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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030224


[Objective]To explore the inheritance thread of ZHANG's orthopedics department of Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)and the origin of the thought of"harmony",to sum up its academic characteristics,and enrich and develop the theoretical connotation of ZHANG's orthopedics department.[Methods]Through visiting the descendants and inheritors of ZHANG's orthopedics department,collecting and sorting out the existing manuscripts,case examination and other documents,consulting the ancient relevant orthopedic books,and summarizing their academic thoughts and characteristics.[Results]ZHANG's orthopedics department inherits the essence of Taoist culture,absorbs the essence of Confucian thought,inherits the essential technique of Buddhist bone-setting,relays the specialty of folk therapy,combines the technology of modern medicine,dedicates 200 years to medicine and inherits the feelings of helping the world.It has formed an academic school of orthopedics of TCM with the thought of"harmony"as the core,and featured with the theoretical system of holistic syndrome differentiation and comprehensive therapy,Qi and blood regulation,mutual use of muscles and bones,static and dynamic complementation,combination of prevention and treatment,and integration of form and spirit.[Conclusion]ZHANG's orthopedics department has learned from others,maintained the right path and innovation,laid equal emphasis on both Chinese and western.It has formed a complete and unique theoretical system of"harmony",which is of great significance to enrich the academic connotation of the orthopedics school of Zhejiang TCM and promote the cultural construction of"harmony"of the Chinese nation.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(61): 69-82, maio-ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1562621


Ter um sorriso harmônico é uma das prioridades dos pacientes dentro da odontologia, que procuram os profissionais da área para melhorar nos requisitos estéticos, tanto dos dentes, quanto da gengiva. Com os diversos avanços tecnológicos, o cirurgião-dentista pôde ampliar sua capacidade de diagnóstico e prognóstico, podendo realizar um planejamento de intervenção mais criterioso e com maior possibilidade de sucesso. Por meio desta revisão de literatura integrativa propomos elencar de forma minuciosa quais são essas características que podem desarmonizar um sorriso e ainda apresentamos como restabelecer a harmonia do sorriso por meio de procedimentos e elementos odontológicos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa nos portais eletrônicos PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Ebsco host e Scielo, utilizando os descritores: "smile", "periodontal plastic", "aesthetics", "black triangles" e "interdental papila", além dos seus termos relacionados em português, incluído publicações de 2019 a 2022. Foi possível observar que por meio de um quadro multifatorial, a estética e harmonia do sorriso pode ser comprometida por fatores gengivais, faciais e dentários. Assim, um planejamento assertivo deve ser realizado por um profissional capacitado, que identifique os pontos que interferem positivamente e negativamente no equilíbrio do sorriso, com o propósito de gerar soluções clínicas. Com uma abordagem multidisciplinar, pode-se ratificar que é possível restabelecer a harmonia do sorriso e conseguir a satisfação do paciente, por meio de procedimentos plásticos cirúrgicos e restauradores.

Having a harmonious smile is one of the priorities of patients in dentistry, who seek professionals in the area to improve the aesthetic requirements of both teeth and gums. With the various technological advances, the dental surgeon was able to expand his diagnostic and prognostic capacity, being able to carry out a more judicious intervention planning and with greater possibility of success. Through this integrative literature review, we propose to list in detail what are these characteristics that can disharmonize a smile and we also present how to restore the harmony of the smile through dental procedures and elements. A search was carried out in the electronic portals PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Ebsco host and Scielo, using the descriptors: "smile", "periodontal plastic", "aesthetics", "black triangles" and "interdental papilla", in addition to of its related terms in Portuguese, including publications from 2017 to 2022. It was possible to observe that through a multifactorial framework, the esthetics and harmony of the smile can be compromised by gingival, facial and dental factors. Thus, assertive planning must be carried out by a trained professional, who identifies the points that interfere positively and negatively in the balance of the smile, with the purpose of generating clinical solutions. With a multidisciplinary approach, it can be confirmed that it is possible to restore the harmony of the smile and achieve patient satisfaction, through plastic surgical and restorative procedures.

