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Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 45: e20220045, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529723


RESUMO Este artigo analisou como as publicações sobre dupla carreira (DC) no Brasil abordaram esse tema conceitualmente e metodologicamente. Realizamos uma revisão narrativa dos estudos publicados entre 2018 e 2023, e os analisamos a partir dos tipos de abordagens metodológicas, os conceitos e o direcionamento dessas pesquisas brasileiras. Notamos que a DC é vista como objeto de conciliação de rotinas a partir das idiossincrasias de cada grupo de investigação, carecendo de aprofundamento sobre possíveis causas para má gestão das agendas do estudante-atleta. Sugerimos uma maior interação entre os grupos de pesquisa, buscando mínimos consensos entre os investigadores sobre a noção de DC tal como a adoção de métodos holísticos que auxiliem a captar a complexidade desse fenômeno social.

ABSTRACT We analyse the conceptual and methodological approaches taken by Brazilian research on the Dual Career (DC). We conducted a narrative review of published studies between 2018 and 2023; we analysed them based on the methodological approach, the concept used, and their basic premises that support research. We observe that DC is viewed as the form of combining routines by Brazilian researchers, conducting debate from their theoretical perspectives. Still, we note little engagement among these researchers to provide a combination approach to deep knowledge about DC and their issues with managing student-athletes schedules. So, we suggest more interaction among Brazilian research groups, seeking consensus to adopt holistic research methods that aid in understanding the DC complexity.

RESUMEN Ese artículo analizó cómo las recientes publicaciones se acercaron conceptual y metodológicamente a la Carrera Dual (CD) en Brasil. Revisamos los artículos desde 2018 a 2023, y los analizamos a través de sus metodologías, conceptos y premisas teóricas que los basaron los investigadores. Observamos que la CD fue acercada como la manera de compaginar rutinas y los investigadores conducían al debate desde sus perspectivas teóricas. También notamos poco involucro entre los investigadores, lo que puede limitar la interpretación a cerca de la CD y la manera de compaginar a las agendas de los estudiantes-deportistas. Por lo tanto, sugerimos una interacción entre los investigadores brasileños, buscando acuerdos para adoptar metodologías holísticas para comprender el fenómeno de la CD.

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 44: e20220074, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407360


RESUMO O objetivo do artigo foi diagnosticar o rendimento acadêmico dos estudantes da Rede Pública Municipal, que participaram do Projeto Vilas Olímpicas e Escolas (VIES). A amostra foi composta por 1.118 alunos (474 meninas e 644 meninos do Ensino Fundamental), de 30 escolas participantes do VIES. Analisamos as informações dos relatórios mensais das Organizações Sociais responsáveis pelos contratados de gestão das Vilas Olímpicas, com os indicadores de rendimento escolar do público-alvo. Comparamos os rendimentos bimestrais entre alunos VIES e não VIES de toda Rede de Ensino Público Municipal. Uma análise preliminar constatou que os alunos acompanhados pelo VIES apresentaram rendimento escolar médio superior ao grupo que não realizava atividades sistemáticas nas Vilas Olímpicas.

ABSTRACT This article aims to diagnose the academic performance of students from municipal public schools who participated in the Vilas Olímpicas e Escolas Project (VIES). The sample consisted of 1,118 students from 30 schools participating in the VIES. We analyzed the information in the monthly reports of the social organizations responsible for the management contractors of Vilas Olímpicas and cross-referenced it with the school performance indicators. We compared the bimonthly academic performance between the VIES and non-VIES students from the entire municipal network. The preliminary analysis found that the students monitored by the VIES had a higher average school performance than the group that did not perform systematic activities in the sports center of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

RESUMEN El objetivo del artículo fue diagnosticar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del sistema escolar público municipal que participaron en el Proyecto Villas Olímpicas y Escuelas (VIES). La muestra estuvo conformada por 1118 estudiantes de 30 escuelas participantes del VIES. Analizamos los informes mensuales elaborados por la dirección de las Villas Olímpicas y los indicadores de rendimiento de los estudiantes. Comparamos el rendimiento escolar de los estudiantes participantes de VIES con aquellos que no participaron y estaban matriculados en el sistema escolar público municipal. El análisis constató que los estudiantes monitoreados por el VIES tuvieron un rendimiento escolar promedio superior a los demás estudiantes del sistema público municipal.

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 44: e001422, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387747


ABSTRACT This study outlined the profile of athletes participating in the Athlete Scholarship Program of the Federal District to conduct a processual analysis of factors composing the holistic dual career model. The research sample included 25 athletes who benefited from the program in 2014. Data were collected through an online structured questionnaire about the topic under discussion. The main results indicate that the athletes present no educational delay, have high educational expectations, and that most belong to the highest socioeconomic class. Sporting and educational institutions must stimulate the organization of public policies, increasing public investments in high performance sports.

RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi de traçar o perfil dos atletas do Programa Bolsa-Atleta do Distrito Federal a fim de realizar uma análise processual dos fatores que compõem o modelo holístico da dupla carreira. A amostra da pesquisa compreendeu 25 atletas beneficiados em 2014 e os dados foram coletados por meio do preenchimento de um questionário estruturado online, com perguntas sobre o tema em discussão. Os principais resultados mostram que os atletas não apresentam atraso escolar, têm alta expectativa educacional e a maioria pertence aos estratos socioeconômicos mais altos. As instituições esportivas e educacionais devem assumir um papel ativo para estimular a organização de políticas públicas potencializando o investimento do Estado para a promoção do esporte de alto rendimento.

RESUMEN El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar el perfil de los atletas del Programa Bolsa-Atleta del Distrito Federal para realizar un análisis procedimental de los factores que conforman el modelo holístico de la carrera dual. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 25 atletas beneficiados en 2014 y los datos fueron recolectados mediante un cuestionario estructurado en línea. Los principales resultados de la investigación muestran que los atletas no presentan retraso escolar, tienen altas expectativas educativas y en su mayoría pertenecen a estratos socioeconómicos más altos. Las instituciones deportivas y educativas deben desempeñar un papel activo en el fomento de la organización de políticas públicas, potenciando la inversión del Estado en la promoción del deporte de alto rendimiento.

Conexões (Campinas, Online) ; 20: e022014, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1413388


Introdução: Este texto, em homenagem à profa. Simoni Guedes (in memoriam), tematiza o futebol de várzea. Mais precisamente, a experiência cultural do "Preto X Branco", jogo de futebol que ocorre na periferia de São João Clímaco, São Paulo capital, há cerca de 50 anos.As questões, as quais orientam este artigo são: qual a função simbólica do "Preto X Branco"? O que ele representa e inclui/exclui como distintivo de sua identidade? Quais laços sociais são criados? Quais seus ideais, reprodutores ou reinterpretativos da ordem dominante? Objetivo:Desse modo, os autores objetivaram interpretar que representação esse jogo do futebol da várzea paulistana traz para a comunidade que o promove.Método:Para tanto, foram tomadas como fontes 13 entrevistas de atores protagonistas do jogo, o documentário "Preto X Branco", reportagens jornalísticas sobre o evento, além das percepções captadas pela observação participante do fenômeno "de perto e de dentro". Resultados:Ao proceder à aproximação e adentramento no jogo, foi descoberto que se trata de um ritual de futebol realizado anualmente com o objetivo de afirmar os valores antirracistas, almejando-se sua promoção e preservação pelos guardiões da memória do"Preto X Branco". Esse jogo que celebra a amizade de amigos pretos e brancos tem a mensagem simbólica de mostrar-se um coletivo cuja marca distintiva de sua identidade é o combate ao racismo. Conclusão:Para a comunidade que o realiza, o "Preto X Branco" revela as relações sobre as raças na cultura brasileira através da experiência cultural de um tradicional jogo de futebol radicado na várzea paulistana.

Introduction: This text in homage to the teacher Simoni Guedes (in memoriam) thematizes the Várzea soccer. In the case, the cultural experience of "Black vs. White", the soccer game which occurs in the São João Clímaco periphery, São Paulo. Capital, about 50 years ago. The questionsthat guide this article are: what is the symbolic function of "Black vs. White"? What social bonds are created? What are their ideals, reproducing or reinterpreting, of the dominant order? Objective:The authors aimed to interpret what this soccer game inthe São Paulo Várzea represents for the community that promotes it. Method:Therefore, we took as sources 13 interviews of protagonists of the game, the documentary "Black vs. White", journalistic reports about the event, in addition to the perceptions captured by the participant observation of the phenomenon "from up close and from within". Results:When approaching and entering the game we discovered that it is a football ritual held annually with the objective of affirming the values that are promoted and preserved by the guardians of that group's memory. This game that celebrates the friendship of black friends and white friends has the symbolic message of showing itself as a collective whose distinctive mark of its identity is the fight against racism.Conclusion:For the community that promotes it, our interpretation is that the "Black vs. White" reveals the relationships about races in Brazilian culture through the cultural experience of a traditional soccer game rooted from São Paulo's Várzea.

