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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984561


Objective To analyze the research status and predict the development trend of clinical comprehensive evaluation of drugs in China, and to provide reference for clinical comprehensive evaluation. Methods CNKI, Wanfang and VIP database were used to search the published articles of clinical comprehensive evaluation. Literature searching was set from the building time of the database to 2022, the basic information about the published articles was obtained for the evaluation of the literature quality. Bibliometrics and CiteSpace 6.1.R3 software were used to visualize the research authors, research institutions, and key words. Results After data screening, a total of 126 Chinese published articles were selected. The analysis showed that the numbers of published articles were rising continuously, and China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and Xie Yanming were the institute and the author with the maximum number of literatures, respectively. Conclusion The clinical comprehensive evaluation of drugs was conducted based on the clinical value of drugs, guided by the policy requirements. It is suggested that researchers should conduct the comprehensive evaluation according to the focus and requirements of government agencies, the pharmaceutical industry and the clinical applications.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 478-485, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984139


OBJECTIVES@#To analyze the research status of forensic medicine in China from 2010 to 2019, obtain the development trend of forensic medicine and explore the hotspots and research frontiers.@*METHODS@#The forensic medical academic papers published on China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database from 2010 to 2019 were collected. CiteSpace 5.7.R1, an information visualization analysis software, was used to analyze publication organizations, authors, keywords, and other elements.@*RESULTS@#The majority of the research institutions were universities, provincial and ministerial scientific research and forensic institutions. Forensic pathology was still an important branch of forensic medicine and a popular research direction. The "polymorphism" and "Y chromosome" had been the research hotspots in recent years. "Medical damage" and "standard" were the most novel studies.@*CONCLUSIONS@#In order to provide scientific basis and research direction for forensic research, this paper analyzes the cooperation network, research hotspots and research innovation in forensic research.

Medicina Legal , China , Patologia Legal , Software
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 32(1): e1753, tab, fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280194


El estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar la viabilidad de la aplication de herramientas que ilustren el uso de la colección y de la institución, por parte la comunidad usuaria de la Biblioteca Provincial Martí, y contribuyan a una mejor toma de decisiones. La investigación se basó en una combinación de métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos; entre ellos, los matemáticos y estadísticos y las herramientas de visualización de la información. La muestra comprendió 1 422 usuarios, representativa del 25 por ciento del total de la población de la Biblioteca Provincial Martí, de Villa Clara. A partir de la información que se generó en el sistema de control estadístico de la institución, se recolectaron, se procesaron y se analizaron indicadores relativos al índice de captación, los servicios por usuarios, el uso de la biblioteca, el índice de circulación de la colección, el índice de rotación de la colección y el co-uso de los documentos por temáticas. Los datos revelaron aspectos esenciales de la gestión de la institución objeto de estudio y la necesidad de acometer acciones con respecto a su política de adquisición y de difusión, a fin de revertir los aspectos con incidencia negativa. El trabajo concluye con el reconocimiento de que la aplicación de esta novedosa forma de tratar los datos es una alternativa para la presentación de información en el proceso de la toma de decisiones de cualquier institución similar(AU)

The purpose of the study was to examine the viability of the application of tools that illustrate the use of the collection and the institution, by the user community of the Martí Provincial Library, which contributes to better decision-making.The research was based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, among them mathematical and statistical, and information visualization tools. The sample was composed of 1 422 users representing 25 percent of the total population of Martí Provincial Library in Villa Clara. Starting from the information generated by the statistical control system of the institution, indicators were collected, processed and analyzed which had to do with the following variables: recruitment rate, services per user, use of the library, collection circulation rate, collection turnover rate, and document co-use by subject. The data revealed essential aspects of management at the study institution, as well as the need to implement actions related to their acquisition and dissemination policy with a view to improving deficient areas. The paper recognizes that application of this novel way to treat data is an alternative for the presentation of information in the decision-making process at any similar institution(AU)

Humanos , Software , Difusão , Bibliotecas
Organ Transplantation ; (6): 724-2020.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829687


