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Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(4): 402-408, dic. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560342


La tuberculosis es una de las principales causas de mortalidad infantil, alcanzando una tasa de mortalidad de hasta 40% en los casos entre 0 y 4 años. Una forma infrecuente es la otomastoiditis tuberculosa (TOM), siendo un desafío diagnóstico, con consecuencias severas como destrucción del oído medio, hipoacusia y diseminación intracraneal. Se presenta el caso de un lactante de 8 meses con mal control pediátrico, desnutrido, donde la tuberculosis ótica fue un hallazgo secundario a otorrea persistente en el contexto de tuberculosis diseminada y múltiples otras infecciones. El diagnóstico de TOM es desafío diagnóstico, dado lo inespecífico del cuadro. Clásicamente, se describe otorrea persistente pese a tratamiento, hipoacusia y parálisis facial, con microscopía con granulaciones pálidas y perforaciones timpánicas múltiples. Los métodos diagnósticos tradicionales tienen un mal rendimiento, el cultivo de Koch alcanza una sensibilidad de hasta un 35%, mientras que pruebas basadas en la detección de ADN de 95%. La instalación de terapia antituberculosa es fundamental para la prevención de complicaciones locales y diseminación, mientras que el abordaje quirúrgico se reservará para casos con complicaciones.

Tuberculosis is one of the leading causes of child mortality, with a mortality rate of up to 40% in cases between 0 and 4 years old. An uncommon form is tuberculous otomastoiditis (TOM), which poses a diagnostic challenge and has severe consequences such as destruction of the middle ear, hearing loss, and intracranial dissemination. Clinical case: We present the case of an 8-month-old infant with poor pediatric control and malnutrition, where otic tuberculosis was a secondary finding due to persistent otorrhea in the context of disseminated tuberculosis and multiple other infections. Discussion: The diagnosis of TOM is a diagnostic challenge given the nonspecific presentation. Classically, it is characterized by persistent otorrhea despite treatment, hearing loss, and facial paralysis, with microscopy showing pale granulations and multiple tympanic perforations. Traditional diagnostic methods have poor performance, with Koch's culture achieving a sensitivity of up to 35%, while DNA-based tests reach 95% sensitivity. The initiation of antituberculosis therapy is crucial for the prevention of local complications and dissemination, while surgical intervention is reserved for cases with complications.

Humanos , Masculino , Lactente , Otite Média/diagnóstico , Tuberculose/diagnóstico , Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(4): 484-491, dic. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431940


La oreja alada es la deformidad congénita más frecuente en cabeza y cuello, con una incidencia de 5% en la población caucásica. Queda definida por una distancia entre el hélix y la mastoides mayor a 21 mm o un ángulo mayor a 90° entre la concha auricular y la fosa escafoidea, siendo causada en el 70% de los casos por un antihélix mal plegado. Su corrección, a través de la otoplastia, se vuelve fundamental en prevenir los impactos psicológicos, siendo indicada antes de los 6 a 7 años, cuando la oreja ha alcanzado un ancho similar a la oreja adulta. El abordaje quirúrgico se divide en aquellas técnicas incisionales y no incisionales, cuya tasa de éxito y complicaciones como el otohematoma, necrosis de cartílago y deformidad irreversible, entre otras, son variables. La recidiva varía entre 6% a 12,5%, según el abordaje, no existiendo a la fecha una única técnica de elección. En el presente trabajo se discutirán cuatro técnicas principales: Incisionless, Furnas, mustardé y técnica de los pilares.

The prominent ear is the most common congenital deformity in head and neck, with an incidence of 5% in the Caucasian population. It is defined by a distance between the helix and the mastoid greater than 21 mm or an angle greater than 90° between the concha and the scaphoid fossa, being caused in 70% of the cases by a misfolded antihelix. Its correction, through the otoplasty, becomes essential in preventing psychological impact, being indicated before the age of 6 or 7, when the ear has reached a similar width of an adult ear. The surgical access is classified on incisionless and non-incisionless techniques, where the success rate and complications like hematoma, cartilage necrosis and irreversible deformity, among others, are variables. Recurrence varies between 6%-12.5%, depending on the approach, and to date there is no single technique of choice. In this revision, we will discuss the four principal techniques: Incisionless, Furnas, Mustardé and the abutment technique.

