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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030122


Due to factors such as an aging population, the Hospital Authority(HA) of Hong Kong is facing a contradiction between limited health resource supply and continuously increasing demand. In order to effectively address challenges, the HA prompted three measures to bridging the demand-supply gap. The HA relied on its management system advantages to continuously increase its capital construction to enhance the service capacity of public health institutions; transformed service delivery mode so as to improve the experience, quality, and efficiency of service delivery; established cooperation with private service providers and communities to shunt population health demand. The practices of HA can provide reference for public hospitals and their sponsors in other regions of China.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217948


Background: The pattern of new drug approval is changing across the world as shown by the study using Center for Drug Evaluation and Research and European Medicines Agency data in US and UK with more drug approval for anti-cancer and immunomodulator drugs. There is a need to generate similar database for developed South East Asian countries too. Aims and Objectives: This study was conducted for one such country- Singapore for the new drug approval pattern of last 5 years (2017–2021). Materials and Methods: This was a pharmacoepidemiological study, in which government drug regulatory website data available in public domain was searched. The new drug approval data were classified according to active ingredient, drug approval date, new drug application category, indication of drugs, and World Health Organization Anatomic Thoracic Classification. Results: In this study, 418 new drug approvals were found in last 5 years in Singapore. From this maximum, drug approvals were given to anti-neoplastic and immunomodulator category drugs. In anti-neoplastic category new drugs approval few examples were Trastuzumab deruxtecan and Tucatinib for breast cancer therapy and Tepotinib and Capmatinib for non-small cell lung cancer therapy. Conclusion: This study shows that drug development in anti-cancer drug and immunomodulator is significant in Singapore. This trend is quite matching with other country such as US and UK.

E-Cienc. inf ; 12(2)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448128


El propósito de este artículo es exponer la metodología didáctica utilizada para la creación de catálogos de autoridad de autor en los cursos de catalogación de la Escuela de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Se muestran los principales materiales didácticos creados para los cursos, así como la importancia de la utilización de la metodología lúdica. Lo anterior se desarrolló para la enseñanza de la creación de puntos de acceso de personas, familias y entidades corporativas aplicando las RDA, además de la creación de los catálogos de autoridades como medio de normalización de estos puntos de acceso. La metodología utilizada se basó en una investigación cuantitativa de alcance descriptivo en la cual se realizó un cuestionario en línea con el objetivo de analizar la percepción de las personas estudiantes del curso BI-2003 Catalogación II, respecto a la utilización de las herramientas didácticas para la elaboración de los catálogos de autoridad de autor y de la metodología lúdica como método de aprendizaje. Uno de los principales hallazgos de esta investigación es que las herramientas didácticas creadas para la elaboración de catálogos de autoridades, así como la estrategia lúdica, favorecen la comprensión y aplicación de ejercicios prácticos, en los cuales tienen la posibilidad de trabajar con la normativa vigente.

The purpose of this article is to present the didactic methodology used for the creation of author's authority catalogs in the cataloging courses of the School of Librarianship and Information Sciences of the University of Costa Rica. The main didactic materials created for the courses are shown, as well as the importance of using the ludic methodology. The foregoing was developed to teach the creation of access points for individuals, families and corporate entities applying the RDA, in addition to the creation of authority catalogs as a means of standardizing these access points. The methodology used was based on quantitative research of descriptive scope in which an online questionnaire was carried out in order to analyze the perception of the students of the BI-2003 Cataloging II course, regarding the use of didactic tools for the preparation of author's authority catalogs and ludic methodology as a learning method. As part of the conclusions, it was established that one of the main findings of this research is that the didactic tools created for the elaboration of authority catalogs, as well as the ludic strategy, favor the understanding and application of practical exercises, in which they have the possibility of working with current regulations.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 20(3): 111-139, sep.-dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424003


Resumen (analítico) Se abordan prácticas de agencia de niñas y niños de clases populares en una escuela primaria en Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina. Desde un método etnográfico, el problema de investigación se vincula con la agencia infantil en contextos escolares. El interrogante refiere a cuáles son las modalidades que asumen las prácticas de agencia infantil, según cómo niñas y niños resisten a los ordenamientos temporales y espaciales en la escuela, resignifican miradas y clasificaciones de las docentes y disputan por la distribución de recursos materiales. Los resultados señalan que niñas y niños producen diversos procesos de agencia desde discursos e interacciones intergeneracionales que se tejen en la cotidianidad escolar. Estas prácticas no son instrumentales ni en todos los casos reflexivas, más bien están socialmente incorporadas.

Abstract (analytical) This study addresses agency practices by working class children at a primary school in Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina. Using an ethnographic method, the research focused on children's agency capacity in school contexts. The author asked what modalities are assumed by children's agency practices? This is based on how children resist temporal and spatial orders in school, redefine their views and assessments of teachers and dispute the distribution of material resources. The results indicate that children produce different agency processes through intergenerational discourses and interactions that are woven into everyday school life. These practices are not instrumental nor in all cases reflexive, instead they are socially embedded.

Resumo (analítico) Este estudo aborda as práticas de agenciamento de meninas e meninos de classes populares em uma escola primária de Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina. A partir de um método etnográfico, o problema de pesquisa está ligado à capacidade de agência das crianças em contextos escolares. A questão se refere a quais são as modalidades assumidas pelas práticas de agenciamento das crianças, segundo como meninas e meninos resistem às ordens temporais e espaciais na escola, ressignificam visões e classificações dos professores e disputam a distribuição dos recursos materiais. Os resultados indicam que meninas e meninos produzem diversos processos de agenciamento a partir de discursos e interações intergeracionais que são tecidos no cotidiano escolar. Essas práticas não são instrumentais nem em todos os casos reflexivas, mas estão socialmente incorporadas.

