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Entramado ; 19(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534432


Este trabajo proporciona elementos para el desarrollo de un modelo conceptual del efecto que presentan la sensibilidad y la empatía sobre la percepción de calidad y la satisfacción, al momento de contratar a proveedores de servicios de internet en el sur del Estado de Quintana Roo, México. El objetivo del estudio es comprender cómo afecta la sensibilidad, la empatía y la calidad sobre la satisfacción de los clientes de los proveedores de servicios de Internet. Se utilizó la técnica de muestreo no probabilístico "bola de nieve" para integrar una muestra de 384 usuarios que proporcionaron información mediante la técnica de encuesta. Se desarrolló un modelo probado empíricamente utilizando el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para analizar el impacto de las variables en la satisfacción. Los resultados muestran que la calidad del proveedor de internet se encuentra altamente influenciada por la empatía del personal y por la sensibilidad, todos estos factores inciden de manera directa y positiva en la satisfacción del cliente, siendo más importante el valor percibido de la empatía que puede afectar en la opinión del usuario, lo que es relevante porque ayuda a comprender por qué los clientes se quedan con un proveedor de servicios en particular. CLASIFICACIÓN JEL M31, L86

This research provides elements for the development of a conceptual model of the effect that sensitivity and empathy have on the perception of quality and satisfaction, when hiring internet service providers in the south of the State of Quintana Roo, Mexico. The objective of the study is to understand how sensitivity empathy and quality affect the satisfaction of customers of Internet service providers. The non-probabilistic "snowball" sampling technique was used to integrate a sample of 384 users who provided information through the survey technique. An empirically tested model was developed using the structural equation model to analyze the impact of variables on satisfaction. The results show that the quality of the Internet provider is highly influenced by the empathy of the staff and by the sensitivity all these factors directly and positively affect customer satisfaction, being more important the perceived value of empathy that can affect the opinion of the user which is relevant because it helps to understand why customers stay with a particular service provider. JEL CLASSIFICATION M3I, L86

Este artigo fornece elementos para o desenvolvimento de um modelo conceitual do efeito da sensibilidade e da empatia na percepção da qualidade e da satisfação ao contratar provedores de serviços de Internet no sul do estado de Quintana Roo, México. O objetivo do estudo é entender como a sensibilidade, a empatia e a qualidade afetam a satisfação do cliente com os provedores de serviços de Internet. A técnica de amostragem não probabilística "bola de neve" foi usada para integrar uma amostra de 384 usuários que forneceram informações por meio da técnica de pesquisa. Um modelo testado empiricamente foi desenvolvido usando modelagem de equação estrutural para analisar o impacto das variáveis na satisfação. Os resultados mostram que a qualidade do provedor de Internet é altamente influenciada pela empatia e pela capacidade de resposta da equipe, todas com impacto direto e positivo na satisfação do cliente, sendo que o valor percebido da empatia é mais importante e pode afetar a opinião do usuário, o que é relevante porque ajuda a entender por que os clientes permanecem com um determinado provedor de serviços. CLASSIFICAÇÃO JEL M31, L86

Acta neurol. colomb ; 39(1): 28-32, ene.-mar. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429571


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: Las enfermedades neurológicas constituyen gran parte de las urgencias médicas (10 %-15%). Por ende, se hace necesario el reconocimiento de la distribución de las principales condiciones tanto en urgencias como en hospitalización. Se decidió caracterizar la distribución real de la enfermedad neurológica atendida en un hospital universitario de tercer nivel en Boyacá. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. RESULTADOS: 1203 pacientes con edad promedio de 56,2 (± 21,2) años, la mayoría de sexo masculino, casi la mitad de ellos nivel de educación básica primaria. De un total de 81 diagnósticos, se caracterizaron clínica y sociodemográficamente los 12 primeros, encontrando que en el área de urgencias prevalece la enfermedad cerebrovascular, epilepsia, cefalea, polineuropatia y vértigo. CONCLUSIONES. Los principales motivos de interconsulta del servicio son la enfermedad cerebrovascular y el delirio en urgencias e internación respectivamente, siendo generadas principalmente por medicina general, medicina interna y unidad de cuidado intensivo.

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Neurological diseases constitute a large proportion of medical emergencies (10%-15%). Knowledge of the distribution of the main neurological conditions both in the emergency room and in hospitalization is necessary. The real distribution of neurological disease treated in a tertiary university hospital in Boyacá can be characterized. METHODOLOGY: Descriptive cross-sectional study. Results: 1203 patients with a mean age of 56.2 (± 21.2) years, most of them male, almost half of them with basic primary education. From a total of 81 diagnoses, the first 12 were characterized clinically and socio demographically, we found that in the emergency department, cerebrovascular disease, epilepsy, headache, polyneuropathy and vertigo prevailed. CONCLUSIONS. The main reasons for consultation were cerebrovascular disease and delirium in the emergency department and hospitalization, respectively, being mainly generated by internal medicine and the intensive care unit.

Epidemiologia , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso , Neurologia
Repert. med. cir ; 32(3): 284-287, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1526910


Introducción: la punción lumbar es una de las herramientas diagnósticas más importantes para diferentes patologías neurológicas. Caso clínico: hombre de 32 años, con epilepsia, toxoplasmosis cerebral y VIH que presentó un hematoma subdural posterior a una punción lumbar diagnóstica, sin sintomatología, siendo un hallazgo imagenológico incidental. Discusión y conclusiones: el mecanismo por el que se produce el hematoma subdural, se basa en una presión baja del LCR que da lugar a un deslizamiento de la aracnoides sobre la duramadre y como consecuencia se desgarran los vasos del espacio subdural, produciendo una extravasación de sangre en dicho espacio.