Humanos , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Orelha Externa/anormalidades , Orelha Externa/cirurgia
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389773


Resumen Introducción: Los puentes mucosos (PM) corresponden a una banda de mucosa paralela al borde libre de la cuerda vocal, unido por anterior y posterior como un ojal. Su manejo no está estandarizado y la literatura al respecto es escueta, con cirugías con resultados no siempre predecibles. Objetivo: Descripción de las características clínicas de pacientes con PM y las técnicas quirúrgicas para su manejo, en la Unidad de Voz del Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile (HCUCH), discutiendo el desafío para su diagnóstico y manejo. Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, incluyendo pacientes con PM, entre los años 2013 y 2019 en HCUCH. La evaluación preoperatoria incluye anamnesis, examen físico, nasofibroscopía y/o telelaringoscopía, junto con estroboscopía. Resultados: Se incluyen 7 casos, con edad promedio de 37,4 años; todas mujeres, con diagnóstico realizado en pabellón, en una sola cuerda vocal. Se asoció a alteración estructural mínima (AEM) en el 100% de los casos y a patología benigna en 75%. Todos los pacientes consultaron por disfonía. El tratamiento fue elegido de acuerdo a cada paciente, con resección en todos los casos, con variadas técnicas de microcirugía laríngea, con infiltración de corticoides y/o grasa, además de fonoterapia. Conclusión: Los PM, deben sospecharse en disfonía crónica con respuesta no favorable a fonoterapia, en asociación a otras AEM, en particular en mujeres, con diagnóstico en el intraoperatorio con equipos adecuados, incluyendo consentimiento informado para eventual manejo quirúrgico. Es una patología poco frecuente, cuyo manejo no ha sido estandarizado, por lo que nuestra experiencia resulta relevante.

Abstract Introduction: Mucosal bridges (MB) correspond to a mucosa loop parallel to the free edge of the vocal fold, which is joined forward and backward. There is not a standardized procedure for its treatment and the literature in this regard is scarce and surgical management have not resulted in predictable outcomes. Aim: Description of clinical characteristics of patients with MB and the surgical techniques, in the Otorhinolaryngology Service at the Clinical Hospital Universidad de Chile (HCUCH), reflecting upon the challenge for its diagnosis and management. Material and Method: Retrospective and descriptive study, including patients with diagnosis of MB, between 2013 and 2019 in HCUCH. The preoperative evaluation includes anamnesis, physical examination, nasofibroscopy and/or telelaryngoscopy, along with the use of stroboscopy. Results: 7 cases were included, with an average age of 37.4 years; all women, with diagnosis made in the operating room, on a single vocal fold. It was associated with another minimal structural abnormality (MSA) in 100% of the cases, and with benign pathology in 75% of them. Dysphonia was the main symptom. The treatment was chosen individually, with resection in all cases, various laryngeal microsurgery techniques, infiltration of steroids and/or fat, in addition to speech therapy. Conclusion: MB should be suspected in cases of chronic dysphonia with an unfavorable response to speech therapy, in association with other MSAs, particularly in women, diagnosed intraoperatively with adequate equipment, including informed consent for eventual surgical management. It is a rare pathology, whose management has not been standardized therefore our experience is relevant.

Rev. chil. pediatr ; 91(3): 385-390, jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126176


Resumen: Introducción: El Sangrado Menstrual Excesivo (SME) es un problema frecuente en la adolescencia. La prevalencia de trastornos hereditarios de la coagulación (THC) como causa del SME no está bien establecida y la participación de defectos de la vía fibrinolítica ha sido poco explorada. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de THC y defectos de la fibrinólisis en adolescentes con SME. Pacientes y Método: Se incluyeron 93 adolescentes, edad 11 a 18 años. Los antecedentes personales y familiares de sangra do se obtuvieron con un cuestionario estandarizado. Se controló exámenes: tiempo de protrom- bina (TP), tiempo de tromboplastina parcial activada (TTPa), estudio del factor Von Willebrand, recuento y función plaquetaria. Los pacientes que no fueron diagnosticados como THC, se evaluaron adicionalmente con el tiempo de lisis del coágulo. Resultados: 41 pacientes (44%) fueron diagnos ticados como THC: Enfermedad de Von Willebrand n = 28, defectos de la función plaquetaria n = 8, hemofilia leve n = 5. Se confirmó disminución del tiempo de lisis del coágulo en 31 pacientes. El 54% de pacientes diagnosticado como THC, tuvo SME como la primera manifestación hemorrágica. Conclusión: Estos resultados apoyan la necesidad de evaluación de la coagulación, incluyendo la vía fibrinolítica, en el estudio de adolescentes con SME.

