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REVISA (Online) ; 13(Especial 1): 333-344, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538315


Objetivo: Analisar a produção do cuidado de enfermagem às pessoas em sofrimento psíquico atendidas em um hospital geral na perspectiva da corresponsabilidade e integralidade. Método:Foi realizado estudo qualitativo, exploratório, por meio da análise documental, observação participante e entrevista semiestruturada com 12 técnicos de enfermagem e 15 enfermeiros do Hospital Municipal de Serrinha-Bahia/Brasil. Os dados foram analisados apartir análise de conteúdo. Resultados:O atendimento psiquiátrico no hospital geral é visto pela maioria da equipe como porta de entrada para o primeiro atendimento, porém demonstram sentir receio, insegurança e despreparo para lidar com estes pacientes,sinalizando a necessidade de educação permanente para elaboração e integração de novos saberes. Considerações finais: Para efetivação do novo modelo de assistência à saúde mental, faz-se necessário a promoção de reflexão direcionada a desconstrução de preconceitos e estigmas previamente estabelecidos. Nesse sentido, torna-se imprescindível a compreensão das novas práticas para o enfrentamento do processo de transição de paradigma, que demanda dos profissionais, a disponibilidade para rever suas próprias percepções e práticas diante dos desafios advindos do processo de aproximação da pessoa em sofrimento psíquico no serviço de saúde.

Objective: To analyze the production of nursing care for people in psychological distress treated in a general hospital from the perspective of co-responsibility and comprehensiveness. Method:A qualitative, exploratory study was carried out using document analysis, participant observation and semi-structured interviews with 12 nursing technicians and 15 nurses from the Municipal Hospital of Serrinha-Bahia/Brazil. The data was analyzed using content analysis. Results:Psychiatric care in the general hospital is seen by most of the team as the gateway to first aid, but they feel afraid, insecure and unprepared to deal with these patients, signaling the need for ongoing education to develop and integrate new knowledge.Final considerations: In order to implement the new mental health care model, it is necessary to promote reflection aimed at deconstructing previously established prejudices and stigmas. In this sense, it is essential to understand the new practices in order to cope with the process of paradigm transition, which requires professionals to be willing to review their own perceptions and practices in the face of the challenges arising from the process of approaching people in psychological distress in the health service.

Objetivo: analizar la producción de cuidados de enfermería a personas en situación de malestar psíquico atendidas en un hospital general desde la perspectiva de la corresponsabilidad y la integralidad. Método:Se realizó un estudio cualitativo y exploratorio mediante análisis de documentos, observación participante y entrevistas semiestructuradas con 12 técnicos de enfermería y 15 enfermeros del Hospital Municipal de Serrinha-Bahia/Brasil. Los datos se analizaron mediante análisis de contenido. Resultados:La atención psiquiátrica en el hospital general es vista por la mayoría del equipo como la puerta de entrada a los primeros auxilios, pero se sienten temerosos, inseguros y poco preparados para tratar con estos pacientes, lo que señala la necesidad de una formación continua para desarrollar e integrar nuevos conocimientos. Consideraciones finales: Para implementar el nuevo modelo de atención en salud mental es necesario promover una reflexión orientada a deconstruir prejuicios y estigmas previamente establecidos. En este sentido, es esencial comprender las nuevas prácticas para hacer frente al cambio de paradigma, lo que requiere que los profesionales estén dispuestos a revisar sus propias percepciones y prácticas frente a los desafíos derivados del proceso de acercamiento a las personas que sufren enfermedades mentales en el servicio de salud.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 150(4): 415-423, abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409820


BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic increased the incidence of neuropsychiatric diseases. Proactive models of consultation-liaison psychiatry (CLP-p) could play a key role in the prevention and management of these diseases in a general hospital. AIM: To develop a protocol for implementing screening tools for neuropsychiatric symptoms in routine clinical practice. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Elements of the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model were used to modify the Neuropsychiatric Surveillance protocol implemented at a clinical hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic by members of the hospital's CLP team. RESULTS: A flowchart for active follow-up of neuropsychiatric symptoms during hospitalization is presented, with sequential management and referral flows, accompanied by suggestions for pre-discharge evaluation to define continuity of care actions. The COSMOS tool is also presented, designed for the detection of risk factors and actions for the prevention of neuropsychiatric diseases in general hospitals. CONCLUSIONS: The neuropsychiatric surveillance protocol facilitates early and timely interventions and establishes criteria for the continuity of post-discharge care. These changes could improve the quality of care in general hospitals and reduce the gap between mental and physical health.

Humanos , COVID-19 , Hospitais Gerais , Alta do Paciente , Encaminhamento e Consulta , Assistência ao Convalescente , Pandemias/prevenção & controle
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-933729


Objective:To survey the needs and requirements of the general practice department in general hospitals from the perspective of grassroots health care personnel.Methods:From July 2020 to February 2022, a qualitative study on needs and requirements for the general practice department in general hospitals was conducted. Twenty eight participants from community health service centers in Beijing, Xi′an and Guangzhou were selected for the in-depth interviews.Results:The participants expressed their opinions and suggestions on the community needs and requirements for general practice department in general hospitals as follows. (1) The necessity of establishing department of general practice in general hospitals: the general hospitals had advantages to meet the medical needs of the community; the teaching and training should be focus on the way of thinking in the general practice, while the training needs for research ability was less required. (2) The cooperation between general hospital and its community teaching base: to implement the joint teaching rounds and joint home visits were effective ways for collaboration, which may ensure the quality of clinical faculty in the community bases. (3)The training needs of the community: rational use of drugs was most required, sub-specialty training was another concern for general practitioners in grassroots level. (4) The requirements for general practice department in the general hospital: in addition to complete organizational structure, daily teaching work needs to be implemented, and horizontal and vertical connection to relevant health institutions also need to be strengthened. Meanwhile, the teaching work should be a considerable part in the department performance assessment, and excellent clinical ability was also required to facilitate the effective referral of patients from the community.Conclusions:The study shows the necessity of establishing department of general practice in general hospitals, and various needs from the community teaching base, which providing reference for improving the construction of general practice department in the future.

