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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025097


Based on the development history that the modern medicine and laboratory animal science have long been hindered by animal welfare groups and animal-rights activists in Western countries,and considering the relevant circumstance in China,the author appeals and recommends that the laboratory animal practitioners and biomedical researchers,the scientific community in China should recognize and identify the boundaries of our professional activities.Firstly,do not participate in the activity related to so called"World(Lab)Animal Day"that is said in some Chinese websites,to originate from NAVS,an antivivisection society Ltd.,London.Secondly,do not participate in the activity related to so called"animal memorial stone"that was originated in Japan.These movements have nothing to do with biomedicine and laboratory animal sciences,and fundamentally are antiscientific and are incompatible to traditional Chinese culture.Thirdly,distinguish the standpoints of laboratory animal science from various viewpoints of animal welfare/rights activists,promote scientific management of the institutional animal care and use for better supporting biomedical research in China.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025120


Objective In the traditional laboratory zoology lecture environment,there is less teacher-student interaction,less student interest,and less engagement in learning.To improve the teaching quality of laboratory animal science,this teaching and research department was based on different teaching environments of multimedia and intelligent classrooms,theoretical course teaching of Medical Laboratory Animal Science as the research object,the course lecture format,teaching mode,teaching method,and other aspects of innovation and exploration.Methods This study used questionnaires to understand changes in student engagement in learning and preferences for smart classroom use,and NVivo qualitative analysis software was used to code student classroom behavior.Results The smart teaching environment resulted in higher student interest and more frequent teacher-student interaction in the classroom.Students were significantly more engaged in learning than in traditional teaching with higher correct rates on in-class and post-lesson exercises and a better grasp of concepts related to laboratory animal science.Conclusions A smart teaching environment brings students a better feeling and experience,improves their interest in laboratory animal science,increases classroom learning engagement,and achieves good teaching result.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030697


The ideological and political content of the laboratory animal science degree course with the basic task of "cultivating morality and cultivating people" is organically integrated into the teaching system of laboratory animal science. It can have a subtle influence on students' thoughts and behaviors. Combined with the curriculum design and professional characteristics of laboratory animal science, this article discussed the ideological and political elements contained in this course, proposed the forms and methods of integrating ideological and political elements into the curriculum design in each chapter. Additionally, the typical cases and characteristic practices of the organic connection of ideological and political education in the teaching system of laboratory animal science were summarized. Practice has proved that integrating the ideological and political elements into the teaching system of laboratory animal science can enhance teacher's awareness and ability of politics, thus effectively improving the compre-hensive quality of students and enhancing the effectiveness of ideological and political education in laboratory animal science.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700570


The Surgery foundation is a course that emphasizes both theory and practice. It is an important part of surgical study and a compulsory basic course for medical students. The teaching quality of this course is directly related to the future level of clinical operation of medical students, and the good teaching methods and means are one of the key factors to determine the quality of the course. In this paper, the reform of teaching means and methods of this course are discussed, so as to further improve the teaching quality and summarize the experience and advice.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 47(11): e20160946, Nov. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1044904


ABSTRACT: This research was conducted to propose a classification of the coefficient of variation (CV%) in many categories of variables of production and carcass of beef cattle experiments. The data was collected from theses and dissertations. We used the methods of classification considering mean and standard deviation, and considering median and pseudo-sigma. The two methods showed similar results so both can be used to classify CV%. We propose only three categories to rank CV%: low, medium and high.

RESUMO: Neste trabalho propõe-se a classificação do coeficiente de variação (CV%) para diversas categorias de variáveis de produção e carcaça de experimentos com gado de corte. Os dados foram coletados de teses e dissertações. Foram empregados métodos de classificação considerando média e desvio padrão, e considerando mediana e pseudo-sigma. Os dois métodos mostraram resultados similares e ambos podem ser utilizados para classificar o CV%. Propõe-se, também, a classificação do CV% em apenas três categorias: baixo, médio e alto.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-511229


Laboratory animal science, as a supporting discipline in life science research, has been set up courses in many universities, especially in medical schools.However, due to the curriculum design was too rigidly attached to tradition, emphasis on theory and cannot adapt to the development of natural science.In this paper, aiming to enhance the teaching effect, we focus on the practice, advance with the times, combine with customized teaching reform of laboratory animal science curriculum, teaching content and teaching forms.

Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 24(2): 217-224, maio-ago. 2016.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol, Português | LILACS | ID: lil-792927


A utilização de animais para fins científicos configura prática histórica na civilização humana, mas gera polêmica em sociedades preocupadas com proteção dos animais. No Brasil, até 2008, não havia norma ou lei que regulamentasse especificamente a experimentação animal. Este trabalho discute a utilização de animais em experimentos científicos, considerando o delineamento da Lei Arouca, por meio da leitura de artigos científicos que contemplam o histórico da experimentação no contexto mundial e brasileiro, incluindo a regulamentação do uso de animais do filo Chordata, subfilo Vertebrata, em pesquisas no Brasil. A Lei Arouca pode representar avanço na legislação brasileira quanto à utilização de animais para fins científicos, sobretudo pela criação das comissões de ética para uso de animais em instituições de pesquisa e do Conselho Nacional de Controle de Experimentação Animal, que examinam o cumprimento da legislação aplicável em projetos científicos que envolvem a utilização de animais.

The use of animals for scientific purposes is a historical procedure in human civilization, but is controversial for societies concerned with the protection of animals. In Brazil, until 2008, there was no rule or law that specifically regulated animal testing. This paper discusses the use of animals in scientific experiments, considering the Brazilian Arouca Law, through the analysis of scientific articles that consider the history of experimentation in the world and in Brazil, including the regulation of the use of animals of the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, in Brazilian research. The Arouca Law may represent an advance in Brazilian law regarding the use of animals for scientific purposes, particularly given the creation of the Ethics Committees for Animal Use in research institutions and the National Council for Animal Experimentation Control, which examine the compliance of scientific projects involving the use of such animals to applicable law.

El uso de animales para fines científicos configura una práctica histórica en la civilización humana, pero genera controversia en las sociedades preocupadas por la protección de éstos. En Brasil, hasta 2008, no había una norma o una ley que regulara la experimentación animal. Este trabajo discute acerca del uso de animales en experimentos científicos, teniendo en cuenta los lineamientos de la Ley Arouca, a partir de la lectura de artículos científicos que abordan la historia de la experimentación animal en el mundo y en el contexto brasilero, incluyendo la regulación del uso de animales del filo Cordados, subfilo Vertebrados, en investigaciones en Brasil. La Ley Arouca puede representar un avance en la legislación brasilera con respecto al uso de estos animales para fines científicos, sobre todo por la creación de las comisiones de ética para el uso de animales (Ceua) en instituciones de investigación y del Consejo Nacional de Control de la Experimentación Animal (Concea), que son los responsables de examinar el cumplimiento de la legislación aplicable a proyectos científicos que involucran la utilización de animales.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Bioética , Desenvolvimento Tecnológico , Direitos dos Animais/legislação & jurisprudência , Experimentação Animal , Pesquisa Biomédica , Animais de Laboratório , Técnicos em Manejo de Animais , Alternativas ao Uso de Animais , Modelos Animais de Doenças
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486340


According to relevant national laws and regulations, practitioner training was included into laboratory animal science teaching reform.By adjusting the training content and teaching method and use of animal models of typical human diseases, the transformation of training mode was realized and improved.By the assessment of basic theory in combination with practical operation, the thinking ability and hands-on skill of the practitioners are much improved. Through classroom instruction, experimental teaching, quality assessment and tracking survey, the evaluating process of the training quality of training teaching is performed.Therefore, the teaching reform of the laboratory animal science based on the training of practitioners is established.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-459773


Laboratory animal science teaching has become an indispensable part of medical education.This paper summarized teaching characteristics of laboratory animal science at different levels, including the curriculum setting background, curriculum arrangement as well as assessment methods, in order to provide some references for the teaching staff of laboratory animal science.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-429607


Laboratory animal science has become a main support for the development of life science and has occupied an importance place in higher medical education.The paper analyzed the characteristics and problems of laboratory animal science and proposed the ideas of applying conformational memory teaching in laboratory animal science teaching from there aspects:teaching method,teaching frame and teaching effect.These measures established the foundation for the cultivation of applied talents with comprehensive competence.

Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 24(3): 272-281, jul.-set. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-636108


The XI National and IV International meeting of animal and veterinary sciences (ENICIP) has been gathering researchers to socialize their advances to the scientific community since 1989. It is perceived in this meeting the presence of wide relations among researchers and institutions in the different areas of animal and veterinary science. Objective: to identify the social networking of scientific productivity in the areas of the animal and veterinary sciences. Methods: data from the authors that submitted research papers to ENICIP 2011 was collected. A matrix array for papers by author, papers by topic and authors by topic was used. The arrays were analyzed with UCINET® software. Results: 1270 researchers submitted 560 abstracts in 20 different areas. The areas with highest participation of researchers were animal nutrition and feeding (252), epidemiology and public health (153) and pastures and silvopastoral systems (131). The areas with the highest number of submitted abstracts were animal nutrition and feeding (103), animal breeding and genetics (53) and pastures and silvopastoral systems (48). Solid clusters between researchers, and new researchers with high productivity, but low social relations were found. Conclusion: the scientific communities in agricultural sciences shows high interrelationship among its different areas; nevertheless higher interrelationship among researchers from different institutions would be advantageous.

El Encuentro Nacional e Internacional de Investigadores de las Ciencias Pecuarias (ENICIP) reúne desde 1989 a investigadores que socializan sus resultados ante la comunidad científica. En este encuentro se percibe que existe una amplia relación entre investigadores e instituciones en las distintas áreas del conocimiento pecuario. Objetivo: Identificar redes sociales colombianas de productividad científica en las temáticas pecuarias. Métodos: se utilizó la información de autores que presentaron trabajos de investigación en el Enicip 2011. Se utilizó un arreglo matricial por artículos por autor, artículos por temática y autores por temática. Las matrices fueron analizadas con el software UCINET® . Resultados: 1270 investigadores presentaron 560 resúmenes en 20 temáticas. La temáticas de mayor participación con investigadores fueron: nutrición (252), Epidemiología y salud pública (153) y Pastos y sistemas silvopastoriles (131); y las temáticas con mayor número de artículos fueron: Nutrición y alimentación (103), Genética y Mejoramiento (53) y Pastos y Sistemas Sivopastoriles (48). Se encontró que existen relaciones fuertemente establecidas e investigadores nuevos con alta productividad y con baja relación social. Conclusión: la comunidad científica pecuaria de Colombia presenta una alta interrelación social en sus diferentes áreas del conocimiento; sin embargo, aún falta una mayor interrelación entre los investigadores de las distintas instituciones.

O “Encuentro Nacional e Internacional de las Ciencias Pecuarias” (ENICIP) reúne desde 1989, pesquisadores que socializam seus resultados ante a comunidade científica. No encontro, percebe-se que existe uma ampla relação entre pesquisadores e instituições das distintas áreas do conhecimento pecuário. Objetivo: identificar redes sociais de produtividade científica nas temáticas do evento. Métodos: foi utilizado a informação de autores que apresentaram trabalhos de pesquisa no ENICIP 2011. Foi utilizado um arranjo matricial por artigos por autor, artigos por temática e autores por temática. As matrizes foram analisadas com o software UCINET® . Resultados: 1270 pesquisadores apresentaram 560 resumos em 20 temáticas. As temáticas de maior participação de pesquisadores foram: Nutrição (252), Epidemiologia e saúde pública (153) e pastos e sistemas de silvopastoreio (131) e as temáticas com maior número de artigos foram: Nutrição (103), Genética e Melhoramento (53) e Pastos y Sistemas de silvopastoreio (48). Encontrou-se que existem relações de pesquisadores fortemente estabelecidos e pesquisadores novos com alta produtividade, com baixo relacionamento social de produção. Conclusões: A comunidade científica pecuária da Colômbia apresenta uma alta relação social em seus áreas de conhecimento, mais falta maior relacionamento de pesquisadores de distintas instituições.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-413062


The laboratory animal science, a comprehensive discipline researching on experimental animal and animal experimentation, is the life sciences research foundation and the support condition. It has very vital significance to sudy the related discipline especially the life sciences. This article discusses the construction of the status of Laboratory Animal Science course combined with the development of laboratory animal science and contacted with the characteristics of medical colleges and related disciplines.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-416104


Laboratory animal science is a preceding subject,which contains particular theory system and characteristics.In order to meet the developmental need of higher medical education and train more medical talents with high quality,the traditional teaching model must be reformed.A series of teaching reforms have been performed and analyzed in this paper.

Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 11(1): 21-26, Jan-Jul. 2008. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-523321


Dez cães receberam administração epidural da associação de cloridrato de tiletamina e zolazepam, entre as vértebras L7 e S1, avaliando-se a analgesia pela observação dos padrões respiratório e comportamental, e pela aplicação dos filamentos de von Frey nos coxins plantares e ao redor do esfíncter anal externo. Não foram observadas as manifestações sistêmicas características da administração parenteral de anestésicos dissociativos, e todos os animais manifestaram completa analgesia, sendo que o emprego dos filamentos de von Frey permitiu testes de sensibilidade cutânea sem causar lesões teciduais. A técnica empregada promoveu ataxia e paresia, que perduraram por 41,25 (± 2,18) minutos, acompanhadas por relaxamento do esfíncter anal externo dos cães. Outros estudos sobre os efeitos da administração epidural da associação de cloridrato de tiletamina e zolazepam deverão ser efetuados, no que diz respeito a quantificar e qualificar a analgesia nesse período, bem como avaliar a possibilidade de realização de intervenções cirúrgicas cruentas, com essa técnica.

Ten dogs received an epidural administration of tiletamine HCl and zolazepam, between vertebrae L7 and S1. The analgesia was evaluated by observation breathing and behavioral patterns, and by the use of von Frey filaments applied to the external anal sphincter and footpads. Systemic manifestations from parenteral administration of dissociative anesthetics were not observed, and all the animals showed complete analgesia. The technique promoted ataxia and paresis which persisted for 41.25 (±2.18) minutes, followed by external anal sphincter myorelaxation. The von Frey filaments allowed cutaneous sensibility tests without causing any tissue lesion. Other investigations searching the tiletamine HCL and zolazepam effects should be performed in order to quantify and qualify the analgesia in that period, as well as to evaluate the possibility of accomplishment of painful surgical procedures with this technique.

Diez perros recibieron administración epidural de la asociación de clorhidrato de tiletamina y zolazepam, entre las vértebras L7 y S1, evaluándose la analgesia por observación de los estándares respiratorio y de comportamiento, y por la aplicación de los filamentos de von Frey en los asientos plantares y alrededor del esfínter anal externo. No fueron observadas las manifestaciones sistémicas características de la administración parenteral de anestésicos disociativos, y todos los animales manifestaron completa analgesia, siendo que el empleo de filamentos de von Frey permitió testes de sensibilidad cutánea sin causar lesiones en tejidos. La técnica empleada promovió ataxia y paresia, que perduraron por 41,25 (±2,18) minutos, acompañadas por relajamiento del esfínter anal externo de los perros. Otros estudios sobre los efectos de la administración epidural de la asociación de clorhidrato de tiletamina y zolazepam deberán ser efectuados, por lo que respecta a cuantificar y calificar la analgesia en ese período, bien como evaluar la posibilidad de realización de procedimientos quirúrgicos cruentos, con esa técnica.

Animais , Analgesia Epidural , Cães , Tiletamina/efeitos adversos , Zolazepam/efeitos adversos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624140


This paper discusses application of multimedia and network technology in Laboratory Animal Science Teaching:We have set up multimedia courseware,made animal experiment video and built network course-learning system and a good teaching effect has been achieved.Then it analyzes the problems of multimedia and network technology in Laboratory Animal Science Teaching.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624532


Based on the current situation of teaching for laboratory animal science and taking the teaching practice of the teaching and research section of lab animal science in Liaoning Medical University as a case.,a series of teaching reforms were performed such as teaching content,teaching measures and examination manners,and the teaching reform effects were evaluated,which aimed at establishing the foundation of an consummate teaching pattern for laboratory animal science.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-568070


Objective To summarize the progresses in laboratory animal science in civil and military fields,and explore the problems existed in development of laboratory animal science in PLA. Methods Literature concerning the laboratory animal science published domestically and abroad were retrospectively and descriptively analyzed. Integrated with the practices on laboratory animal science,the strategies and suggestions for future development of laboratory animal science in PLA were herewith presented. Results Considerable developments have been achieved in the laboratory animal science in PLA,including the improved productive facilities and experimental conditions,and preliminarily established system of traiming of personnal. However,compared with the development level of laboratory animal sciences at home and that of abroad,such disparities as heterogeneity in quality of experimental animals from different breeding institues,lower standard in experimental technology,poorer foundation in the development of animal model special for military purpose,and lack of strategic reserve of laboratory animal resources,etc could still be found. Conclusions The development of laboratory animal science in PLA should depend on a combination of military efforts and civilian support,with establishment of the mechanism to share resources and professional personnel. Meanwhile a long-term mechanism should be developed for professional training of personnel in breeding experimental animals for researches in the field of military medicine,in order to establish a truly fundamental discipline of animal science for research of military medical sciences.