Introducción: Este texto en honor al prof. Simoni Guedes (in memoriam) se centra en el fútbol de la "Várzea". En este caso, la experiencia cultural de "PretoX Branco", un partido de fútbol que se desarrolla en São João Clímaco, afueras São Paulo Capital, desde hace alrededor de 50 años. Las preguntas que orientan este artículo son: ¿cuál es la función simbólica de "Preto X Blanco"? ¿Qué representa e incluye/excluye como rasgo distintivo de su identidad? ¿Qué vínculos sociales se crean? ¿Cuáles son sus ideales, reproduciendo o reinterpretando el orden dominante? Objetivo:Los autores pretendían interpretar lo que representa este juego de fútbol en la llanura aluvial de São Paulo para la comunidad que lo promueve. Método:Para ello, tomamos como fuentes 13 entrevistas a protagonistas del juego, el documental "PretoX Branco", reportajes periodísticos sobre el evento, además de las percepciones captadas por la observación participante del fenómeno "de cerca y desde adentro". Resultado:Al acercarnos e ingresar al juego, descubrimos que se trata de un ritual futbolístico que se realiza anualmente con el objetivo de afirmar los valores que promueven y preservan los guardianes de la memoria de ese colectivo. Este juego que celebra la amistad de amigos negros y amigos blancos tiene el mensaje simbólico de mostrarse como un colectivo cuya marca distintiva de su identidad es la lucha contra el racismo. Conclusión:Para la comunidad que lo promueve, nuestra interpretación es que "Negro X Blanco" revela las relaciones entre razas en la cultura brasileña a través de la experiencia cultural de un juego de fútbol tradicional arraigado en el fútbol de la "varzea" de São Paulo.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , History, 20th Century , Young Adult , Soccer , Culture , Racial Groups , Racism , Anthropology, Cultural , Race Relations , Social Identification , Black or African American , Brazil , Poverty Areas , White People , Methods
Conexões (Campinas, Online) ; 20: e022018, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415278


Esta entrevista com o antropólogo e historiador Roberto DaMatta, um dos grandes precursores de uma antropologia dedicada ao estudo dos esportes e, particularmente, do futebol na América Latina, evidencia a construção de um campo interdisciplinar que ganhou relevância nos últimos 40 anos, a partir da publicação do livro O Universo do futebol: esporte e sociedade brasileira. O entrevistado é doutor em Antropologia pelo Peabody Museum da Universidade de Harvard, e graduado em História pela Universidade Federal Fluminense. Foi chefe do Departamento de Antropologia do Museu Nacional e é Professor Titular da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. Foi pioneiro nos estudos de rituais e festivais em sociedades industriais, tendo investigado o Brasil como sociedade e sistema cultural por meio de diversas práticas, inclusive a partir do esporte.

We interview the anthropologist and historian Roberto DaMatta, one of the great precursors of anthropology of sport and, particularly, football studies in Latin America. He highlights the construction of an interdisciplinary field that has gained relevance in the last 40 years, with the first publication of the book O Universo do Futebol: esporte e sociedade brasileira, in 1982. The researcher holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the Peabody Museum at Harvard University and a degree in History from the Fluminense Federal University. He was head of the Anthropology Department at the National Museum and is a Full Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. He was a pioneer in the studies of rituals and festivals in industrial societies, having investigated Brazil as a society and cultural system through various practices, including sports.

Esta entrevista al antropólogo e historiador Roberto DaMatta, uno de los grandes precursores de una antropología dedicada al estudio del deporte y, en particular, del fútbol en América Latina, destaca la construcción de un campo interdisciplinario que ha cobrado relevancia en los últimos 40 años, desde la ocasión de la publicación del libro O Universo do Futebol: esporte e sociedade brasileira. El entrevistado es Doctor en Antropología por el Museo Peabody de la Universidad de Harvard y Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad Federal Fluminense. Fue jefe del Departamento de Antropología del Museo Nacional y es Profesor Titular de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Río de Janeiro. Fue pionero en los estudios de rituales y festivales en las sociedades industriales, habiendo investigado el Brasil como sociedad y sistema cultural a través de diversas prácticas, incluyendo el deporte.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Soccer , Research Personnel , Soccer/history , Societies , Sports , Ceremonial Behavior , Interview , Biography , History , Latin America , Anthropology
Conexões (Campinas, Online) ; 20: e022009, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391615


Se trata de un dossier cuyo objetivo es homenajear los 40 años del libro "Universo do Futebol: Esporte e Sociedade Brasileira" y su papel en la conformación del campo de los estudios del deporte y la sociedad en América Latina. El número en pantalla reúne artículos que hablan directa o indirectamente del trabajo pionero organizado por Roberto DaMatta y sus colaboradores en 1982

Trata-se de um dossiê cujo objetivo é homenagear os 40 anos do libro "Universo do futebol: Esporte e Sociedade Brasileira" e seu papel na formação do campo dos estudos esporte e sociedade na América Latina. O número em tela reúne artigos que discutem diretamente ou indiretamente a pioneira obra organizada por Roberto DaMatta e seus colaboradores em 1982

The purpose of the dossier is to honor the 40th anniversary of the book "Universo do Futebol: Esporte e Sociedade Brasileira" and its role in shaping the field of sport and society studies in Latin America. This issue of the magazine brings together articles that directly or indirectly discuss the pioneering work organized by Roberto DaMatta and his collaborators in 1982

Humans , Soccer , Sports , Civil Society , Anniversaries and Special Events
Preprint in English | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21265059


We present COVID-19 Wastewater Analyser (CoWWAn) to reconstruct the epidemic dynamics from SARS-CoV-2 viral load in wastewater. As demonstrated for various regions and sampling protocols, this mechanistic model-based approach quantifies the case numbers, provides epidemic indicators and accurately infers future epidemic trends. In situations of reduced testing capacity, analysing wastewater data with CoWWAn is a robust and cost-effective alternative for real-time surveillance of local COVID-19 dynamics.

