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Rev. argent. mastología ; 42(156): 25-34, dic. 2023. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1570542


Buenos días, muchísimas gracias a la organización por invitarme a este maravilloso Congreso. Como escuchamos antes sobre la cirugía posquimioterapia neoadyuvante para manejar la axila, yo no voy a hablar del manejo de los ganglios después de la quimioterapia. Más bien en esta charla quiero hablar de estos temas: definición de RNI, indicaciones en adyuvancia, evidencia actual de RNI post neoadyuvancia, y estudios clínicos. ¿En qué consiste la irradiación de los ganglios regionales? Para que estemos hablando de lo mismo; cuando hablo de irradiación total de ganglios regionales quiere decir: la axila "no disecada" (donde se ha hecho linfadenectomía axilar o biopsia de ganglio centinela), los supraclaviculares que están en continuidad y los de la mamaria interna, que son los primeros tres espacios intercostales. Me refiero a radiacién de ganglios regionales como algo que puede darse después de la mastectomía o post tumorectomía

Noeuds lymphatiques , Biopsie , Traitement néoadjuvant , Traitement médicamenteux , Ganglions , Mastectomie
Rev. argent. mastología ; 42(156): 35-44, dic. 2023. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1570543


Buenos días a todos y muchas gracias por el honor de venir a hablar con ustedes esta mañana sobre cómo manejamos la axila en el cáncer de mama con ganglios positivos. Creo que todos en esta sala saben que, en la cirugía del cáncer de mama, la disección axilar proporciona el impacto más negativo en nuestras pacientes con respecto a la morbilidad y calidad de vida, por lo que a lo largo de los años estamos tratando de reducir el tipo de cirugía que realizamos en la axila. En los próximos 20 minutos me gustaría repasar el manejo axilar del cáncer de mama con ganglios patológicos positivos: luego de la terapia sistémica neoadyuvante, es decir, sabemos que tienen metástasis que hemos comprobado mediante biopsia; cómo nos estamos manejando ahora y los nuevos procedimientos como la disección axilar dirigida que nos ayudan a minimizar esa cirugía, - vamos a hablar de las pacientes con ganglios clínicos negativos que requieren una mastectomía y luego se descubre que tienen uno o dos ganglios positivos, algunos datos nuevos al respecto, por último, también me gustaría hablar brevemente de las formas en que podemos preservar la anatomía linfática o corregirla, como el bypass linfovenoso, que en los Estados Unidos se está convirtiendo en un procedimiento que se realiza cada vez más cuando hacemos disecciones de ganglios linfáticos axilares

Noeuds lymphatiques , Chirurgie générale , Tumeurs du sein , Ganglions , Métastase tumorale
Rev. méd. Paraná ; 79(1): 75-77, 2021.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1282451


Os cistos perineurais (Tarlov) referem-se a uma dilatação cística entre o perineuro e o endoneuro das raízes nervosas dorsais, preenchidos com líquido cefalorraquidiano. Foram inicialmente descritos em 1938. Eles são mais frequentemente encontrados na coluna sacral, especialmente nas raízes nervosas de S2- S3, com a prevalência de 4,6% com base em uma revisão retrospectiva das imagens de ressonância magnética (RM) da coluna lombo-sacral. Em ocasiões muito raras, foram observadas acima da coluna lombossacra. Os cistos perineurais são geralmente achados incidentais sem significância clínica. Poucos relatos estão disponíveis sobre cistos sintomáticos na coluna cervical - os casos sintomáticos são raros, constituindo menos de 1% do total

Perineural (Tarlov) cysts refer to a cystic dilatation between the perineurium and endoneurium of the dorsal nerve roots, filled with cerebrospinal fluid, and were the first described in 1938. They are most often found in the sacral spine, especially S2-S3 nerve roots, with a prevalence of 4.6% based on a retrospective review of magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the lumbosacral spine. On very rare occasions, they were observed above the lumbosacral spine. Perineural cysts are usually incidental findings with no clinical significance. Few reports are available on symptomatic cysts in the cervical spine - symptomatic cases are rare, constituting less than 1% of the total

Humains , Rachis , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Pseudokystes mucoïdes juxta-articulaires
Rev. colomb. cancerol ; 24(3): 130-139, jul.-set. 2020. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144332