Objective To analyze the characteristics of papers published in Organ Transplantation in the past ten years. Methods The academic papers published in Organ Transplantation from January 2010 to December 2019 were retrieved from China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). The publication volume, the funded paper ratio, authors, research institutions and keywords were analyzed by information visualization software CiteSpace 5.3 and VOSviewer 1.6. Results From 2010 to 2019, a total of 919 academic papers were published in Organ Transplantation, with an average annual publication volume of 92, showing an overall stable trend. The funded paper ratio and the ratio of papers with funding support at the provincial level or above increased year by year, reaching 100% in 2019. High-yield authors mainly formed two research teams led by Shi Bingyi and Chen Guihua respectively. The first authors were distributed across China. In recent years, as many as 58 programmatic papers were published by national academic institutions, especially signed by Branch of Organ Transplantation of Chinese Medical Association. The average number of authors per paper was 4.94 in Organ Transplantation, and the proportion of papers contributed by two or more authors remained above 90% in recent years. According to the analysis of research institutions, the average number of institutions per paper was 1.60 in Organ Transplantation. Keyword co-occurrence network analysis demonstrated that liver transplantation, renal transplantation and organ transplantation were the research hotspots in the field of organ transplantation. Keyword cluster analysis showed that research mainly focused on 9 fields, such as liver transplantation, renal transplantation, organ transplantation, organ donation, posttransplantation complications, transplantation immunity, end-stage liver disease, xenotransplantation and stem cell transplantation. Keyword burst analysis showed that xenotransplantation, α-1, 3-galactose, transplantation immunity, apoptosis, donor specific antibody (DSA), antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) and flow cytometry were the research hotspots. Conclusions The authors that publish academic papers in Organ Transplantation come from major transplantation centers all over the country. The papers of Organ Transplantation cover the research hotspots of each branch in the field of organ transplantation, and include a large quantity of programmatic papers signed and published by national academic institutions, which show the frontier hotspots and the highest level of research in the field of organ transplantation in China, making Organ Transplantation an excellent academic journal.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-735139


Objective To identify current research hotspots, research trends and future trends of family physician research by means of literature review. Methods " Family physician" and " general practitioner" were used as the search words, to retrieve in CNKI database the literature on family physicians published during 2011 - 2018 using the method of subject retrieval, with related literature citations downloaded. The citespace software was used to analyze and generate the research institutions and their cooperative network, the keyword co-occurrence network and emergent word analysis. Information visualization was used to analyze the current research status of family physicians in China. Results A total of 1616 papers were retrieved, and 773 literatures were finalized as research samples with exclusion of those obviously irrelevant. The study found that studies in China focused on talent cultivation, service contract signature of family physicians, pattern of such contracts, and the construction of primary medical institutions. In terms of future research trends, the hotspots fell on " performance evaluation" , " incentive mechanism" , " talent cultivation" , " health management" , and " chronic disease management" by such physicians. Conclusions This paper used citespace software in a visual analysis of the research on family physicians in the recent eight years, so as to explore the research hotspots, research trends and future trends of such study in China.

Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 29(1): 25-40, ene.-mar. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-900941


Este estudio analiza la evolución de la estructura conceptual en el campo de las Experiencias Adversas en la Infancia desde el año 1994 al 2017, así como la productividad y la calidad alcanzada en seis períodos, y particularmente en la fase actual. Para esto, se realizó un mapeo bibliométrico basado en los artículos científicos referidos al área, indexados en la colección principal de la Web of Science. Mediante el análisis de términos se construyeron redes en un marco longitudinal, lo que permitió la identificación de temas principales y los nexos entre estos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que las Experiencias Adversas en la Infancia son un dominio de estudio relativamente nuevo, con un aumento sostenido en el volumen de artículos desde el período 1998-2001 al 2017 y un impacto creciente desde el año 1998 al 2013. El aumento en el volumen y el impacto de las publicaciones se relaciona con la progresiva complejización temática del campo, el cual evoluciona como conjunto y ha adquirido estabilidad en el período 1998-2001. En la actualidad, el área cuenta con un importante volumen de producción e impacto concentrado en sus temas motores (Experiencias Adversas en la Infancia, Factores de Riesgo y Violencia). Salud Física figura como principal núcleo del área básica y transversal, mientras que Disparidades Racial-Étnicas constituyen un tema principal desarrollado, pero aislado. Será necesario esperar a constatar la evolución del campo para asegurar si Resiliencia, y Embarazo y Posparto emergen para consolidarse como núcleos, o pierden su capacidad para aglutinar a otros nodos del área(AU)

