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Rev. biol. trop ; 72(supl.1): e58623, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559338


Abstract Introduction: The sea cucumber Holothuria (Halodeima) grisea Selenka, 1867 is a common echinoderm in intertidal regions along the Brazilian coast, which recently became the focus of unreported and unregulated fisheries. This study was carried out in sandy-rocky substrates at Armação do Itapocoroy, Penha, Santa Catarina (26o47' S; 48o36' W), near its southern limit of geographic distribution. Objective: To determine the densities (individuals*m-2) of Holothuria (H.) grisea within a spatial-temporal perspective as well as to determine biometric and growth characteristics of the population. Methods: Two-meter wide transects perpendicular to the coastline were carried out in winter and spring 2019 and in summer and spring 2020, in periods of spring low-tides. In each sampling occasion the total number of specimens of H. grisea were determined, and a group of 90 organisms was submitted to in situ biometrics (weight, length and width), and immediately returned alive to their habitat. Results: The densities of H. (H.) grisea were significantly higher in the subtidal sector and lower in the upper intertidal sector with no indication of significant differences among sampling campaigns. Depth was the primary factor explaining the observed density patterns and rugosity of the substrate was secondary but also important. The body length ranged from 5.2 to 22.5 cm, whereas the weight varied from 6.0 to 230 g. The mean and modal lengths were 12.54 and 13 cm, respectively. Approximately 75 % of the population sampled was between 10 and 14 cm and the average weight was 60 g. Estimates from von Bertalanffy growth function indicate that the youngest sea cucumber was one year-old, and the oldest had approximately two and a half years. Conclusions: This is the first study to determine biometric parameters for H. (H.) grisea in southern Brazil and the first one to estimate growth and age estimates for a wild population of this species. The densities recorded in the present study were lower than those previously reported for this region, suggesting anthropic influence.

Resumen Introducción: El pepino de mar Holothuria (Halodeima) grisea Selenka, 1867 es un equinodermo común en las regiones intermareales a lo largo de la costa brasileña, que recientemente se convirtió en foco de pesquerías no declaradas y no reguladas. Este estudio se realizó en sustratos arenosos-rocosos en Armação do Itapocoroy, Penha, Santa Catarina (26o47' S; 48o36' W), cerca del límite sur de su distribución geográfica. Objetivo: Determinar las densidades (individuos*m-2) de Holothuria (H.) grisea dentro de una perspectiva espacio-temporal así como determinar las características biométricas y de crecimiento de la población. Métodos: Se realizaron transectos de dos metros de ancho perpendiculares a la línea de costa en invierno y primavera de 2019 y en verano y primavera de 2020, en periodos de bajamar sicigia. En cada ocasión de muestreo se determinó el número total de especímenes de H. (H.) grisea, y se sometió un grupo de 90 organismos a biometría in situ (peso, longitud y ancho), e inmediatamente se los devolvieron vivos a su hábitat. Resultados: Las densidades de H. (H.) grisea fueron significativamente más altas en el sector submareal y más bajas en el sector intermareal superior sin indicios de diferencias significativas entre las campañas de muestreo. La profundidad fue el factor principal que explica los patrones de densidad observados y la rugosidad del sustrato fue secundaria pero también importante. La longitud del cuerpo varió de 5.2 a 22.5 cm, mientras que el peso varió de 6.0 a 230 g. Las longitudes media y modal fueron 12.54 y 13 cm, respectivamente. Aproximadamente el 75 % de la población muestreada midió entre 10 y 14 cm y el peso promedio fue de 60 g. Estimados de la función de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy indican que el ejemplar más joven presentaba un año de edad, mientras el más viejo presentaba cerca de dos años y medio. Conclusiones: Este es el primer estudio que determina parámetros biométricos para una población de H. (H.) grisea en el sur de Brasil y el primero en estimar el crecimiento y edades para una población salvaje de esta especie. Las densidades registradas en el presente estudio fueron inferiores a las reportadas previamente para esta región sugiriendo la ocurrencia de influencia antrópica.

Animais , Dinâmica Populacional , Holothuria/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Estudos de Amostragem
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 342-3416, 20240131.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537885


O feminicídio é um fenômeno decorrente da herança patriarcal machista e de estruturas sociais historicamente permeadas por relações desiguais de gênero. O objetivo desta dissertação, que é um estudo ecológico, foi analisar os aspectos epidemiológicos dos feminicídios registrados em Pernambuco, entre 2016 e 2019. Como proxy dos eventos de feminicídio, foi admitido como referência o registro de homicídios e de mortes por causas indeterminadas de mulheres no Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade. Foram estabelecidas etapas de buscas com o linkage probabilístico em bases de dados da saúde e, de forma complementar, de revisões manuais em plataforma do Tribunal de Justiça de Pernambuco (TJPE) e mídias noticiosas online. Realizou-se a descrição dos dados mediante a distribuição de frequências, medidas de tendência central e dispersão. Para analisar o padrão espacial das taxas de feminicídio, foram utilizados o método bayesiano empírico local e o índice de autocorrelação de Moran. Aplicou-se a regressão logística hierarquizada para verificar a associação entre o feminicídio e a violência interpessoal e estimar a razão de chances (Odds Ratio) com intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%). Assim, foram localizados 490 feminicídios, o que correspondeu a uma taxa de 2,5 por 100.000 mulheres. A maior proporção de feminicídios foi identificada pela busca manual em mídias noticiosas online e na base processual do TJPE (n = 247; 50,41%). As características principais das vítimas são: idade entre 20 e 39 anos (n = 286; 58,37%); raça/cor negra (n = 400; 81,63%); sem companheiro(a) (n = 407; 83,06%); e escolaridade superior a oito anos de estudo (n = 303; 61,84%). A autocorrelação espacial do evento foi confirmada pelo índice global de Moran das taxas suavizadas (I = 0,3; p = 0,001); a autocorrelação local reforça a interiorização do evento ao apontar área crítica (Q1) formada por municípios localizados na macrorregião do Vale do São Francisco e Araripe. No nível de determinação distal, identificou-se que as seguintes variáveis elevam as chances de ocorrência do feminicídio: residir em município de pequeno porte (OR = 2,10); indisponibilidade de delegacias especializadas no atendimento à mulher (OR = 1,11); e ausência de encaminhamentos para rede assistencial e protetiva na oportunidade de agressão anterior (OR = 1,32). Nos determinantes intermediários, destacou-se que, quanto maior é a intensidade do meio de ação empregado na prática da violência, maior é a chance do desfecho fatal, ressaltando-se o uso de objeto perfurocortante (OR = 3,93) e arma de fogo (OR = 11,14). E, acerca dos determinantes proximais, as vítimas inseridas na faixa etária entre 10 e 19 anos apresentaram menor chance quanto à ocorrência de feminicídio (OR = 0,51). A caracterização da população de estudo pode proporcionar a ampliação dos conhecimentos sobre violência estrutural contra as mulheres, aspectos da notificação e da rede assistencial e protetiva. A análise espacial identificou a interiorização do evento e áreas de transição em Pernambuco, as quais requerem priorização de intervenções. E a modelagem evidenciou que as mulheres estão expostas a múltiplos fatores de risco para a ocorrência de feminicídio, de forma que a discussão, de modo particularizado a todos os níveis de determinação, faz-se ainda mais necessária.