Sorriso , Assistência Odontológica , Estética Dentária , Planejamento
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 693-697, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005691


The teaching of diabetes has always been the focus and difficulty of clinical internal science teaching. How to skillfully integrate theoretical knowledge into clinical practice and help students deeply master medical knowledge and clinical skills is a topic that clinical teaching teachers are considering. Under the background of analyzing the concept and connotation of deep blended learning, this paper constructed the diabetes "doctor-patient" friendly model teaching process in the perspective of deep blended learning from the three stages of "learning situation analysis and independent learning" in the early stage, "ability improvement and in-depth research" in the middle stage, and "reflection and ability expansion" in the later stage. This paper expounded the positive role of the "doctor-patient" friendly model of diabetes in clinical teaching from three main aspects: improving the integration effect of theory and practice, fully meeting students’ learning needs, and increasing the connection between doctors, patients, and students.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940538


The normal function of vascular endothelial cells is an important foundation for maintaining vascular permeability, restricting inflammatory activities of the vascular wall, and balancing the coagulation and fibrinolytic system. Endothelial dysfunction caused by persistent damage from pathological factors is considered as an early and prominent event of diabetic macroangiopathy. In traditional Chinese medicine, the classical theory of "restraining excessiveness to acquire harmony" was originally a condensed generalization of the rule of generation, restriction, replacement and evolution in the natural world, revealing the internal regulation mechanism of the stable operation of things. Then it gradually evolved into an important rule to explain the physiological phenomena and pathological mechanism of human body and guide the treatment. Corresponding to the nature, the body homeostasis also requires to achieve a state of strong viscera function and inexhaustible Qi and blood generation under the rule of restriction and generation. The pathogenesis of diabetic macroangiopathy is the process of "the predominant one failing to restrict and the hyperactive one becoming harmful". The loss of restriction and generation of the five organs leads to powerless Qi transformation and, as a result, the Qi, blood and body fluid cannot be dispersed. Therefore, the Qi, blood and body fluid turn into phlegm and blood stasis, such as glucose and lipid metabolism disorder, oxidative stress, inflammatory response and high blood viscosity, and finally block the veins. Excessive phlegm and blood stasis cannot be resolved, instead they become harmful and invade the blood vessel, causing endothelial dysfunction and further resulting in diabetic macroangiopathy. Under the guidance of the theory of "restraining excessiveness to acquire harmony", the method of "harmonizing viscera, eliminating pathogen and removing turbidity" can effectively regulate the function of vascular endothelial cells, thus playing a positive role in preventing and treating diabetic macroangiopathy. The mechanism may be related to reducing oxidative stress, inhibiting inflammation, limiting vascular smooth muscle proliferation, and reducing platelet adhesion.

Salud bienestar colect ; 4(2): 18-28, may.-ago. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254386


Con este trabajo intentamos una aproximación crítica a las tensiones que caracterizan este hoy que sobrevivimos, precipitado por la pandemia del Covid 19 como catalizador inesperado de la crisis civilizatoria que parece atravesamos como Humanidad. Para ello contrastamos la crisis de los fundamentos, con algunos fundamentos de la crisis, quede manera esencialmente recursiva se hacen posibles. La racionalidad y fines del modelo civilizatorio en crisis, en una posible transición acelerada por la pandemia, permiten hacer visibles algunas condiciones de posibilidad para la construcción de contratos sociales, lógicas y racionalidades que apuntan a la Humanidad como fin y razón de ser; frente al individualismo liquidador del sujeto y la individualidad; y a la Armonía, frente a la metáfora del Desarrollo sin límites y la racionalidad instrumental que la sostiene en la Modernidad Occidental.

With this work we try a critical approach to the tensions that characterize this today that we survive, precipitated by the Covid 19 pandemic as an unexpected catalyst of the civilizing crisis that seems to be going through as Humanity. To do this, we contrast the fundamentals crisis with some fundamentals of the crisis, which in an essentially recursive way are made possible. The rationality and ends of the civilizing model in crisis, in a possible transition accelerated by the pandemic, make it possible to make visible some conditions of possibility for the construction of social contracts, logics and rationales that point Humanity as an end and a reason for being; against the liquidating individualism of the subject and individuality; and Harmony, against the metaphor of Development without limits and the instrumental rationality that sustains it in Western Modernity.

