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Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514962


Introducción: La Pácora (Plagioscion magdalenae) es una especie nativa de Colombia y en categoría de casi amenazada a nivel del país, de la que poco se conoce acerca de las estructuras con aporte etológico en su historia de vida. Objetivo: Analizar el desarrollo gonadal relacionado con la espermatogénesis de P. magdalenae y las implicaciones taxonómicas a partir de la vejiga natatoria. Métodos: Realizamos siete muestreos en dos periodos climáticos: el primero en octubre de 2019 a febrero de 2020 de recolectas bimensuales y la segunda de octubre 2020 a enero 2021 de recolectas mensuales; con el fin de abarcar cada momento del pulso de inundación de la cuenca baja del Magdalena. Describimos la histomorfología testicular y las características macroscópicas de la vejiga natatoria de la especie. Además, analizamos aspectos como relaciones morfométricas, clases de tallas por sexos, la proporción sexual y la época de madurez sexual. Resultados: Analizamos 142 ejemplares y 4 intervalos de tallas fueron establecidos (entre 145 y 575 mm LE), 66 fueron machos y 73 hembras con una proporción sexual global 1.1:0.9 (hembra-macho) sin diferencias. Los machos tienen testículos de tipo tubular, protegidos por el peritoneo que se encuentra recubierto por la musculatura sónica de la vejiga natatoria, la cual posee forma de ''zanahoria'' sin apéndices, con dos bandas laterales de músculos intrínsecos (promedio entre 6.75 cm de largo y 1.48 cm de ancho) unidos por una aponeurosis y que solo se encuentran en machos sexualmente maduros. Conclusión: Los testículos poseen una organización de tipo lobular irrestricto y la espermatogénesis se da en lóbulos seminíferos. La vejiga natatoria de la Pácora es simple y no tiene estructuras accesorias. La distribución geográfica de P. magdalenae se restringe a la cuenca del río Magdalena en Colombia.

Introduction: The Pácora (Plagioscion magdalenae) is a species native to Colombia and in near-threatened category at the country level, of which little is known about the structures with ethological contribution in its life history. Objective: To analyze the gonadal development related to spermatogenesis of P. magdalenae and the taxonomic implications from the swim bladder. Methods: We collected seven samples in two climatic periods: the first from October 2019 to February 2020 of bimonthly collections, and the second from October 2020 to January 2021 of monthly collections; to cover every moment of the flood pulse of the lower Magdalena basin. We described the testicular histomorphology and macroscopic characteristics of the swim bladder of the species. In addition, we analyzed aspects such as morphometric relationships, size classes by sex, sex ratio and time of sexual maturity. Results: We analyzed 142 specimens and established 4 size intervals (between 145 and 575 mm SL), 66 were males and 73 females with an overall sex ratio of 1.1:0.9 (female-male) with no differences. Males have tubular testes protected by the peritoneum covered by the sonic musculature of the swim bladder, which has a ''carrot'' shape without appendages, with two lateral bands of intrinsic muscles (average between 6.75 cm long and 1.48 cm wide) connected by an aponeurosis and found only in sexually mature males. Conclusion: The testes have an unrestricted lobular organization and spermatogenesis occurs in the seminiferous lobes. The swim bladder of the Pácora is simple and has no accessory structures. The geographic distribution of P. magdalenae is restricted to the Magdalena River basin in Colombia.

Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Gônadas , Colômbia
Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1304-1309, oct. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521013


Los trabajos realizados sobre batoideos han demostrado que existen grandes variaciones en la musculatura de la región cefálica ventral, estos cambios están asociados a los diferentes estilos de vida de los organismos y por tanto, a los mecanismos de alimentación. El objetivo de este trabajo fue llevar a cabo un estudio comparativo de la morfología de la musculatura cefálica dorsal y ventral de dos especies de la familia Narcinidae: Narcine vermiculatus y Diplobatis ommata. Se observó que ambas especies comparten un patrón morfológico común. Los músculos que mostraron mayores variaciones en la región dorsal fueron el depresor rostral, el preorbital lateral y el elevador rostral. La diferencia más importante en esta región, entre ambas especies, fue la ausencia del músculo cucularis en D. ommata. En la región ventral las principales diferencias se observaron en los músculos depresor mandibular, preorbital medial, interbranquial y depresor hiomandibular. Este último músculo está formado por dos paquetes en D. ommata, en tanto que en N. vermiculatus por uno. Se puede concluir que la morfología de la musculatura cefálica es constante; sin embargo, se observan diferencias importantes en el grado de desarrollo de los músculos tanto en la región dorsal como en la ventral.

