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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-953940


A total of 290 prescriptions in Treatise on Typhoid and Miscellaneous Diseases (《伤寒杂病论》) and Synopsis of the Golden Chamber (《金匮要略》) and 191 prescriptions in Prescriptionology were selected as representatives of classical prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which were translated into Chinese and Japanese. The prescription names were used as keywords for search, and the patent application data up to June 2022 were retrieved. The retrieved results underwent data cleaning and manual noise reduction. Taking the important applicants as the starting point, the key technologies were divided and indexed according to the technical improvement characteristics of classic TCM prescriptions, and the intelligence information of patent applications for classic TCM prescriptions in the two countries was deeply excavated. The differences in the patent applications and layout strategies of classic TCM prescriptions between China and Japan were further compared. This paper drew up an accurate and targeted search strategy for more accurate and comprehensive retrieval, collation, and statistics of patent data of classic TCM prescriptions of representative patent applicants in China and Japan. At the same time, this paper deeply explored the information on Chinese patent applications in Japan and compared the differences in patent application strategies and patent protection of classic TCM prescriptions and Chinese prescriptions in Japan taking the layout of classic TCM prescriptions of representative patent applicants in China and Japan as the entry point. On one hand, it can accurately grasp the current patent application status of classic TCM prescriptions in the two countries, and on the other hand, it can also provide some references for the secondary development and research, patent application, and layout of classic prescriptions of enterprises, universities, and research institutions in China.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981497


The study of classical prescriptions should probe into not only the history but also the formation methodology. As a representative of the logic thoughts in ancient China, the class concept has gone through long history, with the theoretical system completed by Biemo in the late Warring States period. The Mohist school, proposing the class concept, plays an important role in the history of Chinese logic and world logic, and its theory has also been inherited and developed by scholars of the same era and later generations. The study of the class concept will contribute to the integration of scientific methodologies between the east and the west. Exploring the impact of the class concept on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), especially the application in classical prescriptions, may be a path worth exploring for further studying the thought of the Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases(Shang Han Za Bing Lun).

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988193


In contemporary clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), there is a strong emphasis on treating chronic difficult diseases and preventing diseases before they occur ("pre-disease" treatment). However, the treatment of critical care medicine has not received as much attention and is even facing a trend of diminishing influence in the field of emergency medicine and critical care. Critical care medicine refers to a class of diseases that are characterized by rapid onset, severity, quick progression, and high mortality rates in clinical practice. The growth and development of renowned TCM experts throughout history have invariably been honed through practical experiences in managing critical care medicine. Treatise on Cold Damage (《伤寒论》) is a dedicated work for treating critical care medicine, and the classic prescriptions in Treatise on Cold Damage are particularly central to the treatment of these diseases. In the current clinical context, it is important to break through the prevailing mindset that the strengths of TCM lie solely in treating chronic diseases and maintenance-type illnesses, identify the entry point of TCM in the clinical advantages in the field of critical care medicine, explore the interdisciplinary relationship between Treatise on Cold Damage and critical care medicine, enhance the ability to treat critical care medicine using classic prescriptions, establish a disciplinary system for prescription-based treatment of critical care medicine, reveal clinical evidence for prescription-based treatment of these diseases, and elevate the contribution of TCM in the domain of critical care medicine. These have become a strong call and demand in contemporary TCM clinical practice. Regarding key scientific issues, the system of using classic prescriptions to treat critical care medicine encompasses traditional core theories such as the nature of cold damage, the essence of the six meridians, the implications of specific clauses, and the dosages of classic prescriptions. In the context of future academic inheritance and system construction, it is recommended to focus on clinical challenges, break away from the current limitations of traditional classical disciplinary systems, such as their singular patterns and weak innovative and translational capabilities, suggest defining diseases in critical care medicine responding specifically to TCM, advocate a research model based on combining disease mechanisms with pathology and combining medicinal properties with pharmacology, establish a comprehensive multidisciplinary thinking mode, and encourage collaborative innovative research among medical, educational, research, and manufacturing institutions. This will help chart the path and address key aspects of constructing a comprehensive system for prescription-based treatment of critical care medicine.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018472