Introduction: lumbar puncture is one of the most important diagnostic tools for a variety of neurological disorders. Case presentation: a 32-year-old man with epilepsy, cerebral toxoplasmosis, and HIV, who presented an asymptomatic subdural hematoma following a diagnostic lumbar puncture, which was an incidental finding on imaging. Discussion and conclusions: the mechanism for post lumbar puncture subdural hematoma development is based on a low CSF pressure which allows the arachnoid matter to slide over the dura mater leading to subdural vessels tear, causing blood extravasation into the subdural space.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218533


Objective: Collect scientific evidence on the factors that influence the anesthetic satisfaction of patients, through a theoretical bibliographic review. Obtain an updated compendium of studies on user satisfaction, the instruments used to measure it and the influencing factors, which will be of great use to anesthesiology services to establish the actions that contribute to increasing satisfaction and the quality of the service provided. Materials and Methods: Theoretical-descriptive review. Scientific articles were used as primary sources of information, the analysis material was collected from the following databases (secondary sources): Pubmed, Scielo, Wiley Online Library, Biomed Central. Articles on satisfaction of surgical patients in anesthesiology services were included, from 2016 to 2021. Results: 41 articles were identified, including only 20 studies. Anesthetic satisfaction in the researches consulted was high. When analyzing the factors related to satisfaction, most of the researches consulted highlight that they are various and depend on the healthcare professional, the patient and the healthcare institution. The most important factors are the side effects that patients experience after anesthesia, such as nausea and vomiting. Validated instruments such as QoR- 15, EVAN-G, LA-EQ, PSQ-2 or PQRS and others created for this purpose were used. Conclusion: Patient satisfaction with anesthesia is an aspect of utmost importance in the context of the quality of anesthesiology services

Acta méd. colomb ; 46(1): 14-19, ene.-mar. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1278150


Resumen Introducción: se describe la experiencia de un programa de trombólisis para ataque cerebro-vascular isquémico en un hospital público colombiano de tercer nivel. Objetivos: caracterizar los pacientes que recibieron trombólisis intravenosa por ataque cerebro-vascular isquémico en la institución hospitalaria entre enero de 2014 y junio de 2019. Material y métodos: estudio observacional retrospectivo, a partir de la revisión de historias clínicas. Resultados: se incluyeron 156 pacientes. La edad promedio fue de 66.1 años y 50.6% fueron mujeres. Sólo 28.8% provenían de Tunja. La hipertensión arterial fue el factor de riesgo más prevalente. El tiempo promedio de estancia fue de ocho días (DE 7.7) y el tiempo promedio de ventana fue de 2.8 horas (DE 1.29). El puntaje NIHSS promedio de ingreso fue 12.4 (DE 5) y el de egreso de 4.8 (DE 4.48). La tasa de mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue 14.7% y la tasa de transformación hemorrágica de 10.9%. El tiempo puerta-aguja promedio fue de 62.8 minutos (DE 42.95) y el tiempo puerta-imagen promedio de 23.5 minutos (DE 27.42). Conclusiones: los resultados obtenidos contribuyen a robustecer los datos epidemiológicos sobre los programas de trombólisis en el ataque cerebrovascular isquémico en Colombia y Latinoamérica. La distribución geográfica de la población de este estudio realza la importancia de la construcción de redes de trombólisis y la utilización de herramientas como la telemedicina.

Abstract Introduction: the experience of a thrombolysis program for ischemic cerebrovascular accidents in a Colombian public tertiary care hospital is described. Objectives: to characterize patients who received intravenous thrombolysis due to an ischemic cerebrovascular accident in this hospital between January 2014 and June 2019. Materials and methods: a retrospective observational study based on a chart review. Results: 156 patients were included. The average age was 66.1 years, and 50.6% were women. Only 28.8% were from Tunja. Arterial hypertension was the most prevalent risk factor. The average length of stay was eight days (SD 7.7), and the average window period was 2.8 hours (SD 1.29). The average NIHSS score on admission was 12.4 (SD 5) and at discharge was 4.8 (SD 4.48). The inpatient mortality rate was 14.7%, and the rate of hemorrhagic transformation was 10.9%. The average door-to-needle time was 62.8 minutes (SD 42.95), and the average door-to-imaging time was 23.5 minutes (SD 27.42). Conclusions: The results obtained contribute to strengthening the epidemiological data on thrombolysis programs for ischemic cerebrovascular accidents in Colombia and Latin America. The geographical distribution of the study population highlights the importance of constructing thrombolysis networks and using tools like telemedicine.

Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Acidente Vascular Cerebral , América do Sul , Terapêutica , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde , Terapia Trombolítica
Multimed (Granma) ; 24(4): 919-931, jul.-ago. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1125308


RESUMEN Introducción: los linfomas primarios de colon (LPC) son neoplasias poco frecuentes. Por lo general, son linfomas no Hodgkin y se debe descartar que su origen sea ganglionar. El sitio más frecuente de presentación en tubo digestivo es el estómago, seguido del intestino delgado, y en tercer lugar el colon. Los sitios más frecuentes presentados en el colon son el ciego y el recto. Presentación de caso: paciente masculino de 73 años e historia de dolor abdominal intenso en hemiabdomen inferior, diarreas ocasionales, pérdida del apetito y de peso. Luego de realizarse estudios de laboratorio clínico e imagenológicos comienza a manejarse el paciente con el diagnóstico presuntivo de una tumoración del colon derecho. Enel acto quirúrgico se advierte la presencia de un tumor de ciego perforado. Se realiza hemicolectomía derecha con cierre del cabo distal, ileostomía y lavado de la cavidad. El estudio anatomopatológico informó un linfoma no Hodgkin anaplásico de células grandes del ciego. La evolución postoperatoria fue tórpida y fallece en cuadro de shock séptico y fallo múltiple de órganos. Discusión: el linfoma primario del colon es una entidad rara donde para su diagnóstico es imprescindible distinguirlo de una afectación colónica por un linfoma sistémico ya que le pronóstico y tratamiento son muy diferentes. El tipo histológico más común es el difuso de células B grandes. Conclusiones: se relata un caso de linfoma no Hodgkin primario del ciego diagnosticado en el servicio de anatomía patológica del hospital "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" de Bayamo, Granma, Cuba, enfatizándose la importancia del diagnóstico anatomopatológico para descartar una afectación colónica por un linfoma sistémico.

ABSTRACT Introduction: primary colon lymphomas (LPC) are rare neoplasms. They are usually non-Hodgkin lymphomas and it must be ruled out that their origin is lymph node. The most frequent place of presentation in the digestive tract is the stomach, followed by the small intestine, and thirdly, the colon. The most frequent sites presented in the colon are the cecum and rectum. Case presentation: 73-year-old male patient with a history of severe abdominal pain in the lower abdomen, occasional diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight. After performing clinical and imaging laboratory studies, the patient begins to be managed with the presumptive diagnosis of a tumor of the right colon. In the surgical act, the presence of a perforated cecum tumor is noted. Right hemicolectomy is performed with closure of the distal line, ileostomy and lavage of the cavity. The pathology study reported anaplastic large cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the cecum. The postoperative evolution was torpid and he died in septic shock and multiple organ failure. Discussion: primary lymphoma of the colon is a rare entity where for its diagnosis it is essential to distinguish it from colonic involvement by a systemic lymphoma since the prognosis and treatment are very different. The most common histologic type is diffuse large B-cell. Conclusions: a case of primary cecum non-Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosed in the pathological anatomy service of the "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" hospital in Bayamo, Granma, Cuba is reported, emphasizing the importance of pathological diagnosis to rule out colonic involvement by systemic lymphoma.

RESUMO Introdução: os linfomas primários do cólon (LPC) são neoplasias raras. Eles geralmente são linfomas não-Hodgkin e deve-se excluir que sua origem é linfonodo. O local de apresentação mais frequente no trato digestivo é o estômago, seguido pelo intestino delgado e, em terceiro lugar, o cólon. Os locais mais frequentes apresentados no cólon são o ceco e o reto. Apresentação do caso: paciente do sexo masculino, 73 anos, com história de dor abdominal intensa no abdome inferior, diarréia ocasional, perda de apetite e peso. Após realizar estudos clínicos e laboratoriais de imagem, o paciente começa a ser tratado com o diagnóstico presuntivo de um tumor do cólon direito. No ato cirúrgico, observa-se a presença de um tumor ceco perfurado. A hemicolectomia direita é realizada com fechamento da linha distal, ileostomia e lavagem da cavidade. O estudo de patologia relatou linfoma anaplásico de células grandes não Hodgkin do ceco. A evolução pós-operatória foi torácica e ele morreu em choque séptico e falência de múltiplos órgãos. Discussão: o linfoma primário do cólon é uma entidade rara, onde para o diagnóstico é essencial diferenciá-lo do envolvimento do cólon por um linfoma sistêmico, uma vez que o prognóstico e o tratamento são muito diferentes. O tipo histológico mais comum é a célula B difusa de tamanho grande. Conclusões: relata-se um caso de linfoma ceco primário não-Hodgkin diagnosticado no serviço de anatomia patológica do hospital "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" em Bayamo, Granma, Cuba, enfatizando a importância do diagnóstico patológico para descartar o envolvimento colônico pelo linfoma sistêmico .

Rev. biol. trop ; 68(2)jun. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507677


