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Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538297


Objective: Assess and classify the risks of bias in the clinical trials (CTs) that make up the technical notes (TNs) referring to direct-acting oral anticoagulants (DOAC) requests. Methods: The TNs related to the DOAC requests of apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban, and rivaroxaban were selected on the e-NatJus website and, after excluding duplicate references, an analysis of the CT used for their writing was carried out. The CT risk of bias (low, high, or uncertain bias) was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool, and the results were added to Review Manager 5.4. Results: 181 TNs were selected, 236 articles were analyzed and after applying the inclusion criteria, 28 CTs were analyzed in full. None of the CTs were free of bias. Most CTs, 71% (20/28), had a low risk of bias regarding attrition bias and reporting bias. In contrast, 61% (17/28) of the studies did not control for selection, performance, and detection bias, as they present uncertainties and a high risk of bias. In addition, it was observed that 21% (6/28) of the CTs had a high risk of bias for conflict of interest. Conclusion: The biases present in the CT cited as a reference for the TN referring to the DOAC request are significant and compromise their quality (AU).

Objetivo: Avaliar e classificar os riscos de vieses dos ensaios clínicos (EC) que compõem as NTs referentes à solicitação dos DOAC. Métodos: As NTs relacionadas à solicitação dos DOAC apixabana, dabigatrana, edoxabana e rivaroxabana foram selecionadas no website e-NatJus e, após exclusão das referências duplicadas, foi realizada uma análise dos EC utilizados para a redação das mesmas. O risco de viés dos EC (baixo, alto ou viés incerto) foi avaliado utilizando a ferramenta Cochrane Risk of Bias e os resultados foram adicionados no Review Manager 5.4. Resultados: Foram selecionadas 181 NTs, analisados 236 artigos e após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão, resultou em 28 EC analisados na íntegra. Nenhum dos EC ficou isento de viés. A maioria dos EC, 71% (20/28), apresentou baixo risco de viés em relação ao viés de atrito e viés de relato. Por outro lado, 61% (17/28) dos estudos não controlaram o viés de seleção, performance e detecção, uma vez que apresentam incertezas e alto risco de viés. Além disso, foi observado que 21% (6/28) dos EC apresentaram alto risco de viés para conflito de interesses. Conclusão: Os vieses presentes nos EC citados como referência das NT referentes a solicitação dos DOAC são significativos e comprometem a sua qualidade (AU).

Viés , Ensaio Clínico , Judicialização da Saúde , Anticoagulantes
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 26(305): 9947-9951, nov.2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526118


A auditoria foi instituída no sistema de saúde para organizar, planejar e direcionar os recursos financeiros, tendo como maior parte das glosas hospitalares, justificada por ausência de anotações, principalmente ações das equipes de enfermagem e médica. É importante lembrar que os registros de enfermagem estão vinculados à grande parte do pagamento de materiais, medicamentos e procedimentos, principais fontes de lucratividade das instituições hospitalares. Sendo Assim, o principal meio de assegurar o recebimento do valor gasto é através das corretas anotações de enfermagem. Este estudo teve como objetivo de realizar um levantamento bibliográfico, sobre os impactos causado pelo registro de enfermagem referente as glosas hospitalares. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de revisão integrativa, classifica-se como qualitativa, do tipo exploratória e retrospectiva, foram avaliados vários artigos publicados com a temática sobre anotações de enfermagem e glosas. Conforme análise dos artigos selecionados para o estudo, evidenciou-se que existe a falta de anotações, checagem e carimbo por parte da equipe, refletindo em glosas durante o processo de faturamento hospitalar.(AU)