Abstract: Introduction: Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (EMB) is a frequent problem in adolescence. The prevalence of inherited bleeding disorders (IBD) as a cause of EMB is not well established and the involvement of fibri nolytic pathway defects has been poorly explored. Objective: To determine the prevalence of IBD and fibrinolysis defects in adolescents with EMBs. Patients and Method: 93 adolescents (11 to 18 years old) were included. Personal and family history of bleeding were obtained through a standard ized questionnaire. The following lab tests were performed: prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), von Willebrand factor quantification, and platelet count and function. Those patients who were not diagnosed with IBD were further evaluated with clot lysis time assay. Results: 41 patients (44%) were diagnosed as IBD (Von Willebrand disease n = 28, platelet func tion defects n=8, mild hemophilia n = 5. Decreased clot lysis time was found in 31 patients. 54% of patients diagnosed with IBD had EMB as the first hemorrhagic manifestation. Conclusion: These results support the need to evaluate the coagulation process, including the fibrinolytic pathway in the study of adolescents with EMB.

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Transtornos Herdados da Coagulação Sanguínea/complicações , Transtornos Herdados da Coagulação Sanguínea/diagnóstico , Fibrinólise , Menorragia/etiologia , Transtornos da Coagulação Sanguínea/complicações , Transtornos da Coagulação Sanguínea/diagnóstico , Testes de Coagulação Sanguínea , Prevalência , Estudos Transversais , Transtornos Herdados da Coagulação Sanguínea/fisiopatologia , Transtornos Herdados da Coagulação Sanguínea/epidemiologia
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 77(1): 9-15, mar. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-845641


Introducción: La parálisis de cuerda vocal causa disfonía y puede ser complicación posterior a ciertas cirugías. Existen diversos tratamientos, uno de ellos es la tiroplastía de medialización, procedimiento realizado con anestesia local, permitiendo un fino ajuste de la voz. Objetivo: Analizar la experiencia en tiroplastía de medialización con Gore-tex® en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile entre los años 2008-2016. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, con revisión de fichas clínicas de los pacientes que fueron sometidos a tiroplastía de medialización. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizará la prueba Wilcoxon. Resultados: Se analizaron datos de 21 pacientes, correspondientes a 24 tiroplastías de medialización. La edad promedio fue 54,2 años, 13 parálisis fueron secundarias a cirugía y 8 idiopáticas. En 17 pacientes se obtuvo la encuesta VHI-10 en el pre y posoperatorio, con valores promedio de 33,2y 17,4 (p =0,0003). Cinco pacientes requirieron de algún procedimiento complementario, entre 4 y 22 meses poscirugía: inyección de grasa, de Radiesse y refuerzo con otra prótesis de Gore-teX®. Conclusión: La tiroplastía de medialización es excelente para tratar la parálisis de cuerda vocal unilateral no recuperada en forma espontánea, siendo la encuesta VHI-10 una buena herramienta para evaluar la calidad de la voz.

Introduction: Vocal cord paralysis can cause hoarseness and coud be a complications to following certain surgeries. In its treatment, there are several alternatives, one of them is the medialization thyroplasty. This procedure, is performed under local anesthesia, allowing the fine-tune of the voice. Aim: To analyze the experience in Medialization Thyroplasty with Gore-tex in the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile between 2008 and 2016. Material and method: Retrospective and descriptive, with the review of patient's clinical records who were treated with medialization thyroplasty. The data analysis is done using Wilcoxon test. Results: Data from 21 patients, corresponding to 24 medialization thyroplasty. The average age was 54.2 years old, 13 paralysis were secondary to surgeries and 8 were Idiopathic. In 17 patients it was posible to get the VHI-10 survey in the pre and postoperative, with an average value of 33.2 and 17.4 (p =0.0003). Five patients required some additional procedure, between 4 and 22 months post surgery: injection of fat, Radiesse and installation of a new Gore-tex prosthesis Conclusions: Medialization thyroplasty is an excellent method to treat paralysis of unilateral vocal cord in cases when is not recovered spontaneously, being the VHI-10 survey a good tool for assessing voice quality.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Otorrinolaringológicos/métodos , Politetrafluoretileno , Próteses e Implantes , Paralisia das Pregas Vocais/cirurgia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Resultado do Tratamento , Paralisia das Pregas Vocais/fisiopatologia , Qualidade da Voz
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 75(1): 77-82, abr. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-745623


