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Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 27: e220171, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430614


O objetivo do estudo foi analisar os desafios da formação desenvolvida pelos docentes atuantes em cursos de Enfermagem da região norte do Brasil, na perspectiva da Educação Interprofissional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, exploratória e qualitativa realizada em universidades públicas. Doze docentes participaram de entrevista semiestruturada. Utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo e cinco categorias foram selecionadas: 1) Compromisso do ensino e do trabalho com a integralidade do cuidado; 2) Aprimoramento do ensino, pesquisa e extensão na perspectiva da educação interprofissional; 3) Atuação integrada entre os profissionais da Saúde; 4) Necessidade de desenvolvimento docente alinhado aos princípios da educação interprofissional; e 5) Educação Permanente em Saúde como estratégia indutora do ensino e prática interprofissional. A Educação Interprofissional é um campo robusto e complexo. Logo, é fundamental uma prática docente capaz de empreender processos formativos inovadores, induzindo mudanças que impactem positivamente a formação e o trabalho em saúde.(AU)

Resumen Análisis de los desafíos de la formación desarrollada por los docentes que actúan en cursos de enfermería en la región norte de Brasil, desde la perspectiva de la educación interprofesional. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva, exploratoria y cualitativa realizada en universidades públicas. Doce docentes participaron en la entrevista semiestructurada. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido y se seleccionaron cinco categorías: 1) Compromiso de la enseñanza y del trabajo con la integralidad del cuidado; 2) Perfeccionamiento de la enseñanza, investigación y extensión desde la perspectiva de la educación interprofesional; 3) Actuación integrada entre los profesionales de la salud; 4) Necesidad de desarrollo docente alineado a los principios de la educación interprofesional; y 5) Educación permanente en salud como estrategia inductora de la enseñanza y de la práctica interprofesional. La educación interprofesional es un campo robusto y complejo. Por lo tanto, es fundamental una práctica docente capaz de emprender procesos formativos innovadores, induciendo cambios que impacten positivamente la formación y el trabajo en salud.(AU)

Abstract Study analyzing the challenges of training developed by teachers working in nursing courses in the Northern Region of Brazil, from the interprofessional education perspective. A descriptive, exploratory, qualitative research conducted in public universities in which twelve professors participated in a semi-structured interview. Content analysis was used, and five categories were selected: 1) Commitment to teaching and working with comprehensive care; 2) Improvement of teaching, research, and community extension from the perspective of interprofessional education; 3) Integrated action among health professionals; 4) Need for teaching development aligned to interprofessional education principles; 5) Continuing education in health as a strategy to induce interprofessional teaching and practice. Interprofessional education is a robust and complex field. Therefore, a teaching practice capable of undertaking innovative formative processes is key, inducing changes that positively impact training and work in health.(AU)

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 46(4): e129, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407391


Resumo: Introdução: A tomada de decisão compartilhada (TDC) é uma abordagem em que médicos e pacientes compartilham as melhores evidências disponíveis quando confrontados com a tarefa de tomar decisões. Na TDC, os pacientes são estimulados a considerar opções para que possam obter preferências informadas. Todavia, até onde se pode determinar, os princípios da TDC não são rotineiramente ensinados e avaliados nos currículos das faculdades de Medicina. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar na literatura instrumentos de avaliação aplicados em escolas médicas para o ensino de TDC. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa, via Portal de Periódicos Capes, que contempla as bases de dados MEDLINE, SciELO e Lilacs. Para as bases de vocabulário controlado, utilizamos o descritor shared decision making, combinado isoladamente com medical education. Para a base de palavras-chave, utilizamos medical school, medical student, medical educational models, educational medical assessment measures e medical curriculum. Resultado: A busca revelou 1.524 artigos, dos quais 13 foram selecionados como corpus de revisão. Instrumentos de avaliação em atenção centrada no paciente (ACP) são ferramentas importantes para avaliar a TDC em currículos de escolas médicas, principalmente a Patient-Practioner Orientai-o Scale (PPOS). Escalas e questionários on-line se apresentam como alternativas para essa avaliação. A escala Observing Patient Involvement (OPTION) se mostrou como uma ferramenta contributiva para avaliar a TDC em escolas médicas. Conclusão: Todos os 13 estudos de TDC aplicados em escolas médicas se mostraram de alguma forma eficazes na avaliação de habilidades, confiança ou atitudes dos alunos de graduação em Medicina. Contudo, nenhum desses estudos realizou avaliações de acompanhamento por longos períodos. Entendemos que, especialmente no Brasil, novas pesquisas devem ser feitas, tanto relacionadas com a validação de escalas que se mostram potentes internacionalmente como na construção de instrumentos mais contextualizados à nossa realidade.