Humanos , Civilização , Pandemias/estatística & dados numéricos , COVID-19 , Mudança Social , Chile/epidemiologia , Ocidente
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-837808


Objective To analyze the characteristics of “Mission Harmony” overseas medical services and medical consumable requisitions, so as to provide reasonable and scientific advice for preparing future “Mission Harmony”overseas medical consumables and to scientifically and reasonably design the proportions of the medical consumable for each department. Methods A retrospective analysis was made on the person times of medical services, medical consumable requisitions and distribution proportion of medical consumable for each department based on “Mission Harmony-2017” overseas medical services in eight countries and “Mission Harmony-2018” overseas medical services at 18 service sites in 10 countries. Results A total of 110 983 patients received diagnosis and treatment, 587 patients received surgical treatment, and 454 patients were hospitalized during the two missions. Department deployment before departure of the hospital ship was the peak period of medical consumable requisitions (43.80%, 241 543/551 510). The basic medical consumables were mainly applied during the overseas medical services (49.72%, 274 225/551 510). Specialized medical consumables were mainly applied during the department deployment period (11.43%, 63 046/551 510). The medical consumables were mainly applied by the General Department of the Outpatient Department (42.39%, 233 811/551 510), Operation Room (22.99%, 126 784/551 510), and the Ward (9.67%, 53 319/551 510), while Imaging Department was the main auxiliary department to apply (4.19%, 23 085/551 510). During the periods of department deployment and overseas medical services, there were significant differences in basic medical consumables and specialized medical consumables in the General Department, Stomatology Department, Ophthalmology Department, Gynecology Department, Laboratory Department, Special Examination Room, Imaging Department, Sterilization and Supply Department, Operation Room, Ward, and others (all P<0.01). During the department deployment period, the General Department, Gynecology Department, Laboratory Department, Special Examination Room, Operation Room, Ward, and others mainly applied for basic medical consumables, while Stomatology Department, Ophthalmology Department, Imaging Department and Sterilization and Supply Department mainly applied for specialized medical consumables. During the period of overseas medical services, the General Department, Stomatology Department, Ophthalmology Department, Gynecology Department, Laboratory Department, Special Examination Room, Sterilization and Supply department, Operation Room, Ward, and others mainly applied for basic medical consumables, while the Imaging Department mainly applied for specialized medical consumables. Conclusion Different departments have different requisitions on medical consumables at different task stages. It is necessary to strengthen the management of consumables and improve the pertinence of requisition and distribution of consumables. The consumption and distribution proportions of medical consumables in each department can provide reference for the preparation, requisition and distribution for future tasks.

Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 61(2): 26-35, nov. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1095288


¿Qué es la estética? Es más que un concepto frívolo. Tiene que ver con la armonía facial, la autoestima, la autoimagen, la percepción de belleza. Es un concepto que involucra al individuo en su totalidad, en su ser, que va más allá de frivolidad estética. Muchos pacientes que vienen a la consulta no expresan inicialmente su real demanda. Expresan problemas funcionales, pero su real preocupación, en la mayor parte de los casos, es estética. Pueden manifestar que no pueden comer bien, masticar un alimento o que no respiran bien o sesean, pero su motivación principal es estética y tiene que ver con su propia autoestima. Las funciones de respiración, deglución, fonación, masticación, oclusión deben estar entre los objetivos a conservarse o restituirse por parte del especialista, pero el tratamiento sería un fracaso si no atendemos la demanda, a veces no bien explicitada, por el paciente y que responde a su profunda necesidad real. Para la OMS, la salud puede definirse como el estado completo de bienestar físico, mental y social. Nuestro objetivo, como agentes de salud, será poder satisfacer la demanda explícita o encubierta con la mayor estética y la mayor funcionalidad (AU)

