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Motriz (Online) ; 23(2): e111638, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-841842


Abstract AIMS to investigate how the professional socialization happens through teacher education. METHODS a qualitative research, descriptive, was developed using exploratory interview and narrative interview to clarify and deepen the collected information. Two Physical Education teachers with different stories of personal and professional development participated in this study. Through content analysis the data was organized in themes: the cultural capital and the learning of teaching, as a social, spatial and temporal process; a cognitive, plural and heterogenic process and a human, moral and relational process. RESULTS life settings can be viewed as the building scaffoldings of a professional socialization with the aim of understanding teachers and their practices in the knowledge of their lives, as influenced by social interactions. In this process of successive socializations, teachers build their professional identity, valuing social interactions in the environments they inhabit. In this study, practice was viewed as a site for training, the production of knowledge, and professional socialization in the acquisition of cultural capital. The knowledge of teachers was conceived as having a social nature, bringing underlying sources of acquisition associated with the family, school, and university because they decisively contribute to the structure of the educational practice. CONCLUSION the professional socialization is a dynamic process which involves not only the learning, but the acquisition of a professional ethos and, mainly, a teacher's identity and a base of knowledge that support the social interaction and the teaching culture in the activities and individual socialization in the habitus perspective.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Educação Física e Treinamento , Capacitação Profissional , Identificação Social , Inquéritos e Questionários
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 21(1): 111-124, 2015. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-834920


Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender os processos de parceria entre escolas e universidade nos estágios curriculares supervisionados em Educação Física. Optou-se pela pesquisa qualitativa, estudo de caso, utilizando como técnicas a entrevista narrativa com sete participantes e a análise de conteúdo. Os dados evidenciaram contradições desse processo no modelo de estágio adotado em que há distanciamento entre as instituições. O desafio está em sair de um modelo de formação centrado na universidade para um modelo que contemple a escola e a universidade como lugares de formação.

This study aimed at understanding the processes of partnership between schools and universities in Physical Education’s supervised curricular practicum. The approach was qualitative research and case study, using narrative interview with seven subjects as well as content analysis. The results showed contradictions in the process, since the institutions are distant in the model of practicum adopted. The challenge lies in abandoning a model that sees the university as the center of the process and move towards a model that includes schools and universities as educational places.

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo central comprender los lazos que se constituyen entre las escuelas y la Universidad en las prácticas pedagógicas supervisadas en educación física. El enfoque investigativo utilizado fue el cualitativo y el tipo de investigación el estudio de caso. Las técnicas de recolección de información fueron el análisis de contenido, la narrativa y la entrevista en profundidad y la unidad de trabajo estuvo compuesta por siete personas. Los resultados reflejan que existen contradicciones, ya que el proceso desvela un alejamiento entre las instituciones. El desafío que promueve este estudio anuncia que se debe incursionar en un modelo que no vea a la Universidad como el centro de dicho proceso, sino un modelo que contemple la escuela y la Universidad como escenarios de formación.

Humanos , Universidades , Educação Física e Treinamento , Brasil
Educ. rev ; 25(2): 283-302, ago. 2009.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-527552


Este artigo discute as atividades de Movimento nas rotinas diárias de professoras de Educação Infantil, sob a perspectiva da teoria Histórico-Cultural de Vigotski, cuja concepção de desenvolvimento infantil prioriza a cultura e a atividade mediada de professores, como determinantes nas aprendizagens e no desenvolvimento infantis. As atividades de Movimento vão além do desenvolvimento motor, relacionando-se com resolução de problemas, questionamentos, criatividade, memória, atenção, abstração, etc. As professoras da creche investigada têm experiência de trabalho com as crianças, mas falta-lhes o conhecimento de como trabalhar atividades educativas com Movimento e, portanto, priorizam a manutenção das crianças em situação de Não-Movimento. Tais práticas de manter as crianças quietas e caladas revelam as concepções de criança e movimento das professoras, indicando a urgência de reformulação dos processos e cursos de formação inicial e continuada de professoras de Educação Infantil.

This article discusses the movement activities in everyday routines of the Basic Education teachers, under the perspective of Vigotski´s' Historical-Cultural Theory, whose conception about childish development has a focus on the culture and teachers' mediated activities, as a determination for the childish learning and development. The Movement activities transcend the motor development. It is related to problems resolution, questions, creativity, memory, attention, abstraction, and so on. The Basic Education teachers investigated have experience on working with children, but they don't have knowledge about how to work with movement activities in the educational perspective and thus, they keep the children in a situation of non-movement. Those practices about how to maintain the children quiet and silent show the teachers' conceptions about child and movement, indicating the urgency of a reformulation on the initial and continual processes and courses of the Basic Education teachers.