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China Pharmacy ; (12): 1254-1259, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030854


OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of ABCB1 genotypes on the efficacy and safety of taxanes in the treatment of breast cancer. METHODS By searching Embase,the Cochrane Library, PubMed, CNKI, and Wanfang databases, cohort studies and case-control studies about taxanes in the treatment of breast cancer were collected from the establishment of the database to July 2023. After screeningliterature, extracting data and evaluating quality, meta-analysis was performed by using RevMan 5.3 software. RESULTS A total of 11 studies were included, involving 1 321 patients. There was no correlation between the three genotypes and effective rate, the incidence of myelosuppression, the incidence of neurotoxicity (except for the allele and recessive model of ABCB1 C1236T), and the incidence of hypersensitivity reactions (P>0.05). The subgroup analysis showed that there was a correlation between ABCB1 C1236T dominant model and effective rate when using anthracyclines+5-fluorouracil+cyclophosphamide+taxanes (P<0.05), there was a correlation between ABCB1 C3435T recessive model and effective rate when using taxanes+trastuzumab (P<0.05). ABCB1 C1236T allele model and recessive model were correlated with sample size ≥100 and using cyclophosphamide+epirubicin+5- fluorouracil+paclitaxel or cyclophosphamide+epirubicin+paclitaxel+trastuzumab or cyclophosphamide+epirubicin+5-fluorouracil+ trastuzumab+paclitaxel regimens; recessive model with sample size <100 and the African region were correlated with the incidence of peripheral neuropathy; recessive model was correlated with cutaneous adverse reactions (P<0.05). ABCB1 C3435T recessive model was correlated with the incidence of reduced neutrophil count with sample size ≥100; the incidence of white blood cell count reduction with sample size <100 and using docetaxel+epirubicin+cyclophosphamide was correlated with both the allele model and the dominant model; the incidence of infections was correlated with the dominant model (P<0.05). The incidence of neutrophil count reduction with the sample size <100 was correlated with allele model of ABCB1 G2677T/A; the incidence of edema with sample size ≥100 was correlated with allele model and recessive model; the incidence of infection was correlated with allele model and dominant model, especially in patients with neutrophil count complicated with fever (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS ABCB1 genotypes are not correlated with effective rate of taxanes in the treatment of breast cancer, but ABCB1 C3435T genotype is associated with decreased neutrophil counts, decreased white blood cell counts and infections; ABCB1 C1236T genotype is associated with neurotoxicity and cutaneous adverse reactions; ABCB1 G2677T/A genotype is associated with decreased neutrophil counts, infections, and edema.

Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Microbiol ; 25(1): 17-27, 2024. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1532892


Background: About 99.7% of cervical dysplasia and cancer cases are caused by persistent genital high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) infection. Most HPV infections are subclinical and self-limiting but may persists in about 5 to 10% of infected women, resulting in pre-cancerous lesions that can progress to invasive cancer years later. This study is aimed at detecting hrHPV among apparently healthy women of reproductive age in Kaduna State, thus providing more information for effective control of HPV and cervical cancer in Nigeria. Methodology: Cervical smears were taken from 515 randomly selected apparently healthy women across selected secondary and tertiary facilities from 3 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in each Senatorial Zone of Kaduna State, Nigeria. Liquid-based cytology (LBC) technique was used to collect cervical smears and prepare smears for cytology study, while the remaining samples were stored at -80oC for molecular studies. HPV DNA were extracted from the samples and amplified by convectional PCR using specific hrHPV (HPV 16,18,31 and 45) primer sets and a broad spectrum MY09/11 and GP5+/6+ primers for a wider range of HPV genotypes. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 and relationship between prevalence of hrHPV and socio-demographic factors such as age and marital status were determined using Chisquare or Fisher Exact test with p<0.05 considered statistically significant. Results: The prevalence of total HPV and hrHPV infections in the study population was 11.8% (61/515) and 9.3% (48/515) respectively. A total of 100 HPV genotypes were detected by PCR in the 61 positive smears, with 66 hrHPV types from 48 women, and 34 other HPV types from 13 women. The frequency of hrHPV genotypes detected was HPV 31 (5.8%, n=30), HPV 45 (4.1%, n=21), HPV 16 (1.7%, n=9), and HPV 18 (1.2%, n=6), with other HPV genotypes (6.6%, n=34). The frequency of cervical dysplasia was 6.4% (33/515), which was significantly associated with all HPV genotypes except HPV 16. Single HPV infection was seen in 31 (51.8%) women while multiple infections were seen in 30 (49.2%), with double infection in 21 (34.4%) and triple infections in 9 (14.7%). Conclusion: The prevalence of hrHPV infection was high among women in Kaduna State, Nigeria. DNA-based screening for hrHPV genotypes and production of new vaccine that will protect against the predominant hrHPV genotypes are thus recommended for the prevention of cervical cancer in Nigeria, Africa and beyond.

Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 37(3): 99-107, sep.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534965


Resumen Antecedentes: Chlamydia trachomatis es la bacteria que se detecta con mayor frecuencia en las infecciones de transmisión sexual. Se han identificado 20 genotipos de C. trachomatis mediante el gen ompA y varias genovariantes mediante el análisis de polimorfismo de un solo nucleótido (SNP). En México, el genotipo F es el más frecuente. Objetivo: Identificar la existencia de subtipos del genotipo F. Método: Se analizaron siete cepas del genotipo F de C. trachomatis aisladas en 2011, mediante secuenciación de nucleótidos y mapeo con enzimas de restricción. Resultados: El análisis de SNP mostró dos cepas con el mismo SNP en el nucleótido 288 (C288T), mientras que con enzimas de restricción se identificó una variante con diferente RFLP (polimorfismo de la longitud de fragmentos de restricción) cuando se tratan con la mezcla de enzimas HinfI y TaqI. Conclusión: En México se encuentran dos subtipos del genotipo F y solo las enzimas de restricción HinfI y TaqI pueden identificar la existencia de uno de estos genotipos F.

Abstract Background: Chlamydia trachomatis is the most frequently identified bacterium in sexually transmitted infections. Twenty C. trachomatis genotypes have been determined using the ompA gene and several genovariants by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis. In Mexico, the F genotype is the most frequent. Objective: To identify subtypes of the F genotype. Method: Seven C. trachomatis genotype F strains isolated in 2011 were analyzed by nucleotide sequencing and restriction enzyme mapping. Results: SNP analysis showed two strains with the same SNP at nucleotide 288 (C288T), while with res-triction enzymes, a variant with different RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) was identified when treated with the mixture of HinfI and TaqI enzymes. Conclusion: In Mexico, there are two subtypes of F, and only with restriction enzymes HinfI and TaqI can identify one of the genovariants of the F genotype.

Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 37(3): 115-121, sep.-dic. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534967


Resumen Antecedentes: Las embarazadas infectadas por el virus del papiloma humano presentan condiciones médicas que influyen en el curso de la enfermedad y pueden potenciar la posibilidad de transmisión vertical. Objetivo: Identificar los genotipos del virus del papiloma humano más frecuentes en mujeres embarazadas. Método: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional y descriptivo. Se emplearon muestras de raspado cervical. La extracción de material genético se hizo por la técnica de fenol-cloroformo y se amplificó empleando iniciadores universales MY09/MY11. Las muestras positivas se genotipificaron con un kit que detecta 37 genotipos diferentes. Resultados: Se identificaron 341 genotipos. Los más frecuentes fueron 16 (10.3%), 52 (8.8%) y 59 (8.6%). En el 75.9% la detección fue con un genotipo y en el 42.7% se detectaron infecciones múltiples. Conclusiones: Es sabido que la infección por virus del papiloma humano en mujeres embarazadas raramente evolucionará a lesiones invasivas. Se deberán considerar tanto las posibles complicaciones obstétricas a corto y largo plazo, así como las posibles repercusiones en la salud del recién nacido. La detección elevada del genotipo 16 sugiere un seguimiento estrecho para considerar un abordaje óptimo posterior a la gestación.

Abstract Background: Pregnant women infected with human papillomavirus have medical conditions that influence the course of the disease and can increase the possibility of vertical transmission. Objective: To identify the most common human papillomavirus genotypes in pregnant women. Method: Retrospective, observational and descriptive study. Cervical scraping samples were used. The extraction of genetic material was done by the phenol-chloroform technique and was amplified using universal primers MY09/MY11. Positive samples were genotyped with a kit that detects 37 different genotypes. Results: Three hundred forty-one genotypes were identified. The most frequent were 16 (10.3%), 52 (8.8%), and 59 (8.6%). In 75.9% the detection was with one genotype and in 42.7% multiple infections were detected. Conclusions: It is known that human papillomavirus infection in pregnant women will rarely evolve to invasive lesions. Both possible short- and long-term obstetric complications, as well as possible repercussions on the health of the newborn, should be considered. The high detection of genotype 16 suggests close follow-up to consider an optimal post-pregnancy approach.

Rev. Asoc. Colomb. Cien. Biol. (En línea) ; 1(35): 113-127, 20231128. mapas, graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1523847


Introducción. Blastocystis sp es un protozoo parásito que se encuentra en el tracto intestinal del hombre y algunos animales, se estima que infecta a más de 1.000 millones de personas en el mundo. El presente trabajo tuvo como Objetivo determinar los genotipos de Blastocystis sp asociados a diferentes fuentes de transmisión en zona rural del departamento del Quindío. Materiales y Métodos. Se obtuvieron 42 muestras coprológicas de niños entre 0 y 14 años, 17 de heces de animales, 17 de alimentos, 28 de superficies inertes ,15 de suelo, 18 de agua de red domiciliaria y 3 de fuente hídrica. Se realizó extracción de ADN y amplificación por PCR para Blastocystis sp usando como blanco el gen SSADNr. Las secuencias fueron alineadas con ClustalW y se realizaron árboles filogenéticos el programa (MEGA11). Resultados. De las 140 muestras recolectadas entre coprológicos de población infantil y matrices ambientales, se encontró una prevalencia de Blastocystis sp del 23,5 % en alimentos, 22,2% en red domiciliaria y del 4,75 % en la población infantil, no hubo evidencia estadística que implicara una asociación entre la presencia de este protozoo y las variables sociodemográficas. Se encontró el subtipo 2 asociado a población infantil y el subtipo 3 asociado a matrices ambientales (agua y alimentos) y población infantil. Conclusiones: Se reporta la presencia de Blastocystis sp en tomate y zanahoria, en la red domiciliaria y población infantil en una zona rural del departamento del Quindío donde los subtipos asociados fueron el subtipo 2 y 3.