Rev. CES psicol ; 15(1): 182-200, ene.-abr. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376235


Resumen Este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre la autoridad docente en el contexto de la cultura actual, marcada por los discursos del capitalismo y de la ciencia, de los cuales surge una nueva subjetividad. El objetivo de este trabajo es discurrir sobre la incidencia de los discursos del capitalismo y de la ciencia en la declinación de la autoridad docente. En un primer momento, se aborda el proyecto y la subjetividad moderna fundados en los productos de la razón; posteriormente, se indica cómo dicho proyecto entra en una fase de sospecha, por sus efectos en el siglo XX y por la crítica realizada por los maestros de la sospecha. Luego se desarrolla la declinación de la función del padre por la incidencia del discurso del capitalismo, continuando con las consecuencias subjetivas de la declinación de la autoridad docente que genera una nueva subjetividad basada en los derechos individuales hedonistas, para finalizar con la declinación de la autoridad docente, entendida desde dos perspectivas: empresarial y epistémica, que tienen por consecuencia la forclusión de la singularidad. Se concluye que el lugar de la autoridad docente es afectado por dos elementos: primero, por el discurso del capitalismo en su relación con el discurso de la ciencia porque borra la disimetría del lazo social, donde el vínculo docente-estudiante se torna simétrico marcado por el valor de laigualdad; y segundo, por el empuje al Uno de la estandarización del conocimiento dado por políticas educativas internacionales en las que el docente es un instrumento.

Abstract This article reflects on the teaching authority in the context of current culture, marked by the discourses of capitalism and science, from which a new subjectivity emerges from these discourses. The objective to be developed is the incidence of the discourses of capitalism and science in the decline of teaching authority. At first, the project and the modern subjectivity based on the products of reason are approached, later it is indicated how this project is under an initial phase of suspicion, due to its effects in the 20th century and the criticism exerted by the masters of the suspicion. To end with the decline of the teaching authority, understood from two perspectives: business and epistemic that result in the foreclosure of the singularity. It is concluded that the place of teaching authority is affected by two elements: first, by the discourse of capitalism in its relationship with the discourse of science because it erases the dissymmetry of the social bond, where teacher-student bond becomes symmetrical marked by the value of equality; and second, by the push to One of the standardization of knowledge given by international educational policies in which the teacher is an instrument.

Pensando fam ; 26(1): 137-151, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428262


Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a percepção dos pais sobre a construção do vínculo com os filhos na monoparentalidade. Foram entrevistados cinco mães e três pais, entre 35 e 58 anos, das camadas socioeconômicas médias da população urbana do Rio de Janeiro, membros de famílias planejadas - uma com filho biológico, outra com filhos biológicos e adotados, e seis constituídas por adoção. Os resultados foram analisados conforme o método de análise de conteúdo. Emergiram duas categorias de análise: exercício da autoridade solo e rede social de apoio. Os resultados apontaram o exercício da autoridade solo como um desafio, especialmente nos casos de adoção tardia, relacionado à contestação da autoridade, à triangulação com a família biológica, e à dificuldade de colocar limites e regras devido ao contexto anterior em que a criança vivia. A rede social de apoio apresentou-se como um tipo de vínculo significativo, mostrando-se diversificada, inclusive na maneira de constituir-se; observaram-se a abertura aos laços de afinidade, o aspecto criativo na sua construção e a participação de profissionais de diferentes áreas, especialmente da Psicologia. Apontamos a relevância de abrir um campo de estudos sobre essa nova forma de constituir família ­ a monoparentalidade adotiva.

This study aims to investigate the parents' perception about the construction of the bond with their children in single parenthood. Five mothers and three fathers, between 35 and 58 years old, from the middle socioeconomic strata of the urban population of Rio de Janeiro, members of planned families were interviewed: one family with a biological child, another with biological and adopted children, and six constituted by adoption. The results were analyzed according to the content analysis method. Two categories of analysis emerged: exercise of solo authority and social support network. The results pointed out the exercise of single authority as a challenge, especially in cases of late adoption, related to contesting authority, triangulation with the biological family, and the difficulty of placing limits and rules due to the previous context in which the child lived. The social support network presented itself as a type of significant bond, showing itself to be diversified, including in the way it was constituted. The opening to ties of affinity, the creative aspect in its construction and the participation of professionals from different areas, especially from Psychology, were observed. We point out the relevance of opening a field of studies on this new way of forming a family ­ adoptive single parenting.

Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 47(4)dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409254


Introducción: Heberprot-P® obtuvo su primer registro sanitario en Cuba en el año 2006, actualmente está aprobado en otros 26 países. Objetivo: Describir el proceso de registro sanitario en México, del medicamento biotecnológico Heberprot-P® para el tratamiento de las úlceras del pie diabético. Métodos: El proceso de registro sanitario de Heberprot-P® siguió las pautas de la reglamentación sanitaria de México sobre la base de la Ley general de salud y el Reglamento de insumos para la salud. Se revisaron además la Farmacopea de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y las normas oficiales mexicanas en función de cumplir las exigencias para la comercialización de medicamentos en este territorio. Resultados: El proceso de registro se inició en junio de 2017 en México con acciones en función de completar los documentos e informaciones exigidas en el expediente de registro sanitario a presentarse. Entre ellos resaltan las consideraciones del Subcomité de Evaluación de Productos Biotecnológicos y el Comité de Moléculas Nuevas, la evaluación del expediente por un Tercero Autorizado y documentos emitidos por el Centro Nacional de Farmacovigilancia e Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial. Se presentó la solicitud del registro sanitario ante Cofepris y esta se aprobó en mayo de 2018. Conclusiones: El trabajo con grupos de expertos permitió a la autoridad mexicana hacer un trabajo más expedito basado en las evidencias de las evaluaciones realizadas que son parte de la información del registro sanitario. Como resultado de este proceso, se otorgó el Registro Sanitario a Heberprot-P® en mayo de 2018 y Cofepris lo reconoció como un medicamento biotecnológico innovador(AU)

