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Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 35(1): 45-48, mar. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551689


El tumor neuroectodérmico maligno del tracto gastrointestinal es una neoplasia rara con pocos casos reportados en la literatura, especialmente en América Latina. Descrito por primera vez en 2003, se trata de una entidad sin tratamiento estandarizado y de pobre pronóstico. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 22 años de edad que acude a la consulta por dolor abdominal, anemia y masa abdominal palpable. Luego de estudios pertinentes se decide la conducta resectiva y el posterior tratamiento oncológico. (AU)

Malignant gastrointestinal neuroectodermal tumor (GNET), formerly known as clear cell sarcoma of the gastrointestinal tract, is an extremely rare tumor of mesenchymal origin, which presents great microscopic and molecular similarity to clear cell sarcoma found in other parts of the body, such as tendons and aponeurosis. It is characterized by its rapid evolution, high recurrence rate and frequent diagnosis as metastatic disease.1,2 (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Sarcoma de Células Claras/patologia , Tumores Neuroectodérmicos/patologia , Neoplasias Gastrointestinais/diagnóstico , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos do Sistema Digestório/métodos , Imuno-Histoquímica , Proteínas S100/análise , Neoplasias Gastrointestinais/cirurgia , Íleo/cirurgia
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 105: 1-1, ene. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535519


Resumen La incontinencia pigmenti(IP) es una genodermatosis infrecuente ysistémica del neuroectodermo que involucra la piel, el sistema nervioso central, los ojos y los dientes, entre otros. Los signos clínicos dermatológicos constituyen el principal criterio diagnóstico, debido a que suelen ser los primeros en manifestarse. Se describen cuatro estadios característicos de la enfermedad según las lesiones cutáneas predominantes. No obstante, su pronóstico depende de los signos y síntomas extracutáneos. El diagnóstico se centra en criterios clínicos, histopatológicos y/o genéticos. Visto que no existe una terapéutica específica, la atención médica de esta enfermedad es multidisciplinaria y sintomática, y debe acompañarse del asesoramiento genético a los afectados y sus familiares. Presentamos el caso de una niña, nacida a término completo, quien presentó un cuadro clínico compatible con incontinencia pigmenti, del cual detallamos su progresión clínica, diagnóstico y seguimiento.

Abstract Incontinentiapigmenti is a rare and multisystemic,neuroectodermal genodermatosis that involves the skin, central nervous system, eyes and teeth, among others. Dermatological clinical signs are the main diagnostic criteria because they are usually the first to manifest. Four characteristic stages of the disease are described according to the predominant skin lesions. Nonetheless, prognosis depends on extracutaneous clinical signs and symptoms. Diagnosis is based on clinical, histopathological and/or genetic criteria. Considering there is no specific treatment available, the management of this disease is multidisciplinary and symptomatic, and must be accompanied by genetic counseling for those affected and their families. We present in a full-tern newborn femalethat presented with a clinical picture compatible with incontinentiapigmenti, and we will detail the clinical progression, diagnosis, and follow-up.

Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(3)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520928


Fundamento: Los pineoblastomas son tumores cerebrales infrecuentes dentro del grupo de los tumores primitivos neuroectodérmicos. La presentación clínica por lo general está relacionada con la obstrucción del acueducto de Silvio, lo que ocasiona hidrocefalia e hipertensión intracraneal. Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas e imagenológicas de un paciente adulto con diagnóstico de pineoblastoma. Presentación de caso: Masculino, 33 años, que comenzó con disminución de la agudeza visual que evolucionó a la amaurosis bilateral y trastorno de la marcha. Se diagnosticó hidrocefalia obstructiva triventricular, por lo cual se realizó tercer ventriculostomía endoscópica. Se decidió un abordaje supracerebeloso infratentorial a la lesión tumoral, con apoyo endoscópico en posición semisentado; se logró la resección parcial. En estudio inmunohistoquímico se encontró Ki-67 mayor de 50 % de las células, neurofilamento y sinaptofisina positiva. Se concluyó como pineoblastoma. Recibió radioterapia convencional con Co-60, fraccionada, con un total de 30 dosis diarias de 2 Gy. La evolución del paciente a los 6 meses de operado fue satisfactoria. Conclusiones: El tratamiento combinado de cirugía y radioterapia constituye un esquema terapéutico ideal en este tipo de lesiones tumorales. La endoscopia es una herramienta de gran valor en los abordajes quirúrgicos a la región pineal.