Abstract: Introduction: Shared decision making (SDM) is an approach in which doctors and patients share the best available evidence when faced with the task of making decisions, and where patients are supported to consider options in order to obtain informed preferences. However, as far as can be determined, the principles of SDM are not routinely taught and evaluated in medical school curricula. Objective: Identify assessment instruments applied in medical schools for teaching SDM existing in the literature. Method: The research question was formulated in April 2021. The search for articles has been carried out since January 2020 on an ongoing basis and served to consolidate the guiding question. The process took place via the CAPES Journal Portal, covering the Medline, Scielo and Lilacs databases. For the controlled vocabulary bases, we used the descriptors: shared decision making, combined with medical education alone. For the keywords, we used medical school, medical student, medical educational models, educational medical assessment measures and medical curriculum. Result: The search revealed 1,524 articles and 13 articles were selected as a review corpus. Assessment instruments in patient-centered care are important tools for assessing SDM in medical school curricula, especially the patient-practitioner orientation scale (PPOS). Scales and online questionnaires are presented as alternatives for the assessment of SDM in medical schools. The OPTION scale "observing patient involvement" proved to be a very resourceful tool in the teaching of SDM. Conclusion: All 13 SDM studies applied in medical schools were shown to be somewhat effective in assessing the skills, confidence, or attitudes of undergraduate medical students. However, none of these studies performed long-term follow-up assessments. We understand that, especially in Brazil, new research must be carried out, both related to the validation of scales that prove to be internationally effective and in the construction of instruments more contextualized to our reality.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 43(2): 122-129, abr.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-990615


RESUMO Problematizou-se a percepção dos atores dos cursos da área da saúde da Universidade Federal de Goiás quanto ao impacto do Programa Nacional de Reorientação da Formação Profissional em Saúde articulado ao Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho para a Saúde (Propet-Saúde) na reestruturação curricular. Realizou-se um estudo transversal com a participação de 300 atores de sete cursos, entre estudantes, tutores, preceptores, professores e coordenadores de graduação. Para isto, foi construído e validado um instrumento atitudinal do tipo Likert com duas dimensões: D1: reestruturação curricular e os princípios do Propet-Saúde e D2: projeto pedagógico do curso e o Propet-Saúde. A validação de conteúdo do instrumento considerou as equivalências semântica, cultural e conceitual, atribuição de pontos (de 1 a 4) e randomização das assertivas. A pontuação gerou três intervalos interpretativos: de 1 a 1,99 (insatisfação); 2 a 2,99 (relativa satisfação) e 3 a 4 (satisfação). Foi feito pré-teste e, após a inserção das contribuições, o instrumento foi aplicado. Após a aplicação, o instrumento foi validado estatisticamente quanto à dispersão e confiabilidade. Foi realizada análise fatorial considerando função e curso. A dispersão por meio da correlação linear evidenciou perda de quatro asserções (11,77%) denotando excelente validação de conteúdo; a confiabilidade foi de 0,93 (p < 0,01), evidenciando ótima densidade estatística. As médias gerais de D1 e D2 foram 3,09 e 3,11 respectivamente, indicando satisfação entre os respondentes. Conclui-se que os participantes reconhecem importantes avanços, como a reestruturação curricular a partir dos programas, inserção dos alunos já no início do curso em cenários de prática, estímulo à interdisciplinaridade, diversificação de práticas avaliativas e uso de metodologias ativas. Na análise fatorial, verificou-se que os cursos de Medicina e Biomedicina mostram-se mais refratários às contribuições dos programas Pró-Saúde e Pet-Saúde. Outros desafios foram apontados, como carga horária excessiva, que dificulta a integração entre cursos e o desenvolvimento da competência em administração/gestão ainda incipiente. A junção dos programas na forma Propet-Saúde deve ser fortalecida, pois evidenciou grande assertividade na organização curricular, bem como na integração ensino-serviço, aspecto central para o fortalecimento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS).