What is aesthetics? It is more than a frivolous concept. It has to do with facial harmony, self-esteem, self-image, the perception of beauty. It is a concept, which involves the individual as a whole, in his being, which goes beyond aesthetic frivolity. Many patients who come to the office do not initially express their real demand. They express functional problems, but their real concern, in most cases, is aesthetic. They may state that they cannot eat well, chew a food or that they do not breathe well or sedate, but their main motivation is aesthetic and has to do with their own self-esteem. The functions of breathing, swallowing, phonation, chewing, occlusion should be among the objectives to be retained or restored by the specialist, but the treatment would be a failure if we do not meet the demand sometimes not well explained by the patient and responding to their Deep real need. For WHO, health can be defined as the complete state of physical, mental and social well-being. Our goal, as health agents, will be to be able to meet the explicit or covert demand with the greatest aesthetics and functionality (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Assistência Odontológica Integral , Estética Dentária , Cirurgia Ortognática , Ortodontia Corretiva , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Autoimagem , Beleza , Cefalometria , Nível de Saúde , Dentição Mista , Assimetria Facial/terapia , Má Oclusão Classe II de Angle/terapia
Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 19(1): 51-62, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115712


Resumen: El objetivo del presente artículo es determinar el bienestar espiritual (BE) del personal de enfermería y su aporte ético a la humanización en salud. El método seguido corresponde al enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal. El muestreo es no probabilístico, constituido por 148 enfermeros de dos instituciones de salud de la ciudad de Bogotá (A y B). Se aplicó instrumento SHALOM-3 para medir el bienestar espiritual (disonancia y armonía) en los dominios personal, trascendental, ambiental y comunal. En cuanto a los resultados, la evaluación del BE mostró un alto porcentaje de armonía en las dos instituciones; sin embargo, se encontraron porcentajes de disonancia en la institución B, en los dominios trascendental (16% vs 22%), ambiental (12% vs 19%) y personal (11% vs 18%). Se destaca la importancia del Bienestar Espiritual para la humanización de los servicios de salud en el ámbito hospitalario, dado que contribuye a la mejora continua y a la garantía de calidad, preocupaciones relevantes para la bioética en el estudio del clima ético en las instituciones de salud.

Abstract: The objective of this article is to determine the spiritual well-being (SW) of nursing staff and their ethical contribution to health humanization. The method followed corresponds to the quantitative, descriptive and transversal approach. The sampling is not probabilistic, consisting of 148 nurses from two health institutions in the city of Bogotá (A and B). The SHALOM-3 instrument was applied to measure spiritual well-being (dissonance and harmony) in the personal, transcendental, environmental and communal domains. Regarding the results, the evaluation of the BE showed a high percentage of harmony in the two institutions; however, percentages of dissonance were found in institution B, in the transcendental (16% vs. 22%), environmental (12% vs. 19%) and personal (11% vs. 18%) domains. The importance of Spiritual Wellbeing for the humanization of health services in the hospital field is highlighted, since it contributes to a continuous improvement and quality assurance, both relevant concerns for bioethics in the study of the ethical climate in healthcare institutions.

Resumo: O objetivo do presente artigo é determinar o bem-estar espiritual (BEE) da equipe de enfermagem e sua contribuição ética para a humanização em saúde. O método corresponde ao enfoque quantitativo, descritivo e transversal. A amostragem é não probabilística, constituída por 148 enfermeiros de duas instituições de saúde da cidade de Bogotá (A e B). Usou-se instrumento SHALOM-3 para medir o bem-estar espiritual (dissonância e harmonia) nos domínios pessoal, transcendental, ambiental e comunitário. Quanto aos resultados, a avaliação do BEE mostrou uma alta porcentagem de harmonia nas duas instituições; no entanto, encontraram-se porcentagens de dissonância na instituição B, nos domínios transcendental (16% v. 22%), ambiental (12% v. 19%) e pessoal (11% v. 18%). Destaca-se a importância do Bem-estar Espiritual para a humanização dos serviços de saúde no âmbito hospitalar, dado que contribui para a melhora contínua e a garantia de qualidade, preocupações relevantes para a bioética no estudo do clima ético nas instituições de saúde

Humanos , Humanização da Assistência , Assistentes de Enfermagem , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde , Bioética , Espiritualidade
Rev. ADM ; 76(3): 156-161, mayo-jun. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1022128