Resumen El tumor desmoplásico de célula redonda y pequeña (TDCRP) es una patología neoplásica maligna agresiva y poco común. Afecta predominantemente a hombres entre la segunda y tercera década de la vida. Los pacientes que la padecen tienen un pronóstico pobre, con una supervivencia global a 5 años de hasta el 30%. Por lo general se presenta como una masa en la cavidad abdominal, frecuentemente multifocal. Para su tratamiento se recomienda un enfoque multimodal con cirugía, quimioterapia y radioterapia. Poco más de 20 casos de TDCRP a nivel testicular/paratesticular se han reportado en la literatura. A continuación, se presenta un caso ilustrativo en esta localización, se discute el caso y se realiza revisión de la literatura.

Abstract Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT) is an aggressive and rare malignant neoplasm. It mainly affects young men in their twenties and thirties. Patients with it have a poor prognosis, with a 5-year survival rate of up to 30%. It generally presents as a mass in the abdominal cavity, often multifocal. A multimodal approach is recommended for its treatment, with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Just over 20 cases of testicular/paratesticular DSRCT have been reported in the literature. Below, we present an illustrative case in this location, we discuss the case and review the literature.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte , Tumeurs du rétropéritoine/diagnostic , Tumeurs du rétropéritoine/thérapie , Tumeur desmoplastique à petites cellules rondes/diagnostic , Tumeur desmoplastique à petites cellules rondes/thérapie , Tumeurs de l'appareil génital mâle/diagnostic , Tumeurs de l'appareil génital mâle/thérapie , Tumeurs du testicule/diagnostic , Tumeurs du testicule/thérapie , Ganglions
Medicina (Ribeirao Preto) ; 53(2)jul. 2020. ilus, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358318


RESUMO: A doença de Kikuchi-Fujimoto ou linfadenite histiocítica necrosante, de curso benigno, é prevalente em mulheres jovens, e associada à febre e leucopenia. Estudos recentes têm demostrado que sua etiologia ainda é incerta, sendo uma doença rara, com incidência de 0,5 a 5% de todas as adenopatias analisadas histologicamente. O diag-nóstico diferencial por imunohistoquímica foi decisivo, descartando outras hipóteses diagnósticas como: linfoma, tuberculose ganglionar e lúpus eritematoso sistêmico. Este relato de caso mostra as características da apresentação da doença em uma mulher, caucasiana e todas as etapas da investigação, destacando a importância dos diagnósticos diferenciais em adenopatias dolorosas e as dificuldades quando avaliamos portadores de doenças raras. (AU)

ABSTRACT: Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease or benign necrotizing histiocytic lymphadenitis is prevalent in young women and associated with fever and leukopenia. Recent studies have shown that its etiology is still uncertain, being a rare disease, with an incidence of 0.5 to 5% of all histologically analyzed adenopathies. Differential diagnosis by immunohistochemistry was decisive, ruling out other diagnostic hypotheses such as lymphoma, ganglion tuberculosis, and systemic lupus erythematosus. This case report shows the characteristics of the presentation of the disease in a Caucasian woman and all stages of the investigation, highlighting the importance of differential diagnoses in painful adenopathies and the difficulties when evaluating rare-disease patients. (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Lymphadénite nécrosante histiocytaire , Maladies rares , Pseudokystes mucoïdes juxta-articulaires , Diagnostic différentiel , Lupus érythémateux disséminé , Lymphadénite
Rev. colomb. radiol ; 31(3): 5396-5402, sept. 2020.
Article Dans Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1343656


La mamoplastia de aumento con implantes y la reconstrucción mamaria posmastectomía son algunos de los procedimientos quirúrgicos más frecuentes en cirugía plástica. Los implantes mamarios se encuentran entre los dispositivos médicos con mayor cantidad de informes por eventos adversos en el país. La extracción del implante es el estándar de oro ante la sospecha de la ruptura del mismo; sin embargo, hay poca claridad respecto a qué estrategias e imágenes son las adecuadas para la evaluación no invasiva de estos. La ecografía de alta resolución ha mostrado ser una alternativa para la evaluación inicial. Debido a la variabilidad de los implantes es necesario reconocer sus características imagenológicas. En este artículo se presentan los hallazgos ecográficos de los implantes, incluyendo aquellos que se pueden generar por marquillas o distintivos propios de la marca, y los propios de las complicaciones más comunes asociadas a ellos.