Introduction. Blastocystis sp is a parasitic protozoan found in the intestinal tract of man and some animals, and it is estimated that it infects more than 1,000 million people in the world. In the national parasitism survey, it was reported with a prevalence of 52% in the northern Andean region. The aim of this study was to determine the genotypes of Blastocystis sp associated with different sources of transmission in rural areas of the department of Quindío. Materials and Methods. Forty-two coprological samples were obtained from children between 0 and 14 years of age, 17 from animal feces, 17 from food, 28 from inert surfaces, 15 from soil, 18 from household water and 3 from water sources. DNA extraction and PCR amplification were performed for Blastocystis sp using the SSADNr gene as target. The sequences were aligned with ClustalW and phylogenetic trees were performed with the program (MEGA11). Results. Of the 140 samples collected between coprological samples of children and environmental matrices, we found a prevalence of Blastocystis sp of 23.5% in food, 22.2% in the home network and 4.75% in the child population, there was no statistical evidence implying an association between the presence of this protozoan and sociodemographic variables. Subtype 2 was found associated with infant population and subtype 3 associated with environmental matrices (water and food) and infant population. Conclusions: We report the presence of Blastocystis sp in tomato and carrot, in the home network and infant population in a rural area of the department of Quindío where the associated subtypes were subtype 2 and 3.

Infecções por Protozoários , Blastocystis , Genótipo , Infecções
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551105


Colombia, se destaca como país productor de cacao fino y de aroma, por lo cual, resulta de gran importancia explorar las características físicas y sensoriales de la diversidad genética existente. Para el presente estudio, se seleccionaron 22 genotipos de colecciones de trabajo con atributos productivos sobresalientes y dos testigos comerciales, reconocidos por su productividad y calidad sensorial; las muestras evaluadas fueron tomadas, de acuerdo con un muestreo aleatorio simple y se realizó un proceso de poscosecha homogéneo, controlado e independiente por genotipo, para obtener muestras de cacao seco individuales. Se realizaron análisis físicos al grano de cada genotipo y se preparó licor de cacao con cada una de las muestras obtenidas. Posteriormente, se evaluó cada licor por medio del panel de evaluación sensorial entrenado, donde se identificó y cuantificó la intensidad de atributos básicos, atributos especiales y atributos adquiridos, característicos de cada muestra. La información fue analizada mediante estadística descriptiva y análisis de componentes principales, lo que permitió la identificación de tres genotipos sobresalientes por el índice de grano y el porcentaje de cascarilla. El análisis sensorial evidenció que, en diecisiete genotipos, predominaron los atributos especiales, como herbal, floral, frutal, frutos secos y dulce. Estos resultados son un aporte importante para la selección de nuevas variedades de alta productividad, con características sensoriales de interés para la comercialización, que pueden ser evaluadas en diferentes regiones, para aumentar la disponibilidad genética en futuros programas de renovación y siembra de cacao que está en expansión, en los distintos territorios del país.

Colombia stands out as a country that produces fine and aroma cocoa; therefore, it is of great importance to explore the physical and sensory characteristics of the existing genetic diversity. For the present study, 22 genotypes from working collections with outstanding productive attributes and two recognized commercial controls were selected and evaluated for its productivity and sensory quality; the evaluated samples were taken according to a simple random sampling and a homogeneous, controlled, and independent post-harvest process was carried out by genotype, to obtain individual dry cocoa samples. Physical analyzes were carried out on the grain of each genotype and cocoa liquor was prepared with each of the samples obtained. Subsequently, each liquor was evaluated by means of the trained sensory evaluation panel, where the intensity of basic attributes, special attributes and acquired attributes characteristic of each sample was identified and quantified. The information was analyzed through descriptive statistics and principal component analysis, which allowed the identification of three outstanding genotypes by the grain index, and the husk percentage. The sensory analysis showed that, in seventeen genotypes, special attributes predominated such as: herbal, floral, fruity, dried fruit and sweet. These results are an important contribution for the selection of new high productivity varieties with sensory characteristics of interest for commercialization, which can be evaluated in different regions, to increase genetic availability in future renewal and planting programs of cocoa that is expanding in the different territories of the country.

China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 977-2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016563


@#Abstract: Objective In order to understand and master the prevalence of different genotypes and the rate of different drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis genotypes in Hainan Province, 136 drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains collected in Hainan province in 2022 were genotyped, and to provide scientific basis for tuberculosis prevention and control strategy in Hainan Province. Methods A total of 136 drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains were collected in Hainan Province. The clinical isolates were genotyped using the Spoligotyping technique, and the drug resistance rates of different genotypes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were statistically analyzed. Results Among the 136 strains of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 54.41% (74/136) belonged to the Beijing types, 27.94% (38/136) to non-Beijing types and newly identified genotypes accounted for 17.65% (24/136). The Beijing type included two genotypes, SIT1 and SIT269 genotypes, accounting for 52.94% (72/136) and 1.47% (2/136) respectively. Among the non-Beijing genotypes, the T type (T1, T2, T3) accounted for 21.32% (29/136), the U type accounted for 6.62% (9/136). Clustering analysis of genotyping results revealed two major clusters, Beijing type and non-Beijing type, as well as several scattered novel genotypes. Clustering analysis of Spoligotyping results classified the 136 drug-resistant strains into 3 clusters, with a clustering rate of 75.74% (103/136). The rates of mono-resistance (MR), poly-resistance (PR), multi-drug resistance (MDR), and other types of drug resistance in Beijing type and non-Beijing type were 41.89% (31/74), 13.51% (10/74), 24.33% (18/74), 20.27% (15/74) and 36.84% (14/38), 15.79% (6/38), 26.32% (10/38), 21.05% (8/38) respectively. Chi-square test results showed no statistically significant differences in drug resistance rates between the Beijing and non-Beijing types (P>0.05). Conclusion The genotype of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Hainan Province showed genetic polymorphism, with the main epidemic genotype being SIT1 in the Beijing type. Monitoring of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in this genotype should be strengthened.