Durante el crecimiento y desarrollo de la cabeza, ésta lo hace en diferentes direcciones y proporciones, habiendo un límite entre la armonía /desarmonía conocido como umbral. Se hace referencia a este concepto, la forma de escribirlo y leerlo por medio de un código que lo simboliza. Objetivo: Poner al alcance de la comunidad médica un código de lectura e identificación de fenotipos craneofaciales sindrómicos y no sindrómicos. Conclusiones: Se considera que este concepto de umbral craneofacial y su código de lectura pueden ser usados en la enseñanza e investigación de la armonía-desarmonía durante el crecimiento y desarrollo de la cabeza, resultando ser de gran utilidad en la comprensión rápida y sencilla de la lectura del fenotipo craneofacial (AU)

During the growth and development of the head, it does so in different directions and proportions, there being a limit between the harmony / disharmony known as threshold. Reference is made to this concept, the way of writing it and reading it by means of a code that symbolizes it. Objective: To put within reach of the medical community, a code of reading and identification of syndromic and non-syndromic craniofacial phenotypes. Conclusions: It is considered that this concept of a craniofacial threshold and its reading code can be used in the teaching and research of harmony / disharmony during the growth and development of the head, being very useful in the quick and easy comprehension of the reading of the craniofacial phenotype (AU)

Humanos , Fenótipo , Herança Multifatorial , Desenvolvimento Maxilofacial , Prognatismo , Retrognatismo , Cefalometria , Anormalidades Craniofaciais/classificação , Códigos Civis , Estudos de Associação Genética , Cabeça/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Má Oclusão/classificação
Junguiana ; 37(1): 221-230, jan.-jun. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020036


A Sombra, concebida pela Psicologia Simbólica Junguiana como a sede do Mal, é imprescindível para o processo de individuação e de humanização pelo fato de conter, fixados no seu interior, símbolos e funções fundamentais para a vida. Nesse sentido, como na parábola do filho pródigo, os símbolos e funções da Sombra merecem ser buscados mais do que os símbolos normais, pois, enquanto estes já estão sendo elaborados no caminho da plenitude e do Bem, aqueles estão fixados e alienados no caminho do Mal. Pelo fato de os símbolos da Sombra estarem dissociados devido à fixação e oferecerem resistência à elaboração, o reconhecimento da importância da Sombra e o seu confronto merecem todo o apreço dos que buscam o desenvolvimento da Consciência e da ética. Prosseguindo, o autor discorre sobre a dificuldade que Jung teve para inserir o Bem e o Mal lado a lado dentro da divindade e do Self, por desconhecer, até a década de 1950, que o Ego da Consciência e o Ego da Sombra são o produto da elaboração simbólica coordenada pelo Arquétipo Central. O paradoxo ético do Arquétipo Central é que ele busca a totalidade através da atuação normal e também da patológica. A explicação do paradoxo é que o Arquétipo Central almeja acima de tudo impulsionar a vida, seja através do Bem ou do Mal e, ao mesmo tempo em que expressa o Mal, propicia o resgate dos símbolos e funções nele contidos através da função estruturante da ética.

Based on the concepts of fixation and defense from psychoanalysis, which he considers always pathological, the author conceives the shadow as bigender and as the expression of defenses and fixated symbols, as well as the source of pathology and of evil in the individual and cultural Self. In this sense, just as in the parable of the Prodigal Son, the shadow must be carefully considered because, while the symbols normally elaborated and cherished in consciousness pave the way towards good and self-realization, those fixated in the shadow are the path of alienation and of evil. Because they are despised and offer resistance to elaboration, the recognition of the importance of the shadow and its confrontation deserve the respect of those who search the development of consciousness.

La Sombra, concebida por la Psicología Simbólica Junguiana como la sede del Mal, es imprescindible para el proceso de individuación y de humanización por el hecho de contener, fijados en su interior, símbolos y funciones fundamentales para la vida. En este sentido, como en la parábola del hijo pródigo, los símbolos y funciones de la Sombra merecen ser buscados más que los símbolos normales, pues mientras que éstos ya están siendo elaborados en el camino de la plenitud y del Bien, aquéllos están fijados y alienados en el camino del Mal. Por el hecho de que los símbolos de la Sombra estén disociados debido a la fijación y ofrecer resistencia a la elaboración, el reconocimiento de la importancia de la Sombra y su confrontación merecen todo el aprecio de los que buscan el desarrollo de la Consciencia y de la ética. Prosiguiendo, el autor discurre sobre la dificultad que Jung tuvo para insertar el Bien y el Mal lado a lado dentro de la divinidad y del Self, por desconocer, hasta la década de 1950, que el Ego de la Conciencia y el Ego de la Sombra son el producto de la elaboración simbólica coordinada por el Arquetipo Central. La paradoja ética del Arquetipo Central es que ella busca la totalidad a través de la actuación normal y también de la patológica. La explicación de la paradoja es que el Arquetipo Central anhela sobre todo impulsar la vida, sea a través del Bien o del Mal y, al mismo tiempo que expresa el Mal, propicia el rescate de los símbolos y funciones en él contenidos a través de la función estructurante de la ética.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 84(4): 426-434, July-Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-951848


