Resumen Introducción: Existe un creciente interés en la relación entre la orientación sexual de una persona y su bienestar subjetivo, por el vínculo de dicha orientación con diversas esferas de la vida, como apoyo social, salud y satisfacción vital. Sin embargo, la investigación sobre la relación entre estas variables en función de la orientación sexual es escasa en población universitaria. Este estudio examina la asociación entre el apoyo de familia, amistades y otras personas con la satisfacción vital, de forma directa y mediada por la salud autopercibida; se comparan estas relaciones en estudiantes universitarios heterosexuales y lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y de otras orientaciones no heterosexuales (LGB+) en Chile. Método: La muestra (n = 525) respondió un cuestionario en línea con preguntas sociodemográficas, sobre apoyo social percibido, salud autopercibida y satisfacción vital. Los datos se analizaron utilizando un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y análisis multigrupo. Resultados: El apoyo familiar se asoció positivamente con la satisfacción vital, directamente y mediado por la salud autopercibida, tanto en estudiantes heterosexuales como LGB+; el apoyo de amigos y de otras personas mostró asociaciones diferenciadas por orientación sexual. Sin embargo, este modelo fue estadísticamente similar para ambos grupos. Conclusiones: Estos hallazgos destacan la relevancia de distintos tipos de apoyo social en la satisfacción vital de estudiantes universitarios según su orientación sexual.
Abstract Introduction: The literature shows an increasing interest in the relationship between individuals' sexual orientation and their subjective well-being, linking the former to various spheres of life, such as social support, health, and life satisfaction. However, research on the impact of sexual orientation in the relationship between subjective well-being variables is scarce in the university population. This study examined the associations between support from family, friends and other people with life satisfaction, directly and mediated by self-perceived health, comparing these relationships in heterosexual and lesbian, gay, bisexual and other non-heterosexual (LGB+) university students in Chile. Method: The sample (n = 525) answered an online questionnaire with sociodemographic questions about perceived social support, self-perceived health, and life satisfaction. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling and multigroup analysis. Results: Family support was positively associated with life satisfaction, directly and mediated by self-perceived health, in both heterosexual and LGB+ students; support from friends and others showed differential associations by sexual orientation. However, the proposed model was statistically similar for both groups. Conclusion: These findings highlight the relevance of different types of support on the life satisfaction of university students according to their sexual orientation.
Introducción: Durante la pandemia por COVID-19 las medidas de contención implementadas a nivel mundial han transformado la vida familiar y la forma de trabajar de las mujeres, profundizando desigualdades preexistentes tanto en el trabajo como en la familia. Método: Mediante ecuaciones estructurales se exploraron las relaciones entre el conflicto trabajo-familia, los síntomas emocionales negativos y la satisfacción familiar en mujeres de familias con doble ingreso. Se administraron cuestionarios a 430 mujeres que trabajaban de forma remunerada con al menos un hijo adolescente en Rancagua, Chile, quienes respondieron las dimensiones conflicto del trabajo a la familia y conflicto de la familia al trabajo de la Escala Interfaz Trabajo Familia; la Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés (DASS-21); y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida Familiar. Resultados: El conflicto trabajo-familia, en ambas direcciones, se asoció positivamente con síntomas emocionales negativos, los cuales, a su vez, se relacionaron negativamente con la satisfacción familiar. El conflicto de la familia al trabajo se relacionó negativamente de forma directa con la satisfacción familiar, mientras que los síntomas emocionales negativos mostraron un rol mediador entre el conflicto trabajo-familia y la satisfacción familiar. Conclusiones: Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que, para mejorar la satisfacción familiar en situaciones de crisis, son necesarias intervenciones para mitigar las demandas laborales y familiares, así como reducir emociones negativas como depresión, ansiedad y estrés en mujeres madres que trabajan con remuneración.
Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, containment measures implemented worldwide have transformed family life and women's way of working, deepening pre-existing inequalities both at work and in the family. Method: Structural Equations were used to explore the relationships between work-family conflict, negative emotional symptoms and family satisfaction in women from dual-income families. Questionnaires were administered to 430 women with paid work with at least one adolescent child in Rancagua, Chile, who responded to the work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict dimensions of the Work-Family Interface Scale; the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21); and the Satisfaction with Family Life Scale. Results: The work-family conflict, in both directions, was positively associated with negative emotional symptoms, which, in turn, were negatively related to family satisfaction. Family-to-work conflict was directly negatively related to family satisfaction, while negative emotional symptoms showed a mediating role between work-family conflict and family satisfaction. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that, to improve family satisfaction in crisis situations, interventions are needed to mitigate work and family demands, as well as to ameliorate negative emotions such as depression, anxiety and stress in women with paid work.