Tropical Biomedicine ; : 331-336, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006847


@#Immune responses are largely regulated by cytokines. Genetic polymorphisms of the regulatory coding regions are recognized to impact the expression of cytokines. The abnormal cytokine levels in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection seems to be involved in disease progression, viral survival, and therapeutic response. The current study assesses the polymorphisms associated with IL-6, IL-10, IL28B, IFN-γ, TGF-β, and TNF-α on the genotypic susceptibility to HCV infection and Ribavirin response to Peg interferon. Droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to assess the gene polymorphisms associated with IL-6 A/G (rs2069837), IL-10-1082 G/A (rs1800896)], IL28B C/T (rs12979860), IFN-γ +874 A/T (rs2430561), TGF-β 1-509 C/T (rs1800469) and TNF-α-308 G/A promoter (rs1800629) from stored samples of 200 healthy individuals and 300 HCV infected patients. There was a significant association of AG and AA genotypes of IL28B, IFN-γ, TGF-β1, and TNF-α over HCV susceptibility and treatment outcome. However, no association between IL-6 and IL-10 gene polymorphism to HCV susceptibility response to the treatment. The observations indicate IL28B CT, TGF-β1 CT, TT and TNF- AG with AA genotypes influence the cytokine expression, which is related to susceptibility and resistance to HCV infection and combined antiviral therapy.

Ethiop. Med. j ; 61(2): 151-159, 2023. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1426997


Background: Hypertension is a major public health problem in both developing and developed nations because it is highly prevalent and is associated with complications. Numerous enviromnental and genetic variables are linked to the occurrence of the disease. It may be influenced by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, M'hich preserves bodily homeostasis. The angiotensinogen gene 11235T polymorphisms that has an effect on the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system are related to the high hvpertension risk. The aim of this study was to find out the association between angiotensinogen Nf235T gene polymorphism and the risk of developing hypertenMon. Methods: A total of 306 samples - 153 patients Il'ith hvpertension and 153 age- and ser-matched healthy controls were selected using a simple random sampling technique. Clinical and biochemical variables were measured to assess the associated riskfactors. Blood samples from the patients and matched controls were used to isolate deoxyribonucleic acid. The AGT 11235T genotypes u:ere identified using polymerase chain reaction and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Logistic regression with a 95% confidence interval (CI) was employed to assess the risk correlations ofAGT gene M235Tpolymorphisms with hypertension. Results: Our analysis showed that the AGT-TT genotype (odds ratio [OR] = 3.11, 95% CL = 1.67­5.79, P< 0.001) and T allele (OR = 2.18, 95% CL = 1.56­3.04, P< 0.001) are considerably higher in hypertensive patients than in healthy controls. Our study also identified the clinical risk factors for hypertension, such as, total cholesterol, triglycerol, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol, and high density lipoprotein-cholesterol Inels, which were significantly higher in patients compared to controls (P< 0.001). Conclusion: The A GT M235T genes of the TT genotype and the T allele are associated with an increased risk of hypertension among the Ethiopian patients. A population-based epidemiological study is needed corroborate the association between AGT and HTN

Humanos , Sistema Renina-Angiotensina , Angiotensinogênio , Pressão Sanguínea , Fatores de Risco , Vírus GB C , Hipertensão
Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Microbiol ; 24(2): 158-167, 2023. tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1427613


Background: The epidemiology of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the pattern of HPV genotype distribution are parameters needed to assess the risk of cervical cancer. Oncogenic HPV types are well-known pathogen for lower genital tract neoplasias, representing the primary cause of cancer death in Africa and the second in Cameroon. This study was conducted to identify the various genotypes particularly the high-risk HPV types in normal and abnormal cervical cytology from women in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Methodology: This was a hospital-based, analytical cross-sectional study carried out on 226 symptomatic women wherein cervico-vaginal samples were obtained during gynaecological examination for Pap smears, HPV-DNA and genotype detection with linear array HPV strip, conducted from November 2019 to January 2021. Results: From the 226 women whose cervical samples were collected for Pap smears, 71 (31.4%) had abnormal cytology results while 155 (68.6%) had normal results. The overall HPV prevalence in the study population was 34.1% (77/226). The HPV prevalence in women with abnormal Pap smears was 100% (71/71) and are distributed in following descending order; LSIL (21.1%, 15/71), HSIL (21.1%, 15/71), ASC-US (19.7%, 14/71), ICC (19.7%, 14/71) and others (18.4%, 13/71). HPV-DNA was positive in 6 (3.9%) of the 155 women with normal cytology results, 4 (2.6%) of whom were high-risk HPV. There is statistically significant difference in the HPV prevalence between women with abnormal and normal Pap smear results (OR=3289, 95% CI=182.62-59235, p<0.0001). The frequently identified oncogenic HPV types were type 16 (31.2%, 24/77), type 45 (14.3%, 11/77) and type 18 (10.4%, 8/77). Conclusion: It is evident from our study that symptomatic women with normal Pap smear can have HR-HPV infection and should therefore be screened for HPV and followed up with periodic Pap smears to detect any abnormal change in cervical cytology results, to prevent cervical cancer development. Women should be encouraged to take up cervical screening, through Pap smears, because it is a non-invasive and cost-effective method for early detection of preinvasive lesions