SUMMARY: Works conducted on batoids have revealed large variations in the musculature of the ventral cephalic region, associated to the different lifestyles of these organisms and, therefore, to their feeding mechanisms. This work aimed to conduct a comparative study of the dorsal and ventral cephalic muscular morphology of two species of the family Narcinidae: Narcine vermiculatus and Diplobatis ommata. It was observed that both species share a common morphological pattern. Muscles with larger variations in the dorsal region were the rostral depressor, the lateral preorbital and the rostral elevator. The most relevant difference in this region between both species was the absence of the cucularis muscle in D. ommata. In the ventral region, the main differences were observed in the mandibular depressor, medial preorbital, interbranchial and hyomandibular depressor muscles. In D. ommata, the latter is formed by two packages, and by one in N. vermiculatus. It can be concluded that the cephalic musculature is constant; however, significant differences are observed in the muscle development degree in both the dorsal and the ventral regions.

Animais , Músculo Esquelético/anatomia & histologia , Elasmobrânquios/anatomia & histologia , Cabeça/anatomia & histologia , Variação Anatômica
Medisan ; 26(2)abr. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1405780


La sarcopenia es un síndrome geriátrico caracterizado por la pérdida generalizada y progresiva de la masa muscular esquelética, así como disminución de la fuerza muscular y del rendimiento físico. Al respecto, el tratamiento no farmacológico es de gran importancia por su acción en la musculatura esquelética. En este trabajo se precisan los elementos fundamentales para aplicar esta terapia en ancianos, cuya evaluación clínica incluye, entre otros, la valoración de comorbilidades crónicas y agudas y de su funcionalidad física mediante el índice de Katz y la escala de Lawton y Brody, el volumen de actividad física planificada y el diagnóstico de los estadios de sarcopenia por el estado de la masa muscular esquelética, según el European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People. También se proponen programas de ejercicios de fuerza y resistencia corroborados en metaanálisis, con una duración, frecuencia e intensidad establecidas, para fortalecer la musculatura esquelética y su acción sobre los cambios fisiopatológicos, a fin de lograr la adaptación muscular y mejorar la funcionalidad física; con ello, se previenen las caídas y fracturas en los ancianos con sarcopenia y se mejora su calidad de vida.

Sarcopenia is a geriatric syndrome characterized by the widespread and progressive loss of the skeletal muscular mass and decrease of the muscular force and physical performance. In this respect, the non-pharmacological treatment is of great importance due to its action in the skeletal musculature. In this work the fundamental elements to apply this therapy in elderly are specified whose clinical evaluation includes, among others, the valuation of chronic and acute comorbidities and of their physical functionality by means of the Katz index and the Lawton and Brody scale, the volume of planned physical activity and the diagnosis of the sarcopenia phases by the condition of the skeletal muscular mass, according to the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People. Programs of force and resistance exercises corroborated in meta-analysis are also suggested, with an established duration, frequency and intensity, to strengthen the skeletal musculature and its action on the pathophysiological changes, in order to achieve the muscular adaptation and improve the physical functionality; with it, falls and fractures are prevented in the elderly with sarcopenia and improve their life quality.

Exercício Físico , Sarcopenia , Qualidade de Vida , Idoso
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912891


Objective: To explore the clinical efficacy of muscle regions of meridians needling method for refractory facial paralysis affecting different locations.Methods: A total of 110 participants were randomized into an observation group and a control group, with 55 cases in each group. The observation group was treated with muscle regions of meridians needling method, and the control group was treated with conventional facial three-line needling method. The clinical efficacy was evaluated four weeks after the treatment. And the infrared imaging spectra of the two groups were examined. Results: The total effective rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group (P<0.05), and its curative effect for refractory facial paralysis located above the geniculate ganglion was better than that of the control group (P<0.05). The color scale distribution of different disease locations in the two groups varied significantly (P<0.05), the higher the disease location, the higher the occurrence rate of cool zone and low temperature zone. After treatment, the reductions of the facial and periotic temperature difference between the healthy side and the affected side in the observation group were statistically different from those in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Muscle regions of meridians needling method has a better effect than facial three-line needling method for refractory facial paralysis. It can promote the microcirculation of the affected side of the face, improve the blood and oxygen supply to local tissues, and thus promote the repair of the peripheral facial nerve.

Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 30(1): e021120, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251357


Abstract Hoplias malabaricus is a non-migratory fish commonly found in the Mogi Guaçu River basin, mainly feeding on fish, small crustaceans and insects. It forms part of the diet for humans, birds and some mammals. This fish has great nutritional value, with both good quality and good quantities of essential vitamins and amino acids. Regarding parasitic fauna, this fish can host different species of helminths in its gastrointestinal tract. The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible interference of parasitism in the meat yield from H. malabaricus and the centesimal composition. For this purpose, fish specimens were collected from marginal lagoons of the Mogi Guaçu River (Pirassununga, state of São Paulo, Brazil) using hooks and fishing nets. We found that all specimens of H. malabaricus were parasitized by at least one species, including larvae of Contracaecum sp. (Nematoda: Anisakidae). Parasitism did not have any significant influence on centesimal composition, but meat yield was negatively correlated with the abundance of larvae.

Resumo Hoplias malabaricus é um peixe comumente encontrado na bacia do rio Mogi Guaçu. Não realiza migração e alimenta-se de peixes, pequenos crustáceos e insetos. Faz parte da dieta de seres humanos, aves e outros mamíferos piscívoros. Apresenta grande valor nutricional em relação à quantidade e à qualidade de vitaminas e aminoácidos essenciais. Em relação à fauna parasitária, este peixe pode albergar diferentes espécies de helmintos em seu trato gastrointestinal. O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a eventual interferência do parasitismo no rendimento e na composição centesimal da carne do pescado de H. malabaricus. Para isso, foram realizadas coletas por um ano, em lagoas marginais do rio Mogi Guaçu, Pirassununga, estado de São Paulo, Brasil, utilizando-se anzol e rede de espera. Como resultado, todos os exemplares de H. malabaricus estavam parasitados por, pelo menos, uma espécie de parasita, prevalecendo larvas de Contracaecum sp. (Nematoda: Anisakidae). O parasitismo não afetou a composição centesimal da carne do peixe, mas foi encontrada uma correlação negativa forte entre o rendimento da carne e o número de larvas de parasitos.

Animais , Parasitos , Caraciformes , Doenças dos Peixes , Brasil , Rios , Carne
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-872414


Objective: To observe the improving effect of muscle regions of meridians needling method on the upper limb function in children with cerebral palsy of spastic hemiplegic type. Methods: A total of 100 children with cerebral palsy of spastic hemiplegia type were divided into a treatment group and a control group according to the visiting sequence, with 50 cases in each group. The control group was treated with conventional rehabilitation plus conventional acupuncture treatment. The treatment group was treated with conventional rehabilitation plus muscle regions of meridians needling method. The electromyography (EMG) signal values of triceps brachii and pronator teres were detected before treatment, and 3 months and 6 months after treatment. The clinical efficacy was evaluated by Peabody developmental motor scale-fine motor (PDMS-FM) and fine motor function measure (FMFM). Results: Three and six months after treatment, the EMG signal values of triceps brachii and pronator teres, grasping scores and visual-motor integrated scores of PDMS-FM and the FMFM scores in both groups increased to varying degrees compared with the same group before treatment, and the intra-group differences were all statistically significant (all P<0.05). Six months after treatment, the results of the above three items in the treatment group were all better than those in the control group, and the differences between the groups were statistically significant (all P<0.05). Conclusion: Muscle regions of meridians needling method added on the basis of conventional rehabilitation can effectively reduce the muscle tone of upper limb and enhance the muscle strength, and improve the upper limb function in children with cerebral palsy of spastic hemiplegia type. The efficacy is superior to that of the conventional rehabilitation plus conventional acupuncture treatment.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(2): 525-534, mar.-abr. 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-910696


