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Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 45(6): 482-490, Nov.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533996


Objective: To develop a classification framework based on random forest (RF) modeling to outline the declarative memory profile of patients with panic disorder (PD) compared to a healthy control sample. Methods: We developed RF models to classify the declarative memory profile of PD patients in comparison to a healthy control sample using the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT). For this study, a total of 299 patients with PD living in the city of Rio de Janeiro (70.9% females, age 39.9 ± 7.3 years old) were recruited through clinician referrals or self/family referrals. Results: Our RF models successfully predicted declarative memory profiles in patients with PD based on RAVLT scores (lowest area under the curve [AUC] of 0.979, for classification; highest root mean squared percentage [RMSPE] of 17.2%, for regression) using relatively bias-free clinical data, such as sex, age, and body mass index (BMI). Conclusions: Our findings also suggested that BMI, used as a proxy for diet and exercises habits, plays an important role in declarative memory. Our framework can be extended and used as a prospective tool to classify and examine associations between clinical features and declarative memory in PD patients.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 13(2): 209-216, jul.-dic. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530230


Abstract Avoidant or Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is an eating disorder (ED) not common in adults. In this article we present a clinical case of ARFID in a 37-year-old male patient treated in an ED center in Medellin, Colombia; displaying anxious symptoms that began a year earlier and concomitant weight loss, following a traumatic event causing an overall impairment with that patient. Several medical evaluations/examinations looking for organic causes, were excluded. Interventions were implemented by a psychiatry, a psychotherapist using cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT), and a nutritionist, all in face-to-face modality, which were carried out weekly for the first three months, then biweekly and subsequently quarterly. each lasting approximately 40-60 minutes. After the set of pharmacological interventions and psychotherapy, a great improvement in the functionality of the patient was observed. Improvement was found with respect to eating in public, food variation and panic attacks. In the absence of guidelines, it is important to use standardized and replicable treatments in this population.

Resumen El trastorno evitativo restrictivo de la ingesta (TERIA) es un trastorno alimentario (TCA) raro en adultos. Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 37 años con TERIA y trastorno de pánico atendido en un centro para TCA en Medellín, Colombia, quien presentó un año de síntomas ansiosos y pérdida de peso después de evento traumático, generando disfuncionalidad. Fue evaluada y excluida organicidad. Se realizaron intervenciones por parte de psiquiatría, psicoterapia con enfoque cognitivo conductual y nutrición, todas en modalidad presencial, las cuales se realizaron semanalmente los primeros tres meses, luego quincenalmente y posteriormente trimestralmente. Cada una con una duración de 40-60 minutos aproximadamente por sesión. Posterior al conjunto de intervenciones farmacológicas y psicoterapia, se observó una gran mejoría la funcionalidad del paciente, se encontró mejoría con respecto a comer en público, variación en los alimentos y ataques de panico. Ante la ausencia de guías de manejo de TERIA en adultos es relevante realizar tratamientos estandarizados que puedan ser replicados.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040055


[Introduction] We report our experience with a patient with panic disorder (PD) , which suggests the importance of building a trusting relationship between the patient and the acupuncturist.[Case] A 69-year-old woman with PD presented to our acupuncture clinic with anxiety and difficulty breathing. Her symptoms appeared six months prior, and later, she presented to the emergency department of A Hospital with dyspnea and nausea. Shehad a significant medical history of RLS and rheumatoid arthritis. She was diagnosed with PD at the Department of Oriental Medicine of the same hospital. Her symptoms improved with herbal remedies; however, anxiety and difficulty breathing persisted. Her symptoms at the first acupuncture visit were dyspnea, chest tightness, and anxiety regarding seizures that occurred once or twice a week. She also experienced insomnia and nocturnal hot flashes in her legs. She had no panic attacks or prevailing anxiety, and her neurological and cardiovascular parameters were normal. During the treatment period of 91 days, 14 acupuncture and moxibustion treatments were performed once a week. GV20, PC6, HT7, ST36, SP6, LV3, GB20, BL13, BL15, LI4, BL23, and BL33 were used for mood symptoms, and KI9, BL57, and KI3 were used for toe symptoms. After the second visit, BL10, GB21, and SL14 were performed for neck and shoulder symptoms, and Ex-LE10 and plantar nerve acupuncture were performed for coldness in the lower extremities. Moxibustion was applied to SP6, KI3, and LV3.[Course] After the initiation of acupuncture, anxiety and difficulty breathing were almost resolved by the second treatment session; however, insomnia and hot flashes in the lower extremities worsened in the seventh round of treatment. The patient had also hoped for the resolution of the insomnia-related symptoms using acupuncture. However, since acupuncture was ineffective, we explained the need for specialized treatment and referred her case to a psychiatrist. She was diagnosed with restless leg syndrome, and treatment was initiated using pramipexole, which improved hersymptoms.[Discussion] In this case, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment were effective for the symptoms associated with panic disorder. Additionally, the importance of providing opportunities for appropriate medical consultations as needed was demonstrated.