Introducción: Debido a su extensión actual, la biomasa radicular de los pastizales tropicales es de vital importancia para el almacenamiento del carbono terrestre, pero su estimación ha sido principalmente indirecta y con un rango muy amplio de valores. Objetivo: Documentar a nivel nacional y mundial, y comparar, las existencias de carbono radicular extraídas en forma directa, de dos pastizales de origen y tipo de crecimiento distinto. Método: Se midió la biomasa y carbono total de dos pastizales con más de 40 años de uso, uno nativo de América y de crecimiento estolonífero (Paspalum notatum) y otro introducido de África y de crecimiento en macollos (Urochloa decumbens). El estudio se realizó entre agosto y octubre 2016. Se seleccionaron 3 parcelas de 1 600 m2 por pastizal, con 10 subcuadros (4 m2 c/u) en cada parcela, para determinar composición florística, biomasa y C aéreo. La biomasa y C radicular se estimaron mediante extracción directa en tres trincheras (1.50 m x 0.50 m x 1.0 m) por parcela. El contenido de carbono orgánico se determinó con el método por ignición a una temperatura promedio de 550 °C durante 3 horas. Para el análisis estadístico se usó un ANOVA de dos factores, en el que un factor fueron dos tratamientos (tipo de pastizal) y el otro factor fue la parte morfológica del pasto (aéreo y radicular). Resultados: La composición florística de los dos tipos de pastizal fue diferente debido a su historia de manejo. En promedio se estimó 28.25 MgC ha-1 total para la localidad. El pastizal nativo y de crecimiento estolonífero P. notatum produce casi tres veces más biomasa (42.5 MgC ha-1) que el introducido y de crecimiento en macollos U. decumbens (14 MgC ha-1) debido al almacén radicular (38.5 vs. 11.46 MgC ha-1). El 74.5 % del carbono en P. notatum se localizó en la parte radicular y el 25.5 % en la parte aérea, mientras que en U. decumbens fueron 56.5 y 43.5 %, respectivamente. Conclusión: P. notatum acumuló más biomasa y carbono total y radicular que U. decumbens. La mejor adaptación del pasto nativo, así como la morfología de su sistema radicular, pueden explicar esta diferencia. El 96 % de la biomasa y del C radicular se encuentra en los primeros 0.50 m de profundidad. Debido a la contribución de su porción radicular, los pastizales tropicales pueden constituir importantes reservorios de carbono terrestre, considerando su extensión hoy en día.

Introduction: Due to its current coverage, the root biomass of tropical pastures is of vital importance for the terrestrial carbon storage, but its estimation has been mainly indirect and with a very wide range of values. Objective: To document at national and global level as well as compare, the root carbon stocks extracted directly from two grasslands of different growth type and origin. Methods: The biomass and root carbon stocks were directly extracted from two tropical pastures with more than 40 yr of age. The biomass and total carbon, one native with stoloniferous growth (Paspalum notatum) and one introduced with growth in tillers (Urochloa decumbens) were measured. The study was conducted between August and October 2016. Three plots of 1 600 m2 each were selected per pasture, with 10 sub-squares (4 m2 each) in each plot to determine the floristic composition, aboveground biomass and C. The biomass and root C were estimated by hand in three trenches (1.50 m x 0.50 m x 1.0 m) per plot. The organic carbon content was determined with the ignition method at an average temperature of 550 °C for 3 hours. For the statistical analysis, a two-factor ANOVA was used, where one factor was the treatments that were the type of pasture (2) and the other factor was the section of the grass (above and belowground). Results: The floristic composition of the two types of pasture was different due to its management history. On average, 28.25 Mg ha-1 of total C was estimated for the locality. The native pasture of stoloniferous growth P. notatum yields almost three-fold more biomass (42.5 MgC ha-1) than the introduced with growth in tillers U. decumbens (14 MgC ha-1) due to the radicular storage (38.5 vs. 11.46 MgC ha-1). Seventy-four point five percent of the carbon in P. notatum was located in the radicular part and 25.5 % above-ground, while in U. decumbens 56.5 and 43.5 %, respectively. Conclusions: P. notatum accumulated more total and radicular biomass and carbon than U. decumbens. The best adaptation of the native grass as well as the morphology of its root system may explain this difference. Ninety six percent of the biomass and root C is found in the first 0.50 m depth. Due to the contribution of its radicular portion, tropical pastures can constitute important reservoirs of terrestrial carbon considering its extension nowadays.

Carbono , Pastagens , Biomassa , Poaceae , Paspalum , Criação de Animais Domésticos , México
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 24(3): 163-170, jul.-sept.2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-781714


La prevalencia del bruxismo es variada, sin diferencias por sexos, pero si por edades; más frecuente en jóvenes, disminuyendo en niños con mayor edad. La parasitosis intestinal tiene distribución amplia en la población mundial, constituye un problema de salud pública, que afecta a la quinta parte la población mundial, y en Sudamérica la proporción es aún mayor. Algunos autores mencionan al bruxismo como sintomatología asociada con parasitosis intestinal. Sin embargo, la relación bruxismo-parasitosis aún no ha sido establecida. Objetivos: Evaluar la asociación entre bruxismo y parasitosis intestinal en niños de 4 a 6 años de edad, en el distrito de La Brea (Talara, Piura) Perú. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal, analítico, la muestra estuvo formada por 92 niños de 4 a 6 años de edad, de 10 Centros Educativos. Se obtuvo el Consentimiento Informado de los padres y el registro si el niño rechinaba los dientes. Se analizaron muestras seriadas de heces en el Puesto de Salud local por examen directo copro-parasitológico. Resultados: El 65,22% de los niños tuvo bruxismo, este fue más frecuente en niños de 5 años de edad. El 30.4% de los niños tuvieron resultados positivos de parasitosis intestinal, siendo mayor el porcentaje de niñas afectadas. Los parásitos más frecuentes fueron: Giardia lamblia y Áscaris lumbricoides. No se encontró Enterobius vermicularis. No se observó diferencias significativas entre parasitosis y tipo de parásito encontrado, según sexo. Conclusiones: No se halló asociación entre parasitosis y bruxismo...