The present study aimed to evaluate the feedlot performance, profitability and carcass traits of Brahman bulls classified according to the residual feed intake (RFI). Twenty-four bulls (19-month old, 370±34kg live weight) were housed in individual pens for 54 days and had the daily feed intake (observed dry matter intake, DMIobs; DMI % live weight, LW) and average daily gain (ADG) measured. Ultrasound carcass evaluations were performed at the initial and final weighings, when measurements were taken of Longissimus dorsi area, ratio, Longissimus and Biceps femoris fat thickness. The animals were ranked and divided into high (>+0.5 standard deviation; SD), medium (between ±0.5 SD from the mean), and low (<-0.5 SD) RFI groups. Low-RFI animals had lower DMIobs (P<0.10) and DMI % LW (P<0.05). No significant differences in initial and final weight or ADG were noticed (P>0.05). Low-RFI animals showed lower weight gain cost and higher daily profit (P<0.05). Carcass traits were similar between groups, regardless of evaluation date (P>0.05). Selection for RFI lead to animals with lower feed intake without affecting weight gain or carcass traits, thereby providing increased profitability for beef cattle farming.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho, o lucro e as características de carcaça de tourinhos Brahman classificados de acordo com o consumo alimentar residual (CAR). Vinte e quatro tourinhos (19 meses de idade e 370±34kg de peso vivo) foram alojados em baias individuais por 54 dias para avaliação do consumo de alimentos (CMSobs; CMS % peso vivo, PV) e ganho de peso diário (GMD). Avaliações de carcaça por ultrassonografia foram realizadas nas pesagens inicial e final, com mensurações da área do Longissimus dorsi, ratio, espessura de gordura sobre o Longissimus e sobre o Biceps femoris. Os animais foram ranqueados e divididos em grupos de alto (>+0,5 desvio-padrão; DP), médio (entre ±0,5 DP da média) e baixo (<-0,5 DP) CAR. Animais de baixo CAR apresentaram menor CMSobs (P<0,10) e menor CMS % PV (P<0,05). Não houve diferença nos pesos inicial e final e GMD (P>0,05). Animais de baixo CAR apresentaram menor custo do ganho de peso e maior lucro diário (P<0,05). As características de carcaça foram semelhantes entre os grupos independentemente da data de avaliação (P>0,05). A seleção para CAR leva a animais de menor consumo, sem afetar o ganho de peso e as características de carcaça, fornecendo maior lucro para a atividade pecuária.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/genética , Bovinos/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos , Carne/análise
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 33(5): 1284-1294, sept./oct. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-966328


Green iguana has arboreal and terrestrial habits. It is widely distributed in Central and South America, inhabiting several biomes in Brazil. Some researches were focused on this species, however, morphological information are still limited. With that in sight, we aimed to add data to the anatomical knowledge. Two post mortem specimen of Iguana i. iguana were acquired, donated by a scientific breeding, and dissected. To describe the muscles we refuted the skin and removed the fascias, individualizing the muscles. We identified the following muscles: pectoralis, deltoideus clavicularis, deltoideus scapularis, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, coracobrachialis brevis, coracobrachialis longus, serratus thoracis, levator scapulae, biceps brachii and triceps brachii. Some of them, like coracobrachialis brevis, present conservative anatomy, originating from the ventral surface of the coracoid and inserting onto the proximal humerus. Some, like trapezius and biceps brachii, are similar to other reptile species, trapezius takes its origin from the thoracodorsal fascia and biceps arises by two heads and inserts on the radial tuberosity. Deltoideus clavicularis and deltoideus scapularis share a common insertion tendon. Pectoralis varies its origin and divisions, however, the insertion always occur on the deltopectoral crest. Triceps brachii is comprised of four heads. Its long medial head originates via a tendinous arc, feature described only in crocodilians. We conclude that Iguana i. iguana forelimb musculature is similar to other reptiles, presenting its own characteristics that reflect its habits.

Iguanas verdes tem hábitos arbóreos, terrestres e aquáticos, e são totalmente herbívoras. Tem ampla distribuição na América Central e do Sul, habitando vários biomas no Brasil. Investigações diversas tiveram esta espécie como foco, embora informações morfológicas sejam ainda escassas. Objetivando adicionar dados ao conhecimento anatômico, dois espécimes de Iguana i. iguana foram obtidos post mortem, por doação de um criadouro científico, e dissecados. Os músculos foram individualizados para identificação e descrição das origens, inserções e características. Alguns músculos, como o coracobraquial curto, apresentam morfologia conservativa, sua origem ocorre na superfície ventral do coracóide e inserção na epífise proximal do úmero. O trapézio, o bíceps braquial e o deltóide clavicular se apresentam similares à outros répteis, com a origem do trapézio na fáscia toracodorsal e o bíceps, com duas cabeças, se inserindo no tubérculo do rádio. O deltóide clavicular possui o tendão de inserção unido ao do músculo deltóide escapular. O músculo peitoral apresenta variações em sua origem e divisões, mas a inserção sempre ocorre na crista deltopeitoral. A origem da cabeça longa caudal do tríceps ocorre por meio de arco tendíneo, característica antes descrita apenas em crocodilianos. A musculatura de Iguana i. iguana se apresenta similar à de outros répteis no geral, com características próprias refletindo seus hábitos.