Feminicide results from the sexist patriarchal heritage and social structures historically permeated by unequal gender relations. This ecological study analyzes the epidemiological aspects of feminicides recorded in Pernambuco between 2016 and 2019. Records of homicides and undetermined causes of death of women available in the Mortality Information System were the proxy for feminicide events and accepted as reference. Search steps were established with probabilistic linkage in health databases, as well as manual reviews on the Pernambuco Court of Justice (TJPE) platform and online news media as a complement. Data were described by the distribution of frequencies, measures of central tendency and dispersion. Local empirical Bayesian method and Moran's autocorrelation index were used in the spatial pattern analysis of femicide rates. Hierarchical logistic regression was applied to verify the association between femicide and interpersonal violence and to estimate the Odds Ratio with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Search returned a total of 490 feminicides, corresponding to a rate of 2.5 per 100,000 women. The highest proportion of feminicides was identified by manual search in online news media and in the TJPE database (n = 247; 50.41%). Most victims were aged between 20 and 39 years (n = 286; 58.37%), black (n = 400; 81.63%), had no partner (n = 407; 83.06%) and with over eight years of schooling (n = 303; 61.84%). Spatial autocorrelation of the event was confirmed by the Global Moran Index of smoothed rates (I = 0.3; p = 0.001). Local autocorrelation reinforces the interiorization of the phenomenon by pointing to a critical area (Q1) formed by municipalities located in the Vale do São Francisco and Araripe macroregion. At the distal level, the following variables increase the chances of feminicide: living in a small city (OR = 2.10); unavailability of specialized police stations (OR = 1.11); and absence of referrals to the care and protection network in the event of a previous aggression (OR = 1.32). Regarding intermediate determinants, the greater the violence inflicted the greater the chance of a fatal outcome, emphasizing the use of sharp objects (OR = 3.93) and firearms (OR = 11.14). Regarding proximal determinants, victims in the age group 10-19 years old were less likely to be a victim of femicide (OR = 0.51). Characterizing the study population can further knowledge about structural violence against women, and aspects of the notification and the care and protection network. Spatial analysis pointed to the interiorization of the phenomenon and transition areas in Pernambuco, requiring prioritization of interventions. The modeling showed that women are exposed to multiple risk factors for feminicide and further discussions at all levels of determination are necessary.

El feminicidio es un fenómeno derivado de la herencia patriarcal machista y de estructuras sociales históricamente permeadas por relaciones desiguales de género. Este estudio de tipo ecológico tuvo por objetivo analizar los aspectos epidemiológicos de los feminicidios registrados en Pernambuco, en el período entre 2016 y 2019. Como proxy de los eventos de feminicidio, se utilizó como referencia el registro de homicidios y de causas indeterminadas de muertes de mujeres en el Sistema de Informaciones sobre Mortalidad. Se establecieron etapas de búsquedas con vinculación probabilística en las bases de datos de salud y, de forma complementaria, búsquedas manuales en la plataforma del Tribunal de Justicia de Pernambuco (TJPE) y medios en línea. Para describir los datos se utilizaron la distribución de frecuencias, medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Para analizar el padrón espacial de las tasas de feminicidio se emplearon el método bayesiano empírico local y el índice de autocorrelación de Moran. Se aplicó la regresión logística jerarquizada para constatar la asociación entre el feminicidio y la violencia interpersonal, y estimar la razón de posibilidades (Odds Ratio) con intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC95%). Los resultados apuntaron a 490 feminicidios, lo que correspondió a una tasa de 2,5 por 100.000 mujeres. La mayor proporción de feminicidios se identificó mediante la búsqueda manual en prensa en línea y en la base procesal del TJPE (n = 247; 50,41%). Las principales características de las víctimas fueron edad entre 20 y 39 años (n = 286; 58,37%), raza/color negro (n = 400; 81,63%), sin compañero(a) (n = 407; 83,06%) y nivel de estudios superior a ocho años de estudio (n = 303; 61,84%). La autocorrelación espacial del evento se confirmó mediante el índice de Moran global de las tasas suavizadas (I = 0,3, p = 0,001); la autocorrelación local refuerza la interiorización del evento al señalar área crítica (Q1) formada por municipios situados en la macrorregión del Valle de São Francisco y Araripe. En el nivel de determinación distal se identificó que las siguientes variables aumentan las posibilidades de feminicidio: residir en municipio de pequeño tamaño, (OR = 2,10); indisponibilidad de comisarías especializadas en la atención a la mujer (OR = 1,1); y ausencia de remisiones a la red asistencial y protectora en la ocasión de agresión anterior (OR = 1,32). En los determinantes intermediarios, se destacó que cuanto mayor es la intensidad del medio de acción empleado en la práctica de la violencia, mayor es la posibilidad de desenlace fatal, destacándose el empleo de objeto cortopunzante (OR = 3,93) y arma de fuego (OR = 11,14). En cuanto a los determinantes proximales, las víctimas comprendidas en el tramo de edad comprendido entre los 10 y los 19 años presentaron menos posibilidad de incidencia de feminicidio (OR = 0,51). La caracterización de la población de estudio puede proporcionar la ampliación de los conocimientos sobre violencia estructural contra la mujer, aspectos de la notificación y de la red asistencial protectora. El análisis espacial identificó la interiorización del evento y áreas de transición en Pernambuco, las cuales requieren priorización de las intervenciones. Y el modelaje reveló que las mujeres están expuestas a múltiples factores de riesgo para la incidencia de feminicidio y el debate, de modo particularizado de todos los niveles de determinación, se hace todavía más necesario.

Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine ; (6): 104-108, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005917


Objective To analyze the spatial distribution of Helicobacter Pylori (Hp) infection and its correlation with gastrointestinal tumors in the physical examination population of Xi'an city, and to provide reference for the prevention of gastrointestinal tumors in this area. Methods A total of 23 200 subjects who underwent physical examination in 25 public hospitals in Xi'an from January 2019 to January 2023 were selected as the research objects. The basic Information of the patients was derived through the Hospital Information System (HIS), and all subjects underwent 13C-breath test and gastroenterological endoscope. ArcGIS 10.6 software was used to draw a statistical map of Hp infection in Xi 'an for spatial autocorrelation analysis. Hp infection in patients with different gastrointestinal tumors was analyzed. Results In this study population, there were 10 858 cases of Hp infection , with an infection rate of 46.80% ; among them , 5 491 cases were male, with an infection rate of 46.60% , and 5,367 cases were female, with an infection rate of 47.01% , and there was no significant difference in the infection rate between genders (P>0.05). The prevalence of HP infection was higher in the 30-year-old and 20-year-old groups, 55.62% and 42.71%, respectively, and the infection rate showed a first increase and then a decreasing trend with age (χ2trend = 6201.21, 6945.22 , P2=13.49, 16.16, 17.27, 24.66, P<0.05 for all). Conclusion The distribution of Hp infection in the physical examination population of Xi'an city has the characteristics of spatial aggregation and is related to gastrointestinal tumor diseases. It is suggested to carry out Hp infection education for the population in key areas to prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal tumor diseases.

International Eye Science ; (12): 42-47, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003503


AIM: To study the perception of first-order grating acuity and second-order spatial contrast sensitivity in patients with monocular anisometropia amblyopia.METHODS:A total of 715 children(715 eyes)diagnosed as monocular anisometropia amblyopia in our hospital from January 2018 to December 2022 were collected as amblyopia group, and 745 children(745 eyes)with normal corrected visual acuity were collected. The best corrected visual acuity(BCVA), first-order grating acuity and/or second-order spatial contrast sensitivity were measured, repectively. The perception ability of amblyopia patients to first-order grating acuity and second-order spatial contrast sensitivity were analyzed.RESULTS:There were significant differences between amblyopia group and normal control group in the perception of first-order grating acuity(11.58±6.10 vs. 20.27±3.47, P&#x0026;#x003C;0.001)and second-order spatial contrast sensitivity(0.33±0.16 vs 0.12±0.04, P&#x0026;#x003C;0.001). And there were significant differences between mild-to-moderate amblyopia and severe amblyopia patients in first-order grating acuity(12.10±6.23 vs. 8.13±3.70, P&#x0026;#x003C;0.001)and second-order spatial contrast sensitivity(0.32±0.16 vs. 0.37±0.17, P&#x0026;#x003C;0.05).CONCLUSION: The first-order and second-order visual pathway of the cerebral cortex in children with monocular anisometropia amblyopia have different degrees of damage. The injury of severe amblyopia is more serious than that of mild-to-moderate amblyopia.

Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences) ; (6): 243-252, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016445


ObjectivesTo analyze the spatial and temporal clustering characteristics and related influencing factors of late diagnosis of HIV/AIDS in Lanzhou, to identify its high-risk areas and time trends in Lanzhou, and to provide a theoretical basis for developing targeted HIV/AIDS prevention and control strategies in Lanzhou. MethodsThe subjects of this study were adult HIV/AIDS cases reported in Lanzhou City between 2011 and 2018. Data used in the study were sourced from the Lanzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Lanzhou Statistical Yearbook. To analyze the spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of the relative risk (RR) of late HIV/AIDS diagnosis, Bayes spatial-temporal model was used. ResultsA total of 1984 new HIV/AIDS cases were reported in Lanzhou from 2011 to 2018, with an mean age of 37.51 years and predominantly male (91.8%). The number of late diagnosis cases was 982, with an mean age of 39.67 years and a predominance of males (91.8%). Late diagnosis was more common in older individuals and women with HIV/AIDS. Chengguan District (51.1%), Anning District (50.3%) and Yuzhong County (51.9%) had an above-average proportion of late diagnosis of HIV/AIDS. The proportion of late diagnosis cases in Lanzhou showed a fluctuating upward trend from 2011 to 2018. The results of Bayes spatial-temporal model showed that the risk of late HIV/AIDS diagnosis in Lanzhou had fluctuated from 2011 to 2015, and then increased rapidly after 2015 [RR (95% credibility interval, 95%CI) increased from 1.01 (0.84, 1.23) to 1.11 (0.77, 1.97)]; the trends of risk of late diagnosis in Honggu district and three counties were similar to the overall trend in Lanzhou city, while the risk of late diagnosis in Chengguan District and Qilihe District showed a decreasing trend. The regions with the RR for late diagnosis greater than 1 included Yongdeng County (RR=1.07, 95% CI: 0.55, 1.96), Xigu District (RR=1.04, 95% CI: 0.67, 1.49), Chengguan District (RR=2.41, 95% CI: 0.85, 6.16), and Qilihe District (RR=2.03, 95% CI: 1.10, 3.27). Besides, the heatmap analysis showed that Chengguan District and Qilihe District were the hot spots. The influencing factors analysis showed that the higher GDP per capita (RR=0.65, 95% CI: 0.35, 0.90) and the larger proportion of males with HIV/AIDS cases (RR=0.53, 95% CI: 0.19, 0.92) could lead to the lower the relative risk of late HIV/AIDS diagnosis. However, the higher the population density (RR=1.35, 95% CI: 1.01, 1.81) caused the higher the risk of late diagnosis. ConclusionOur study shows the risk of late diagnosis of HIV/AIDS in Lanzhou was on the rise, and there are significant regional differences. GDP per capita, the proportion of males in HIV/AIDS cases and population density are influencing factors in the late diagnosis of HIV/AIDS. Therefore, for regions with a high risk of late diagnosis or related risk factors, targeted HIV screening and prevention services should be given priority in order to reduce the proportion and risk of late diagnosis of HIV/AIDS.

Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment ; (12): 210-215, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016399


The treatment of glioblastoma, the most prevalent malignant tumor in the central nervous system, poses considerable challenges. Glioblastoma multiforme, classified as a grade Ⅳ highly malignant brain glioma by the World Health Organization, is typically managed through a combination of surgery, postoperative chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. The treatment of glioblastoma is complicated by its infiltrative nature, genetic heterogeneity, and presence of the blood-brain barrier. Almost all cases of glioblastoma experience recurrence despite aggressive therapy, exploring the development of updated molecular treatment strategies that can improve overall efficacy. A crucial aspect in modern neurosurgery is the precise delineation of brain regions in terms of their anatomy and function. It serves as the fundamental basis for investigating variations in the distribution of brain gliomas. Hence, this review will elucidate the origin of glioblastomas and analyze the potential factors contributing to the spatially specific distribution of gliomas on the basis of a theoretical framework of brain connectomics research. Molecular characteristics, information pathways, tumor microenvironment landscape, and immunology will inform the analysis. We aim to identify novel biomolecular targets and therapeutic pathways to gain scientific insights for effective glioblastoma treatment.

Acta Anatomica Sinica ; (6): 73-81, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1015147


Objective Hippocampal atrophy is a clinically important marker for the diagnosis of many psychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease‚ so accurate segmentation of the hippocampus is an important scientific issue. With the development of deep learning‚ a large number of advanced automatic segmentation method have been proposed. However‚ 3D hippocampal segmentation is still challenging due to the effects of various noises in MRI and unclear boundaries between various classes of the hippocampus. Therefore‚ the aim of this paper is to propose new method to segment the hippocampal head‚ body‚ and tail more accurately. Methods To overcome these challenges‚ this paper proposed two strategies. One was the spatial and frequency domain features adaptive fusion strategy‚ which reduced the influence of noise on feature extraction by automatically selecting the appropriate frequency combination through fast Fourier transform and convolution. The other was an inter-class boundary region enhancement strategy‚ which allowed the network to focus on learning the boundary regions by weighting the loss function of the boundary regions between each class to achieve the goal of pinpointing the boundaries and regulating the size of the hippocampal head‚ body and tail. Results Experiments performed on a 50-case teenager brain MRI dataset show that our method achieves state-of-the-art hippocampal segmentation. Hippocampal head‚ body and tail had been improved compared to the existing method. Ablation experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of our two proposed strategies‚ and we also validated that the network had a strong generalization ability on a 260-case Task04_Hippocampus dataset. It was shown that the method proposed in this paper could be used in more hippocampal segmentation scenarios. Conclusion The method proposed in this paper can help clinicians to observe hippocampal atrophy more clearly and accomplish more accurate diagnosis and follow-up of the condition.

Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice ; (12): 210-216, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013379


ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of galvanic vestibular stimulation on stroke patients with lateropulsion. MethodsFrom February to October, 2023, 30 stroke patients with lateropulsion in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University were divided into control group (n = 15) and experimental group (n = 15) randomly. The control group received routine rehabilitation and sham galvanic vestibular stimulation, and the experimental group received routine rehabilitation and true galvanic vestibular stimulation, for two weeks. They were assessed with Scale for Contraversive Pushing (SCP), subjective visual vertical (SVV), Line Cancellation Test (LCT), Star Cancellation Test (SCT), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Holden Functional Ambulation Category (FAC) and Barthel Index (BI) before and after treatment. ResultsAll the indexes improved in both groups after intervention (|t| > 2.461, Z > 3.000, P < 0.05), except the SVV orientation, SVV certainty and SCT in the control group; while the SCP, SVV certainty, LCT and FAC were better in the experimental group than in the control group (|t| > 2.189, Z = -2.862, P < 0.05), and the differences before and after intervention were better in the experimental group than in the control group (|t| > 2.382, P < 0.05), except LCT. SCP was correlated with SVV orientation, SVV certainty, SCT, BBS, BI and FAC (|r| > 0.381, P < 0.05). ConclusionGalvanic vestibular stimulation can improve the lateropulsion, balance, walking function and activities of daily living in stroke patients, which may be related to improvement for spatial cognitive function, especially vertical perception.

Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine ; (12): 193-199, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012478


Background Regional differences in economic development, natural environment, health care level, and social structure may lead to differences in the provincial distribution of the health status of the elderly population. Objective To explore the provincial distribution characteristics, regional differences, and influencing factors of the self-assessed health of the elderly population, with the aim of providing a policy basis for improving the health of the elderly population and promoting healthy aging according to local conditions. Methods Using 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in China as the basicstudy unit and based on the method of Wagstaff, the self-rated health data of the elderly population (aged 60 years and above) in each province from the 2010 and 2020 national censuses and the 2015 1% National Population Sample Survey were converted into ill-health scores as a measure of self-assessed health, and higher scores represented worse health status perception. Global Moran's I was used to evaluate spatial autocorrelation, range [−1, 1], with a value of 1 as a perfect clustered pattern. Local Moran's I was used to evaluate the tendency of local autocorrelation, and high-high aggregation/low-low aggregation indicated that both target province and its neighboring provinces showed higher/lower ill-health scores. Spatial econometric models were selected by Lagrange multiplier test and Hausman test to explore influencing factors of the self-assessed health of the elderly population. Results In 2010, 2015, and 2020, the national ill-health scores of the elderly population were 1.831, 1.873, and 1.547, respectively, and the corresponding Global Moran's I statistics were 0.347, 0.482, and 0.511, respectively (P<0.01), indicating that the ill-health scores of the elderly population showed a significant spatial positive autocorrelation, and the degree of spatial aggregation was increasing gradually. From 2010 to 2020, the high-high aggregation of ill-health scores among the elderly population was concentrated in the inland northwest, while the low-low aggregation was concentrated in the southeast coast, gradually showing a "southeast-central-northwest" stepped incremental pattern of differentiation. The Lagrange multiplier test and Hausman test suggested that the fixed-effects spatial lagged model was a better choice, and the regression model showed a spatial autocorrelation in the ill-health scores of the elderly population, with an autocorrelation coefficient of 0.3969 (P<0.001); the ill-health scores of the elderly population were negatively correlated with the natural logarithms of gross regional product per capita, and the number of beds in health care facilities per 1000 population, with regression coefficients of −0.8297 and −0.0454 (P<0.05) respectively, and positively correlated with the annual average concentration of PM2.5, illiteracy rate, and the number of health technicians per 1000 population, with regression coefficients of 0.0033, 0.0297, and 0.0765 (P<0.05), respectively. Conclusion From 2010 to 2020, the overall self-assessed health level of China's elderly population showed an upward trend and a spatial positive autocorrelation, with better self-assessed health in the southeast coast and poorer ratings in the northwestern inland. Additionally, there was a gradual decline in self-assessed health of the elderly population from the southeast to the central regions and further to the northwest in terms of spatial distribution. Economic development level, environmental pollution, health resource allocation, and education level are important factors influencing the self-assessed health of the elderly population.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 292-303, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011234


This study examines inhibiting galectin 1 (Gal1) as a treatment option for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Gal1 has immunosuppressive and cancer-promoting roles. Our data showed that Gal1 was highly expressed in human and mouse HCC. The levels of Gal1 positively correlated with the stages of human HCC and negatively with survival. The roles of Gal1 in HCC were studied using overexpression (OE) or silencing using Igals1 siRNA delivered by AAV9. Prior to HCC initiation induced by RAS and AKT mutations, lgals1-OE and silencing had opposite impacts on tumor load. The treatment effect of lgals1 siRNA was further demonstrated by intersecting HCC at different time points when the tumor load had already reached 9% or even 42% of the body weight. Comparing spatial transcriptomic profiles of Gal1 silenced and OE HCC, inhibiting matrix formation and recognition of foreign antigen in CD45+ cell-enriched areas located at tumor-margin likely contributed to the anti-HCC effects of Gal1 silencing. Within the tumors, silencing Gal1 inhibited translational initiation, elongation, and termination. Furthermore, Gal1 silencing increased immune cells as well as expanded cytotoxic T cells within the tumor, and the anti-HCC effect of lgals1 siRNA was CD8-dependent. Overall, Gal1 silencing has a promising potential for HCC treatment.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469353


Abstract Visceral leishmaniosis is a neglected tropical disease. We evaluated the spatial distribution of cases of visceral leishmaniosis in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. All cases of VL, registered by the health department, were analyzed and georeferenced. Results: Between 2008 and 2017, 97.1% of the municipalities presented sporadic classification of transmission. With temporal evolution, the incidence of cases of visceral leishmaniosis was concentrated in most municipalities in the microregion of Santana do Ipanema-AL. Space-time analysis, if considered, may promote the improvement of surveillance and control actions of visceral leishmaniosis.

Resumo A leishmaniose visceral é uma doença tropical negligenciada. Foram avaliadas a distribuição espacial dos casos de leishmaniose visceral no estado de Alagoas. Todos os casos de LV, registrados pela secretaria de saúde, foram analisados e georreferenciados. Entre 2008 e 2017, 97,1% dos municípios apresentaram classificação esporádica de transmissão. Com a evolução temporal, a incidência de casos de leishmaniose visceral se concentrou na maioria dos municípios da microrregião de Santana do Ipanema-AL. A análise espaço-tempo, se considerada, pode promover o aprimoramento das ações de vigilância e controle da leishmaniose visceral.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253098, 2024. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360205


Visceral leishmaniosis is a neglected tropical disease. We evaluated the spatial distribution of cases of visceral leishmaniosis in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. All cases of VL, registered by the health department, were analyzed and georeferenced. Results: Between 2008 and 2017, 97.1% of the municipalities presented sporadic classification of transmission. With temporal evolution, the incidence of cases of visceral leishmaniosis was concentrated in most municipalities in the microregion of Santana do Ipanema-AL. Space-time analysis, if considered, may promote the improvement of surveillance and control actions of visceral leishmaniosis.

A leishmaniose visceral é uma doença tropical negligenciada. Foram avaliadas a distribuição espacial dos casos de leishmaniose visceral no estado de Alagoas. Todos os casos de LV, registrados pela secretaria de saúde, foram analisados e georreferenciados. Entre 2008 e 2017, 97,1% dos municípios apresentaram classificação esporádica de transmissão. Com a evolução temporal, a incidência de casos de leishmaniose visceral se concentrou na maioria dos municípios da microrregião de Santana do Ipanema-AL. A análise espaço-tempo, se considerada, pode promover o aprimoramento das ações de vigilância e controle da leishmaniose visceral.