Background: Pineoblastomas are infrequent brain tumors among the neuroectodermal primitive tumors. Clinical presentation is usually related to Silvian aqueduct obstruction, which causes hydrocephalus and intracranial hypertension. Objective: To describe the clinical and imagenological characteristics in an adult patient diagnosed with pineoblastoma. Case presentation: Male, 33 years old, who started with visual acuity decline that evolved to bilateral amaurosis and gait disorder. Triventricular obstructive hydrocephalus was diagnosed, therefore, an endoscopic third ventriculostomy was realized. It was decided to use an infratentorial supracerebellar approach to the tumor lesion, with endoscopic support in semi-seated position; partial resection was achieved. In immunohistochemical study, Ki-67 was found to be higher than 50% of the cells, neurofilament and synaptophysin positive. It was concluded as pineoblastoma. He received fractionated Co-60 conventional radiotherapy, with a total of 30 daily doses, 2 Gy. The evolution of the patient 6 months after surgery was satisfactory. Conclusions: The combined treatment of surgery and radiotherapy constitutes an ideal therapeutic scheme in this type of tumor lesions. Endoscopy is a tool of great value in surgical approaches to the pineal region.

Rev. venez. cir. ortop. traumatol ; 55(1): 59-65, jun. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1513180


El Schwannoma o Neurilemoma es un tumor benigno de derivación neuroectodérmica que se origina en las células de Schwann, que constituyen la envoltura de los nervios. Es el tumor benigno más común de los nervios periféricos, tiene predisposición a originarse a partir de nervios periféricos sensoriales y puede presentarse como tumores en tejidos blandos. La presentación intraósea del Schwannoma es rara y corresponde al 0,2% de los tumores óseos primarios. Se presenta caso clínico de paciente masculino de 36 años de edad con tumor en cóndilo femoral medial de rodilla derecha de 4 años de evolución, cursando con dolor intermitente moderado a quien se le practicó el protocolo oncológico, imagenológico e histológico, de la Unidad de Oncología Ortopédica del estado Monagas. Se diagnosticó Schwannoma intraóseo, se procedió a realizar resección marginal y reconstrucción con alloinjerto y fijación con placa y tornillos con excelente evolución postoperatoria. El Schwannoma intraóseo es extraordinariamente raro y su ubicación en el fémur lo es aún más. El objetivo del presente trabajo es reportar un caso de Schwannoma Intraóseo, mostrar las estrategias para su diagnóstico y los tratamientos aplicados, así como la revisión de los datos al respecto existentes en la literatura(AU)

Schwannoma or Neurilemoma is a benign tumor of neuroectodermal derivation that originates in Schwann cells, which constitute the nerve sheath. It is the most common benign tumor of the peripheral nerves, has a predisposition to originate from peripheral sensory nerves, and can present as soft tissue tumors. The intraosseous presentation of Schwannoma is rare and corresponds to 0,2% of primary bone tumors. A clinical case of a 36-yearold male patient with a tumor in the medial femoral condyle of the right knee of 4 years of evolution is presented, presenting with moderate intermittent pain who underwent the oncological, imaging and histological protocol of the Oncology Unit. Monagas State Orthopedic. Intraosseous Schwannoma was diagnosed, marginal resection and allograft reconstruction and plate and screw fixation were performed with excellent postoperative evolution. Intraosseous Schwannoma is extraordinarily rare and its location in the femur is even more so. The objective of this paper is to report a case of Intraosseous Schwannoma, show the strategies for its diagnosis and the treatments applied, as well as the review of the existing data in the literature(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Nervos Periféricos/patologia , Neoplasias Ósseas , Neurilemoma
Salud mil ; 42(1): e501, 05/05/2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1531506


Introducción: el Sarcoma de Ewing es una neoplasia maligna de origen mesenquimático. Al momento del diagnóstico el 75% se presentan en forma localizada. Objetivo: comunicar un caso que por su presentación multifocal, generó dificultades diagnósticas. Caso clínico: niña de 6 años. Consulta por traumatismo de mano derecha tras caída de su altura 24 horas previas, constatándose en mano y puño derecho edema, calor y eritema, movilidad conservada. No fiebre. Radiografía: aumento del diámetro del tercer metacarpiano, imagen esmerilada, no trazos de fracturas. Ingresa con planteo de celulitis. Anemia leve microcítica, hipocrómica. Proteína C reactiva 82 mg/l. Recibe clindamicina intravenosa 72 horas, completa 14 días vía oral. Persistencia de alteraciones en puño y mano derecha, agrega tumoración de raíz nasal con desviación del eje, indolora. Fosfatasa alcalina, lactato deshidrogenasa, fosfatemia, calcemia normales. Resonancia magnética: alteración morfoestructural de radio, olecranon y tercer metacarpiano, fractura de olecranon y radio, reacción perióstica. Pet-Scan: lesión extensa ósea en macizo facial, tibias, cúbitos, humero derecho y clavícula. Biopsia 3er metacarpiano: tumor de células pequeñas, redondas azules, CD99 y vimentina positivo. Comienza poliquimioterapia y radioterapia sin complicaciones. Conclusiones: es frecuente que las manifestaciones clínicas iniciales sean confundidas con entidades más frecuentes, como post-traumáticas y/o inflamatorias, tal como ocurrió en este caso. Posteriormente, la aparición de nuevas lesiones y compromiso del estado general orientó el abordaje diagnóstico de la patología tumoral. La confirmación exige el estudio anatomopatológico con estudio inmunohistoquímico. La presencia de metástasis óseas constituye un factor de mal pronóstico y dificulta el abordaje terapéutico.