El síndrome de Down es la cromosomopatía más frecuente en Chile. Los pacientes portadores de este síndrome presentan una serie de dismorfias y malformaciones congénitas. Muchas patologías secundarias a estos trastornos son de la esfera otorrinolaringológica. Existen alteraciones otológicas, rinosinusitis crónica, apnea obstructiva del sueño, obstrucción de la vía aérea, inestabilidad atlantoaxial, etc. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica y se describen las patologías más relevantes y su enfrentamiento.

Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal abnormality in Chile. The patients with this syndrome have a number of dysmorphic features and congenital malformations. Many secondary pathologies of these disorders are ENT sphere. There otologic disorders, chronic rhinosinusitis, obstructive sleep apnea, airway obstruction, atlantoaxial instability, etc. A literature review is performed and the most relevant diseases and confrontation are described.

Humanos , Otorrinolaringopatias/epidemiologia , Síndrome de Down/epidemiologia
Rev. chil. enferm. respir ; 28(4): 272-276, dic. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-673048


Background: The magnitude of response to treatment of asthma exacerbations is variable and a significant proportion of them need hospitalization. Objectives: to define the profile of children that were hospitalized for severe asthma and the possible indicators and determinants of their poor responsiveness. Methods: a prospective study in 60 children 4 years or more of age with a search of the ethiology of the exacerbation and a study of the inflammatory profile in sputum. Results: 60 children between 4 and 15 years. 50 percent had a previous diagnosis of asthma without regular use of inhaled corticosteroids in two thirds. 40 percent had previous admissions for asthma. Etiology of the exacerbation was identified in 52 percent with Rhinovirus, human Metapneumovirus, RSV and Mycoplasma pneumoniae as the most frequent agents. Inflammatory profile was determined in 33 children: eosinophilic in 36 percent, eosinophilic/ neutrophilic in 64 percent. Conclusions: Severe asthma with serious exacerbations may be a phenotype whose outstanding aspects in this cohort were: previous hospitalizations, lack of prophylactic treatment, viral infections as frequent trigger, and combined inflammatory cell profile in sputum.

La magnitud de la respuesta al tratamiento de una exacerbación de asma es variable entre los pacientes y una proporción significativa de ellos debe hospitalizarse. Objetivos: Definir el perfil de los niños que se hospitalizaron por asma grave y los posibles indicadores y determinantes de la respuesta desfavorable al tratamiento. Método: Estudio prospectivo en niños de 4 años o más, con búsqueda etiológica de la exacerbación y estudio de perfil inflamatorio en esputo. Resultados: 60 niños entre 4 y 15 años. El 50 por ciento tenía diagnóstico previo de asma sin uso regular de corticoesteroides inhalados en dos tercios. Hospitalizaciones previas por asma en el 40 por ciento. La etiología de la exacerbación fue identificada en el 52 por ciento siendo los agentes más frecuentes Rhinovirus, Metapneumovius, VRS y Mycoplasma pneumoniae. El perfil inflamatorio fue determinado en 33 niños: eosinofílico en 36 por ciento y eosinoflico/neutroflico en 64 por ciento. Comentario: El asma severa con exacerbaciones graves sería un fenotipo cuyos aspectos destacados en esta cohorte serían: niños con hospitalizaciones previas, falta de tratamiento profiláctico, infección viral como desencadenante frecuente, patrón inflamatorio combinado del esputo y rinitis atópica.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Asma/etiologia , Asma/patologia , Asma/tratamento farmacológico , Corticosteroides/uso terapêutico , Doença Aguda , Estudos Prospectivos , Fenótipo , Hospitalização , Inflamação , Neutrófilos , Resistência a Medicamentos , Viroses/complicações
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 71(3): 263-266, dic. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-612130


La rinosinusitis aguda, puede presentar una serie de complicaciones conocidas, un grupo de ellas son las complicaciones orbitarias. Se presenta la historia de un paciente que consultó por proptosis ocular, siendo diagnosticado un absceso subperióstico retroorbitario secundario a una rinosinusitis aguda. Se trató con técnica endoscópica, evoluciona con un hematoma retroorbitario que tuvo que ser drenado con un abordaje mixto, endoscópico y abierto, con buena evolución. Actualmente las complicaciones orbitarias de la rinosinusitis aguda tienen una baja prevalencia, y así, las complicaciones del drenaje endoscópico son aún menos frecuentes. Se destaca la importancia del conocimiento del manejo tanto endoscópico como abierto.