Abstract Introduction The first and one of the most important steps in facial plastic surgery is accurate preoperative facial analysis and recording of data that may help the surgeon to check the outcomes of his/her techniques, promoting a surgeon's professional development. Objective To evaluate the esthetic outcomes of external septorhinoplasty relevant to ethnic facial harmony and to investigate the relationship of the columellar incision scar with the type of skin and columellar incision type in a Turkish population. Methods In total, 28 consecutive adult male patients with a mean age of 32.14 ± 10.66 years (range: 18-61 years) were included the study. Primary outcomes were preoperative and postoperative photogrammetric facial analyses of the patients including measurement of nasofrontal angle, nasolabial angle and nasal projection ratios (Gode) assessed according to the data derived from the Rhinobase program. Results were compared to facial proportions of the Turkish population. Columellar incision scar scores related to the Fitzpatrick skin type classification of the patients and columellar incision types used for the external approach were secondary outcomes of the study. Results Mean preoperative and postoperative nasofrontal angles were 148.04° ± 8.18° and 144.50° ± 7.15°, respectively, while mean preoperative and postoperative nasolabial angles were 87.59° ± 14.01° and 98.50° ± 9.71°, respectively. Mean preoperative and postoperative nasal tip projection ratios were 0.56 ± 0.05 and 0.60 ± 0.06, respectively. The differences between pre- and postoperative measurements were all significantly different and were in accordance with Turkish nasal harmony. Columellar inverted "V" incisions were performed in 15 (53.6%) patients while "V" incisions were used in 13 (46.4%) patients. Fitzpatrick skin Type 4 was seen in 46.42% of the patients, Fitzpatrick Type 3 in 46.42% and Fitzpatrick Type 2 in 7.14% of the patients. No significant difference was seen between columellar scar scores according to skin type and columellar incision type used for external septorhinoplasty. Conclusions This study demonstrated that outcomes for nasofrontal angle, nasolabial angle and nasal tip projection ratios analyzed using the Rhinobase program in patients who underwent external septorhinoplasty were similar to reference values for the Turkish population.

Resumo Introdução O primeiro e um dos mais importantes passos na cirurgia plástica facial é a análise pré-operatória facial precisa e o registro de dados que podem ajudar o cirurgião a verificar os resultados de suas técnicas, promovendo seu desenvolvimento profissional. Objetivo Avaliar os resultados estéticos da rinosseptoplastia externa relevantes para a harmonia étnica facial e investigar a associação da cicatriz de incisão columelar com o tipo de pele e o tipo de incisão columelar em uma população turca. Método No total, 28 pacientes adultos consecutivos com média de idade de 32,14 ± 10,66 anos (intervalo: 18-61 anos) foram incluídos no estudo. Os desfechos primários foram as análises faciais fotogramétricas pré-operatórias e pós-operatórias dos pacientes, incluindo a medida do ângulo nasofrontal, ângulo nasolabial e razões da projeção nasal (Gode), avaliados de acordo com os dados derivados do programa Rhinobase. Os resultados foram comparados às proporções faciais da população turca. Os escores de cicatriz de incisão columelar relacionados com a classificação de Fitzpatrick do tipo de pele dos pacientes e os tipos de incisão columelar usados para a abordagem externa foram os desfechos secundários do estudo. Resultados Os ângulos nasofrontais pré- e pós-operatórios médios foram 148,04 ± 8,18° e 144,50 ± 7,15°, respectivamente, enquanto os ângulos nasolabiais pré- e pós-operatórios médios foram 87,59 ± 14,01° e 98,50 ± 9,71°, respectivamente. As razões médias da projeção nasal pré- e pós-operatória foram de 0,56 ± 0,05 e 0,60 ± 0,06, respectivamente. As diferenças entre as medidas pré- e pós-operatórias foram todas significativamente diferentes e estavam de acordo com a harmonia nasal turca. A incisão columelar em "V" invertido foi utilizada em 15 (53,6%) pacientes e a incisão em "V" foi utilizada em 13 (46,4%) pacientes. Pele Fitzpatrick tipo 4 foi observada em 46,42% dos pacientes, Fitzpatrick tipo 3 em 46,42% e Fitzpatrick tipo 2 em 7,14% dos pacientes. Não foi observada diferença significativa entre os escores de cicatriz columelar de acordo com o tipo de pele e o tipo de incisão columelar utilizados na rinosseptoplastia externa. Conclusões Este estudo demonstrou que os desfechos para ângulo nasofrontal, ângulo nasolabial e razões de projeção nasal analisados pelo programa Rhinobase em pacientes submetidos à rinosseptoplastia externa foram semelhantes aos valores de referência para a população turca.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Rinoplastia/métodos , Septo Nasal/cirurgia , Turquia , Estudos Prospectivos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Seguimentos , Cicatriz , Resultado do Tratamento , Face/cirurgia , Pontos de Referência Anatômicos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Dermatológicos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-838122


