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Rev. colomb. bioét ; 17(1)jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535751


Propósito/Contexto. Este artículo analiza aspectos éticos de la edición genética en seres humanos. Metodología/Enfoque. Se describe el desarrollo de las principales aplicaciones de la tecnología genética en prevención, diagnóstico y terapéutica de enfermedades genéticas en las últimas décadas, culminando con la edición genética. Resultados/Hallazgos. Se definen los principales aspectos éticos que presenta la edición genética somática y germinal en seres humanos, incluyendo cuestiones de seguridad, especificidad, precisión y certeza. Se critica la edición genética germinal y el concepto de "mejoramiento" humano por vulnerar la autonomía individual, generar cambios genéticos heredables en la progenie y aceptar la falacia del reduccionismo genético de que los rasgos de las personas dependen exclusivamente de la constitución genética, independiente del ambiente. Discusión/Conclusiones/Contribuciones. La edición genética somática puede ser ética si se siguen las normas éticas de la investigación biomédica. Por el contrario, la edición genética germinal no es pertinente ni necesaria para el tratamiento de enfermedades genéticas y presenta graves conflictos éticos, por lo cual, previo a su aplicación es necesario un consenso social por discusiones democráticas, amplias y profundas entre todos los actores sociales involucrados, seguido de mecanismos de gobernanza con regulación robusta por parte del estado, que impidan la vulneración de derechos humanos fundamentales.

Purpose/Context. This article discusses ethical aspects of gene editing in humans. Methodology/Approach. The main applications of genetic technology in the prevention, diagnosis and therapeutics of genetic diseases in recent decades, are described, culminating with genetic editing. Results/Findings. The main ethical aspects of somatic and germline gene editing in humans are discussed, including issues of safety, specificity, precision and certainty. Germline genetic editing and human "enhancement" are criticized for violating individual autonomy, for generating heritable genetic changes in the progeny and for accepting the fallacy of genetic reductionism that people's traits depend exclusively on genetic makeup, independent of the environment. Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. Somatic gene editing can be ethical if the ethical standards of biomedical research are followed. However, germline genetic editing is not relevant nor necessary for the treatment of genetic diseases and, furthermore, it presents serious ethical conflicts. Therefore, prior to its application, a social consensus is necessary, obtained by democratic, broad and profound discussions among all the social players involved, followed by governance mechanisms with robust regulation by the state, which prevent the violation of fundamental human rights.

Finalidade/Contexto. Este artigo discute aspectos éticos da edição de genes em humanos. Metodologia/Aproximação. Descreve o desenvolvimento das principais aplicações da tecnologia genética na prevenção, diagnóstico e terapia de doenças genéticas nas últimas décadas, culminando com a edição de genes. Resultados/Descobertas. São definidos os principais aspectos éticos da edição de genes somáticos e da linha germinal no ser humano, incluindo questões de segurança, especificidade, precisão e exactidão. A edição genética da Germline e o conceito de "melhoramento" humano são criticados por violarem a autonomia individual, gerando alterações genéticas hereditárias nos descendentes e aceitando a falácia do reducionismo genético de que as características das pessoas dependem exclusivamente da sua constituição genética, independente do ambiente. Discussão/Conclusões/Contribuições. A edição somática de genes pode ser ética se os padrões éticos da investigação biomédica forem seguidos. Pelo contrário, a edição genética na linha germinal não é relevante nem necessária para o tratamento de doenças genéticas e apresenta graves conflitos éticos. Por conseguinte, antes da sua aplicação, é necessário um consenso social através de discussões democráticas, amplas e profundas entre todos os actores sociais envolvidos, seguidas de mecanismos de governação com regulação robusta por parte do Estado, que impeçam a violação dos direitos humanos fundamentais.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1411186


El objetivo de este artículo es argumentar la falta de validez del enfoque reduccionista para el estudio de la cognición animal y proponer su estudio desde un enfoque holista que tenga en cuenta toda la realidad de la cognición animal además de analizar el antropomorfismo y antropocentrismo relacionado con este tema. La metodología usada para esta investigación, fue una revisión de la literatura actual sobre el problema en cuestión y las conclusiones fueron que no se puede entender la mente de los sujetos no humanos sin un enfoque holista. Existen numerosos sesgos en la investigación científica, sea del observador, del sujeto experimental o respecto a los instrumentos de observación y medida. Entre todos los sesgos más conocidos, el muy conocido antropomorfismo, se ha visto como un sesgo inconsciente en donde el hombre se refleja en los elementos de su realidad exterior. La hipótesis de esta investigación es que el reduccionismo no toma en cuenta toda la riqueza y la verdadera realidad de la cognición animal no humana y ésta debe estudiarse mejor, desde un enfoque holista que tiene en cuenta la realidad entera de este fenómeno.