Population frequency of bruxism is varied, without differences by gender, but different by age. It is more frecuent in young people and it decreases in older children. Intestinal parasitosis is widely distributed in world population, is a public health problem affecting a fifth of the world population, although this proportion increase in South America. Some studies have mentioned the bruxism as a symptom associated with intestinal parasitosis. However, the association bruxism-parasitosis has not yet been established. Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the association between bruxism and intestinal parasitosis in children aged 4-6 years in the district La Brea (Talara, Piura) Peru. Methods: A cross-sectional study in 92 children, both sexes, 4-6 years old, in 10 schools. Informed parental consent was obtained. Parents were asked to check on whether their child grinded his teeth. Serial stool samples were analyzed at the local health Center with copro-parasitological direct examination. Results: 65.22% of the children had bruxism, most frequent at 5 years of age and more common in girls. The 30.4% of children tested positive for intestinal parasites, most frequently in girls than in boys. The most frequently parasites were Giardia lamblia and Ascaris lumbricoides. No Enterobius vermicularis was found. Differences between the presence of parasites by sex was not found. Conclusions: No association between parasitism and bruxism was found...

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Bruxismo , Enteropatias Parasitárias , Enteropatias Parasitárias/prevenção & controle , Estudos Transversais , Peru
Acta neurol. colomb ; 29(4): 266-273, oct.-dic. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-698723


El fingolimod fue la primera terapia oral para la Esclerosis Múltiple (EM) aprobada en el mundo, como agente modificador de la enfermedad en la forma recurrente remitente (EMRR). Es un profármaco inmunosupresor que muestra una estrecha homología estructural con la esfingosina. La aprobación de su uso tiene soporte científico en los ensayos clínicos colaborativos TRANSFORMS Y FREEDOMS. Los efectos adversos graves reportados durante los estudios, en más de dos pacientes fueron carcinoma basocelular, bradicardia dentro de las primeras seis horas de administración, infección del tracto respiratorio inferior y dos pacientes fallecidos: por encefalitis herpética una, el otro por el virus varicela zóster. Existe riesgo en 0.3% de los casos, de desarrollar edema macular.

Fingolimod was the first oral therapy for Multiple Sclerosis approved worldwide as a disease-modifying treatment for the relapsing-remitting form. It Is an immunosuppressant prodrug, homologue with sphingosine. The approval for its application has scientific support in two collaborative clinical trials: TRANSFORMS and FREEDOMS. Serious side effects reported during these studies (in more than two patients) were basal cell carcinoma, bradycardia within the first six hours of administration and lower respiratory tract infection. Two patients died: one of them with herpetic encephalitis and the other one of a varicella zoster infection. There is 0.3% risk of developing macular edema.

Humanos , Recidiva , Esfingosina , Terapia de Imunossupressão , Doenças Desmielinizantes , Esclerose Múltipla
Acta neurol. colomb ; 28(3): 124-125, jul.-sep. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-669061
Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 16(2): 162-172, mar.-abr. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-628122


Con el uso indiscriminado de los antimicrobianos se incrementa la resistencia. La velocidad de adaptación de los microorganismos es mayor que la de obtención de nuevos antimicrobianos.Objetivo: aplicar y validar estrategias, políticas y protocolos dinámicos, que permitan un uso racional y adecuado de los antimicrobianos. Método: se elaboró un protocolo dinámico para el uso adecuado de antimicrobianos, estableciéndose rotaciones a partir del comportamiento de la resistencia de los microorganismos y los mapas microbiológicos trimestrales. Con datos recopilados, se evalúa el comportamiento de la resistencia y el consumo de antimicrobianos desde el 2007 al 2009 para validar el protocolo establecido. Resultados: el estudio no paramétrico no aporta resultados concluyentes respecto a los cambios que se buscan. Los clúster revelan tres patrones para los antimicrobianos estudiados. La penicilina y el ceftriaxona son los de mayor consumo y alcanzan en el 2009 el 100 por ciento de resistencia. El análisis gráfico muestra que decrece el consumo al incrementarse la resistencia. Conclusiones: Con estos resultados se demuestra que ha sido efectiva la aplicación del protocolo dinámico durante el período de estudio en la sala de infecciones respiratorias y es recomendable su generalización centros asistenciales que puedan controlar las variables que aquí se estudian

Resistance increases with the indiscriminate use of antimicrobials. The speed of microorganisms'adaption is greater than new antimicrobials obtaining. Objective: to implement and to validate strategies, policies and dynamic protocols, allowing a rational and appropriate use of antimicrobials. Method: a dynamic protocol for the proper use of antimicrobials was developed establishing rotations from the behavior of antimicrobian resistance and microbial quarterly maps. With data collected, the behavior of resistance and consumption of antimicrobials from 2007 to 2009 was evaluated to give effect to the established protocol. Results: nonparametric study did not provide conclusive results on the changes are seeking. Penicillin and ceftriaxone are of higher consumption and reached in 2009, the 100 percent of resistance. Graphic analysis showed that consumption decreased to increase resistance.Conclusions: the use of dynamic protocol was effective during the study in the respiratory infections ward; the spread of dynamic protocol in care centers is recommended in order to control the variables of study

Humanos , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Infecções Respiratórias/tratamento farmacológico , Guias como Assunto , Uso de Medicamentos , Estudos de Validação como Assunto
Acta neurol. colomb ; 27(1,supl.1): 11-20, ene.-mar. 2011. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-573492


El Estatus Epiléptico (EE) es una emergencia neurológica con una incidencia de 20/100.000 habitantes y unamortalidad del 3 al 40% dependiendo de etiología, tipo de estatus y la duración.La comprensión de la fisiopatología del EE es incompleta en la actualidad y un único mecanismo como causa espoco probable; lo que parece estar más claro es la participación del sistema límbico como estructura fundamentalen el desarrollo y mantenimiento del mismo.Los elementos claves del desarrollo del EE incluyen un desequilibrio entre la excitabilidad e inhibición neuronalcon alteración de la comunicación que da lugar a hipersincronía de poblaciones neuronales. Una mejor compresiónde estos mecanismos pudiese prevenir el desarrollo de un EE de difícil control y sus consecuencias como dañocerebral, epileptogénesis e incluso muerte.Esta revisión discute las descripciones fisiopatológicas del estatus convulsivo en el contexto de la mejor evidenciaactual disponible.