Chinese Journal of Medical Physics ; (6): 1554-1557, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026177


Objective To explore the effects of the combination of low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation(rTMS)and paroxetine on clinical symptoms and social abilities in patients with panic disorder.Methods A total of 90 patients with panic disorder were randomly divided into observation group(n=45,low-frequency rTMS combined with paroxetine)and control group(n=45,paroxetine alone).All were continuously treated for 6 weeks.The clinical symptoms were evaluated with panic disorder severity scale(PDSS)and Hamilton anxiety scale(HAMA)for assessing the therapeutic effect;and the social abilities were evaluated with global assessment function(GAF)and perceived social support scale(PSSS).The occurrence of adverse reactions during treatment was recorded.Results After 4 and 6 weeks of treatment,compared with control group,observation group had lower PDSS score and HAMA score(Ftime=566.213,533.124,P<0.05;Fbetween-group=13.211,4.466,P<0.05),and higher GAF score and PSSS score(Ftime=486.312,497.112,P<0.05;Fbetween-group=62.601,123.510,P<0.05).After 4 and 6 weeks of treatment,the response rates in observation group were 80.00%and 91.11%,higher than 60.00%and 71.11%in control group(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in total incidence of adverse reactions between observation group and control group(22.22%vs 17.78%,P>0.05).Conclusion The combination of low-frequency rTMS and paroxetine can effectively relieve anxiety,improve clinical symptoms,therapeutic effect and social abilities in patients with panic disorder,with certain safety and bringing more benefits as compared with paroxetine alone.

Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2023. 136f p.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532201


O Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático (TEPT) é uma condição debilitante que impacta significativamente a qualidade de vida dos seus portadores. Dentre vários fatores de risco para o TEPT, as reações peritraumáticas (RP), como a imobilidade tônica peritraumática (ITP), dissociação (DP) e reações físicas de pânico (RFP), estão entre as mais investigadas. No entanto, a maioria dos estudos avaliou essas RP separadamente, e o elo entre elas e o TEPT ainda não foi bem compreendido. Portanto, essa tese teve como objetivos: (i) estimar simultaneamente o efeito das três RP sobre o TEPT utilizando um instrumento validado; e (ii) avaliar se há efeito indireto da ITP sobre o TEPT mediado pelo sentimento de culpa/vergonha. Utilizamos modelagem de equações estruturais para analisar dados de 3211 participantes do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo. Tratamos as RP como variáveis latentes, selecionando desconfundidores específicos para cada reação. Nossas exposições foram as RP, sendo TEPT o desfecho. Calculamos odds ratios e intervalos de confiança de 95%. Utilizamos o Bayesian Information Criterion para comparar o ajuste de modelos não aninhados. Quando analisadas separadamente, todas as RP alcançaram significância estatística. No entanto, apenas DP (ORDP=1,8; IC95%:1,3-2,4) e RFP (ORRFP=2,5; IC95%:1,8-3,4) permaneceram estatisticamente significativas quando incluímos as três reações em um modelo com seus respectivos desconfundidores e correlações entre elas. Os resultados sugeriram um possível efeito da ITP sobre o TEPT (ORITP=1,4; IC95%:1,0-1,9). As interações entre as RP não foram estatisticamente significativas. Ao investigarmos o sentimento de culpa/vergonha como mediador entre ITP e TEPT, o efeito indireto alcançou apenas significância estatística limítrofe (ORITP(TNIE)=1,1; IC95%:1,0-1,2). Os efeitos direto (ORITP(PNDE)=1,3; IC95%: 0,8-1,8) e total (ORITP(TE)=1,4; IC95%:0,9-1,9) para ITP perderam significância quando todas as RP, seus desconfundidores e correlações entre elas fizeram parte do mesmo modelo. As demais RP, no entanto, permaneceram estatisticamente significativas (ORDP=1,7; IC95%:1,3-2,3 e ORRFP=2,5; IC95%:1,8-3,4). Nossos resultados mostraram que a DP e as RFP aumentaram o risco de TEPT mesmo quando consideradas em conjunto. A ITP pode ter efeito sobre o risco de TEPT, mas esse achado deve ser interpretado com cautela devido a significância limítrofe dessa RP em nosso modelo final. Também não identificamos uma mediação significativa entre ITP e TEPT pelos sentimentos de culpa/vergonha. Contudo, a significância limítrofe encontrada para o efeito indireto demanda investigações adicionais. Nossos achados reforçam a ideia de que as reações peritraumáticas devem ser analisadas e compreendidas como ocorrências simultâneas. Também seria oportuno que estudos envolvendo culpa/vergonha, ITP e TEPT focalizassem traumas caracterizados por aprisionamento e impossibilidade de escapar, dado que estas experiências são apontadas como mais susceptíveis para desencadear a ITP. (AU)