Introduction: Heberprot-P® obtained its first Sanitary Registration in Cuba in 2006, and it is currently approved in 26 other countries. Objective: Describe the sanitary registration process in Mexico of the biotechnological drug Heberprot-P® for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Methods: The sanitary registration process of Heberprot-P® followed the guidelines of the sanitary regulations of Mexico on the basis of the General Health Law and the Regulation of Supplies for Health. The Pharmacopoeia of the United Mexican States and the official Mexican standards were also revised in order to comply with the requirements for the marketing of medicines in this territory. Results: The registration process began in June 2017 in Mexico with actions to complete the documents and information required in the sanitary registration file to be submitted. Among them are the considerations of the Sub-committee on the Evaluation of Biotechnological Products and the Committee on New Molecules, the evaluation of the file by an Authorized Third Party and documents issued by the National Center for Pharmacovigilance and the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property. The application for sanitary registration was submitted to Cofepris and this was approved in May 2018. Conclusions: The work with groups of experts allowed the Mexican authority to do a more expeditious work based on the evidence of the evaluations carried out that are part of the information of the sanitary registry. As a result of this process, Heberprot-P® was granted the Sanitary Registry in May 2018 and COFEPRIS recognized it as an innovative biotechnological medicine(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pé Diabético/tratamento farmacológico , Medicamentos de Referência , México
Rev. crim ; 63(1): 91-104, 20/04/2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1251667


Resumen Con base en la premisa teórica de que tanto el aumento de la inseguridad ciudadana, y de la violencia en general, como la ineficiente reacción institucional formal para regular las conductas sociales, tuvieron un efecto en la estructura de socialización e interacción individual del venezolano, el presente estudio hace un análisis comparativo generacional entre sujetos de vida violenta. Se expone la manera como la violencia se ha convertido en un valor de socialización y moralización para estos sujetos, quienes han centralizado la misma como un valor de vida para la interacción cotidiana con los demás individuos e instituciones. Al emplear una metodología cualitativa, a través de historias de vida, entrevistas a profundidad y revisión documental, los hallazgos permiten concluir que, como consecuencia de una socialización primaria y secundaria precaria (caracterizada por el establecimiento de vínculos débiles, en el plano afectivo y moral, con figuras como los padres, la familia, la sociedad, las instituciones y la autoridad), para el sujeto de vida violenta de la nueva generación la violencia pasó a ser un valor central, moralizado y legitimado. Estos sujetos tienen una mayor propensión a la violencia, la cual se configura no solo como su modo de vida, sino también como su rol principal para las relaciones con los demás y con las estructuras sociales.

Abstract Based on the theoretical premise that both an increase in citizen insecurity and general violence, as well as inefficient formal reactions by institutions regulating social conducts, affected Venezuelans' social and individual interaction structures, this study performs a generational comparative analysis between subjects with violent lives. The study shows how violence has become a value of social interaction and moralization for these subjects, who have centralized violence as a life value for daily interactions with other individuals and institutions. By using a qualitative methodology through life stories, in-depth interviews and documentary review, the findings allow concluding that, as a consequence of primary and secondary unstable social interaction (characterized by establishing weak emotional and moral bonds with figures, such as parents, family, society, institutions and authorities), violence became a central, moralized and legitimized value for subjects with violent lives in the new generation. These subjects are more likely to have a violent behavior, which is demonstrated not just by their ways of life, but in the main role violence plays in their relationships with others and social structures.

Resumo Partindo da premissa teórica de que tanto o aumento da insegurança cidadã e da violência em geral, quanto a ineficiente atuação institucional formal para regular os comportamentos sociais, tiveram um efeito na estrutura de socialização e interação individual dos sujeitos venezuelanos, este estudo faz uma análise comparativa geracional entre sujeitos de vida violenta. Expõe-se a forma como a violência se tornou um valor de socialização e moralização para esses sujeitos, que a centralizaram como um valor de vida para a interação cotidiana com outros indivíduos e instituições. Adotando uma metodologia qualitativa, por meio de histórias de vida, entrevistas em profundidade e revisão documental, os resultados permitem concluir que, em decorrência de uma precária socialização primária e secundária (caracterizada pelo estabelecimento de laços fracos, no plano afetivo e moral, com figuras como pais, família, sociedade, instituições e autoridade), para o sujeito da vida violenta da nova geração, a violência tornou-se um valor central, moralizado e legitimado. Esses sujeitos apresentam maior propensão à violência, que se configura não apenas como seu modo de vida, mas também como seu principal papel nas relações com os outros e com as estruturas sociais.

Humanos , Masculino , Personalidade , Violência , Desenvolvimento Moral , Socialização , Venezuela , Comportamento e Mecanismos Comportamentais
Cienc. act. fís. (Talca, En línea) ; 22(1): 1-12, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352779


RESUMENEN: El propósito de este estudio es determinar cómo los profesores de Educación Física perciben su asignatura, en cuánto a los factores que afectan la calidad de la clase, las condiciones del establecimiento educacional, y el apoyo que se recibe de la autoridad educativa, según sexo y establecimiento educacional en donde los docentes se desempeñan. Se encuestó a 93 profesores de Educación Física, de 6 Regiones de Chile, pertenecientes a establecimientos Municipales, Particulares Subvencionados y Particulares Privados. Los resultados más significativos revelan que el profesorado de Educación Física considera que el factor predominante sobre la calidad de la clase tiene relación con la falta de motivación por parte de los estudiantes, y el que menos afecta es el poco conocimiento de algunas áreas por parte de los docentes. Profesores y Profesoras consideran que sus establecimientos cuentan con las condiciones para desarrollar una buena clase y también tienen el apoyo de las autoridades educativas. Como conclusión, se logró identificar que no existen grandes diferencias en cuanto a la visión del profesor de Educación Física en Chile según sexo, sin embargo, se detectaron mayores diferencias según tipo de establecimiento donde los docentes se desempeñan.