Preprint in English | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21254631


Developing tools for rapid and early detection of disease re-emergence is important to perform science-based risk assessment of epidemic threats. In the past few years, several early warning signals (EWS) from complex systems theory have been introduced to detect impending critical transitions and extend the set of indicators. However, it is still debated whether they are generically applicable or potentially sensitive to some dynamical characteristics such as system noise and rates of approach to critical parameter values. Moreover, testing on empirical data has, so far, been limited. Hence, verifying EWS performance remains a challenge. In this study, we tackle this question by analyzing the performance of common EWS, such as increasing variance and autocorrelation, in detecting the emergence of COVID-19 outbreaks in various countries. We illustrate that EWS are successful in detecting disease emergence if some basic assumptions are satisfied: a slow forcing through the transitions and not-fat-tailed noise. In uncertain cases, noise properties or commensurable time scales may obscure the expected early warning signals. Overall, our results suggest that EWS can be useful for active monitoring of epidemic dynamics, but that their performance is sensitive to certain features of the underlying dynamics. Our findings thus pave a connection between theoretical and empirical studies, constituting a further step towards the application of EWS indicators for informing public health policies. Author summaryTo extend the toolkit of alerting indicators against the emergence of infectious diseases, recent studies have suggested the use of generic early warning signals (EWS) from the theory of dynamical systems. Although extensively investigated theoretically, their empirical performance has still not been fully assessed. We contribute to it by considering the emergence of subsequent waves of COVID-19 in several countries. We show that, if some basic assumptions are met, EWS could be useful against new outbreaks, but they fail to detect rapid or noisy shifts in epidemic dynamics. Hence, we discuss the potentials and limitations of such indicators, depending on country-specific dynamical characteristics and on data collection strategies.

J Environ Manage ; 282: 111939, 2021 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33485033


The bioadsorbent C1, which is a chitosan derivative prepared in a one-step synthesis, was successfully used to adsorb Cr(VI) and Cu(II) simultaneously. Here, for the first time the simultaneous adsorption of a cation and an anion was modeled using the Corsel model for kinetics and the Real Adsorbed Solution Theory model for equilibrium data. Batch studies of the adsorption of Cu(II) and Cr(VI) in single and binary aqueous solutions were performed as a function of initial solute concentration, contact time, and solution pH. The maximum adsorption capacities of C1 in single and binary aqueous solutions were 1.84 and 1.13 mmol g-1 for Cu(II) and 3.86 and 0.98 mmol g-1 for Cr(VI), respectively. The reuse of C1 was investigated, with Cu(II) ions being almost completely desorbed and fully re-adsorbed. For Cr(VI), the desorption was incomplete resulting in a lower re-adsorption. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was used for mapping the distributions of Cr(VI) and Cu(II) adsorbed on the C1 surface in single and binary adsorption systems. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments were performed for Cr(VI) and Cu(II) adsorption in single solutions. The thermodynamic parameters of adsorption showed that the adsorption of both metal ions was enthalpically driven, but entropically unfavorable.

Chitosan , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Adsorption , Chromium/analysis , Copper/analysis , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Kinetics , Pyridines
Preprint in English | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20249088


BackgroundWorldwide more than 72 million people have been infected and 1.6 million died with SARS-CoV-2 by 15th December 2020. Non-pharmaceutical interventions which decrease social interaction have been implemented to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and to mitigate stress on healthcare systems and prevent deaths. The pandemic has been tackled with disparate strategies by distinct countries resulting in different epidemic dynamics. However, with vaccines now becoming available, the current urgent open question is how the interplay between vaccination strategies and social interaction will shape the pandemic in the next months. MethodsTo address this question, we developed an extended Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Removed (SEIR) model including social interaction, undetected cases and the progression of patients trough hospitals, intensive care units (ICUs) and death. We calibrated our model to data of Luxem-bourg, Austria and Sweden, until 15th December 2020. We incorporated the effect of vaccination to investigate under which conditions herd immunity would be achievable in 2021. ResultsThe model reveals that Sweden has the highest fraction of undetected cases, Luxembourg displays the highest fraction of infected population, and all three countries are far from herd immunity as of December 2020. The model quantifies the level of social interactions, and allows to assess the level which would keep Reff (t) below 1. In December 2020, this level is around 1/3 of what it was before the pandemic for all the three countries. The model allows to estimate the vaccination rate needed for herd immunity and shows that 2700 vaccinations/day are needed in Luxembourg to reach it by mid of April and 45,000 for Austria and Sweden. The model estimates that vaccinating the whole countrys population within 1 year could lead to herd immunity by July in Luxembourg and by August in Austria and Sweden. ConclusionThe model allows to shed light on the dynamics of the epidemics in different waves and countries. Our results emphasize that vaccination will help considerably but not immediately and therefore social measures will remain important for several months before they can be fully alleviated.