Introduction: Ewing's sarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of mesenchymal origin. At the time of diagnosis 75% of the cases are localized. Objective: to report a case that, due to its multifocal presentation, generated diagnostic difficulties. Clinical case: 6-year-old girl. She consulted for right hand trauma after a fall from her height 24 hours earlier, with edema, warmth and erythema in the right hand and fist, with preserved mobility. No fever. X-ray: increase in the diameter of the 3rd metacarpal, frosted image, no traces of fractures. Admitted with cellulitis. Mild microcytic anemia, hypochromic. C-reactive protein 82mg/l. Receives intravenous clindamycin 72 hours, completes 14 days orally. Persistence of alterations in fist and right hand, adds tumor of nasal root with deviation of the axis, painless. Alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, phosphatemia, normal calcemia. MRI: morphostructural alteration of radius, olecranon and 3rd metacarpal, fracture of olecranon and radius, periosteal reaction. Pet-Scan: extensive bone lesion in facial mass, tibiae, ulnae, right humerus and clavicle. Biopsy 3rd metacarpal: small cell tumor, blue round, CD 99 and vimentin positive. Polychemotherapy and radiotherapy were started without complications. Conclusions: it is frequent that the initial clinical manifestations are confused with more frequent entities, such as post-traumatic and/or inflammatory, as occurred in this case. Subsequently, the appearance of new lesions and compromise of the general condition guided the diagnostic approach of the tumor pathology. Confirmation requires anatomopathological study with immunohistochemical study. The presence of bone metastases constitutes a poor prognostic factor and hinders the therapeutic approach.

Introdução: O sarcoma de Ewing é um neoplasma maligno de origem mesenquimatosa. No momento do diagnóstico, 75% dos casos são localizados. Objetivo: Relatar um caso que, devido a sua apresentação multifocal, causou dificuldades diagnósticas. Caso clínico: Menina de 6 anos. Ela consultou por traumatismo à mão direita após cair de sua altura 24 horas antes, com edema, calor e eritema na mão direita e punho, com mobilidade preservada. Sem febre. Raio-X: aumento do diâmetro do 3º metacarpo, imagem fosca, sem vestígios de fraturas. Admitido com a sugestão de celulite. Anemia microcítica leve, hipocrómica. Proteína C reativa 82mg/l. Recebe clindamicina intravenosa por 72 horas, completa 14 dias por via oral. Persistência de alterações no punho e mão direita, tumor indolor da raiz nasal com desvio do eixo. Fosfatase alcalina, desidrogenase láctica, fosfataemia, calcemia normal. IRM: alteração morfo-estrutural do rádio, olecrânio e 3º metacarpo, fratura do olecrânio e do rádio, reação periosteal. Pet-Scan: extensa lesão óssea na massa facial, tíbia, ulnae, úmero direito e clavícula. Biópsia do 3º metacarpo: tumor de pequenas células, redondo azul, CD 99 e vimentina positiva. Ela iniciou a poli-quimioterapia e radioterapia sem complicações. Conclusões: É comum que as manifestações clínicas iniciais sejam confundidas com entidades mais freqüentes, tais como pós-traumáticas e/ou inflamatórias, como ocorreu neste caso. Posteriormente, o aparecimento de novas lesões e o envolvimento do quadro geral levaram a uma abordagem diagnóstica da patologia tumoral. A confirmação requer um estudo anatomopatológico com estudo imuno-histoquímico. A presença de metástases ósseas é um fator de mau prognóstico e dificulta a abordagem terapêutica.

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Sarcoma de Ewing/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias Ósseas/diagnóstico por imagem , Sarcoma de Ewing/tratamento farmacológico , Sarcoma de Ewing/radioterapia , Neoplasias Ósseas/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias Ósseas/radioterapia
Surg. cosmet. dermatol. (Impr.) ; 15: e20230183, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438362


Sarcoma de Ewing extraesquelético (EES) é tumor raro e agressivo, acomete mais homens entre 10-20 anos e representa 25% dos sarcomas de Ewing. Caso relatado pelo diagnóstico prévio de lipoma de crescimento acelerado, destacando a importância do diagnóstico histopatológico. Masculino, 14 anos, apresentando tumoração de 10x10cm no ombro direito há um ano, com ultrassonografia sugestiva de lipoma. Realizada exérese da lesão, sendo confirmado EES pela imuno-histoquímica. O diagnóstico de EES em jovens é desafiador frente a outras tumorações subcutâneas, sendo a histopatologia imprescindível. A rápida progressão do tumor e os elevados índices metastáticos evidenciam a importância da terapêutica precoce.

Extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma (EES) is a rare tumor that affects men between 10-20 years old and represents 25% of Ewing sarcomas. We report a case due to the previous diagnosis of a fast-growing lipoma to highlight the importance of histopathological diagnosis. A 14-year-old boy presented 10x10 cm tumor in the right shoulder for a year with ultrasonography suggesting lipoma. The lesion was excised and EES was confirmed by immunohistochemical analysis. EES diagnosis in young people is challenging compared to subcutaneous tumors, and histopathology is essential. The rapid progression of the tumor and high metastatic rates highlight the significance of early treatment.

Arq. bras. neurocir ; 42(2): 181-185, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570732


Ewing sarcoma (ES) is a malignant neoplasm that affects bones and soft tissues, usually in young patients. Currently, ES is grouped with other tumors that share the same histological and genotypic characteristics, forming the Ewing Sarcoma Family of Tumors (ESFT), which includes ES of bone, extraosseous ES (peripheral neuroepithelioma), Askin tumor, and peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET). Its origin in peripheral nerves is extremely rare, making its diagnosis and treatment very challenging. We describe a case of a 27-year-old male with extraosseous ES originating in the sciatic nerve, which was surgically removed, and discuss the difficulties encountered in the management of this patient.

O sarcoma de Ewing (SE) é uma neoplasia maligna que acomete ossos e partes moles, geralmente em pacientes jovens. Atualmente, o SE é agrupado com outros tumores que compartilham as mesmas características histológicas e genotípicas, formando os Tumores da Família do Sarcoma de Ewing (TFSE), que incluem o SE ósseo, o SE extraósseo (neuroepitelioma periférico), o tumor de Askin, e o tumor neuroectodérmico primitivo (TNEP) periférico. Sua origem em nervos periféricos é extremamente rara, o que torna o seu diagnóstico e tratamento um grande desafio. Descrevemos o caso de um homem de 27 anos com SE extraósseo originário no nervo ciático, que foi removido cirurgicamente, e discutimos as dificuldades encontradas no manejo desse paciente.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440963


Introducción: El tumor neuroectodérmico primitivo periférico de riñón (PNETk) es una enfermedad rara muy agresivo que afecta mayormente a varones jóvenes. Reporte de caso: paciente varón de 19 años con cuadro clínico dolor abdominal, hematuria y masa palpable, en la tomografía se evidencia una enorme tumoración renal izquierda, Se le realiza nefrectomía radical convencional y se envía a estudio patológico más histoquímica resultando de PNETk. Luego paciente siguió su manejo por oncología para quimiterapia inicialmente. Conclusión: El PNETk que describimos representa el primer caso reportado en nuestro país, constituye una entidad clínica única por su rareza siendo un reto hacer diagnóstico y su comportamiento y manejo se sigue basando a reportes de casos debido a su poca frecuencia.

Introduction: Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the kidney (PNETk) is a very aggressive rare disease that mainly affects young men. Case report: A 19-year-old male patient with symptoms of abdominal pain, hematuria and a palpable mass, the tomography shows a large left renal tumor. Conventional radical nephrectomy was performed and sent for pathology study plus histochemistry, resulting in PNETk. The patient then continued his oncology management for chemotherapy initially. Conclusion: The PNETk that we describe represents the first case reported in our country, it constitutes a unique clinical entity due to its rarity, being a challenge to make a diagnosis and its behavior and management is still based on case reports due to its infrequency.

Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2022 Jun; 65(2): 433-436
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223250


Ewing sarcoma is a rare aggressive malignant round cell tumor, primarily presenting in bone and soft tissues. This study presents two cases of this tumor in unusual locations, one in right colon which presented with intussusception and other in ovary which presented clinically as carcinoma ovary. Both the cases showed histomorphology of primitive round cell tumor with characteristic immunohistochemical profile and was confirmed on molecular analysis. We aim to highlight the importance of considering Ewing sarcoma in the differential diagnoses in these locations as they have dismal prognosis with no standard treatment modality.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424319


El tumor neuroectodérmico primitivo del ovario es un sarcoma de tejido blando de células redondas pequeñas, raro y agresivo, de origen neural que generalmente se asocia con una alta morbilidad y mortalidad. La inmunohistoquímica es un complemento útil en el diagnóstico diferencial. Se describe un caso de tumor neuroectodérmico primitivo del ovario en paciente nulípara de 21 años que refería dolor y aumento de la circunferencia abdominal. La ecografía mostró tumoración de contenido heterogéneo sólido-quística que aparentemente se originaba del anexo izquierdo. La resonancia magnética confirmó la presencia de tumoración que se extendía hacia la fosa iliaca izquierda sin afectación de órganos locales ni metástasis regionales o a distancia. Los marcadores tumorales estaban todos dentro del rango normal. Durante la laparotomía se observó tumoración de ovario izquierdo con ovario derecho normal. Se realizó salpingoforectomía izquierda debido al tamaño del tumor, resección en cuña de ovario derecho, linfadenectomía pélvica y omentectomía. El examen histopatológico reveló tumor compuesto por láminas de células redondas. Las células tumorales fueron positivas para cromogranina A, sinatrofisina, vimentina y enolasa específica de neuronas, lo que confirmó el diagnóstico de tumor neuroendocrino primitivo de ovario izquierdo, que se originaba de teratoma quístico inmaduro. La paciente rechazó la quimioterapia postoperatoria.

Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the ovary is a rare and aggressive small round cell soft tissue sarcoma of neural origin that is usually associated with high morbidity and mortality. Immunohistochemistry is a useful adjunct in the differential diagnosis. We describe a case of a primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the ovary in a 21-yearold nulliparous patient who reported pain and increased abdominal circumference. Ultrasonography showed a solid-cystic heterogeneous tumor apparently originating from the left adnexa. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the presence of a tumor extending into the left iliac fossa without local organ involvement or regional or distant metastases. Tumor markers were all within the normal range. During laparotomy, a left ovarian tumor was observed with a normal right ovary. Left salpingo-oophorectomy was performed due the size of the tumor, right ovarian wedge resection, pelvic lymphadenectomy and omentectomy. Histopathologic examination revealed tumor composed of sheets of round cells. The tumor cells were positive for chromogranin A, synaptophysin, vimentin and neuron-specific enolase, which confirmed the diagnosis of a primitive neuroendocrine tumor of the left ovary originating from immature cystic teratoma. The patient refused postoperative chemotherapy.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927886


Ewing's sarcoma in the cervix is characterized by extremely rare occurrence,high degree of malignancy,and rapid progression.The diagnosis of this disease is based on pathology and immunohistochemistry. The main image of the case reported in this paper showed the cervical cyst with solid mass,large volume,and uneven density and signal,and the solid part can be strengthened in enhanced scanning.Because of the rapid growth,the lesion is prone to liquefaction necrosis and bleeding.Since the metastasis occurs early,timely diagnosis is essential.

Feminino , Humanos , Colo do Útero/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica , Tumores Neuroectodérmicos Primitivos Periféricos/patologia , Sarcoma de Ewing/patologia , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011594


【Objective】 To analyze the gene expression profile of central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumors (CNS-PNETs) by bioinformatics methods so as to explore the possible pathogenesis of CNS-PNETs at the molecular level. 【Methods】 The gene expression profile of CNS-PNETs was downloaded from the GEO database, GSE35493 and GSE74195. The differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were screened by the online analysis tool of GEO2R and Venn software, DEGs were analyzed by using the online analysis tools of David database, such as Gene Ontology (GO) and pathway enrichment (KEGG). The protein interaction network analysis (PPI) of CNS-PNETs was made by using STRING online analysis tool, Cytoscape software and its plug-in cytohubba to find the key genes. 【Results】 We obtained 262 DEGs, including 49 upregulated genes and 213 downregulated genes. The analysis of GO function and KEGG signal pathway enrichment showed that DEG was involved in DNA transcription and mitosis, cell division, synaptic signal transmission and other biological processes, and associated with cell cycle, tumor-related pathway, p53 signal pathway, synapsis-related signal pathway, cAMP signal pathway and calcium ion signal pathway. Ten key genes, namely, CDK1, CDC20, MAD2L1, KIF11, ASPM, TOP2A, TTK, NDC80, NUSAP1 and DLGAP5 were screened out by STRING analysis. 【Conclusion】 Ten key genes including CDK1 may play an important role in the initiation and progression of CNS-PNETs, providing new clues for exploring the pathogenesis of CNS-PNETs.

Autops. Case Rep ; 12: e2021373, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374492


ABSTRACT Background Embryonal tumor with multilayered rosettes (ETMR), NOS/C19MC- altered, is a rare and recently classified highly aggressive malignant brain tumor in the 2021 World Health Organization (WHO) classification of tumors of the central nervous system 5th edition. They are mostly diagnosed in children before the age of three years. Most of them are located in the supratentorial region. Prior to the reclassification of ETMR as a single entity, three distinct tumors, namely, embryonal tumor with abundant neuropil and true rosettes (ETANTR), ependymoblastoma (EBL) and medulloepithelioma (MEPL) were recognized. Recent studies showed that all the three entities have multilayered rosettes on morphology, sharing a common amplification of the C19MC locus at the chromosome 19q13.42 by fluorescence in situ hybridization, and highly specific immunohistochemical staining for LIN28A rendered their reclassification as a single entity. Report: A 13-year-old girl was rushed to the emergency room unconscious, with no return of spontaneous circulation after cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Autopsy revealed a left cerebellar hemisphere hemorrhagic tumor which histopathological examination revealed a multilayered ependymoblastic rosettes with abundant neuropil. The multilayered rosettes showed reactivity for vimentin but non-reactivity for pan-cytokeratin, the zones with abundant neuropil were reactive for synaptophysin consistent with a diagnosis of embryonal tumor with abundant neuropil and true rosettes now ETMR, NOS (WHO Grade 4) due to the lack of genetic testing for amplification of C19MC. Conclusion: ETMR is a highly aggressive CNS embryonal tumor with extremely poor prognosis. It should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pediatric brain tumors. Multilayered rosettes are a useful clue to histologic diagnosis.

Arq. bras. neurocir ; 41(2): 187-191, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568014


Introduction Primitive neuroectodermal tumors are rare neoplasms of the central nervous system that occur in children, with few reports in adults. These tumors are found most often in the cerebral hemispheres, with spinal cord disorders being rare. Case Report A 71-year-old man with motor and sensory deficits in the upper limbs, cervical pain, and urinary incontinence presented to the Neurosurgery Service. The physical examination revealed grade-III motor strength on the right side, grade IV- on the left upper limb, and grade IVþ on the left lower limb. A magnetic resonance imaging scan showed an expansive intramedullary lesion with a C3-C4 epicenter. Spinal decompression, lesional biopsy, and adjuvant radiotherapy were performed. The anatomopathological report showed a primitive neuroectodermal tumor. After a new treatment with adjuvant radiotherapy (20 1.8 Gy in the skull and neuroaxis and 5 1.8 Gy in tumor boost), the patient progressed without recurrence. Conclusion Since the characteristics of the tumor are similar to those of medulloblastoma, it is necessary to expand the studies on these lesions, to better understand their pathophysiology and list better diagnostic and therapeutic methods, in addition to those already available.

Introdução Os tumores neuroectodérmicos primitivos são neoplasias raras do sistema nervoso central que ocorrem em crianças, com escassos relatos em adultos. Esses tumores são encontrados mais frequentemente nos hemisférios cerebrais, sendo raros os acometimentos medulares. Relato de Caso Um homem de 71 anos com déficits motor e sensitivo em membros superiores, algia cervical e incontinência urinária apresentou-se ao Serviço de Neurocirurgia. O exame físico revelou força de grau III à direta, de grau IV- no membro superior esquerdo, e de grau IVþ no membro inferior esquerdo. Um exame de ressonância magnética denotou lesão expansiva intramedular com epicentro em C3- C4. Foram realizadas descompressão medular, biópsia lesional e radioterapia adjuvante. O laudo anatomopatológico evidenciou tumor neuroectodérmico primitivo. Após novo tratamento com radioterapia adjuvante (20 1,8 Gy no crânio e neuroeixo e 5 1,8 Gy em boost tumoral), o paciente seguiu sem recidiva. Conclusões Uma vez que as características do tumor se assemelham às do meduloblastoma, torna-se necessário ampliar os estudos acerca dessas lesões, a fim de compreender melhor sua fisiopatologia e elencar melhores métodos diagnósticos e terapêuticos, além dos já disponíveis.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 32(1): 104-112, June 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149605


Abstract Melanotic Neuroectodermal Tumor of Infancy (MNTI) is a rare neoplasm originating from neural crest cells, which generally affects pediatric patients, most frequently during the first year of life. The behavior of MNTIs is benign, locally aggressive, with a recurrence of 10-15% and eventually malignant in 6.97%. This study describes the clinical, imaging, histopathological, immunohistochemical characteristics and the management of MNTI in a 5-month-old girl, whose lesion was resected and monitored. The present case illustrates the benefits of multidisciplinary integration for a correct diagnosis to ensure adequate therapeutic management, in addition to providing a report on this rare and understudied pathology.

Resumen El Tumor Neuroectodérmico Melanocítico de la Infancia (TNEMI) es una neoplasia infrecuente derivada de las células de la cresta neural, que afecta generalmente pacientes pediátricos y se presenta con mayor frecuencia durante el primer año de vida. Su comportamiento es benigno, localmente agresivo, con una recurrencia de 10% a 15% y eventualmente maligno en un 6.97%. En este estudio se describen las características clínicas, imagenológicas, histopatológicas, inmunohistoquímicas y el manejo del TNEMI en una niña de 5 meses de edad, a la cual se le realizó resección de la lesión y seguimiento. El presente caso ilustra el beneficio de la integralidad multidisciplinaria que permite establecer un diagnóstico correcto para asegurar un manejo terapéutico adecuado, además de aportar un reporte sobre esta patología poco frecuente y estudiada.

Tumor Neuroectodérmico Melanótico
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202850


Introduction: Melanocytic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy(MNTI) is an uncommon pigmented neoplasm of neural crestorigin, occurs mainly in the head and neck region speciallymaxilla. It shows slight male predominance . Melanocyticneuroectodermal tumor (MNTI) of testis is rare, properdiagnosis and differentiation from small round cells tumours(SRCT) is important as treatment modalities of these tumorsare quite different.Case report: Here we present a case of MNTI of testis inan eleven month old male which was clinically diagnosed asteratoma. A distinctive morphology and immunohistochemistryplay important role in postoperative diagnosis of this tumor.Conclusion: Treatment of MNTI is surgical excision withclear margins and follow up.

Rev. méd. hered ; 31(1): 42-46, ene.-mar. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144809


Resumen La familia de tumores del Sarcoma de Ewing (ES) es un grupo poco habitual de neoplasias malignas que pueden localizarse en regiones: óseas como extraóseas. El tumor neuroectodérmico primitivo (PNET), muestra más diferenciación neuronal que el Sarcoma de Ewing (ES) y rara vez se presenta en piel y tejidos subcutáneos. Ocasionalmente se presenta como un cáncer de piel primario, que tiene como características clínicas: una tumoración superficial, en promedio mide 2-3 cm, de consistencia blanda, móvil y algunas veces dolorosa. Los lugares más afectados son espacios paravertebrales, extremidades inferiores, cabeza, cuello y pelvis. Describimos el caso de un varón de 13 años, con 2 tumores superficiales en cuero cabelludo, el examen histológico presentaba una proliferación de células de pequeño tamaño, basófilas, monomorfas; con perfil inmunohistoquímico FLI1 positivo, compatible con PNET.

Summary Ewing´s sarcomas are a less common malignant neoplasms that can be located both in skeletal and extra skeletal areas. The primitive neuroectodermic tumor (PNET) shows more neuronal differentiation than Ewing´s sarcoma and rarely invades the skin and soft tissues. This tumor occasionally presents as a primary skin cancer which has distinctive features such as a superficial tumor with a 2-3 cm, soft, mobile and eventually painful. Most affected areas of the body are paravertebral spaces, lower limbs, head, neck and pelvis. We report here the case of a 13 year old male presenting with 2 superficial tumors located on the scalp, the histo pathological examination revealed a proliferation of small, basophilic and monomorphic cells that showed FLI1 positive immunohistochemistry pattern compatible with PNET.

Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 91(3): e893, jul.-set. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093720


Introducción: La cardiotoxicidad depende de varios factores y se manifiesta por las alteraciones cardiovasculares inducidas por los tratamientos oncoespecíficos en la función y morfología del corazón. Objetivo: Determinar las manifestaciones de cardiotoxicidad en pacientes pediátricos. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal en el que se incluyeron 79 pacientes tratados en el Instituto de Oncología y Radiobiología de Cuba con irradiación tórax-mediastino, entre enero 2008 a diciembre 2014. La enfermedad de Hodgkin estaba presente en 54 pacientes y en 25, tumores del sistema nervioso central: meduloblastomas en 19 y tumores primarios neuroectodérmicos en 6 pacientes. A todos se les hizo historia clínica con examen físico, electrocardiograma de 12 derivaciones y ecocardiograma 2D pre- y postratamientos. Se analizaron las características demográficas y clínicas. Los enfermos con Hodgkin recibieron irradiación con intensidad de 2 400 centigray y de 2 340 los pacientes con tumores del sistema nervoso central; la poliquimioterapia se realizó con antraciclinas, vincristina, vinblastina y otros. Resultados: La edad promedio de todos los pacientes fue de 7 años con predominio del sexo masculino. No se registraron síntomas o signos de cardiotoxicidad. Conclusiones: En nuestra serie de pacientes la irradiación del área cardiaca aparentemente es bien tolerada, sin aparición temprana de cardiotoxicidad, ni en periodos de seguimiento de hasta 9 años. Aparecieron naúseas y leucopenias transitorias en algunos casos. No existió diferencias en las toxicidades en los grupos de tumores estudiados Es necesario mantener un seguimiento estrecho para descartar la aparición de cardiotoxicidad en años siguientes(AU)