The audit was instituted in the health system to organize, plan and direct financial re-sources, with most of the hospital glosses, justified by the absence of notes, mainly ac-tions of the nursing and medical teams. It is important to remember that nursing records are linked to a large part of the payment for materials, medications and procedures, the main sources of profitability for hospital institutions. Therefore, the main means of ensur-ing receipt of the amount spent is through the correct nursing notes. This study aimed to carry out a bibliographic survey on the impacts caused by the nursing record referring to hospital glosses. This is an integrative review research, it is classified as qualitative, ex-ploratory and retrospective, several articles published with the theme of nursing notes and glosses were evaluated. According to the analysis of the articles selected for the study, it was evidenced that there is a lack of notes, checking and stamping by the team, reflecting in glosses during the hospital billing process.(AU)

La auditoría fue instituida en el sistema de salud para organizar, planificar y direccionar los recursos financieros, con la mayor parte de las glosas hospitalarias, justificadas por la ausencia de notas, principalmente de las acciones de los equipos de enfermería y médicos. Es importante recordar que los registros de enfermería están vinculados a gran parte del pago de materiales, medicamentos y procedimientos, principales fuentes de rentabilidad de las instituciones hospitalarias. Por lo tanto, el principal medio de garantizar la recepción del importe gastado es a través de las notas de enfermería correctas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar una pesquisa bibliográfica sobre los impactos causados por el registro de enfermería referente a las glosas hospitalarias. Se trata de una investigación de revisión integradora, se clasifica como cualitativa, ex-ploratoria y retrospectiva, se evaluaron varios artículos publicados con el tema de notas de enfermería y glosas. De acuerdo con el análisis de los artículos seleccionados para el estudio, se evidenció la falta de anotaciones, verificación y sellado por parte del equipo, reflejándose en glosas durante el proceso de facturación hospitalaria.(AU)

Orçamentos , Registros de Enfermagem , Auditoria de Enfermagem
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Dec; 70(12): 4438-4444
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224762


In the medical field where the volume of information to be studied and reproduced is enormous, note taking and note making becomes an integral part of an effective learning process. Not only does it simplify the learning process, it also eases last minute revision and improves presentation skills in examinations. Knowing when and where to begin taking notes, which topics to take notes on, and how to take notes is crucial before investing one’s quality time. Restructuring a content into a table, flowchart, or an illustrative figure depicts your understanding and hard work. It can fetch more marks and save time during examination. It becomes a prerequisite to attain guaranteed success.

J Indian Med Assoc ; 2022 Nov; 120(11): 16-19
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216632


Background : A comprehensive, thorough, accurate, legible and professional operative note allows seamless and proper transfer of patient care from the operating table to the postoperative care room and beyond. Further, incomplete and illegible handwritten operative notes in medico legal cases may be an Achilles heel in the surgeon’s defense. Aims : This study audited the quality of operative note keeping of general surgical procedures against the standards set by the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCSE) guidelines. The aim of the study was to assess the compliance while also improving record keeping, documentation, the quality of operative notes, and educating surgery residents. Materials and Methods : The information from operative notes of every patient undergoing general surgical procedures was collected over a period of seven months. The data was formulated and analyzed using the SPSS version 20. Results : Total of 560 operative notes were recruited and audited. All the notes were hand-written, with the majority being written by postgraduate residents (86%).The postoperative care advice, fluid and antibiotic instructions were documented in the finest manner (100%). However, only 1% of the notes mentioned the Patients’ name, Gender and Age. All operative notes (>99 percent) included the names of the operative surgeon and assistants. The consultant in charge was documented in only 12 percent emergency notes and 100 percent elective procedures. The name of runners (Nursing Orderly) was missing from all the notes. Notably, no details of closure techniques were mentioned in any of the operative notes. Almost all of the operative notes were not signed properly to include the resident’s name and code. Conclusion : The quality of the operation notes that were entered into the patient’s case sheets was poor and insufficient, and it needed to be greatly improved. The findings of the study underline the necessity for residents to receive mandatory training on data collection and how to produce operative notes according to institutional

Rev. argent. cir ; 113(2): 229-234, jun. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1365478