The objective paper is to argue the lack of validity of the reductionist approach to the study of animal cognition and to propose its study from a holistic approach that takes into account the entire reality of animal cognition in addition to analyzing anthropomorphism and anthropocentrism related to this topic. The methodology used for this research was a review of the current literature on the problem in question and the conclusions were that the mind of non-human subjects cannot be understood without a holistic approach. There are numerous biases in scientific research, be it from the observer, from the experimental subject or with respect to the instruments of observation and measurement. Among all the best-known biases, the well-known anthropomorphism has been seen as an unconscious bias where man is reflected in the elements of his external reality. The hypothesis of this research is that reductionism does not take into account all the richness and the true reality of non-human animal cognition and it should be studied better, from a holistic approach that takes into account the entire reality of this phenomenon.

Animais , Cognição
Rev. chil. salud pública ; 25(1): 113-124, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1369177


La inserción de la salud mental en una atención primaria (APS) integradora ha sido una política exitosa para reducir la brecha en el tratamiento de personas que padecen trastornos mentales (TMs). Sin embargo, las consecuencias de este progreso pudiesen estar yendo más allá de las deseables. Este despliegue sustancioso de la atención de salud mental podría estar también estimulando la medicalización la vida cotidiana de las personas de manera más activa y en consecuencia coadyuvar a desactivar la potencia socializadora y trasformadora del malestar en la sociedad. En este trabajo me propongo comprender cómo los programas de salud mental en APS pudiesen estar contribuyendo a trasformar en problemas médicos expresiones del diario vivir que no lo son. Luego de examinar algunos aspectos de las políticas relacionadas con la salud mental, informes e investigaciones, sugiero que el diseño del plan de Garantías Explícitas en Salud, las tecnologías utilizadas para integrar y desarrollar la atención de salud mental, y ciertas circunstancias derivadas de este proceso, podrían estar estimulando la sobrevivencia de un modelo biomédico reduccionista y patologizador que respaldaría prác-ticas medicalizadores. Algunas sugerencias son esbozadas para el desarrollo de una política y práctica en salud que reconozca e integre la posibilidad para mitigar los potenciales efectos negativos de este fenómeno. (AU)

The insertion of mental health in comprehensive primary care (PC) has been a successful policy to reduce the gap in the treatment of people with mental disorders (MDs). However, the consequences of this progress may exceed what is desirable. This substantial deployment of mental health care could also be stimulating the medicalization of people's daily lives in a more active way and consequently help to deactivate the socializing and transformative power of discomfort in society. In this work, I intend to understand how the mental health programs in PC could be contributing to transform expressions of daily living into medical problems that are not. After examining some aspects of mental health related policies, reports, and research, I suggest that the design of the Explicit Health Guarantees plan, the technologies used to in-tegrate and develop mental health care, and certain circumstances derived from this process, could be stimulating the survival of a reductionist and pathologizing biomedical model that would support medicalizing practices. Some suggestions are outlined for the development of health policy and practice that recognises and integrates the possibility to mitigate the potential adverse effects of this phenomenon. (AU)

Humanos , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Saúde Mental , Medicalização , Chile , Procedimentos Desnecessários
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 77(4): 166-177, Jul.-Aug. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131973


Abstract In addition to genocide, slavery, and the dispossession of indigenous people, colonialism, as a form of control, meant the suppression of traditional knowledge. The imposition of Christianity, the modern Western paradigm, and modern science that followed perpetrated this suppression. The universal role held by modern science is supported neither by epistemic nor social aspects. It is ineffective and complicit in the collapse of civilization, and it is worsened by comprehensive and unifying ideas to be reduced to an input-process of technological innovation for the benefit of social control industries such as the military, information technology, communication, or health. Furthermore, it suppresses ancestral knowledge related to health and medicine that may be beneficial and must be researched (stimulant medicines). Coupled with the health industry, it promotes the medicalization of life, spreading uncertainty, anxiety, and unease. Therefore, it is an instrument of neocolonialism that imposes its priorities, supplanting problems in subordinated countries, and extracts substantial resources, which is detrimental to social policies and programs. The biggest objection to the universality of modern science is derived from its empiricist and reductionist nature. Through the practically impossible idea of a unifying and explanatory knowledge, it impedes researchers the understanding of the complexity of the world and their historical moment and to act accordingly. It transforms great creative and liberating potential to submissiveness for the interests of capital and its representatives.