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to determine how Physical Education teahers perceive their subject, in terms of the factors that affects the quality of the class, the conditions of educational establishment, and the support received from the educational authority, according to the sex and the educational establishment where teachers work. 93 Physical Education teachers from 6 different regions of Chile, belonging to Municipal establishments, particular subsidized and private individuals, were surveyed. The most significant results reveal that physical education teachers believe that the factor that most affects the quality of the class, is related to the lack of motivation from the students, and the factor which least affects is the little knowledge about some areas on the part of teachers. Teachers consider that their establishments have the conditions to develop a good lesson and also have the support from educational authorities. As conclusion, it was possible to identify that does not exist great differences in terms of the vision of Physical education teacher in Chile according to the sex, however, huge differences were detected according to the type of establishments where the teachers work

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Percepção , Educação Física e Treinamento , Professores Escolares/psicologia , Instituições Acadêmicas , Chile , Inquéritos e Questionários , Currículo , Aprendizagem
Estilos clín ; 26(2)2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1444652


O presente artigo se inclina sobre os efeitos do encontro da psicanálise com a educação, cuja origem se situa num período inicial dos escritos de Freud, quando ainda idealizava a profilaxia das neuroses por meio de uma reforma na educação e na cultura. Ideal que se revelou uma ilusão diante da teorização sobre a pulsão de morte e a compulsão à repetição. Fundamentada em importantes estudos no campo da conexão psicanálise-educação, propõe-se aqui uma análise do atual cenário dos ideais que rondam a Educação, especialmente, a aposta num pretenso domínio científico, visando formar alunos cognitivamente e emocionalmente ideais. Esse percurso permite apurar uma crise proporcional ao volume de teorias em educação, o que justifica situar a psicanálise como via privilegiada pela qual é possível redimensionar os ideais colocados nesse campo

El presente artículo se apoya sobre los efectos del encuentro del psicoanálisis con la educación, cuyo origen se sitúa en un período inicial de los escritos de Freud, cuando aún idealizaba la profilaxis de las neurosis por medio de una reforma en la educación y en la cultura. Ideal que se reveló una ilusión delante de la teorización sobre la pulsión de muerte y la compulsión a la repetición. Fundamentado en importantes estudios en el campo de la conexión psicoanálisis-educación, se propone aquí un análisis del actual escenario de los ideales que rondan la Educación, especialmente, la apuesta en un pretenso dominio científico, buscando formar alumnos cognitivamente y emocionalmente ideales. Ese recorrido permitió averiguar una crisis proporcional al volumen de teorías en educación, lo que justifica situar el psicoanálisis como vía privilegiada por la cual es posible redimensionar los ideales puestos en esa área

This research aims to discuss the effects of the encounter of psychoanalysis and education, which origin takes place in the beginning of Freud's essays, when he still dreamed of the prophylaxis of neuroses through a remodeling in education and in culture. This ideal revealed an illusion before the theorization of the death instinct and the repetition compulsion. Reasoned in major studies in the field of the psychoanalysis-education connection, this article offers an analysis of the current scenario of ideals surrounding Education, specially, the bet on an ambitious scientific domain, addressing the shaping of cognitively and emotionally ideal students. This route allows the measurement of a crisis as big as the amount of education theories, what justifies the placement of psychoanalysis as a privileged pathway, which enables the resizing of the ideals put in this field

Cet article se penche sur les effets de la rencontre entre la psychanalyse et l'éducation, dont l'origine est à situer dans une période initiale des écrits de Freud, lorsque celui-ci concevait encore la prophylaxie des névroses par le biais d'une réforme de l'éducation et de la culture. Au regard de la théorisation de la pulsion de mort et de la compulsion de répétition, cet idéal se révéla une illusion. Sur la base d'études importantes dans le champ de la connexion psychanalyse-éducation, on propose ici une analyse de l'actuel scénario des idéaux qui entourent l'éducation, et notamment le pari visant, dans un cadre prétendument scientifique, à former des élèves cognitivement et émotionnellement idéaux. Ce parcours nous permet d'identifier une crise proportionnelle au volume de théories de l'éducation, ce qui justifie alors qu'on situe la psychanalyse comme voie privilégiée par laquelle il est possible de redimensionner les idéaux qui se posent dans ce champ

Psicanálise/história , Educação/tendências , Cultura
Interdisciplinaria ; 37(1): 29-30, jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124925


Resumen El presente estudio plantea siete hipótesis acerca de la autoridad pedagógica en la Enseñanza Media, desde el punto de vista de profesores que fueron reconocidos como autoridades por sus estudiantes. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, sin intencionalidad normativa, que recoge la experiencia subjetiva de profesores sobre comportamientos y creencias acerca del ejercicio y la construcción de la autoridad. Se realiza un estudio cualitativo que levanta proposiciones acerca de la autoridad docente, basándose en entrevistas a profesores reconocidos como autoridades, cuyo contenido es validado a través de un proceso de triangulación que incluye discusiones grupales con profesores participantes en el estudio, además de entrevistas y discusiones con profesores expertos. Los resultados muestran que la autoridad pedagógica es un proceso de construcción permanente y que los primeros cinco años de ejercicio profesional son de especial relevancia ya que los docentes se enfrentan con sus creencias relativas a asumirse como autoridad . Se reconocen tres fuentes de legitimidad: el saber didáctico de la disciplina que se enseña, que marca la asimetría entre docentes y estudiantes; el respeto de los docentes a estudiantes, que evidencia la simetría fundamental entre los seres humanos y es condición para el reconocimiento de la autoridad docente; y la explicitación de las reglas del juego pedagógico, que constituye el cimiento para la estructuración de la relación. El ejercicio y la construcción de la autoridad pedagógica son percibidos además como un proceso solitario en el que la institución escolar puede visualizarse como una ayuda, pero no como soporte de la autoridad docente.