La presente investigación buscó comprender la relación entre los procesos de movilidad estudiantil y la construcción de la identidad en estudiantes de la Universidad Católica de Temuco. El estudio fue desarrollado a partir de una metodología cualitativa. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad a estudiantes que participaron de una movilidad estudiantil internacional saliente. Los resultados demostraron que el proceso de movilidad estudiantil constituye un hito que permite el autoconocimiento y la construcción de un yo ideal. Lo anterior daría cuenta del aporte de la movilidad estudiantil en aspectos académicos, profesionales y en la construcción del yo del estudiante.
A presente pesquisa buscou compreender a relação entre os processos de mobilidade estudantil e a construção da identidade em estudantes da Universidade Católica de Temuco. A investigação desenvolveu-se a partir de uma metodologia qualitativa. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com estudantes que realizaram uma mobilidade estudantil internacional de saída. Os resultados revelaram que o processo de mobilidade estudantil constitui um marco que possibilitou o autoconhecimento e a construção de um eu ideal. Isso evidencia a contribuição da mobilidade estudantil em aspectos acadêmicos, profissionais e na construção do eu do estudante.
The aim of this research is to comprehend the relation between the student mobility procedures and the identity building of the students of Universidad Católica de Temuco. The methodology delivered in this research was a qualitative methodology following the grounded theory guidelines, considering the international outgoing mobility students. The results pointed out mobility procedures as a landmark that allows the self-knowledge and the construction of an ideal self. This confers the contribution of student mobility in academic and professional aspects as well as the construction of self of the student.
Resumen 1Los hogares monoparentales se ven enfrentados a compatibilizar la generación de ingresos con las tareas de cuidado en el hogar, como la alimentación familiar, la cual se configura como un dominio clave en el bienestar. Es por ello, que el objetivo de este estudio buscó explorar los significados acerca de la satisfacción con la alimentación que tienen madres e hijos de familias monoparentales con jefatura femenina. A partir de un estudio de caso de método mixto, mediante la participación de 47 familias monoparentales de jefatura femenina, tanto madres como hijos adolescentes, cuyas edades fluctuaban entre 10 y 17 años de edad, completaron individualmente una tarea de asociación de palabras con "estar satisfecho con mi alimentación" y una tarea de finalización de palabras con "estaría más satisfecho con mi alimentación si...". Los resultados evidenciaron que los significados de la satisfacción con la alimentación son atribuibles a la conceptualización formal del constructo y que no existiría diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las respuestas dadas por madres e hijos, en base a los determinantes de comportamiento en la alimentación. Así se concluyó que las similitudes en los significados, en torno a los determinantes que se identifican con la satisfacción con la alimentación y con los aspectos que podrían aumentarla, permiten constatar la influencia de la familia en las construcciones y significados que forman parte de la identidad individual y cultural de los adolescentes, lo cual se convierte en un insumo necesario para el diseño de prácticas y estrategias que propicien una mayor satisfacción con la alimentación.