RESUMEN Antecedentes: con el advenimiento de los abordajes mininvasivos se han planteado diferentes escenarios; la paratiroidectomía transoral endoscópica por abordaje vestibular (TOEPVA) es una técnica con resultados prometedores. Objetivos: describir la técnica quirúrgica y la experiencia obtenida. Material y métodos: se seleccionaron 3 pacientes asintomáticos con hiperparatiroidismo primario por adenoma paratiroideo y un caso de hiperparatiroidismo terciario con hiperplasia paratiroidea clínica e imagenológicamente identificables. Resultados: en 3 de los pacientes, el tiempo quirúrgico fue de 202,5 minutos. La tolerancia al dolor fue buena y la internación abarcó 24 horas. En uno de los casos con adenoma paratiroideo de ubicación ectópica se realizó la conversión de la cirugía con una apertura esofágica accidental. En todos los casos se obtuvo un descenso de parathormona intraoperatoria superior al 50% sobre el basal. Conclusiones: creemos importante aplicar dicho procedimiento en casos seleccionados, pues es una alternativa mininvasiva reproducible aunque no exenta de complicaciones.

ABSTRACT Background: Different scenarios have emerged with the advent of minimally invasive approaches; transoral endoscopic parathyroidectomy vestibular approach (TOEPVA) is a technique with promising results. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the surgical technique and the experience gained. Material and methods: We describe 3 patients with asymptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism due to parathyroid adenoma and one case of tertiary hyperparathyroidism with parathyroid hyperplasia with clinical signs and presence of lesions in imaging tests. Results: In 3 patients operative time was 202.5 minutes. The patients had adequate tolerance to pain and remained hospitalized for 24 hours. One patient with ectopic parathyroid adenoma required conversion to open surgery that was complicated with an accidental esophageal injury. Intraoperative parathormone levels decreased by > 50% compared by baseline values in all the cases. Conclusions: This minimally invasive procedure is reproducible but should be used in selected cases as it is not free of complications.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212757


Background: Proper documentation of the surgery done in the form of operative notes is a very important aspect of surgical practice. The aim of this clinical audit was to identify the existing standard of the operative notes written in a general surgical unit in a quaternary care hospital; and to compare it with the recommendations given by Royal College of Surgeons, England (in Good Surgical Practice, 2014) and if needed, to improve the standard of practice.Methods: In the first loop of this prospective audit, 75 consecutive operative notes which were written were compared with the RCS guidelines and the areas which had missing data were identified. These areas were informed to the residents, who are primarily involved in the documentation of the operative notes. The second loop of the audit was conducted after a gap of 4 months involving 75 consecutive operative notes again.Results: The areas which were initially deficient were better documented when analysed in the second loop.Conclusions: Documentation of operative notes does not always comply with the set guidelines as highlighted in the first loop of our audit. But by employing a clinical audit it is possible to identify the existing deficiencies and thereby improving the standards of practice. Also, operative note writing should be taught as part of surgical training. Definitions should be clearly provided, and specific guidelines should be established to improve the quality of the operative notes and their use to improve patient safety.

Rev. argent. cir ; 112(2): 185-188, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1125800


La cirugía endoscópica transluminal a través de orificios naturales (NOTES) ha sido aplicada por primera vez por K. Witzel en el año 2008, introduciendo el abordaje transoral para la patología tiroidea en cadáveres y puercos. En el año 2016, A. Anuwong publicó la primera serie de casos en seres humanos por abordaje vestibular. Referimos en esta ocasión el caso de una paciente de 37 años, quien acudió a la consulta por presentar una tumoración cervical anterior de dos meses de evolución. Ecografía tiroidea con bocio polinodular. Punción aspiración con aguja fina: lesión con hiperplasia folicular en lóbulo derecho e izquierdo. Se decide realizar tiroidectomía transoral endoscópica por abordaje vestibular. La duración de la intervención fue de 180 minutos, la pérdida sanguínea fue de 20 mL. El dolor, escaso y el tiempo de internación, 36 horas. En el presente trabajo se propone el desarrollo de esta técnica y la experiencia en nuestro primer caso de tiroidectomía total en patología tiroidea benigna.

Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) was applied for the first time by K. Witzel in 2008, introducing the transoral endoscopic resection of the thyroid gland in human cadavers and living pigs. In 2016, A. Anuwong published the first case series using the vestibular approach in humans. We report the case of a 37-year-old female patient with a mass in the anterior aspect of the neck which appeared two months before consultation. The thyroid ultrasound reported multinodular goiter. The fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy reported hyperplastic follicular nodule in both lobes. The patient underwent transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy by vestibular approach. Operative time was 180 minutes and blood loss was 20 mL. Pain was minimal and hospital stay was 36 hours. We report our first experience with total thyroidectomy in a patient with benign thyroid nodules.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Tireoidectomia/métodos , Cirurgia Endoscópica por Orifício Natural/métodos , Glândula Tireoide , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/patologia
Rev. argent. cir ; 111(4): 284-288, dic. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057371


Se realizó una lobectomía transoral vestibular endoscópica (TOETVA) en una paciente femenina de 53 años interesada particularmente en su resultado cosmético, que presentaba un nódulo de 40 mm en el lóbulo tiroideo izquierdo. Mostró una excelente evolución posoperatoria. Se realizó la revisión de la bibliografía acerca de este abordaje y se informa el primer caso del país.

A 53-year-old female patient with a 40-mm nodule in the left thyroid lobe underwent surgery using the transoral endoscopic thyroidectomy vestibular approach (TOETVA) because she was particularly interested in the cosmetic results. She evolved with excellent postoperative outcome. We review the literature dealing with this approach and report the first case in our country.

Tireoidectomia , Tireoidectomia/métodos , Relatório de Pesquisa
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205295


Introduction: Study habits is one important factor which influences the academic performance of students. The learning strategies of high achievers are likely to be more effective. The study was aimed to analyse the study habits among undergraduate medical students and compare the study habits of high, average and low achieving undergraduate medical students. Application of effective learning strategies may be helpful in achieving better academic outcomes. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted as a cross sectional, observational study with 118 Final year MBBS students as study participants using Dennis Congos Study Skills Inventory Questionnaire consisting of 51 study habits questions classified according to domains of Text Book reading, Notes taking, Memory, Test Preparation, Concentration, Time management. Results: The percentage of students scoring above the cut off levels in each domain were: Memory: 61/118 (51.69%), Concentration: 67/118 (56.77%), Notes taking: 7/118 (5.93%), Time management: 17/118 (14.40%), Test preparation: 31/118 (26.27%), Text book reading: 35/118 (29.66%). The only Study habit that showed significant difference across the high, medium and low achievers was: Ability to pay attention in the class (p: 0.006). Conclusion: Though the students are talented and fare better in Memory and Concentration skills, there is glaring lack of attitudinal skills like Notes taking, Time management, Test preparation and Textbook reading skills. Paying attention in the class seems to be one most important distinguishing learning strategy determining the academic performance. Teaching– Learning methodologies need to be made more interesting so as to actively engage the attention of low achievers also.

J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 39(1): 15-21, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-984637


ABSTRACT Introduction: Laparoscopic colorectal resection is more and more being employed in the daily oncology practice. Natural orifice techniques to obviate the need for a specimen extraction incision are evolving. Materials and methods: We studied transanal and transvaginal specimen extraction after laparoscopic colorectal resections prospectively in 16 patients. Results: The technique was successfully implemented in 75% of the cases. The site of the tumour and the patient age were the significant predictors of the technique success. Conclusion: The technique is reproducible and can be more widely adopted.