Insomnia is a common disease and its impact on human health cannot be ignored.At present,there are 3 main clinical treatments for insomnia,including traditional Chinese medicine treatment,sedative hypnotic drug therapy,and cognitive behavioral therapy.Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)treatment for insomnia is widely used due to its advantages of low side effects,good efficacy,and no drug dependence.This paper summarizes the pathogenesis of insomnia in the theories of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.Modern medical research generally believes that sleep-wake disorder is the main pathological mechanism of insomnia,involving many factors such as monoamine neurotransmitter disorder,cytokine imbalance and intestinal flora imbalance.TCM mainly divides the pathogenesis of insomnia into 9 kinds of syndrome types:Liver depression transforming into fire,hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency,phlegm-heat attacking internally,disharmony between heart and kidney,deficiency of both heart and spleen,qi deficiency of both heart and gallbaldder,stomach qi disharmony,exuberance of heart fire,and internal blockade of static blood.According to these 9 kinds of pathogenesis of insomnia,the corresponding classical prescriptions such as Longdanxiegan decoction,Suanzaoren decoction,Huanglian-Wendan decoction,Jiaotai pill and Guipi decoction were analyzed and summarized.There is evidence that traditional Chinese medicine could treat insomnia mainly by increasing the level of 5-hydroxytryptamine,reducing the levels of dopamine,noradrenaline,tumor necrosis factor α,and interlukin-6,decreasing the ratio of glutamic acid to γ-aminobutyric acid,and inhibiting the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964957


Jupi Zhurutang originated from Synopsis of the Golden Chamber (《金匮要略》), which consists of Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Caulis Bambusae in Taenia, Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma, Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens, Jujubae Fructus, and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma and is used to treat retching. It has been put on the list of Catalogue of Ancient Classical Prescription (First Batch) released by National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. With the bibliometric method, we searched the medical classics containing Jupi Zhurutang and systematically examined the information on the origin of the prescription, the indications, compatibility rule, medicinals in the prescription, dosage and usage, processing method, and decocting method. It was found that there are many versions of Jupi Zhurutang, and there are common grounds of main symptoms, pathogenesis, composition and dosage between the same prescription with different names and different prescriptions with the same name. The prescription which is closest to the original version in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber is mainly used for the treatment of stomach deficiency and qi counterflow without obvious cold or heat. According to the weights and measures, ratio of Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Caulis Bambusae in Taenia, Radix Ginseng, Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens, and Radix Ginseng in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber is approximately 6∶2∶8∶5∶1. The Jupi Zhurutang derived from other ancient classics such as Yanshi Jisheng Fang(《严氏济生方》) is a different prescription for hiccups caused by the stomach heat, and the ratio of Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae to Caulis Bambusae in Taenia in this prescription is about 1∶1. It is also found that cold herbs such as Red Poria, Eriobotryae Folium and Ophiopogon Japonicus are added to the formula in later generations. Therefore, the Jupi Zhurutang used in modern times is mostly modified and different from that in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber. This study summarizes the historical evolution of Jupi Zhurutang and identifies the key information, with a view to providing a reference for the rational modification of this prescription in clinical settings and further research.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940472


Da Jianzhongtang, which is from Synopsis of Golden Chamber(《金匮要略》), is one of the hundred ancient classical formulas. In this textual research, a total of 46 records on this prescription from 42 ancient books and 207 records from modern literature were screened out. Through systematic research on its name, dosage, processing, evolution of the meaning on prescription compatibility, indications, decocting methods, usage, and precautions, this paper aims to lay a literature basis for further research on Da Jianzhongtang. The results show that the converted dosages for the components are 3 g of Zanthoxyli Pericarpium, 12 g of Zingiberis Rhizoma, 6 g of Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma, and 30 g of Saccharum Granorum. The efficacy can be labeled on the prescription instruction as warming the middle and tonifying deficiency, descending adverse Qi and relieving pain. According to modern literature, the main indications include diseases in digestive system, circulatory system, orthopedic system, urinary system, and ophthalmic system, particularly the intestinal obstruction, gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis, and duodenal ulcer in the digestive system. The core pathogenesis of the above diseases is "deficiency-cold of middle energizer and internal exuberant cold". Precautions are as follows. ① For the processing of Zanthoxyli Pericarpium, stir-frying can alleviate its toxicity and increase the decoction rate of effective ingredients. ② For the dosage, overdosage will lead to dry cough, edema, etc. ③ As to the contraindications after the medication, raw, cold, or indigestible food should not be taken after medication. ④ For the syndrome taboos, this prescription should be used with caution for patents with Yin deficiency, congealing cold, and Qi stagnation, and be forbidden for patients with spleen and stomach dampness-heat. The above results lay a basis for the research and development of the compound preparation for Da Janzhongtang and provide a reference for its instructions.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-906037


As the body ages, the immune system will undergo a series of changes, which are termed "immunosenescence" and are embodied in immune cells. Previous studies have shown that the immune cells involved in the regulation of immunosenescence include intrinsic immune cells and adaptive immune cells. Intrinsic immune cells are neutrophils, monocytes/macrophages, myeloid-derived suppressor cells, dendritic cells, natural killer cells, etc., and the underlying mechanisms involve the regulation of cell number, phagocytosis, chemotaxis, adhesion, the function of toll-like receptor (TLR), antigen presentation, macrophage polarization, cytotoxicity, migration, etc. The adaptive immune cells include T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes, and the underlying mechanisms involve the regulation of cell development, proliferation, differentiation, cell number, telomerase activity, self-reactive antibodies, etc. Immunosenescence is the manifestation of aging in the human body and is also an important target for delaying aging by Chinese medicine and western medicine. In recent years, scholars have found some classical prescriptions and their active components (such as Dushentang and total saponins in Panax ginseng leaves, and Shengmaiyin and anwulignan and total saponins in P. ginseng stems and leaves) can regulate immunosenescence by targeting the immune cells and interfering with their molecular regulatory mechanisms. In addition, the mechanisms of the classical prescriptions in regulating immunosenescence are closely related to autophagy. The representative prescription embodying the therapeutic principles of resolving blood stasis and promoting regeneration, Dahuang Zhechongwan, can delay D-galactose-induced renal aging in mice, and its underlying mechanisms are related to the regulation of the number and activity of thymic immune cells and improvement of the protein expression of autophagy-related markers and inflammatory cytokines in the kidney. Therefore, exploring the effects of the classical prescriptions and their active components by targeting the mechanisms of immunosenescence will become a new direction for investigating and developing anti-aging drugs.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-906186


Textual research on Chinese herbs is the preliminary work for the preparation of famous classical prescriptions. Through literature review,it was found that the researches of Persicae Semen focused on chemical compositions,pharmacological mechanism and medical record analysis in the recent years,and few researches based on the ancient literature were about the origin,concocting methods,flavor,meridian tropism,effects and indications. Textual research shows that the most commonly used names are Taoren and Taoheren,with a wide range of producing areas. The plant origin of Persicae Semen has not changed much since ancient times. Before the Qing dynasty,the plant origin of Persicae Semen was from the seeds of a kind of fruit named Shantao or Maotao,and in modern times,the seeds of Amygdalus persica or A. davidiana have become the major source. While different books have different views on Latin names for the origin of the Persicae Semen. We suggest that the Latin names of A. persica and A. davidiana should be more reasonable for Tao and Shantao respectively .In the concocting methods of Persicae Semen for activating vital energy and blood circulation,raw Persicae Semen should be used with peel and tip,while for moisturizing dryness,it should be fried into yellow without peel. Therefore,in the concocting methods of Persicae Semen for Taohe Chengqitang and Taohong Siwutang,the raw materials should be fried into yellow without peel or tip,while for Shentong Zhuyutang,raw Persicae Semen materials should be used with peel and tip. The indications of Persicae Semen include amenorrhea,lump,parasite,obstruction of chest,cough and asthma,constipation,etc.,and the people with blood deficiency,blood dryness and the pregnant women should use it with caution or should not use it. The modern clinical application of Persicae Semen is only a partial inheritance of ancient literature,which means that the Persicae Semen still has many effects to be verified and studied,and it is worthwhile for further exploration in order to expand its clinical application. The records of ancient literature on flavor,meridian tropism,and quality evaluation of Persicae Semen were consistent with those in Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Because of the similar appearance,it is especially difficult to distinguish Persicae Semen and Armeniacae Semenis Amarum after crushing ,requiring much time and money for identification. It is recommended that medical institutions should purchase Persicae Semen without crushing as far as possible,then decide the best concocting methods according to the clinical requirement.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-906202


The Shentong Zhuyutang is recorded in an ancient medical book named Yilin Gaicuo, and it is one of the classical prescriptions. Based on the literature reviewed,it is generally found that the Shentong Zhuyutang is evolved from the prescription named Chentongsan that recorded by Danxi Xinfa. Statistics on the dosage of clinical research on this prescription in recent years, reference to the textbook and pharmacopoeia dose, at the same time to respect the original dosage, verify historical changes, and ensure the safety of prescriptions, at the same time consider the pharmacy's dispenses, the author recommends that the clinical dosage of Shentong Zhuyutang could be 3 gram of Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix, 6 gram of Chuanxiong Rhizoma, 10 gram of Persicae Semen, 10 gram of Carthami Flos, 6 gram of Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma, 3 gram of Notopterygii Rhizoma Et Radix, 5 gram of Myrrha, 12 gram of Angelicae Sinensis Radix, 5 gram of Cyperi Rhizoma,12 gram of Cyathulae Radix, and 6 gram of Pheretima used as a reference. The efficacy of the compound preparation can be marked as promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, removing wind and dampness, and relieving pain. At present, most of its research is focused on clinical research and experimental research, and there are few literature on the research of Shentong Zhuyutang from the level of key information verification. The diseases it treats include more than 10, such as Gubi, Pibi, Xuebi, shechuanchuan, headache, postpartum pain and dysmenorrhea, especially in the study of Gubi, which means that it has a huge market demand and broad development prospects in orthopedic diseases, the core point of "blood stasis and cold dampness evil" should be closely held in the course of treatment. Some scholars deem that Shentong Zhuyutang should not be used the method of Force Sweat in the treatment of Bizheng,while others believe that this prescription should be used with caution in menstruation, pregnancy and blood deficiency. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that Shentong Zhuyutang has obvious anti-inflammatory, relieve pain, anticoagulan, nerve and bone protection. In view of the fact that there are less researches on Shentong Zhuyutang except for Gubi, this suggests that the mechanism of this prescription treat other diseases has a relatively broad research space.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-906453


The Wandaitang,recorded in an ancient medical book named Fu Qingzhu's Obstetrics and Gynecology,is one of the Classical Prescriptions. The detailed discussion and record on Wantaitang by later medical scholars can be also regarded as the inheritance and development of the original academic thought from Fu Qingzhu's Obstetrics and Gynecology. By referring to recent literatures,we have found that there are a few reports on Wandaitang from the perspective of ancient literature,but such reports are not systematic or comprehensive enough. Under the premise of inheriting but not rigidly adhering to the ancients,investigation and analysis would be made in this paper from the aspects of the origin,efficacy,dose conversion between ancient and modern uses,usage and dosage form,modern clinical application,contraindications and others based on ancient and modern literatures,in order to further promote the textual research work on Wandaitang and provide reference for its secondary research and development. The research results showed that the origin of Wandaitang can be traced back to the Bianzhenglu(Collecting Record of Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs),and its effect can be summarized as invigorating Qi and spleen,soothing liver-Qi stagnation,elevating yang and arresting leucorrhoea. In view of the great difference between the dose of the original prescription of Wandaitang and the recommended dose in the pharmacopoeia,the author recommended that the clinical dosage of Wandaitang should be 30 g Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma,30 g Dioscoreae Rhizoma,6 g Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma,15 g Paeoniae Radix Alba,10 g Plantaginis Semen,10 g Atractylodis Rhizoma,3 g Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,3 g Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,3 g Schizonepetae Spica Carbonisata,and 3 g Bupleuri Radix. The main indications included leucorrhea,vulva pruritus,diarrhea,stranguria,anorexia,eczema,vertigo and so on. This prescription should be used with caution in pregnant women or those with excessive phlegm and dampness,Qi stagnation of spleen and stomach,or deficiency of Yin-fluid and blood. The research and development of Wandaitang compound preparation can be inclined to the direction of compound granules,to give full play to its clinical value and market value. The above studies,based on the textual research of ancient and modern literatures,are of great significance for clarifying the origin and clinical application of Wandaitang,and provide a new idea and basis for the secondary development of Wandaitang.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888092