J. Phys. Educ. ; 32: e3222, 2021.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356399


ABSTRACT This article relates gender identity and sports and contextualizes narratives of women who play sports known to be traditionally and predominantly masculine, based on the memory of their sports journeys in childhood, in School Physical Education, and in the otherness experienced while playing sports in adulthood. From a methodological point of view, the study is designed as a participant observation carried out with young women playing team contact sports at a public sports center in the suburb of Rio de Janeiro. The results describe processes involving the insertion, confrontation, identification and permanence experienced by these women in sports, which, in the studied place, are predominantly masculine, as well as the relationship of these processes with their memories of childhood and School Physical Education. As a conclusion, this investigation presents the importance of School Physical Education in building strategies and identity narratives that support the permanence of these women in sports known to be a men's space.

RESUMO O artigo relaciona identidade de gênero e esporte e contextualiza narrativas de mulheres praticantes de esportes, de tradição e predomínio masculino, a partir da memória das trajetórias esportivas delas na infância, na Educação Física Escolar e nas alteridades vivenciadas na prática do esporte na vida adulta. O estudo se configura, do ponto de vista metodológico, como observação participante realizada com jovens adultas praticantes de esportes coletivos de confronto num centro esportivo público do subúrbio do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados descrevem os processos de inserção, enfrentamentos, identificação e permanência dessas mulheres em esportes, que no local estudado são de predomínio masculino, e a relação desses processos com a memória da infância e Educação Fisica Escolar. Como conclusão apresenta a importância da Educação Física Escolar para a construção das estratégias e narrativas identitárias que sustentam a permanências dessas mulheres nas modalidades esportivas dadas como espaço dos homens.

Preprint in English | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20075804


Against the current COVID-19 pandemic, governments worldwide have devised a variety of non-pharmaceutical interventions to suppress it, but the efficacy of distinct measures is not yet well quantified. In this paper, we propose a novel tool to achieve this quantification. In fact, this paper develops a new extended epidemic SEIR model, informed by a socio-political classification of different interventions, to assess the value of several suppression approaches. First, we inquire the conceptual effect of suppression parameters on the infection curve. Then, we illustrate the potential of our model on data from a number of countries, to perform cross-country comparisons. This gives information on the best synergies of interventions to control epidemic outbreaks while minimising impact on socio-economic needs. For instance, our results suggest that, while rapid and strong lock-down is an effective pandemic suppression measure, a combination of social distancing and contact tracing can achieve similar suppression synergistically. This quantitative understanding will support the establishment of mid- and long-term interventions, to prepare containment strategies against further outbreaks. This paper also provides an online tool that allows researchers and decision makers to interactively simulate diverse scenarios with our model.

J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 31: e3145, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134702


RESUMO Este artigo analisa os modelos de conciliação das rotinas na dupla carreira, esportiva e escolar, no Programa Bolsa Atleta do Governo Federal, com estudantes-atletas contemplados pelos resultados obtidos no ano de 2011. Caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa quantitativa realizada por meio de uma entrevista estruturada aplicada a 131 atletas das modalidades de atletismo, judô e natação, sendo 64 do sexo feminino e 67 do masculino. Os resultados evidenciam que: 1) as diferentes modalidades esportivas exigem dos seus atletas tempo e dedicação distintos; 2) processo de iniciação nas três modalidades exigem diferentes formas de investimentos; 3) menor escolaridade dos pais e atletas do atletismo, assim como, classe social mais baixa. Diante dos obstáculos da dupla carreira, atletas, clube, escola e famílias passam adotar táticas de conciliação e mesmo burla dos programas de suporte à formação esportiva.

ABSTRACT This article discusses the models for the reconciliation of career, sports and school routines in the Federal Government Athletic Scholarship Program, with students-contemplators and results obtained in 2011. Characterization as a quantitative research carried out by means of a structured interview invested in 131 athletes of the modalities of athletics, judo and swimming, being 64 female and 67 male. They show the following results: 1) as different sports modalities; 2) initiation process in the temporary variables of the forms of investment; 3) lower schooling of parents and athletes in athletics, as well as lower social class. In the face of the obstacles of the dual career, athletes, clubs, schools and families are adopting tactics of conciliation and even mockery of programs to support sports training.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Students , Athletes/education , Schools , Swimming/education , Track and Field/education , Martial Arts/education , Fellowships and Scholarships
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 30: e3026, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019966


ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to analyze the implications of the sources that construct the perception of self-efficacy in teaching. A total of 274 university students from two undergraduate courses in Physical Education in Southern Brazil participated in the research.The scales of teacher self-efficacy and the self-efficacy sources were applied. Multilevel regression models were used to verify the contribution of the sources of teacher self-efficacy to the perception of the university students. The results showed that the university students had high levels of self-efficacy. The sources of self-efficacy revealed that vicarious experiences had a moderate correlation with level of perception. They also showed that direct experiences contributed to the level of perception of university students with teaching experience, in upper levels of the course, and who underwent mandatory internships. This was similar to the vicarious source for those with teaching experience, as well as the source of social persuasion, which affects university students with sports and/or teaching experience. Lastly, the source of physiological states contributed to mandatory internships, teaching experience, and progression in the course. In conlcusion, the students perceive themselves as self-efficacious, the source of vicarious experience had a high perception, and other sources contributed to the teachers' self-efficacy.