RESUMO Introdução: A ressecção colorretal laparoscópica está sendo cada vez mais empregada na prática diária de oncologia. Observa-se uma evolução nas técnicas que usam orifícios naturais de modo a evitar a necessidade de uma incisão para extração de espécimes. Materiais e métodos: O estudo avaliou prospectivamente a extração transanal e transvaginal de espécimes após ressecções colorretais laparoscópicas em 16 pacientes. Resultados: A técnica foi implementada com sucesso em 75% dos casos. A localização do tumor e a idade do paciente foram preditores significativos de sucesso da técnica. Conclusão: A técnica é reprodutível e pode ser mais amplamente adotada.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Neoplasias Colorretais/cirurgia , Laparoscopia , Cirurgia Endoscópica Transanal , Cirurgia Colorretal , Cirurgia Endoscópica por Orifício Natural
Rev. cuba. cir ; 58(1): e737, ene.-mar. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093150


RESUMEN El objetivo del trabajo es profundizar en los diferentes aspectos cognoscitivos sobre las nuevas evidencias concernientes al tratamiento de la apendicitis aguda y comparar los resultados obtenidos con las diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas empleadas actualmente y el tratamiento conservador. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica y se seleccionaron artículos en las fuentes electrónicas: Web of Science, Scielo, Elsevier, PubMed, Medline y Google, publicadas en la presente centuria en idiomas español e inglés. La apendicetomía mediante laparotomía ha sido siempre la regla de oro para el tratamiento de la apendicitis aguda. En 1982, se introdujo el acceso laparoscópico que ha demostrado ser tan seguro y eficiente como el convencional. En 2004, la cirugía endoscópica a través de orificios naturales; en 2007 por un solo puerto y en 2015 mediante endoscopia retrógrada. La evolución del cuadro clínico es variable por lo que se han propuesto estrategias como la cirugía ambulatoria, el tratamiento conservador seguido o no de cirugía de intervalo, a fin de evitar intervenciones innecesarias con morbilidad y mortalidad similares a las realizadas con urgencia. La apendicetomía mediante laparotomía o laparoscopia aun es la regla de oro del tratamiento de la apendicitis aguda, aunque se impone el acceso laparoscópico, han surgido nuevas técnicas invasivas y la cirugía ambulatoria. La antibioticoterapia es esencial y como tratamiento único tiene como objetivo disminuir los costos y la morbilidad asociada a la cirugía; por tanto, actualmente el tratamiento adecuado de esta enfermedad es controversial y dependerá de los protocolos de actuación establecidos, el estado del paciente y los recursos disponibles(AU)

ABSTRACT The objective of this work is to study in depth the different cognitive aspects about the new evidences concerning the treatment of acute appendicitis and to compare the results obtained with the different surgical techniques currently used and the conservative treatment. A bibliographic review was carried out and articles were chosen from the electronic sources Web of Science, Scielo, Elsevier, PubMed, Medline, and Google, published in this century in Spanish and in English. Appendectomy by laparotomy has always been the gold standard for the treatment of acute appendicitis. In 1982, laparoscopic access was introduced, which has proven safe and efficient as conventional access. In 2004, endoscopic surgery through natural orifices was used; in 2007, it was performed by a single port, and in 2015, through retrograde endoscopy. The evolution of the clinical picture is variable so strategies have been proposed such as ambulatory surgery, conservative treatment followed or not by interval surgery, in order to avoid unnecessary interventions with morbidity and mortality similar to those performed with urgency. Appendectomy by laparotomy or laparoscopy is still the golden standard of the treatment of acute appendicitis, although laparoscopic access is required, new invasive techniques and outpatient surgery have emerged. Antibiotic therapy is essential and, as a single treatment, aims to reduce costs and morbidity associated with surgery; therefore, the adequate treatment of this disease is currently controversial and will depend on the established protocols of action, patient condition, and the available resources(AU)

Humanos , Apendicite/terapia , Cirurgia Endoscópica por Orifício Natural/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Ambulatórios/efeitos adversos , Laparotomia/métodos , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-810779