Resumen El colonialismo, como forma de dominación, significó, además de genocidio, esclavitud o despojo de pueblos originarios, la supresión de saberes tradicionales perpetrada por la imposición del cristianismo, del paradigma moderno occidental y de la ciencia moderna que le siguió. El carácter universal detentado por la ciencia moderna no se sostiene en lo epistémico ni en lo social; es inoperante con y cómplice del colapso civilizatorio; se empobrece de ideas comprensivas e integradoras para reducirse al insumo-proceso de la innovación tecnológica en provecho de las industrias del control social (militar, informática, de comunicación o de la salud); y suprime saberes ancestrales de la esfera de la salud que encierran beneficios y posibilidades que es preciso investigar (medicina estimulante). Aunada a la industria de la salud, impulsa la medicalización de la vida, preñándola de incertidumbre, angustia y desasosiego. Es instrumento del neocolonialismo al imponer sus prioridades, que suplantan las propias de los países subordinados y sustraen cuantiosos recursos en detrimento de políticas y programas sociales. La mayor objeción a la universalidad de la ciencia moderna deriva de su carácter empirista y reduccionista que, al condicionar la imposibilidad práctica de un conocimiento integrador y explicativo, aleja a los investigadores del entendimiento de la complejidad del mundo, de su momento histórico y de actuar en consecuencia, y transforma la gran potencialidad creativa y liberadora de este enorme contingente en docilidad a los designios de los intereses del capital y sus agentes.

Acta bioeth ; 26(1): 107-116, mayo 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1114604


La comprensión de la conciencia ha sido durante siglos uno de los caballos de batalla del devenir intelectual, en tanto contexto en el que se han definido y redefinido las diferentes percepciones socioculturales, científicas, filosóficas e ideológicas del ser humano. Lejos de tratarse de un problema superado, se trata de una cuestión que, reformulada una y otra vez, en distintos ámbitos y contextos, retorna sin cesar al epicentro del debate intelectual, dadas sus consecuencias epistémicas y necesariamente éticas. En este trabajo se trata de mostrar cómo tal debate y sus posturas se alimentan de una percepción que se estima "anticuada" del problema, al afrontarlo desde una óptica esencialista (cifrada sobre un modelo de pensamiento basado en esquemas de razón-objeto), a la par que se propone una reformulación de la cuestión en términos procesuales, inspirada en la propuesta del emergentismo sistémico. Con ello, se pretende aportar un enfoque superador de un modelo intelectual que se estima obsoleto, a la par que se propicia una reflexión ética en torno a las consecuencias intelectuales ideológicas y prácticas devenidas de un sostenimiento artificioso del mismo en el ámbito de la ciencia.

For centuries, the understanding of conciousness has been one of the topic issues of intellectual development, and a context in which the different sociocultural, scientific, philosophical and ideological perceptions of the human being have been defined and redefined. Far from being a solved problem, it's a theme that, reformulated again and again in different fields and contexts, returns endlessly to the epicenter of intellectual discussion because it has, necessarily, trascendental epistemic and ethical consequences. This paper tries to show how such confrontation and its positions are fed by an "outdated" perception of the problem, when faced it from an essentialist perspective (encrypted on a model of thought based on reason-object schemes). Therefore is proposed a reformulation of the question in procedural terms inspired by the theory of systemic emergentism. So, it is intended to provide an overcoming approach to an intellectual model that is considered obsolete, while fostering an ethical reflection on the ideological intellectual consequences and practices derived from its artificial support in the field of Science.

A compreensão de consciência tem sido, durante séculos, um dos cavalos de batalha do tornar-se intelectual, no contexto em que se definiu e se redefiniu as diferentes percepções socioculturais, científicas, filosóficas e ideológicas do ser humano. Longe de se tratar de um problema superado, trata-se de uma questão que, reformulada uma ou outra vez, em distintos âmbitos e contextos, retorna ao epicentro do debate intelectual, dadas suas consequências epistêmicas e necessariamente éticas. Tratamos demonstrar neste trabalho como tal debate e suas posturas alimentam-se de uma percepção que se estima ser "antiquada" do problema, ao enfrenta-lo a partir de uma visão essencialista (codificada sobre um modelo de pensamento baseado em esquemas de razão-objeto), ao mesmo tempo em que se propõe uma reformulação da questão em termos processuais, inspirada na proposta do emergentismo sistêmico. Com isto, pretende-se aportar um enfoque que supera um modelo intelectual que se estima obsoleto, ao mesmo tempo em que se propicia uma reflexão ética em torno das consequências intelectuais ideológicas e práticas decorrentes de um apoio artificial do mesmo no âmbito da ciência.