Humanos , Canais Iônicos , Epilepsia , Neurologia
Repert. med. cir ; 18(2): 106-112, 2009. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-519867


La Liga Internacional Contra la Epilepsia propuso una nueva clasificación de la epilepsia en el año 2001, soportada en cinco ejes que reflejan los hallazgos hasta ahora conocidos. Se informan los resultados de su aplicación en los pacientes que acuden a consulta de neurología del Hospital de San José de Bogotá D.C. Se trata de un estudio observacional descriptivo prospectivo. Fueron incluidos 95 casos, observando la mayor frecuencia de presentación de la primera crisis en el rango de 10 a 20 años, de los cuales 98,9% se presentaron con epilepsia activa. La coincidencia entre la semiología ictal (eje 1) y el tipo de crisis (eje 2) fue del 87,4%. El síndrome epiléptico (eje 3) fue parcial en 31,6% y generalizado en 64,2% de los casos. La etiología (eje 4) más identificada correspondió a anomalías cromosómicas en 29,5% y no se reconoció en 41,1%. Al evaluar el grado de afectación del sujeto (eje 5) con el cuestionario QOLIE-31, su aplicación permitió cuantificar la calidad de vida y consideramos que su uso permitiría optimizar el manejo de los enfermos. En general la mayoría pudieron ser categorizados con esta propuesta de clasificación en forma similar a cuando se aplicaron las dos clasificaciones previas ILAE 1981 y 1989.

The new classification of epilepsies proposed by the International League Against Epilepsy [ILAE] in 2001 is supported on five axis which reflect the findings known to date. This paper reports the results obtained when applied at the Neurology Clinic at the San José Hospital in Bogotá D.C. Ninety-five patients were enrolled in this descriptive observational prospectivestudy. The first seizure was most commonly observed in the age range 10 to 20 years of which 98.9% presented with active epilepsy. An inter-axial accordance of 87.4% between ictal phenomenology (axis 1) and seizure type (axis 2) was identified. The epileptic syndrome (axis 3) was partial in 31.6% and generalized in 64.2%. The most common etiology (axis 4) corresponds to chromosomal abnormalities in 29.5% and was nonspecific in 41.1%. When assessing the degree of impairment caused by the epileptic condition (axis 5), health-related quality of life could be surveyed by applying the QOLIE-31 questionnaire, and we considered this would favor an optimized management of the patients. Overall, most patients could be categorized with this type of classification similarly to when the two previous classifications (ILAE 1981and 1989) were applied.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Epilepsia/classificação
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 41(2): 237-245, abr.-jun. 2007. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-633009


El agente tensioactivo pulmonar es un material compuesto de fosfolípidos, lípidos neutros y proteínas que se encuentra en la superficie alveolar de los pulmones y facilita la ventilación alveolar. La organización molecular de los componentes del agente tensioactivo aislado de pulmones de ternera fue analizada por calorimetría diferencial de barrido y por dispersión dinámica de luz y posteriormente comparada con los componentes organizados en liposomas uni y multilamelares; además, se probó la actividad de superficie al desarrollar en cobayos el síndrome de dificultad respiratoria. Los estudios de calorimetría mostraron que las interacciones lípido-proteína fueron considerablemente abatidas en el agente tensioactivo nativo, en comparación con las del agente tensioactivo en forma de liposomas uni o multilamelares. Los experimentos de dispersión dinámica de luz indicaron que el agente tensioactivo nativo tiene forma fibrilar con interacciones limitadas entre lípidos y proteínas, lo que sugiere que se encuentra organizado en una estructura en forma de reja formando una película de estructura estable. Los resultados obtenidos resaltan la importancia de la organización molecular del agente tensioactivo. Cuando éste fue usado para tratar a los animales con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria, los valores del pH arterial y de PaCO2 mejoraron casi hasta alcanzar los valores normales; cuando se utilizó el agente tensioactivo reconstituído como liposomas uni o multilamelares, los animales no se recuperaron. Es importante enfatizar que el método seguido en el protocolo de aislamiento del agente tensioactivo pulmonar de ternera permitió obtenerlo en una forma fisiológicamente activa.

Surfactant, a highly surface-active material composed of phospholipids, neutral lipids and proteins, lines the lungs' alveolar surface facilitating alveolar ventilation. The molecular organization of surfactant components isolated from calf-lungs was analyzed by differential-scanning calorimetry and dynamic light-scattering, and subsequently compared to surfactant components organized in uni and multilamellar liposomes. The respiratory distress syndrome developed in adult guinea pigs was used for assessing surfactant activity. Calorimetry studies showed that lipid-protein interactions were considerably abated in native surfactant as compared to those of surfactant in uni or multi-lamellar liposomes. Light-scattering experiments indicated that native surfactant has a fibrillar shape with limited lipid-protein interactions, suggesting that it is organized in a lattice-like structure forming a stable film. These findings underscore the importance of the native molecular organization of surfactant. When surfactant reconstituted as uni- or multilamellar liposomes was administred to animals under respiratory distress, they did not recover. In contrast, when native surfactant was used to treat sick animals, arterial pH and PaCO2 values improved, almost reaching normal values. It is important to emphasize that fewer steps in the protocol for isolation of calf lung surfactant made it possible to obtain it in a physiologically active molecular form.

Animais , Bovinos , Cobaias , Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório do Recém-Nascido/veterinária , Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório/veterinária , Surfactantes Pulmonares/química , Alvéolos Pulmonares/fisiologia , Surfactantes Pulmonares/uso terapêutico , Calorimetria/veterinária , Difusão Dinâmica da Luz/veterinária
Rev. biol. trop ; 54(2): 357-361, jun. 2006. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-492063


The nitrogen and phosphorus supply in a lowland rain forest with a nutrient-rich soil was investigated by means of the leaf N/P quotient. It was hypothesised a high N and P supply to the forest ecosystem with a N and P rich soil. Total N and extractable P were determined in the surface (10 cm) soil of three plots of the forest. Total N was analysed by the Kjeldahl method, and P was extracted with HCI and NH4F. The leaf N/P quotient was evaluated from the senesced leaves of 11 dominant tree species from the mature forest. Samples of 5 g of freshly fallen leaves were collected from three trees of each species. Nitrogen was analysed by microkjeldahl digestion with sulphuric acid and distilled with boric acid, and phosphorus was analysed by digestion with nitric acid and perchloric acid, and determined by photometry. Concentrations of total N (0.50%, n = 30) and extractable P (4.11 microg g(-1), n = 30) in the soil were high. As expected, P supply was sufficient, but contrary to expected, N supply was low (N/P = 11.8, n = 11).

A través del cociente foliar N/P, se investigó la disponibilidad de nitrógeno y fósforo en una selva húmeda tropical con suelo fértil. Como hipótesis se esperaba encontrar una alta disponibilidad de N y P en el ecosistema debido a un suelo rico en N y P. Se determinó el N total y el P extraible en el suelo superficial (10 cm) en tres sitios de la selva. El N total se analizó por el método Kjeldahl y el P por extracción con HCl y NH4F. El cociente foliar N/P se evaluó a partir de hojas seniles de 11 especies arbóreas dominantes de la selva madura. Se recolectaron muestras de 5 g de hojas recién caídas de tres árboles de cada especie. El nitrógeno se analizó por digestión microkjeldahl con ácido sulfúrico y destilación con ácido bórico, y el fósforo por digestión con ácido nítrico y ácido perclórico, y determinación con fotometría. Las concetraciones de N total (0.50%, n = 30) y P extraible (4.11 [mi]g g-1, n = 30) en el suelo fueron altas. Tal como se esperaba, la disponibilidad de P fue suficiente, pero contrariamente a lo esperado, la disponibilidad de N fue baja (N/P = 11.8, n = 11).

Ecossistema , Folhas de Planta/química , Fósforo/análise , Nitrogênio/análise , Solo/análise , Árvores/fisiologia , Chuva , Clima Tropical , México
Rev. biol. trop ; 53(3/4): 353-359, sept.-dic. 2005. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-451265


In tropical forests with nutrient-rich soil tree’s nutrient resorption from senesced leaves has not always been observed to be low. Perhaps this lack of consistence is partly owing to the nutrient resorption methods used. The aim of the study was to analyse N and P resorption proficiency from tropical rain forest trees in a nutrient-rich soil. It was hypothesised that trees would exhibit low nutrient resorption in a nutrient-rich soil. The soil concentrations of total N and extractable P, among other physical and chemical characteristics, were analysed in 30 samples in the soil surface (10 cm) of three undisturbed forest plots at ‘Estación de Biología Los Tuxtlas’ on the east coast of Mexico (18°34’ - 18°36’ N, 95°04’ - 95°09’ W). N and P resorption proficiency were determined from senescing leaves in 11 dominant tree species. Nitrogen was analysed by microkjeldahl digestion with sulphuric acid and distilled with boric acid, and phosphorus was analysed by digestion with nitric acid and perchloric acid. Soil was rich in total N (0.50%, n = 30) and extractable P (4.11 µg g-1, n = 30). As expected, trees showed incomplete N (1.13%, n = 11) and P (0.11%, n = 11) resorption. With a more accurate method of nutrient resorption assessment, it is possible to prove that a forest community with a nutrient-rich soil can have low levels of N and P resorption

En las selvas tropicales con suelos fértiles se ha observado que la reabsorción de nutrientes de los arboles de las hojas seniles no siempre es baja. Esta falta de consistencia en el resultado es talvez debida en parte a la metodología de reabsorción de nutrientes utilizada. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la reabsorción final de N y P de arboles de la selva húmeda tropical en un suelo rico en nutrientes. La hipótesis planteada fue que en un suelo rico en nutrientes los arboles presentarían una baja reabsorción final de nutrientes. En 30 muestras del suelo superficial (10 cm) de tres sitios de la selva no perturbada, se analizó entre otras características físicas y químicas, la concentración de N total y P extraíble. A través de la concentración de N y P en hojas seniles, se determinó la reabsorción real de 11 especies dominantes de arboles de esta selva. El N se analizó por digestión microkjeldahl con ácido sulfúrico y destilación con ácido bórico, y el P se analizó por digestión con ácido nítrico y destilación con perclórico. El suelo fue rico en N total (0.50%, n = 30) y P extraíble (4.11 µg g-1, n = 30). Tal como se esperaba, los arboles mostraron una reabsorción incompleta para el N (1.13%, n = 11) y P (0.11%, n = 11)

Nitrogênio/metabolismo , Fósforo/metabolismo , Folhas de Planta/metabolismo , Árvores/metabolismo , Biodegradação Ambiental , México , Estações do Ano , Clima Tropical
Rev. invest. clín ; 54(4): 299-306, jul.-ago. 2002.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-332910


OBJECTIVE: To determine the high risk HPV (HR-HPV) association with Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) in women of two Dysplasia Clinics in Mexico City. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Prolective case-control study was done. Women with and without security affiliation attended in Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (Hospital 1) and Hospital General de MÚxico (Hospital 2) were included in the study. Cases were women with histopathologic diagnosis of CIN and controls were women with negative dysplasia in cytologic study (Pap). Information was obtained by direct interview. HR-HPV was determined by Hybrid Capture II assay, in cervical samples. Bivariate and logistic regression analysis was done. RESULTS: One hundred and two cases and 192 controls from Hospital 1 and 89 cases and 66 controls from Hospital 2 were included. 83.3 and 77.3 of women from Hospital 1 and 2 respectively were positive to HR-HPV. The association HR-HPV and CIN in Hospital 1 was ORa = 40.6, C.I. 95 = 17-96.8; while in Hospital 2 there was not association. Age was an effect modifier in the HR-HVP and CIN association, in Hospital 1. It was observed a correlation between viral load and CIN degree. CONCLUSIONS: The HR-HPV infection frequency in controls and CIN I was higher than the reported in other studies. Age was a modifier in the HR-HPV association and CIN. In dysplasia clinics without medical referral system of patients is possible to observe similar risk factors to cervical cancer.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Papillomaviridae , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero , Infecções por Papillomavirus/epidemiologia , Papillomaviridae , Virulência , Biópsia , DNA Viral , Sondas de DNA de HPV , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Displasia do Colo do Útero , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero , Prevalência , Estudos Prospectivos , Fatores de Risco , Hospitais Gerais , México , Hibridização de Ácido Nucleico , História Reprodutiva , Hospitais Públicos , População Urbana , Inquéritos e Questionários
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 70(5): 244-247, mayo 2002.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-331092


OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to determine the effectiveness of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in the treatment of vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was performed in 30 patients with a mean age of 54 years and previous diagnoses from reviewed records and histopathology slides selected from a group of 65 patients with VAIN from 1980 to 1998. Patients received intravaginal treatment with 5-FU, 1.5 g once weekly for 10 weeks and all patients were followed up for at least 2-years. Papanicolaou smear and colposcopy were performed, as was biopsy when indicated. RESULTS: Twenty eight (93) patients with VAIN had prior or concurrent anogenital squamous neoplasia, including 5 with invasive cervical carcinoma and 23 with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. In 23 of 30 treated patients (77), VAIN went into remission after a single treatment; in 3, (10), it went into remission after two treatment; 3 (10) had recurrent VAIN 3; and in 1 (3) it progressed to invasive vaginal cancer. The treatment was well tolerated. CONCLUSIONS: The 5-FU is an option choice for VAIN treatment. It is effective, with minimal slide effects. Its use should be confined to treating extensive or multifocal high-grade VAIN.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Antimetabólitos Antineoplásicos/uso terapêutico , Displasia do Colo do Útero , Fluoruracila , Neoplasias Vaginais , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Antimetabólitos Antineoplásicos/administração & dosagem , Displasia do Colo do Útero , Fluoruracila , Papiloma , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero , Neoplasias Vaginais , Esfregaço Vaginal
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 70(1): 11-16, ene. 2002.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-331070


The objective of this study was to determine high risk human papillomavirus infection (HPV-RH) and factors with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia appears (CIN). MATERIAL AND METHOD: From October 1998 to January 2000, a case-control study, was made; women with benefit package from Mexican Institute of Social Security. The cases were of the colposcopic clinic of the department of the Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology Luis Castelazo Ayala, women histologically diagnosed with colposcopy and CIN cervical biopsy, and controls patients with negative cervical uterine cytologic study of the Preventive Medicine Department, Unit of Familiar Medicine No. 8, of Mexico City. Trained personnel obtained information about socioeconomic and reproductive factors did the interview. A cytobrush was used to take the cervical sample for HPV-RH to determine HPV-RH utilizing Hybrid Capture II test. Both bivariate analysis and logistic regression analysis were used for the adjustment of variables. RESULTS: We analyzed 102 cases and 192 controls, 79 (44/56) of the cases with CIN I and 89 (37/42) of CIN II-III as 21 of controls, respectively, were positive for HPV-RH. Global risk for HPV-RH association to CIN was OR = 40.6 (95 CI, = 17-96.8). Women age was determinative for HPV-RH association to CIN. We observed a high correlation between HPV positive magnitude and CIN degree. CONCLUSIONS: Frequency of RH-HPV in controls and CIN I is higher than other reports in the literature. HPV was identified as the most important agent associated with this neoplasia, other factors involved and age is an important modifier in HPV-RH and CIN.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Carcinoma in Situ , Infecções por Papillomavirus/complicações , Infecções Tumorais por Vírus/complicações , Papillomaviridae , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Fatores de Risco