Since the introduction of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) in China in 2006, endoscopic minimally invasive treatment has experienced a booming development for more than 10 years, and its indications are gradually being expanded from inside the lumen to outside the lumen, from the superficial layer to the deep layer, from organic diseases to functional diseases. This article summaries the development of endoscopic minimally invasive resection in the past 10 years, from the perspective of mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosal and even extraluminal lesions, respectively, to introduce the role of endoscopic minimally invasive treatment. For mucosal lesions, ESD has become a first-line treatment for early gastric cancer; endoscopic treatment of colorectal lesions is still controversial in Europe and the United States, but is gradually being accepted. For submucosal tumors(SMT), the Expert Consensus for Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment of Submucosal Tumors in China (version 2018) was published in 2018, and the principles and related technical rules for gastrointestinal SMT have been highlighted. For serosal and even extraluminal lesions, natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) and tunnel endoscopic surgery, mainly including endoscopic myotomy (POEM) and endoscopic transmucosal tunneling tumor resection (STER), showed potential for development in preliminary studies, and showed good results in cholecystectomy, appendectomy, achalasia, gastroparesis and even extra-gastrointestinal tumor resection. This article describes the various endoscopic treatment techniques, and looks into their application prospects and future challenges.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-816325


Both single-port laparoscopic hysterectomy and v NOTES hysterectomy are to maximize the benefits of minimally invasive approach. vNOTES is vaginal single-port surgery and can be considered as an ideal approach for hysterectomy.It has several benefits over laparoscopic hysterectomy and vaginal total hysterectomy.But,there are few study results about vNOTES hysterectomy.We will discuss the possible benefits and challenging points of both approaches for hysterectomy.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-816329


Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery(NOTES)is a new revolutionary surgical technique developed in the field of minimally invasive surgery.It uses endoscope to enter the chest,abdominal cavity,and so on for a variety of endoscopic operations through the natural cavity of the human body(such as mouth,stomach,vagina,bladder,rectum,etc.). Conventional NOTES is two-dimensional visualization,and the application of robotic system to NOTES can achieve three-dimensional visualization.Currently,robot-assisted NOTES in gynecologic surgeries mainly include R-LESS(Robot-assisted Laparoendoscopic Single-site Surgery)and robot-assisted vNOTES(transvaginal NOTES).The application of robot-assisted laparoscopy in gynecological natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery is reviewed and discussed in this paper.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-816331


Along with the innovation of minimally invasive techniques and instrumentations,the surgical route through a natural orifice has been widely utilized.At present,there are two common surgeries-transvaginal and trans-umbilical,and there are many advantages,including quick postoperative recovery,incisional cosmesis,rapid postoperative pain relief,and shorter hospital stay.However,different complications may occur after natural orifice surgery,such as entryrelated complications,bleeding,and adjacent organ injury.The key to reducing surgical complications can be achieved by strictly following the indications and improving the operative skills of natural orifice surgery.

Rev. venez. cir ; 72(1): 23-27, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1370344


El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar nuestra experiencia inicial utilizando la vagina para el retiro de especímenes quirúrgicos o como puerto laparoscópico en intervenciones de cirugía a través de orificios naturales (NOTES). Métodos: Analizamos retrospectivamente los datos de pacientes femeninos, intervenidos en el Instituto Medico La Floresta, Caracas, Venezuela, desde Junio de 2009 a junio de 2015. Dichos pacientes fueron sometidas a intervenciones involucrando resecciones laparoscópicas de órganos sólidos como pancreatectomías distales, esplenectomías y miomectomías uterinas, utilizando la vagina como sitio de extracción. También incluimos pacientes sometidas a apendicectomía transvaginal híbrida NOTES y a colecistectomía transvaginal híbrida. Reportamos el procedimiento técnico, las complicaciones relacionadas con el acceso transvaginal y el seguimiento clínico. Resultados: Cuatro pacientes fueron sometidas a pancreatectomía distal con esplenectomía, siete a esplenectomía laparoscópica, cuatro casos fueron resecciones de masas anexiales y seis miomectomías uterinas. Tres pacientes fueron intervenidas para apendicectomía laparoscópica hibrida transvaginal y cuatro a colecistectomía hibrida trans-vaginal. En todos los casos el espécimen quirúrgico fue retirado a través de la vagina. Todas las pacientes reportaron manchado vaginal mínimo por un máximo de 14 días (media de 8), sangramiento escaso durante el coito por un máximo de 54 días (media de 32) y ninguna paciente reportó dispareunia u otras molestias relacionadas con el acceso vaginal a los seis meses. Conclusiones: El uso de la vagina como sitio de extracción para especímenes quirúrgicos es posible y seguro, incluso en casos de órganos sólidos o especímenes contaminado(AU)