Implant augmentation mammoplasty and post-mastectomy breast reconstruction are some of the most frequent surgical procedures in plastic surgery. Breast implants are among the medical devices with the highest amount of reports of adverse events in our country. In suspicion of rupture, removal is the gold standard. However, there is little clarity regarding which strategies and images are adequate for non-invasive evaluation. High resolution ultrasound has shown to be an alternative for the initial evaluation. Due to the variability of the implants it is necessary to recognize their imaging characteristics. This article presents the findings of the ultrasound of the implants, including those that can be generated by tags or marks distinctive of the brand and those of the most common complications associated with them

Implants mammaires , Rupture/imagerie diagnostique , Échographie mammaire , Résultats fortuits , Ganglions
Rev. colomb. radiol. ; 31(4): 5462-5465, dic. 2020. ilus, graf
Article Dans Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1343709


Se presentan dos casos de resonancia magnética (RM) fetal en los que se detectan anomalías de las eminencias ganglionares (EG): un caso en una gestación única y otro en una gestación gemelar con solo uno de los fetos afectado. Las alteraciones en las eminencias ganglionares son entidades poco frecuentes, con muy pocos casos publicados, tanto por RM como por ecografía fetal, que suelen asociarse con alteraciones neurológicas graves. Se describen los hallazgos por RM de la patología de las EG en estos dos casos, no visibles en la ecografía previa.

We present two cases of fetal MRI where anomalies of the ganglionic eminences (GE) are detected, one case in a single pregnancy and another in a twin gestation with only one of the affected fetuses. Alterations in the ganglionic eminences are rare entities, with very few published cases, both by MRI and fetal ultrasound, which are usually associated with severe neurological alterations. The MR findings of the pathology of the GE in these two cases are described. These findings were not visible on the previous ultrasound.

Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Diagnostic prénatal , Malformations , Cavitation , Maladies foetales , Ganglions
Rev. bras. ortop ; 54(6): 721-730, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057957


Abstract Objectives To describe the technique and results of the arthroscopic surgical treatment of volar ganglion cyst of the wrist. Materials and Methods The present study comprised 21 patients submitted to the arthroscopic treatment of volar ganglion cysts of the wrist from January 2015 to May 2017, with a full evaluation for at least 6 months. The technique was indicated for patients presenting pain and functional impairment for more than four months, with no improvement with the conservative treatment, or for those with cosmetic complaints and cyst present for more than three months. Results The mean age of the patients was 43.6 years; 16 (76%) patients were female, and 5 (24%) were male. The mean follow-up time from surgery to the final assessment was of 10.9 months. A total of 2 (9.6%) patients complained of mild pain after the procedure, and another patient presented slight motion restrictions. The 18 (90.4%) remaining patients reported cosmetic improvement, complete functional recovery, and pain improvement. There were no recurrences or infections. No patient required further surgery. Conclusions The arthroscopic resection of volar ganglion cysts is a useful and safe technique. It is a minimally-invasive procedure, with low morbidity and very few complications, representing a good alternative to the open technique.

Resumo Objetivo Descrever a técnica e os resultados da artroscopia no tratamento cirúrgico dos cistos sinoviais volares no punho. Materiais e Métodos Foram incluídos e analisados neste trabalho 21 pacientes submetidos a artroscopia para o tratamento de cisto sinovial volar no punho, no período entre janeiro de 2015 e maio de 2017, com avaliação completa e mínima de 6 meses. A técnica descrita foi indicada para os pacientes com dor e incapacidade funcional com duração de mais de quatro meses, sem melhora com o tratamento conservador, ou para aqueles com queixas estéticas e que apresentavam o cisto havia mais de três meses. Resultados A média de idade dos pacientes foi de 43,6 anos, sendo 16 (76%) do sexo feminino, e 5 (24%) do masculino. O tempo de seguimento médio entre a cirurgia e a avaliação final foi de 10,9 meses. Um total de 2 (9,6%) pacientes apresentaram dor leve e uma restrição da mobilidade no pós-operatório. Nos 18 (90,4%) pacientes restantes, houve melhora das queixas estéticas, recuperação funcional completa, e melhora completa da dor. Não houve recidivas ou infecções. Nenhum paciente necessitou ser submetido a nova cirurgia. Conclusões A ressecção artroscópica do cisto sinovial volar mostrou-se uma técnica útil e segura. É um procedimento minimamente invasivo, com baixa morbidade e poucas complicações, sendo uma boa alternativa à técnica aberta.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Arthroscopie , Articulation du poignet , Maladies ostéomusculaires/chirurgie , Kystes , Pseudokystes mucoïdes juxta-articulaires , Traitement conservateur
Oncología (Guayaquil) ; 29(1): 1-11, 30 de abril 2019.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1000441