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition that greatly impacts quality of life. Among several PTSD risk factors, peritraumatic reactions (PR) such as peritraumatic tonic immobility (PTI), dissociation (PD) and physical panic reactions (PPR) are some of the most investigated. However, several studies have assessed these PR separately, and the pathway connecting them to PTSD is not well understood. Therefore, this thesis aimed to: (i) simultaneously estimate the effect of the three PR on PTSD using a validated instrument; and (ii) assess if there is an indirect effect of PTI on PTSD mediated by feelings of guilt/shame. We used structural equation modelling to analyse data from 3211 participants from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. We treated the PR as latent variables and selected specific confounders for each reaction. Our exposures were the PR, and PTSD was the outcome. We calculated odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for each analysis. We also employed the Bayesian Information Criterion to compare the goodness of fit between non-nested models. Separately, all PR achieved statistically significant results. However, only PD (ORPD=1.8; 95%CI:1.3-2.4) and PPR (ORPPR=2.5; 95%CI:1.8-3.4) remained statistically significant when all three were included in a model with their respective confounders and correlations among all PR. Our findings suggested a possible effect of PTI on PTSD (ORPTI=1.4; 95%CI:1.0-1.9). Interactions between the PR were not statistically significant. When we investigated feelings of guilt/shame as the mediator between PTI and PTSD, the indirect effect achieved a borderline statistical significance (ORPTI(TNIE)=1.1; 95%CI:1.0-1.2). Direct (ORPTI(PNDE)=1.3; 95%CI:0.8-1.8) and total (ORPTI(TE)=1.4; 95%CI:0.9-1.9) effects lost their significance when all PR, their confounders and correlations were included in the same model. The other PR remained statistically significant (ORPD=1.7; 95%CI:1.3-2.3 and ORPPR=2.5; 95%CI:1.8-3.4). Our findings showed PD and PPR to increase the risk of PTSD even when considered in tandem. PTI could have an effect on PTSD, but this must be considered cautiously, as this PR only reached borderline significance in our final model. Feelings of guilt/shame did not significantly mediate PTI's effect on PTSD. However, a borderline statistical significance in the indirect effects warrants further investigation. Our findings reinforce the hypothesis that peritraumatic reactions should be analysed and understood as simultaneous occurrences, not as separate entities. It would also be appropriate for studies concerning guilt/shame, PTI and PTSD to focus on traumas characterized by imprisonment and feelings of inescapability, given that these experiences are allegedly more likely to trigger PTI. (AU)

Humanos , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Resposta de Imobilidade Tônica , Transtornos Dissociativos , Emoções , Qualidade de Vida/psicologia , Negociação , Análise de Classes Latentes , Acontecimentos que Mudam a Vida
Dement. neuropsychol ; 16(4): 411-417, Oct.-Dec. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421325