Introduction: Cardiotoxicity depends on various factors and it is evident in cardiovascular alterations induced by oncologic treatments directed to the heart´s function and morphology. Objective: To determine the symptoms of cardiotoxicity in pediatric patients. Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study in which there were included 79 patients treated in the Cuban Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology with thorax-mediastine irradiation from January 2008 to December 2014. Hodgkin disease was present in 54 patients, tumors of the central nervous system in 25, medulloblastomas in 19, and neuroectodermic primary tumors in 6. All the patients underwent physical examination, 12 -lead electrocardiogram and pre- and post-treatment 2D echocardiograms to include in the clinical records. The demographic and clinic characteristics were analyzed. Hodgkin disease's patients received irradiation with 2 400 cGy intensity and the patients presenting tumors in the central nervous system with 2 340 cGy. Polychemotherapy was carried out with antracyclines, vincristine, vinblastine and others. Results: Average age of all patients was 7 years with predominance of male sex. Symptoms of cardiotoxicity were not recorded. Conclusions: In the serie of analyzed patients, irradiation in the heart area was apparently well beared by the patients, without early appearance of cardiotoxicity, not even in follow up periods of 9 years. Transitory nausea and leucopenia appeared in some cases. There are no differences in the toxicities of the different tumour's groups studied. It is necessary to keep the regular follow up to rule out the appearence of cardiotoxicity in the next years(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Tórax/efeitos da radiação , Cardiotoxicidade/prevenção & controle , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Prospectivos , Neoplasias do Mediastino/radioterapia
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 117(1): 41-46, feb. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-983778


Los tumores neuroectodérmicos primitivos a nivel extraóseo son una neoplasia muy rara, con pocas publicaciones en la literatura. Se reporta un caso de una paciente de nueve años quien se presentó con signos de compresión medular. Se estableció un grupo de diagnósticos diferenciales en el abordaje, entre los que debió incluirse la patología oncológica. En la paciente, se observó la presencia de una masa en la columna dorsal con compromiso del cordón medular, que requirió cirugía descompresiva de urgencia y, posteriormente, se diagnosticó sarcoma de Ewing. Cabe resaltar la importancia del caso debido a la baja incidencia del origen extraóseo en esta neoplasia y su rara localización en la columna dorsal, y destacar la presencia de la compresión medular como forma de presentación del cáncer en pediatría, además de la poca información que, hasta el momento, se posee referida al mejor abordaje terapéutico en esta patología, en esta localización.

Extraosseous primitive neuroectodermal tumors are very rare neoplasms. Only a few cases have been published in the literature. This report is about a 9-year-old female patient whose clinical manifestations showed spinal cord compression, so different diagnosis should be considered, including oncology disease. The patient showed a mass of the dorsal spine with spinal cord compression. She was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma after surgical intervention and pathology study. It is necessary to highlight the importance of the present case due to the low incidence of the extraosseous Ewing Sarcoma, and its infrequent location at the dorsal spine and the spinal cord compression as initial presentation of pediatric cancer, as well as the poor information related to the best therapeutic strategy to treat this disease at this location.

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Sarcoma de Ewing , Coluna Vertebral , Criança , Tumores Neuroectodérmicos , Neoplasias
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-743410


Objective To investigate the clinical pathological characteristics and prognosis of primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) of breast.Methods Patients with breast PNET were retrieved from CNKI,Pubmed,Europe PMC and other databases from Jan.1980 to Dec.2016.The clinical data of one patient with breast PNET in our hospital were analyzed retrospectively.Results 18 cases had painless,rapid growth mass as the main clinical features.The pathological morphology showed small round cell tumors,PAS staining positive.Immunohistochemistry CD99 and Fli-1 characteristic expression were the main indexes for the diagnosis of breast PNET.The positive expression of Vimentin,NSE,Syn and negative expression of CK,EMA,Desmin,CgA,LCA,S-100 also played an important role in the diagnosis of breast PNET.The positive expression of genetic marker EWSRI was the golden standard for diagnosis of breast PNET.The size of the tumor,surgical treatment,lymph node metastasis,distant metastasis and chemotherapy were the important factors that affect the prognosis of the PNET.The survival rates of 1 and 3 years were 71.4% and 33.3% respectively.Conclusions Breast PNET is a rare tumor with poor prognosis,and its diagnosis is highly dependent on pathology.Surgery can significantly improve the prognosis of the patients.Surgery should be the main treatment,combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy.The current study does not show evidence of effectiveness in terms of endocrine or targeted drug therapy for breast PNET patients.