Propósito de la revisión: el objetivo de la revisión es delinear el rol del Manejo Quirúrgico del carcinoma metastásico primario de cabeza y cuello. Buscamos reportes en indicaciones, posibles hallazgos y subsecuentes tratamientos. Recientes hallazgos: La punción aspirativa con aguja fina, permite diferenciar la etiología de los nódulos del cuello: melanoma, carcinoma tiroideo, linfoma y otros tumores indiferenciados. La medición de tiroglobulina ayuda a diferenciar una neoplasia de tiroides. El nivel ganglionar afectado I al III incluye el protocolo de paratiroidectomia, amigadalectomía. El nivel ganglionar IV y V el primario es infraclavicular. Extracto: El cáncer metastásico de primario oculto es una neoplasia con confirmación histológica pero con lesión primaria desconocida. Su manejo es controversial y en la mayoría de los casos insuficiente para llegar al diagnóstico, incluso con la autopsia. La aproximación inicial comprende una serie de exámenes de laboratorio e imágenes de alta complejidad que incluyen la tomografía por emisión de positrones con el test de la Flúor 2-Deoxi Glucosa (FDG-PET/CT), los estudios de anatomía patológica son el segundo paso dentro del manejo estándar e incluyen la Punción y Aspiración con Aguja fina (PAAF). La microscopia tradicional no es suficiente para identificar el tumor primario, las tinciones inmunohistoquímicas aunque no son especificas ni sensibles ayudan con ese propósito y aún más la microscopia electrónica. La biopsia o procedimientos más agresivos como la amigdalectomía son conductas a seguir si aún no se ha logrado el diagnóstico. Se presenta una revisión del estado del arte del manejo del Carcinoma Metastásico de Primario Desconocido de Cabeza y Cuello.

Purpose of the review: the objective of the review is to delineate the role of Surgical Management of primary metastatic carcinoma of the head and neck. We look for reports on indications, possible findings and subsequent treatments. Recent findings: Fine-needle aspiration can differentiate the etiology of neck nodules: melanoma, thyroid carcinoma, lymphoma and other undifferentiated tumors. The measurement of thyroglobulin helps to differentiate a thyroid neoplasm. The affected lymph node level I to III includes the protocol of parathyroidectomy, amigdalectomy. The nodal level IV and V the primary is infraclavicular. Excerpt: Metastatic cancer of the occult primary is a neoplasm with histological confirmation but with an unknown primary lesion. Its management is controversial and in most cases insufficient to reach the diagnosis, even with autopsy. The initial approach involves a series of laboratory tests and highly complex images that include positron emission tomography with the Flucor 2-Deoxy Glucose test (FDG-PET / CT), pathology studies are the second step within standard handling and include Puncture and Fine Needle Aspiration (FNAP). Traditional microscopy is not enough to identify the primary tumor, immunohistochemical stains although they are not specific or sensitive help with this purpose and even more so electron microscopy. Biopsy or more aggressive procedures such as tonsillectomy are behaviors to follow if the diagnosis has not yet been achieved. A review of the state of the art of metastatic carcinoma of Unknown Head and Neck Primary is presented.