ABSTRACT. Panic disorder is an anxiety condition characterized by recurrent and unexpected panic attacks. The comparison between active treatment and placebo is essential to analyze an intervention's efficacy and safety. It is important to identify and summarize the studies with higher evidence to assist health professionals and public policy managers in clinical decision-making. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify and summarize all Cochrane systematic reviews (SRs) that compared the efficacy and safety of any drug treatment compared to placebo for panic disorder patients. Methods: SRs published in the Cochrane Library were included without date restriction. All outcomes presented were analyzed. The methodological quality of the SRs was evaluated using the AMSTAR-2 tool. Results: We included three Cochrane SRs of high methodological quality on the effects of antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and azapirones for panic disorder. All medications showed benefits in response to treatment, symptom improvement, and reduced panic attacks. Dropouts were lower with tricyclic antidepressants and benzodiazepines and higher with azapirones. The occurrence of adverse events was higher for drug groups. Conclusions: Very low to moderate certainty evidence (GRADE) showed that antidepressants and benzodiazepines seem to improve clinical symptoms in individuals with short-term panic disorder compared to placebo. In addition, the use of azapirones seems to have greater adherence by patients than placebo. However, there is insufficient evidence to support its clinical efficacy.

RESUMO. O transtorno de pânico é uma condição de ansiedade caracterizada por ataques de pânico recorrentes e inesperados. A comparação entre tratamento ativo e placebo é essencial para analisar a eficácia e a segurança de uma intervenção. É importante identificar os estudos com maiores evidências para auxiliar os profissionais de saúde e gestores de políticas públicas nas decisões clínicas. Objetivo: Identificar e sumarizar todas as revisões sistemáticas (RS) publicadas na Cochrane que relatam a eficácia e a segurança de qualquer tratamento medicamentoso comparado ao placebo para pacientes com transtorno de pânico. Métodos: Foram selecionadas e analisadas todas as RS publicadas na base de dados Cochrane, sem restrição de data. A qualidade metodológica das RS foi avaliada utilizando a ferramenta AMSTAR-2. Resultados: Foram incluídas três RS Cochrane com alta qualidade metodológica que avaliaram os efeitos de antidepressivos, benzodiazepínicos e azapironas para transtorno de pânico. Todos os medicamentos mostraram benefícios na resposta ao tratamento, melhora dos sintomas e redução das crises de pânico. O número de desistências do tratamento foi baixo com antidepressivos tricíclicos e benzodiazepínicos e alto com azapironas. A ocorrência de eventos adversos foi elevada para os grupos das medicações analisadas Conclusões: Evidências de certeza muito baixa a moderada (pela Classificação de Recomendações, Avaliação, Desenvolvimento e Análises - GRADE) mostraram que antidepressivos e benzodiazepínicos parecem melhorar os sintomas clínicos em indivíduos com transtorno de pânico em menor prazo, em comparação ao placebo. Além disso, o uso de azapironas parece ter maior adesão por parte dos pacientes do que o placebo. No entanto, não há evidências suficientes para comprovar sua eficácia clínica.

Kampo Medicine ; : 47-53, 2022.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986315


The patient was a 47-year-old woman. Four years previously, she began to suffer from left lower leg pain and numbness, and involuntary movements. She received further examination in the department of neurology at other hospitals, but had an uncertain etiology and was provisionally diagnosed with restless legs syndrome. She was treated with Western medicine such as gabapentin and gabapentin enacarbil, but they were ineffective. She subsequently visited our hospital and was hospitalized. She was diagnosed with painful legs and moving toes syndrome, and painful arms and moving fingers syndrome after further examination. We prescribed tokakujokito because she had severe blood stasis and panic disorder on Kamp medical findings. As a result, her left lower leg numbness disappeared and pain was reduced. We report a case of a patient who could not be effectively treated using Western medicine and was successfully treated with tokakujokito-based Kampo prescriptions.

rev. psicogente ; 24(45): 146-164, ene.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366074