Abstract Numerous female-headed single parent households face increased pressure when attempting to balance income generation with household responsibilities, such as family nutrition, which is critical given its greater influence on children's nutrition and diet quality (Hebestreit et al., 2017). This situation is critical in light of the fact that food is positioned as a critical domain of human well-being (Schnettler et al., 2014, 2017; Denegri et al., 2014, 2016). Satisfaction with food-related life is conceptualized as an individual's global cognitive evaluation of his or her diet (Grunert, Dean, Raats, Nielsen, y Lumbers, 2007); its formal definition is connected to other facets of life such as health, family, and social relationships (Grunert et al., 2007). According to the literature, satisfaction with food-related life is defined in terms of three primary determinants of eating behavior: the food consumed, the individual, and the diet's context (Köster, 2009). The purpose of this study is to contribute to our understanding of female-headed single-parent families and their meanings by examining the importance placed on the family as the first social space in which people construct and shape their social representations in various spheres of daily life (Moscovici, 1984). The overall objective is to investigate the meanings of satisfaction with food-related life for mothers and adolescent children in female-headed single-parent families. The specific objectives are to i) define the semantic entities of food satisfaction in relation to mothers and adolescent children, ii) identify factors that contribute to mothers' and adolescent children's food satisfaction, and iii) compare how mothers and adolescent children perceive their food satisfaction and the factors that contribute to it increasing. To accomplish these goals, a mixed case study research design was used. This entails combining quantitative and qualitative research methods in order to gain a better understanding of the research issues (Cresswell y Plano Clark, 2011). A total of 47 Chilean single-parent families with a female head of household participated in this study. It consists of a fee-paying mother that has at least one adolescent child between the ages of 10 and 17. The data collection method was an interview developed and tested in the Chilean population by Schnettler et al. (2020), based on a projective technique (Mesas y Escribano, 2018), in which mothers and adolescent children individually responded to the first words, terms, or phrases associated with the expression "being satisfied with my food-related life" with the goal of determining the meaning of satisfaction with food-related life. They were then asked to complete the sentence "I would be more satisfied with my food-related life if...". In order to identify factors that could improve their satisfaction with food-related life. The data was textually analyzed by segmenting and coding it. Subsequently, by establishing conceptual relationships, categories and supracategories were generated deductively (Krippendorff, 2004). Following that, the information expressed in the results and plotted in frequency tables is synthesized and interpreted. The Chi-square test was used to compare mothers' and adolescent children's responses (Agresti, 1990). In conclusion, the findings indicate that the meanings of satisfaction with food-related life can be ascribed to the construct's formal conceptualization. Thus, this study provides evidence that the construct is valid. There were also similarities in the meanings of mothers and adolescent children when it came to the determinants associated with food satisfaction, as well as the factors that could increase their satisfaction with food-related life. This finding is critical for establishing the family's influence on the constructs and meanings associated with adolescents' cultural identities.
Resumen El consumo se ha instaurado en las sociedades posmodernas como un medio regulador de las relaciones sociales. En este contexto, la compra compulsiva se establece como patológica y genera un malestar psicológico significativo en las personas, al punto de deteriorar el funcionamiento social y profesional. A esto se suman graves problemas económicos como producto del endeudamiento. Bajo este escenario, los jóvenes son particularmente sensibles, ya que con el consumo acceden a objetos simbólicos que forman parte de su construcción de identidad. Una dimensión relacionada con la compra compulsiva y el acceso al consumo bajo elementos simbólicos es la discrepancia del yo, la cual establece la distancia entre quién soy y quién me gustaría ser de acuerdo a patrones sociales que motivan el consumo como extensión del sujeto y materialización de la propia identidad. En base a lo anterior, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el efecto de la discrepancia del yo sobre las actitudes hacia la compra compulsiva en estudiantes universitarios chilenos. A través de una regresión lineal múltiple se aprecia que la discrepancia del yo físico (belleza), económico y el sexo son predictores significativos de la compra compulsiva. De igual manera, se observa que las mujeres son un grupo con mayores puntuaciones en cuanto a las compras compulsivas que los hombres, las cuales pueden verse mayormente afectadas por el contexto, y las campañas de marketing pueden influir en una mayor brecha entre el yo real y el yo ideal.
Abstract Consumption has been established in postmodern societies as a means of regulating social relations. In this context, compulsive buying could be established as pathological, creating significant psychological discomfort in people, to the point of impairing social and professional functioning, coupled with serious economic problems resulting from indebtedness. Along the same lines, in the construction of a social identity and a socially shared reality, consumption patterns arise that are linked to what the public should be and what they want to be. Therefore, while compulsive buying has been conceptualized for decades, it is a substantial threat to psychological and financial well-being. Few studies have explored the link between self-discrepancy and compulsive buying within an identity construction context. In this scenario, it is young people who become particularly sensitive, since with consumption they access symbolic objects that are part of their identity construction and a dimension related to compulsive buying. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that access to the consumption of symbolic elements is self-discrepancy. That is why this research aims at determining the effect of the self-discrepancy on attitudes towards compulsive buying in Chilean university students. The study uses a quantitative, correlational, and non-experimental cross-sectional design. Study sample was comprised of 1 229 Chilean university students, who responded to the scale of attitudes towards consumption, the self-discrepancy scale, and answered questions for sociodemographic characterization including: gender (male/female), age, geographical area of residence (rural/urban), people with whom they live, and whether they have any bank credit cards. Prior to data collection, a letter was sent to Faculty Deans and Program Directors of all the universities associated with the Council of Rectors of Chile; these letters described the aims of the study, and requested information and authorization for the distribution of the instrument previously described. It is important to indicate that, after this, a random sampling process was initiated, after which each participant was contacted, so that they could sign an informed consent form, thus ensuring the anonymity ethical guidelines of the study. The data was processed through SPSS version 22 software, looking for the presence of univariate and multivariate outliers through Z-scores and Mahalanobis distance. A descriptive analysis of the variables was then carried out based on the dispersion, central trend and shape measurements. Subsequently, the data was analysed through bivariate statistics through Pearson correlations, to indicate into empirical relationships between compulsive purchase as a dependent variable and sociodemographic variables (sex and bank credit card holding) and the dimensions associated with the self-discrepancy (intellectual, physical, physical beauty, personal, social, emotional and economic) as independent variables. Once the behaviour of the variables was observed, a hierarchical multiple linear regression was performed. Regarding the results of this research, multiple linear regression shows that physical self-discrepancy (beauty), economic self-discrepancy and gender are significant predictors of compulsive buying. Similarly, it is noted that women are a group with higher scores in terms of compulsive purchases than men, which may be mostly affected by the context, where marketing campaigns can influence a greater gap between the real self and the ideal self.
