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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989967


BACKGROUND:When critically ill patients require specialized treatment that exceeds the capability of the index hospitals,patients are frequently transferred to a tertiary or quaternary hospital for a higher level of care.Therefore,appropriate and effi cient care for patients during the process of transport between two hospitals(interfacility transfer)is an essential part of patient care.While medical adverse events may occur during the interfacility transfer process,there have not been evidence-based guidelines regarding the equipment or the practice for patient care during transport.METHODS:We conducted searches from the PubMed,Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health(CINAHL),and Scopus databases up to June 2022.Two reviewers independently screened the titles and abstracts for eligibility.Studies that were not in the English language and did not involve critically ill patients were excluded.RESULTS:The search identified 75 articles,and we included 48 studies for our narrative review.Most studies were observational studies.CONCLUSION:The review provided the current evidence-based management of diverse disease states during the interfacility transfer process,such as proning positioning for respiratory failure,extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO),obstetric emergencies,and hypertensive emergencies(aortic dissection and spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage).

Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 36(4): e1358, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1156487


Introducción: Las urgencias hipertensivas constituyen una de las complicaciones agudas más frecuentes de la hipertensión arterial y es causa de muerte prematura entre adultos. Muchas publicaciones abogan por el uso de la Medicina Tradicional y Natural como método terapéutico eficaz e inocuo en su manejo. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento acupuntural en las urgencias hipertensivas durante el preoperatorio en los pacientes que serán sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas ambulatorias menores en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso, de enero a octubre de 2019. Métodos: Se efectuó un estudio de intervención terapéutica. El universo estuvo constituido por 150 pacientes hipertensos que fueron asignados aleatoriamente a un grupo estudio que recibió tratamiento con acupuntura y un grupo control que recibió tratamiento medicamentoso. A todos se les realizó diagnóstico occidental y oriental. Ambos grupos estuvieron conformados por 75 pacientes. Resultados: Predominó el grupo de edades de 45 a 54 años en ambos grupos, un mayor número de mujeres enfermas. El síntoma que más afectó al total de los pacientes fue la cefalea y hubo superioridad del diagnóstico síndrome hiperactividad de fuego de hígado. El 74 por ciento de los pacientes a los que se les aplicó acupuntura mejoraron y un 66 por ciento lo lograron en el grupo control. Conclusiones: El tratamiento acupuntural resultó ser efectivo en los pacientes con urgencias hipertensivas durante el preoperatorio para las intervenciones quirúrgicas ambulatorios menores(AU)

Introduction: Hypertensive emergencies are one of the most frequent acute complications of arterial hypertension and the cause of premature death among adults. Many publications advocate the use of traditional and natural medicine as an effective and safe therapeutic method for its management. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of acupuncture against hypertensive emergencies during the preoperative period in patients who will undergo minor outpatient surgical interventions at Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Clinical-Surgical Hospital, from January to October 2019. Methods: A therapeutic intervention study was carried out. The population consisted of 150 hypertensive patients who were randomly assigned to either a study group that received acupuncture or a control group that received drug treatment, all of whom underwent Western and Eastern diagnoses. Both groups consisted of 75 patients. Results: The age set 45-54 years predominated in both groups, together with a greater number of sick women. The symptom that most affected all the patients was headache and there was superiority of the diagnosis of Liver-fire hyperactivity syndrome. 74 percent of the patients who received acupuncture improved, while 66 percent achieved it as part of the control group. Conclusions: Acupuncture turned out to be effective in patients with hypertensive emergencies during the preoperative period for minor outpatient surgeries(AU)

Humanos , Acupuntura/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Ambulatórios/métodos , Hipertensão/tratamento farmacológico
Rev. salud pública Parag ; 10(2): [P59-P66], octubre 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147003


Introducción: La hipertensión arterial (HTA) es definida por algunos como una enfermedad, aunque también se la considera como factor de riesgo cardiovascular. Hoy conocemos como las enfermedades cardiovasculares dependen más de la influencia simultánea de varios factores de riesgo que de la acción aislada de uno de ellos. Por ello, toda actividad preventiva en este campo, debe ser multifactorial y dirigida en diversos sentidos. Desarrollo: Cuando la HTA no es controlada se triplica la probabilidad de accidente cerebrovascular e insuficiencia cardiaca, con menor incidencia de enfermedad coronaria y arterial periférica. El propio aumento de la masa del ventrículo izquierdo, así como los cambios estructurales que tienen lugar a nivel del miocardio y de los vasos coronarios pueden desencadenar episodios de cardiopatía isquémica. El remodelado intersticial y el aumento de la masa del ventrículo izquierdo son factores predisponentes a la aparición de arritmias ventriculares y muerte súbita. Es importante evaluar y tratar a los pacientes recién diagnosticados con HTA con medicamentos adecuados y seguimiento para prevenir la progresión de la hipertensión no controlada a crisis hipertensivas, es decir, urgencia o emergencia hipertensiva. Conclusiones: El reconocimiento inmediato de una emergencia hipertensiva con las pruebas de diagnóstico apropiadas conducirá a una reducción adecuada de la presión arterial, aliviando la incidencia de consecuencias negativas a los órganos diana. El tratamiento adecuado ayudará a aliviar la progresión de la enfermedad y mejorar los resultados a largo plazo.

Introduction: Hypertension (HT) is defined by some as a disease, although it is also considered a cardiovascular risk factor. Today we know cardiovascular diseases depend more on the simultaneous influence of several risk factors than on the isolated action of one of them. Therefore, all preventive activity in this field must be multifactorial and directed in various ways. Developing: When HT is not controlled, the probability of stroke and heart failure, with a lower incidence of coronary and peripheral arterial disease triples. The increase in left ventricular mass itself, as well as, the structural changes that occur at the level of myocardium and coronary vessels, can trigger episodes of ischemic heart diseases. Interstitial remodeling and increased left ventricular mass are predisposing factors to the appearance of ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death. It is important to evaluate and treat newly diagnosed patients with HT with recommended medications and follow-up to prevent the progression of uncontrolled HT to hypertensive crises, that is, urgency or emergency hypertension. Conclusion: The immediate recognition of a hypertensive emergency with the affected diagnostic tests will lead to an adequate reduction of blood pressure, alleviating the incidence of negative consequences to the target organs. Proper treatment helps to decrease the progression of the disease and improves long-term outcomes.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390212


RESUMEN Introducción: los niveles de presión arterial por encima de las cifras normales aumentan el riesgo de padecer enfermedades cardiovasculares y cerebrales. Las complicaciones ocasionadas por las crisis hipertensivas son muy peligrosas y a menudo fatales. Es de suma importancia conocer bien sus características clínicas para tratar de contrarrestar su evolución. Objetivo: describir el comportamiento de las crisis hipertensivas en 500 pacientes del Servicio de Emergencias del Hospital de Clínicas, en el período de enero a junio de 2018. Metodología: estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo. Se utilizaron las hojas de recepción, acogida y clasificación de urgencias y las historias clínicas de pacientes ingresados con crisis hipertensivas. Se emplearon frecuencias absolutas y relativas (porcentaje) para resumir la información, y tablas para su presentación. Resultados: en el estudio predominó el sexo masculino, con 351 (70%) pacientes, y 149 (30%) de sexo femenino. El grupo etario en el que existió mayor predominio de pacientes (49%) fue el de 50-59 años de edad. Se observó un predominio de las urgencias hipertensivas con 399 (79,8%) pacientes, mientras que solo 101 (20,2%) pacientes desarrollaron emergencias hipertensivas. El órgano diana más frecuentemente dañado fue el cerebro en 43 (42,6%) pacientes con un accidente vascular cerebral, seguido por el síndrome coronario agudo en 34 (33,7%) pacientes. La alteración electrocardiográfica mas frecuente fue la hipertrofia del ventrículo izquierdo en 187 (37,4%) pacientes, y en segundo lugar se encontró el supradesnivel del ST, que se presentó en 111 (22,2%) pacientes. Conclusión: las complicaciones y los hallazgos más significativos en estos pacientes con crisis hipertensivas fueron los accidentes vasculares encefálicos y el síndrome coronario agudo, así como la hipertrofia del ventrículo izquierdo y la elevación del segmento ST dentro de las alteraciones electrocardiográficas.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Blood pressure levels above normal levels increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebral diseases. Complications caused by hypertensive crises are very dangerous and often fatal. It is very important to know their clinical characteristics well to try to counteract their evolution. Objective: To describe the behavior of hypertensive crises in 500 patients of the Emergency Service of the Hospital de Clínicas, in the period from January to June 2018. Methodology: Descriptive and retrospective study. The reception and emergency classification sheets and the medical records of patients admitted with hypertensive crisis were used. Absolute and relative frequencies (percentage) were used to summarize the information, and tables for presentation. Results: In the study the male sex prevailed, with 351 (70%) patients, and 149 (30%) of female sex. The age group in which there was a greater prevalence of patients (49%) was 50-59 years old. A predominance of hypertensive urgencies was observed with 399 (79.8%) patients, while only 101 (20.2%) patients developed hypertensive emergencies. The most frequently damaged target organ was the brain in 43 (42.6%) patients with a stroke, followed by acute coronary syndrome in 34 (33.7%) patients. The most frequent electrocardiographic alteration was left ventricular hypertrophy in 187 (37.4%) patients, and in the second place was the ST elevation, which occurred in 111 (22.2%) patients. Conclusion: The most significant complications and findings in these patients with hypertensive crises were cerebrovascular accidents and acute coronary syndrome, as well as left ventricular hypertrophy and ST-segment elevation within electrocardiographic abnormalities.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202460


Introduction: Changes in human behavior and lifestyleover the last century have resulted in a dramatic increase inthe incidence of diabetes worldwide. Diabetes mellitus is animportant cardiovascular risk factor. The rate of death due tocardiovascular disease in diabetic patients is 2-4 times higherthan in non-diabetic population. In this study, we aimedto investigate the mortality rate among diabetic, Impairedfasting Glucose and Non-Diabetic groups who are havingacute myocardial infarction (AMI) during the first 7 days ofhospitalization.Material and methods: The study was conducted in R.N.T.Medical College and Associated Group of Hospitals inUdaipur (Rajasthan). The main catchment area was ruralwith few township and municipal area. This study involvedDepartment of General Medicine, Intensive cardiac CareUnit for patient’s selection and Departments of Biochemistry,Pathology and Radiology for the necessary laboratory testsand investigation data.Result: In our study we found that the mortality was 4% innon-diabetic group, 20% in diabetic group and 18% in patientswith impaired fasting glucose (IFG). Mortality in patientshaving IFG and DM were significantly higher compared toNON-DM patients.Conclusion: In conclusion, mortality in patients havingImpaired Fasting Glucose (IFG) and the Diabetes Mellitus(DM) during the acute phase (first 7 days) of MyocardialInfarction (AMI) were significantly higher compared to NONDM patients; and mortality in patients having IFG was likethat of patients having DM.

Pediátr. Panamá ; 45(1): 7-15, Abril-Mayo 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-848786


La hipertensión arterial es un padecimiento caracterizado por un aumento persistente de la tensión arterial. La prevalencia en niños es significativamente menor que en adultos y fluctúa entre 1 y 3%. Se describen las cifras de normalidad en base al cuarto documento sobre diagnóstico, evaluación y tratamiento del National High Blood Pressure Education Program (NHBPEP). La hipertensión puede ser primaria o secundaria, cuando existe alguna causa, casi siempre es debida a enfermedades renales. El tratamiento depende de la causa y puede ser médico ( Cambio en el estilo de vida, farmacológico) o quirúrgico. A pesar de que la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial en la población pediátrica es baja, los casos de emergencia y urgencia hipertensiva pueden presentarse en el cuarto de urgencias. El manejo eficiente de estos niños es importante para evitar las complicaciones a largo plazo asociadas a la hipertensión y su tratamiento. La intención de este artículo consiste en revisar los aspectos más importante sobre la hipertensión arterial en pediatría, incluyendo definición, clasificación , emergencias y urgencias hipertensivas, manejo y pronóstico.

hypertension is a syndrome characterized by persistent elevation of blood pressure. Its incidence in children in lower than in adults, it fluctuates from 1 to 3%. It may be primary or secondary, secondary hypertension is mostly causes by renal diseases. We describe the classification based on the fourth document of the National High Blood Pressure Education Program and also describe the auxillary methods for the diagnosis of the etiology. The treatment depends on the cause which could be pharmacological or no pharmacological ( Changes in life style, antihyperntensive urgencies and emergencies may be encountered in the emergency department. Efficent managment of these children is of utmost importance to avoid some of the life-threatening complications associated with hypertension and its treatment. The scop of this article is to review some of the important aspects of pediatric hypertension , including definition, classification, diagnosis, hypertensive urgencies and emergencies, managment and outcome.

CCH, Correo cient. Holguín ; 19(4): 656-667, oct.-dic. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-771788


Introducción: la hipertensión arterial es un problema de salud pública por su elevada morbilidad y mortalidad. Objetivo: describir la morbilidad y mortalidad asociada a las crisis hipertensivas en el paciente adulto mayor. Métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal en los Servicios de Urgencia de los policlínicos del municipio de Cacocum durante 2013-2014. El universo de 2 361 pacientes que acudieron por crisis hipertensivas y la muestra 1 466 pacientes adultos mayores (personas ≥ 60 años). Se utilizaron variables como edad, sexo, clasificación de las crisis hipertensivas, factores de riesgo y enfermedades asociadas, complicaciones más frecuentes y evolución en el Servicio de Urgencia. Resultados: el 62,82% de los pacientes atendidos fueron mujeres con predominio de la edad 60-70 años en ambos sexos (54,77%). Las urgencias hipertensivas fueron la principal causa de asistencia médica con 87,38%. El hábito de fumar (43,24%), la obesidad (31,65%) y la cardiopatía (12,28%) fueron los factores de riesgo asociados más frecuentes. El 87,38% de los pacientes fueron egresados satisfactoriamente sin complicaciones, se remitieron a la atención secundaria 12,27% y fallecieron 5 pacientes para el 0,34%. Conclusiones: las urgencias hipertensivas son una principal causa de asistencia médica en la atención primaria. Los factores de riesgo no controlados predisponen la aparición de complicaciones desencadenantes de morbimortalidad en los adultos mayores. Los sistemas de atención de urgencia a nivel primario en el municipio de Cacocum resuelven la mayoría de las crisis hipertensivas.

Introduction: hypertension is a public health problem because of its high morbidity and mortality. Objective: to describe the morbidity and mortality associated with hypertensive crisis in elderly. Method: a cross-sectional study in the Emergency Services of polyclinics of Cacocum Municipality during 2013-2014 was done. The universe was composed of 2 361 patients with hypertensive crisis and the sample 1 466 elderly patients (people ≥ 60 years). Variables such as: age, sex, classifications of hypertensive crisis, risk factors and associated diseases, most common complications and evolution in the emergency service were used. Results: 62.82% of the treated patients were women, and those between 60-70 years of age predominated in both sexes (54.77%). Hypertensive emergencies were the main cause of health care with 87.38%. Smoking (43.24%), obesity (31.65%) and heart disease (12.28%) were the most frequently risk factors associated. 87.38% of patients were discharged successfully without complications, 12.27% of them were referred to secondary care and five patients died for 0.34%. Conclusions: hypertensive emergencies are a main cause of health care in primary care. The uncontrolled risk factors influence in causing complications of morbidity and mortality in elderly. The emergency care systems at the primary care in Cacocum municipality solve the most hypertensive crisis.

Rev. bras. hipertens ; 21(4): 184-188, out.-dez.2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-881316


Há uma forte relação da hipertensão arterial com manifestações clínicas da coronariopatia. A emergência hipertensiva associada a um quadro isquêmico miocárdico agudo, angina instável ou infarto agudo do miocárdio requer tratamento rápido e seguro, para controle dos níveis pressóricos e redução do fenômeno isquêmico. Dentre os recursos terapêuticos disponíveis por via endovenosa, destacam-se a nitroglicerina e os betabloqueadores, ambos contribuindo para melhora do fluxo sanguíneo coronário e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzindo o consumo de oxigênio miocárdico. Os altos níveis de pressão arterial na vigência do infarto agudo do miocárdio tornam-se uma séria contraindicação para o emprego imediato de trombolítico no tratamento de reperfusão e o risco de acidente vascular cerebral é elevado. Portanto, devemos retardar esse tipo de recurso ou utilizar a via percutânea para angioplastia como tratamento ideal.

Arterial hypertension has a strong relationship with clinical manifestation of coronary heart disease. The hypertensive emergency associated with an acute myocardial ischemia, instable angina or an acute myocardial infarct needs a fast and safe procedure, to control the arterial pressure and reduce ischemic phenomenon. Among the available therapeutic resources by intravenous way, we can highlight nitroglycerine and betablockers, in that both reduce myocardial oxygen consumption and improve coronary flow. The high levels of arterial pressure in acute myocardial infarct become a serious contraindication for the immediate use of thrombolytic agents in reperfusion treatment and the risk for stroke is high. Thus, we should delay this action or use percutaneous way for angioplasty as a better treatment.

Síndrome Coronariana Aguda , Assistência Ambulatorial , Hipertensão , Infarto do Miocárdio
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-566458


Objective To observe the effect and safety of the intravenous nieadipine for the treatment of hypertensive emergencies. Methods We observed the change of blood pressure, heart rate and side effect of 25 patients with hypertensive emergencies who accepted the intravenous nicardipine for 2 hours. Results The total effective rate was 100% . The blood pressure decreased significantly 5 min after the administration. The obvious effect were observed at 50 minutes and the maximum effect at 1h. This effect could maintain to the end of the treatment smoothly. The drip rate,accumulated dose and time for target pressure were 31.7?18.3?g/min, 1.08?0.62mg,24.3? 14.3min respectively. The total dose for 2h was 4.12?2.22mg. The total rate of the side effect was 12.0% , including headache and palpitation. Conclusion It is quickly, effective and safe for the intravenous nicardipine for the treatment of hypertensive emergencies.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 56(5): 381-383, maio 1991. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-107856


Purpose­To evaluate the efficacy and safety of intravenous hidralazine in arterial hypertension. Patients and Methods­12 patients, meanage 45,33 15,82,8 men and 4 women all of them with systolic (S) arterialpressure (AP) 180 and or diastolic (D) 126 mmHg with symptoms like headache, incaracteristic toraxic pain and others but without an hypertensive emergency neither acute manifestation of hypertensive encephalopathy through fundi examination were studied. The AP was taked 10 minutes after rest (inicial) and 5, 15, 30 and 60 min (final) after intravenous administration of hidralazine-HCL (5mg) which was repeated when at least 20% AP reduction was not achieved. Results­ The inicial and final SAP, DAPand heart rate (HR) wre 208 ± 19,4 and 176 ± 17,2 (p < 0.0001), 133 ± 11,3 and 112 ± 11,5 (p< 0.001) and 72 ± 12,9 and 80 ± 15,5 (NS), respectively. Side effects related to the drug were observed in 3 (25%) patients. One had symptomatic ortostatic hypotension, the second had precordial pain with ST-T changes compatible with myocardial ischemia and the third presented a torax and abdominal cutaneous erithema, but all of them reversible. Conclusion­ Intravenous hydralazineHC1 is an alternative when rapid arterial pressurereduction is needed

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Emergências , Hidralazina/uso terapêutico , Hipertensão/tratamento farmacológico , Hidralazina/administração & dosagem , Hidralazina/farmacologia , Injeções Intravenosas , Avaliação de Medicamentos , Frequência Cardíaca , Pressão Arterial