Abstract This work exhibits seven hypotheses on teacher's authority in secondary education from the point of view of Chilean teachers which were identified as authorities by their students. The following research is a descriptive study with no prescriptive purpose, that elicits teachers' subjective experience of behaviors and beliefs related to their development and exercise of authority. Through the survey "Conceptions on Pedagogical Authority" (Zamora, Meza & Cox, 2015), 936 second-year high school students from 27 different classes, from schools with diverse socio-economic backgrounds, identified 19 teachers as pedagogical authorities. Then, a qualitative study was conducted with the aim of eliciting propositions on teacher authority from these 19 educators through interviews. The categorization of these interviews' content was validated by means of a triangulation, including group discussions with teachers participating in the study, as well as interviews and discussions with expert educators. The results demonstrate that pedagogical authority is a permanent developing process. Within this process, the first 5 years of professional exercise are especially relevant, since teachers face their own conceptions of their role as educators, as well as assuming their authority. Three legitimacy sources were identified: the depth of the knowledge enabling educators to teach their discipline, which results in the accepted asymmetry between teachers and students; teachers' respect for students, which reveals the essential symmetry between human beings and which is a condition for students to recognize teacher's authority; and the establishment of the rules of the pedagogical game, which sets the foundations of the relationship, since these guidelines govern both teachers and students, thus making the consistent conduct of the teachers not only a source of legitimacy, but also one of trust, even when these rules are not laid down democratically. Additionally, teachers perceive the development and exercise of pedagogical authority as an individual process, in which schools can be perceived an aid, but not as an actual support for authority. The seven theses and their related findings deepen our understanding about teacher authority in practice and from the subjective experience of those who undergo this process. Also, they allow us to establish some critical points for discussion within teachers' formation and novice teachers' support.

Fractal rev. psicol ; 32(spe): 185-189, jun. 2020.
Artigo em Português | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1133948


O presente artigo tem como finalidade examinar como a consolidação da mentalidade escolarizada articula-se ao fracasso da escola. Parte-se de uma breve caracterização do momento histórico de nascimento da escola, há aproximadamente oitocentos anos, até chegar-se à era da industrialização, há cerca de duzentos anos, quando começa a desenvolver-se o que se denomina, na literatura, de mentalidade escolarizada. Após caracterizar, brevemente, essa mentalidade, são apresentados argumentos visando demonstrar de que modo isso contribuiu para o fracasso da escola, minando a autoridade do professor e gerando a possibilidade de emergência da escola militarizada. Conclui-se que a perseverança no mito da escolarização por meio da difusão da ideia de que a crise da educação é de caráter técnico conduz a iniciativas de intensificação de formas de avaliação do processo de ensino-aprendizagem e à militarização das escolas como forma de conter a violência. O mito da escolarização é um aliado importante do ideal de controle social da aprendizagem.(AU)

In this article we aim to examine how schooling, a kind of mental space, is related to the failure of school. We begin presenting a brief characterization of the historical moment of school's birth about eight hundred years ago. Then we move to the industrialization era which began approximately two hundred years ago and in which was born a kind of mentality called schooling. After a brief characterization of schooling mentality, we present arguments in order to demonstrate how it contributed to school failure by collapsing teacher's authority. The death of teacher's authority, in its turn, creates the possibility of emergence of militarized school. It is concluded that perseverance in the myth of schooling, carried out by spreading the idea that the education crisis is of a technical nature, leads to initiatives to intensify forms of evaluation of the teaching-learning process and the militarization of schools as a way to contain violence. The myth of schooling is an important ally of the ideal of social control of learning.(AU)

Instituições Acadêmicas/história , Sociedade Civil
Fractal rev. psicol ; 32(spe): 204-209, jun. 2020.
Artigo em Português | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1133949


No âmbito da psicologia e da pedagogia contemporâneas, não há dúvidas quanto ao fato de que a eficiência da instrução está, de algum modo, ligada à autoridade do professor. O presente artigo aborda o problema da percepção da autoridade do professor pelos estudantes. É assumido o ponto de vista de que, para que os estudantes possam se relacionar com o professor como autoridade, é preciso que eles desenvolvam uma determinada maturidade psicológica. Crianças e adolescentes com comportamento divergente não apresentam essa maturidade. Por isso, na psicologia russa, elas eram denominadas de crianças difíceis de educar, uma vez que a influência pedagógica tradicional que lhes era dirigida não produzia o resultado desejado. Considera-se que, nos adolescentes, os problemas ligados à autoridade têm duas origens: as dificuldades no desenvolvimento da relação de convivência e as dificuldades nas atividades de brincar e jogar. Entende-se que o caminho para a resolução desses problemas psicológicos pode encontrar-se na correção dessas esferas.(AU)

In contemporary psychology and pedagogy, there is no doubt that the efficiency of instruction is in some way related to the authority of the teacher. This paper focuses on the problem of students' perception of teacher authority. It is assumed that in order for students to recognize the teacher as an authority, they must develop a certain psychological maturity. Children and adolescents with divergent behavior do not have this maturity. Therefore, in Russian psychology, they were called difficult-to-educate children, since the traditional pedagogical influence directed at them did not produce the desired result. It is considered that, in adolescents, the problems related to authority have two origins: the difficulties in the development of convivial relationship and the difficulties in the activities of playing and role playing. The way to solve these psychological problems can be found in the correction of these two spheres.(AU)

Humanos , Estudantes , Comportamento , Docentes , Relações Interpessoais
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200502


Background: Price of a drug is an important factor for compliance to the treatment. So, to overcome the high prices of drugs, National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) under government of India has issued Drug Price Control Order (DPCO) list containing commonly used drugs. Pharmaceutical companies can be punished if they keep their prices higher than the ceiling price mentioned in the DPCO. To find out the price variations of commonly used antidepressant drugs included in DPCO list of 29th April 2019.Methods: A list of all oral antidepressant drugs included in DPCO of 29th April 2019 and available in Indian market was procured from medguide India. Analysis of number of total brands following as well as not following DPCO ceiling price was done.Results: Author found 17 formulations of four antidepressant drugs included in DPCO. Total 556 brands found out of which 84.6% were following the DPCO and 15.4% of brands prices were higher than the ceiling price of DPCO.Conclusions: Though large number of companies are following the DPCO but still strict regulation is needed to further increase the compliance of guidelines.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189696