Among acute rhinosinusitis complications, the ones with orbital involvement are relevant. We present a case report of a patient who presented proptosis and was initially diagnosed with a retro ocular abscess as a complication to an acute rhinosinusitis. The abscess was drained with an endoscopic sinus surgery. On the fourth post-surgery day a retro ocular hematoma was diagnosed. The hematoma was treated with a combined open and endoscopic approach with a favorable outcome. In conclusion, even though orbital complications of rhinosinusitis nowadays have low prevalence, and orbital complications of their endoscopic management are even rarer, it is important for the otorhinolaryngologist to be familiar with their open, endoscopic, or combined surgical treatment.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Abscesso/cirurgia , Drenagem , Endoscopia/métodos , Doenças Orbitárias/cirurgia , Rinite/complicações , Sinusite/complicações , Abscesso/etiologia , Doença Aguda , Doenças Orbitárias/etiologia , Exoftalmia/etiologia , Hematoma/etiologia , Periósteo/cirurgia , Seios Paranasais , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X
Rev. Hosp. Clin. Univ. Chile ; 22(4): 334-341, 2011. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-647644


Rhinoseptoplasty is a surgical procedure performed by otolaryngologists, that solves aesthetic and functional problems of the nose as a sole surgery. It can be performed as an open or closed approach either with or without the use of implants and or grafts. We hereby show a retrospective analysis of surgical protocols of patients on whom rhinoseptoplasty was done in our Unit during 2010. Epidemiological data, surgical techniques, surgical time, management of the tip and dorsum, grafts used and complications were analized. 111 rhinoseptoplasties were performed. 14 were excluded due to lack of information in the files. From 97 patients included in the study, 54 percent were female, mean age 29, and 46 percent were male, mean age 28 years. The 82 percent consulted for nasal obstruction. 95 percent were primary rhinoplasties. 54 percent were approached by open technique and 46 percent by closed technique. 73 percent needed nasal tip management, and in 94 percent nasal dorsum surgery was performed. Grafts were used in 84 percent of cases, being the columellar strut preferred by the surgeon. There were no complications recorded. We conclude that this surgery was performed in a homogeneous way, mostly in patients with nasal obstructive symptom. There was a predominance of primary surgery with an extensive use of grafts.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Nariz/cirurgia , Rinoplastia/métodos , Chile , Cirurgia Plástica
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 68(3): 255-262, dic. 2008. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-520471


Introducción: La hipoacusia súbita es un cuadro clínico que presenta controversias tanto en su etiología, como en su tratamiento. Existen escasos estudios en la literatura nacional sobre este tema. Objetivo: Evaluar la incidencia del cuadro de hipoacusia súbita en un año, en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile, analizar características epidemiológicas, clínicas, y del tratamiento. Material y método: Estudio retrospectivo realizado en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile, revisando fichas clínicas entre Diciembre del año 2004 hasta Noviembre de 2005, con diagnóstico de hipoacusia súbita. Resultados: Se realizó el estudio con 43 pacientes con diagnóstico de hipoacusia súbita. La mayoría recibió tratamiento corticoidal. El 28% de los pacientes mejoraron, el 18,7% tuvo una recuperación parcial, 9,3% recuperación total, no presentaron mejoría el 72%. Se encontró asociación entre menor edad y mejoría en forma casi significativa. Se encontró una asociación entre mejoría y compromiso del oído derecho en forma significativa. Conclusión: La mayoría de los hallazgos son comparables con la literatura nacional e internacional, la asociación mejoría v/s oído derecho debe ser validada por nuevos estudios.