Músculos Peitorais/anatomia & histologia , Répteis , Iguanas , Músculos
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 50(2): 194-198, Mar.-Apr. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-842844


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Chagas disease (CD) is progressive and incapacitating, especially when cardiopulmonary function is affected. For example, respiratory muscle weakness can cause dyspnea upon exertion and fatigue, which may be exacerbated when it is associated with pulmonary hypertension (PH). The present study aimed to evaluate respiratory musculature, quality of life, anxiety, and depression among patients with indeterminate chronic CD and symptoms of PH. METHODS: All individuals completed a clinical evaluation, spirometry, a 6-min walking test, respiratory musculature testing using maximum inspiratory pressure (PImax) and maximum expiratory pressure (PEmax), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the SF-36 questionnaire. RESULTS: We evaluated 107 patients who were assigned to a control group with only CD (G1, 8 patients), a group with CD and possible PH (G2, 93 patients), and a group with CD and echocardiography evidence of PH (G3, 6 patients). The three groups had similar values for PImax and PEmax. Compared to the G1 and G2 groups, the G3 group covered significantly less distance during the 6-min walking test and had a significantly shorter predicted distance (p < 0.05 vs. the G1 group). All three groups had similar values for their spirometry results, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale scores, and SF-36 questionnaire results. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with indeterminate chronic CD and symptoms of PH did not experience significant impairment in the studied variables, with the exception of the 6-min walking test, which suggests a low exercise tolerance.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Idoso , Qualidade de Vida/psicologia , Músculos Respiratórios/fisiopatologia , Doença de Chagas/complicações , Doença de Chagas/fisiopatologia , Depressão/etiologia , Hipertensão Pulmonar/etiologia , Ansiedade/etiologia , Ansiedade/psicologia , Espirometria , Ecocardiografia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Doença Crônica , Estudos Prospectivos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Doença de Chagas/psicologia , Depressão/psicologia , Força Muscular/fisiologia , Teste de Caminhada , Hipertensão Pulmonar/fisiopatologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Acta biol. colomb ; 21(3): 657-660, set.-dic, 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-827645


This manuscript describes the mandibular muscles of the puma (Puma concolor), a widely sparse American carnivorous mammal. The muscles on the right and left side of the head of three specimens -two adult males and one young female- were dissected and photographed. This study increases our knowledge on the mandibular soft tissue and adds important anatomical information to the poorly known and documented musculature of this felid, the largest of the subfamily Felinae.

En este trabajo se describen los músculos mandibulares del puma (Puma concolor), un mamífero carnívoro de amplia distribución en América. Se diseccionaron y fotografiaron los músculos izquierdos y derechos de la cabeza de tres individuos, dos machos adultos y una hembra juvenil. Este estudio incrementa nuestro conocimiento de los tejidos blandos mandibulares y por lo tanto, aporta información anatómica valiosa de la escasamente conocida y documentada musculatura de este félido, el más grande de la subfamilia Felinae.

Int. j. morphol ; 34(2): 503-509, June 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-787029


In literature it is established that the iris musculature consists of striate muscle fibers in birds while in mammals it consists of smooth muscles. Some authors report the presence of smooth muscle tissue also in the iris of some species of birds. In the present study we report on the iris muscle tissues (type of tissue, direction and mean diameter of muscle fibers or cells) in five species of Accipitriformes (diurnal raptors) and four species of Strigiformes (nocturnal raptors) because they show different way of life depending of their predatory behavior. This morphological study was carried out from raptors died or euthanized at the Wild Life Rescue Centre of Sea and Water birds in Livorno (Italy). From histological examination of iris serial radial sections we find both striated and smooth musculature even if with marked differences among analyzed species, not directly correlated with diurnal or nocturnal lifestyle. Striated fibers are always present, mainly with cross direction, throughout the iris stroma, while the histological differences concern the smooth cells. Indeed, harrier and sparrow hawk (Accipitriformes) and great horned owl and little owl (Strigiformes) show a compact layer of cross smooth muscle cells throughout the iris stroma. In the other species analyzed smooth muscle cells are slightly detectable as scattered or not detectable. Since the cross smooth muscle tissue allows to maintain a myotic state for extended periods of time, our results might be correlated more to the predatory behavior than the taxonomic order.