Fourteen classical prescriptions in the Catalog of 100 Ancient Classical Prescriptions(First Batch) promulgated in 2018 contain Chuanxiong Rhizoma, which reveals the high medicinal value and wide application of Chuanxiong Rhizoma. This paper systematically reviews the ancient herbal books and modern literature to explore the name, origin, genuine producing area, medicinal part, harvesting, and processing of Chuanxiong Rhizoma, thus facilitating the development of classical prescriptions containing Chuan-xiong Rhizoma. It is confirmed that Chuanxiong Rhizoma, formerly known as "Xiongqiong" in Chinese, was first called "Chuanxiong" in late Tang Dynasty, which has been gradually accepted as its official name due to the rise of the status of Chuanxiong Rhizoma produced in Sichuan. The main original plant of Chuanxiong Rhizoma in past dynasties has always been deemed to be Ligusticum chuan-xiong(Umbellifera), whose rhizome serves as the medicinal part. In general, it is best harvested in summer but the harvesting time can vary with different growth environments. Since the Song Dynasty, Sichuan province has been recognized as the genuine producing area of Chuanxiong Rhizoma in light of the high yield and good quality. It is suggested that Chuanxiong Rhizoma from Sichuan be used preferentially in the development of classical prescriptions. There are multiple processing methods of Chuanxiong Rhizoma recorded in ancient medical classics, and the raw(after purifying and slicing) or wine-processed or stir-fried Chuanxiong Rhizoma is still in use today. In the development of classical prescriptions containing Chuanxiong Rhizoma, Chuanxiong Rhizoma is advised to be processed in accordance with current processing standards if the specific processing method is described in the medical classics. If not, the raw Chuanxiong Rhizoma is preferred and then processed following the processing standards of Chuanxiong Rhizoma decoction pieces in Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

China , Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa , Prescrições , Rizoma
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-872971


The research and development of classical prescriptions is an important way to promote the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) and promote the modernization and internationalization of TCM. It is particularly important to summarize the historical development of the composition of classical prescriptions, so as to define their origin, taste efficacy and syndrome taboos. It is also the source to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the whole prescription. As a commonly used traditional Chinese medicinal material, Lycii Cortex is widely used and has a good prospect for research and development. There are five prescriptions containing wolfberry bark in the Catalogue of Ancient Classical Prescriptions(the First Batch). There are only a few modern literatures on the development of Lycii Cortex. Therefore, this paper will summarize the development of skeleton skin alias, origin, nature, taste, meridian, efficacy, syndromes and taboos in ancient books of the previous dynasties. Textual analysis found that Lycii Cortex was first recorded in the Fifty-two Pathogenic Prescriptions. Ancient books before the Han dynasty did not mention the Chinese medicinal material named " Digupi" . There are little differences in the contents about Digupi between modern literatures and ancient books of the previous dynasties. With the changes of the times, Lycii Cortex has been rarely used, with a fault inheritance, suggesting that there are still many potential efficacy indications for clinical application. In addition to the traditional Chinese medicinal specifications, ancient books also recorded the processing methods with liquorice soup, fried, roasted, children's stool, wine soaking and steaming.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-846172