Humanos , Infecções por Papillomavirus , Vulnerabilidade Social , Terapêutica , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero , Risco , Genótipo , Cuidados de Baixo Valor
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 56: e12720, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439707


Cervical cancer is a serious public health problem in Brazil, especially in Manaus (Amazonas), the city with the highest incidence rate of cervical cancer in the country. Persistent infection with oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes is the cause of disease development. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of oncogenic genotypes in women at high risk for cervical precancer examined in two policlinics in Manaus. One hundred and two patients who underwent colposcopy took part in the research. The DNA samples obtained from the cervical epithelium were analyzed by PCR with type-specific primers for the detection of eight oncogenic genotypes, which were chosen based on previous studies. The presence of HPV virus was detected in all samples. The most prevalent oncogenic genotypes were 18 (47.1%) and 16 (45.1%). Interestingly, HPV 18 was considered uncommon in this region. In addition to these, genotypes 31 (19.6%), 58 (19.6%), 33 (18.6%), and 45 (15.7%) also had a relatively high frequency in this population. Fifty-six women (54.9%) had multiple infections with up to five oncogenic types. Also, the presence of genotypes other than 16 and 18 was observed in most samples (57.8%), which also deserves attention since they are not covered by currently available vaccines against HPV in Brazil. The high prevalence and multiple infections with several oncogenic HPV genotypes in association with precursor lesions for cervical cancer highlighted the need to improve strategies to prevent this disease in Amazonas.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-9, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469017


Rotavirus is the main infective agent of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) in children under the age of five years and causing significant morbidity as well as mortality throughout the world. The study was carried out to detect the prevalence rate, genotypes strain and risk factors of Rotavirus among the children of rural and urban areas of district Bannu Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. A total of 180 stool samples were collected from children under the age of 5 years from two major hospitals of Bannu from January to December (2015). The samples were analyzed by Reverse-transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) for the detection of Rotavirus, positive samples were further processed for genotyping (G and P type) through specific PCR. Of the total, 41 (23%) samples were positive for Rotavirus. The most prevalent G genotypes found were: G3, G8, G9 (each 29%), followed by G10 (15%), and G11 (10%). Whereas the prevalent P genotypes were: P-8 (25%), P-4 and P-10 (each 20%), P-9 (15%), followed by P-6 and P-11 (each 10%). Moreover, Rotavirus infection was more prevalent in summer (23.73%) and winter (22.7%) than spring (20%) and autumn (21.4%). Rotavirus infection exhibited high frequency in June (14%), October (8%) and November (6%). It is concluded that Rotavirus is more prevalent in children and various genotypes (G and P) of Rotavirus are present in the study area. Lack of studies, awareness and rarer testing of Rotavirus are the principal reasons of virus prevalence in district Bannu, Pakistan.

O rotavírus é o principal agente infeccioso da gastroenterite aguda (AGE) em crianças menores de 5 anos e causa de morbidade e mortalidade significativas em todo o mundo. O estudo foi realizado para detectar a taxa de prevalência, cepa de genótipos e fatores de risco de rotavírus entre as crianças de áreas rurais e urbanas do distrito de Bannu Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Paquistão. Um total de 180 amostras de fezes foi coletada de crianças menores de 5 anos de dois grandes hospitais de Bannu de janeiro a dezembro (2015). As amostras foram analisadas por reação em cadeia da polimerase transcriptase reversa (RT-PCR) para detecção de rotavírus; as amostras positivas foram posteriormente processadas para genotipagem (tipo G e P) através de PCR específica. Do total, 41 (23%) amostras foram positivas para rotavírus. Os genótipos G mais prevalentes encontrados foram: G3, G8, G9 (cada 29%), seguidos de G10 (15%) e G11 (10%). Considerando que os genótipos P prevalentes foram: P-8 (25%), P-4 e P-10 (cada 20%), P-9 (15%), seguido por P-6 e P-11 (cada 10%). Além disso, a infecção por rotavírus foi mais prevalente no verão (23,73%) e inverno (22,7%) do que na primavera (20%) e no outono (21,4%). A infecção por rotavírus apresentou alta frequência em junho (14%), outubro (8%) e novembro (6%). Conclui-se que o rotavírus é mais prevalente em crianças e vários genótipos (G e P) do rotavírus estão presentes na área de estudo. A falta de estudos, conhecimento e testes mais raros de rotavírus são as principais razões da prevalência do vírus no distrito de Bannu, Paquistão.

Humanos , Criança , Gastroenterite , Infecções por Rotavirus/epidemiologia , Infecções por Rotavirus/genética , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Via Transcriptase Reversa , Prevalência
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469236


Abstract Rotavirus is the main infective agent of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) in children under the age of five years and causing significant morbidity as well as mortality throughout the world. The study was carried out to detect the prevalence rate, genotypes strain and risk factors of Rotavirus among the children of rural and urban areas of district Bannu Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. A total of 180 stool samples were collected from children under the age of 5 years from two major hospitals of Bannu from January to December (2015). The samples were analyzed by Reverse-transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) for the detection of Rotavirus, positive samples were further processed for genotyping (G and P type) through specific PCR. Of the total, 41 (23%) samples were positive for Rotavirus. The most prevalent G genotypes found were: G3, G8, G9 (each 29%), followed by G10 (15%), and G11 (10%). Whereas the prevalent P genotypes were: P-8 (25%), P-4 and P-10 (each 20%), P-9 (15%), followed by P-6 and P-11 (each 10%). Moreover, Rotavirus infection was more prevalent in summer (23.73%) and winter (22.7%) than spring (20%) and autumn (21.4%). Rotavirus infection exhibited high frequency in June (14%), October (8%) and November (6%). It is concluded that Rotavirus is more prevalent in children and various genotypes (G and P) of Rotavirus are present in the study area. Lack of studies, awareness and rarer testing of Rotavirus are the principal reasons of virus prevalence in district Bannu, Pakistan.

Resumo O rotavírus é o principal agente infeccioso da gastroenterite aguda (AGE) em crianças menores de 5 anos e causa de morbidade e mortalidade significativas em todo o mundo. O estudo foi realizado para detectar a taxa de prevalência, cepa de genótipos e fatores de risco de rotavírus entre as crianças de áreas rurais e urbanas do distrito de Bannu Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Paquistão. Um total de 180 amostras de fezes foi coletada de crianças menores de 5 anos de dois grandes hospitais de Bannu de janeiro a dezembro (2015). As amostras foram analisadas por reação em cadeia da polimerase transcriptase reversa (RT-PCR) para detecção de rotavírus; as amostras positivas foram posteriormente processadas para genotipagem (tipo G e P) através de PCR específica. Do total, 41 (23%) amostras foram positivas para rotavírus. Os genótipos G mais prevalentes encontrados foram: G3, G8, G9 (cada 29%), seguidos de G10 (15%) e G11 (10%). Considerando que os genótipos P prevalentes foram: P-8 (25%), P-4 e P-10 (cada 20%), P-9 (15%), seguido por P-6 e P-11 (cada 10%). Além disso, a infecção por rotavírus foi mais prevalente no verão (23,73%) e inverno (22,7%) do que na primavera (20%) e no outono (21,4%). A infecção por rotavírus apresentou alta frequência em junho (14%), outubro (8%) e novembro (6%). Conclui-se que o rotavírus é mais prevalente em crianças e vários genótipos (G e P) do rotavírus estão presentes na área de estudo. A falta de estudos, conhecimento e testes mais raros de rotavírus são as principais razões da prevalência do vírus no distrito de Bannu, Paquistão.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39005, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415869


The aim was to evaluate the agronomic and qualitative attributes of early-cycle common bean cultivars with different grains types grains in response to top-dressing nitrogen (N) doses. The experiment was carried out using a randomized block design, in a split-plot scheme, with 4 replicates. The plots consisted of the cultivars IAC Nuance, IAC 1849 Polaco and IAC Veloz, with speckled, Carioca and black grains, respectively. The subplots were formed by N doses applied as top-dressing: 0 kg ha-1, 60 kg ha-1 (applied in the stage of third trifoliate leaf), 120 kg ha-1 (1/2 applied at third trifoliate leaf stage + 1/2 applied at the floral bud stage) and 180 kg ha-1 (1/3 applied at the first trifoliate leaf stage + 1/3 applied at the third trifoliate leaf stage + 1/3 applied at the floral bud stage). IAC Veloz stood out for grain yield, showing the highest grain yield in the lowest N doses, being classified as efficient to the use of N. The cultivars IAC Nuance and IAC 1849 Polaco reached maximum yields with 155 and 163 kg ha-1 of N. The IAC Nuance was the most responsive, increasing grain yield by up to 25.3% due to nitrogen fertilization. Increasing N doses applied as top-dressing increased the sieve yield and crude protein content of the common bean cultivars, with IAC Nuance standing out. The cultivars showed good grain quality, and IAC 1849 Polaco and IAC Veloz had the shortest cooking time and IAC Veloz also had the fastest hydration.

Fito-Hemaglutininas , Genótipo , Nitrogênio , Produtos Agrícolas
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39077, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566589


We have evaluated the agronomic performance of table cassava cultivars fertilized with phosphorus doses in the Brazilian Semiarid Region. Two agricultural crops were grown at the Rafael Fernandes Experimental Farm, Mossoró, RN, from June/2018 to April/2019 and from June/2019 to April/2020. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, arranged in subdivided plots, with four replications. In the plots, doses of phosphorus were applied (0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 kg P2O5 ha-1), and in the subplots, the table cassava cultivars (Água Morna, BRS Gema de Ovo, Recife and Venâncio). The following were evaluated: dry matter of leaf, stem, and commercial root; harvest index; commercial root number; commercial productivity and aerial part productivity. The cultivars used had high root and aerial part productivities indicating that their irrigated cultivation is appropriate under the conditions of the Semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte. The cultivars Água Morna, BRS Gema de Ovo and Recife are more efficient in the use of phosphorus, obtaining high productivity even in the absence of phosphate fertilization. The cultivar Venâncio is more responsive to phosphate fertilization, as it needs an input of this nutrient to increase its productivity.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223706


Background & objectives: Infection by hepatitis B virus (HBV) results in acute or chronic hepatitis. Based on sequence differences of eight per cent or more, HBV is divided into 10 genotypes (A to J) and 35 sub-genotypes. Molecular characterization of the circulating HBV genome has helped in understanding the epidemiology and its clinical importance. Spiti valley in Himachal Pradesh, which shares its border with Tibet, is one of the most HBV prevalent areas in India. Since information about the circulating genotype/s of HBV in this area is limited, this study was conducted to identify the circulating HBV genotypes. Methods: The surface and partial reverse transcriptase gene regions were sequenced using 14 hepatitis B surface antigen-positive samples. Results: Out of the 14 hepatitis B surface antigen-positive samples 11 sample gave quality sequence for further analysis. All the 11 samples belonged to subtype ayw2. The phylogenetic and recombination analysis revealed that five out of 11 samples were of genotype CD1 and the rest six were of genotype D3. Interpretation & conclusions: The CD1 recombinant sub-genotype might have immigrated during past or present transcontinental migration between the adjacent countries. Further studies using full-genome sequencing and high sample size will be helpful to understand this epidemiology and to combat the high prevalence of HBV in the area.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 158(4): 231-237, jul.-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404845


Resumen Introducción: La prevalencia de los diferentes genotipos de virus del papiloma humano (VPH) varía dependiendo de la severidad de la lesión y región geográfica. Objetivo: Identificar infecciones múltiples de VPH en lesiones cervicales de bajo y alto grado en un grupo de mujeres del Bajío mexicano referidas con citología no concluyente. Métodos: Estudio piloto de mujeres referidas de unidades del primer nivel de atención de Guanajuato, México, por citología sugerente de lesión cervical. Los raspados cervicales fueron sujetos a extracción de ADN y genotipificación del VPH mediante microarreglos. Resultados: Se colectaron 100 casos consecutivos y fueron analizados 90; se observó 26 % de positividad a VPH en mujeres sanas y 62 % presentó algún grado de lesión. Los genotipos de VPH más frecuentes fueron 59, 31, 16 y 51. En la mayoría de las muestras se encontró infección múltiple. Conclusiones: Se identificó heterogeneidad de VPH en las muestras de la población estudiada en contraste con los reportes internacionales; además, son comunes las infecciones múltiples en lesiones precursoras y disminuyen en las lesiones de alto grado. Estos datos podrían influir en los actuales programas de vacunación anti-VPH.

Abstract Introduction: The prevalence of the different genotypes of human papillomavirus (HPV) varies depending on lesion severity and geographic region Objective: To identify multiple HPV infections in low- and high-grade cervical lesions in a group of women from the Mexican Bajío region referred with inconclusive cytology. Methods: Pilot study of women referred from primary care units of Guanajuato, Mexico, with cytology suggestive of cervical lesion. Cervical smears were subjected to DNA extraction and HPV genotyping using microarrays. Results: 100 consecutive cases were collected and 90 were analyzed; HPV positivity was observed in 26% of healthy women, 62% had some degree of cervical lesion. The most common HPV genotypes were 59, 31, 16 and 51. Multiple infections were found in most samples. Conclusions: HPV heterogeneity was identified in the samples of the study population in contrast to worldwide reports; furthermore, multiple infections are common in precursor lesions and decrease in high-grade lesions. These data could have an impact on current HPV vaccination programs.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 21(4): 514-529, jul. 2022. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526959


Abstract: Lippia integrifolia "incayuyo" is an aromatic, sub - woody shrub used in popular medicine, aperitit drinks and compound herb s. Its choleretic, antispasmodic, biocidal, antibacterial and larvicidal activity has been proven. The objective of the work was to register the phenology of a sample of 70 genotypes from a population with a broad genetic base. The phenophases studied were : vegetative growth, flower bud, flowering and fruiting fortnightly for two years. The initiation, intensity and prolongation of the phenophases were evaluated. The moment of full bloom occurs during the second half of December. Taking this date as a refer ence, a differentiated beginning of flowering was evidenced. The results of two campaigns were compared, observing that 70% of the specimens had a similar behavor, standing out some genotypes for presenting an early flowering and longer duration. The recor ded variability suggests that much of it could be due to intrinsic factors of the plant, and therefore, feasible to be selected .

Resumen: Lippia integrifolia "incayuyo" es un arbusto aromático, subleñoso empleado en la medicina popular, bebidas aperitivas y yerbas compuestas. Se ha comprobado su actividad colerética, antiespasmódica, biocida, antibacteriana y larvicida. El objetivo del trabajo fue registrar la fenología d e una muestra de 70 genotipos de una población de base genética amplia. Las fenofases estudiadas fueron: crecimiento vegetativo, botón floral, floración y fructificación quincenalmente durante dos años. Se evaluó inicio, intensidad y prolongación de las fe nofases. El momento de plena floración ocurre durante la segunda quincena de diciembre. Tomando esta fecha como referencia, se evidenció un inicio de floración diferenciada. Se compararon los resultados de dos campañas, observando que el 70% de los ejempla res tuvo un compartimiento semejante, destacándose algunos genotipos por presentar una floración temprana y de prolongación superior. La variabilidad registrada sugiere que gran parte de ésta podría deberse a factores intrínsecos de la planta, y por ello, factible de ser seleccionados.

