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Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 223-236, jul./dez. 2024. ilus; tab.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554861


Urban growth and human impacts on the environment have forced animals to adjust to habitat fragmentation and reduced home ranges. Capuchin monkeys are known for their great social and behavioral flexibility, occupying even highly urbanized environments in a way that the time budget of this primate in synanthropic situation may be affected by the area they inhabit. This study aims to analyze the activity budget of a group of Sapajus nigritus living in an anthropized area, 1) comparing the behavioral frequencies in urbanized areas and forest fragments; 2) comparing behavioral frequencies in different sex-age classes. During the study, the number of individuals ranged from 35 to 40 individuals identified based on sex-age classes. Behavioral data were collected using the instantaneous scan sampling method, for two minutes with eight-minute intervals. We obtained 319 scans over 28 days, distributed between November 2021 and June 2022, with eight hours per day. We compared the behaviors different areas and between sex-age classes using the Kruskal-Wallis's test. Overall, the group performed a higher frequency of traveling (21.22%), followed by foraging (18.07%), feeding (16.57%) and vigilance (15.61%). The frequency of behaviors varied between areas, with vigilance, social, resting, interaction with humans and self-activity more frequent in urbanized areas compared to forest fragments. We also found variation between the sex-age classes, primarily with juveniles foraging more and adults performing more vigilance. The differences in the behaviors performed by the group express the behavioral flexibility of S. nigritus, adapting its activity pattern according to the area occupied.

O crescimento urbano e os impactos humanos no ambiente forçaram os animais a se adaptarem à fragmentação de hábitat e à redução da área de vida. Os macacos-prego são conhecidos por sua flexibilidade social e comportamental, ocupando até mesmo ambientes altamente urbanizados, sendo que seu padrão de atividades pode ser afetado pela área que habitam. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o padrão de atividades de um grupo de Sapajus nigritus vivendo em área antropizada, com base em: 1) comparação das frequências comportamentais em áreas urbanizadas e fragmentos florestais; e 2) comparação das frequências comportamentais em diferentes classes sexo-etárias. Durante o estudo, o número de indivíduos variou entre 35 e 40 indivíduos, identificados a partir de classes sexo-etárias. Os dados comportamentais foram coletados pelo método scan sampling, durante dois minutos com intervalo de oito minutos. Foram obtidos 319 scans ao longo de 28 dias (entre novembro de 2021 e junho de 2022), por oito horas diárias. Comparamos os comportamentos em diferentes áreas e entre classes sexo-etárias através do teste de Kruskal-Wallis. Em geral, o grupo apresentou frequência maior de deslocamento (21,22%), seguido de forrageio (18,07%), alimentação (16,57%) e vigilância (15,61%). A frequência dos comportamentos variou entre áreas (vigilância, social, descanso, interação com humanos e autoatividade foram mais frequentes em áreas urbanizadas) e classes sexo--etárias (principalmente com os juvenis forrageando mais e os adultos realizando mais vigilância). As diferenças nos comportamentos realizados pelo grupo expressam a flexibilidade comportamental de S. nigritus, adaptando seu padrão de atividade conforme a área ocupada.

Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 1246-1262, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010609


During natural viewing, we often recognize multiple objects, detect their motion, and select one object as the target to track. It remains to be determined how such behavior is guided by the integration of visual form and motion perception. To address this, we studied how monkeys made a choice to track moving targets with different forms by smooth pursuit eye movements in a two-target task. We found that pursuit responses were biased toward the motion direction of a target with a hole. By computing the relative weighting, we found that the target with a hole exhibited a larger weight for vector computation. The global hole feature dominated other form properties. This dominance failed to account for changes in pursuit responses to a target with different forms moving singly. These findings suggest that the integration of visual form and motion perception can reshape the competition in sensorimotor networks to guide behavioral selection.

Animais , Acompanhamento Ocular Uniforme , Macaca mulatta , Percepção de Movimento/fisiologia , Estimulação Luminosa
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530571