The study examines the evolution of the conceptual structure in the field of the Adverse Childhood Experiences from 1994 to 2017, as well as the productivity and quality achieved in six periods, and particularly in the current stage. Bibliometric mapping was conducted based on scientific papers about the subject indexed in the main collection of the Web of Science. Analysis of terms led to the building of networks in a longitudinal frame, allowing identification of the main topics and the links between them. The results obtained allow to conclude that Adverse Childhood Experiences is a relatively new study domain, with a sustained increase in the number of papers from the 1998-2001 period to 2017 and a growing impact from 1998 to 2013. Increase in the number and impact of publications is related to the growing thematic complexity of the field, which evolves as a whole and has gained stability since the 1998-2001 period. Today, the area exhibits significant production and impact, particularly in its core themes (Adverse Childhood Experiences, Risk Factors and Violence). Physical Health is the main core in the basic and cross-sectional area, whereas Racial-Ethnic Disparities is a main topic developed, but isolated. Time is required to watch the evolution of the field and verify whether Resilience, and Pregnancy and Postpartum either become core themes, or lose their ability to bind to other nodes in the area(AU)

Humanos , Bibliometria , Literatura
Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 1029-1035, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-733950


Objective To survey the distribution pattern and subject domain knowledge of the literatures about ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Methods Literatures about VAP published until December 2017 were identified in SinoMed database for statistics and analysis. The information of author, organization and province was extracted by BICOMS software for generating co-occurrence matrix, at the same time, the topic words were cluster analyzed by Gcluto software to generate topical visual surface maps and visualization matrices, and the current research hotspots were analyzed. NetDraw from Ucinet 6.0 software was used to arrange the relationship among topic words according to the centrality, and the social network diagrams of authors, authors' provinces and institutions were draw to analyze the current status of VAP research cooperation. Results 4 851 VAP-related literatures were retrieved preliminarily, and 43 were excluded from abstracts, news reports, information and missing literatures. Finally, a total of 4 808 articles were enrolled in the visual analysis. From 2001 to 2004, the number of VAP-related literatures published was less than 10. Since 2009, the number of VAP documents had increased steadily, from 2010 to 2017, the peak period of publications reached 91.7% (4 411/4 808). According to the analysis of the amount of publications, the top three of 34 provincial administrative regions that published VAP-related literature in China were Guangdong Province (n = 628), Jiangsu Province (n = 478) and Zhejiang Province (n = 404), the number of hospitals issued by the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University was the largest (n = 20); there was only one journal with more than 100 articles, and there were 154 journals with only one article, accounting for 34.8% of the total number of journals. A total of 9 921 authors participated in the VAP-related literature writing, the number of high-yielding authors was not large, and the institution could not establish an effective social network diagram, suggesting that communication and cooperation should be strengthened in hospitals and outside hospitals. The results of the topic words social network analysis showed that the VAP research field was centered around the core of "mechanical ventilation", "intensive care unit (ICU)", "risk factor analysis", "nursing", "etiological analysis", "preventive measures" and "pathogens". The current research hotspots were at the edge of the network map, such as "drug sensitivity analysis", "Acinetobacter baumannii", "bronohoalveolar lavage (BAL)" and "acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD)". By clustering 80 high-frequency topic words, at present, VAP research hotspots were mainly focus on five topics: obstructive pulmonary disease, especially in acute exacerbation, was prone to VAP; concerned about newborns and children's VAP; types, drug resistance and selection of antimicrobial agents for VAP pathogens in ICU; clinical efficacy and prognosis of VAP through preventive measures, pulmonary supportive care and comprehensive care interventions; oral care and airway management during mechanical ventilation was also the key aspect of the treatment of VAP. Conclusions In recent years, the academics had attached great importance to the study of VAP, the number of publications had reached a historical peak, and the research direction was diverse. However, it was necessary to strengthen cooperation among research institutes, collect and count epidemiological data, improve and expand the research quality and scale of clinical diagnosis, nurse, prevention, pathogen distribution and drug resistance analysis.

Chinese Hospital Management ; (12): 45-47, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-615506


Objective To summarize the hot spots and cutting-edges by exploring Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) research in cancer.Methods CiteSpace is used to analyze MDT in cancer visually.Results 2 160 related literatures,10 key literatures,15 main clusters and 29 burst terms are detected.Conclusion MDT research on cancer mainly focuses on operation process,implemention and evaluation of effects.Improving efficiency,cost-effectiveness analysis and randomized controlled trial is the cutting-edge topics.This provides a new perspective for China.