RESUMO O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as implicações das fontes para a construção da percepção de Autoeficácia Docente. Participaram da investigação 274 universitários de dois cursos de licenciatura em Educação Física no sul do Brasil. Aplicou-se as escalas de autoeficácia docente e fontes de autoeficácia docente. Modelos de regressão multinível foram utilizados para verificar a contribuição das fontes de autoeficácia docente na percepção de universitários. Os resultados mostraram que os universitários apresentaram nível de autoeficácia docente elevado. Sobre as fontes de autoeficácia, revelaram que a experiência vicária teve correlação moderada com o nível de percepção apresentado. Também evidenciaram que as experiências diretas contribuíram no nível de percepção dos universitários com experiência docente, com maior progressão no curso e que realizaram estágio obrigatório. Da mesma maneira, a fonte vicária contribuiu para aqueles com experiência docente. De forma semelhante, a fonte de persuasão social, afetando os universitários com experiência esportiva e ou docente. Por fim, a fonte de estados fisiológicos afetou os universitários nas variáveis estágios obrigatórios, experiência docente e progressão no curso. Conclui-se que os universitários percebem-se autoeficazes, que as fontes de experiência vicária proporcionaram uma percepção elevada e que as demais fontes contribuíram para a autoeficácia docente.

Humans , Physical Education and Training , Students , Self Efficacy , Teaching , Universities , Problem-Based Learning
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013427


Abstract The present study examined changes in tactical performance and self-efficacy amongyoung female basketball players across a 4-months competitive season. Repeated measures preand post a 4-month season in 30 young female basketball players (11.4 to 14.7 years-old) was considered. We applied the Self-Efficacy General Scale and examined tactical performance in a standardized 3 vs 3 exercise in half court. The 3 vs 3 exercise was analysed using Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) and Team Sport Assessment Procedure (TSAP).We examined changes in tactical performance and self-efficacy using multilevel modelling.Theresults showed that changes of Self-Efficacy scores were not influenced by 4 months of training across competition period, chronological age and years of sport participation, the changes of TSAP performance was influenced only by years of sport participation, and the changes of GPAI performance was influenced only by the period of training and competition games.

Resumo O presente estudo examinou mudanças na performance tática e na autoeficácia de jovens meninas atletas de basquetebol durante quatro meses de treinamento em temporada competitiva. Foramrealizadas medidas repetidas pré e pós 4 meses em 30 jovens meninas atletas de basquetebol (11.4 a 14.7 anos). Foi aplicado o questionário Self-Efficacy General Scale e avaliada a performance tática em atividade padronizada 3x3 utilizando o Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) e o Team Sport Assessment Procedure (TSAP). Avaliou-se as variações de performance tática e de autoeficácia usando modelação multinível. Os resultados mostraram que as variações nos scores de autoeficácia não foram influenciados pelos 4 meses de treinamento durante a temporada competitiva,pela idade cronológica e nem pelos anos de participação esportiva; as mudanças de performance no TSAP foram influenciadas apenas pelos anos de participação e as variações de performance no GPAI foram influenciadas apenas pelo período de treino e jogos competitivos.

Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Task Performance and Analysis , Basketball
Cerebrovasc Dis ; 46(1-2): 40-45, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30064126


BACKGROUND: A 2013 consensus statement recommended the use of the modified Treatment In Cerebral Ischemia (mTICI) scale to evaluate angiographic revascularization after endovascular treatment (EVT) of acute ischemic stroke due to its higher inter-rater agreement and capacity of clinical outcome prediction. The current definition of successful revascularization includes the achievement of grades mTICI 2b or 3. However, mTICI 2b grade encompasses a large heterogeneity of revascularization states, and prior studies suggested that the magnitude of benefit derived from mTICI 2b and mTICI 3 does not seem to be equivalent. In a way to restrain the referred heterogeneity, Goyal et al. [J Neurointerv Surg 2014; 6: 83-86] proposed a revised mTICI scale that includes a 2c grade (rTICI). METHODS: Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data from consecutive cases of EVT for anterior circulation large-vessel occlusion, performed between January 2015 and July 2017. Patients with mTICI 2b or 3 grades were reclassified according to the rTICI scale, and the outcomes between the 3 revascularization grades (rTICI 2b, 2c, 3) compared. RESULTS: Our study population of 226 patients (64 rTICI 2b, 30 rTICI 2c, 132 rTICI 3) has a mean age of 71 years, 48.2% males, median baseline NIHSS of 16 (13-19) and ASPECTS of 8 (7-9). The 3 revascularization grades are represented by homogeneous populations. Logistic regression analysis showed statistically significant higher rates of functional independence at 3 months (65.9 vs. 50.0%; adjusted OR 0.39, 95% CI 0.18-0.86), with lower rates of mortality (8.3 vs. 15.6%; adjusted OR 3.54, 95% CI 1.14-10.97) and intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) in rTICI 3 than 2b groups. When comparing rTICI 3 with 2c groups, there were only statistically significant differences in the total ICH rate (8.3 vs. 26.7%; adjusted OR 7.08, 95% CI 1.80-27.82) but not in symptomatic ICH. CONCLUSIONS: These results corroborate the scarce prior findings suggesting that patients with rTICI 2c grade should be reported separately, since they have similar outcomes to rTICI 3, and better than rTICI 2b patients. Therefore, we suggest resetting the angiographic revascularization endpoint to perfect revascularization (rTICI 2c or 3 grades), a target that neurointerventionalists should strive to achieve.