En el Instituto Finlay de Vacunas se desarrolló el candidato vacunal SOBERANA 01 (FINLAY-FR-01) contra el coronavirus de tipo 2 causante del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la inmunogenicidad y posibles efectos toxicológicos del candidato vacunal SOBERANA 01 (FINLAY-FR-01 en Cercopithecus aethiops. Se utilizaron cinco primates no humanos (hembras), de 1-3 años de edad y 1-4 kg de peso corporal, distribuidos en dos grupos experimentales: Control (Solución Salina Fisiológica) y Tratado SOBERANA 01 (FINLAY-FR-01). El estudio se extendió por 84 días, en un esquema a dosis repetida de cuatro inmunizaciones los días 0, 28, 56 y 70. Se realizaron observaciones clínicas diarias, peso corporal, signos vitales (temperatura rectal, frecuencia respiratoria, y frecuencia cardíaca), exámenes electrocardiográficos, toma de la temperatura del sitio de inyección, musculometría e irritabilidad dérmica. Fueron realizados exámenes de hematología, bioquímica sanguínea, así como estudios inmunológicos. El ensayo concluyó con una supervivencia del 100por ciento, no se manifestaron signos de toxicidad, no hubo variaciones hematológicas, ni de la bioquímica sanguínea asociadas a la sustancia de ensayo. Además, no se observaron efectos locales en el sitio de administración. Por último, el candidato vacunal resultó inmunogénico, ya que se indujeron títulos altos de IgG anti-RBD, así como de la inhibición de la unión de RBD a ACE2(AU)

At Finlay Vaccine Institute has been developed the vaccine candidate SOBERANA 01 (FINLAY-FR-01) against SARS-CoV-2 virus, causing COVID-19. This work aims to evaluate the immunogenicity and possible toxicological effects of the SOBERANA 01 (FINLAY-FR-01) vaccine candidate in Cercopithecus aethiops. Five non-human primates (females) from 1-3 years old and 1-4 kg of body weight were distributed in two experimental groups: Control (Physiological Saline Solution) and Treated (SOBERANA 01 FINLAY-FR-01). The study extended through 84 days, in a repeated dose schedule of four immunizations on days 0, 28, 56, and 70. Daily clinical observations, body weight, vital signs (rectal temperature, respiratory rate, and heart rate), electrocardiographic examinations, temperature of the injection site, musculometry and dermic irritability, were performed. Hematological and blood biochemistry tests, as well as immunological studies were assessed. At the end of the assay 100percent survival was obtained, there were no signs of toxicity neither hematological or blood biochemistry variations associated with the test substance. In addition, no local effects were observed at the administration site. Finally, the vaccine candidate was immunogenic, since high titers of anti-RBD IgG, as well as inhibition of the RBD to ACE2 binding were induced(AU)

Animais , Haplorrinos , Imunogenicidade da Vacina , Vacinas contra COVID-19/uso terapêutico , Vacinas
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(1): e013521, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360924


Abstract We performed coproparasitological testing of free-living golden-headed lion tamarins, Leontopithecus chrysomelas, using the Hoffmann-Pons-Janner method. In total, we collected 118 samples from ten groups: four living in Federal Protected Area and six living in Non-Protected Areas of cocoa farms. Eggs from parasites of the Acanthocephala phylum and Spiruridae, Ancylostomatidae, Ascarididae and Oxyuridae families were identified, as well as the genus Strongyloides (Nematode: Strongyloididae) and phylum Apicomplexa. This is the first description of infection with coccidian, Trichuridae family and Strongyloides spp. in L. chrysomelas. A total of 48% (n= 57) of the animals were infected and the highest prevalence (37.2±SD 8.72, n = 44) was for Acanthocephalidae, followed by Spiruridae (8.5±SD 5.03, n = 10). There was no difference in parasite prevalence by age classes or sex. However, we found higher diversity and prevalence of parasites in animals living in the Federal Protected Area. These results suggest that intestinal parasites may be influenced by environmental factors, such as the management of the areas where the animals live, in addition to the feeding behavior of L. chrysomelas and distinct transmission strategies of parasites. The combination of ecological and demographic data combined with parasitological studies may contribute to conservation programs for this species.

Resumo Foram realizados testes coproparasitológicos de micos-leões-dourados de vida livre, Leontopithecus chrysomelas, usando-se o método de Hoffmann-Pons-Janner. No total, foram coletadas 118 amostras de dez grupos: quatro grupos residentes em Área de Conservação Federal e seis grupos em Área não protegida de fazendas de cacau. Ovos de parasitas do filo Acantocephala e das famílias Spiruridae, Ancylostomatidae, Ascarididae, Oxyuridae foram identificados, bem como o gênero Strongyloides (Nematoda: Strongyloididae) e o filo Apicomplexa. Esta é a primeira descrição de infecção de coccídeos, família Trichuridae e Strongyloides spp. em L. chrysomelas. Um total de 48% (n = 57) dos animais estavam parasitados e a maior prevalência (37,2 ±DP 8,72, n = 44) foi para Acanthocephalan, seguido por Spiruridae (8,5±DP 5,03, n = 10). Não houve diferença na prevalência do táxon de parasita por idade ou sexo. No entanto, foi encontrada maior diversidade e prevalência de parasitas em animais que vivem na Unidade de Conservação Federal. Esses resultados sugerem que os parasitas intestinais podem ser influenciados por fatores ambientais, como o manejo das áreas, além do comportamento alimentar de L. chrysomelas e distintas estratégias de transmissão dos parasitas. A combinação de dados ecológicos e demográficos com estudos parasitológicos podem contribuir para programas de conservação dessa espécie.

Animais , Parasitos , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/epidemiologia , Leontopithecus/parasitologia , Doenças dos Macacos/parasitologia , Doenças dos Macacos/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Florestas
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-905495


Objective:To evaluate the residual stepping ability in monkeys with spinal cord injury longitudinally. Methods:Four adult female monkeys were studied. Right hemisection of 10 mm spinal cord tissue was performed at the T7-9 segment. Gait tests of bipedal locomotion were performed before, and six weeks and twelve weeks after injury by VICON system. Gait cycle duration, amplitude of knee and ankle angles, and ratio of united parameters were obtained from successive stepping and were quantitative analyzed. Results:The coordination of bilateral hindlimbs was destroyed after spinal cord injury, and the right hindlimb showed obviously dragging. The gait cycle duration of the left hindlimb increased significantly (P < 0.001), and the amplitudes of knee and ankle angle significantly increased (P < 0.001) after spinal cord injury. The ratio of united parameters was not statistically different among all the time points (P > 0.05). The gait cycle duration of the left hindlimb was correlated with step length (r = 0.838, P = 0.001), step height (r = 0.726, P = 0.007) and amplitude of ankle angle (r = 0.766, P = 0.004), and the amplitude of ankle angle was correlated with step length (r = 0.627, P = 0.029). Conclusion:The gait pattern of monkey with spinal cord injury has been changed. The gait strategy of the uninjured side was adjusted compensatively after spinal cord injury to adapt the functional impairment of contralateral hindlimb.

Acta amaz ; 49(4): 330-333, out. - dez. 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118967


Titi monkeys (family Pitheciidae) are Neotropical primates highly diversified in morphology, ecology and genetics, with a wide geographic distribution, including the Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Pantanal and Caatinga. This diversity, together with knowledge gaps, generates uncertainties in titi monkey taxonomy and distribution. An example is Plecturocebus baptista, with only 14 occurrence records and an ill-defined distribution based on untested geographical barriers. Here, we report the occurrence of this species at a new locality outside its known range, across the Paraná-Urariá River, which was considered a distributional limit for the species. The new record implies an overlap of P. baptista with the range of P. hoffmannsi. We document the sighting of an apparent hybrid animal. Our observations suggest that i) the distribution of P. baptista needs to be reviewed, and ii) the evolutionary relationships between P. baptista and P. hoffmannsi may be more complex than previously assumed. Since both species share contiguous areas of potential hybridization, we question whether the two species arose via allopatric speciation. (AU)

Ecossistema Amazônico , Pitheciidae , Hibridização Genética
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 27(3): 363-376, July-Sept. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-959200


Abstract The aim of this study was to identify Plasmodium spp. in blood samples from nonhuman primates (NHPs) in the state of Maranhão, using classical and alternative techniques for examination of human malaria. A total of 161 blood samples from NHPs were analyzed: 141 from captive animals at a Wildlife Screening Center (CETAS) and 20 from free-living animals in a private reserve. The techniques used were microscopy, rapid diagnostic test (RDT), Indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and molecular techniques (semi-nested PCR, quantitative real-time PCR and LAMP). Two serological methods (dot-ELISA and indirect ELISA) were also standardized with rhoptry protein-soluble antigen of P. falciparum and P. berghei. Trophozoite forms of Plasmodium sp. were identified on slides from five different animals. No samples were positive through RDT and LAMP. Four samples were seropositive for P. malariae through IFAT. The samples showed low reactivity to ELISA. Plasmodium sp. was detected in 34.16% (55/161) of the samples using qPCR based on the 18S rRNA gene. After sequencing, two samples showed 100% identityl to P. malariae, one showed 97% identity to Plasmodium sp. ZOOBH and one showed 99% identity to P. falciparum . PCR was shown to be the most sensitive technique for diagnosing Plasmodium in NHP samples.

Resumo Neste estudo objetivamos identificar Plasmodium spp. em amostras sangue de primatas não humanos (PNH) do estado do Maranhão, utilizando técnicas clássicas e alternativas para o exame da malária humana. Foram analisadas 161 amostras de sangue de PNH, sendo 141 de CETAS (cativeiro) e 20 de reserva particular (vida livre), utilizando microscopia, teste de diagnóstico rápido (RDT), imunofluorescência indireta (IFI) e técnicas moleculares (semi-nested PCR, PCR em tempo real quantitativo e LAMP). Dois métodos sorológicos (dot-ELISA e ELISA indireto) também foram padronizados com antígenos solúveis de roptrias de P. falciparum e P. berghei. Formas trofozoíticas de Plasmodium sp. foram identificadas em lâminas de cinco animais diferentes. Nenhuma amostra foi positiva em TDR e LAMP. Quatro amostras foram soropositivas para P. malariae na IFI. Os soros de PNH mostraram baixa reatividade pelo ELISA indireto. Plasmodium sp. foi detectado em 34,16% (55/161) das amostras utilizando a qPCR baseada no gene 18S rRNA. No sequenciamento, duas amostras mostraram identidade com P. malariae (100%), uma com Plasmodium sp. ZOOBH (97%) e uma com P. falciparum (99%). A PCR mostrou ser a técnica mais sensível para diagnósticos de Plasmodium em amostras de PNH.

Animais , Masculino , Plasmodium/genética , Plasmodium/imunologia , Platirrinos/parasitologia , Malária/veterinária , Anticorpos Antiprotozoários/sangue , RNA Ribossômico 18S/sangue , DNA de Protozoário/sangue , Técnica Indireta de Fluorescência para Anticorpo , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , Malária/diagnóstico , Malária/parasitologia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(4): 767-772, abr. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-955397


Saimiri sciureus is a neotropical primate widely used in research. However, there are still difficulties regarding their reproduction in vivaria due to the high incidence of dystocia. Dystocia in primates can be caused by cephalopelvic disproportion and in Squirrel Monkeys, pregnancy of large fetuses were reported. This paper describes pelvimetry data of adult females and subadults in specimens of Squirrel Monkeys, from a research colony of Para, Brazil. Pelvic radiographs were obtained in ventrodorsal projections and the following measurements were taken: superior bi-iliac diameter (SBID); inferior bi-iliac diameter (IBID); bi-iliac average diameter (BIAD); right diagonal diameter (RDD); left diagonal diameter (LDD); sacro-pubic diameter (SPD); Based on the obtained diameters, the entrance area of the pelvis (EAP) was also calculated. The average values of the pelvic diameters and EAP in adult females were SBID 1.714cm, BIAD 1.957cm, IBID 1.686cm, RDD 2.771cm, LDD 2.764cm, SPD 2.543cm and EAP 3.9056cm2; and subadult females: 1.588cm SBID, 1.850cm BIAD, 1.625cm IBID, 2.50cm RDD, LDD 2.474cm, 1.95cm SPD and 2.8293 cm2 EAP. Saimiri sciureus pelvis is characterized as dolichopelvic. There was statistical significance between the values for adult females and subadults to SBID, BIAD, RDD, LDD, SPD and EAP. The values of SBID and IBID were lower when compared to the published data for the same species. The result found on this paper will serve as a basis for future studies using pelvic measurements and dystocia prediction of neotropical primates and comparison between different vivaria.(AU)

Saimiri sciureus é uma espécie de primata neotropical muito utilizada como animal de pesquisa. No entanto ainda há dificuldades em biotérios quanto a sua reprodução devido à alta ocorrência de distocia. A distocia em primatas pode ter origem devido à desproporção cefalopélvica, sendo que em macacos-de-cheiro é relatada a gestação de fetos grandes. O presente trabalho descreve dados de pelvimetria em espécimes de macaco-de-cheiro, fêmeas adultas e subadultas provenientes de uma colônia de pesquisa do Pará, Brasil. Foram realizadas radiografias da pelve em projeção ventrodorsal e por meio destas mensurados os diâmetros biilíaco superior (DBIS); diâmetro biíliaco inferior (DBII); diâmetro biilíaco médio (DBIM); diâmetro diagonal direito (DDD); diâmetro diagonal esquerdo (DDE); diâmetro sacro-púbico (DSP); com base nos diâmetros obtidos também foi calculada a área de entrada da pelve (AEP). Os valores médios dos diâmetros pélvicos e da AEP em fêmeas adultas foram: DBIS 1,714cm, DBIM 1,957cm, DBII 1,686cm, DDD 2,771cm, DDE 2,764cm, DSP 2,543cm e AEP 3,9056cm2; e para fêmeas subadultas: 1,588cm DBIS, 1,850cm DBIM, 1,625cm DBII, 2,50cm DDD, 2,474cm DDE, 1,95cm DSP e 2,8293 cm2 AEP. Observou-se que a pelve de Saimiri sciureus é dolicopélvica. Houve diferença estatística significativa entre os valores para fêmeas adultas e subadultas para DBIS, DBIM, DDD, DDE, DSP e AEP. Em comparação com dados da literatura de pelvimetria para S. sciureus observaram-se menores valores de DBIS e DBII. O resultado deste trabalho servirá como base para futuros estudos utilizando-se mensurações pélvicas e predição de distocia em primatas neotropicais e referência para comparação entre S. sciureus de diferentes biotérios.(AU)