Resumen Objetivo: Examinar las manifestaciones y los vínculos entre síntomas emocionales y las compras por pánico durante la aplicación de medidas de cuarentena domiciliar debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: Una muestra no probabilística de 339 residentes en El Salvador, mayores de 18 años, respondió un cuestionario en línea. El instrumento constaba de datos sociodemográficos, ítems sobre percepciones sobre la pandemia, una escala sobre compras por pánico y la escala abreviada de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés (DASS-21). Se realizaron análisis bivariados y multivariados, incluyendo un análisis de trayectoria o path analysis. Resultados: Casi 40 % de la muestra incurrió en compras por pánico. Las compras por pánico se asociaron con depresión, ansiedad y estrés, con el interés en la pandemia y la percepción de alteración de rutinas. El análisis de trayectoria comprueba que, indirectamente, la depresión desalentó la compra por pánico y la ansiedad la incentivó. El estrés ejerció un efecto positivo indirecto a través del interés en el tema y la alteración de rutinas, pero un efecto directo sobre las compras por pánico. Conclusión: La depresión, ansiedad y estrés se relacionan de manera diferencial con percepciones y comportamientos asociados al afrontamiento de la pandemia. El estrés constituye una respuesta adaptativa a la demanda de la situación mientras que las compras por pánico son una forma de paliar las emociones negativas suscitadas por la crisis. El interés en estos patrones de compra debe contemplar el contexto consumista en el que ocurren, así como las formas de afrontamiento en función del poder adquisitivo.

Abstract Objective: To examine the manifestations and links between emotional symptoms and panic buying during the implementation of domiciliary quarantine measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: A non-probabilistic sample of 339 residents in El Salvador, over 18 years old, answered an online questionnaire. The instrument comprised sociodemographic questions, items on perceptions of the pandemic, a panic buying scale, and the short version of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Bivariate and multivariate analyzes were performed, including a path analysis. Results: Almost 40 % of the sample engaged in panic buying. Panic buying was associated with depression, anxiety, and stress, with being interested in the pandemic and the perception of disrupted routines. The path analysis showed that, indirectly, depression discouraged panic buying and anxiety encouraged it. Stress exerted an indirect positive effect mediated by the interest in the pandemic and the disruption of routines, but a direct effect on panic purchases. Conclusion: Depression, anxiety, and stress are differentially related to perceptions and behaviors associated with coping with the pandemic. Stress is an adaptive response to the demands of the situation while panic buying is a way to alleviate the negative emotions caused by the crisis. The interest in these shopping patterns must contemplate the consumerist context in which they occur as well as coping strategies linked to acquisitive power.

Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 43(1): 6-11, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153272


Objective: To investigate the course of panic disorder and its demographic and clinical correlates during the postpartum period. Methods: Data were collected from 38 consecutive postpartum women diagnosed with panic disorder. Psychiatric assessments were carried out on the first day after delivery and at 6-8 weeks postpartum. During the first assessment, the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (PAS), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (COPE), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris, and San Diego Autoquestionnaire (TEMPS-A) were administered to the participants. PAS was also administered at the second assessment. Results: The mean PAS score reduced significantly from baseline to the second assessment. Logistic regression analysis indicated that a shorter duration of panic disorder independently predicted a ≥ 50-point decrease in the severity of panic symptoms during the postpartum period. Conclusion: These findings suggest that patients with a short duration of illness may experience significant alleviation in the severity of panic symptoms during the postpartum period.

Humanos , Feminino , Transtorno de Pânico/epidemiologia , Temperamento , Agorafobia , Período Pós-Parto
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-909564


The etiology and pathological mechanism of panic disorder (PD) are still unclear, which hinders the development of clinical diagnosis and treatment. In order to clarify the pathogenesis, biological diagnostic markers, curative effect prediction of PD, and ultimately provide a basis for individualized treatment, this article reviews the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research on PD in the past 5 years in conjunction with the hypothesis of the " fear network model" . It is found that the brain function and structural abnormalities of PD patients are not limited to the classic " fear network model" , but also a wider range of brain areas such as the cingulate gyrus, fronto-temporal cortex, insula, striatum, thalamus, sensorimotor related brain regions and cerebellum, together with classic brain regions such as the amygdala, form an expanded fear network. Among them, the amygdala, insula, medial prefrontal lobe, somato-motor network (SMN) and cerebellum are specific brain areas that differentiate PD from other anxiety disorders. The changes in the activity of the frontal lobe-limbic loop included in the fear network model can predict the treatment outcome of different methods for PD. This article improved the fear network hypothesis of PD, and more accurately identifies the biological indicators that can be used for accurate diagnosis and efficacy prediction of PD, which lays the foundation for the ultimate realization of personalized diagnosis and treatment of PD.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 19(4): 560-564, dez 30, 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355121