La pandemia por COVID-19 generó una crisis de salud pública sin precedentes a nivel mundial, provocando la muerte directa o indirecta de alrededor de 14,9 millones de personas en un período de 2 años. Ante esto, el desarrollo de vacunas para evitar la muerte, cuadros graves y cortar la cadena de propagación del virus, se estableció como prioridad mundial. El proceso de vacunación ha demostrado su efectividad, pero ha existido reticencia a vacunarse dentro de la población. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar la relación de variables censales con respecto a la frecuencia de vacunación para la semana del 24 de mayo de 2021 en Chile. Para ello, se recurrió a datos secundarios del censo del 2017 y del Ministerio de Salud y, a través de una regresión lineal múltiple, se determinó que la escolaridad, la vivienda de residencia y la etnicidad son variables que impactan en la cantidad de personas vacunadas por comuna. Los hallazgos obtenidos aportan información relevante para la generación de políticas públicas(AU)
The COVID-19 pandemic generated an unprecedented public health crisis worldwide, which caused the direct or indirect death of about 14.9 million people in a period of two years. In view of this, the development of vaccines to prevent death and serious illnesses and to cut the chain of spread of the virus was established as a global priority. Although the vaccination process has demonstrated the effectiveness of vaccination, there has been reluctance within the population. Therefore, the objective of this research was to identify the relation of census variables with respect to the frequency of vaccination for the week of May 24, 2021 in Chile. For this purpose, secondary data from the 2017 Census and the Ministry of Health were used and, through a multiple linear regression, it was determined that schooling, residence dwelling and ethnicity are variables that impact the number of people vaccinated per commune. The findings obtained provide relevant information for the generation of public policies(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Etnicidade/estatística & dados numéricos , Censos , Vacinas contra COVID-19/uso terapêutico , ChileRESUMO
Resumen A partir de un estudio cualitativo interpretativo con un enfoque de análisis de contenido bajo los supuestos de la teoría fundamentada, se buscó describir el significado subjetivo de la socialización alimentaria en la familia, en cuanto a prácticas y estrategias que padres y madres utilizan para introducir a sus hijos en patrones de comportamiento alimentario. Dieciocho familias de estratos socioeconómicos bajos, medios y altos participaron en el estudio, respondiendo a una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados arrojaron dos categorías centrales de contenido, por un lado, el proceso de educación alimentaria y por otro, las prácticas específicas de alimentación, que presentaron diferencias entre padres y madres en cuanto al nivel de implicación en el proceso alimentario de los hijos. De igual modo, se identificó que el mayor grado de implicación paterna se observó en el alto nivel socioeconómico alto. Finalmente, los hallazgos obtenidos develan la necesidad de promover una mayor educación alimentaria y prácticas alimentarias que apoyen la alimentación saludable en diferentes contextos familiares.
Abstract Starting from an interpretive qualitative study with a content analysis approach under the assumptions of the grounded theory, we sought to describe the subjective meaning of food socialization in the family, in terms of practices and strategies that parents use to introduce their children to eating behavior patterns. Eighteen families from low, middle and high socioeconomic levels participated in the study, answering a semi-structured interview. The results showed two central content categories, on the one hand, the process of food education and on the other, specific food practices, which presented differences between fathers and mothers in terms of the level of involvement in the children's eating process. Similarly, it was identified that the greatest degree of paternal involvement was observed in the high socioeconomic level. Finally, the findings reveal the need to promote greater food education and food practices that support healthy eating in different family contexts.