Animais , Pelvimetria/instrumentação , Pelvimetria/métodos , Saimiri/classificação , Saimiri/anatomia & histologia
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-703260


Objective To observe the changes of circadian characteristics and stress-response-related physiological parameters including respiration, blood pressure, electrocardiography and body temperature of conscious rhesus monkeys by implantable telemetry technique. Methods Surgery was performed on 8 rhesus monkeys (half male and half female, 3-5 years old) for implantation of a telemetry transmitter. After 3 weeks of recovery, the physiological parameters of respiration, blood pressure, electrocardiography and body temperature of the conscious rhesus monkeys without binding were automatically recorded by a DSI telemetry system and the data were analyzed by the Ponemah software. Results Some electrocardiographic indexes showed significant differences at daytime and nighttime (P< 0. 05 or P< 0. 01) including mean heart rate (HR) ( 155. 0-122. 4 times/min), respiratory rate interval (RR-I) (410. 8-535. 7 ms), T-wave amplitude (T-A) (0. 181-0. 157 mV), PR interval (PR-I) (80. 4-87. 4 ms), QT interval (QT-I) (224. 8-263. 9 ms), and corrected QTcb interval (QTcb) (352. 3-366. 7 ms). The indexes of blood pressure and respiration at daytime were significantly higher than those at nighttime (P< 0. 01), including the mean systolic pressure (SYS) at daytime and nighttime (144. 6-131. 6 mmHg), diastolic pressure (DIA) (99. 8- 89. 9 mmHg), mean arterial pressure (MAP) (121. 5-110. 2 mmHg), tidal volume (TV) (64. 5-36. 6 mL), minute ventilation (MV) (1931. 9-920. 1 mL/min), and respiratory rate (RR) (32. 3-25. 4 times/min). Cleaning and feeding activities of the laboratory staff at 9: 00 a.m. and 2: 00 p.m. had a certain effect on the stress-responses in the monkeys. Conclusions The parameters of respiration, blood pressure, electrocardiography and body temperature of the conscious rhesus macaques observed by implanted telemetry system show obvious circadian changes, which can truly reflect the changes of physiological indexes at daytime and nighttime, and avoid the stress in hungry monkeys caused by the feeding and cleaning activities of laboratory staff. This technique can improve the efficiency of drug safety pharmacology studies, reduce the number of animals used and meet the requirements of 3R principles.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-703301


Objective To establish a safe and effective method of rhesus monkey biopsy to take liver and kidney samples under B-mode ultrasound guidance. Methods A total of 4 adult monkeys(weight:8-12 kg; sex: male; age:11 -12 years old)were anaesthetized with 5 -10 mg/kg of ketamine hydrochloride for each through intramuscular injection. After successful anesthesia, abdominal shaving and iodophor disinfection, they were monitored from intercostal area of right upper quadrant or lateral waist subcostal abdomen portions to find liver or kidney organ by MyLab 30CV B-mode ultrasonography with 3.5 Hz transducer which was fixed with a guiding frame. Large vessels such as the portal vein and inferior vena cava were carefully avoided. The range of the biopsy gun was set to 15 mm. When the puncture target and the puncture needle were positioned in the guide line, the puncture target was perpendicular to the puncture needle, and then the trigger button of the puncture needle was pressed to obtain the liver or kidney tissue samples respectively. After puncture,the needle was pulled out quickly. The obtained liver and kidney tissues were used to extract RNA. Results About 13 mg of liver or kidney tissue was obtained by each puncture with volume convertion. This method was fast,reliable and safe,and the total RNA had high purity and integrity. There was no postoperative bleeding and infection. Conclusions This is a very important method for obtaining liver and kidney tissue samples of rhesus monkeys with the guidance of ultrasound. With this method, the research cost can be reduced, the life quality and animal welfare of laboratory non-human primates can be improved,and the accuracy of experimental result can be ensured.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-703332