En la literatura, se establece que la musculatura del iris se compone de fibras musculares estriadas en las aves, mientras que en los mamíferos, la forman los músculos lisos. Algunos autores informan también de la presencia de tejido muscular liso en el iris de algunas especies de aves. El presente estudio informa sobre los tejidos musculares del iris (tipo de tejido, la dirección y diámetro de las fibras musculares o células) en cinco especies de Accipitriformes y cuatro especies de Strigiformes que muestran diferentes hábitos en función de su comportamiento depredador. Este estudio morfológico se realizó en aves rapaces que murieron o fueron eutanasiadas en el Centro de Vida Salvaje de Rescate de Aves Marinas y Acuáticas de Livorno (Italia). El examen histológico de secciones seriadas radiales del iris mostró la presencia tanto de musculatura estriada como lisa, aunque con marcadas diferencias entre las especies analizadas, pero sin correlación directa con el estilo de vida diurna o nocturna. Las fibras estriadas estuvieron siempre presentes, principalmente en dirección transversal a lo largo del estroma del iris, mientras que las diferencias histológicas fueron de las células lisas. Tanto el aguilucho y el gavilán (Accipitriformes) como el buho real y el mochuelo (Strigiformes) mostraron una capa compacta de células musculares lisas transversales en todo el estroma del iris. En las otras especies analizadas, las células musculares lisas fueron ligeramente detectables de manera dispersa o no detectables. Dado que el tejido del músculo liso transversal permite mantener un estado miótico durante largos períodos de tiempo, nuestros resultados podrían estar más correlacionados con el comportamiento depredador, y no con el orden taxonómico.

Animais , Iris/anatomia & histologia , Músculo Liso/anatomia & histologia , Músculo Estriado/anatomia & histologia , Aves Predatórias/anatomia & histologia
Int. j. morphol ; 34(1): 7-12, Mar. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-780467


This work aims to describe the morphology of dorsal and ventral cephalic musculature in five species of genus Urotrygon. Muscular differences were observed, mainly in the development level. Muscles showing certain degree of variation in the dorsal region were the cucullaris and the ethmoideo-parethmoidalis. In ventral view, higher variation was observed. Muscles showing differences were the depressor rostri, the depressor hyomandibularis, the preorbitalis medial, the coracohioideus, and the depressor mandibularis. Urotrygon aspidurus was the species with the largest differences, as it has no mandibular depressor, and the rostral depressor is quite developed. The shape and arrangement of cephalic musculature in Urotrygon is similar to that reported for genus Urolophus and Dasyatis, however, it is different from that of most specialized myliobatoids.

El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo describir la morfología de la musculatura cefálica dorsal y ventral de cinco especies del género Urotrygon. En los músculos de la región cefálica dorsal y ventral se observaron diferencias, principalmente en el grado de desarrollo. Los músculos que mostraron cierto grado de variación en la región dorsal fueron el cucularis y el etmoideo paraetmoidal. En vista ventral los músculos que mostraron diferencias fueron el depresor rostral, el depresor hiomandibular, el preorbitalis medial, el coracohioideus y el depresor mandibular. Urotrygon aspidurus fue la especie que mostró mayores diferencias ya que no presenta el músculo depresor mandibular, y el depresor rostral está muy desarrollado. La forma y disposición de la musculatura cefálica de Urotrygon es similar a la reportada para especies de los géneros Urolophus y Dasyatis, sin embargo, es diferente a la de los miliobatoideos más especializados.

Animais , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Cabeça/anatomia & histologia , Músculos/anatomia & histologia
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-503887


Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy and action mechanism of muscle-region alignment electroacupuncture in treating post-stroke shoulder pain. Method Eighty patients were randomized into a muscle-region alignment needling group and a conventional acupuncture group. The Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ), and serum levels of IL-6, TNF-?, and NO were majorly observed before and after the treatment. Result The muscle-region alignment electroacupuncture and conventional acupuncture both obviously reduced the SF-MPQ score and down-regulated the serum levels of IL-6, TNF-?, and NO, and the decreases by the muscle-region alignment electroacupuncture were more significant than that by the conventional acupuncture. Conclusion The action of muscle-region alignment electroacupuncture in treating post-stroke shoulder pain is plausibly by down-regulating serum levels of IL-6, TNF-?, and NO, reducing or inhibiting the production of inflammatory factors and restraining inflammation.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-503941


Objective To observe the effect of acupuncture at the muscle region of meridians plus tuina on facial nerve function in peripheral facial paralysis. Method Sixty patients with peripheral facial paralysis (recovery stage) were randomized into a treatment group (intervened by acupuncture at the muscle region of meridians plus tuina) and a control group (intervened by conventional acupuncture), 30 cases in each group. Result The facial nerve electromyography (EMG) showed that the action potential latency and amplitude were changed significantly after the treatment in both groups (P<0.05), indicating that the two methods were both effective in recovering facial nerve function, while acupuncture at the muscle region of meridians plus tuina produced a more significant treatment effect compared to conventional acupuncture. In the treatment group, same treatment with different intervention times produced significantly different effects on the Toronto facial grading system (TFGS) (P<0.05), indicating that the earlier the intervention, the more significant the therapeutic efficacy. Conclusion Acupuncture at the muscle region of meridians plus tuina can produce a more significant effect in recovering facial nerve function in peripheral facial paralysis compared to conventional acupuncture.

Pediátr. Panamá ; 44(2): 28-35, Agosto- Septiembre 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-848738


El síndrome de Eagle-Barret o síndrome de Prune Belly también conocido como "síndrome de abdomen en ciruela pasa", es un cuadro cuya etiología aún se desconoce. Se caracteriza por la de ciencia de la musculatura de la pared abdominal, dilatación del tracto urinario y criptorquidia bilateral. La incidencia estimada es de 1 en 35,000 a 1 en 50,000 recién nacidos vivos, ocurriendo aproximadamente más del 95% de los casos en masculinos. Las manifestaciones clínicas de la triada de anormalidades presentes en esta entidad, van desde el defecto muscular presente en la pared abdominal, que consta solamente de piel y peritoneo, razón por la cual el tejido dérmico presenta una serie de estriaciones, que permiten la palpación fácil de las vísceras, asociándose además una alteración del sistema urogenital que se caracteriza por la dilatación de la vejiga como consecuencia de una obstrucción distal, con reflujo vesico-ureteral. Se describe un neonato con Síndrome de abdomen en ciruela pasa, de sexo masculino, nacido de 40 semanas de gestación y pesó 3 050 g al nacer. El examen clínico mostró un neonato con un abdomen globuloso, con redundancia de la piel que huelga a los costados rebosantes, la palpación del abdomen no descubre la tonalidad muscular. No se palpa visceromegalia y hay presencia normal de ruidos hidroaéreos. El examen físico del tórax y cardiovascular no reportó datos patológicos. Examen neurológico normal. La ecografía renal mostró alteraciones en el tracto urinario. Revela además criptorquidia bilateral. Este caso destaca la importancia del diagnóstico temprano y el manejo adecuado del paciente tanto a nivel primario como en el tercer nivel de atención; ya que si ofrecemos el manejo adecuado podemos brindarle a este tipo de pacientes un mejor pronóstico de vida.

Eagle-Barrett syndrome, formerly known as prune-belly syndrome, it's a disease whose etiology is still unknown. It's characterized by deficiency of abdominal wall musculature,a dilated urinary tract,and bilateral cryptorchidism. The estimated incidence is 1 in 35,000 to 1 in 50,000 live births, with more than 95% of cases occurring in males. Clinical manifestations of the triad of abnormalities present in this entity, ranging from muscle defect present in the abdominal wall, consisting only of skin and peritoneum, reason why the dermal tissue presents a series of striations, allowing easy palpation of the viscera, further associating an alteration of the urogenital system characterized by the expanded bladder following a distal obstruction, with vesicoureteral reflux. We report the case of a male neonate born after 40 weeks of gestation with a body weight of 3 050 g with Prune Belly syndrome. The physical examination revealed a distended abdomen with redundant skin that wrinkle like a prune, no visceromegaly was found and normal abdominal sounds were heard. The examination of thorax and cardiovascular systems were normal. The neurologic exam was normal. A renal ultrasound revealed alteration of the urogenital system. Bilateral cryptorchidism was also observed. This case highlights the importance of early diagnosis andappropriatemanagement both in primary health as tertiary,because if we bring the adequate treatment we will be able to o er to this patients a better life prognosis.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-478247


Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of combining tuina and Chinese herbal fumigation for chronic ankle sprain. Methods:A total of 93 cases were randomly allocated into an observation group (n=47) and a control group (n=46) according to the table of random number. Cases in the observation group received tuina combining with Chinese herbal fumigation, whereas cases in the control group received oral blood-circulating and pain-alleviating capsules combining with Chinese herbal fumigation. Both tuina and Chinese herbal fumigation were done once every other day and 10 times made up a course of treatment. The Baird-Jackson ankle scoring system and clinical efficacy were observed after 1 course of treatment. Results:After treatment, except for radiographic findings, there were significant intra-group differences in individual item scores of Baird-Jackson (P Conclusion:Combining Chinese herbal fumigation and tuina based on the muscle region theory can obtain better effect than combining oral blood-circulating and pain-alleviating capsules and Chinese herbal fumigation for chronic ankle sprain.