Introdução: crianças e adolescentes, não raro, apresentam sintomas de fobia social, transtorno do pânico e ansiedade de separação, que podem causar comprometimento nas habilidades sociais e dificultar as relações de forma incapacitante. Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar a presença de sintomas fóbicos sociais, transtorno de pânico e ansiedade de separação em adolescentes, com idade entre 11 e 17 anos, de uma escola pública da cidade de Salvador. Metodologia: este é um estudo observacional, transversal, que integra outro mais amplo, realizado em escola pública de Salvador, entre março e dezembro de 2015. A escala Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression foi aplicada em uma amostra de 674 alunos. Resultados: os alunos apresentaram sintomas de fobia social, transtorno do pânico e ansiedade de separação, em escala crescente, de acordo com a idade.

Introduction:children and adolescents often present symptoms of social phobia, panic disorder and separation anxiety disorder, which can cause social impairments and hinder relationships in a disabling way. Objective: this study aims to investigate the presence of social phobia, panic disorder and separation anxiety symptoms in adolescents aged between 11 and 17 years from a public school in the city of Salvador. Methodology: the present study is an observational cross-sectional research, which is part of a broader study conducted in a public school in Salvador, between March and December 2015. The Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS) was used in a sample of 674 students. Results: the students presented symptoms of social phobia, panic disorder and separation anxiety on an increasing scale proportional to age.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Ansiedade , Pânico , Adolescente , Fobia Social , Estudos Transversais , Estudo Observacional
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 42(4): 420-430, July-Aug. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132104


Panic disorder (PD) pathophysiology is very heterogeneous, and the discrimination of distinct subtypes could be very useful. A subtype based on respiratory symptoms is known to constitute a specific subgroup. However, evidence to support the respiratory subtype (RS) as a distinct subgroup of PD with a well-defined phenotype remains controversial. Studies have focused on characterization of the RS based on symptoms and response to CO2. In this line, we described clinical and biological aspects focused on symptomatology and CO2 challenge tests in PD RS. The main symptoms that characterize RS are dyspnea (shortness of breath) and a choking sensation. Moreover, patients with the RS tended to be more responsive to CO2 challenge tests, which triggered more panic attacks in this subgroup. Future studies should focus on discriminating respiratory-related clusters and exploring psychophysiological and neuroimaging outcomes in order to provide robust evidence to confirm RS as a distinct subtype of PD.

Humanos , Dióxido de Carbono/sangue , Transtorno de Pânico/fisiopatologia , Ventilação Pulmonar/fisiologia , Hiperventilação/fisiopatologia , Psicopatologia , Psicofisiologia , Transtorno de Pânico/diagnóstico , Transtorno de Pânico/psicologia , Dispneia/etiologia , Hiperventilação/diagnóstico , Hiperventilação/psicologia
An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 81(2): 230-233, abr-jun 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278271


RESUMEN Infodemia es la epidemia de información asociada con miedo, especulación y rumores, amplificada y transmitida rápidamente por las modernas tecnologías de la información y que afecta negativamente a la sociedad. Su asociación con la pandemia de la enfermedad por el coronavirus 2019 no es exclusiva, porque ya había sido descrita con la pandemia del Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Grave por el coronavirus-1 en el año 2003. Esta información falsa o engañosa puede provocar una renuencia pública generalizada a adoptar medidas de control de infecciones bien fundamentadas promovidas por las autoridades de salud, y así retrasar la ejecución de las recomendaciones esenciales. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), en su afán de contrarrestarla, ha establecido la Red de Información de la OMS para Epidemias.

ABSTRACT Infodemia is the information epidemy associated to fear, speculation and rumors, amplified and transmitted rapidly by modern information technologies and that negatively affects society. Its association with the 2019 Coronavirus Disease pandemic is not exclusive, as it had already been described with the Coronavirus-1 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome pandemic in 2003. This false or misleading information may cause public reluctance widespread adoption of infection control measures promoted by health authorities, and thus delaying essential recomendations. The World Health Organization (WHO), in its eagerness to counteract, has established the WHO Information Network to Epidemics.