Filosofia , Consciência , Conhecimento , Estado de Consciência
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 76(2): 55-65, mar.-abr. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055269


Resumen La crítica del quehacer médico como espacio educativo implicó caracterizar el entramado de lógicas, ideas y prácticas prevalentes: la disyunción y el reduccionismo; el binomio salud-enfermedad; la historia natural de la enfermedad; la medicalización de la vida social; la tecnologización deshumanizante de la práctica médica, y la medicina supresora reduccionista. La crítica continúa discutiendo la contribución de ese entramado al control social como agente de la dominación de los intereses de lucro sin límites y como expresión del poder de la industria de la salud, justificándose con la argumentación de alternativas tendientes a superar ese entramado: la lógica transdisciplinaria y el concepto de organismo como totalidad jerarquizada e interactuante con su entorno respecto de la disyunción y el reduccionismo; la historia cultural de la enfermedad como alternativa a la historia natural de la enfermedad y al binomio salud-enfermedad; el bien vivir, la búsqueda de la superación espiritual, intelectual, moral y convivencial que confiere sentido profundo a la vida humana, como alternativa a la medicalización y antídoto de la tecnologización deshumanizante y los rasgos degradantes; la medicina estimulante de fuerzas curativas endógenas para afecciones crónicas no trasmisibles, cuyo fundamento de factibilidad y credibilidad radica en la omnipresencia del efecto placebo con respecto a la medicina supresora, basada en fármacos con efectos secundarios indefectibles. Sin una educación basada en la crítica, difícilmente el conocimiento liberador podrá acompañar y orientar a médicos y otros profesionales a organizarse en la búsqueda, desde su ámbito, de un mundo inclusivo, igualitario, justo, solidario y cuidadoso del ecosistema planetario.

Abstract The critique of medicine begins at unveiling and specifying its network of predominant logics, ideas and practices: logics of disjunction and reductionism; the health-disease binomial; the natural history of the disease; the medicalization of social life; the dehumanizing technologization of medical practice and reductionist suppressive medicine. It goes on to argue about its role as agents of domination of limitless profit interests and as an expression of the power of the health industry, justifying itself with the proposal of alternatives tending to overcome that network: transdisciplinarity and the concept of organism as hierarchical totality and interacting with its environment, with respect to disjunction and reductionism; the cultural history of the disease in relation to the health-disease binomial and the dehumanizing technologization; good living, the search for spiritual, intellectual, moral and coexistence growth as meaning of human life, as an alternative to the medicalization and antidote of degrading traits and stimulating medicine of the endogenous healing forces of the organism whose foundation of possibility and credibility is the placebo effect as an alternative to suppressive therapy for non-communicable chronic conditions, based on the pharmacological effect with unfailing side effects. It concludes that without an education based on critique, liberating knowledge would hardly accompany and guide the various social groups in the search for an inclusive, pluralistic, egalitarian, fair, solidary and caring of the planetary ecosystem world.

Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Transtornos Neurocognitivos/epidemiologia , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Incidência , Prevalência , Fatores Etários , França/epidemiologia
Journal of Nutrition and Health ; : 1-5, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740555


PURPOSE: This review describes the historical changes in nutrition philosophy from a reductionist to a holistic approach during the 20th century. Also, the role and efficient use of a holistic approach to precision nutrition are discussed. RESULTS: Over the past century, significant progress has been made in human nutrition research, unraveling fundamental mechanisms of single nutrients on single targets or pathways. This kind of a reductionist approach has helped to save populations from nutrient deficiency diseases and improve associated health outcomes in large parts of the world. However, a new set of nutrition problems, like obesity and diet-related chronic diseases, are growing each year worldwide, increasing the financial burden on the health care system. A linear cause-effect association between single nutrients and a single physiologic effect, is insufficient to solve the complex nutrition-health relationships. Research that involves a more holistic rather than reductionist approach is needed to tackle a new set of nutrition problems. Recent advances in technology, informatics, and statistical methods are enabling an understanding of the diversity of individuals and the complex interactions between foods and human bodies, leading to the concept of “precision nutrition.” CONCLUSION: The emerging goal of precision nutrition is to provide tailored dietary advice for maintaining health and preventing obesity and diet-related chronic diseases. The parts are already being installed. To grab the complexity, reductionism and holism must be used interdependently.

Humanos , Doença Crônica , Deficiências Nutricionais , Atenção à Saúde , Corpo Humano , Informática , Obesidade , Filosofia
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 18(4): 743-757, Oct.-Dec. 2015.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-776584


O objetivo do presente artigo consiste em apresentar um modelo reducionista e o modelo multinível com relação à explicação etiológica dos transtornos mentais, a partir do exemplar da esquizofrenia, considerando-se os alcances e limites destes modelos. Ao final do artigo, são extraídas algumas implicações ético-políticas para a psiquiatria.

The aim of this paper is to present a reductionist model and the multilevel model for the etiological explanation of mental disorders, based on the example of schizophrenia and by taking into account the scope and limits of those models. To conclude, some ethical and political implications for psychiatry are singled out.

Le but de cet article est de présenter un modèle réductionniste et le modèle à multi-niveaux pour l’explication étiologique des troubles mentaux, illustrés par l’exemple de la schizophrénie et en tenant compte de la portée et des restrictions que ces modèles présentent. Quelques implications éthiques et politiques pour la psychiatrie en sont extraites en guise de conclusion.

El propósito de este artículo consiste en presentar el modelo reduccionista y el modelo multinivel con respecto a la explicación etiológica de los trastornos mentales desde el ejemplo de la esquizofrenia, teniendo en cuenta los alcances y los límites de estos modelos. Al final del artículo, se extraen algunas implicaciones éticas y políticas para la psiquiatría.

Dieser Artikel beschreibt ein reduktionistisches Modell und das Mehrebenenmodell für die ätiologische Erklärung psychischer Störungen und benutzt als Beispiel die Schizophrenie, unter Berücksichtigung der Anwendungsbereiche und Begrenzungen dieser Modelle. Abschließend werden ethische und politische Schlussfolgerungen für die Psychiatrie erläutert.


Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 71(5): 323-328, Sep.-Dec. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-744075


En esta segunda parte se analizan los vínculos de subordinación del quehacer científico con lo que se designa como la lógica del poder y la dominación, a través de dar prioridad absoluta a los hechos sobre las ideas y favorecer el conocimiento capitalizable por la innovación tecnológica, la cual es decisiva en la rentabilidad y competitividad de las grandes empresas (los intereses de lucro que gobiernan el planeta), y base de los mecanismos de control político-social de las conciencias y de la disidencia. La crítica del reduccionismo científico reconoce la necesidad de otra idea de progreso humano que reoriente a los científicos a fin de conferirle a sus saberes (ideas) un poder liberador y cuestionador -diluido y desvirtuado entre miríadas de hechos- imprescindible en la búsqueda de sociedades deliberativas, pluralistas, incluyentes, igualitarias, justas y colaborativas donde primen la dignidad humana y el respeto al ecosistema planetario.

In the second part of this essay, the progressive subordination of scientific endeavor and knowledge of business and profit is pointed out. For instance, the way facts are prioritized over concepts and ideas in scientific knowledge can translate into technological innovation, central to enterprise competitiveness and key to social mechanisms of control (military, cybernetic, ideological). Overcoming the scientific reductionism approach indicates recognizing the need to define progress in another way, one that infuses scientific knowledge with real liberating and inquisitive power. Power is essential in the search for a more collaborative, inclusive and pluralistic society where respect for human dignity and care for the ecosystem that we live in are prioritized.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 71(4): 252-257, jul.-ago. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-747756


En esta primera entrega acerca del reduccionismo científico (RC) se parte de una definición convencional: «el todo no es más que la suma de las partes¼. El RC en las ciencias de la vida sostiene que el conocimiento de lo complejo debe ser, obligadamente, a través de sus componentes más simples, o que un sistema complejo solamente puede explicarse por medio de la reducción hasta sus partes fundamentales. Se distinguen tres tipos de reduccionismo: ontológico, teórico y metodológico. Los orígenes del RC se remontan a los primeros humanos en sus intentos de entender los sucesos naturales más influyentes y perturbadores para la supervivencia. La permanencia del RC como el modo de ser de la ciencia hasta nuestros días, de acuerdo con E. Morin, deriva del predominio del paradigma de disyunción, reducción, simplificación y exclusión. El holismo, que ha preservado la idea de la complejidad como enfoque de los fenómenos vitales, ha sido el rival del RC a lo largo del tiempo. Desde esta perspectiva, el discurso científico reduccionista, no solo tiene escasa relevancia en la solución de los grandes problemas de la humanidad (la degradación omnímoda de todo lo existente, las desigualdades, la exclusión progresiva de sectores mayoritarios de la población y la devastación de ecosistemas), sino que hace contribuciones decisivas (casi siempre involuntarias) al mantenimiento del statu quo.