Humains , Métastases d'origine inconnue , Tumeurs de la tête et du cou , Métastase tumorale , Cytoponction , Tomographie par émission de positons , Ganglions
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-742134


Achalasia is a motility disorder of the esophagus that is characterized by loss of ganglionic neurons within the myenteric plexus of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) resulting in failure of the LES to relax. Clinically this disorder presents with simultaneous dysphagia to solids and liquids, and if left untreated, leads to esophageal dilation, which can give rise to many adverse consequences. Extrinsic compression of respiratory structures is one such consequence, and rarely, cases of tracheal compression secondary to achalasia have been reported. However, cases of extrinsic bronchial compression are yet rarer. Here, we present a case series comprised of two patients with achalasia who presented with extrinsic bronchial compression by a dilated esophagus secondary to achalasia.

Humains , Obstruction des voies aériennes , Cardia , Troubles de la déglutition , Achalasie oesophagienne , Dyskinésies oesophagiennes , Sphincter inférieur de l'oesophage , Oesophage , Pseudokystes mucoïdes juxta-articulaires , Plexus myentérique , Neurones
Clinical Pain ; (2): 40-43, 2019.
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785681


Carpal tunnel syndrome can be produced by abnormal mass effect due to trauma, ganglion cysts, various soft tissue tumors, musculotendinous variants, and aberrant vascular structures. Persistent median artery is one of the causes of the carpal tunnel syndrome. Thrombosed persistent median artery usually accompanies the anomaly of the median nerve and causes a sudden onset of severe pain and paresthesia. In contrast to previous literature, we report the rare case of gradual onset and mild symptom of a 53-year-old man with a thrombosed persistent median artery but without anomaly of the median nerve and abnormal finding of electrophysiologic study.

Humains , Adulte d'âge moyen , Artères , Syndrome du canal carpien , Dilatation , Pseudokystes mucoïdes juxta-articulaires , Nerf médian , Paresthésie , Échographie
Anatomy & Cell Biology ; : 278-285, 2019.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762235


The human nervus terminalis (terminal nerve) and the nerves to the vomeronasal organ (VNON) are both associated with the olfactory nerves and are of major interest to embryologists. However, there is still limited knowledge on their topographical anatomy in the nasal septum and on the number and distribution of ganglion cells along and near the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. We observed serial or semiserial sections of 30 fetuses at 7–18 weeks (crown rump length [CRL], 25–160 mm). Calretinin and S100 protein staining demonstrated not only the terminal nerve along the anterior edge of the perpendicular lamina of the ethmoid, but also the VNON along the posterior edge of the lamina. The terminal nerve was composed of 1–2 nerve bundles that passed through the anterior end of the cribriform plate, whereas the VNON consisted of 2–3 bundles behind the olfactory nerves. The terminal nerve ran along and crossed the posterior side of the nasal branch of the anterior ethmoidal nerve. Multiple clusters of small ganglion cells were found on the lateral surfaces of the ethmoid's crista galli, which are likely the origin of both the terminal nerve and VNON. The ganglions along the crista galli were ball-like and 15–20 µm in diameter and, ranged from 40–153 in unilateral number according to our counting at 21-µm-interval except for one specimen (480 neurons; CRL, 137 mm). An effect of nerve degeneration with increasing age seemed to be masked by a remarkable individual difference.

Humains , Calbindine-2 , Os ethmoïde , Foetus , Pseudokystes mucoïdes juxta-articulaires , Individualité , Masques , Septum nasal , Dégénérescence nerveuse , Neurones , Nerf olfactif , Organe voméronasal
Clinical Endoscopy ; : 382-386, 2019.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763447


A gangliocytic paraganglioma is a benign tumor of the digestive system with a very low incidence. The tumor is histopathologically characterized by a triphasic pattern consisting of epithelioid, ganglion, and spindle-shaped Schwann cells. In most cases, it occurs in the second portion of the duodenum near the ampulla of Vater. We report a case of a gangliocytic paraganglioma occurring at the minor duodenal papilla (a rare location) with a concurrent adenoma of the ampulla of Vater. Both lesions were treated simultaneously using endoscopic resection. Additionally, we have presented a literature review.