Kampo Medicine ; : 137-142, 2020.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-843008


We report a case of panic disorder treated with keishikyokeikabukuryobyakujutsuto. The patient was a 42-year-old woman who had one or two episodes of panic attacks every month for 1 year accompanied by dyspnea, fear, rigidity of hands, etc. The episodes were more frequent with physical exertion and menstruation and did not improve with kamishoyosan or kanbakutaisoto. Then, after a car accident, she had a panic attack with a stronger intensity. Blood and imaging examinations revealed no special findings, and we diagnosed her with panic disorder. We considered her complaint as Honton disease and administered ryokeikansoto. After 2 weeks, her mental condition improved, and dyspnea and fear of attacks relieved. After 2 months, office work became more strenuous, and attacks recurred once or twice a week. An abnormal sensation of the posterior cervix occurred as a prodrome of an attack, and simultaneously, she noticed neck stiffness. After switching to keishikyokeikabukuryobyakujutsuto, the cervical sensation disappeared, neck pain and neck stiffness were relieved, and the attacks did not reappear. This case suggested that keishikyokeikabukuryobyakujutsuto was useful for the prevention of panic attacks associated with neck stiffness.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-843242


Objective: To investigate the level of intolerance of uncertainty (IU) and possible related factors in the patients with anxiety disorders. Methods: The patients' diagnosis was made according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM- ). Thirty-five cases of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), 15 cases of panic disorder (PD) and 31 healthy controls (HC group) were recruited at the same time. IU level was assessed by using the Chinese version of Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS). The characteristics of anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms and body perception were assessed by Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) and Body Perception Questionaire (BPQ), respectively. Results: The IU levels of both GAD group and PD group were significantly higher than those of HC group (P=0.000). There was no significant difference in IU levels between GAD group and PD group (P=0.491). The IU levels of GAD patients were positively correlated with HAMA-somatic anxiety (r=0.377, P=0.025) and BPQ-awareness (r=0.342, P=0.044). Conclusion: The patients with anxiety disorders have elevated IU levels, compared with healthy people. Possibly, somatic anxiety and body perception-awareness are related factors to IU in GAD patients.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-837791


Objective: To explore the panic state and related influencing factors among military personnel during the early epidemic stage of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Methods: In the early stage of the COVID-19 epidemic, 431 officers and soldiers stationed in Hebei were randomly selected by the cluster sampling method and investigated with psychological stress self-evaluation test (PSET), self-rating anxiety scale, and self-designed questionnaires regarding the knowledge of COVID-19, sources of psychological panic scale, evaluation scale of various information released and risk perception scale. Results: A total of 411 valid questionnaires were collected, with an effective rate of 95.36%. The results showed that 5.84% (24/411) of the officers and soldiers were in psychological stress state and 4.14% (17/411) in psychological panic state. The psychological panic score of officers and soldiers in psychological stress state (47.76 + 6.51) was significantly higher than that in non-stress state (32.95 + 10.94), and the difference was statistically significant (t= 106.01, P<.0.01). There were significant differences in their understanding of different dimensions of COVID-19 knowledge (χ2=91.53, P<0.01). The high proportions of lack of understanding were found for COVID-19 related research progress (22.87%, 94/411) and symptoms (20.92%, 86/411). The main sources of psychological panic were the highly infectious trait of the virus, all wearing masks and eye glasses, information from the Internet and so on. Among all kinds of released information, the numbers of cumulative confirmed cases, new confirmed cases and cumulative suspected cases were the concerned epidemic information. The age, degree of anxiety in risk perception, possibility of infection, level of psychological stress and knowledge regarding COVID-19 were the predictors of psychological panic among military personnel (P<0.05 or P<.0.01). Among the dimensions of risk perception, the predictors for apprehension regarding COVID-19 among military personnel included the influence of COVID-19 on individuals and society and event characteristics of COVID-19 (P<0.05 or P<0.01). For the interventions of panic state, providing relevant medical knowledge was the most needed. Conclusion: During the early stage of COVID-19 epidemic, factors such as risk perception and the sources of psychological panic can affect the psychological panic among military personnel. During the CVOID-19 epidemic, corresponding measures should be taken to prevent the psychological panic among the officers and soldiers.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-837797