Humanos , Medicina Tropical , Análise Espaço-Temporal , Leishmaniose Visceral , Brasil
Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34009, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558684


Resumo O estabelecimento definitivo do Aedes aegypti nas Américas está associado às mudanças ambientais, urbanização desorganizada, ausência de água e saneamento básico e deslocamentos populacionais, definindo, assim, a trajetória da doença. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a distribuição espacial dos casos suspeitos de dengue e a relação com indicadores socioeconômicos no município de São Carlos-SP. Trata-se de estudo ecológico, realizado nesse município, em que foram utilizados dados secundários do Sistema de Informação sobre Agravos de Notificação no período de 2016 a 2017 e do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística do Censo Demográfico de 2010. Os dados foram analisados por meio da Análise de Componentes Principais pelo software Statistica 12.0 e os mapas temáticos foram gerados pelo software Arcgis versão 10.5. Os resultados mostraram elevadas taxas de casos suspeitos de dengue em áreas de ponderação com condições sociais adequadas e taxas reduzidas em áreas de ponderação com iniquidades sociais. Concluiu-se que o perfil de casos suspeitos por dengue na população de São Carlos não está relacionado a baixos indicadores socioeconômicos, uma vez que a dinâmica e a mobilidade populacional relacionadas ao elevado fluxo de universitários podem influenciar no padrão de distribuição espacial da doença.

Abstract The definitive establishment of Aedes aegypti in the Americas is associated with environmental changes, disorganized urbanization, lack of water and basic sanitation and population displacement, thus defining the trajectory of the disease. The aim of this study was to analyze the spatial distribution of the dengue suspected cases and understand its correlation with the socioeconomic indicators in the city of São Carlos (SP). This is an ecological study, carried out at the São Carlos (SP). Secondary data from the Information System on Notifiable Diseases in the period from 2016 to 2017 and from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics of the 2010 Demographic Census were used. The data were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis (ACP) by the software Statistica 12.0 and the thematic maps were generated by the software Arcgis version 10.5. The results showed high rates of suspected dengue cases in areas with adequate social conditions and reduced rates in areas with worst social condition. It was concluded that the outline of suspected dengue cases in the population of São Carlos (SP) is not related to low socioeconomic indicators, once the population dynamics and mobility related to the high flow of university students can influence the pattern of spatial distribution of the disease.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 57: e00700, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535381


ABSTRACT Background: We assessed the distribution of triatomines in an endemic area for Chagas disease. Methods: This retrospective study used secondary data extracted from the Official System of the National Chagas Disease Control Program (Sistema Oficial do Programa Nacional de Controle da Doença de Chagas - SisPCDCh). Results: A total of 7,257 (725.7 ± 221.7 per year) specimens were collected from 2013 to 2022. Most of them (6,792; 93.6%) were collected in the intradomicile and 465 (6.4%) in the peridomicile. A total of 513 (7.1%) triatomines tested positive for the presence of trypomastigote forms, similar to Trypanosoma cruzi. Conclusions: The spatial analysis revealed a heterogeneous distribution of triatomines across different municipalities.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 27: e240008, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535584


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze spatial distribution of preterm births and their association with maternal, social, and health services indicators in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, Brazil, 2010-2019. Methods: Ecological study using data on preterm newborns from 39 municipalities in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Univariate global Moran's index (Im) was used to evaluate spatial association of prematurity, and univariate local Moran's index by using the cluster map (LISA) to identify spatial patterns and clusters. Bivariate global Moran's index was also used to analyze spatial autocorrelation with maternal, social, and health services indicators. Results: A total of 3,103,898 live births were registered in period 2010-2019, of which 331,174 (10.7%) were preterm. The global Moran's index showed spatial independence (Im=0.05; p-value=0.233) of the proportion of preterm births between municipalities. However, in the local spatial analysis it was possible to identify a statistically significant spatial cluster between the municipalities of Biritiba Mirim, Guararema and Salesópolis, with high proportions of preterm births. In the bivariate analysis, a significant positive spatial association was identified with proportions of mothers under 20 years old (Im=0.17; p-value=0.024) and mothers with low schooling (Im=0.17; p-value=0.020), and a significant negative spatial association with HDI (Im=-0.14; p-value=0.039). Conclusions: The local spatial approach identified a spatial cluster located in the far east of the metropolitan region of São Paulo, where actions by health managers are needed to minimize occurrence of preterm births.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar a distribuição espacial dos nascimentos prematuros e sua associação com indicadores maternos, sociais e de serviços de saúde na região metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil, 2010-2019. Métodos: Estudo ecológico utilizando dados sobre recém-nascidos pré-termo dos 39 municípios da região metropolitana de São Paulo. Utilizou-se o índice de Moran (Im) global univariado para avaliar a associação espacial da prematuridade, e o índice de Moran local univariado por meio do mapa de clusters (LISA) para a identificação de padrões e aglomerados espaciais. Também foi utilizado o índice de Moran global bivariado para analisar a autocorrelação espacial com os indicadores maternos, sociais e de serviços de saúde. Resultados: Foram registrados 3.103.898 nascidos vivos no período 2010-2019, dos quais 331.174 (10,7%) foram prematuros. O índice de Moran global mostrou independência espacial (Im=0,05; p-valor=0,233) da proporção dos nascimentos prematuros entre municípios. No entanto, na análise espacial local foi possível identificar aglomerado espacial estatisticamente significativo entre os municípios de Biritiba Mirim, Guararema e Salesópolis, com proporções altas de nascimentos pré-termo. Na análise bivariada, identificou-se associação espacial significativa positiva com proporções de mães menores de 20 anos (Im=0,17; p-valor=0,024) e mães com baixa escolaridade (Im=0,17; p-valor=0,020), e associação espacial significativa negativa com IDH (Im=-0,14; p-valor=0,039). Conclusão: A abordagem espacial local identificou agrupamento espacial situado no extremo leste da região metropolitana de São Paulo, onde ações dos gestores de saúde são necessárias para minimizar a ocorrência de partos prematuros.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(1): e19892022, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528340


Abstract The objective was to perform a spatial analysis of the hospital mortality rate (HMR) due to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) attributed to COVID-19 among children and adolescents in Brazil from 2020 to 2021. A cluster method was used to group federal units (FUs) based on HMR. In 2020, clusters with high HMRs were formed by north/northeast FUs. In 2021, there was a reduction in HMR. Clusters with higher rates remained in the N/NE region. Regional differences were observed in the HMR. The findings may reflect social inequalities and access to hospital care, especially in the under 1-year-old age group due to the severity of the disease in this group.