ABSTRACT This study problematized the perception of stakeholders in the health care field at the Federal University of Goiás regarding the impact of the National Program for Professional Training and Reorientation in Health under the Program for Education for Work in Health (Propet-Saúde) on curricular restructuring. This cross-sectional study included 300 students, tutors, preceptors, teachers and graduation coordinators from seven courses. A Likert-type instrument was constructed and validated with the following dimensions: D1: curricular restructuring and the principles of Propet-Saúde and D2: the pedagogical project of the Propet-Saúde course. The instrument was validated considering semantic, cultural and conceptual equivalence, assignment of points (from 1 to 4), and randomization of the assertions tested. The score generated three interpretive intervals: from 1 to 1.99 (dissatisfaction); 2 to 2.99 (relative satisfaction) and 3 to 4 (satisfaction). The instrument was applied following a pre-test and the placement of the contributors. The instrument was then statistically validated for dispersion and reliability. Factorial analysis was performed considering function and course. Dispersion through linear correlation showed a loss of 4 assertions (11.77%), signifying excellent content validation. Reliability was 0.93 (p < 0.01), showing excellent statistical density. The general averages of D1 and D2 were 3.09 and 3.11 respectively, indicating satisfaction among the respondents. In conclusion, the participants recognize important advances such as curricular restructuring from these programs, placement of students already at the beginning of the course into practice scenarios, motivation toward interdisciplinarity, diversification of evaluation practices, and use of active methodologies. After factorial analysis, it was shown that medical and biomedical courses are more resistant to the contributions of the Pró-Saúde and PET-Saúde Programs and other hurdles were identified, such as excessive workload that hinders the integration of courses and the development of still-evolving administration and management skills. The interaction of the programs in Propet-Saúde should be strengthened, as it demonstrated significant assertiveness in curricular organization as well as in the teaching and service integration, a central aspect for the strengthening of Brazilian Public Health.

ABCS health sci ; 44(1): 15-21, 02 maio 2019. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-995006


INTRODUÇÃO: Os preceptores são profissionais do serviço/assistência que, aliado a um conhecimento pedagógico, acompanham o desenvolvimento profissional de futuros profissionais de saúde. OBJETIVO: Analisar a percepção sobre a atividade de preceptoria quanto aos desafios e perspectivas no Programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde (PRMS). MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo quanti-qualitativo baseado na construção e validação de uma escala Atitudinal do tipo Likert. RESULTADOS: Os resultados obtidos foram organizados em quatro dimensões: (D1) Preceptoria como fator contributivo para o processo de formação em saúde; (D2) Formação do preceptor e as competências para o exercício da preceptoria; (D3) A articulação da teoria/prática na atividade de preceptoria no programa de residência multiprofissional em saúde e (D4) Características do preceptor ideal. CONCLUSÃO: Constatou-se que o preceptor ao ampliar seu repertório técnico/profissional e pedagógico, estará favorecendo também a articulação da teoria com a prática.

INTRODUCTION: Preceptors are service/assistance professionals who, along with pedagogical knowledge, accompany the professional development of future health professionals. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the perception about the preceptorship activity regarding the challenges and perspectives in the Multiprofessional Health Residency Program (PRMS). METHODS: It is a quantitative-qualitative study based on the construction and validation of a Likert type attitudinal scale. RESULTS: The results were organized in four dimensions: (D1) Preceptorship as a contributory factor for the health training process; (D2) Training of the preceptor and the competences for the exercise of preceptorship; (D3) The theory/practice articulation in the preceptorship activity in the multiprofessional residency program in health and (D4) Characteristics of the ideal preceptor. CONCLUSION: It was found that the preceptor, when expanding his technical/professional and pedagogical repertoire, will also favor the articulation of theory with practice.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Patient Care Team , Preceptorship , Teaching , Health Education , Learning
J. health inform ; 9(1): 25-30, jan.-mar. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-832616