Saúde debate ; 45(128): 54-65, jan.-mar. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252217


RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar la calidad de atención en servicios de internación psiquiátrica de hospitales generales desde los enfoques de derechos y comunitario. Métodos: estudio multicéntrico, observacional descriptivo. Se seleccionaron cuatro servicios de internación psiquiátrica de hospitales generales ubicados en centros urbanos de distinta población en Argentina. En cada uno de ellos se analizaron los registros estadísticos, se realizaron observaciones no participantes y se entrevistó a gestores, trabajadores y usuarios. La guía de observación y entrevista se elaboró a partir de la revisión de instrumentos de la OMS y del proyecto Idea. Los resultados se analizaron a partir de las categorías de enfoque de derechos y orientación comunitaria de los servicios. Resultados: respecto del enfoque de derechos se observa que el que requiere mayor desarrollo es el de capacidad jurídica. En relación a la orientación comunitaria, se observa un mayor desarrollo de esta perspectiva a través de la implementación de diversas estrategias y el trabajo con las familias como la más común. Conclusiones: en términos de procesos y resultados de la atención se observan algunas diferencias entre los servicios que cuentan con sala especializada y los que no, y que estos últimos requieren de otros estudios para poder ser analizados.

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate, based on the human rights and community care frameworks, the quality of hospitalization psychiatric services in general hospitals. Methods: Multisite, descriptive observational study. There were analyzed four psychiatric hospitalization services, located in general hospitals of urban districts with different sizes in Argentina. Data collection included analysis of statistical records, non-participant observations of services, and interviews with service managers, service staff and users. The observation and interview guides were based on two international tools: Idea project interview guide, and QRTK of the WHO. Results were analyzed using two main categories: human rights-based care approach and community orientation of care delivery. Results: Regarding human rights-based care, legal capacity is the right that requires more improvement in services. About community orientation of care, different strategies were observed, with the work with the families as the most common. Conclusions: One aspect that requires further research is the specific type of psychiatric hospitalization service in the general hospital, given the fact that some differences in process and results were observed between general and specialized wards.

Rev Rene (Online) ; 22: e62550, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1287765


RESUMO Objetivo compreender as percepções de familiares sobre o cuidado de enfermagem destinado às pessoas com sintomas psiquiátricos. Métodos estudo qualitativo, com 13 familiares, em cinco unidades de internação clínica vinculadas ao serviço de enfermagem clínica de um hospital geral. A coleta de dados ocorreu mediante entrevistas semiestruturadas. Resultados os desafios percebidos pelos familiares foram: rotatividade dos profissionais nas escalas de trabalho e dificuldade de manejo especializado. Os participantes sugeriram capacitação da equipe, maior integração multiprofissional, melhora do manejo e diminuição da rotatividade dos profissionais durante o cuidado. Conclusão os familiares verbalizaram dificuldades e sugestões para subsidiar a reflexão sobre o cuidado ofertado às pessoas com sintomas psiquiátricos internadas em unidades clínicas hospitalares, a fim de melhorar as práticas de trabalho e qualificar o cuidado.

ABSTRACT Objective to understand family members' perceptions of nursing care for people with psychiatric symptoms. Methods qualitative study, with 13 family members, in five clinical inpatient units linked to the clinical nursing service of a general hospital. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Results the challenges perceived by family members were turnover of professionals in the work schedules and difficulty in specialized management. The participants suggested training of the team, greater multi-professional integration, improved management and reduced turnover of professionals during care. Conclusion family members verbalized difficulties and suggestions to support reflection on the care offered to people with psychiatric symptoms hospitalized in clinical units, in order to improve work practices and qualify care.

Psiquiatria , Família , Saúde Mental , Cuidados de Enfermagem
Rev. enferm. Cent.-Oeste Min ; 10(1): 3470, out. 2020.
Artigo em Português | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1147108


Objetivo: caracterizar a unidade de psiquiatria do Hospital Geral, no tocante à estrutura, organização do trabalho, perfil profissional da enfermagem e tipo de paciente que recebe. Método: Trata-se de um estudo de caso de observação direta, abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, com participação de dez profissionais de enfermagem. Resultados: Observou-se uma unidade com estrutura física moderna, pautada na intervenção multiprofissional. Profissionais de enfermagem jovens, do sexo feminino, com tempo de formação maior que 10 anos e mais de 3 anos de atuação na unidade psiquiátrica, mas cuja formação e experiência pouco se refere à saúde mental. Pacientes do sexo masculino, jovens, solteiros, em primeira internação, com longa taxa de permanência, sendo internados por situação de risco elevado de suicídio, seguidos de manifestações dos transtornos mentais relacionados ao uso de álcool e outras drogas. Conclusão: A unidade psiquiátrica, no hospital geral, possibilita o acesso ao cuidado de enfermagem e dos demais profissionais para uma atenção integral às necessidades das pessoas com transtorno mental. Contudo, há necessidade de maior formação da equipe de enfermagem para lidar, em saúde mental, nessas unidades, que se esbarram na reduzida oferta de cursos de especialização em algumas regiões do Brasil. (AU)