“Ark Peace” is a modern hospital ship for marine medical rescue, and is taken as “the tertiary academic hospital floating on the sea”. It plays an important role in the ocean-going medical support and military diplomacy of the Chinese Navy. Ultrasound diagnosis, as an indispensable part of hospital ship, provides a solid guarantee for medical services. We summarized our experience on the equipment configuration, staff preparation, reporting system improvement, quality control management and introduction of new technologies on hospital ship during “Mission Harmony-2017” task, and put forward some suggestions for improving the comprehensive diagnosis and medical treatment ability and carrying out diversified military tasks in the future.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-703564


In order to straighten out the primary and secondary relationships that affect the harmony between doctors and patients in China and explore the factors that have a great influence on the harmony between doctors and patients,this paper through literature review,established 29 types of problems that affect the harmony between doc-tors and patients and builds the hierarchy of problems according to the macro-Model, and expert argumentation, the use of analytic hierarchy process to calculate the importance index of the problem,and the use of K-means clustering method to classify the problem,and finally come to the order of the importance of the problem. Through this study,it was found that there are seven important issues that affect the harmony between doctors and patients in China,and the most important one is"the Crisis of Social Trust and the lack of trust between doctors and patients". The importance index is 0.0784,belonging to the external sub-model. This is in line with the current background of declining credi-bility of the current society as a whole. Therefore,the restoration of the trust between doctors and patients should be the key direction of current governance, and the state should proceed from the macro level and rebuild social trust throughout the system.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-693650


Traditional Chinese medicine treatment is the key to restore the balance of Yin and Yang through gasification. So it is important to discuss the mode of gasificaiton of Qi and Chinese medicine and their relationship in the machanism of the Chinese medicine for diseases. Life is a mode of Qi and Qi movement and gasificaiton make people alive. The Chinese medicine works on the Qi gasification to balance the Yin and Yang to keep the peace inner and outsides.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 498-501, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-708767


In recent years shared decision-making and patient autonomy have been regarded as biomedical goals as the basis for treatment recommendations.However,uncertainty on decision-making situations,patient capacity of decision-making,health work environment and nursing model,has brought great challenges for shared decision-making.This article explored philosophical status of harmony nursing theory in shared decision-making situation,and provided suggestions on encouraging patients' participation in shared decision-making.The analysis also concluded that the situation analysis could be used as a possible path for the test of harmony nursing theory.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 2816-2819, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-617345