Objective To examine the nonhuman primate(NHP)model of acute cerebral infarction thrombus-thrombolysis using multi-parameter high-field magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). Methods Altogether, 8 adult male rhesus monkeys aged 8.2(± 1.2)years old and weighing 9.4(± 1.0)kg were randomized into an infarction group(n=4)and thrombolysis group(n =4). Middle cerebral artery occlusion(MCAO)was induced with a clot in the M1 segment. Monkeys in the thrombolysis group were treated with the recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, rt-PA, while those in the infarction group were treated with 0.9% NaCl only. T2 weighted imaging(T2WI), T2-weighted-fluid-attenuated inversion recovery(T2-FLAIR), time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography(TOF-MRA), and diffusion-weighted imaging(DWI)were used to examine all monkeys at 4 and 24 h after onset of ischemia. Results The rhesus monkey thrombus-thrombolysis model was successfully established. MRA showed that the middle cerebral artery(MCA) was not recanalized in the infarction group, but was recanalized in the thrombolysis group. T2WI sequence showed an increase in infarction volume(12 027 ± 5507 mm3)in the infarction group compared with the thrombolysis group(4910 ± 2764 mm3). DWI sequence showed an increase in infarction volume(9498 ± 5226 mm3)in the infarction group and thrombolysis group(4854 ± 1792 mm3). Both T2WI and DWI sequences showed no significant difference in infarction volume at 4 h between the two groups, while infarction volume in the thrombolysis group at 24 h was significantly lower compared with the infarction group. The increase in infarction volume was significantly lower in the thrombolysis group compared with the infarction group. Conclusions MRI sequences can be used to successfully evaluate recanalization and infarct changes in the thrombus-thrombolysis model in rhesus monkeys.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-702480


@#Objective To observe the influence of spinal cord injury on lower limbs weight support capacity,and the changes with time. Methods Six adult female rhesus monkeys with thoracic(T7-9)right spinal cord hemi-section were measured the plantar pressure ratio of both lower limbs with Foot-Scan system before,and six and twelve weeks after operation. Results There was no statistical difference between both sides of limbs before operation(Z=-1.330,P>0.05),while the plantar pressure ratio was more on the left limbs six and twelve weeks after operation(Z>4.783,P<0.001).The plantar pressure ratio of right lower limb became less and less during observation(Z=3.191,P<0.001). Conclusion The weight support capacity of affected limbs is injured after spinal cord hemi-section in monkeys, and would become worse without intervention.

Chinese Journal of Immunology ; (12): 19-24, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-702666


Objective:To delineate the distribution and abundance of interleukin 17 receptor mRNA in normal tissues of rhesus macaques.Methods:Tissue samples were collected from different systems including lymphoid system,digestive system and genital system and the mRNA levels of IL-17RA and IL-17RC were examined by real time RT-PCR.Meanwhile the levels of IL-17RA and IL-17RC mRNA in the PBMCs of rhesus macaques,African green monkeys and cynomolgus monkeys were examined.Results:IL-17RA mRNA was expressed in all the tested tissues and the levels were significantly different among these systems (P<0.05).IL-17RC mRNA level in the large intestine was higher than that in the small intestine.IL-17RA mRNA level in rhesus macaque PBMCs was 3 and 5 times higher than that of cynomolgus monkeys and African green monkeys respectively,while IL-17RC mRNA in the PBMCs was below the limit of detection.Conclusion:IL-17RA is widely distributed in rhesus macaques;the expression level is different among different tissues and species.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 27(2): 135-142, Mar.-Apr. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-843799


ABSTRACT The present study aimed to compare the plant food diet of woolly spider monkeys (Brachyteles arachnoides) inhabiting Intervales State Park in São Paulo, Brazil, with medicinal plant species used by humans in the surrounding areas of the park. The diet of a group of woolly spider monkeys living in an Atlantic forest area was recorded during 43 months of fieldwork. Fifty-three species (87 food items) were recorded. Plant specimens were collected and identified at the University of São Paulo and the Botanical Institute of São Paulo State. Using semi-structured interviews, ethnomedicinal data were also collected from four preselected respondents regarding the human therapeutic value of these plants. The study showed that 24.5% (13/53) of these species are used by residents around the park for medicinal purposes. Of these thirteen, seven species also have validated pharmacological properties, and three are utilized by local residents for similar medicinal purposes. Overlap in the plant food/medicinal diet of woolly spider monkey populations elsewhere were also noted, suggesting potential overlap in their medicinal value for humans and primates. The similarities between the ingestion of plants by primates and their medicinal use by humans provide a bio-rational for the search of bioactive plants in the primate diet. Further detailed investigation of their pharmacological and phytochemical value is warranted.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(2): 156-159, fev. 2017. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-834004