Introduction. Sudden hearing loss (SHL) is a medical condition somewhat controversial in its etiology and treatment. There are few reports of SHL in the local literature. Aim. Jo assess the incidence of SHL at the University of Chile Hospital during a year-long period, analyzing the epidemiological, clinical and treatment characteristics. Material and Method. Restrospective review of SHL clinical data between December 2004 and November 2005. Results. Forty three patients diagnosed with SHL were included. Most were treated with corticoids. In 28% of cases, there was an improvement of the condition. Of these, in 18.7% there was a partial improvement, and in 9.3% a complete recovery. There was no improvement in 72% of the cases. The relation between age and recovery was almost significant. A significant relation between improvement and right ear involvement was found. Conclusion. Most of our findings are similar to those reported in the literature; the association between recovery an right ear involvement should be validated by future studies.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Perda Auditiva Súbita/epidemiologia , Perda Auditiva Súbita/tratamento farmacológico , Vasodilatadores/uso terapêutico , Chile/epidemiologia , Corticosteroides/uso terapêutico , Distribuição por Idade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco , Fatores de Tempo , Incidência , Perda Auditiva Súbita/complicações , Resultado do Tratamento , Estações do Ano
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 67(1): 7-12, abr. 2007. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-475753


Introducción: La anglogenesis es el desarrollo de nuevos vasos sanguíneos desde una red vascular existente, contempla una secuencia de eventos complejos y es fundamental en el proceso reparativo. Existen múltiples factores estimulantes de la angiogénesls, entre ellos se encuentran factores de crecimiento como el VEGF (factor de crecimiento endotelio vascular). Debido a su rol reparativo se han utilizado factores proanglogénicos para reparar perforaciones timpánicas. Objetivo: Estudiar el efecto del VEGF sobre perforaciones timpánicas de ratas Long-Evans. Material y método: Se usan 15 ratas adultas, se realizan perforaciones timpánicas bilaterales, se instilan al azar las perforaciones con solución fisiológica y VEGF, se realiza visualización microscópica de los tímpanos a los días 9,15 y 21 posperforación. Las ratas son sacrificadas el día 21 y se realiza estudio histológico del grosor timpánico. Resultados: No se aprecia un efecto inductivo del VEGF sobre el cierre de las perforaciones timpánicas, se produce un aumento en el grosor timpánico de las ratas tratadas con VEGF.

Animais , Ratos , Fator A de Crescimento do Endotélio Vascular/administração & dosagem , Fator A de Crescimento do Endotélio Vascular/fisiologia , Neovascularização Fisiológica , Perfuração da Membrana Timpânica/metabolismo , Perfuração da Membrana Timpânica/tratamento farmacológico , Indutores da Angiogênese , Membrana Timpânica , Membrana Timpânica/metabolismo , Membrana Timpânica/ultraestrutura , Ratos Long-Evans
Rev. méd. Chile ; 133(10): 1191-1199, oct. 2005. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-420147


Background: Several studies indicate that doctors who work in the same area of the medical profession tend to behave somehow similarly. Thus, it has been suggested that personality relates to the medical specialty choice. However, it is not known whether people self-select into the medical specialties according to their personality or the professional practice in a particular field influences their behavior. Aim: To explore the possible association between the graduate's personality features and learning styles and their chosen specialty. Subjects and Methods: The psychological preferences and learning styles of 65 students of the 2001-graduating cohort of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Medicine were evaluated with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and the Kolb Learning Style Inventory, respectively. These variables were correlated with the information of their specialty choice or occupation two years after graduation. Results: Graduates distributed unevenly in different areas of the medical profession. Surgical specialties concentrated a larger proportion of extraverted, intuitive and structured doctors, whereas in Pediatrics and Internal Medicine predominated intuitive and people-oriented MD's. Primary Care concentrated individuals with introverted, intuitive and flexible attitudes. Convergent learners (interested in problem-solving) preferred Surgery and Primary Care whereas Assimilator learners (abstract-reflexive) chose more frequently Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Psychiatry. Conclusions: According to their personality and learning style, graduates tend to self-select into different medical specialties. This information may help medical graduates to guide their specialty choice process, and medical educators to develop learning experiences that take into account the individual differences of their residents.

Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Escolha da Profissão , Aprendizagem , Personalidade , Medicina/educação , Estudantes de Medicina/psicologia , Chile , Comportamento de Escolha , Educação de Graduação em Medicina/estatística & dados numéricos , Avaliação Educacional , Inventário de Personalidade
Rev. méd. Chile ; 132(7): 809-815, jul. 2004. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-366580