Objective: to characterize the General Hospital's psychiatric unit according to its structure, work organization, nursing professional profile and the type of patient it receives. Method: This is a direct observation case study of qualitative and quantitative nature, with the participation of ten nursing professionals. Results: A unit with a modern physical structure based on multiprofessional intervention was identified. Young female nursing professionals with a training time of more than 10 years and with more than 3 years of experience in the psychiatric unit were identified. However, their education and experience have little to do with mental health. Young, single, first-time, long-term male patients being hospitalized for high-risk of suicide, followed by manifestations of mental disorders related to alcohol and other drug use. Conclusion: The General Hospital's psychiatric unit provides access to nursing care and other health professionals for comprehensive attention to the needs of people with mental disorders. However, the nursing staff needs more training to deal with mental health in such units. The health professionals face a small number of specialization courses in some regions of Brazil.(AU)

Objetivo: caracterizar la unidad psiquiátrica del Hospital General en términos de estructura, organización del trabajo, perfil profesional de la enfermería y tipo de paciente recibido. Método: Se trata de un estudio de caso de observación directa, enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo, con la participación de diez profesionales de enfermería. Resultados: Se observó una unidad con una estructura física moderna basada en la intervención multidisciplinar. Jóvenes profesionales de enfermería, mujeres, con más de 10 años de formación y más de 3 años de experiencia en la unidad psiquiátrica, pero cuya formación y experiencia no se refieren a la salud mental. Pacientes varones, jóvenes, solteros, en su primera hospitalización, con una larga estancia, siendo hospitalizados por alto riesgo de suicidio, seguidos de manifestaciones de trastornos mentales relacionados con el consumo de alcohol y otras drogas. Conclusión: La unidad psiquiátrica del hospital general proporciona acceso a la atención de enfermería y a otros profesionales para la atención integral de las necesidades de las personas con trastornos mentales. Sin embargo, es necesario seguir capacitando al personal de enfermería para que se ocupe de la salud mental en estas unidades, que se enfrentan a una oferta reducida de cursos de especialización en algunas regiones de Brasil.(AU)

Unidade Hospitalar de Psiquiatria , Saúde Mental , Enfermagem , Unidades de Internação , Hospitais Gerais
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1177708


Objetivo: Describir características clínicas y aspectos de la mortalidad en pacientes del Hospital Regional Lambayeque,periodo2014-2018; Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo con análisis exploratorio. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes fallecidos de diferentes servicios según el registro del Sistema de gestión de la calidad. Resultados: Hubo 1560 fallecidos (4,7%); la mediana de edad: 55 años (RIC=23-100), el grupo etario más frecuente: mayor de 75 años: 25,1%; 50,2% fueron mujeres, 74,1% fueron de Lambayeque y 36,8% de Chiclayo; 32,6% fueron atendidos por medicina interna y 18% por Medicina Intensiva. Los años que contribuyeron con más fallecidos fueron: 2017 (21,2%) y 2014 (20,7%) y la frecuencia de mortalidad fue mayor en el 2014: 6,1% y menor en el 2018: 4,1%. Los diagnósticos de egreso más frecuentes fueron: sepsis/choque séptico: 30,17% e Insuficiencia respiratoria: 10,7%. En 14/1560 (0,9%) aparece "paro cardiaco" como diagnóstico final y en 82/1560 (5,2%) aparece "no diagnóstico". En 14/1560 (0,9%) se consignan sólo signos o diagnósticos que no explican fallecimientos. Sólo en 44,6% del total, se consignó el segundo diagnóstico de egreso. Conclusiones: Predominó el grupo adulto mayor, con sepsis e insuficiencia respiratoria, atendidos por medicina interna y cuidados intensivos; la mortalidad es elevada, pero con disminución en el tiempo. Existen deficiencias en el registro de la información tanto en calidad como en el subreporte.

Objetive: To describe clinical characteristics and aspects of mortality in patients from the Hospital Regional Lambayeque during 2014-2018; Material and Methods: Retrospective and descriptive study with exploratory analysis. All deceased patients from the different services were included according to the Quality Management System registry. Results: There were 1560 deaths (4.7%); the median age was 55 years (IQR = 23-100), the most frequent age group was: over 75 years: 25.1%; 50.2% were women, 74.1% were from Lambayeque and 36.8% from Chiclayo; 32.6% were treated by Internal medicine and 18% by Intensive Medicine. The years that contributed with most deaths were: 2017 (21.2%) and 2014 (20.7%); the frequency of mortality was higher during 2014: 6.1% and lower during 2018: 4.1%. The most frequent discharge diagnoses were: sepsis/septic shock: 30.17% and respiratory failure:10.7%. In 14/1560 (0.9%) "cardiac arrest" appears as the final diagnosis and in 82/1560 (5.2%) the first diagnosis is "non-diagnosis". In 14/1560 (0.9%) only signs or diagnoses that do not explain deaths are reported. Only in 44.6%, the second discharge diagnosis was recorded. Conclusions: The older adult group was the most frequent, with sepsis and respiratory failure, treated by internal medicine and intensive care; Mortality is high, but with decrease through the years. There are deficiencies in the registration of information both in quality and subreport.

Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 54: 81, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1127245


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To characterize the organization of Brazilian general hospitals that provide services to the Unified Health System using indicators that describe the main dimensions of hospital care. METHODS A 2015 cross-sectional observational study, comprising the range of general hospitals that serve the Unified Health System. We constructed the hospital indicators from two national administrative databases: the National Registry of Health Facilities and the Hospital Information System of the Unified Health System. The indicators include the main dimensions associated with hospital care: public-private mix, production, production factors, performance, quality, case-mix and geographic coverage. Latent class analysis of indicators with bootstrapping was used to identify hospital profiles. RESULTS We identified three profiles, with hospital size being the variable with the highest degree of belonging. Small hospitals show low occupancy rates (21.36%) and high participation of hospitalizations that could have been solved with outpatient care, besides attending only medium complexity cases. They receive few non-residents, indicating that they are mainly dedicated to the local population. Medium-sized hospitals are more similar to small-sized ones: about 100% of the visits are of medium complexity, low occupancy rate (45.81%), high rate of hospitalizations for primary care sensitive conditions (17.10%) and relative importance in the healthcare provision of non-residents (26%). Large hospitals provide high complexity care, have an average occupancy rate of 64.73% and show greater geographical coverage. CONCLUSIONS The indicators point to three hospital profiles, characterized mainly by the production scale. Small hospitals show low performance, suggesting the need to reorganize hospital care provision, especially at the municipal level. The set of proposed indicators includes the main dimensions of hospital care, providing a tool that can help to plan and continuously monitor the hospital network of the Unified Health System.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Caracterizar a organização dos hospitais gerais brasileiros que prestam serviço ao Sistema Único de Saúde por meio de indicadores que descrevem as principais dimensões do cuidado hospitalar. MÉTODOS Estudo observacional transversal para o ano de 2015, compreendendo o universo dos hospitais gerais que atendem o Sistema Único de Saúde. Os indicadores hospitalares foram construídos a partir de duas bases de dados administrativos nacionais: o Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimento de Saúde e o Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Sistema Único de Saúde. Os indicadores contemplam as principais dimensões associadas ao cuidado hospitalar: mix público-privado, produção, fatores de produção, desempenho, qualidade, case-mix e abrangência geográfica. A análise de classes latentes dos indicadores com implementação do bootstrapping foi utilizada para a identificação dos perfis hospitalares. RESULTADOS Foram identificados três perfis, sendo porte hospitalar a variável com grau de pertencimento mais elevado. Os hospitais pequenos apresentam baixas taxas de ocupação (21,36%) e elevada participação de internações que poderiam ter sido solucionadas com cuidado ambulatorial, além de atenderem somente a média complexidade. Recebem poucos não residentes, indicando que estão dedicados praticamente à população local. Os hospitais de médio porte se assemelham mais aos de pequeno porte: cerca de 100% dos atendimentos são de média complexidade, baixa taxa de ocupação (45,81%), elevada taxa de internações por condições sensíveis à atenção primária (17,10%) e relativa importância no atendimento de não residentes (26%). Os hospitais grandes realizam os atendimentos de alta complexidade, têm taxa de ocupação média de 64,73% e apresentam maior abrangência geográfica. CONCLUSÕES Os indicadores apontam três perfis de hospitais, caracterizados principalmente pela escala de produção. Os hospitais de pequeno porte apresentam baixa performance, sugerindo a necessidade de reorganização da oferta do cuidado hospitalar, principalmente no nível municipal. O conjunto dos indicadores propostos inclui as principais dimensões do cuidado hospitalar, fornecendo uma ferramenta que pode ser utilizada no planejamento e monitoramento contínuo da rede hospitalar do Sistema Único de Saúde.

Humanos , Ocupação de Leitos/estatística & dados numéricos , Atenção à Saúde/organização & administração , Hospitalização/estatística & dados numéricos , Hospitais Gerais/organização & administração , Brasil , Estudos Transversais
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 27: e36091, jan.-dez. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1005510


Objetivo: comparar a prevalência dos sintomas depressivos no idoso hospitalizado, mediante uso da Escala de Depressão Geriátrica­15 e por meio da avaliação realizada pelo enfermeiro na admissão do idoso. Método: estudo descritivo de abordagem transversal em hospital público de ensino. Utilizou-se a Escala de Depressão Geriátrica e instrumento com lista de sintomas depressivos, extraídos das características definidoras dos diagnósticos de enfermagem. Resultados: a prevalência de sintomas depressivos em idosos hospitalizados foi de 47%, segundo a Escala de Depressão Geriátrica, e de 25% segundo a avaliação do enfermeiro, no momento da admissão do paciente. Conclusão: a avaliação realizada pelo enfermeiro detectou baixa porcentagem dos sintomas depressivos no idoso em comparação ao instrumento específico para depressão.

Objective: : to compare the prevalence of depressive symptoms in hospitalized elderly using the Geriatric Depression Scale­15 and the nursing assessment of the older adult at admission. Method: this descriptive, cross-sectional study at a public teaching hospital used the Geriatric Depression Scale and an instrument listing depressive symptoms drawn from defining characteristics of nursing diagnoses. Results: the Geriatric Depression Scale returned a 47% prevalence of depressive symptoms in the hospitalized older adults, while the nursing assessment at admission found 25% prevalence. Conclusion: the nursing assessment detected a lower percentage of depressive symptoms in the older adults than the specific instrument for depression.