Objetivo: O presente artigo teve como objetivo avaliar um Programa de Educação Permanente para equipe de enfermagem para o uso do Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente (PEP). Método: Foi realizada análise retrospectiva de 95 testes e questionários preenchidos por novos colaboradores após o treinamento, no período de fevereiro a junho de 2014. Foi aplicado o teste de Mann-Whitney para avaliar a relação da nota dos testes com variáveis qualitativas. Resultados: Fatores como gênero, idade e ter experiência anterior com PEP não promoveram melhora no desempenho do uso do PEP. Possuir graduação e ter domínio em informática influenciaram na percepção de melhoria do desempenho. Conclusão: Assim, salienta-se a necessidade de as instituições da saúde adotarem políticas que contribuam para a qualificação de seus profissionais.

Objectives: This article aimed to evaluate a Permanent Education Program for nursing staff to use the Electronic Patient Record (EPR). Method: Retrospective analysis of 95 tests and questionnaires was conducted filled by new employees after training, from February to June 2014. The Mann -Whitney test was used to assess the relationship of note testing with qualitative variables. Results: Factors such as gender, age and previous experience with EPR did not promote improvement in the performance of EPR use. Graduation and expertise in computer influenced the perception of improved performance. Conclusion: Thus, we emphasize the need for hospitals to adopt policies that contribute to the qualification of its professionals.

Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar un Programa de Educación Permanente para el personal de enfermería para utilizar el Registro Electrónico del Paciente (REP). Método: Análisis retrospectivo de 95 pruebas y cuestionarios llenadós por nuevos empleados después del entrenamiento, de febrero a junio de 2014. Se utilizó la prueba de Mann-Whitney para evaluar la relación de las pruebas de nota con las variables cualitativas. Resultados: Factores como el género, la edad y experiencia previa con el REP no promovió la mejora en el rendimiento del uso de REP. Ser graduado y tener el dominio em el uso de la informática influido en la percepción de un mejor desempeño. Conclusión: De este modo, se pone de relieve la necesidad de que las instituciones de salud adoptén políticas que contribuyan a la capacitación de sus profesionales.

Nursing Informatics , Education, Continuing , Electronic Health Records , Nursing, Team , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric
Cien Saude Colet ; 19(5): 1437-46, 2014 May.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24897209


The use of digital technology in the form of health care apps has been on the increase. In the nutrition area, apps are now available with a view to lead to behavior change, helping individuals to reflect on their food choices and identify weak points in their dietary routine. The article seeks to evaluate user perception regarding the usability of the Digital Food Guide (DFG), which is a mobile smartphone app with guidelines on healthy eating. A cross-sectional study evaluated the user perception of the app using the Likert scale, built with 24 assertions organized in three dimensions of analysis: the DFG as an intuitive and self-explanatory tool; the DFG as a promoter of healthy food choices; and the DFG as a promoter of the transition to the appropriate weight. The instrument was assessed regarding its reliability through the split-half and validity method in two stages. The 22 assertions were validated; the reliability was 0.93; the average of the assertions in each dimension was 3.10; of the 80 respondents, 58.75% considered the implementation of the DFG to be positive. The application has good usability as perceived by users, considering analysis of the dimensions relating to its performance.

Attitude to Health , Cell Phone , Mobile Applications , Nutrition Policy , Adult , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Surveys and Questionnaires , Young Adult
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 19(5): 1437-1446, maio 2014. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-710551


O uso da tecnologia digital na forma de aplicativos para cuidados em saúde tem crescido; na área de nutrição estão disponíveis com o propósito de levar à mudança de comportamento, auxiliando indivíduos a refletirem sobre escolhas alimentares e identificarem fragilidades na rotina alimentar. O artigo tem por objetivo avaliar a percepção dos usuários em relação à usabilidade do Guia Alimentar Digital (GAD), aplicativo para celular smartphone, com diretrizes sobre alimentação saudável. Estudo transversal avaliou a percepção de usuários do aplicativo por meio de escala Likert, construída com 24 asserções organizadas em três dimensões de análise: 1. GAD como ferramenta intuitiva e autoexplicativa; 2. GAD como promotor de escolhas alimentares saudáveis; 3. GAD como promotor da transição para o peso adequado. O instrumento foi analisado quanto à confiabilidade pelo método split-half e validade em duas etapas. Foram validadas 22 asserções; a confiabilidade foi de 0,93; a média de pontos das asserções em cada dimensão foi 3,10; dos 80 respondentes, 58,75% considerou positiva a implementação do GAD. O aplicativo apresenta boa usabilidade, segundo a percepção dos usuários, a considerar as análises das dimensões referentes ao seu desempenho.