Brain Ischemia/surgery , Cerebral Revascularization/methods , Endovascular Procedures/methods , Endpoint Determination , Stroke/surgery , Terminology as Topic , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Brain Ischemia/classification , Brain Ischemia/diagnostic imaging , Brain Ischemia/physiopathology , Cerebral Angiography , Cerebral Revascularization/adverse effects , Cerebral Revascularization/standards , Disability Evaluation , Endovascular Procedures/adverse effects , Endovascular Procedures/standards , Endpoint Determination/standards , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Predictive Value of Tests , Quality Indicators, Health Care , Recovery of Function , Retrospective Studies , Stroke/classification , Stroke/diagnostic imaging , Stroke/physiopathology , Time Factors , Treatment Outcome
Interv Neurol ; 7(1-2): 42-47, 2018 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29628944


BACKGROUND: Several reports refer to differences in stroke between females and males, namely in incidence and clinical outcome, but also in response to treatments. Driven by a recent analysis of the MR CLEAN trial, which showed a higher benefit from acute stroke endovascular treatment (EVT) in males, we intended to determine if clinical outcomes after EVT differ between sexes, in a real-world setting. METHODS: We analyzed 145 consecutive patients submitted to EVT for anterior circulation large-vessel occlusion, between January 2015 and September 2016, and compared the outcomes between sexes. RESULTS: Our population was represented by 81 (55.9%) females, with similar baseline characteristics (pre-stroke disability, baseline NIHSS, and ASPECTS), rate of previous intravenous thrombolysis, time from onset to recanalization, and rate of revascularization; with the exception that women were on average 4 years older and had more hypertension, and men in turn had more tandem occlusions and atherosclerotic etiology (all p < 0.05). Even after adjusting for these statistically significant variables and for intravenous thrombolysis (as some studies advocate a different response to this treatment between sexes), there were no differences in intracranial hemorrhage, functional independence (mRS ≤2 in 60.9% males vs. 66.7% in females, p = 0.48; adjusted p = 0.36), or mortality at 3 months. CONCLUSION: In a real-world setting, we found no sex differences in clinical and safety outcomes after acute stroke EVT. Our results support the idea that women are equally likely to achieve good outcomes as men after acute stroke EVT.

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 40(1): 10-16, Jan.-Mar. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-958443


Resumo Este estudo analisa as semelhanças e dessemelhanças nos sentidos atribuídos à História, eixo de análise e justificativa da proposta chamada de cultura corporal, contida nos livros Metodologia do ensino da educação física (Soares et al., 1992, 1992) e Metodologia do ensino da educação física (Castellani Filho et al., 2009). Neste texto, trabalhou-se com uma análise geral no tocante à História, igual nas duas edições, e também foram exploradas as entrevistas feitas com os autores, publicadas como posfácio, na edição de 2009, cujo foco foram as interpretações construídas pelos autores sobre a História. Concluiu-se que o uso de uma análise histórica torna-se instrumento para formar uma história de identidade.

Abstract This study examines the similarities and dissimilarities in the meanings which are attributed to the History, analysis axis and justification of the proposal called body culture, that is contained in the books of the Teaching Methodology of Physical Education (Soares et al., 1992) and Teaching Methodology of Physical Education (Castellani Filho et al., 2009). In this paper it was worked with a general analysis regarding the History, that is equal in the two editions, and also it was dealed with the interviews with the authors which were published in 2009 as a postscript, focusing on the interpretations given by them to the History. Finally, it was concluded that the use of a historical analysis becomes instrument to form an identity history.

Resumen Este estudio analiza las similitudes y diferencias en los significados atribuidos a la historia, eje del análisis y justificación de la propuesta denominada cultura del cuerpo, que figura en los libros Metodología de la Enseñanza de la Educación Física (SOARES et al., 1992) y Metodología de la Enseñanza de la Educación Física (Castellani Filho et al., 2009). En este texto se ha trabajado con una visión general de la historia, igual en las dos ediciones, y también se han tratado las entrevistas con los autores, publicadas como una posdata en la edición de 2009, que se centra en las interpretaciones que los auotres construyeron en la historia. Se concluyó que el uso de un análisis de análisis histórico se convierte en instrumento para formar una historia de identidad.