Macacos-da-noite são muito susceptíveis ao estresse e por isso a contenção química ou física deve ser cuidadosamente avaliada antes de qualquer procedimento. Protocolos anestésicos podem alterar alguns parâmetros fisiológicos, sendo o eletrocardiograma (ECG) um exame muito utilizado para avaliação do ritmo e da frequência cardíaca. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de quatro diferentes protocolos de contenção sobre o ECG realizado em Aotus azarae infulatus. Para isso foram utilizados 10 animais, machos, adultos, submetidos à contenção com a associação tiletamina/zolazepam (TZ), isoflurano (ISO), associação cetamina e midazolam (CET) e contenção física (CF). Não foram observadas diferenças nos parâmetros de ondas e complexos obtidos no ECG em todos os grupos testados, no entanto, durante a avaliação do traçado os animais do grupo CF apresentaram uma quantidade maior de alterações. Concluiu-se que os protocolos de contenção utilizados não alteraram os valores do ECG e que não foi possível considerar o grupo CF como controle devido causar mais alterações do que todos os protocolos testados.(AU)

Feline night monkeys are very susceptible to stress and therefore the physical or chemical restraint should be carefully evaluated before any procedure. Anesthetic protocols can alter some physiological parameters, and electrocardiogram (ECG) is a commonly exam used for evaluation of the rhythm and heart rate. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of four different protocols of restraining on ECG in Aotus azarae infulatus, in order to identify the best method of restraining in these primates. For that, we used 10 adult feline night monkeys, males, submitted to restraining protocols with the association tiletamine and zolazepam - (TZ), isoflurane (ISO), association ketamine and midazolam (CET) and physical restraint (CF). No differences were observed in the parameters wave and ECG complexes obtained in all groups tested; however, during the evaluation of the trace the animals of group CF showed a greater amount of change. It was concluded that the restraint protocols used did not change the values of the ECG, and it was not possible to consider the CF group as control due to more caused alterations than all other tested protocols.(AU)

Animais , Anestésicos/análise , Aotidae , Guias como Assunto/métodos , Estresse Psicológico , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Valores de Referência
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-607106


Objective To explore the dynamic changes of glutamate in the cortex of cynomolgus monkeys during cerebral ischemia.Methods Proximal M1 segment of middle cerebral artery (MCA) was occluded for 1 h in 3 young cynomolgus monkeys (7.3 ± 1.5 years old) to induce cerebral ischemia.Magnetic resonance imaging and neurologic deficit scoring were used to evaluate the ischemia and observe the manifestations,respectively.Fast Analytical Sensing Technology (FAST) was applied to record the content of cortex glutamate in the same site of ipsilateral primary motor cortex in the periods of pre-,during,and post-occlusion,and at 1 and 2 weeks after surgery.Results Compared with pre-occlusion,the content of glutamate was increased significantly in the process of occluding in the MCA M1 (P =0.003);No significant difference was observed in the content during occluding and post-occlusion (P--0.877).The content in the first week was decreased obviously as compared with post-occlusion (P--0.004),but it showed no statistical difference with that in the second week (P =0.085).Conclusion Cerebral ischemia may potentially accelerate the extra-cellular glutamate release in the cortex,but reperfusion may ameliorate or balance off the glutamate release.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-619703


Objective To establish reference values for blood pressure in cynomolgus monkeys in different ages.Methods The blood pressures and blood lipids indexes were detected in 521 cynomolgus monkeys using an American BECKMAN-CX4 automatic biochemical analyzer and a wrist electronic blood pressure monitor.Statistical tests were performed to analyze the data.Results Significant differences were found in blood pressure values of cynomolgus monkeys in different ages.Blood pressure values in the elderly group were higher than those of other groups.The morbidity of hypertension in the elderly group was higher than those of the other groups.Body mass index (BMI) in the hypertension group was higher than that of normal group in the same age.The incidence of hypertension in the elderly group with hyperlipemia was higher than that of other groups.Logistic regression analysis showed that age, BMI and hyperlipidemia in the hypertensive group were 1.435, 1.218, and 2.337 times higher than those of the normal group when predicting the risk of hypertension.Conclusions We have initially established reference values of blood pressure in cynomolgus monkeys in different ages.Age, BMI and hyperlipidemia are risk factors of spontaneous hypertension in cynomolgus monkeys, and the measurement of blood pressure may provide a basis for the screening of cynomolgus monkey model of spontaneous hypertensive and related research.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-619768