The objective of this study is to evaluate our initial experience, using the vagina, for the removal of surgical specimens, or as a laparoscopic port in surgical interventions through natural orifices "NOTES" or (natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery). Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data from female patients operated at the La Floresta Medical Institute in Caracas, Venezuela, from June 2009 to June 2015, who underwent interventions involving laparoscopic resections of solid organs, such as distal pancreatectomies, splenectomies, and uterine myomectomies. Using the vagina as an extraction site. We also included patients undergoing hybrid NOTES trans-vaginal appendectomy and hybrid trans-vaginal cholecystectomy. We report the technical procedure, complications related to trans-vaginal access and clinical follow-up. Results: Four patients underwent distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy, seven underwent laparoscopic splenectomy, four cases were resections of adnexal masses and six were uterine myomectomies. Three patients underwent surgery for trans-vaginal hybrid laparoscopic appendectomy and four for trans-vaginal hybrid cholecystectomy. In all cases, the surgical specimen was removed through the vagina. All patients reported minimal vaginal blood spotting for a maximum of 14 days (average of 8), scarce bleeding during intercourse for a maximum of 54 days (average of 32), and no patient reported dyspareunia or other discomfort related to vaginal access after six months. Conclusions: The use of the vagina as an extraction site for surgical specimens is possible and safe, even in cases of solid organs or contaminated specimens(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Manejo de Espécimes , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios , Vagina/anatomia & histologia , Laparoscopia , Apendicectomia , Cirurgia Geral , Colecistectomia
Rev. argent. cir ; 109(4): 1-10, dic. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-897345


Antecedentes: el abordaje laparoscópico en el tratamiento de las afecciones colorrectales ha demostrado numerosas ventajas en relación con la cirugía convencional; sin embargo, la necesidad frecuente de tener que emplear una incisión complementaria para la extracción de la pieza operatoria u otros gestos quirúrgicos genera efectos adversos vinculados con el dolor posoperatorio, íleo y las complicaciones propias de la herida. Objetivo: análisis de una serie de pacientes intervenidos por afecciones colorrectales mediante abordaje laparoscópico en quienes se realizó anastomosis intracorpórea comparada con otra de anastomosis extracorpórea. Material y métodos: entre abril de 2010 y mayo de 2013 fueron operados 85 pacientes con afecciones colorrectales, abordados por vía laparoscópica, los que se agruparon en dos lotes: Grupo 1, con anastomosis extracorpórea, 50 (58,8%) y Grupo 2, con variante intracorpórea, 35 (41,2 %). Resultados: no hubo diferencias entre ambos grupos (extracorpórea/intracorpórea), en cuanto a sexo (F/M:23/27, 22/13, respectivamente; p=0,052), edad promedio en años (63/60; p=0,222), índice de masa corporal (24,38 kg/m2/27,37 kg/m2; p=0,315), ASA (p=0,817), tpo de afección tratada (p= 0,312), sector resecado (p=0,282), longitud de la pieza operatoria (p=0,384) y cantidad de ganglios extrpados (p=0,537). Tampoco se hallaron diferencias en relación con la conversión, 7 (14%) versus 4 (11,4%), p= 0,379; tempo operatorio en minutos, (178,3 min/188,6 min), p= 0,257; complicaciones, 12 (24%/) versus 8 (22,8%), p= 0,493 y reoperaciones, 5 (10%) versus 4 (11,4%), p= 1. En ambos grupos no hubo mortalidad. Hubo diferencias en relación con el tamaño promedio en centmetros de la incisión empleada (7,7 cm/4,4 cm; p= 0,042) y el dolor posoperatorio inmediato (4,7/3,1; p=0,022). Conclusiones: la confección de anastomosis intracorpórea ofrece un menor dolor posoperatorio, con una menor herida quirúrgica y mejor estética, e iguales resultados posoperatorios inmediatos y alejados.

