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rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 24(2): e2068, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361233


RESUMEN La región de la Orinoquia, se caracteriza por poseer espejos de agua que se mantienen durante todo el año, aportando peces para consumo local. La pesca artesanal constituye la principal actividad económica de sustento de comunidades ribereñas, quienes están siendo amenazadas en su seguridad alimentaria, por la disminución del recurso íctico, debido a múltiples causas atribuidas a la actividad humana. Por lo anterior, sistemas de producción en jaulas flotantes, elaboradas con materiales de bajo costo y ubicadas en cursos de aguas naturales, constituyen una alternativa económica para estas comunidades. El objetivo fue evaluar el rendimiento productivo de la cachama blanca en jaulas flotantes, ubicadas en el río Manacacias, manejando tres densidades: 150, 200 y 250 peces/m3. Se sembraron alevinos en jaulas, con dimensiones de 10,2 m³ (3 x 2 x 1,7 m). Los peces fueron alimentados con alimento balanceado, durante 126 días. Al final del experimento, los individuos fueron cosechados. Se produjo una biomasa promedio por densidad de 47,42 kg/m3, en la densidad 150; 45,11 kg/m3, en 200 peces/m3 y 79,65 kg/m3, en la densidad 250. Su conversión alimenticia fue 1,1; 1,32 y 0,8, la sobrevivencia de 83,51, 78,98 y 93,72 %, respectivamente. Se concluye, que la cachama blanca puede ser cultivada en jaulas flotantes a altas densidades, obteniendo parámetros productivos óptimos y, adicionalmente, puede ser una fuente de ingresos significativa para las comunidades.

ABSTRACT The Orinoquia region is characterized by having water bodies that are maintained throughout the year, providing fish for local consumption. Artisanal fishing constitutes the main economic activity for the livelihood of riverine communities, which are being threatened in their food security by the decrease in the fish resource due to multiple causes attributed to human activity. Therefore, production systems in floating cages, made with low-cost materials and located in natural water courses, constitute an economic alternative for these communities. The objective of this work was to evaluate the productive performance of white cachama in floating cages located in the Manacacias river, managing three densities 150, 200 and 250 fish/m3. Fingerlings were sown in cages with dimensions of 10.2 m³ (3 x 2 x 1.7 m). The fish were fed with balanced feed for 126 days. At the end of the experiment the individuals were harvested in three cages for the three densities. An average biomass by density of 47.22 kg/m3 was produced at density 45.11 kg/m3 in 200 fish/m3 and 79.65 kg/m3 at density 250. Its feed conversion was 1.1, 1.32 and 0.8, the survival of 83.51, 78.98 and 93.72 % respectively. It is concluded that cachama blanca can be cultivated in floating cages at high densities, obtaining optimal productive parameters and additionally, it can be a significant source of income for the communities.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(4): 893-901, Jul.-Aug. 2021. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285264


Survival and growth of the native oyster Crassostrea gasar along the juvenile and adult phases were evaluated in three different stocking densities [low (D), medium (2D) and high (3D)] and in two grow-out systems (fixed and floating system). The fixed system consisted of a rack made with PVC, fixed from the bottom with wood sticks. The floating system consisted of floating bags suspended by a rack made with PVC and maintained submerged from the seawater surface by eight floats. Survival and shell height of oysters cultured after 30, 60 and 90 days were registered in each phase and in each grow-out system. Results showed that the grow-out system did not affect survival and growth of C. gasar in the juvenile and adult phases. The tested densities affected the survival of oysters cultured over time in both phases but did not affect oyster growth. At times analyzed, it was observed positive growth in juvenile oysters grow after 90 days of culture. However, in the adult phase, no growth was observed after 90 days of culture. Oyster yield was higher in the density 3D, in both juvenile and adult phases. These findings contributed to the development of the oyster C. gasar culture.(AU)

A sobrevivência e o crescimento da ostra nativa Crassostrea gasar nas fases juvenil e adulta foram avaliados sob três diferentes densidades de estocagem [baixa (D), média (2D) e alta (3D)] e dois sistemas de engorda (fixo e flutuante). O sistema fixo consistiu em uma mesa de PVC, fixada na parte inferior com varas de madeira. O sistema flutuante consistiu em travesseiros flutuantes suspensos por uma mesa de PVC e mantidas submersas da superfície da água do mar por oito flutuadores. Registraram-se sobrevivência e altura da concha de ostras cultivadas após 30, 60 e 90 dias, em cada fase (juvenil e adulta) e em cada sistema (fixo e flutuante). Os resultados mostraram que o sistema de engorda não afetou a sobrevivência e o crescimento de C. gasar nas fases juvenil e adulta. As densidades testadas afetaram a sobrevivência das ostras ao longo do tempo, em ambas as fases, mas não afetaram o crescimento em altura. Nos tempos analisados, ostras juvenis apresentaram crescimento após 90 dias de cultivo. Porém, na fase adulta, não foi observado crescimento após 90 dias de cultivo. A produção de ostras, foi maior na densidade 3D, nas fases juvenil e adulta. Os presentes achados contribuíram para o desenvolvimento do cultivo da ostra C. gasar.(AU)