Lippia/fisiologia , Lippia/genética , Estações do Ano , Ecossistema , Pluviometria , Flores/fisiologia , Genótipo
Bol. micol. (Valparaiso En linea) ; 37(1): 2-8, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396937


Introducción: C. albicans es reconocida como la especie más virulenta del género y representa la causa más frecuente de candidiasis en humanos. A nivel taxonómico, C.albicans se clasifica como un complejo de especies estrechamente relacionadas que incluye a C. albicans sensu stricto (s.s), C. dubliniensis y C. africana. Objetivo: identificar las especies del complejo C. albicans aisladas desde distintas muestras de pacientes de la quinta región de Valparaíso. Materiales y método: Se identificaron 103 cepas del complejo C. albicans, aisladas desde muestras superficiales y profundas durante el año 2020. La identificación se realizó en base a morfofisiología y la amplificación del gen HWP1. Resultados: Se identificaron 100 cepas como C. albicans s.s, 2 como C. dubliniensis y 1 como C. africana. Dentro de las cepas identificadas como C. albicans s.s se observaron cuatro patrones de tamaños de fragmentos genéticos. Conclusiones: C. albicans s.s fue la especie más frecuente y en base al genotipo de HPW1 se describen cuatro patrones ( H1 a H4). (AU)

Introduction: C. albicans is recognized as the most virulent species of the genus and represents the major cause of candidiasis in humans. At the taxonomic level, C. albicansis classified as a complex of closely related species that includes C. albicans sensu stricto (s.s), C. dubliniensis, and C. africana. Objective: to identify the species of the C. albicans complex isolated from different samples of patients from the fifth region of Valparaíso. Materials and method: 103 strains of the C. albicans complex were identified, isolated from superficial and deep samples during the year 2020. The identification was carried out based on morphophysiology and the amplification of the HWP1 gene. Results: 100 strains were identified as C. albicans s.s, 2 as C. dubliniensis and 1 as C. africana. Within the strains identified as C. albicans s.s, 4 patterns of fragment sizes were observed. Conclusions: C. albicans s.s was the most frequent species and based on the HPW1 genotype, four patterns are described (H1 to H4).(AU)

Humanos , Candida albicans/isolamento & purificação , Candida albicans/genética , Candida albicans/classificação , Chile , Estudos Prospectivos , Genótipo
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 74(1): e752, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408896


RESUMEN Introducción: El empleo de técnicas moleculares para el diagnóstico de virus del papiloma humano de alto riesgo oncogénico (VPH-AR) es crucial para la detección precoz del cáncer cervicouterino. Objetivo: Evaluar el desempeño analítico de dos estuches de PCR-tiempo real, comercializados por el Centro de Inmunoensayo de Cuba, para detectar VPH-AR. Métodos: Se utilizaron dos paneles de ADN de muestras cervicouterinas: uno con 150 muestras, para validar el estuche SUMASIGNAL HPV 16/18, el proceso de extracción de ADN y su utilidad como prueba cuantitativa, y otro con 163 muestras para evaluar el estuche HPV 13+2. Se determinó la utilidad clínica del estuche HPV 13+2 en 55 muestras cervicovaginales autocolectadas. Se calcularon los indicadores de desempeño analítico de ambos estuches con respecto a pruebas de referencia. Resultados: Los indicadores de desempeño para SUMASIGNAL HPV 16/18 fueron excelentes (> 95 %), concordancia 96 %, índice kappa=0,93 [0,85-1,01]. La extracción de ADN mostró 100 % de especificidad clínica y analítica y 95 % de sensibilidad analítica. Se obtuvo buena correlación con la prueba de referencia cuantitativa (r = + 0,688). El estuche HPV 13+2 tuvo especificidad y sensibilidad clínicas del 100 %, la especificidad analítica fue del 84 % debido a reactividad cruzada con otros VPH-AR. Su aplicación clínica reveló alta frecuencia de infección (41,8 %): 23,6 % con VPH-AR, particularmente en mujeres jóvenes (50 %). La muestra autocolectada resultó útil (100 %). Conclusión: Los ensayos evaluados mostraron altos estándares de calidad, lo que permitiría su uso con una cobertura nacional en una plataforma tecnológica disponible para todo el país.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The use of molecular techniques for the diagnosis of high oncogenic risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) is crucial for the early detection of cervical cancer. Objective: To evaluate the analytical performance of two real-time PCR kits, commercialized by the Cuban Immunoassay Center, to detect hrHPV. Methods: Two DNA panels from cervical samples were used: one with 150 samples to validate the SUMASIGNAL HPV 16/18 kit, the DNA extraction process and its usefulness as a quantitative test; and another with 163 samples to evaluate the HPV 13+2 kit. The clinical utility of the HPV 13+2 kit was determined in 55 self-collected cervicovaginal samples. The analytical performance indicators of both kits were calculated with respect to reference tests. Results: Performance indicators for SUMASIGNAL HPV 16/18 were excellent (>95%), concordance 96%, kappa index=0.93 [0.85-1.01]. DNA extraction showed 100% clinical and analytical specificity and 95% analytical sensitivity. Good correlation was obtained with the quantitative reference test (r = + 0.688). The HPV 13+2 kit had 100% clinical specificity and sensitivity, analytical specificity was 84% due to cross-reactivity with other hrHPVs. Its clinical application revealed a high frequency of infection (41.8%): 23.6% with hrHPV, particularly in young women (50%). The self-collected sample was viable (100%). Conclusion: The assays evaluated showed high quality standards, which would allow their use with national coverage in a technological platform available for the whole country.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Detecção Precoce de Câncer/métodos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/métodos