Objetivo: comparar la prevalencia de síntomas de depresión en el anciano hospitalizado, mediante uso de Escala de Depresión Geriátrica­15 y por medio de evaluación realizada por el enfermero en el momento de la admisión del anciano. Método: estudio descriptivo de abordaje transversal en hospital universitario. Se utilizó la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica y un instrumento con lista de síntomas de depresión, extraídos de las características definidoras de diagnósticos de enfermería. Resultados: la prevalencia de síntomas depresivos en ancianos hospitalizados fue del 47% según la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica y del 25% según evaluación del enfermero durante la admisión del paciente. Conclusión: la evaluación realizada por el enfermero detectó bajo porcentaje de síntomas de depresión en ancianos en comparación con el instrumento específico para la depresión.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Idoso , Depressão , Depressão/complicações , Depressão/enfermagem , Hospitais Gerais , Idoso/psicologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Enfermagem
Rev. bras. enferm ; 72(6): 1442-1449, Nov.-Dec. 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1042198


ABSTRACT Objective: to know the expectations of family members of alcoholics living in rural areas under treatment in a Psychiatric Hospitalization Unit. Method: qualitative research, through interviews with 15 relatives of alcoholics living in rural areas and hospitalized in a Psychiatric Unit. Information was interpreted in the light of Phenomenological Sociology. Results: two concrete categories emerged: Expectations that the family member quits using alcohol and Projects of family members for the alcoholic after discharge. Relatives expected the alcoholic to maintain abstinence and planned post-discharge care, which involved everything from welcoming them to projects with a prospect of control or even fear of not being able to care for the alcoholic. Final considerations: most participants have positive expectations regarding psychiatric hospitalization, but some relatives are not confident about caring for the alcoholic and mentioned alternatives such as hiring a caregiver or nursing homes.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Conocer las expectativas de familiares de alcohólicos residentes en el medio rural con tratamiento en una Unidad de Hospitalización Psiquiátrica. Método: investigación cualitativa, mediante entrevista con 15 familiares de alcohólicos residentes en el medio rural hospitalizados en una Unidad Psiquiátrica. Las informaciones fueron interpretadas bajo la luz de la Sociología Fenomenológica. Resultados: dos categorías concretas han surgido: Expectativas de que el familiar deje de hacer uso de alcohol y Proyectos del familiar del alcohólico después del alta hospitalaria. Los familiares esperaban que el alcohólico mantuviera la abstinencia y planificara los cuidados después del alta, que envolvían desde la acogida en sus hogares hasta proyectos con perspectiva de control o de temor de no tener condiciones de cuidar del alcohólico. Consideraciones finales: la mayoría de los participantes tienen expectativas positivas con relación a la hospitalización psiquiátrica, pero hay familiares que no se sienten seguros en cuidar del alcohólico y mencionaron alternativas como buscar otro cuidador e, incluso, asilos.

RESUMO Objetivo: Conhecer as expectativas de familiares de alcoolistas residentes no meio rural com tratamento em Unidade de Internação Psiquiátrica. Método: pesquisa qualitativa, mediante entrevista com 15 familiares de alcoolistas residentes no meio rural internados em uma Unidade Psiquiátrica. As informações foram interpretadas à luz da Sociologia Fenomenológica. Resultados: emergiram duas categorias concretas: Expectativas de que o familiar pare de fazer uso de álcool e Projetos do familiar do alcoolista após a alta hospitalar. Os familiares esperavam que o alcoolista mantivesse a abstinência e planejavam os cuidados após a alta, envolvendo desde o acolhimento em seus lares a projetos com perspectiva de controle ou de receio de não terem condições de cuidar do alcoolista. Considerações finais: a maioria dos participantes tem expectativas positivas em relação à internação psiquiátrica, mas há familiares que não se sentem seguros em cuidar do alcoolista e mencionaram alternativas como buscar outro cuidador e, até mesmo, asilos.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Idoso , População Rural , Família/psicologia , Alcoolismo/reabilitação , Alcoólicos , Hospitalização , Motivação , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Abstinência de Álcool , Hospitais Gerais , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Saúde debate ; 43(120): 84-97, jan.-mar. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004675


RESUMO O Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) foi criado com a finalidade de alterar a situação de desigualdade na assistência à saúde da população. O hospital, sendo uma instituição de elevada complexidade, surge como um dos mais importantes componentes desse sistema, principalmente por nele estar empregado grande investimento, assim, o SUS precisa enfatizar o seu controle de custos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência de hospitais regionais das principais regiões do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, à luz de indicadores hospitalares. Trata-se de um estudo avaliativo de metodologia quantitativa, no qual foram selecionadas seis unidades hospitalares integrantes da rede estadual do estado brasileiro, sendo duas de cada porte, no ano de 2014. Todos os dados são secundários provenientes dos sistemas oficiais de informação e das secretarias de saúde. Os melhores desempenhos, diagnosticados a partir dos indicadores, foram encontrados nas unidades de grande porte, enquanto os de pequeno apresentaram baixa resolubilidade e eficiência. Considerando-se o papel das unidades de referência regionais, o qual é ofertar assistência médica de maior complexidade à população, observa-se que o excesso de hospitais regionais de pequeno porte, com baixa resolubilidade e eficiência, mais onera o estado do que propicia melhoria da qualidade de vida da população.

ABSTRACT The Unified Health System (SUS) was created with the purpose of changing the situation of inequality in the health care of the population. The hospital, being a highly complex institution, emerges as one of the most important components of such system, mainly because there is a large investment employed in it, thus, it needs to emphasize its control of costs. The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of regional hospitals in the main regions of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in the light of hospital indicators. This is an evaluative study of quantitative methodology, in which six hospital units were selected from the state network of the referred Brazilian state, two of each in the year 2014. All data are secondary from the official information systems and the health secretariats. The best performances, diagnosed from the indicators, were found in the large units, while the small ones presented low solubility and efficiency. Considering the role of regional reference units, which is to offer more complex medical care to the population, it is observed that the excess of small regional hospitals, with low resoluteness and efficiency, generate more expenses to the state than improvement on the quality of life of the population.

Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 25(2): 338-347, maio-ago. 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-897695


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar e sistematizar a experiência do comitê de bioética do Hospital Geral de São Mateus, hospital público estadual de São Paulo. Foi adotada metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa, com estratégia de estudo de caso. Duas técnicas de pesquisa foram utilizadas: análise documental e questionário com perguntas abertas aplicado aos participantes do comitê de bioética. Por meio da análise do material obtido foram constituídas quatro categorias: histórico e evolução do comitê; motivação para participar dele; casos marcantes ali discutidos; sugestões para aperfeiçoamento do comitê. Verificou-se que, além de discutir e deliberar, o comitê de bioética desenvolveu também papel educativo em relação aos profissionais e equipes envolvidos. Esse papel foi expandido para a instituição como um todo, por meio de simpósios com temas ligados à bioética. O estudo revela a importância de estimular a criação de instâncias desse tipo nas instituições de saúde do Brasil.

Abstract The objective of this study was to analyze and systematize the experience of the bioethics committee from the Hospital Geral de São Matheus (General Hospital of São Mateus), which is a public hospital in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. We adopted the qualitative research method, with the case study strategy. Two research techniques were applied: record analysis and an open ended questionnaire answered by the bioethics committee participants. Four categories were established after analyzing the material: history and evolution of the bioethics committee; motivation to participate in the bioethics committee; memorable cases discussed by the committee; suggestions for the improvement of the bioethics committee. It was noted that besides discussing and deliberating, the bioethics committee also developed an educational role for the involved professionals and teams. This role was also expanded to the institution as a whole, by means of symposia with topics related to bioethics. This study reveals the importance of stimulating the creations of such forums in Brazilian healthcare institutions.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar y sistematizar la experiencia del Comité de Bioética del Hospital Geral de São Matheus (Hospital General de San Mateo), hospital público del estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Se adoptó la metodología de investigación cualitativa, con la estrategia de estudio de caso. Se utilizaron dos técnicas de investigación: análisis de documentos y cuestionarios con preguntas abiertas aplicadas a los participantes del Comité de Bioética. A través del análisis del material obtenido se constituyeron cuatro categorías: historia y evolución del Comité; motivación para participar de éste; casos importantes discutidos en el Comité de Bioética; sugerencias para la mejora del mismo. Se encontró que, además de discutir y decidir, el Comité de Bioética también ha desempeñado un papel educativo en relación a los profesionales y a los equipos involucrados. Esta función también se amplió a la institución en su conjunto por medio de simposios sobre temas relacionados con la bioética. El estudio pone de manifiesto la importancia de estimular la creación de tales organismos en las instituciones de salud en Brasil.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Adulto , Temas Bioéticos , Comitês de Ética Clínica , Hospitais Gerais/ética , Hospitais Estaduais/ética , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 4814-4817, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-664319


Objective To investigate the health status of nurses in emergency departments in tertiary hospitals of Guangdong province.Methods Fourteen tertiary hospitals were selected by using convenience sampling method,and 382 emergency nurses were chose by cluster sampling and their healthy work environment was evaluated by using Essentials of Magnetism Ⅱ scale(EOM Ⅱ).All the participants were asked to finished the Essentials of Magnetism Ⅱ scale.Results The healthy work environment in the tertiary hospitals' emergency departments in Guangdong had higher score than the magnet hospitals in America,but lower job satisfaction and nursing quality.There were significant differences in different shift and education of the emergency nurses.The job satisfaction and nursing quality could influence the healthy work environment.Conclusion The healthy work environment in tertiary hospitals' emergency departments of Guangdong province is good,but the job satisfaction and nursing quality is low.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-671211


Objective To assess the characteristics and satisfaction of outpatients in walk-in clinic of a grade A tertiary hospital.Methods A total of 1 100 outpatients visiting walk-in clinic of the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University during March 2016 and June 2016 were randomly selected for the questionnaire survey.The self-designed questionnaire included the general information of patients,the satisfaction degree to the walk-in clinic,to special clinics of the hospital or to community clinics and related reasons,and suggestions for further improvement.Results Total 947 valid questionnaires were received with a retrieval rate of 86.09%.Most of participants had one chronic disease (594,62.72%).The satisfaction degree of walk-in clinic (1.78) was higher than that of hospital special clinics (1.93) (P =0.010),in turn the latter(2.33)was higher than that of conmmnity clinics (P < 0.001).The reasons for patient to choose the walk-in clinic were wide range of medications (389,41.08%),reliable quality (285,27.98%),short waiting time (249,26.29%) and so on.Suggestions for improvement of the walk-in clinic were further reducing the waiting time (428,45.20%),need specialists for chronic disease management (210,22.18%),raising reimbursement rate (172,18.16%) and so on.The reasons for patients to choose special clinic were need readjusting prescription (587,61.99%),special disease or drug (427,45.09%).The reasons of dissatisfaction with special clinic were long waiting time (476,50.26%),frequent transfer to multiple departments (221,23.34%),high registration fee (221,23.34%).The reasons for patients to choose community clinic were short distance (350,36.96%),better environment (350,36.96%),short waiting time (184,19.43%).The reason of dissatisfaction with community clinic were low qualification of medical staff (405,42.77%),insufficient medications (392,42.39%);distrusting the quality of drugs (263,27.77%).Suggestions for improvement of the community clinics were upgrading the qualification of medical staff (317,33.47%),enlarging drug variety (298,31.47%),improving medical environment (94,9.93%) and so on.Conclusion Most outpatients visiting walk-in clinic of grade A tertiary hospital are highly satisfied the clinic.To meet the patients' needs the primary medical unit should further improve their overall service.

