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Medisan ; 18(12)dic.-dic. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-731832


En busca de novedosos enfoques metodológicos para la resolución de problemas, el objetivo de este trabajo consistió en mostrar los resultados de la labor interdisciplinaria del profesorado de Microbiología y Parasitología médicas en ese sentido, basada en la creación de los siguientes materiales didácticos: Manual de respuesta inmune a los agentes biológicos para estudiantes de medicina, Sistema de habilidades para el perfeccionamiento de la asignatura y Guía didáctica de los agentes biológicos que agreden al ser humano, entre otros. El claustro de profesores estableció una nueva relación entre estudiante y docente, derivada de profundos cambios en el método de enseñanza para cumplir la exigencia interdisciplinaria en la formación académica de los educandos y contribuir a la integración de la asignatura.

Searching novel methodological approaches for the solution of problems, the objective of this work consisted on showing the results of the interdisciplinary work of the professors staff in medical Microbiology and Parasitology in that sense, based on the creation of the following didactic materials: Manual of immune response to the biological agents for medicine students, Skill system for the improvement of the subject and Didactic Guide of biological agents which attack the human being, among others. The board of professors established a new relation between students and teaching staff, derived from deep changes in the teaching method to complete the interdisciplinary demand in the academic training of students and to contribute to the integration of the subject.

Parasitologia , Microbiologia , Estudantes , Capacitação Profissional , Docentes
Educ. med. super ; 26(3): 434-449, jul.-sep. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-645530


Se realiza un recuento histórico de la evolución de la Bioética desde el surgimiento de esta disciplina en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, por Van Rensselaer Potter, médico oncólogo de la Universidad de Wisconsin, y su ulterior desarrollo en la América Latina así como su desarrollo en Cuba. Se destaca la labor del profesor José Alberto Mainetti, pionero en esta tarea en Argentina. Se hace referencia al Instituto Colombiano de Estudios Bioéticos, a la Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Medicina y al Boletín de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) dedicado íntegramente a la bioética. Entre las naciones que también han contribuido al desarrollo de la bioética se encuentran Chile, México, Perú, Brasil y Cuba, se destaca la larga tradición de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana, como formadora de profesionales con altas competencias. Se hace énfasis en la necesidad de contribuir, decisivamente, al reforzamiento de la identidad nacional, el compromiso social, el amor a la universidad, y el fortalecimiento de valores éticos sociales, la construcción de valores éticos profesionales que se evidencien en un desempeño con mayor responsabilidad ciudadana y profesional. Se exponen algunas reflexiones acerca de la situación actual de la formación bioética entre el educador y el educando de la universidad médica en Cuba, cuya misión es la preparación de profesionales capaces de asegurar la continuidad histórica del sistema de salud cubano. Se realiza una caracterización de las diferentes dimensiones de la ética pedagógica del profesor en la educación médica superior cubana

A historical account of the evolution of bioethics from the emergence of this discipline in the USA, devised by Van Rensselaer Potter- an oncologist at Wisconsin University-, through its further development in Latin America and in Cuba. The work of Professor Jose Alberto Mainetti, pioneer of this discipline in Argentina, was underlined. Reference was made to the Colombian Institute of Bioethical Studies, to the Colombian Association of Medical Faculties and to the Bulletin of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) entirely devoted to bioethics. Among the nations that have contributed to the bioethics development are Chile, Mexico, Peru, Brazil and Cuba, the great tradition of the Medical Sciences University of Havana as former of highly competent professionals was stressed. Emphasis was made on the need of decisively supporting the strengthening of the national identity, the social commitment, love for the university, the strengthening of social ethical values and the construction of professional ethical values that manifest in a more responsible professional and citizen performance. Some reflections were presented on the present situation of the bioethical formation of the educator and the student in the medical university of Cuba. Its mission is to prepare professionals capable of guaranteeing the historical continuity of the Cuban health system. Additionally, the various dimensions of the pedagogic ethics of the professor in the Cuban higher medical education were characterized

Bioética/educação , Docentes , Estudantes , Universidades/ética
Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 16(3): 375-396, set.-dez. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-574766


O direito a matrícula de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em escolas regulares no Brasil é garantido por lei desde a Constituição de 1988. Os dados do Censo Escolar do Ministério da Educação indicam aumento no número de matrícula desses alunos no país ao longo dos anos, especialmente em escolas da rede municipal de ensino. Entre os alunos enquadrados na definição de "necessidades especiais" encontram-se aqueles com autismo, caracterizados por apresentarem alterações na interação social, na comunicação e pela presença de padrões estereotipados de comportamento. A prefeitura de Belo Horizonte - MG vem desenvolvendo ações com o intuito de favorecer o acesso de estudantes com autismo a escolas regulares do município, porém dados sobre o andamento deste processo são escassos. O objetivo desse estudo consistiu em caracterizar os alunos com autismo matriculados em escolas municipais regulares de Belo Horizonte, assim como descrever a maneira pela qual essa escolarização vem ocorrendo nas escolas comuns, a partir da perspectiva de seus professores. Participaram do estudo trinta e três professores da rede regular de ensino do município que tinham contato direto e diário com alunos com autismo. Foram utilizados um questionário semi-estruturado e a escala CARS (Childhood Autism Rating Scale). Os resultados indicaram que as estratégias utilizadas pela prefeitura parecem favorecer a freqüência dos alunos com autismo, porém há evidências de que eles participam pouco das atividades da escola, a interação com os colegas é escassa e a aprendizagem de conteúdos pedagógicos é limitada.

The right to enroll students with special needs in regular schools in Brazil is guaranteed by law since the 1988 Constitution. Ministry of Education school census data indicates that the number of students with special needs enrolled in regular schools in the country has increased over the years, especially in the municipal system of education. Among the students regarded as having "special needs" are those with autism, who show impairment in social interaction, communication and stereotypical behavior patterns. The city of Belo Horizonte - MG has been taking action in order to improve access for students with autism in regular schools in the city, but data of the progress of this process is scarce. The purpose of this research was to characterize the students with autism enrolled in regular public schools in Belo Horizonte, as well as describe the way in which this schooling is occurring in regular schools, from the perspective of the teachers. Thirty-three teachers who had direct and daily contact with students with autism in regular schools in the city participated in this research. A semi-structured questionnaire and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) were used. The results indicated that the strategies used by the city seem to enable the presence of the students with autism in the schools, but there is evidence that their participation in school activities is restricted, the interactions with their peers is scarce, and the content learned from the school curriculum is limited.