The first part of this essay starts from the conventional premise of reductionism, which states 'the whole is nothing more than the sum of its parts'. According to scientific reductionism (SR), knowledge of the complex can only be achieved through simpler components, which means complex systems are explained by reduction to its most basic parts. Three kinds of SR are defined: ontological, theoretical and methodological. SR origins dwell within the efforts made by early humans to understand natural phenomena and its importance to survival. According to E. Morin, the reason behind SR being the favorite approach in science comes from the dysjunction, reduction, simplification and exclusion paradigm. The holistic approach as opposed to SR studies vital phenomena from the idea of complexity. From this perspective, not only does SR have almost no relevance in the solution of humanity's greatest problems like society inequality, human dignity and environmental degradation, it also contributes to maintain the statu quo.

Rev. neuro-psiquiatr. (Impr.) ; 76(1): 19-31, ene.-mar. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-765168


En las últimas décadas la bioética ha penetrado la psiquiatría más tardíamente que en otras especialidades médicas, encontrándose en las prácticas y en la preceptiva de diversas declaraciones internacionales, así como en una creciente bibliografía sobre el tema, abundante opiniones acerca de esta problemática. En este artículo se pasa revista a ciertos tópicos que pueden constituirse en fuentes institucionales, epistemológicas y socioeconómicas de problemáticas bioéticas, tales como los efectos del reduccionismo biomédico en la psiquiatría y los aspectos del diagnóstico que pueden ser vehículo de problemas éticos.

In the last decades, later than other medical specialties, bioethics has penetrated psychiatry and many points of view can be found on this issue in the practice and provisions included in several international declarations, as well as in an increasing related literature. This article carefully reviews certain topics that can become institutional, epistemological, and socioeconomic sources of bioethical concerns, such as the effects of biomedical reductionism in psychiatry and diagnostic aspects which can lead to ethical issues.

Bioética , Psiquiatria
Physis (Rio J.) ; 22(3): 941-961, 2012.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-654408


Nosso objetivo é refletir de que forma as neurociências podem ser fortemente reducionistas quando tentam explicar comportamentos somente com base em processos cerebrais, e usamos como exemplo o caso do transtorno de déficit de atenção com hiperatividade (TDAH). O reducionismo ao qual nos referimos, também chamado determinismo biológico ou neurogenético, na questão das neurociências, é o epistemológico, ou seja, aquele que tenta explicar um problema complexo apenas por algumas de suas partes, desconsiderando outros fatores, tais como sociais e culturais. Como o TDAH atualmente é descrito essencialmente como uma doença cerebral, aplicamos um modelo de sequência redutora defeituosa para o determinismo neurogenético proposto por Steven Rose, que inclui: objetivação, aglomeração arbitrária, quantificação improcedente, crença na normalidade estatística, localização ilegítima, causalidade fora de lugar, classificação dicotômica de causas genéticas e ambientais e a confusão de metáfora com homologia. A vida é um fenômeno complexo e está relacionada com aspectos biológicos e sociais. Dessa forma, explicações sobre ela são adequadas somente quando levam em conta esses dois aspectos. Sugerimos, dessa forma, que parte das neurociências utiliza explicações reducionistas para várias condições mentais classificadas como doenças, incluindo o TDAH.

Our goal is to reflect how the neurosciences can be strongly reductionist when trying to explain behaviors based solely on brain processes, and use as an example the case of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD). The reductionism to which we refer, also called biological or neurogenetic determinism, the question of neuroscience, is the epistemological, ie one that tries to explain a complex problem for only some of its parts, ignoring other factors such as social and cultural. As ADHD is currently described as essentially a disease of the brain, we applied a model for defective reductive sequence neurogenetic determinism proposed by Steven Rose, which includes: objectification, arbitrary agglomeration, quantification unfounded belief in statistical normality, location illegitimate, causality outside place, dichotomous classification of genetic and environmental causes and confusion of metaphor with homology. Life is a complex phenomenon and is related to biological and social aspects. Thus, explanations are appropriate only when it takes into account these two aspects. We suggest, therefore, that some uses of neuroscience reductionist explanations for various conditions classified as mental illnesses, including ADHD.