Background: Antimicrobials revolutionized human as well as animal medicine in the 20th century by providing effective treatment of diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. However, microorganisms have the ability to develop antimicrobial resistant strains. This occurs when microorganisms mutate or when resistance genes are exchanged between them. The use of antimicrobial drugs accelerates the emergence of drug-resistant strains. A priority is to safeguard the efficacy of antimicrobial drugs we depend on for treatment of infectious diseases in humans. Use of antimicrobials in food animals can create a source of antimicrobial resistant bacteria that can spread to humans both by direct contact and through the food supply. Coccidiosis is an intestinal disease in animals caused by unicellular parasites called coccidia. As most of the damage of this infection is done by the time signs of the disease are widespread, preventive measures are preferred. Coccidiostats are animal feed additives used to prevent coccidiosis by inhibiting or killing coccidia. There are two major groups of coccidiostats; ionophores and non-ionophores, the latter also referred to as “non-ionophore coccidiostats” (but also called chemicals). One main difference between these groups is that ionophores also inhibit or kill some bacterial species, whereas non-ionophore coccidiostats do not. Consequently, some bacterial infections may also be controlled by ionophore coccidiostats, e.g. the poultry disease necrotic enteritis caused by the bacterium Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens). Eleven different coccidiostats have been authorised for use in the EU, both ionophores and non-ionophore coccidiostats. Norway has been exempted from the EEA Agreement in this field and has approved only five; all ionophores. The two ionophore coccidiostats currently used in Norway are narasin for broilers and monensin for turkeys. Resistance to coccidiostats in coccidia and bacteria: Development of resistance in coccidia to all eleven coccidiostats has been described in the scientific literature, but the prevalence of resistance is unknown. Cross-resistance between various ionophore coccidiostats has also been shown, i.e. development of resistance to one ionophore may also render the coccidia resistant to another ionophore. Various rotation and shuttle programmes with exchange between ionophores and non-ionophore coccidiostats are believed to prevent or delay development of resistance in coccidia. In Norway, such programmes will have little effect as long as only ionophores and not non-ionophore coccidiostats are approved for use. Development of resistance against ionophores has also been observed in bacteria. In the Norwegian surveillance programme NORM-VET during the years 2002 - 2013, between 50 - 80% of the tested flocks had narasin resistant faecal enterococci, which are bacteria that are part of the normal intestinal microbiota. However, the pathogenic bacterium C. perfringens has not been shown to be resistant against any ionophore. Cross-resistance in bacteria to more than one ionophore has been observed. In addition, a limited amount of data may indicate an association between narasin and resistance to the antibacterials bacitracin and vancomycin. As these are antibacterials used for treatment in humans, more research should be performed to validate these results. Non-ionophore coccidiostats, which do not have antibacterial effect, are not approved in Norway. If such coccidiostats were approved in Norway, coccidiostats with negligible probability of inducing resistance in bacteria would be available. Human exposure to resistant bacteria and coccidiostats: Humans may theoretically be exposed to coccidiostat resistant bacteria from poultry in a number of ways, e.g. by handling live animals and their manure, through slaughtering and processing, and by preparation and consumption of poultry meat. Furthermore, bacteria of the human normal microbiota, which cover all skin and mucosal surfaces, might develop resistance if they are exposed to coccidiostats. In this assessment, the probabilities of exposure are classified as: Negligible (extremely low), Low (possible, but not likely), Medium (likely), High (almost certain) and Not assessable. The Panel has estimated the following probabilities of human exposure: Handling manure from coccidiostat fed poultry without sufficient risk-reducing measures entails a high probability of exposure to both resistant bacteria and coccidiostats. Without proper protection, the probability of exposure to coccidiostats is also high when handling coccidiostat premixes and feeds containing coccidiostats without proper protection measures. Various treatments, e.g. composting, of the manure may reduce the probability. The probability of exposure to resistant bacteria is medium for workers handling carcasses and raw meat on a daily basis if risk-reducing measures are not applied, whereas the probability of exposure to coccidiostats is negligible. For consumers, the probability of exposure to coccidiostats is negligible. The probability for exposure to resistant bacteria is also negligible in heat treated food since heat treatment kills the bacteria. The probability of exposure to coccidiostat resistant bacteria is low to medium if handling raw meat without proper hygienic procedures, because raw meat may harbour resistant bacteria. Risk-reducing measures will lower the probabilities. However, little is known concerning the consequences of human exposure to coccidiostat resistant bacteria or to to coccidiostats. There is little information in scientific literature indicating whether such bacteria in fact will colonize the human body, either transitionally or permanently. Furthermore, there is no information on the probability of exchange of resistance genes from transferred bacteria to bacteria of the human natural microbiota or to pathogens. Likewise, the Panel has no information on the level of exposure, e.g. the amount of coccidiostats and their metabolites, or the time period, necessary for the various bacteria to give rise to resistant variants. As coccidiostats are not used to treat infectious diseases in humans, concern of resistance is related to possible cross- or co-resistance with antibacterials considered important in human medicine. Such resistance has so far not been confirmed. Use of therapeutic antibacterials for poultry: If the ionophore coccidiostats used in Norway are replaced by one or more non-ionophore coccidiostat with no antibacterial effect and no other changes are done, the coccidiostats used will no longer inhibit the bacterium Clostridium perfringens, which is the cause of necrotic enteritis. Over time this will likely to lead to a need for intermittent or continuous use of higher levels of therapeutic antibacterials due to increased incidence of this desease in poultry production. The magnitude of the increase is difficult to predict. Alternatives to in-feed antimicrobials: Eradication from the birds’ environment of coccidia causing coccidiosis is difficult to achieve because the coccidia form oocysts that survive outside the host and resist commonly used disinfectants. Vaccination with non-pathogenic vaccines is now used increasingly in commercial Norwegian broiler farms, instead of in-feed coccidiostats. So far coccidiosis has not been reported as a problem in this transition process to broiler rearing without in-feed coccidiostats in Norway. Non-antimicrobial feed additives with purported health-promoting benefits, i.e. acid-based products, probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, yeast-based products, plant-derived products, combinations of these, and other products have been developed and used in feed. These products have been tested for efficacy against coccidia with conflicting, non-consistent or non-convincing results. The majority of these products appear to target the bacterial microbiota rather than coccidia. The Panel has not assessed possible effects of other types of management changes.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189637