China Modern Doctor ; (36): 76-79, 2015.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1037668


Objective To study the effect of exercise of the core musculature on motor and balance function in patients with hemiplegia after stroke. Methods A total of 80 patients were divided into observation group(n=40) and control group(n=40). All the patients received regularly rehabilitation, and the patients in the observation group received the exercise of the core musculature in addition. They were assessed with Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA), Balance subscale of the Fugl-Meyer test(FM-B), modified Barthel Index(MBI), FAC, timed “up and go” test (TUGT), maximum walking speed (MWS) before treatment and after 6 weeks and 12 weeks. Results The scores of FMA, FM-B, MBI, FAC, TUGT and MWS improved significantly in both groups after 6 weeks and 12 weeks of treatment compared with before treat-ment (P<0.05). After 6 weeks of treatment, FMA, FM-B, MBI, FAC, TUGT, MWS scores were not significantly dif-ferent compared in two groups (P>0.05). After 12 weeks of treatment, FMA, FM-B, MBI, FAC, TUGT, MWS scores were significantly different compared in two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion The exercise of the core musculature can obviously improve motor and balance function of stroke patients.

Int. j. morphol ; 31(4): 1482-1490, Dec. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-702338


Morphological work on the appendicular myology of birds forms the basis for comparative, functional and systematic studies, but our knowledge of the descriptive anatomy of birds is still very incomplete. The musculature of the wing muscles of the Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus), an endemic species of China, is studied in detail. All wing muscles are present as in other Galliformes. Myological characteristics including the absence of a deep layer of M. pectoralis pars thoracicus, well development of anterbrachial muscles, as well as the occurrence of a distinct fleshy slip from the proximal belly of M. biceps brachii, are suggested to be associated with its flapping flight. This paper is the prelude to functional analysis on muscle architecture in this species and may serve as a basis for future taxonomic comparisons.

El trabajo morfológico en la miología apendicular de las aves constituye la base para los estudios comparativos, funcionales y sistemáticos, sin embargo, nuestro conocimiento de la anatomía descriptiva de las aves es aún muy incompleto. Se estudió en detalle la musculatura de las alas del faisán de oro (Chrysolophus pictus), una especie endémica de China. Todos los músculos de las alas están presentes tal como en otros Galliformes. Características miológicas que se estima están asociadas con su vuelo de aleteo, incluyen la ausencia de una capa profunda de M. pectoral pars thoracicus, el buen desarrollo de los músculos anterbrachiales, como también la ocurrencia de un deslizamiento carnoso del vientre proximal de M. bíceps braquial. Este documento es el inicio de un análisis funcional de la arquitectura muscular en esta especie y puede servir de base para futuras comparaciones taxonómicas.

Animais , Aves/anatomia & histologia , Membro Anterior/anatomia & histologia , Músculo Esquelético/anatomia & histologia
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-150463


The Prune Belly syndrome (PBS) also known as Eagle Barret syndrome is a rare disorder. It is an abdominal muscles deficiency syndrome characterized by a Triad syndrome i.e. deficiency of abdominal wall muscles, failure of testicular descent and dilation of the urinary tract. This syndrome has derived its name from the wrinkled prune appearance of the abdominal wall. Prune Belly syndrome is a rare anomaly seen in one in 35,000-50,000 live births. It occurs in all races. Prune Belly syndrome almost exclusively occurs in males (M:F, 20:1). The diagnosis can be made in utero by ultrasonography at 21 weeks of gestation or in the Neonate with characteristic clinical findings. The present case was a dead male fetus of 20 weeks of gestation sent to Anatomy department after Medical termination of pregnancy, due to congenital anomalies identified in routine ultrasound examination during antenatal checkup.

Braz. j. morphol. sci ; 29(2): 76-78, apr.-jun. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-665209


The sternalis muscle’s presence is an uncommon anatomic variation of the anterior chest wall’s musculature. It is insufficiently mentioned by the most of anatomical textbooks, although it has been well described by the literature. The study of this anatomic variation is extremely relevant, principally for the interpretation of image’s exams that approach this region. For this study’s achievement, 102 cadavers were dissected (97 of the male sex and 5 of the female sex). The study of the sternalis muscle avoids the expenses with exams and the indication of aggressive treatments in a wrong way.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Músculos Peitorais/anormalidades , Parede Torácica/anormalidades , Parede Torácica , Cadáver