Resumo Objetivou-se realizar uma análise espacial da taxa de mortalidade hospitalar (TMH) por síndrome respiratória aguda grave (SRAG) atribuída à COVID-19 em crianças e adolescentes no Brasil no período de 2020 a 2021. Utilizou-se o método de cluster para agrupar as unidades federativas (UFs) com base na TMH. Em 2020, clusters com altas TMHs foram formados por UFs Norte/Nordeste. Em 2021, houve redução na TMH. Os clusters com maiores taxas permaneceram na região N/NE. Diferenças regionais foram observadas nas TMHs. Os achados podem refletir as desigualdades sociais e o acesso à atenção hospitalar, principalmente na faixa etária de menores de 1 ano pela gravidade da doença neste grupo.

Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 33: e2023090, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528596


ABSTRACT Objective To analyze epidemiological characteristics, temporal trends and spatial distribution of leprosy cases and indicators in the state of Piauí, 2007-2021. Methods This was an ecological time-series study using data from the Notifiable Health Conditions Information System, describing the spatial distribution and the temporal trend of leprosy using Prais-Winsten regression. Results A total of 17,075 new cases of leprosy were reported. There was a falling trend in the overall detection rate [annual percentage change (APC) = -6.3; 95%CI -8.1;-4.5)], detection in children under 15 years of age (APC = -8,6; 95%CI -12,7;-4,3) and detection of cases with grade 2 physical disability (APC = -4,4; 95%CI -7,0;-1,8). There was a rising trend in the proportion of multibacillary cases. Spatial distribution of the average detection rate identified hyperendemic areas in the Carnaubais, Entre Rios, Vale dos Rios Piauí e Itaueiras regions. Conclusion High leprosy detection rates were found, despite the falling trend of indicators, except the proportion of multibacillary cases.

RESUMEN Objetivo Analizar características epidemiológicas, tendencias temporales, distribución espacial de casos y indicadores de lepra en el estado de Piauí, 2007-2021. Métodos Estudio ecológico de series temporales con datos del Sistema de Información de Enfermedades de Notificación que describen la distribución espacial y la tendencia temporal de la lepra mediante la regresión de Prais-Winsten. Resultados Se notificaron 17.075 nuevos casos de lepra. Hubo tendencia decreciente en las tasas de detección general [variación porcentual anual (VPA) = -6,3; IC95% -8,1; -4,5], detección en menores de 15 años (VPA = -8,6; IC95% -12,7; -4,3), y detección de casos con discapacidad física grado 2 (VPA = -4,4; IC95%-7,0; -1,8). Hubo una tendencia creciente en la proporción de casos multibacilares. La distribución espacial de la tasa promedio de detección identificó áreas hiperendémicas en las regiones de Carnaubais, Entre Rios, Vale dos Rios Piauí y Itaueiras. Conclusión Se observaron altas tasas de detección de lepra, a pesar de la tendencia decreciente de los indicadores, excepto la proporción de casos multibacilares

RESUMO Objetivo Analisar características epidemiológicas, tendência temporal, distribuição espacial de casos e indicadores da hanseníase no estado do Piauí, 2007-2021. Métodos Estudo ecológico de séries temporais com dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, descrevendo a distribuição espacial e a tendência temporal da hanseníase pela regressão de Prais-Winsten. Resultados Foram notificados 17.075 novos casos de hanseníase. A distribuição espacial da taxa média de detecção identificou áreas hiperendêmicas nas regiões Carnaubais, Entre Rios, Vale dos Rios Piauí e Itaueiras. Verificou-se tendência decrescente nas taxas de detecção geral [variação percentual anual (VPA) = -6,3; IC95% -8,1;-4,5], de detecção em menores de 15 anos (VPA = -8,6; IC95%12,7;-4,3) e de detecção de casos com grau 2 de incapacidade física (VPA = -4,4; IC95%-7,0;1,8), e tendência crescente na proporção de casos multibacilares. Conclusão Observaram-se elevadas taxas de detecção de hanseníase, apesar da tendência decrescente dos indicadores, exceto a proporção de casos multibacilares.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 27: e240002, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529854