The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet, VKM) has, at the request of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet; NFSA), assessed the risk of "other substances" in food supplements sold in Norway. These risk assessments will provide NFSA with the scientific basis for regulation of the addition of “other substances” to food supplements and other foods. "Other substances" are described in the food supplement directive 2002/46/EC as substances other than vitamins or minerals that have a nutritional and/or physiological effect. It is added mainly to food supplements, but also to other foods. VKM has not in this series of risk assessments of "other substances" evaluated any claimed beneficial effects from these substances, only possible adverse effects. The present report is a risk assessment of Lactobacillus rhamnosus Rosell-11 ND, Lactobacillus rhamnosus W71, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lr-329 based on previous risk assessments and also publications retrieved from literature search. The risk of the Lactobacillus strains listed above was assessed for the general population. However, in previous assessments of probiotics published by VKM, concerns have been identified for specific groups. Therefore, the risk was assessed for the age group with immature gastro-intestinal microbiota (age group 0-36 months), population with mature gastro-intestinal microbiota (>3 years) and vulnerable groups with mature gastro-intestinal tract. VKM has also assessed the risk of L. rhamnosus Rosell-11 ND, L. rhamnosus W71, L. rhamnosus GG and L. rhamnosus Lr-329 in food supplements and other foods independent of the dose and have assessed exposure in general terms. VKM concludes that it is unlikely that L. rhamnosus Rosell-11 ND, L. rhamnosus W71, L. rhamnosus GG and L. rhamnosus Lr-329 would cause adverse health effects in the general healthy population with mature gastro-intestinal tract. However, no data on long-term adverse effects on infants and young children were identified. As evidence is accruing that the early microbial composition of the neonatal gut is important for the development of the gut microbiota and the immune system of the growing child, it is not possible to exclude that a daily supply of a single particular bacterial strain over a prolonged period of time to an immature gastro-intestinal tract may have long-term, although still unknown, adverse effects on that development.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189625


In March 2016, the EU Commission presented a proposal for new regulations on fertilising material. The regulation includes product rules for a wide range of organic and inorganic products. Microbial biostimulants is one of the categories of products that are included. Biostimulants, in the draft EU regulation, are defined as fertilising materials that affect nutrient processes independently of the product's own nutrient content and with the purpose of improving nutrient utilisation, tolerance for abiotic stress or quality of the crop. Positive list in which species of these bacterial genera are listed: Azotobacter spp, Rhizobium spp., Azospirillum spp and Mycorrhizal fungi are a part of the regulation. Since the import and use of these organisms are the responsibility of both the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Environment Agency, they asked VKM to submit a joint report on effects on health (humans, plants and animals), biodiversity and dispersal, quality of agricultural land and on soil environment. Conclusions: Health risks: Based upon our literature review, we have found no indication of any specific diseases in plants, animals or humans induced by the discussed microorganisms. A few reported cases of human disease are caused through wound infections or injections in immunocompromised patients. These represent a situation where any microorganism may induce infections and is not specific for the agents discussed in this report. In summary, the risk of any disease caused by the discussed microorganisms is considered negligible. Environmental risks: In soil the biodiversity, competition, adaptation and functional redundancy of microorganisms are extremely high. This means that introduced microorganisms have a very small chance for establishing, and even less so for affecting biodiversity and soil functioning. Introduction of nitrogen fixing species or fungi that can transport P to plants (mycorrhiza) will lead to an increase in the primary production. However, even a large increased activity for these processes will not outcompete naturally occurring symbiotic N-fixation or growth of inherently non-mycorrhizal plant species. Thus, the risks associated with introduced non-pathogenic microorganisms are very low.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189622