Animais , Aquicultura/métodos , Crassostrea/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Sobrevida , Clima Tropical
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 21(3): 115-122, jul-set. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-986960


A proposta desta revisão é resumir as informações sobre os estudos da engorda de lagostas em gaiolas no Vietnam. Esta sinopse demonstra que os juvenis podem ser cultivados sob regime de confinamento e se adapta bem as condições artificiais com alimentação. Na aquicultura, na engorda de juvenis de lagostas capturadas na natureza (Palinuridae) até o tamanho comercial está emergindo no Vietnam. No Vietnam o cultivo de lagostas em gaiolas no mar começou na década de 1990. Nesse contexto tradicionalmente a Panulirus ornatus e outras espécies são alimentadas com rejeito de pesca e pescado de baixo valor. O objetivo global da engorda pode ser o alívio da pobreza, e neste respeito para os criadores de lagostas é em particular uma oportunidade atrativa para brasileiros devido à captura de pós-larvas de lagostas (com autorização dos órgãos competentes) e sua engorda envolve tecnologia simples, mínimo de capital, e é apropriado como uma atividade alternativa de renda para pescadores.(AU)

The purpose of this review is to sumarize the studies on spiny lobster cage farming in Vietnam. The review showed that spiny lobster juveniles can be held in communal culture systems, since they adapt well to the artificial feeding conditions. In aquaculture, the growout phase of wild-caught juvenile spiny lobsters (Palinuridae) to market size is an emerging sector in Vietnam. Spiny lobster farming in sea cages commenced in the 1990s in Vietnam. Traditionally, Panulirus ornatus lobster and other species are fed with bycatch and cheap fish. The main purpose of the growout phase can be the decrease in poverty, and in this respect lobster farming is a particularly attractive opportunity for Brazil, since the capture of post-hatching lobsters (with authorization of the competent organs) and their growout involves simple technology, minimal capital and is ideally suited as an alternative activity for income generation for fisherman.(AU)

La propuesta de esta revisión es resumir las informaciones sobre los estudios de engorde de langostas en jaulas en Vietnan. Esta sinopsis demuestra que los juveniles pueden cultivarse en régimen de confinamiento y se adapta bien a las condiciones artificiales de alimentación. En la acuicultura, el engorde de juveniles de langostas capturadas en la naturaleza (Palinuridae) hasta el tamaño comercial, está emergiendo en Vietnan. Allá el cultivo de langostas en jaula en el mar empezó en la década de 1990. En ese contexto tradicionalmente la Panulirus ornatus y otras espécies son alimentadas con desechos de pesca y pescado de bajo valor. El objetivo global de engorde puede ser el alivio de la pobreza, y con relación a los creadores de langostas es en particular una atractiva oportunidade para brasileños, debido a la captura poslarvas de langostas (con autorización de los órganos competentes), y su engorde involucra tecnologia simple, mínimo de capital, y es apropriado como uma actividad alternativa de renta para los pescadores.(AU)

Animais , Aquicultura/economia , Aquicultura/métodos , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Palinuridae/metabolismo
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-258497


Effects of different water temperature, stocking density and feeding cycle on growth, feeding and survival of Hirudo nipponica have been studied, six temperature gradients were set: 18, 22, 26, 30, 34 and 38 ℃, five stocking density gradients were set: 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 leech/L, four feeding cycle gradients were set: 2, 5, 10 and 20 d, respectively. The results showed that there exists a significant regression relationship between water temperature and specific growth rate: y=-0.016 5x²+0.836 9x-6.847 5(R²=0.990 8)(P<0.05), a regression analysis indicated that specific growth rate reached the maximum (3.76) at 25.36 ℃. When water temperature was beyond 30 ℃, the survival rate significantly decreased as water temperature increased (P<0.05). The specific growth rate and survival rate decreased as stocking density increased. A linear relationship exists between the feeding cycle and the SGR: y=-0.094 1x+3.832 9(R²=0.992 7). From this study, it can be concluded that the optimal water temperature and stocking density for the growth of H. nipponica is 22-26 ℃ and 30-120 leech/L, respectively.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-230045


The effects of four different stocking densities and five different diets on the growth of Bufo gargarizans tadpoles were studied to determine the optimum stocking density and diet. For stocking density experiment, the tadpoles were fed respectively at different density of 200, 500, 1 000 and 2 000 tadpoles per square meter. For diet experiment, the tadpoles were divided into five groups fed respectively with five different diets. The body weight, snout-vent length and tail length were measured every seven days, and mortality was recorded. The results showed that: the survival rates of tadpole before metamorphosis and after metamorphosis were from 68.7% to 96.3% and from 5.7% to 36.0%, respectively; the optimum stocking density is 1 000 tadpoles per square meter for the stocking density had no effect on the survival rate of tadpole before metamorphosis, and the tadpoles had the relative large body weight and survival numbers in 1000 tadpoles per square meter; the diet Ⅱ(37.9% crude protein and 5.7% crude fat), Ⅳ (25.1% crude protein and 4.0% crude fat), and Ⅴ (egg yolk) were all the optimum diets for the diet had no effect on the survival rate of tadpole before metamorphosis and the tadpoles fed with three kinds of diet above had relatively large body weight, and one of these three diets based on their availability and cost should be adopted during breeding period.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-230046


The effects of stocking density and exchanging water frequency on growth, digestive enzyme activity, anti-oxidative enzyme and inner quality of Whitmania pigra Whitman were evaluated with corresponding measures. The results showed that the eventual biomass, specific growth rate, gained weight rate, activities of amylase, lipase, protease, SOD, CAT, and ALP correlated positively with stocking density and negatively with exchanging water frequency (P<0.05). Exchanging water frequency had negative correlation with ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, and hydrogen sulfide while revealed positive correlation with dissolved oxygen in the water. Stocking density and exchanging water frequency showed no significant effects on the contents of moisture, total ash, and acid-insoluble ash. It suggested that the optimum stocking density was 7.5 million per hectare and the appropriate exchanging water interval was 72 h.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-176217


The effect of stocking density on growth performance, production and survival of Pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus were evaluated in cemented tanks. Fry of Pangas (1.52 ± 0.03 cm in length and 1.08 ± 0.02 g in weight) respectively were stocked into cemented tanks measuring 15 x 6 x 3 ft. Three treatments with two replicates were used: T1- 100; T2-150 and T3-200 fry/ tank. Pangas fry were fed twice daily with formulated feed 35 % protein at 10%, 5%, and 3% body weight for the first, second, and third month, respectively. After 90 days, the Highest growth performances (determined in terms of average weight) were recorded in T1 (27.5±2.5 g) and T2 (22.4±2.8 g) while T3 (18.2±3.5g) recorded the smallest growth. Production differed significantly among treatments (P<0.05). Feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.0, 1.02 and 1.05 in T1, T2 and T3, respectively were not significantly different (P>0.05). Survival was significantly different among treatments (P<0.01). Highest survival (100%) was attained in T1 with lower stocking density, followed by T2 (96%) and T3 (90%). Survival was greatly influenced by the stocking densities in all treatments. The water quality parameters and their monthly fluctuations recorded throughout the study period were found within the suitable ranges for the fish culture such as temperature 27.0 to 28.7 °C, dissolved oxygen 5.7 to 6.2 mg/lit, pH 7.2 to 7.5, Ammonia from 0.45 to 0.51mg/L, Hardness 105 to 110 ppm and Nitrite 0.152 to 0.161 mg/.

Braz. j. biol ; 73(4): 765-773, 1jan. 2013. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468143


Experiments were designed to determine if the juvenile forms of jundia (Rhamdia quelen) exhibit selectivity feeding on zooplanktonic organisms and the influence of intraspecific competition on the diet. The fish were maintained in 5000-L containers, and after seven days from birth, they were acclimated in experimental units with different densities and supplied with water containing plankton (natural), where they remained for 24 h in the environment with food. In the first seven days at densities of 5 and 10 fish.L1, the fish selected the Rotifera more intensely, and at densities of 20 and 40 fish.L1, the Cladocera were more selected. At 14 days of age, the Cladocera were the most selected for all densities of fish. At 21 days of age, the juvenile forms of jundia maintained a preference for Cladocera, and there was an increase in the capture of Copepoda at a density of 40 fish.L1. At 28 days of age, the Cladocera were the most captured at densities of 5 to 20 fish.L1, and the consumption of copepods increased at a density of 40 fish.L1. The juvenile forms of Rhamdia quelen showed a high feeding preference for Cladocera at all the ages tested (7, 14, 21 and 28 days), but the density of fish per litre influenced the capture of the preferential food. This study showed that the juvenile forms of jundia had a more rapid response to the presence of food at densities of more than 10 fish.L1, and that at higher densities the fish decreased interactions of territorial defense and formed schools, which allowed the foraging of zooplanktonic organisms, larger in size, more agile and of greater energy gain, such as the Cladocera and copepods.

Delineou-se um experimento com o objetivo de analisar se as formas jovens de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) realizam seletividade alimentar sobre os organismos zooplanctônicos, e como a dieta pode ser influenciada pela competição intra-específica. Os peixes foram mantidos em caixas de 5000 L e após sete dias do nascimento foram acondicionados nas unidades experimentais em diferentes densidades e abastecidos com água contendo plâncton (natural), permanecendo 24 horas no meio com alimento. Nos primeiros sete dias em densidades de 5 e 10 peixes/L, os peixes selecionaram mais intensamente os Rotifera, nas densidades de 20 e 40 peixes/L os Cladocera foram os mais selecionados. Aos 14 dias de idade os Cladocera foram os mais selecionados em todas as densidades de peixes. Aos 21 dias de idade as formas jovens de jundiá mantiveram a preferência por Cladocera e houve um aumento na captura de Copepoda na densidade de 40 peixes/L. Com 28 dias de idade os Cladocera foram os mais capturados nas densidades de 5 a 20 peixes/L, o consumo de Copepoda aumentou na densidade de 40 peixes/L. As formas jovens de Rhamdia quelen apresentaram uma alta preferência alimentar por Cladocera em todas as idades testadas (7; 14; 21 e 28 dias), no entanto, a densidade de peixes por litro têm influência sobre a captura do alimento preferencial. Verificou-se neste trabalho, que as formas jovens de jundiá apresentaram uma resposta mais rápida a presença de alimento em densidades superiores a 10 peixes/L, nas maiores densidades os peixes diminuíram as interações de defesa de território e formaram cardumes, o que permitiu um forrageamento de organismos zooplanctônicos maiores, mais ágeis e de maior lucro energético como Cladocera e Copepoda.

Animais , Comportamento Alimentar , Dieta/veterinária , Peixes/fisiologia , Zooplâncton
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 18(3): 3799-3806, set.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-700565


Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto de la densidad de siembra y la adición de ácido ascórbico en la alimentación de alevinos de O. bicirrhosum, cultivados en jaulas. Materiales y métodos. Se incluyeron 396 alevinos y se distribuyeron en nueve tratamientos, resultado de la combinación de los niveles del factor densidad de siembra: 1pez/5 L; 1pez/10 L y 1pez/15 L y los niveles de ácido ascórbico: 0; 500 y 1000 mg/kg. Los datos obtenidos se evaluaron mediante el análisis de varianza del diseño factorial 32. Resultados. La densidad de siembra presentó diferencias estadísticas significativas en el incremento de peso. Las variables incremento de longitud y tasa de crecimiento específico no presentaron diferencias estadísticas. En cuanto a la conversión alimenticia aparente, se demostraron diferencias significativas en los dos factores: La densidad de 1pez/10 L indicó la mejor conversión con un valor de 1.50, asimismo, la inclusión de 1000 mg de ácido ascórbico por Kg de alimento mostró los mejores promedios con 1.55. En la sobrevivencia se precisaron diferencias estadísticas entre los tratamientos de la densidad de 1pez/5 L, siendo mejores aquellos que incluyeron ácido ascórbico en la dieta. Conclusiones. La densidad de 1pez/10 L registró el mayor incremento de peso con 31.83 g en 87 días. La sobrevivencia general fue del 96%, lo que demuestra la eficiencia del sistema de cultivo utilizado, al tiempo que actúa de manera positiva en el desarrollo de esta especie.

Objective. Evaluate the effect of planting density and inclusion of ascorbic acid in grown in cages fingerlings of O. bicirrhosum. Materials and methods. 396 fingerlings were studied and distributed in nine treatments, result of the combination of planting levels factor: 1fish/5 L; 1fish/10 L and 1fish/15 L and ascorbic acid levels: 0, 500 and 1000 mg/Kg. Data were evaluated by variance analysis of 32 factorial design. Results. The planting density showed statistically significant differences in weight gain. The length increase and specific growth rate variables were not statistically different. In terms of apparent feed conversion, it was shown significant differences in the two factors: 1fish/10 L density indicated the best conversion with a value of 1.50; also, the inclusion of 1000mg ascorbic acid per Kg of feed showed the best average with 1.55. Referring to survival there was a statistical difference between treatments of 1fish/5 L density, being the best those which included ascorbic acid in the diet. Conclusions. 1fish/10 L density had the largest increase of weight 31.83 g in 87 days. The general survival was 96%, which, demonstrates the efficiency of the cropping system used, while it's acting positively on the development of this species.