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 39(2): 183-190, abr.-jun. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-898004


Resumo Em São Paulo, nas décadas de 20 e 30 do Século XX, ocorreram partidas de futebol entre jogadores autodeclarados pretos e brancos na comemoração do dia da abolição da escravatura, 13 de maio. Eram os jogos preto x branco. Os autores objetivaram analisar o elogio ao desempenho dos pretos nesses jogos. Para tanto, analisaram as reportagens publicadas pelos jornais paulistanos entre 1927 e 1931. Concluiu-se que os jogos objetivavam integrar e contestar o preconceito no Brasil. Consequentemente emergiram os estereótipos positivos sobre as qualidades corporais da "raça negra" para o futebol. Pensado após a abolição, o efeito ambíguo desse elogio reside no fato de localizar os campos de futebol e as artes como espaços de integração naquela sociedade liberal.

Abstract In Sao Paulo in commemoration of the day May 13th there was a soccer game between players self declared black or white. They were the Black X White games. The authors aimed to analyze the compliment to the performance of blacks in those games. They analyzed the material published by the Sao Paulo newspapers between the years 1927 and 1931, 1938 and 1939. It was concluded that games aimed at the integration and to challenge prejudice in Brazil. Consequently, there were positive stereotypes about the physical qualities of the "black race". Designed after the abolition, the ambiguous effect of that praise is in fact that it kept the black away from intellectual activities, indicating the soccer fields as one of their areas of integration in that liberal society.

Resumen En São Paulo, en conmemoración del día 13 de mayo se celebró un partido de fútbol entre jugadores que se autodenominaban negros o blancos. Los juegos recibieron el nombre de negros × blancos. Los autores se plantearon como objetivo analizar el rendimiento de los negros en estos juegos. Con este fin, se analizó el material publicado por los periódicos de São Paulo entre los años 1927 y 1931. Se concluyó que los juegos estaban destinados a integrar y desafiar el prejuicio en Brasil. En consecuencia, destacaron los estereotipos positivos sobre las cualidades físicas de la "raza negra". Diseñado después de la abolición, de hecho el efecto ambiguo de esa alabanza reside en el hecho de que los campos de fútbol y las artes son unas de sus áreas de integración dentro de aquella sociedad liberal.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 23(1): 185-200, jan. -mar. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-833715


Objetiva mapear as produções acadêmicas que discutem a conciliação entre formação escolar e formação esportiva. Utiliza como fonte a base de dados SciELO para busca nacional e o Portal Periódicos Capes para busca internacional. Foram mapeados dezessete artigos distribuídos em treze periódicos. Os dados foram classificados/ analisados por meio de indicadores bibliométricos. Para análise e discussões, consideramos ainda uma tese de doutorado, quatro dissertações de mestrado e três trabalhos apresentados em congresso, além de um número especial de periódico, não localizado nas bases escolhidas. Mostra que a preocupação com o tema surge na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, na década de 1970 e que, no Brasil, passa a ser abordado na década de 2000. Apresenta tentativas de conciliação entre as formações realizadas na Europa, nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil e a importância de fatores externos na possibilidade de priorização de uma das formações envolvidas(AU)

This article maps academic works about reconciling school education and sports education. Its sources included the SciElo database for national search and Capes Portal for international search. Seventeen articles were mapped in thirteen journals. Data were classified/analyzed through bibliometric indicators. Analyses and discussions also covered one doctoral thesis, four master's dissertations, and three studies presented at congresses, in addition to the special issue of a journal not found in those databases. It shows that concern with the issue emerged in Europe and the US in the 1970s, and it started to be debated in Brazil in the 2000s. It points at attempts to reconcile education acquired in Europe, the US and Brazil, and the importance of external factors for the possibility of ascribing priority to one of the educations concerned(AU)

Tiene por objetivo mapear las producciones académicas que discuten la conciliación entre formación escolar y formación deportiva. Utiliza como fuente la base de datos SciElo a nivel nacional y el Portal Capes a nivel internacional. Se consultaron diecisiete artículos distribuidos en trece periódicos académicos. Los datos se clasificaron/ analizaron según indicadores bibliométricos. Para el análisis y las discusiones consideramos, además, una tesis doctoral, cuatro disertaciones de maestría y tres trabajos presentados en congresos, además de un número especial de un periódico académico que no fue localizado en las bases de datos elegidas. Muestra que la preocupación sobre ese tema surge en Europa y Estados Unidos, en la década de los 70, y que en Brasil pasa a ser abordado en los años 2000. Presenta los intentos de conciliación entre las formaciones realizadas en Europa, Estados Unidos y Brasil, así como la importancia de factores externos en la posibilidad de dar prioridad a una de esas formaciones.

Humans , Athletes , Education, Primary and Secondary , Physical Education and Training , Sports , Students , Bibliometrics