Adénomes , Ampoule hépatopancréatique , Système digestif , Duodénum , Pseudokystes mucoïdes juxta-articulaires , Incidence , Conduits pancréatiques , Paragangliome , Cellules de Schwann
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-759905


The nineteenth century neuroscience studied the instinct of animal to understand the human mind. In particular, it has been found that the inheritance of unconscious behavior like instinct is mediated through ganglion chains, such as the spinal cord or sympathetic nervous system, which control unconscious reflexes. At the same time, the theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics (hereafter ‘IAC’) widely known as Lamarck's evolutionary theory provided the theoretical frame on the origin of instinct and the heredity of action that the parental generation's habits were converted into the nature of the offspring generation. Contrary to conventional knowledge, this theory was not originally invented by Lamarck, and Darwin also did not discard this theory even after discovering the theory of natural selection in 1838 and maintained it throughout his intellectual life. Above all, in the field of epigenetics, the theory of ‘IAC’ has gained attention as a reliable scientific theory today. Darwin discovered crucial errors in the late 1830s that the Lamarck version's theory of ‘IAC’ did not adequately account for the principle of the inheritance of unconscious behavior like instinct. Lamarck's theory regarded habits as conscious and willful acts and saw that those habits are transmitted through the brain to control conscious actions. Lamarck's theory could not account for the complex and elaborate instincts of invertebrate animals, such as brainless ants. Contrary to Lamarck's view, Darwin established the new theory of ‘IAC’ that could be combined with contemporary neurological theory, which explains the heredity of unconscious behavior. Based on the knowledge of neurology, Darwin was able to translate the ‘principle of habit’ into a neurological term called ‘principle of reflex’. This article focuses on how Darwin join the theory of ‘IAC’ with nineteenth century neuroscience and how the neurological knowledge from the nineteenth century contributed to Darwin's overcoming of Lamarck's ‘IAC’. The significance of this study is to elucidate Darwin's notion of ‘IAC’ theory rather than natural selection theory as a principle of heredity of behavior. The theory of ‘IAC’ was able to account for the rapid variation of instincts in a relatively short period of time, unlike natural selection, which operates slowly in geological time spans of tens of millions of years. The nineteenth century neurological theory also provided neurological principles for ‘plasticity of instinct,’ empirically supporting the fact that all nervous systems responsible for reflexes respond sensitively to very fine stimuli. However, researchers of neo-Darwinian tendencies, such as Richard Dawkins and evolutionary psychologists advocating the ‘selfish gene’ hypothesis, which today claim to be Darwin's descendants, are characterized by human nature embedded in biological information, such as the brain and genes, so that it cannot change at all. This study aims to contribute to reconstructing the evolutionary discourse by illuminating Darwin's insights into the “plasticity of nature” that instincts can change relatively easily even at the level of invertebrates such as earthworms.

Animaux , Humains , Fourmis , Encéphale , Épigénomique , Pseudokystes mucoïdes juxta-articulaires , Hérédité , Caractéristiques humaines , Instinct , Invertébrés , Système nerveux , Neurologie , Neurosciences , Oligochaeta , Parents , Psychologie , Réflexe , Sélection génétique , Moelle spinale , Système nerveux sympathique , Neurostimulation électrique transcutanée , Testaments
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764505


KBG syndrome is an autosomal dominant syndrome presenting with macrodontia, distinctive facial features, skeletal anomalies, and neurological problems caused by mutations in the ankyrin repeat domain 11 (ANKRD11) gene. The diagnosis of KBG is difficult in very young infants as the characteristic macrodontia and typical facial features are not obvious. The youngest patient diagnosed to date was almost one year of age. We here describe a 2-month-old Korean boy with distinctive craniofacial features but without any evidence of macrodontia due to his very early age. He also had a congenital megacolon without ganglion cells in the rectum. A de novo deletion of exons 5–9 of the ANKRD11 gene was identified in this patient by exome sequencing and real-time genomic polymerase chain reaction. As ANKRD11 is involved in the development of myenteric plexus, a bowel movement disorder including a congenital megacolon is not surprising in a patient with KBG syndrome and has possibly been overlooked in past cases.