Animais , Aquicultura , Peixes
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 53(4): 827-833, July-Aug. 2010. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-554776


This study evaluated the parasitism by Anacanthorus penilabiatus (Monogenoidea) and Piscinoodinium pillulare (Dinoflagellida) in the gills of "pacu", Piaractus mesopotamicus supplemented with chromium in the diet. Randomised delineation by using factorial scheme (4x2x2) for Monogenoidea and 4x2x3 for Dinoflagellate with four levels of chromium (0, 6, 12, 18mg/kg diet), two stocking densities (4kg/m³ and 20kg/m ³), two classes of length (higher and lower than 17 cm) for a period of 7, 60 and 90 days, and four replicates was used. The fishes in low density which received 12 and 18mg/kg showed decreased monogeneoidea values, seven days after the experiment begin. Six, 12 and 18 mg/kg caused reduction in the dinoflagellate number in the fishes maintained at 20kg/m³. It was possible that chromium supplementation (12 e 18mg/kg) favoured the fishes health by reducing Monogenoidea and Dinoflagellida number in lower and higher densities, respectively.

O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a intensidade de parasitismo por monogenóide Anacanthorus penilabiatus e pelo dinoflagelado Piscinoodinium pillulare em pacus Piaractus mesopotamicus, cuja dieta foi suplementada com cromo. Foram utilizados dois delineamentos em esquema fatorial, consistindo de 4 níveis de cromo (0, 6, 12, 18 mgCQC/kg), duas densidades de estocagem (4 kg/m³ e 20 kg/m³) e duas classes de tamanho para monogenóide (maiores e menores de 17cm) e/ou 3 períodos de coleta (7, 60 e 90 dias), com quatro repetições. Os peixes que receberam 12 e 18mg CQC/kg apresentaram diminuição de monogenóides após 7 dias de alimentação na menor densidade. Nos peixes na maior densidade, os níveis de 6, 12 e 18 mgCQC/kg ocasionou redução de dinoflagelados. Os resultados demonstraram que a suplementação com cromo (12 e 18 mgCQC/kg) promoveu uma melhora na saúde dos peixes na menor e na maior densidade, respectivamente.

Ciênc. rural ; 40(5): 1180-1185, maio 2010. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-552143


Realizou-se um experimento fatorial 3x2, com três repetições (n=18), a fim de avaliar o crescimento e a sobrevivência de juvenis de jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) recriados em tanques-rede e dispostos em tanques externos até os 65 dias de vida. Os peixes utilizados provêm de um sistema de larvicultura intensiva, em que foram alimentados em laboratório com três rações diferentes até os 10 e 15 dias de vida, antes de serem transferidos para os tanques-rede. Uma vez nos tanques-rede, os peixes foram alimentados até a saciedade com ração balanceada comercial contendo 28 por cento de proteína bruta. Ao final do ensaio, não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para nenhum dos parâmetros estimados (P>0,05). Da mesma maneira, os valores de crescimento e sobrevivência obtidos foram similares entre os grupos de peixes transferidos aos 10 e 15 dias de vida. Os resultados demonstram que a passagem das larvas de jundiá para os tanques-rede de recria aos 10 dias de vida seria o manejo mais recomendável, diminuindo os custos da alimentação e operativos que implicam o estágio de larvicultura sob condições controladas de laboratório.

A 3x2 factorial trial with three replicates (n=18) was carried out aiming to evaluate Rhamdia quelen fingerling growth and survival rates, stocked in cages, in external ponds until attain 65 days of life. Fish used come from an intensive hatchery system, where were fed in laboratory with three different diets until attain 10 and 15 days old, before being transferred to cages. Once in cages, fishes were fed until satiation with commercial balanced diet containing 28 percent crude protein. At the end of the experience, there were no significant differences between treatments for any of the estimated parameters (P> 0.05). Similarly, the values of growth and survival obtained were similar between the groups of fish transferred with 10 and 15 days old. The results show that transference of 10 days old catfish larvae to the cages would be the more appropriate management, reducing feeding and operating costs that involves the larviculture under controlled laboratory conditions.