- mass spectrometry was used to analyze urinary 3-PBA levels. We used a logistic regression analysis to assess the association of urinary 3-PBA levels with the presence of self-reported depression symptoms. RESULTS: After controlling for creatinine levels, the median (interquartile range) concentration of 3-PBA was approximately 1.5 times (p<0.05) higher among female (1.54 [0.90 to 2.35]) mug/g) than among male (1.06 [0.64 to 1.81] mug/g). Our study found that among female participants, the unit increase in 3-PBA levels exhibited a likely positive association (odds ratio, 1.12; 95% confidence interval, 1.00 to 1.25) with an increased risk of presence of self-reported depression symptoms, after adjusting for socioeconomic insurance type, daily physical condition, marital status, smoking status, and age. CONCLUSIONS: Given our finding of a potential association between the presence of selfreported depression symptoms and 3-PBA levels, precautions should be considered to minimize exposure to insecticides and thus protect the health of aged residents in rural areas.

Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Créatinine , Études transversales , Dépression , Insecticides , Assurance , Corée , Modèles logistiques , Situation de famille , Spectrométrie de masse , Facteurs de risque , Fumée , Fumer