Objective To provide a simple, convenient, and safe anesthesia method for the establishment of a M1 segment of middle cerebral artery occlusion model in rhesus monkey or other large laboratory animals.Method Twenty male rhesus monkeys weighing 7-11 kg (ages 7-9 years) from Academy of Military Medical Sciences were used in this study.Sumianxin injection combined with 0.1 mg/kg ketamine was given before endotracheal intubation (ID:4.5-5.5#).The animals were then transported to an interventional operation room, where the intravenous access was established and a urinary catheter was inserted into the urinary bladder.Mechanical ventilation was used during the surgery, propofol was continuously injected in a speed of 2-4 mg/kg/h, and Sumianxin-ketamine could be given if necessary to maintain adequate anesthesia depth.The dose was adjusted according to vital signs of the rhesus such as body movements, physiological parameters, and demand of surgery.Brain MRI examination was performed before and after thrombolysis.Anesthetic injection was suspended and the animals were allowed to have a spontaneous breathing every time before the MRI text.Heart rates, temperature, non-invasive blood pressure, and SpO2 were monitored during the whole surgery.Blood samples were taken from the radial artery for blood gas analysis after anesthesia induction and during operation.Results All the 20 animals underwent the operation successfully, no animal had restlessness, respiratory depression, arrhythmia and other serious complications.At the end of the study, animals awake soon.Fifteen of them survived longer than 24 hours, only 5 died from serious cerebral hemorrhage and larger cerebral infarction.Conclusions General endotracheal anesthesia is safe for rhesus monkeys during such interventional operation and MRI examination.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-668630


Objective To determine the hematological and serum biochemical parameters of 50 healthy African green monkeys,and to analyze the difference of these values between different groups of sex and age(the juvenile group:1- 3 years old,the adult group: 4 - 6 years old). Methods Blood samples were obtained from the monkeys in the awake state,and the hematological and serum biochemical parameters of the samples were measured using an automatic blood cell analyzer and blood biochemical analyzer, respectively. Results Among all of the hematologic values, the number of red blood cells(RBC), the amount of hemoglobin(HGB), hematocrit(HCT), and percentages of the neutrophils(NEUT%),lymphocytes(LYMPH%), monocytes(MONO%)and basophils(BASO%)were significantly different between the juvenile group and the adult group(P < 0.05). In the juvenile group, parameters such as the number of the white blood cells(WBC),RBC,HGB,HCT,NEUT%,LYMPH%,MONO% were significantly different between the female and the male monkeys(P < 0.05). As for the adult group, the HCT value was of significant difference,while the other indexes were not significantly different between the female and male monkeys(P < 0.05). Among the serum biochemical values, the quantities of albumin(ALB), aspartate aminotransferase(AST), alkaline phosphatase(ALP)and creatinine(CREA)were significantly different between the juvenile group and adult group(P <0.05). The amount of CREA of the juvenile females was significantly different from that of the juvenile males(P <0.05),and the values of total protein(TP)and cholesterol(CHOL)of the adult females were significantly different from those of the adult males(P < 0.05), while the other indexes were not significantly different. Conclusions As a reference,the routine biological data of African green monkeys we have established in this study lay a foundation for the evaluation of their biological properties and further application in related studies.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-808820


Objective@#To analyze the prevalence, genetic structure and evolutionary characteristics of GⅡ.17 norovirus isolated from the fecal samples of rhesus monkeys in Longhu Mountain of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.@*Methods@#A total of 400 stool specimens were collected from wild rhesus monkeys from March to August of 2015. The GⅡ.17 norovirus named as GX213 was identified in fecal samples by high-throughput sequencing technology. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was used to confirm and screen GX213, as well as amplify its complete gene sequence. Then the sequence and phylogenetic analysis of three ORFs of GX213 were constructed by software MEGA 6.0.@*Results@#Two out of 400 fecal samples were positive. The full-length genome of GX213 was 7 565 bp (containing PloyA tail), which was composed of three open reading frames (ORFs): ORF1(10-5112 nt), ORF2(5093-6715 nt)and ORF3(6715-7494 nt), with 20 bp overlapping between ORF1 and ORF2, and 1 bp overlapping between ORF2 and ORF3.Analysis of the complete sequence of GX213 showed that it shared the highest homology with the strain of human GⅡ.17 norovirus CUHK-NS-613 (GenBank ID: KU561248) (99.5% identity), and ORF1 and ORF3 also shared the highest homology with the strain CUHK-NS-613 [99.5% and 99.4% in nucleotide (nt); 99.5% and 99.2% in amino acid (aa), respectively], which was the main cause of human norovirus outbreaks in some regions of Asia from 2014 to 2015. ORF2 sequence analysis showed that it displayed the highest identity (99.4% in nt and 99.8% in aa) to the strain CUHK-NS-491 (GenBank ID: KP698928), only one aa mutation aa245P→S(P1.1 region) was observed in the GX213 VP1 protein. Furthermore, the phylogenetic analysis showed that GX213 was more related to CUHK-NS-613 and CUHK-NS-491 than the strain KM1509 (GenBank ID: KX356908) of GⅡ.17 norovirus recently identified in rhesus monkeys.@*Conclusions@#GX213 belongs to the human GⅡ.17 norovirus variant causing the norovirus outbreaks from 2014 to 2015. Our research suggests that GⅡ.17 norovirus can infect not only humans but also rhesus monkeys.