Humains , Nourrisson , Mâle , Répétition ankyrine , Diagnostic , Exome , Exons , Pseudokystes mucoïdes juxta-articulaires , Maladie de Hirschsprung , Troubles de la motricité , Plexus myentérique , Réaction de polymérisation en chaîne , Rectum
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738996


Ganglion cyst is considered to be a usual cause of peripheral nerve compression. In this report, we present a rare case of ulnar nerve compression by a multi-septated ganglion cyst in the cubital tunnel. A 33-year-old left-handed male amateur tennis player developed progressive numbness and weakness in his right elbow, forearm, and hand for 1 year. Decrease of grip power was apparent in left hand. Clinical examination revealed a cystic mass at the posterior side of the elbow. Magnetic resonance imaging identified a ganglion cyst at the elbow. During surgery about 3 cm diameter epineural ganglion was observed compressing the ulnar nerve and was excised using microsurgery techniques. Three months postoperatively, the clinical recovery of the patient was very satisfactory and he restored his original performance in tennis match.

Adulte , Humains , Mâle , Syndrome du tunnel ulnaire au coude , Coude , Avant-bras , Pseudokystes mucoïdes juxta-articulaires , Main , Force de la main , Hypoesthésie , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Microchirurgie , Nerfs périphériques , Tennis , Nerf ulnaire , Syndromes de compression du nerf ulnaire
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766835


PURPOSE: To report visual field changes after internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling for macular epiretinal membrane (ERM) according to the severity of glaucoma. METHODS: A retrospective review of 37 eyes from 37 patients who underwent ILM peeling to treat ERM. Standard automated perimetry (Humphrey visual field 24-2 program) was performed preoperatively and postoperatively. Based on the Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS) scoring system of preoperative visual field, patients were classified into the early glaucoma (AGIS ≤ 1) group or the advanced glaucoma (AGIS ≥ 2) group. Postoperative visual field sensitivity at each point was compared with the preoperative value. RESULTS: Out of 37 eyes, 15 eyes had early glaucoma and 22 had advanced glaucoma. Eyes from both groups had poor postoperative visual field parameters. For eyes with advanced glaucoma, the visual field index was significantly reduced and the visual field damage was larger and wider compared to those with early glaucoma. In both groups, visual field impairment was greater on the nasal side than on the temporal side, and visual acuity was not significantly different. Postoperatively, the macular ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer thickness was decreased, especially on the temporal side of advanced glaucoma. CONCLUSIONS: Visual field impairment was greater and wider in eyes with advanced glaucoma than in those with early glaucoma after ILM peeling in patients with ERM.

Humains , Membrane épirétinienne , Pseudokystes mucoïdes juxta-articulaires , Glaucome , Membranes , Études rétrospectives , Acuité visuelle , Tests du champ visuel , Champs visuels
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766910


PURPOSE: To measure the thicknesses of the circumpapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and macular retinal ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer (GCIPL) by optical coherence tomography (OCT) in healthy Korean children and adolescents. METHODS: Circumpapillary RNFL and macular GCIPL thicknesses were measured by OCT in 352 healthy eyes of 352 children and adolescents (child-adolescent group) aged 5–17 years and in 159 healthy eyes of 159 adults (adult group) aged 18-75 years. The difference in RNFL and GCIPL thicknesses between the groups and the effects of age and refractive errors on the measurements were evaluated. RESULTS: The mean age of the children and adults were 9.7 ± 3.6 and 44.7 ± 15.7 years, respectively. The mean of the average RNFL and GCIPL thicknesses were 103.1 ± 9.2 and 85.7 ± 4.6 µm, respectively, in the children group and 97.8 ± 8.2 and 82.9 ± 4.4 µm, respectively, in the adult group. The child-adolescent group had greater RNFL and GCIPL thicknesses compared to the adult group in all areas (p < 0.05) with the exception of the RNFL thickness in the temporal quadrant (p = 0.555). A thinner RNFL and thinner GCIPL were significantly associated with older age and greater myopia (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The mean RNFL and GCIPL thicknesses measured by OCT in the healthy eyes of children and adolescents were 103.1 and 85.7 µm, respectively. Children and adolescents had a thicker RNFL and GCIPL compared to adults.

Adolescent , Adulte , Enfant , Humains , Pseudokystes mucoïdes juxta-articulaires , Myopie , Neurofibres , Troubles de la réfraction oculaire , Cellules ganglionnaires rétiniennes , Rétinal , Tomographie par cohérence optique
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