The use of digital technology in the form of health care apps has been on the increase. In the nutrition area, apps are now available with a view to lead to behavior change, helping individuals to reflect on their food choices and identify weak points in their dietary routine. The article seeks to evaluate user perception regarding the usability of the Digital Food Guide (DFG), which is a mobile smartphone app with guidelines on healthy eating. A cross-sectional study evaluated the user perception of the app using the Likert scale, built with 24 assertions organized in three dimensions of analysis: the DFG as an intuitive and self-explanatory tool; the DFG as a promoter of healthy food choices; and the DFG as a promoter of the transition to the appropriate weight. The instrument was assessed regarding its reliability through the split-half and validity method in two stages. The 22 assertions were validated; the reliability was 0.93; the average of the assertions in each dimension was 3.10; of the 80 respondents, 58.75% considered the implementation of the DFG to be positive. The application has good usability as perceived by users, considering analysis of the dimensions relating to its performance.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Attitude to Health , Cell Phone , Mobile Applications , Nutrition Policy , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Cien Saude Colet ; 14(3): 961-72, 2009.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19547796


An epidemiological analysis of the forms and distribution of Dengue fever in Brazil and worldwide was carried out. The National Program of Dengue Control (NPDC) was evaluated based on the data available at 'Diagdengue' an official computerized information system allowing to follow-up the implantation and impact of the Program. A factorial analysis was performed by means of a set of indicators contributing to variability. The indicator scores were added and the cities demanding for prior attention of the NPCD were classified for the construction of an index, which is presented three-monthly for every state, with intervals distributed between 0 and 9. The implantation of the NCPD is irregular. Cities with bad implantation are predominating in the north and northeast of the country. In the second analysis, socio-economic variables of the selected cities were added. For the association tests these cities were classified into two groups: 'Bad' and 'Good/Very Good', based on the association of the index of building infestation informed in the FAD (Yellow Fever and Dengue) database and the constructed index. Associations were verified based on variance analysis, trend test and trend estimate. It was observed that cities with low rates of illiteracy, efficient garbage collection and high ratio of sanitary installations are correlated with a good classification of the city according to Diagdengue.

Dengue/prevention & control , National Health Programs , Brazil , Dengue/epidemiology , Dengue/history , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , National Health Programs/history , Program Evaluation
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 14(3): 961-972, maio-jun. 2009. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-517260


An epidemiological analysis of the forms and distribution of Dengue fever in Brazil and worldwide was carried out. The National Program of Dengue Control (NPDC) was evaluated based on the data available at "Diagdengue" an official computerized information system allowing to follow-up the implantation and impact of the Program. A factorial analysis was performed by means of a set of indicators contributing to variability. The indicator scores were added and the cities demanding for prior attention of the NPCD were classified for the construction of an index, which is presented three-monthly for every state, with intervals distributed between 0 and 9. The implantation of the NCPD is irregular. Cities with bad implantation are predominating in the north and northeast of the country. In the second analysis, socio-economic variables of the selected cities were added. For the association tests these cities were classified into two groups: "Bad" and "Good/Very Good", based on the association of the index of building infestation informed in the FAD (Yellow Fever and Dengue) database and the constructed index. Associations were verified based on variance analysis, trend test and trend estimate. It was observed that cities with low rates of illiteracy, efficient garbage collection and high ratio of sanitary installations are correlated with a good classification of the city according to Diagdengue.

History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Dengue/prevention & control , National Health Programs , Brazil , Dengue/epidemiology , Dengue/history , National Health Programs/history , Program Evaluation