Objective To investigate the influence of self-harmony in visiting first grade female college students on admission adaptability and mental health to provide the theoretical and practical basis for preventing the mental problems and college mental health education work.Methods A total of 354 first grade female college students making the appointment for psychological consultation were selected as the research subjects and measured with the Self Consistency and Congruence Scale(SCCS),Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) and Chinese College Student Adaptation Scale(CCSAS).Results The visiting first grade female college students had the psychological problems such as obvious social anxiety and accompanying with anxiety,depression and other the negative emotions,and unreasonable expectations of self-experience,starchiness and rigidity of self-harmony existed.The various factors of self-harmony and total score in the first grade female college students had different degrees of significant correlation with the various factors of admission adaptability and mental health(P<0.05);the disharmony between self and experience had a significantly positive predictive effect on the visiting first grade female college students′ mental health(P<0.05),but which had a significantly negative predictive effect on the admission adaptation(P<0.05).The admission adaptation had an incomplete mediating effect between self experience disharmony and mental health.Conclusion Self-harmony promotion contributes to improve female college students′ admission adaptability and mental health level.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-613225


Objective To investigate the status of undergraduates′ sub-health and explore the relationship between personality traits and sub-health and the mediating role of self-harmony. Methods A total of 196 undergraduate nursing students in Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine were investigated by Sub-health Self-rating Scale (SSS), Self Consistency and Congruence Scale (SCCS) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Short Scale. Results The the total scores of the undergraduate nursing students′personality traits, self-harmony and sub-health were 22.71±4.90, 102.74±14.41, 182.54± 31.76. The neuroticism and extroversion of personality traits were significantly correlated with self-harmony and sub-health (P<0.01). Neuroticism had a significant prediction on self-harmony (β=0.37, P<0.01) and sub-health (β=-0.64, P<0.01), after controlling self-harmony, the prediction on sub-health was reduced, but still significant (β=-0.56, P<0.01);extroversion had a significant prediction on self-harmony (β=-0.27, P<0.01) and sub-health (β=0.54, P<0.01), after controlling self-harmony, the prediction on sub-health was reduced, but still significant (β=0.46, P < 0.01). Conclusions The sub-health status of undergraduate nursing students was not optimistic. Nursing students′ personality traits of psychoticism, extroversion, which directly impact on the health status, and through self-harmony indirectly affect their health level, self-harmony played a intermediary role between personality traits and sub-health.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-613720


Based on the subtle discussion of changing rules and its principles of Six Qi movement recorded by one chapter named Liu Wei Zhi Da Lun in the Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen about rules of Heaven divided by Six, Six Qi and year evolutive phase, Six Qi dominating the time, and guest climatic Qi adding to fixed host Qi, etc, this article explained the changes of influence of Heaven space-time on the human body from the angle of image thinking, focused on the key point of humanity conforming to the nature of the core of Chinese philosophy, and appealed readers to come back to the original thinking of China-image thinking.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-663565


The harmonious medical cooperation based on mutual respect and mutual trust is an important part of modern ICU medical care activities,throughout the whole process of ICU medical and nursing work.Whether the relationship between doctors and nurses is harmonious or not directly affects the prognosis of ICU patients.With the change of medical model,the relationship between doctors and nurses is changing. This paper analyzed the influencing factors of doctor nurse cooperative relationship and the significance of good doctor nurse communication and cooperation,summarized the methods and strategies to promote cooperation between doctors and nurses at home and abroad,which would provide reference for clinical cooperation between doctors and nurses in theory and practice.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 30: 18, 2017. tab, fig
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-909845


This article presents the adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Turkish version of Harmony in Life Scale (Turkish-HiL). The present paper investigates (study 1; N 1 = 253) confirmatory factor analysis, measurement invariance; (study 2; N 2 = 231) concurrent validity; (study 3; N 3 = 260) convergent and known-group validities; (study 4; N t − t = 50) test-retest, Cronbach alpha, and composite reliabilities of the Turkish-HiL. In study 1, based on a confirmatory factor analysis, results confirmed that unidimensional-factor structure. The results suggested that the model demonstrated a configural and metric invariance across the gender groups. In study 2, Turkish-HiL significantly correlated with measures of satisfaction with life, subjective happiness, positive affect, and negative affect. In study 3, Turkish-HiL was predicted positively by flourishing, conversely, negatively predicted by depression, anxiety, and stress. Finally, in study 4, alpha, composite and test-retest reliabilities are acceptable. Overall, the scale presented here may prove useful for satisfactorily assessing, in Turkish, the harmony in life of the university students. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Comparação Transcultural , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Inquéritos e Questionários , Traduções , Turquia