Objective To explore the panic state and related influencing factors among military personnel during the early epidemic stage of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Methods In the early stage of the COVID-19 epidemic, 431 officers and soldiers stationed in Hebei were randomly selected by the cluster sampling method and investigated with psychological stress self-evaluation test (PSET), self-rating anxiety scale, and self-designed questionnaires regarding the knowledge of COVID-19, sources of psychological panic scale, evaluation scale of various information released and risk perception scale. Results A total of 411 valid questionnaires were collected, with an effective rate of 95.36%. The results showed that 5.84% (24/411) of the officers and soldiers were in psychological stress state and 4.14% (17/411) in psychological panic state. The psychological panic score of officers and soldiers in psychological stress state (47.76±6.51) was significantly higher than that in non-stress state (32.95±10.94), and the difference was statistically significant (t=106.01, P0.01). There were significant differences in their understanding of different dimensions of COVID-19 knowledge (χ2=91.53, P0.01). The high proportions of lack of understanding were found for COVID-19 related research progress (22.87%, 94/411) and symptoms (20.92%, 86/411). The main sources of psychological panic were the highly infectious trait of the virus, all wearing masks and eye glasses, information from the Internet and so on. Among all kinds of released information, the numbers of cumulative confirmed cases, new confirmed cases and cumulative suspected cases were the concerned epidemic information. The age, degree of anxiety in risk perception, possibility of infection, level of psychological stress and knowledge regarding COVID-19 were the predictors of psychological panic among military personnel (P0.05 or P0.01). Among the dimensions of risk perception, the predictors for apprehension regarding COVID-19 among military personnel included the influence of COVID-19 on individuals and society and event characteristics of COVID-19 (P0.05 or P0.01). For the interventions of panic state, providing relevant medical knowledge was the most needed. Conclusion During the early stage of COVID-19 epidemic, factors such as risk perception and the sources of psychological panic can affect the psychological panic among military personnel. During the CVOID-19 epidemic, corresponding measures should be taken to prevent the psychological panic among the officers and soldiers.

Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 41(4): 387-393, Oct.-Dez. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1059178


Abstract Objective To identify which clinical features and personality traits are associated with quality of life (QoL) in panic disorder (PD) patients. Methods This was a cross-sectional study with PD patients. The brief version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF) and the Big Five Inventory (BFI) were used to assess QoL and personality traits respectively. The strength of correlations was measured with Pearson's, Spearman's, and point-biserial correlation coefficients. We also performed multiple linear regressions, considering sociodemographic data and scores from clinical scales as independent variables and QoL scores as dependent variables. Results A total of 98 patients were evaluated. Depressive symptoms had a strong negative correlation with QoL and, to a lesser extent, panic and anxiety symptoms were also negatively correlated with QoL. While consciousness, extraversion, and agreeableness had mild positive correlations with QoL, neuroticism had a strong negative correlation. Conclusion Symptoms of depression, anxiety, and panic seem to have a negative impact on the QoL of PD patients. Personality traits, especially neuroticism, may also influence QoL in these patients.

Resumo Objetivo Identificar quais características clínicas e traços de personalidade são mais associados à qualidade de vida (QdV) em pacientes com transtorno de pânico (TP). Métodos Este foi um estudo transversal, realizado em pacientes com TP. A versão breve do Questionário de Qualidade de Vida da Associação Mundial de Saúde (World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire - WHOQOL-BREF) e o Inventário dos Cinco Grande Fatores (Big Five Inventory - BFI) foram utilizados para avaliar QdV e traços de personalidade, respectivamente. A força de associação foi medida através da correlação de Pearson, de Spearman ou ponto bisserial. Foram também realizadas regressões lineares múltiplas, considerando os dados sociodemográficos e escores obtidos nas escalas clínicas como variáveis independentes, e os escores de QdV como variáveis dependentes. Resultados Um total de 98 pacientes foram avaliados. Sintomas depressivos apresentaram uma forte relação negativa com QdV; em menor intensidade, sintomas de TP e ansiosos também se correlacionaram com QdV. Nos domínios de personalidade, enquanto conscienciosidade, extroversão e amabilidade apresentaram uma leve correlação positiva com QdV, neuroticismo apresentou forte correlação negativa. Conclusão Sintomas depressivos, ansiosos e de TP parecem ter forte impacto negativo na QdV dos pacientes com TP. Traços de personalidade, principalmente neuroticismo, podem influenciar QdV nesses pacientes.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Personalidade , Qualidade de Vida/psicologia , Transtorno de Pânico/psicologia , Inventário de Personalidade , Escalas de Graduação Psiquiátrica , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários