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Modern Hospital ; (6): 289-292,296, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022260


Objective To investigate the dietary intakes of postoperative patients with digestive malignant tumor during their recovery at home and explores the correlation of the intakes with the food nutritional knowledge of their primary family care-givers.Methods A total of 108 primary caregivers of prospective patients with digestive malignant tumors were selected for a sur-vey conducted at home from October 2022 to March 2023 in Guangzhou,from two tertiary hospitals.In this cross-sectional study,this paper investigated these caregivers using its general information questionnaire,a nutritional knowledge-attitude-behavior ques-tionnaire,and a simple dietary self-assessment tool(SDSAT).Results The SDSAT score of the patients was collected(4.16±1.22).Significant differences were observed among patients with various tumor types in terms of the recovery time at home after surgery.The total score of family primary caregivers'nutritional knowledge,attitude,and behavior was(47.64±6.97).Pearson's correlation analysis revealed a positive correlation between the knowledge of dietary guidelines and the patient's dietary intakes during home stay(r=0.285,P<0.05).Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that caregivers'knowledge of dieta-ry guidelines significantly influenced the dietary intake of the prospective patients.Conclusion It is essential to regularly monitor the dietary intake of prospective patients at home.Medical personnel can concentrate on intervening with the patient's caregivers and encouraging them to participate in nutrition management together.This approach can improve the quality of family care and the nutritional status of the patients.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(6)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550788


Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre las prácticas parentales de alimentación, los conocimientos nutricionales de los padres y los hábitos de alimentación infantil reportados por padres de cuatro instituciones educativas del suroccidente de Colombia. Método: Estudio observacional con diseño transversal correlacional. Se analizaron los datos de 1.162 padres de niñas y niños matriculados en los grados de preescolar hasta tercero de primaria de cuatro instituciones educativas públicas, quienes contestaron cuestionarios de autoinforme. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos e inferenciales. Resultados: La dieta de las niñas y los niños se caracteriza por un consumo frecuente de alimentos ultraprocesados y un consumo de frutas y verduras menor de lo esperado. Se encontraron relaciones entre las prácticas parentales de alimentación responsivas y el consumo de alimentos saludables en los hijos, así como entre las prácticas autoritarias y permisivas con el consumo frecuente de alimentos ultraprocesados. El nivel de conocimiento nutricional de los padres no se relacionó con la dieta de las niñas y los niños; sin embargo, se encontró una relación entre las prácticas parentales responsivas, un bajo nivel de conocimientos nutricionales de los padres y una baja frecuencia de consumo de frutas y verduras en los hijos. Conclusión: La alimentación es un fenómeno complejo, e implica la interacción entre los factores individuales y contextuales; en esta medida, la promoción de hábitos saludables involucra un trabajo conjunto en los múltiples niveles de interacción. Se espera que los resultados de este estudio posibiliten la construcción de intervenciones interdisciplinares oportunas, en poblaciones de bajos y medios ingresos en el territorio observado.

Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between parental feeding practices, parental nutritional knowledge, and child feeding habits reported by parents in four educational institutions in southwestern Colombia. Method: Observational study with correlational cross-sectional design. Data were analysed from 1.162 parents of children enroled in grades from preschool to third grade from four public educational institutions. Parents answered self-report questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential analyses were performed. Results: The children's diet is characterised by frequent consumption of ultra-processed food and a lower consumption of fruits and vegetables. Relationships were found between responsive parenting practices and healthy food consumption in children, as well as between authoritarian and permissive practices with frequent consumption of ultra-processed foods. The level of nutritional knowledge of parents was not related to the children's diet; however, a relationship was found between responsive parenting practices, a low level of nutritional knowledge of parents, and a low frequency of fruit and vegetable consumption in children. Conclusion: Eating is a complex phenomenon and involves the interaction between individual and contextual factors. To this extent, the promotion of healthy habits involves joint work at multiple levels of interaction. The results of this study are expected to allow the construction of timely interdisciplinary interventions in low- and middle-income populations in the observed territory.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536592


Introduction/Objectives: Obesity rates are reaching alarming levels. Adolescence is a critical period for the prevention of nutritional problems, as it is a time of development of one's own eating habits. These habits will persist into adulthood, so showing adolescents healthy lifestyle patterns is important. The ideal option would be through school-based nutrition intervention programmes. The main objective of this article is to investigate the effectiveness of intervention programmes based on nutritional knowledge and the behaviour of adolescents aged 11-19 years. Method: To carry out this systematic review we employed Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science as databases and a search period that spanned the last 10 years, following the PRISMA statement. Subsequent to the search, 110 articles were found. Finally, 19 articles were selected for in-depth analysis after a thorough screening. Results: The results show that, in general, intervention programmers have improved the nutritional knowledge of high school students, which means an improvement in their eating behaviours. In addition, these programmes increase their levels of physical activity. However, gender differences are observed, with girls being more concerned about maintaining a balanced diet. Conclusion: In conclusion, schools are an ideal environment for developing programmes that interfere in adolescent eating behaviour.

Introducción/Objetivos: Las tasas de obesidad están alcanzando niveles alarmantes. La adolescencia es un periodo crítico para la prevención de problemas nutricionales, ya que es un momento de desarrollo de los propios hábitos alimentarios. Estos hábitos permanecerán en la edad adulta, por lo que es importante mostrarles a los adolescentes patrones de estilo de vida saludable. La opción ideal sería a través de programas de intervención nutricional en las escuelas. El objetivo principal de este artículo es investigar la efectividad de los programas de intervención basados en el conocimiento y comportamiento nutricional en adolescentes de 11 a 19 años. Métodos: Para llevar a cabo esta revisión sistemática utilizamos como bases de datos Scopus, PubMed y Web of Science y un periodo de búsqueda que abarcó los últimos diez años, siguiendo la declaración Prisma. Después de la búsqueda, se encontraron 110 artículos. Finalmente, 19 artículos fueron seleccionados para un análisis en profundidad después de una revisión exhaustiva. Resultados: Los resultados muestran que, en general, los programas de intervención han mejorado los conocimientos nutricionales de los estudiantes de secundaria, lo que significa una mejora en sus conductas alimentarias. Además, estos programas aumentan sus niveles de actividad física. Sin embargo, se observan diferencias de género, estando las chicas más preocupadas por mantener una dieta equilibrada. Conclusiones: En conclusión, las escuelas son un ambiente ideal para el desarrollo de programas que interfieren en la conducta alimentaria de los adolescentes.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 50(5)oct. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530011


El conocimiento nutricional es clave para la formación de hábitos alimentarios y en la modulación del comportamiento alimentario. La alimentación y nutrición son cruciales durante la adolescencia sobre todo en jóvenes deportistas. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la validez teórica y los índices de discriminación y dificultad del cuestionario de conocimientos nutricionales aplicados en el deporte utilizando la teoría de respuesta al ítem en deportistas juveniles de 14 a 19 años. Este estudio instrumental se desarrolló en cinco fases: generación de ítems, revisión por panel de expertos, pilotaje, aplicación y depuración final. Participaron 261 adolescentes de 14 a 19 años e integrantes de disciplinas colectivas en selecciones Nacional y clubes profesionales. Se determinaron los índices de dificultad y de discriminación para cada uno de los ítems. Los ítems 1 (0,354) y 2 (0,285) del factor antes, 3 (0,315) y 6 (0,408) del factor durante, 7 (0,354) y 10 (0,408) del factor después, 3 (0,254) y 9 (0,231) del factor hidratación y, 2 (0,362) y 5 (0,323) del factor suplementación, fueron los que presentaron mayor grado de discriminación. El cuestionario de conocimientos nutricionales aplicados en el deporte está compuesto por 30 ítems divididos en cinco factores cada uno de ellos con seis ítems. La propuesta inicial del cuestionario es una herramienta valida teóricamente y con índices de dificultad y discriminación adecuados para evaluar el conocimiento nutricional en jóvenes deportistas. Su aplicación permite conocer potenciales brechas en conocimientos claves y diseñar estrategias educativas específicas para subsanarlas.

Nutritional knowledge plays a fundamental role in the formation of dietary habits and the modulation of eating behaviour. Nutrition and diet are crucial during adolescence, especially for young athletes. The purpose of this research was to analyse the theoretical validity and indices of discrimination and difficulty of the questionnaire on nutritional knowledge applied in sports using item response theory in youth athletes aged 14 to 19. This instrumental study was conducted in five phases: item generation, expert panel review, pilot testing, application, and final refinement. A total of 261 adolescents aged 14 to 19, who were members of national team and collective disciplines of professional clubs, participated. Difficulty and discrimination indices were determined for each item. Items 1 (0.354) and 2 (0.285) of the before factor, 3 (0.315) and 6 (0.408) of the during factor, 7 (0.354) and 10 (0.408) of the post factor, 3 (0.254) and 9 (0.231) of the hydration factor, and 2 (0.362) and 5 (0.323) of the supplementation factor showed the highest degree of discrimination. The questionnaire on nutritional knowledge applied in sports consists of 30 items divided into five factors, each with six items. The initial questionnaire proposal is a theoretically valid tool and with adequate difficulty and discrimination indices to evaluate nutritional knowledge in young athletes. Its application allows for identifying potential gaps in key knowledge and designing specific educational strategies to address them.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 23(2)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514792


Antecedentes: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la calidad de la dieta y el conocimiento sobre nutrición (CN) y las prácticas de nutrición (PN) de las personas que realizan actividad física (AF) con regularidad. Métodos: Se estudiaron 200 individuos sanos que acudían al gimnasio al menos tres veces por semana. La calidad de la dieta se calculó utilizando el Índice de Alimentación Saludable-2015 (HEI-2015). Se utilizaron modelos de regresión lineal múltiple para evaluar las asociaciones entre las puntuaciones de CN y PN y las variables de la dieta. Resultados: De los participantes, el 47,0 % tenía CN deficiente y el 48,0 % tenía PN pobre. Se determinó que las puntuaciones de PN se asociaron significativamente con los granos integrales, los mariscos y las proteínas a base de hierbas y la calidad total de la dieta (p0,05). Un aumento en una unidad en la puntuación CN resultó en un aumento del 26,7 % en el consumo de refrigerios ajustado por edad, sexo, nivel educativo, índice de masa corporal (IMC), tabaquismo, consumo de alcohol y actividad física (AF)(p<0,001). La evaluación del puntaje PN se relacionó con las comidas principales (β=0,065±0,013; IC 95% 0,04-0,09; p<0,001), consumo de refrigerios (β=0,029±0,014, IC 95% 0,01-0,06; p<0,05) y la calidad total de la dieta (β=0,894±0,329; IC95% 0,24-1,54; p<0,05). Además, alrededor del 17% de la variabilidad en la puntuación PN podría explicarse por las puntuaciones CN. Conclusiones: CN elevada se asoció con un aumento en las puntuaciones de PN e indirectamente con un aumento en la calidad de la dieta. Para ver los efectos beneficiosos de la AF en la salud, las personas deben apoyarse en una dieta saludable, aumentando su CN.

Background: This study aimed to determine the relationship between diet quality and nutrition knowledge (CN) and nutrition practices (NP) of people who perform physical activity (PA) regularly. Methods: Two hundred healthy individuals who attended the gym at least three times a week were studied. The quality of the diet is calculated using the Healthy Eating Index-2015 (HEI-2015). Linear regression models were used multiplex to assess associations between NC and PN scores and dietary variables. Results: Of the participants, 47.0% had poor NK and 48.0% were found to have poor NPs.It was determined that NP scores were significantly associated with whole grains, seafood, and herbal proteins and total diet quality (p0.05). A one-unit increase in the NK score resulted in a 26.7% increase in the consumption of snack meals adjusted for age, gender, educational level, body mass index(BMI), smoking status, alcohol consumption, and physical activity(PA)(p< 0.001). Assessment of the NP score was related to the main meals (β=0.065±0.013; 95%CI 0.04-0.09; p<0.001), consumption of snack meals (β=0.029±0.014, 95%CI 0.01-0.06; p<0.05), and total diet quality(β=0.894±0.329; 95%CI 0.24-1.54; p<0.05). Moreover, about 17% of the variability in the NP score could be explained by the NK scores. Conclusions: Elevated NK was associated with an increase in the NP scores and indirectly with an increase in diet quality. In order to see the beneficial effects of PA on health, individuals should be supported by a healthy diet, by increasing their NK.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005417


@#Introduction: Food and fitness levels are key factors required to maintain functional life. Hence, nutrition education is crucial in spreading awareness among Sports Science students. There is a paucity of plant-based nutrition knowledge and plantbased culinary skills for fitness locally. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a valid Plant-Based Culinary Nutrition Model (PBCNM) with nutrition knowledge and basic culinary skills to improve fitness among Sports Science students. Methods: This exploratory sequential mixed method study consisted of 2 phases. In Phase 1, a three-round modified Delphi method was conducted with 13 experts to generate a questionnaire that was validated. Lawshe worksheet determined the content validity ratio (CVR) for an item. Content validity index (CVI) for each section and the overall instrument was calculated. In Phase 2, quantitative data collection and analysis addressed the research questions and research gaps leading to model development. A total of 271 undergraduate Sports Science students at higher learning institutions were recruited as respondents. Results: In Phase 1, CVR of the overall survey was 1.0 and CVI was 0.834. Subsequently, the questionnaire was pilot tested for reliability and a Cronbach’s alpha score of 0.836 was obtained for the overall questionnaire. In Phase 2, the respondents’ mean and standard deviation score for the model’s components and needs was 4.21±0.73 for items 1-15. The integration of experts’ perspectives on the need of PBCNM for fitness and feedback from respondents resulted in the development of PBCNM. Conclusion: This study highlighted PBCNM as a helpful guideline for better fitness management.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972778


ObjectiveTo investigate the dietary preference and nutritional knowledge needs of the elderly people who dined at meal service sites. MethodsUsing the form of stratified and convenience sampling method with self-designed questionnaire was used, in November 2021, to select 700 elderly people who dine at meal service sites in 7 jurisdictions in Shanghai were selected, and a self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the basic information. Results91.64% of the elderly surveyed would eat at relatively fixed meal service sites, and the total Dietary Diversity Score (DDS9) was 3.56±1.46. 41.45% of the elderly with diseases preferred unhealthy cooking methods. Only 8.03% of the surveyed seniors said they were unwilling to accept targeted and personalized nutrition tips and reminders. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the probability reaching the “understanding” level of “Food Guide Pagoda for Chinese Residents” and “Four Principles Recommended by the Core Dietary Guidelines for the Elderly” was different in the elderly with different education levels. The willingness of the elderly to expect to receive different nutrition tips and reminders was related to whether they cared about the corresponding contents. There was a statistically significant difference (P<0.05) among the elderly who were concerned about different health problems in terms of the willingness to receive different nutritional tips. There were significant differences in the proportion of elderly people with different health status for intervention (χ2=5.402, P<0.05). ConclusionThe elderly who dine at meal service sites are highly dependent on the sites, have a low level of dietary diversification, and do not have a high degree of understanding of nutrition-related knowledge, and have a high demand for targeted nutritional interventions. Nutritional interventions for the sick elderly should be piloted through multiple channels.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987083


Background and Objective@#The nutritional status of any population is a vital factor in its development. Children's poor nutritional status or malnutrition has been one of the world's most serious developmental problems. This study aimed to determine the significant relationship between the respondent's nutritional knowledge and malnutrition status of the child participants residing in the province of Lanao del Sur, Philippines. This study can contribute to the eradication of malnutrition in Lanao del Sur by educating the parents about the nutrition of their children. Programs about child health promotion can also be conducted to enhance the knowledge of the community especially on malnutrition. @*Methodology@#The study employed a descriptive-correlational design utilizing a quantitative approach in interpreting data. A total of 178 malnourished children were identified from the Operation Timbang program of the Department of Health. Convenience sampling was used to narrow down the sample size to 123. A self-made questionnaire was given to the participants. The data was analyzed through frequency, percentage distribution, and chi-square correlation using manual computation and SPSS. @*Results@#The findings revealed that the respondents' knowledge about the causes of malnutrition and prevention of malnutrition has a remarkable relationship with the nutritional status of their children. Correlation analysis revealed that knowledge on the causes and prevention of malnutrition has a significant relationship with the malnutrition of the children. @*Conclusion@#The study concluded that immediate health interventions through awareness and health education for parents and guardians be done to reduce the heightened rate of malnutrition among children in Lanao del Sur.

Desnutrição , Saúde da Criança
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 97(2): 177-183, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287028


Abstract Objectives: To develop and validate an instrument about nutritional knowledge and feeding practices to be used in children aged 7-11 years, based on the latest Brazilian Food Guide. Methods: Review on the subject; instrument creation; content validity with two groups of judges: first, nutritionists and, after adjustments, a multidisciplinary group (content validity index [CVI]); FACE validity; reproducibility analysis (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC], level of agreement, and kappa [k]); internal consistency analysis (Cronbach's alpha[α]) and construct validity (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and exploratory factorial analysis). The sample was calculated, considering at least ten subjects for each question of the questionnaire. Results: There was a final sample of 453 children (53.6% girls), with a mean age of 9.45 years (SD = 1.44). The content validity showed a CVI ≥ 0.80 for relevance in 62.3% of the items for nutritionists' group and 100% of the items for the multidisciplinary group, clarity (49.4%, 91.8%), and pertinence (58.8%, 98.4%), respectively. The test-retest showed a level of agreement of 84.3% and k = 0.740 for the Knowledge dimension and ICC = 0.754 for the Food Practices dimension. The internal consistency showed α = 0.589 for the Knowledge dimension and α = 0.618 for the Food Practices dimension. For the construct validity, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin was 0.724 and exploratory factorial analysis showed a variance of 47.01 with varimax rotation and defined five factors for the Practices Dimension. Conclusion: The Food Knowledge and Practices Questionnaire (Questionário de Conhecimento e Práticas Alimentares [QCPA]) instrument showed validity and reliability to assess nutritional knowledge and food practices in children aged 7-11 years.

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Alimentos , Brasil , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878701


Objective To investigate the current status of nutritional knowledge and skills of fast-food takeout practitioners in Chengdu City,so as to provide evidence for nutritional literacy education among takeout practitioners.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 832 employees of fast-food takeout restaurants in Chengdu from April to September in 2019 through a multi-stage random sampling strategy.Results The awareness rate of nutritional knowledge of fast-food takeout practitioners in Chengdu was 77.28%,and the correct rates of answers to daily oil intake for adults,daily drinking water for adults and daily salt intake for adults in the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents were respectively 17.43%,22.60% and 25.36%.In addition,the proportion of practitioners with the ability to estimate the recommended intake of food for a meal,the ability to estimate condiments intake and the ability to interpret nutrition labels were 8.77%,8.77% and 15.02%,respectively.The awareness rate of nutritional knowledge was the lowest(71.47%)in the practitioners aged≤25 and the highest(84.53%)in those aged 26-39,and the difference was statistically significant(χ

Adulto , Humanos , Comportamento Alimentar , Estado Nutricional , Restaurantes , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942090


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate nutritional knowledge, attitudes and dietary behaviors of teachers and students in a medical college in Beijing and their influencine factors, and to provide evidence for nutrition education and promotion.@*METHODS@#The subjects of this study were teachers, as well as first-year and second-year graduate students, and first-year to third-year undergraduate students. The teachers and students were respectively sampled by stratified cluster sampling with equal proportion. t-test or ANOVA was used to compare the means between the groups, and multiple linear regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) score.@*RESULTS@#The average score of nutrition knowledge was 5.7±1.5. The knowledge rate of nutrition was 57.3%. The average score of nutritional attitudes was 8.3±3.0. The mean nutritional behavior score was 5.1±2.0. The average nutritional KAP score was 19.1±4.6, with the teachers 19.9±5.2 higher than the students 18.9±4.5; the female 19.5±4.5 higher than the male 18.4±4.5; All the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The scores of nutritional attitudes, nutritional behavior and total KAP scores of doctoral students were significantly higher than those of the undergraduate and postgraduate students (P < 0.01).@*CONCLUSION@#The nutrition attitudes of teachers and students is relatively correct, the nutrition knowledge needs to be further strengthened, and there are some unreasonable aspects in the nutrition behaviors. Gender, identity and degree are the main influencing factors of the nutrition score of knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. It is necessary to carry out nutritional education in schools to improve the nutrition knowledge of teachers and students, correct bad eating habits, and promote the construction of healthy China action.

Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , China , Dieta , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Estudantes , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209561


Aim:To determine nutritional knowledge and practices among patients with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) attending Mbale Regional Referral hospital, in Eastern Uganda. Study Design:A mixed methods cross sectional study design was used.Place and Duration of Study:Mbale Regional Referral Hospital among patients attending the NCD clinic from May to July 2017.Methodology:Two hundred sixty clients were recruited for the study. Quantitative data was collected through structured administered questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed at univariate, bivariate and multivariate levels. Chi square test and logistic regression were used to determine the association between nutrition knowledge and utilization. Qualitative data was coded first and summarized according to the themes.Results: The mean age of the respondents was 55 years (SD= 14) andhospital was the main source of nutrition information (n=156, 60%). Most respondents (n=156, 60%) had a high level of nutrition knowledge, however only 48.8% (n=127) were utilizing the knowledge.Those who had attained secondary level of education were 2.308 more likely to utilize the nutrition knowledge than those who had never studied Pvalue of .028, 95CI (1.093-4.874).Those with tertiary education were even 9.261 times more likely to utilize the knowledge Pvalue <.001 95CI (2.721-31.522). Those with adequate knowledge were about 1.6 times most likely to utilize the nutrition knowledge compared to those with inadequateknowledge level, however, with the adjusted odd ratio of 1.573 at 95% CI (0.923-2.868) the results were not statistically significant (Pvalue .098).Conclusion:NCD patients had adequate knowledge, with a few of them utilizing the knowledge. High education level was associated with better nutrition practices

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760634


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Proper nutrition intake during pregnancy and lactation is very important to both mothers and babies. Pregnant women should maintain proper nutritional status to restore decreased physical strength due to pregnancy and childbirth and produce breastmilk for the growth and development of the baby. Recently, the number of Chinese people living in Korea has increased as the exchange between Korea and China becomes active. It is important to provide proper nutrition education for pregnant women of both countries considering cultural differences. SUBJECTS/METHODS: The subjects of this study were postpartum women in Gyeonggi, South Korea and Jinhua, China. The subjects were 20–45 years old less than six months after childbirth. A survey, using self-administered questionnaires, was conducted from October 2018 to January 2019. For data analysis, 221 Korean postpartum women (KPW) and 221 Chinese postpartum women (CPW) questionnaires were used. RESULTS: KPW had significantly higher nutritional knowledge score and dietary attitude score than CPW (P < 0.001). However, overall score for dietary habits was significantly higher in CPW compared to KPW (P < 0.001). In KPW, nutritional knowledge (P < 0.01) and dietary attitude (P < 0.001) had significantly positive correlations with dietary habits. The proportions of KPW and CPW who answered that they had experience of nutrition education were 28.5% and 80.1% (P < 0.001). The score for dietary habits was lower as the hours for watching TV and using mobile phone became longer in postpartum women of both countries, with significant differences in KPW (P < 0.001) and CPW (P < 0.05). In KPW, the score for dietary habits in postpartum women with exercise experience was significantly higher than that in postpartum women without exercise experience (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: More pregnancy-related nutrition education should be provided and various and effective nutrition education programs, which not only transfer information but can be practiced in the actual life, should be developed.

Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Povo Asiático , Telefone Celular , China , Educação , Comportamento Alimentar , Crescimento e Desenvolvimento , Coreia (Geográfico) , Lactação , Mães , Estado Nutricional , Parto , Período Pós-Parto , Gestantes , Estatística como Assunto
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-697232


Objective To investigate and analyze the nutritional knowledge needs and cognitive level of the main family caregivers of patients with gastric cancer. Methods A total of 208 patients who underwent radical resection of gastric cancer and received complete chemotherapy at the Department of gastrointestinal surgery from September 2015 to February 2017 were selected.Each patient selected 1 family caregivers.A questionnaire survey was conducted among 208 family caregivers, including general information, nutritional knowledge needs questionnaire, nutrition knowledge, attitude and practice and so on. Results The total score of nutrition knowledge, attitude and practice among the family caregivers of patients with gastric cancer was (41.11 ± 9.33) points. The score of nutrition knowledge was (6.26 ± 1.87) points. The score of nutrition attitude was (15.45±4.75) points.The score of nutrition practice was (17.47± 4.45) points .There was a significant positive correlation between nutrition knowledge and attitude(r=0.88, P<0.05), knowledge and practice (r=0.766, P<0.01), attitude and practice (r=0.186, P<0.01) by using Pearson correlation.Family caregivers had a strong demand for nutrition knowledge. 37.5%(78/208) of family caregivers chose to cooperate with doctors and nurses to carry out nutrition knowledge. 51.4%(107/208) of family caregivers preferred bedside individualized guidance. Conclusions Family caregivers have a strong demand for nutrition knowledge,but the nutrition cognition level is poor. Health care providers should strengthen the education on patients and family caregivers' knowledge of nutrition, improve the nutrition knowledge level of caregivers and care ability.

Br J Med Med Res ; 2016; 12(3): 1-8
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-182180


Aims: Investigate the influence of the nutrition knowledge and nutritional status in the assessing energy intake underreporting. Methodology: It’s a cross-sectional study in 52 adults treated in an ambulatory. The nutritional knowledge was measured through the Nutritional Knowledge Scale. The anthropometric data analyzed were: waist circumference, height and weight. The food consumption was checked by three recalls of 24 hours. The resting metabolic rate was calculated by the Mifflin’s formula, and the assessing energy intake underreporting was calculated after Goldberg’s formula. Statistical analysis was performed by the “Bioestat 5.0” program and the Chi Square test for trend was used to evaluate the association between variables (p≤0,05). Results: The studied group showed an average age of 38,90±9,52. The assessing energy intake underreporting was noted in 92,3% of the sample. It was observed that the average energy intake related (1583,27±575,29 Kcal) was less than the average of the resting metabolic rate (1802,71±227,02 Kcal). Higher values of IMC (A = 0,153; p = 0,85) and in waist circumference (A = 2,769; p = 0,05) were associated with the increase of the assessing energy intake underreporting. In the other hand, there was a decreasing tendency (A = - 0,384; p = 0,750) in the association between energetic underreporting and nutritional knowledge. Conclusion: It was observed a higher tendency of assessing energy intake underreporting between individuals with higher IMC and waist circumference and lower nutritional knowledge.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164364