Objective: To establish the HPLC fingerprint and simultaneously determinate nine components of the standard decoction of Wenjing Decoction, so as to provide reference for the quality control of Wenjing Decoction of classical prescriptions. Methods: Fingerprints of 15 batches of the standard decoction of Wenjing Decoction were determined by HPLC-PDA, and the control fingerprint was established. All samples were analyzed by Kromasil C18 chromatographic column (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) maintained at 25 ℃, and eluted with acetonitrile-0.1% phosphoric acid at the flow rate of 0.8 mL/min, and the detection wavelength was 220, 280, 320 and 380 nm respectively. Combined with cluster analysis (CA), principal component analysis (PCA), and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), the quality of 15 batches of Wenjing Decoction was analyzed. At the same time, the contents of nine active components were determined. Results: The similarity of 15 batches of standard decoction of Wenjing Decoction was between 0.902 and 0.992, and a total of 18 common peaks were identified and nine of them (2-gallic acid, 5-paeoniflorin, 7-liquiritin, 8-ferulic acid, 9-isoliquiritin apioside, 11-isoliquiritin, 14-cinnamaldehyde, 15-ammonium glycyrrhetate, 16-paeonol) were quantitative analyzed. CA, PCA and PLS-DA were used to classify the 15 batches of samples into two groups. The results of quantitative analysis were good, and the recovery rate of nine components was 94.91%-108.16%. The content of gallic acid, paeoniflorin, iquiritin, ferulic acid, isoliquiritin apioside, isoliquiritin, cinnamaldehyde, ammonium glycyrrhetate, paeonol in 15 batches of samples were in the range of 10.7-31.3, 95.8-228.4, 18.6-62.4, 3.3-8.3, 4.8-18.7, 2.8-10.6, 13.7-108.2, 83.9-292.3, and 31.1-125.5 mg/g, respectively. Conclusion: The HPLC fingerprint combined with the simultaneous determination of multicomponent analysis method eatablished in this experiment are stable and reliable, which can provide the theoretical guidance for the quality evaluation of Wenjing Decoction and its compound preparations.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-846600


Objective: The extraction process optimization method of chemometrics combined with information entropy weight was established and applied to the water extraction process optimization of Banxia Baizhu Tianma Decoction (BBTD), in order to fully ensure the effectiveness and quality consistency of classical prescription. Methods: Taking BBTD as the model drug, the fingerprint was established by HPLC method. The common peak area was analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA), the total factor score of PCA, the similarity of fingerprint and the yield of dry paste were used as evaluation indexes. L9(34) orthogonal design was used to investigate the effects of adding water, soaking time and boiling time on the extraction effect, and the Objective: weight of each index was determined by information entropy weighting method. The technological parameters of water extraction were optimized. Results: Twenty-six common peaks and seven compounds were identified by the similarity evaluation system of chromatographic fingerprints of traditional Chinese medicine. According to the results of comprehensive score, the optimum extraction process of the preparation was determined to be 12 times the amount of water, decoction twice, 1 hour each time. The average comprehensive score of the three batches of verification was 0.418 0 with RSD of 3.32%. Conclusion: The optimized process has high extraction rate, good stability and repeatability, and is suitable for the industrial production of BBTD.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-828019