Background: The similarity between the psychological features of medical school freshmen of different cohorts suggests that Medicine attracts students with specific psychological types. However, it is also possible that medical students are similar to the students admitted to any other career with high admission requirements. Aim: To determine if medical school freshmen are different from those of Engineering, Architecture, Psychology and Journalism. Subjects and methods: The Spanish version of the Myers Briggs Psychological Type Indicator (MBTI) was applied to two cohorts of Medical School freshmen (90 students of the 2000 cohort and 91 students of the 2001 cohort) and to a sample of 669 freshmen from the careers of Engineering, Psychology, Architecture and Journalism. Results: Students entering Medical School are similar to the students admitted to Engineering and different from those that entered Architecture, Psychology and Journalism in the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in 2000 and 2001. Medicine attracts a larger proportion of concrete and practical students that have an objective and systematic approach to study and to life in general. Unlike Medicine, Psychology and Architecture attract more students that have a cognitive style characterized by an intuitive perception, and that face life with an open and flexible attitude. Conclusions. This study reveals that the psychological features of undergraduate students are associated to their career choice. These psychological variables, therefore, may be relevant to the students' vocational preferences and possibly to their future specialty choice.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Estudantes de Medicina/psicologia , Personalidade , Testes de Personalidade , Chile , Inquéritos e Questionários , Distribuição por Sexo
Rev. méd. Chile ; 130(4): 437-445, abr. 2002. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-314928


Background: During the last decade, academic life at the medical school of the Pontificia Universidad Cat-lica de Chile has been thoroughly affected by a curricular reform process. Changes started in 1993 and have continued up until now. This reform did not have an experimental design to allow for a scientific evaluation of its effects. However, it seems interesting to study the evolution of indices of academic performance of our students during this period. Aim: To evaluate the academic performance of medical students between 1989 and 1999. Subjects and Methods: All undergraduate students enrolled between 1989 and 1999. Academic performance was evaluated by 1) failure to pass one or more courses, 2) delay to complete the third year of studies, 3) withdrawal from school and 4) medical school grades. Results: All indices of academic performance changed during the period of study. Failure to pass, delay and withdrawal from school significantly decreased, whereas medical school grades improved, particularly in basic and pre-clinical subjects. Conclusions: Academic performance of medical students improved consistently between 1989 and 1999. While specific causal relationships cannot be established, we believe that this improvement is likely related to the curricular reform. This reform included horizontal and vertical integration of academic contents, greater emphasis in problem-based learning and additional instances of evaluation such as the repetition exam

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Feminino , Educação de Graduação em Medicina/tendências , Evasão Escolar , Estudantes de Medicina , Currículo , Faculdades de Medicina/tendências
Rev. méd. Chile ; 128(10): 1167-76, oct. 2000. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-277212


Background: In the last decades, the number of Universities with medical schools has increased dramatically in our country. Aim: To introduce a conceptual model to estimate the number of physicians that are incorporated to the profession in Chile every year as well as the cumulative number of active physicians in specific time frame. To provide information about the number of available physicians in the country and compare it with the international context. Material and methods: This model includes information about the number of students that are admitted in all medical schools of the country, the dropout rate, the number of immigrant physicians from other countries, and the cumulative number of active physicians in the previous period. Results: There is an increased number of new medical students starting in 1994 that will produce, starting in 2001, a significant increased in the number of new physicians graduated from Chilean Universities. Meanwhile the increased number of new physicians in recent years is mainly explained by a significant increase in immigrant physicians. The number of active physicians estimated by the year 2000 is 18,549 and this number will be 25,704 by the year 2007. With these estimated numbers, we introduce a qualitative model that allowed us to compare the current number of active physicians in Chile with other countries, especially those with a comparable degree of development. This model uses first The Human Development Index and later the per capita income of different countries adjusted by purchasing power in USA. According to these calculations, Chile has a lower number of physicians than similar countries, and this difference will persist, even after the significant increase in the new physicians expected for the new future. Conclusions: Chile continues to have a lower number of physicians than countries with similar human development indices

Humanos , Educação Médica/estatística & dados numéricos , Médicos/provisão & distribuição , Atenção à Saúde , Estudantes de Medicina/estatística & dados numéricos , Renda per Capita , Chile/epidemiologia , Faculdades de Medicina/estatística & dados numéricos , Médicos Graduados Estrangeiros/estatística & dados numéricos , Médicos Graduados Estrangeiros/provisão & distribuição , Médicos/estatística & dados numéricos , Médicos/tendências , Previsões , Atenção à Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos
Rev. méd. Chile ; 128(6): 671-8, jun. 2000. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-268153