Aim: This study examined the nutritional knowledge, infant feeding practices of mothers and the nutritional status of children in Lagos State, Nigeria. Study Design: A cross sectional survey design was used. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in three selected Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Lagos state. The LGAs were Ikeja, Shomolu and Ikorodu representing urban, sub-urban and rural areas respectively. Methodology: A validated questionnaire and group interview was used as the instrument for data collection. Data was collected from 300 randomly selected mothers of children aged 0 months to 24 months, who visited three Government- owned childcare centres in Lagos State, Nigeria. Anthropometric indices were used to determine the children’s nutritional status. The data obtained from mothers were analyzed using simple percentage and frequency counts. Epi Info 6 was used to analyze the anthropometric data. Results: The findings indicated that the mothers’ nutritional knowledge as revealed by the test score was fairly good. Majority (75%) of the respondents breastfed their children but only 14.7% of the mothers practiced exclusive breast feeding for six months, while 43.3% of the mothers in addition to breast feeding, included complementary foods for their children at 4-6 months of age. About 16% of the mothers introduced complementary feeding and solid foods to their infants before 6 months of age. Occupation type was the most (45%) influential factor affecting breast feeding and appropriate complementary feeding practices. Also, 16.3% of the children were stunted while the prevalence of underweight and wasting were 13% and 10% respectively. The chi-square test showed a statistically significant association (p<0.05) between mothers’ nutritional knowledge and the children’s nutritional status. Conclusion: These findings are of public health concern. It is therefore recommended that the duration of maternity leave should be increased. Women of child bearing age should be educated by trained nutritionists on the types of locally available foods that promote growth in children.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-174143


The prevalence of HIV infection in Swaziland (26%) is among the highest in the world. We investigated nutritional knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) and the influence of sociodemographic factors on KAP among pregnant and lactating women living with HIV in the Manzini region of Swaziland. Interviews were conducted using a structured questionnaire to collect data from 324 subjects seeking healthcare from selected regional hospitals, health centres, and clinics in Manzini region. The results showed mean percentage scores of nutritional knowledge (67%), attitude (67%), and practices (51%) whereby educational level (p=0.002), employment status (p=0.009), income (p=0.008), religion (p=0.007), type of accommodation (p=0.006), type of transport used when going for shopping (p=0.001), and BMI (p=0.015) were significantly associated with nutritional practices. Significant positive correlations between nutritional KAP were observed: nutritional K and A (r=0.155, p=0.005), nutritional K and P (r=0.456, p=0.001), and nutritional A and P (r=0.230, p=0.001). Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that type of transport used when going for shopping (p=0.002), educational level (p=0.001), income (p=0.001), employment (p=0.038), knowledge of food proportion in a plate (p=0.000), a positive attitude towards high-fibre diet (p=0.004), and eating a variety of foods (p=0.006) were predictors of nutritional practices. Educational level was identified as a common predictor of nutritional knowledge, attitude, and practices, suggesting that both formal and informal education systems are potential factors influencing dietary practices among pregnant and lactating women living with HIV in Swaziland.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-626411


Adequate nutrition is important for mothers and their offspring during and after birth. This cross sectional study was conducted to determine nutritional status and nutritional knowledge of pregnant women from two selected private hospitals in Klang Valley, Malaysia. A total of 236 Malay pregnant women aged between 20 to 45 years old (mean age 31+5 years) were recruited through convenient sampling method. Socio-demographic data, nutritional knowledge and a 24-hours diet recall were obtained through a self-administered questionnaire. Anthropometric and haemoglobin data were obtained from the antenatal records in the respective hospitals. The percentages of participants who were underweight, normal, overweight and obese before pregnancy were 12.7%, 55.1%, 25.0% and 7.2% respectively. Among those who were obese before pregnancy, a total of 59.7% had inadequate weight gain, 24.6% gained adequate weight and 15.7% gained excessive gestational weight. About 33.5% of subjects were anaemic (Hb < 11.0g/dL). The mean daily energy intake of the participants was 1748 ± 526 kcal which was 76% of RNI. Calcium (73% of RNI), folic acid (36% of RNI), niacin (89% of RNI) and vitamin D (40% of RNI). The nutritional knowledge level of subjects was moderate (51.9 ± 13.8%). Lower monthly household income (p < 0.001), educational level (p < 0.001) and gestational stage (p < 0.05) of participants were associated with a lower nutritional knowledge level. Nutritional knowledge score was positively correlated with gestational weight gain (r = 0.166, p < 0.05) and haemoglobin level (r = 0.200, p < 0.05). Subjects who claimed practising food taboos had higher nutritional knowledge score (54.9 ± 12.5%) than those who did not (49.9 ± 14.4%)(p < 0.05). A comprehensive nutrition education should be integrated in the antenatal classes to improve nutritional status of pregnant women

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 35(4): 1051-1070, out.-dez. 2013. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-705348


Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o conhecimento em nutrição de instrutores de musculação do município de Aracaju/SE. Os participantes eram compostos por 111 professores e 58 estagiários e responderam um questionário com perguntas sobre alimentação, orientação nutricional e um teste sobre conhecimento em nutrição. 65% dos instrutores relataram dar orientação nutricional aos seus alunos. Os participantes responderam corretamente a 59,7% das questões do teste de conhecimento nutricional. Os instrutores de forma geral tiveram maiores percentuais de acerto nas questões sobre Nutrição geral, do que Nutrição esportiva.

The purpose of this study was to analyse the nutrition knowledge of fitness instructors in Aracaju/SE. The participants were compound of 111 teachers and 58 trainees and completed questionnaires regarding feeding, nutrition advice and nutrition knowledge. 65% of the respondents provided nutrition advice. The participants correctly answered to 59,7% of the nutrition knowledge questionnaire. Fitness instructors showed to have a higher percentage of correct answers in questions related to General nutrition than in Sports nutrition.

El objeivo del estudio fue analizar el conocimiento de los instructores de preparación física en Aracaju/SE. Los participantes eran 111 profesores y 58 pasantes, que respondieron a preguntas acerca de la alimentación, asesoramiento nutricional y uma prueba de conocimientos de nutrición. 65% de los instructores dijeron que orientan sus alumnos. Los participantes respondieron correctamente a 59,7% de las preguntas de la prueba de conocimiento de nutrición. Los profesores, en general, tenían un mayor porcentaje de respuestas correctas a preguntas acerca de la nutrición en general, que acerca de la nutrición deportiva.

Salus ; 17(2): 20-31, ago. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-701627


La alta frecuencia de sobrepeso, obesidad y síndrome metabólico producto de malos hábitos alimentarios en la comunidad del sector "José Ignacio Acevedo" municipio Los Guayos, Estado Carabobo es lo que nos motiva a promocionar hábitos alimentarios saludables. Estos tres elementos son el sustrato de un grupo de patologías conocidas como "enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles", que impactan en la calidad de vida y en las expectativas de vida de la población. El propósito del artículo fue generar un enfoque de educación nutricional que posibilite la socialización del conocimiento nutricional en comunidades de escasos recursos económicos desde el paradigma critico-dialectico y adaptado a sus necesidades de salud, lo cual va a permitir que las soluciones se generen entre sus propios miembros, producto de los acuerdos y del consenso de manera que avancen hacia la mejora de su alimentación y su salud. Por la alta incidencia de sobrepeso, obesidad y síndrome metabólico en la comunidad, consideramos que la mejor manera para abordar esta problemática es proponer una estrategia educativa que permita el empoderamiento de un conocimiento nutricional consensuado y en construcción, no impuesto, que valore sus creencias, que les resulte amigable y por lo tanto aceptable y de fácil difusión entre ellos y ellas. Atreverse a configurar las bases educativas que cimentarán la socialización del conocimiento nutricional permitirá favorecer el cambio en los determinantes de los problemas de salud relacionados con la alimentación que tiene esta comunidad.

The high frequency of overweight, obesity and metabolic syndrome product of bad dietary habits in the community of the sector "Jose Ignacio Acevedo" Los Guayos, Carabobo State is that motivates us to promote healthy eating habits. Those three elements are the substrate of a group of pathologies known as "chronic non-communicable diseases", which have an impact on the quality of life and in the population´s expectancy of life. The purpose of the article was to generate an approach to nutritional education that will enable the socialization of the nutritional knowledge in communities with limited economic resources from the qualitative critic-dialectic paradigm and adapted to their health needs, which will allow to generate solutions among its own members, product of the arrangements and consensus towards the improvement of their diet and health. Because the high frequency of overweight, obesity and metabolic syndrome we believe that the best way to address this problem is to propose an educational strategy that will allow the empowerment of a consensual and nutritional knowledge in construction, that values their beliefs, which result them friendly and therefore acceptable and easy spread between them. Dare to configure the educational foundations that depict the socialization of the nutritional knowledge will enable us to promote the exchange of those determinants of the health problems related to the feeding in this community.