São Paulo med. j ; 133(4): 350-357, July-Aug. 2015. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-763364


CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE:There is high prevalence of mental and behavioral disorders in general hospitals, thus triggering psychiatric risk situations. This study aimed to develop a psychiatric risk assessment checklist and routine for nurses, the Psychiatric Risk Evaluation Check-List (PRE-CL), as an alternative model for early identification and management of these situations in general hospitals.DESIGN AND SETTING:Ethnographic qualitative study in a tertiary-level private hospital.METHOD:Three hundred general-unit nurses participated in the study. Reports were gathered through open groups conducted by a trained nurse, at shift changes for two months. The questions used were: "Would you consider it helpful to discuss daily practice situations with a psychiatrist? Which situations?" The data were qualitatively analyzed through an ethnographic approach.RESULTS:The nurses considered it useful to discuss daily practice situations relating to mental and behavioral disorders with a psychiatrist. Their reports were used to develop PRE-CL, within the patient overall risk assessment routine for all inpatients within 24 hours after admission and every 48 hours thereafter. Whenever one item was present, the psychosomatic medicine team was notified. They went to the unit, gathered data from the nurses, patient files and, if necessary, attending doctors, and decided on the risk management: guidance, safety measures or mental health consultation.CONCLUSION:It is possible to develop a model for detecting and intervening in psychiatric and behavioral disorders at general hospitals based on nursing team observations, through a checklist that takes these observations into account and a routine inserted into daily practice.

CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO:Existe alta prevalência de transtornos mentais e comportamentais em hospitais gerais, propiciando situações de risco psiquiátrico. Este estudo objetivou desenvolver uma rotina e um check-list para enfermeiras, a Avaliação de Risco Psiquiátrico (ARP-CL), como modelo alternativo de identificação e manejo precoce destas situações no hospital geral.TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL:Pesquisa qualitativa etnográfica, em hospital particular terciário.MÉTODO:Trezentas enfermeiras de unidades gerais participaram do estudo. Os relatos foram coletados em grupos abertos, conduzidos por enfermeira treinada, durante passagens de plantão, por dois meses, através das questões: "Você consideraria útil discutir com um psiquiatra situações da sua prática diária? Quais situações?" Os dados foram analisados qualitativamente através do método etnográfico.RESULTADOS:Enfermeiras consideraram útil poder discutir rotineiramente com um psiquiatra situações relacionadas a transtornos mentais e de comportamento da sua prática diária. Seus relatos foram utilizados no desenvolvimento da ARP-CL, na rotina da avaliação de risco global do paciente, para todos os internados nas primeiras 24 horas e posteriormente a cada 48 horas. Quando um item era presente, a equipe de medicina psicossomática era notificada, indo à ala e coletando dados com a enfermagem, no prontuário do paciente, ou com o médico assistente, se necessário, decidindo conduta no risco: orientação, medidas de segurança ou consulta em saúde mental.CONCLUSÃO:É possível desenvolver um modelo de detecção e intervenção precoces para transtornos psiquiátricos e de comportamento num hospital geral baseado na observação de enfermeiras, através de check-list que leve em conta essas observações e de uma rotina inserida na prática diária.

Feminino , Humanos , Lista de Checagem/métodos , Transtornos Mentais/prevenção & controle , Relações Enfermeiro-Paciente , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem Hospitalar/normas , Medição de Risco/métodos , Antropologia Cultural/métodos , Técnicas de Observação do Comportamento/métodos , Intervenção em Crise/métodos , Hospitalização , Hospitais Gerais , Transtornos Mentais/enfermagem , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente/normas , Grupo Associado , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Medição de Risco
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-478502


Objective To introduce the method and experience of the setting of psychological care nurses,to discuss its effect on high-quality nursing and on amelioration of the patients' negative moods.Methods Psychological care nurses were set up in all the clinical departments,after systemic training of psychological knowledge and became qualified psychological consultant via national certification examination.We took psychological care nurses as the leading role,assisted with other nursing modes.By the means of mental status scale in non-psychiatric settings (MSSNS) and the satisfaction questionnaire of psychological care to evaluate the patients' mental status and satisfaction degrees before and after the intervention in 297 cases.Results Patients'scores of anxiety scale,depression,anger,loneliness factor and the total score of the MSSNS after the psychological nursing intervention were significant differences than those before the psychological nursing intervention,[(39.66±4.70)vs (45.59±6.45),(23.31±2.28)vs (26.59±3.35),(13.91 ±3.01) vs (15.12±2.58),(17.58±3.74)vs (20.29 ±4.67),(92.09±6.85)vs (106.66±8.58),t values was 14.376,15.213,23.992,13.974,13.641 respectively,P<0.05].The satisfaction rate of patients for psychological nursing intervention after the intervention was 96.97%(288/297),which was significant higher than that before the intervention,69.70%(207/297),x2=79.53,P<0.05.Conclusions Psychological care demands professional qualities.Only through systemic training,can grasp the nurses master professional psychological knowledge and skill,so as to apply scientific psychological care to the patients and help them to solve their psychological perplexities and maintain physical and psychological well-beings.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-483081