Humanos , Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade , Determinismo Genético , Saúde Mental , Neurociências , Comportamento , Cognição
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 487-506, 2010.
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-156680


The identity of the author's opponents of On Ancient Medicine is an attractive and problematic question. In 1963, Lloyd suggested that the author was attacking Philolaus or medical thinkers influenced by him. In 1998, Vegetty argued that the author's attack was directed at Empedocles himself. But Lloyd's hypothesis need to solve Philolaus' paradox and there is a strong evidence that the author is not criticizing a specific text or thinker at all, but rather a general trend or tendency in the medicine of his time. It is that the author regularly refers to the opponents in the plural(chh. 1, 13, 15, 20). Jouanna in his introduction Bude edition(p. 18) supposes that the author means to say that he has completed his discussion of his initially announced opponents and that he is now launching an independent criticism of philosophical medicine in general, as if there is no essential connection between the two groups. But the distinction between the polemic of chh 1-19 and that of chapter 20 is largely a matter of emphasis. In chh 1-19 the author focuses on the aspect of the opponents' causal reductionism, i.e. reduction of the causes and cures of disease to a few factors. And in chapter 20 he steps back to discuss more general physis theory on which such a position was based. At any rate, We can readily see that initial opponents and the thinkers of chapter 20 at least belong the same intellectual milieu. The answer to the question "Who is attacked in On Ancient Medicine?" is not a specific thinker or different groups, but all those who attempted to reduce the cause of disease to a few factors, and to base their medical practice on a theory of the human physis. An opinion that this work attacked a special thinker involves some of the same pitfalls as the traditional Hippocratic question.

Humanos , Autoria/história , História do Século XIX , Filosofia Médica/história
Cir. & cir ; 77(4): 341-350, jul.-ago. 2009. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-566477


En el presente trabajo se discuten los fundamentos de las ciencias de la complejidad y caos como herramientas en el análisis la proliferación de vectores y zoonosis. En la primera parte del artículo se describen los fundamentos y antecedentes de las ciencias de la complejidad, como una visión diferente para entender y analizar a los sistemas dinámicos, conceptos que han existido desde hace varios siglos y están relacionados con las ideas acerca del origen de la vida misma, que romperán con los paradigmas de la linealidad y el reduccionismo. Se ejemplifica con la utilización de la geometría fractal, mundo pequeño y los análisis de series de tiempo, entre otras herramientas, para entender el comportamiento de los sistemas caóticos que se presentan en la diseminación de enfermedades de origen zoonótico. Se concluye que la mayoría de los contagios, así como la diseminación de enfermedades transmitidas por los animales, tienen tendencia caótica. Dado que 75 % de las enfermedades emergentes son de origen zoonótico, las herramientas de las ciencias de la complejidad y la no linealidad resultan indispensables para entender el dinamismo y comportamientode la diseminación de estas patologías.

The present paper discusses the fundamentals of the sciences of complexity and chaos as tools in the proliferation of vectors and zoonosis. The first part of the article discusses the rationale and history of the sciences of complexity, a different view as to understand and analyze dynamic systems. These concepts explain the dynamics of the origin of life itself and break the paradigms of linearity and reductionism. This is exemplified by using fractal geometry, the law of the small world and time series analysis among other tools to understand the behavior of chaotic systems, which are presented in the form of the spread of zoonotic diseases. We conclude that most infections and the spread of diseases transmitted by animals tend towards being chaotic, and it is mentioned that 75% of emerging diseases are zoonotic in origin. Therefore, the tools are not linear. They are indispensable for understanding the dynamic behavior of the spread of these diseases.

Animais , Vetores de Doenças , Dinâmica não Linear , Teoria de Sistemas , Zoonoses , Fractais
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 14(2): 443-468, abr.-jun. 2007.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-457268


La distinción entre biología funcional y biología evolutiva, conforme la plantearon E. Mayr y F. Jacob, es clave para un tratamiento conclusivo de uno de los más discutidos problemas de la filosofía de la biología: la posible reducción de la biología a física y química. Las preguntas que definen los objetivos cognitivos de la biología funcional son diferentes de aquellas que guían la física: son preguntas funcionales; pero las respuestas que buscamos para ellas pueden escribirse en el lenguaje de la física. Mientras tanto, las cuestiones planteadas en la biología evolutiva nos conducen hacia un tipo de discurso intraducible en el lenguaje de la física. Para mostrar esto analizamos los procedimientos experimentales que han sido desarrollados en genética de poblaciones.

The distinction between functional biology and evolutionary biology, as set out by E. Mayr and F. Jacob, is central to any conclusive findings on one of the most widely discussed problems in the philosophy of biology: the possible reduction of biology to physics and chemistry. The questions that define the cognitive objectives of functional biology are different from those that guide physics: they are functional questions, but the answers we seek for them can be expressed in the language of physics. Meanwhile, the questions set forth in evolutionary biology lead to a kind of discourse that cannot be translated into the language of physics. In order to show this we analyze the experimental procedures that have been developed in population genetics.