Background: the laparoscopic approach for the treatment of colorectal diseases has shown many ad-vantages over conventonal surgery. However, the frequent need of an additonal incision to extract the specimen or to perform further surgical techniques may cause adverse efectis related to postope-rative pain, ileus and complicatons of the wound. Objective: to compare a series of patentis undergoing laparoscopic surgery for colorectal disease with intracorporeal versus extracorporeal anastomosis. Material and methods: between April 2010 and May 2013, 85 patentis who were operated on lapa-roscopically for colorectal disease, were divided in two groups. Group I, extracorporeal, 50 (58.8%) and Group II, intracoroporeal anastomosis, 35 (41.2%). Results: there was no diference between groups in terms of gender (F/M-23/27, 22/13, p=0.052), mean age (63/60 years, p=0.222), body mass index (24.38 vs. 27.37 kg/m2), p = 0.315, ASA (p = 0.817), type of disease (p=0.312), resected segment (p=0.282), specimen length (p=0,384) and number of removed lymph nodes (p=0,537). No diferences were found in relaton to conversion, 7 (14%) vs. 4 (11.4%) p=0.379, operative tme (178.3 vs. 188,6 min), p=0.257, complicatons 12 (24% /) vs. 8 (22.8%) p=0.493 and reoperatons, 5 (10%) vs. 4 (11.4%;), p=1. No mortality occurred in both groups. There were diferences in the average size of the incision (7.7 cm vs. 4.4 cm, p = 0.042) and immediate postoperative pain (4.7 vs. 3.1, p = 0.022). Conclusions: laparoscopic approach with intracorporeal anastomosis for colorectal disease ofers less postoperative pain, a smaller wound and beter cosmetic result, with equal postoperative outicome.

J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 37(4): 323-327, Oct.-Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-894001


ABSTRACT Abscesses are a rare complication of transanal minimally invasive surgery and transanal endoscopic micro surgery. Reported cases have been in the rectal and pre-sacral areas and have been managed with either antibiotics alone or in conjunction with laparotomy and diverting colostomy. We report a case of a large retroperitoneal abscess following a Transanal minimally invasive surgery full thickness rectal polyp excision. The patient was successfully managed conservatively with antibiotics and a percutaneous drain. Retroperitoneal infection should be included in a differential diagnosis following a Transanal minimally invasive surgery procedure as the presentation can be insidious and timely intervention is needed to prevent further morbidity.

RESUMO Os abscessos são uma complicação rara da cirurgia de ressecção transanal minimamente invasiva (TAMIS) e da micro cirurgia endoscópica transanal (TEMS). Os casos notificados foram nas áreas rectal e pré-sacral e foram administrados com antibióticos isoladamente ou em conjunto com laparotomia e desvio de colostomia. Relatamos um caso de grande abscesso retroperitoneal após uma excisão de pólipo retal de espessura total TAMIS. O paciente foi tratado com sucesso com a administração de antibióticos e drenagem percutânea. Para prevenir mais morbidade é necessária incluir a infecção retroperitoneal no diagnostico diferencial após um procedimento TAMIS onde a apresentação pode ser insidiosa e a intervenção atempada.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Espaço Retroperitoneal/fisiopatologia , Abscesso , Cirurgia Endoscópica Transanal/efeitos adversos