Background: Traditionally, medical schools demand their students a high dedication in time, responsibility and integrity. Aim: To assess the predictive capacity of several specific variables, on the academic performance of medical students. Material and methods: All students who entered during 1984-1995 period were studied. The academeic performance was assessed using two indices: an overall evaluation of successfulness as determined by the approval rate in different courses and grade-point average obtained during the first three years at the Medical School. The variables used to predict academic performance were year of enrollment, high school grades, university admission test scores, biomedical and demographic characteristics. All these were meassured at the time when the student was enrolled. Results: Eight hundred and eight students were studied at the end of the third year. The most important predictive variables selected for both performance indices were: high school grades, admission biology test scores, place were high school studies were done, and previous university studies. In addition verbal and mathematics admission academic performance tests scores were selected for grade-point average index. Although, the overall admission score and high school academic performance were significantly associated with the two outcomes, they were not selected in the final models. Conclusions: The best predictors of an optimal academic performance in these medical students were high school grades, admission bilogy test scores, residing in Metropolitan Santiago and previous university studies

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Educação de Graduação em Medicina/tendências , Faculdades de Medicina/estatística & dados numéricos , Logro , Estudantes de Medicina/estatística & dados numéricos , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Escolaridade , Avaliação Educacional/métodos
Rev. chil. infectol ; 16(3): 211-7, 1999. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-257976


Valores plasmáticos elevados de ADA han sido asociados a fiebre tifoidea y utilizados para su diagnóstico debido a su bajo costo y rápida lectura. Sin embargo, diferentes registros han señalado un aumento de esta actividad en otras enfermedades lo que puede limitar su precisión diagnóstica. Para confirmar si valores elevados de ADA plasmática están asociados específicamente a fiebre tifoidea, se desarrolló un estudio retrospectivo con los registros de este examen desde un laboratorio hospitalario. Diez pacientes fueron identificados (todos ellos hospitalizados). Seis pacientes padecían fiebre tifoidea y los restantes cuatro tenían otras patologías febriles: leucemia mieloide aguda, dermatomiositis y linfoma no Hodgkin (n=2). Los valores de ADA plasmática fueron similares en ambos grupos pero los pacientes sin fiebre tifoidea se caracterizaron por tener simultáneamente una mayor edad (>35 años) y velocidad de eritrosedimentación (>50 mm/h) (p = 0,004, test de Fisher bilateral). Estos resultados indican que valores plasmáticos elevados de ADA tienen una baja especificidad para el diagnóstico de fiebre tifoidea en pacientes hospitalizados y pueden estar asociados a enfermedades malignas o autoinmunes

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adenosina Desaminase/sangue , Febre Tifoide/enzimologia , Adenosina Desaminase , Adenosina Desaminase/metabolismo , Sedimentação Sanguínea , Dermatomiosite/enzimologia , Leucemia Mieloide/enzimologia , Linfoma não Hodgkin/enzimologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Febre Tifoide/diagnóstico
Bol. Hosp. San Juan de Dios ; 38(4): 266-9, jul.-ago. 1991. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-112865


Se presenta un caso único de enanismo mesomélico tipo Nievergel no descrito con anterioridad en Chile. Este síndrome pertenece al grupo de los enanismos incompatibles con la vida entre los que se encuentran síndromes igualmente raros, pero cuyo diagnóstico preciso tiene una gran significación familiar como los síndromes de acondrogénesis y de enanismo tanatofórico

Recém-Nascido , Humanos , Masculino , Nanismo/diagnóstico , Anormalidades Congênitas
Bol. Hosp. San Juan de Dios ; 35(6): 373-6, nov.-dic. 1988. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-61650


Con el propósito de aportar información al respecto, se analizan las características de 409 licencias médicas, extendidas durante el primer semestre de 1987, a 259 trabajadores de dos industrias de Santiago. El período estudiado se subdividió en 2 trimestres, para establecer posibles variaciones en los diagnósticos de salud mental y traumatológicas de acuerdo a la duración de la jornada laboral, cuyos turnos iniciales de 14 a 16 horas se redujeron posteriormente a 8 horas diarias. Los resultados muestran que el 32,4% de la población laboral total de ambas industrias recibió reposo médico, correspondiente en su gran mayoría a licencias de tipo curativo. Frente a condiciones laborales exigentes, la frecuencia de patologías del área mental y traumatológica es alta pero tiende a reducirse cuando la jornada se ajusta a 8 horas diarias

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Licenciamento em Medicina , Transtornos Mentais , Doenças Profissionais , Ferimentos e Lesões