In this report the following topic of pesticides and fate in Norway has been outlined covering: 1. Factors influencing degradation of pesticides. 2. Description and update of datasets on soil and climate in agricultural areas. 3. Normalization of field degradation data as input for modelling fate. 4. Use of degradation data from Norway in model scenarios. Norwegian laboratory degradation studies indicate that increased soil organic carbon content enhances degradation rates of pesticides that show low sorption (e.g. metalaxyl, bentazone) ,due to increased microbial activity. Whereas pesticides that sorb moderately to strongly to soil (e.g. boscalid, propiconazole), display reduced degradation as organic carbon increases as a consequence of sorption and reduced bioavailability. Recent DegT50 field studies display a large variation in fungicide degradation rates from Klepp in the south to Tromsø in the north. For the mobile herbicide bentazone, no effect of climate was observed, as degradation rates were coherent at all sites, probably due to rapid leaching. The climate (temperature) seems to be more determinate for fungicide degradation rates than the soil type. Fungicide degradation was slow at two northern sites having low soil temperatures, even though microbial biomass was hugely different at the sites. How soil temperature and moisture affects microbial activity and diversity in various soils, climates and crops is important for the understanding of degradation capacity in Norwegian soils and fields. Microbial activity could be related to both soil, climate and crops/cropping regime – as well as to the nature of the soil organic matter. The fact that DegT50 values are very much shorter than laboratory values at the same reference conditions, may point to some systematic error in the normalization procedure (e.g. the default simplifications in the Walker and Arrhenius equations), or that the parameters affecting degradation in the laboratory are different from the parameters that affect degradation in the field. Consequently, lab-derived and field-derived DegT50matrix values should be compared and interpreted with care. The large variations in normalized DegT50 values obtained in field studies in Norway as well as in other regions in Norway cannot be explained by differences in the associated parameters characterizing the soil and microbial community. It is therefore not possible to determine if a certain field study is more or less representative for “Norwegian conditions”. As a conservative approach, the highest, normalized DegT50 from the European field studies should be selected for the Norwegian risk assessment independent on geographic vicinity. As an alternative, when a sufficient number of data are available, a high percentile (e.g 80 or 90-percentile) should be used rather than the geomean. Each agricultural region in Norway is dominated by one specific soil type for each region. Albeluvisol, Cambisol, Umbrisol, Stagnosol and Histosol in respectively Eastern Norway south, Eastern Norway north, Rogaland, Trøndelag and North of Norway. New updates for Norway include especially Umbrisols and Histosols rich in organic matter. Albeluvisols, Cambisols and Stagnosols are representing the main soil types in the agricultural area in Norway. These are also included in the groundwater (Rustad and Heia) and surface water scenarios (Syverud) developed for Norway. Experience from pesticide fate in the organic rich soils on the south west coast and north of Norway is limited. Compared to the “normal” temperature and precipitation from 1961 to 1990 with a “new normal” from 1991 to 2014, the climate has changed. For the five described agricultural areas in Norway, annual temperature has increased in average 1 degrees for all five regions and seasons for the new normal. The rainfall has increased for all seasons and regions except for the Northern Norway (Holt in Tromsø) and summer season at Kvithamar (Trøndelag) with lower precipitation in June to September. Annually the precipitation has increased approximately 100 mm in average. The existing Norwegian scenarios in groundwater and surface water seem to be representative in the meaning of covering the main soil types in the central agricultural areas in South Eastern Norway. However there are no scenarios covering areas of South West and North of Norway containing soil with high organic content, slow degradation and heavy rainfall. Vulnerable areas are not included in these scenarios as the idea of the representativity of soil was to include the main soil types covering the most of the agricultural production areas. The vulnerable areas deals with smaller areas and has to be treated separately. Vulnerable areas are areas with high groundwater levels and sandy soil and mobile pesticides. Hilly areas with clay soil represent high risk of surface runoff with strongly sorbed pesticides. We are lacking experience from areas with high content of organic matter causing slow degradation, combined with heavy rainfall. A database with representative soils and climates for various crops should be established in Norway and utilized in a targeted risk assessment approach. Then, the degradation of pesticides to be used in for example fruit/berry cropping, could be evaluated in respect to representative and vulnerable soils and climates in fruit/berry regions in Norway. A correct risk assessment of pesticide degradation in Norwegian agricultural soils should take the varying climatic zones, the diversity in agricultural soils and crops in Norway into consideration before formulated pesticides are approved. Risk assessment should be based on soils and climates most prevalent for the crop to which the pesticide is to be applied, in addition, vulnerable areas with slow degradation and/or high leaching/runoff risk should be recognized.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201015


Background: The first teacher and everlasting support for a child is his/her mother. Mother–child bonds remain so strongly throughout one’s life in spite of the changing times and complexities of life. Literature suggests that elements of warmth and control from parents, especially mothers positively correlated with achievement and intellectual orientation in children. Objectives were to assess the various styles of mothering and its determinants in mothers of children studying in lower primary schools and residing in Adat panchayat, Thrissur, Kerala.Methods: A community based descriptive study was conducted among 315 mothers of lower primary school children residing in Adat panchayat, Thrissur. Data was collected using Parental Authority Questionnaire.Results: Mean age of mothers was 31.9 years. 73% mothers were practicing predominantly authoritative parenting style, 24% were authoritarian and only 3% were permissive style. The type of family and current age of mothers were significantly associated with the style of mothering. Mothering style did not differ with the gender of children. Occupation of mothers had a significant difference in proportion of parenting styles. The working status of either or both parents significantly influenced the mothering styles.Conclusions: Most mothers followed predominantly authoritative style. Responsive and demanding behaviour of mothers vary significantly with respect to type of family, current age and employment status.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-189611


The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet, VKM) has, at the request of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet; NFSA), assessed the risk of "other substances" in food supplements sold in Norway. These risk assessments will provide NFSA with the scientific basis for regulation of the addition of “other substances” to food supplements and other foods. "Other substances" are described in the food supplement directive 2002/46/EC as substances other than vitamins or minerals that have a nutritional and/or physiological effect. It is added mainly to food supplements, but also to other foods. VKM has not in this series of risk assessments of "other substances" evaluated any claimed beneficial effects from these substances, only possible adverse effects. The present report is a risk assessment of Lactobacillus acidophilus W37, Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1, Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14 based on previous risk assessments and also publications retrieved from literature search. The risk of the Lactobacillus strains listed above was assessed for the general population. However, in previous assessments of probiotics published by VKM, concerns have been identified for specific groups. Therefore, the risk was assessed for the age group with immature gastro-intestinal microbiota (age group 0-36 months), population with mature gastro-intestinal microbiota (>3 years) and vulnerable groups with mature gastro-intestinal tract. VKM has also assessed the risk of L. acidophilus W37, L. acidophilus DDS-1, L. acidophilus La-5 and L. acidophilus La-14 in food supplements and other foods independent of the dose and have assessed exposure in general terms. VKM concludes that it is unlikely that L. acidophilus W37, L. acidophilus DDS-1, L. acidophilus La-5 and L. acidophilus La-14 would cause adverse health effects in the general healthy population with mature gastro-intestinal tract. However, no data on long-term adverse effects on infants and young children were identified. As evidence is accruing that the early microbial composition of the neonatal gut is important for the development of the gut microbiota and the immune system of the growing child, it is not possible to exclude that a daily supply of a single particular bacterial strain over a prolonged period of time to an immature gastro-intestinal tract may have long-term, although still unknown, adverse effects on that development.