Journal of Medical Informatics ; (12): 60-64,68, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700716


The paper analyzes aspects such as publication time,distribution of countries and regions,institutional cooperation,periodical co-citation relationship,study direction and hot spots of acupuncture related literature collected by the Web of Science database from 2012 to 2016 and points out that acupuncture study level still has room to increase.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700717


The paper discusses influence and effect of information retrieval process of biomedical literature and visualization design on user knowledge discovery,from the aspects of input and output,retieval process and information positioning,it introduces the interaction model of literature information retrieval process and analyzes approach of literature information visualization design,including color and font,statistical chart,list of categories and labels,layer structure and network pictures,etc.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 200-204, 2016.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-487294


Objective To collect the main contents of research in critical care medicine in foreign countries with the purpose of providing references for domestic research. Methods A two-way clustering analysis of foreign literature in PubMed concerning critical care medicine was conducted from 2004 to 2015 in this study, and the subjects of greatest interest were collected through the information visualization analysis pathway. Results Eight areas of most popular interest critical care medicine from January 1st, 2004 to November 8th, 2015 were found: blood sugar control in intensive care unit (ICU), acute kidney injury (AKI) and renal replacement therapy (RRT), nutritional support, the impact of ICU practice on reducing mortality, the assessment of critical patients, study of antibiotic resistance, the assessment of the life quality of critically ill patients, and home care and the rehabilitation of critically ill patients. According to the related literature, research in the field of critical care medicine has been growing steadily. USA, Japan, and Europe are the most developed countries or area in the field of critical care medicine. The four major research networks concerning research in critical care medicine were found: the control of blood glucose, monitor of circulatory function, nutritional support, and studies on AKI. Conclusion The most popular topics in research concerning critical care medicine research from 2004 to 2015 were blood glucose control, monitoring of circulatory function, nutritional support and AKI.

Herald of Medicine ; (12): 314-321, 2016.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-491948


Objective To reveal the evolution, research hotspots and research fronts of clinical pharmacy services. Methods Documents related to clinical pharmacy services from 2000 to 2015 in Web of Science Core Collection database are included.Documents are visually analyzed through a number of co-citation maps, which identified the critical node documents in the revolution of clinical pharmacy services research by knowledge visualization tool, CiteSpace. Its functions of clustering and burst terms detection were also applied to analyze the research hotspots and research fronts. Results This paper determined the distribution of documents on time period, journals, countries and research institutions. Critical node documents perfectly showed the evolution pathway of clinical pharmacy services, main cluster groups and burst terms and documents, indicating the research hotspots and research fronts. Conclusion The research hotspots focus on 3 aspects.1 .Practice, including the service model and content of clinical pharmacy services;its interventions in diseases of emergency, organ transplantation, cardiovascular disea-ses and diabetes;surveys on developing clinical pharmacy services;genotype-guided individualized dosing;remote pharmacy serv-ices.2.Evaluation, including the assessment of the effects of pharmacists' interventions, service quality evaluation, and pharmaco-economic evaluation.3.Pharmacists' career development, including Pharmacists' training pattern, qualification, pharmacy residen-cy programs and job satisfaction.

Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 26(1): 48-52, ene.-mar. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-735319


OBJETIVO: realizar un acercamiento a la visualización de los dominios auditorías de información y auditorías de conocimiento, a partir del análisis de la producción científica de las bases de datos LISA, Scopus y Web of Knowledge, entre los años 1994 al 2013. MÉTODOS: se utilizaron métodos bibliométricos y técnicas de visualización basadas en el análisis de redes sociales para analizar y procesar los datos; el análisis-síntesis para conformar la base teórica y metodológica, así como el sistémico-estructural para abordar las relaciones entre auditorías de información y auditorías de conocimiento, con un enfoque integral. RESULTADOS: se determinó la productividad por años, los autores más productivos, la colaboración científica, las publicaciones más productivas, la tipología documental y las temáticas más citadas. Para auditoría de información fueron 12 los autores más productivos y los países líderes fueron Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña, China y España. Para auditoría del conocimiento resultaron 4 autores como los más productivos y como países líderes estuvieron China, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Bulgaria y Australia. CONCLUSIONES: en las publicaciones sobre auditoría del conocimiento se observa una tendencia al incremento en los próximos años y, a diferencia de las auditorías de información, se han orientado más hacia las áreas temáticas de las ciencias de la computación y las ciencias empresariales

OBJECTIVE: approach the visualization of the domains information audit and knowledge audit by analyzing the scientific production contained in the databases LISA, Scopus and Web of Knowledge from 1994 to 2013. METHODS: bibliometric methods and visualization techniques were used, based on the analysis of social networks to examine and process the data. The analysis-synthesis method was used to build to a theoretical and methodological base, whereas the structural-systemic method was used to approach the relationships between information audit and knowledge audit in a comprehensive manner. RESULTS: determination was made of the productivity per year, the most productive authors, scientific cooperation, the most productive publications, the document typology and the most cited topics. The information audit found 12 most productive authors. The leading countries were the United Stated, the United Kingdom, China and Spain. The knowledge audit found 4 most productive authors, and the leading countries were China, the United Kingdom, the United States, Bulgaria and Australia. CONCLUSIONS: publications on knowledge audit show a tendency to increase in number in the years to come, and unlike information audits, they are more oriented to theme areas related to computer and enterprise sciences

Humanos , Sistemas de Informação , Gestão da Informação , Indicadores de Produção Científica , Gestão do Conhecimento
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-480639


Objective To assess the academic influence of research on blood pressure in the world and its frontiers. Methods Papers on blood pressure published from 2004 to 2008 and from 2009 to 2013 in China and foreign coun-tries were retrieved from Web of Science. Their academic influencing power was assessed and their evolution in the past 10 years was displayed by Citespace. Results The world outputs in research on blood pressure increased steadily from 2004 to 2014. The competitive force of the USA-led developed Western countries was strong and stable. The out-puts in research on blood pressure in China increased rapidly, but its influencing power was relatively low. Although progress was made at micro and macro levels,greater advances were achieved at gene,molecular and big data levels in the past 10 years. Conclusion The USA and European countries-led development in research on blood pressure is steady, and it is urgent for China to reduce its gap with USA and European countries.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-480643


The advantages and disadvantages of 13 representative literature information analysis tools were com-pared in aspects of their support data formats, data preprocessing, constructed relationship matrixes, standard pro-cessing, analysis methods and results visualization, with certain suggestions put forward for the users in selecting proper literature information analysis tools.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-853958


This paper applies information visualization method to reveal the research hotspots in interdisciplinary field of Chinese medicine. Take 248 core journals of medicine and health class which were indexed in General Contents of Chinese Core Journal (2011ed) to construct CMSCI database, and then base on Chinese Library Classification (4ed) to extract 81 626 keywords from 13 259 papers whose research hotspots focus on Chinese medicine interdisciplinary field during 2004-2012. It then adopts high-frequency words analysis, visualization analysis, and co-word analysis methods to explore the research hotspots in interdisciplinary field of Chinese medicine. The paper reveals that four directions remain to be hotspots with good continuity: quality identification and chemical composition of Chinese materia medica (CMM); antitumor by CMM and its active ingredient study; animal model and its application; and therapy of diabetes mellitus by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) are hotspots in interdisciplinary field of Chinese medicine during 2004-2012. The paper also recognizes the importance of three experimental methods, such as HPLC, therapy of TCM. and the methods with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine therapy. The research in interdisciplinary field of Chinese medicine mainly focuses on the interdisciplinary between Chinese medicine and pharmacy, which is the main behavior of the scholars cross the field.

Univ. psychol ; 8(1): 13-26, ene-abr. 2009. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-571908


Con este estudio pretendemos conseguir una aproximación a la representación actual de la estructura intelectual de la Psicología en España, como dominio de conocimiento científico. Para ello, utilizamos el Análisis de Dominio como enfoque teórico que permite escoger el método bibliométrico más adecuado para desvelar la estructura intelectual de una disciplina; este método, denominado análisis de cocitación, está caracterizado por su objetividad y, en este caso, utiliza la revista como unidad de medida. Por tanto, la representación resultante nos permite hacer agrupaciones en conjuntos de revistas, según su similitud temática, consiguiendo así delimitar las diferentes líneas o frentes de investigación que conforman la estructura intelectual actual de la Psicología Española.

The intention in this article is to represent the ongoing intellectual structure of Psychology research (as domain of scientific knowledge) in Spain. To this end within the domain analysis the most suitable bibliometric method to reveal the intellectual structure of the discipline in Spain has been selected. This method is cocitation analysis, which is characterized by its objectivity, and in this case, with journals as the unit of measurement. Therefore the resulting representation permits us to group the journals according to the similarity of subject matter marked by the uses of Spanish researcher. This shows different research lines or fronts that shape the intellectual structure of Spanish Psychology.

Bibliometria , Pesquisa/métodos