Objective To assess the feasibility of anticoagulation therapy after mechanical valve replacement in grass-root health institutions.Methods One hundred and sixty one patients with mechanical valve replacement received anticoagulation therapy with warfarin,including 79 cases receiving the therapy in grass-root health institutions (test group) and 82 cases in the tertiary hospitals (control group).The patients were followed up for 12 months after operation;the rate of anticoagulation efficacy,the anticoagulationrelated complications,and the anticoagulation-related cost were documented and compared between two groups.Results The international normalized ratio (INR) tests were performed for 1 021 times in test group and 717 times were up to anticoagulation standard (70.2 %,717/1 021),while INR tests in control group were performed for 965 times and 688 times were up to standard (71.3%,688/965);there were no significantly differences in efficacy rate between two groups (P > 0.05).There were no significant differences in rate of bleeding events and thrombosis between two groups [16.5% (13/79) vs.12.2% (10/82),6.3%(5/79) vs.4.9%(4/82),respectively,x2 =0.596,P=0.44,x2 =0.161,P=0.69].The anticoagulation-related cost per month and per patient in test group was significantly lower than those in control group [(63.1 ±.12.8) vs.(176.6 ± 16.4) yuan,t =48.716,P <0.05].Conclusion Compared with the tertiary hospital,the anticoagulation therapy in grass-root institutions can accomplish the similar clinical outcomes and significantly reduce the medical cost in patients with mechanical valve replacement.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-457042


Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of web-based mental health services.Methods Web-based mental health services were established in our hospital to offer continuing medical education on mental health and psychological assessments.The access of clinicians to psychiatric knowledge and consultation from psychiatry department was evaluated.Results A total of 803 medical staff took the continuing medical education,and 643 passed the examination.Five hundred and twenty-eight online psychological assessments were completed.The qualification rate of psychiatric examination was 83.3% vs.31.7% in educated and non-educated clinicians (x2=32.77,P<0.01).The common consultation from psychiatry department of the educated group involved anxiety,depression/mania and delirium,of which anxiety and medically unexplained symptoms were comparatively higher while delirium was lower than the non-educated group (x2 values were 4.80,4.59 and 5.16,respectively; all P<0.05).More use of online psychological assessments was found in the educated group (33.8% vs.7.6%) before asking for a consultation from psychiatry department (x2=30.04,P<0.01).Conclusions Online mental health continuing education and psychological assessment could improve psychiatric knowledge and recognition of anxiety and depression in clinicians.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-225075


BACKGROUND: Data regarding the prescription status of individuals with diabetes are limited. This study was an analysis of participants from the relationship between cardiovascular disease and brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity in patients with type 2 diabetes (REBOUND) Study, which was a prospective multicenter cohort study recruited from eight general hospitals in Busan, Korea. We performed this study to investigate the current status of prescription in Korean type 2 diabetic patients. METHODS: Type 2 diabetic patients aged 30 years or more were recruited and data were collected for demographics, medical history, medications, blood pressure, and laboratory tests. RESULTS: Three thousands and fifty-eight type 2 diabetic patients were recruited. Mean age, duration of diabetes, and HbA1c were 59 years, 7.6 years, and 7.2%, respectively. Prevalence of hypertension was 66%. Overall, 7.3% of patients were treated with diet and exercise only, 68.2% with oral hypoglycemic agents (OHAs) only, 5.3% with insulin only, and 19.2% with both insulin and OHA. The percentage of patients using antihypertensive, antidyslipidemic, antiplatelet agents was similar as about 60%. The prevalence of statins and aspirin users was 52% and 32%, respectively. CONCLUSION: In our study, two thirds of type 2 diabetic patients were treated with OHA only, and one fifth with insulin plus OHA, and 5% with insulin only. More than half of the patients were using each of antihypertensive, antidyslipidemic, or antiplatelet agents. About a half of the patients were treated with statins and one third were treated with aspirin.

Humanos , Aspirina , Pressão Sanguínea , Doenças Cardiovasculares , Estudos de Coortes , Demografia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Dieta , Tratamento Farmacológico , Hospitais Gerais , Inibidores de Hidroximetilglutaril-CoA Redutases , Hipertensão , Hipoglicemiantes , Insulina , Coreia (Geográfico) , Inibidores da Agregação Plaquetária , Prescrições , Prevalência , Estudos Prospectivos , Análise de Onda de Pulso
Chinese Journal of Geriatrics ; (12): 1123-1127, 2013.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-442795


Objective To comparing the diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) between doctors in general hospitals and community hospitals,and to provide scientific clues for the standardization in medical practice.Methods General and community hospitals in urban China were selected via the stratified sampling.127,325 outpatients in these hospitals from December 2011 to December 2012 were randomly recruited.Results The average age of patients was(67.82±8.62) years.There were significant differences in I-PSS,prostate volume,urinary flow rate(UFR) and result of digital rectal examination(DRE) between patients in general and community hospitals.The rates of diagnostic applications were different between doctors in the two kinds of hospitals except I-PSS.Compared with community hospitals,DRE was more frequently applied while ultrasonic inspection and UFR test were less used in general hospitals in North China.A totally opposite situation was observed in East China as compared with the north.The application rates of DRE and UFR test were lower and ultrasonic inspection rate was higher in community hospitals than in general hospitals in South China.Pharmacotherapy was the most common treatment for BPH patients in both types of hospitals(97.53 %).The rates of drug combinations were statistically different but both were close to 75% in the two types of hospitals.In community hospitals,the percentage of patients receiving watchful waiting with severe symptoms and signs were lower than that of patients receiving watchful waiting with moderate symptoms and signs,but the percentage of patients receiving operation was not significantly increased.On the contrary,the percentage of patients receiving operation with severe symptoms and signs was higher than that of patients receiving operation with moderate symptoms and signs in general hospitals,but the percentage of patients receiving watchful waiting was not decreased.Conclusions Applications of diagnostic methods are significantly different between doctors in general hospitals and community hospitals and vary among regions.Therapeutic strategies are correlated with the severity of obstructive symptoms or signs.The medication strategy is similar between the two types of doctors.