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the spatial flow of care for patients undergoing dialysis therapy in the health regions of the State of Minas Gerais. Methods: Ecological study whose population was patients undergoing dialysis therapy in public, philanthropic institutions or whose treatment was paid for by the Unified Health System in private clinics in partnership, in the State of Minas Gerais. Patients were grouped by health region of residence. The proportions of patients who underwent dialysis were calculated, as well as enrollment on the kidney transplant list in their own region of residence or outside it. Person correlations of these proportions with socioeconomic and care indicators of the health regions were estimated. Spatial exploratory techniques estimated general (Moran's I) and local (LISA) spatial correlation coefficients. Results: Regions with higher GDP had a higher number of nephrologists and a higher proportion of registrations in the region of residence. A cluster of regions with low GDP was identified further to the northeast of the State (also with lower nephrologist ratio values), a cluster with a high proportion of those registered on the transplant list in the center of the State, and a cluster with a low proportion of dialysis in the same region of residence further southeast. Conclusion: Regional disparities were evident in relation to the proportion of patients registered on the waiting list for kidney transplantation, the proportion of patients undergoing dialysis in the same region of residence and the proportion of patients registered on the waiting list for kidney transplantation in the same region of residence. residence.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar o fluxo espacial da assistência de pacientes em terapia dialítica nas regionais de saúde do estado de Minas Gerais. Métodos: Estudo ecológico que teve como população pacientes incidentes em terapia dialítica em instituições públicas, filantrópicas ou que tiveram seu tratamento custeado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde em clínicas privadas conveniadas, no estado de Minas Gerais. Os pacientes foram agregados por regional de saúde de residência. Foram calculadas as proporções de pacientes que fizeram diálise, bem como a inscrição na lista de transplante renal em sua própria região de residência ou fora dela. Estimadas as correlações de Person destas proporções com indicadores socioeconômicos e assistenciais das regionais de saúde. Técnicas exploratórias espaciais estimaram coeficientes de correlação espacial geral (I de Moran) e local (LISA). Resultados: Regiões com maior PIB apresentaram maior razão de nefrologistas e maior proporção de inscrições na própria região de residência. Identificou-se um cluster de regiões com PIB baixo mais ao nordeste do estado (também com valores mais baixos de razão de nefrologistas), um cluster de alta proporção de inscritos na lista de transplante no centro do estado, e um cluster de baixa proporção de diálise na mesma região de residência mais ao sudeste. Conclusão: Evidenciou-se disparidades regionais em relação à proporção de inscritos na lista de espera para o transplante renal, proporção de pacientes que realizavam diálise na mesma região de residência e proporção de pacientes inscritos na lista de espera para o transplante renal na mesma região de residência.

Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) ; 16: 12107, jan.-dez. 2024. tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês, Português | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526011


Objetivo:analisar a distribuição espacial e temporal da mortalidade neonatal e fatores associados no Piauí de 2007 a 2017. Método: foi utilizado o método Joinpoint, estatística bayesiana e a técnica de varredura Scan. A análise multivariada dos indicadores foi realizada através do modelo Ordinary Least Squares Estimation, considerando-se p<0,05. Resultados: a mortalidade neonatal reduziu de forma linear e significativa ao longo do período estudado. As maiores taxas bayesianas variaram de 16,34 a 18,38 óbitos por 1.000 nascidos vivos, especialmente no Sudeste piauiense. Houve associação negativa entre a mortalidade neonatal e as variáveis: Taxa de analfabetismo (ß = -0,60; p= 0,027), Cobertura da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ß = -2,80; p= 0,023) e Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (ß = -0,60; p= 0,003). Conclusão: a mortalidade neonatal segue decrescente e sua distribuição no território mostrou-se irregular. Indicadores socioeconômicos e de saúde influenciam a mortalidade neonatal no Piauí

Objective: to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of neonatal mortality and associated factors in Piauí from 2007 to 2017. Method: the Joinpoint method, Bayesian statistics and the Scan technique were used. The multivariate analysis of the indicators was performed using the Ordinary Least Squares Estimation model, considering p<0.05. Results: neonatal mortality decreased linearly and significantly over the period studied. The highest Bayesian rates ranged from 16.34 to 18.38 deaths per 1,000 live births, especially in Southeast Piauí. There was a negative association between neonatal mortality and the variables: Illiteracy rate (ß = -0.60; p= 0.027), Family Health Strategy Coverage (ß = -2.80; p= 0.023) and Human Development Index Municipal (ß = -0.60; p= 0.003). Conclusion: neonatal mortality continues to decrease and its distribution in the territory proved to be irregular. Socioeconomic and health indicators influence neonatal mortality in Piauí

Objetivos: analizar la distribución espacial y temporal de la mortalidad neonatal y factores asociados en Piauí de 2007 a 2017. Método: se utilizó el método Joinpoint, la estadística bayesiana y la técnica Scan. El análisis multivariado de los indicadores se realizó mediante el modelo de Estimación por Mínimos Cuadrados Ordinarios, considerando p<0,05. Resultados: la mortalidad neonatal disminuyó lineal y significativamente durante el período estudiado. Las tasas bayesianas más altas oscilaron entre 16,34 y 18,38 muertes por 1.000 nacidos vivos, especialmente en el Sudeste de Piauí. Hubo asociación negativa entre la mortalidad neonatal y las variables: Tasa de Analfabetismo (ß = -0,60; p= 0,027), Cobertura de la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia (ß = -2,80; p= 0,023) e Índice de Desarrollo Humano Municipal (ß = -0,60; p= 0,003). Conclusión: la mortalidad neonatal continúa en descenso y su distribución en el territorio resultó ser irregular. Indicadores socioeconómicos y de salud influyen en la mortalidad neonatal en Piauí

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Mortalidade Infantil , Indicadores de Morbimortalidade , Estudos de Séries Temporais , Epidemiologia
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 22: eAO0931, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550238


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aimed to present a temporal and spatial analysis of the 2018 measles outbreak in Brazil, particularly in the metropolitan city of Manaus in the Amazon region, and further introduce a new tool for spatial analysis. Methods: We analyzed the geographical data of the residences of over 7,000 individuals with measles in Manaus during 2018 and 2019. Spatial and temporal analyses were conducted to characterize various aspects of the outbreak, including the onset and prevalence of symptoms, demographics, and vaccination status. A visualization tool was also constructed to display the geographical and temporal distribution of the reported measles cases. Results: Approximately 95% of the included participants had not received vaccination within the past decade. Heterogeneity was observed across all facets of the outbreak, including variations in the incubation period and symptom presentation. Age distribution exhibited two peaks, occurring at one year and 18 years of age, and the potential implications of this distribution on predictive analysis were discussed. Additionally, spatial analysis revealed that areas with the highest case densities tended to have the lowest standard of living. Conclusion: Understanding the spatial and temporal spread of measles outbreaks provides insights for decision-making regarding measures to mitigate future epidemics.