Humanos , Biologia , Biologia do Desenvolvimento , Filosofia , Hermenêutica , Genética Populacional
Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 10(15): 28-42, jun. 2004.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-478095


O presente artigo procura abordar criticamente o naturalismo, aqui considerado como vasta e influente corrente do pensamento contemporâneo, com fortes implicações ideológicas, que nega a consistência científica de noções como subjetividade e mente. Com esse propósito, argumentamos contra o naturalismo em quatro níveis: o ético, o epistemológico, o antropológico e o ontológico. Nossa abordagem procura, assim, estabelecer uma argumentação preliminar, visando uma crítica mais detalhada e profunda do reducionismo fisicalista.

The present article tries to establish a critical approach about na-turalism ­ here considered as a large and influent stream of contem-porary thought with strongs ideological implications ­ which de-nies the scientific consistency of notions like "subjectivity" and"mind". With that purpose we argue against naturalism in four dif-ferent levels: ethical, epistemological, anthropological and onto-logical. So, our approach intends, to stablish a preliminary argu-ment that aims a future critical exposition, more detailed and pro-found, of reductionist physicalism.

Humanos , Relações Metafísicas Mente-Corpo , Antropologia
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 1-19, 2002.
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-206065


Medicine is not only a science but also belongs to the humanities. Being a science means that it has the objective and universally applicable methodology. Science, because of its stringent methodologies (determinism, reductionism and mechanism), cannot grasp the fruitful context of human life. Although the humanities can give us flexible wisdom of life, nobody can insist on its objective and universal applicability. We have two different cultures in medicine - those of science and the humanities. If you examine the ways how people choose health services, however, you can find that they do not have any conflict between the two cultures. They simply do not care whether the service they are going to buy is orthodox or alternative if they have high expectations of it. The two cultures already have been resolved in their lives. I suggest that we should learn from ordinary people and not from logics of science and philosophy to resolve the conflict between the two cultures. We can probably begin with the fact that the ultimate goal of medicine is to serve the people and not to find abstract truth in the material body.

Diversidade Cultural , Resumo em Inglês , Ciências Humanas/história , Filosofia Médica/história , Ciência/história
Physis (Rio J.) ; 8(1): 47-74, jan.-jun. 1998.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-497436


O artigo discute a leitura da obra freudiana realizada por Marcuse, assinalando que a interpretação desse autor reduz a significação dos conceitos freudianos de princípio de prazer e princípio de realidade no contexto de uma compreensão caracterizada pela centralidade do trabalho na produção das subjetividades. Na perspectiva de Marcuse, essa leitura reducionista ignora a significação da virada teórica empreendida por Freud desde 1920, produzindo, assim, uma segunda redução dos conceitos freudianos, na medida em que a segunda teoria pulsional é interpretada ao contexto dos conceitos "princípio de prazer" e "princípio de realidade". Como conseqüência desse duplo reducionismo - diferentemente de Freud - Marcuse desconsidera a significação da lei na construção da democracia.

The article discusses Marcuse's reading of Freud's works, pointing out that his interpretation reduces the meaning of Freudian concepts of pleasure principie and reality principie in the context of an understanding characterized by the centrality of work in the production of subjectivities. In Marcuse's perspective, this reductionist reading overlooks the significance of Freud's theoretical tum from 1920 on, thus producing a second reduction of the Freudian concepts, insofar as the second instinctual theory is interpreted within the "pleasure principie" and "reality principie" concepts. As a consequence of such a double reductionism - differently from Freud - Marcuse does not take into consideration the significance of law in the construction of democracy.

L'article discute Ia lecture de l'oeuvre freudienne fait par Marcuse, remarquant que l'interpretation de cet auteur-Ià réduit Ia signification des concepts freudiens du príncipe de plaisir et du príncipe de réalité dans le contexte d'une compréhension caracterísée par Ia centralité du travail dans Ia production des subjectivités. Dans Ia perspective de Marcuse, cette lecture réductionniste ignore Ia signification du virage théonque entreprít par Freud apres 1920, ainsi produisant une deuxieme réduction des concepts freudiens fondamentaux à mesure que Ia deuxieme théoríe pulsionelle est interpretée selon les concepts "príncipe de plaisir" et "príncipe de réalité". En conséquence de ce double réductionnisme - différemment de Freud - Marcuse ignore Ia signification de Ia loi dans Ia construction de Ia démocratie.

Humanos , Teoria Freudiana , Princípio do Prazer-Desprazer , Psicanálise/tendências , Teoria Social