With the global outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19), screening of effective drugs has became the emphasis of research today; furthermore, screening of Chinese classic prescriptions has became one of the directions for drug development. This study analyzed the application of classic prescriptions in the diagnosis and treatment schemes based on the Diagnosis and Treatment Schemes for Coronavirus Disease at the country, provincial and municipal levels, and further explored its disrobing effect on COVID-19 disease severe phase network, and selected representative prescriptions for core target screening and gene enrichment analysis, so as to reveal its mechanism of action. Among them, 13 prescriptions were found to be used for 10 times or more, including Maxing Shigan Tang, Yinqiao San, Shengjiang San, Dayuan Drink, Xuanbai Chengqi Decoction. In addition, the COVID-19 efficacy prediction analysis platform(TCMATCOV platform) was used to calculate the network disturbances of the Chinese classic prescriptions involved. Based on the prediction results, 68 classic prescriptions were assessed on the COVID-19 disease network robustness disturbance. The average disturbance scores for the interaction confidence scores were ranked to be 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6 from the highest to the lowest. There were 7 prescriptions with a score of 17 or more, and 50 prescriptions with a score of 13 or more. Among them, the top three prescriptions were Ganlu Xiaodu Dan(18.19), Lengxiao Wan(17.74), and Maxing Shigan Tang(17.62). After further mining the action targets of these three prescriptions, it was found that COVID-19 disease-specific factors Ccl2, IL10, IL6 and TNF were all the targets of three prescriptions. Through the enrichment analysis of the biological processes of the core targets, it was found that the three prescriptions may prevent the development of the disease by affecting cell-to-cell adhesion, cytokine-mediated signaling pathway, and chronic inflammatory responses to COVID-19 at the severe phase. This study showed that the TCMATCOV platform could evaluate the disturbance effect of different prescriptions on the COVID-19 disease network, and predict potential effectiveness based on the robustness of drug-interfered pneumonia disease networks, so as to provide a reference for further experiments or clinical verification.

Humanos , Betacoronavirus , Infecções por Coronavirus , Tratamento Farmacológico , Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa , Pandemias , Pneumonia Viral , Tratamento Farmacológico
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008556


Through consulting the herbs and medical books of past dynasties, combining with modern literature and field investigation, this paper made textual research on the name, origin, producing area, harvesting and processing of Bupleuri Radix used in the Catalogue of Ancient Classical Prescriptions(the first batch).From Han to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the source of Bupleuri Radix was a mixture of Bupleurum and Peucedanum, it's hard to define the origin of authentic products.In Tang Dynasty, Caryophyllaceae had been used as Bupleuri Radix. In Song Dynasty, it was clear that the genuine production area of Bupleuri Radix was Yinzhou, its origin was B. corzonerifolium and B. yinchowense.After the Ming Dynasty, B. chinense gradually became the mainstream. It has been confirmed that there were differences in the efficacy between Stellaria dichotoma in Caryophyllaceae and Bupleurum in Umbelliferae, however, the use of S. dichotoma is still attributed to Bupleuri Radix. In the Qing Dynasty, S. dichotoma was distinguished from Bupleuri Radix as another medicine. Among the prescriptions containing Bupleuri Radix included in the Catalogue of Classical Prescriptions in Ancient China(the first batch), the mainstream of genuine Bupleuri Radix should be B. scorzonerifolium and B. chinense. It is suggested that the genuine base of Bupleuri Radix should be selected according to the current resources and industrial development of Bupleuri Radix, and it should conform to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

Bupleurum/química , China , Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa , Raízes de Plantas/química , Prescrições
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-773109


Classical prescriptions are precious wealth left by ancient Chinese medical scientists. Moreover,they are also the important part of the treasure-house in Chinese medicine. Classical prescriptions have a long and rich history for human-use in China and play an important role in keeping people healthy. The state administration of traditional medicine of China published the Catalogue of Classical Prescriptions(first batch) in 2018. This measure has inspired the enthusiasm of Chinese medicine manufacturers to study ancient classical prescriptions and develop classical compound prescriptions. Based on the first batch of classical prescriptions, the dosage forms, sources, prescription components, decocting degree, use of toxic drugs and processing methods of classical prescriptions. The results showed that most of the classical prescriptions in the first batch were decoction and boiled powder,while only four of them were powder and paste forms,all of which were originated from representative classics in the past dynasties. The dosage and decocting degree of decoction were greater than those of boiled powder. The dosage and decocting degree of decoction in Han and Tang Dynasties was close to that in Ming and Qing Dynasties,higher than that in Song and Jin Dynasties. Moreover,the average number of herbs in the prescriptions in Han Dynasty was the smallest. The use of toxic traditional Chinese medicine was the most frequent in Han Dynasty, and Pinellia ternata was the most common toxic medicine. There were various processing methods, including cleansing, cutting, stir-frying, roasting and so on. In this paper, the dosage forms of traditional paste, the time concept of decoction in the ancient times, the traditional roasting method and the processing method of toxic drugs were summarized to provide ideas and reference for further development of classical prescriptions.

China , Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas , Padrões de Referência , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-798175


The common Japanese Kampo medicine issued by MHLW was sorted and analyzed, record total ingredients, average dosage, total dosage of general prescription, maximal and minimal dosage of general prescription of Japanese Kampo was originated from the classic prescription. The ingredients of each prescription medicine was relatively less, and mostly composed of 4 to 9 ingredients. The average dosage was less, around 15-25 g and the average dosage of single drug was 3.16 g. The dose of Japanese Kampo medicine was relatively less, and it was only about 1/4 of the drug used in Chinese mainland. The reasons were related to many factors like historical evolution of Chinese prescription, the habit of taking medicine, people’s constitution of different nations and so on.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008294


As an outstanding representative of traditional Chinese medicine( TCM),ancient classical prescriptions carry the profound accumulation of the splendid civilization of Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is the best part of the great treasure-house of Chinese medicine after thousands of years' training of TCM theory. It condenses the wisdom of all generations of doctors,and as the summary of clinical experience,it is the most brilliant pearl in the treasure house of TCM. The in-depth research and development of ancient classic prescriptions is a golden key to excavate the treasure house of TCM,which not only conforms to the development trend of TCM industry,but also brings unprecedented opportunities and challenges for the inheritance and innovation of contemporary Chinese herbal compound preparations. However,as a " new member" in the national drug research and development system,classic prescriptions have no specific implementation rules although the guidance is given by macro policies,and there is no successful case of research and development according to the registration requirements. Therefore,unified consensus and standards have not yet been formed for some key issues in the process of the development of the classic prescriptions,and much work is still in the exploration stage,so it is necessary to conduct in-depth research and discussion on these issues. In this paper,the problems in the research process of classical prescriptions were summarized,such as the resources of medicinal materials,the processing of decoction pieces,the prescription dosage,the molding technology and the quality evaluation,and the research strategy was put forward after analysis,hoping to provide a reference for the research and development of classical prescriptions.

Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa , Prescrições , Padrões de Referência
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008390


Through consulting the ancient herbs and medical books,combining with modern literature and field investigation,this paper makes textual research on herbal medicine,and makes textual research on the name,origin,position and changes of collection and processing of the medicinal herbs in Ancient Classical Prescriptions. " Zhu" wasn't distinguished before the Northern and Southern Dynasties,but the efficacy of the techniques recorded in the documents at that time was similar to that of today's Atractylodis Rhizoma.Tao Hongjing put forward the theory of " red and white" in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. " Cangzhu" and " Baizhu" gradually differentiated,but there was no clear distinction between them. Since Song and Yuan Dynasties, " Baizhu" has been respected and classified in the literature. In Ming Dynasty, " Baizhu" was cultivated and differentiated into different quality specifications according to its growth pattern and origin. Maoshan is the genuine production area of " Cangzhu". The quality of wild " Baizhu" produced in Yuqian city is the best. In modern times,the origins of " Cangzhu" and " Baizhu" were defined according to plant taxonomy. " Zhu" before Song Dynasty was close to Atractylodes lancea, " Baishu" had been respected since the Song Dynasty. So when Song people revised the previous literature,they unified " Zhu" into " Baizhu" and used it for later generations. Its safety and effectiveness have been confirmed,and the wild resources of modern atractylodes are scarce. Therefore,it is suggested that when classical famous prescriptions are developed,the prescription recorded as " Baizhu" does not need to be changed in its origin,that is,A. macrocephala at present or can choose the appropriate basis according to the principle of local righteousness.Textual research shows that the origin of " Cangzhu" in the classical prescription should be A. lancea.

Atractylodes/classificação , China , Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa , Fitoterapia , Plantas Medicinais/classificação , Rizoma