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Preprint in English | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-519085


In late 2022, although the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants have highly diversified, some lineages have convergently acquired amino acid substitutions at five critical residues in the spike protein. Here, we illuminated the evolutionary rules underlying the convergent evolution of Omicron subvariants and the properties of one of the latest lineages of concern, BQ.1.1. Our phylogenetic and epidemic dynamics analyses suggest that Omicron subvariants independently increased their viral fitness by acquiring the convergent substitutions. Particularly, BQ.1.1, which harbors all five convergent substitutions, shows the highest fitness among the viruses investigated. Neutralization assays show that BQ.1.1 is more resistant to breakthrough BA.2/5 infection sera than BA.5. The BQ.1.1 spike exhibits enhanced binding affinity to human ACE2 receptor and greater fusogenicity than the BA.5 spike. However, the pathogenicity of BQ.1.1 in hamsters is comparable to or even lower than that of BA.5. Our multiscale investigations provide insights into the evolutionary trajectory of Omicron subvariants.

Preprint in English | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-503115


SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2.75 emerged in May 2022. BA.2.75 is a BA.2 descendant but is phylogenetically different from BA.5, the currently predominant BA.2 descendant. Here, we showed that the effective reproduction number of BA.2.75 is greater than that of BA.5. While the sensitivity of BA.2.75 to vaccination- and BA.1/2 breakthrough infection-induced humoral immunity was comparable to that of BA.2, the immunogenicity of BA.2.75 was different from that of BA.2 and BA.5. Three clinically-available antiviral drugs were effective against BA.2.75. BA.2.75 spike exhibited a profound higher affinity to human ACE2 than BA.2 and BA.5 spikes. The fusogenicity, growth efficiency in human alveolar epithelial cells, and intrinsic pathogenicity in hamsters of BA.2.75 were comparable to those of BA.5 but were greater than those of BA.2. Our multiscale investigations suggest that BA.2.75 acquired virological properties independently of BA.5, and the potential risk of BA.2.75 to global health is greater than that of BA.5.

Preprint in English | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-502758


Unremitting emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants imposes us to continuous control measurement. Given the rapid spread, new Omicron subvariant named BA.5 is urgently required for characterization. Here we analyzed BA.5 with the other Omicron variants BA.1, BA.2, and ancestral B.1.1 comprehensively. Although in vitro growth kinetics of BA.5 is comparable among the Omicron subvariants, BA.5 become much more fusogenic than BA.1 and BA.2. The airway-on-a-chip analysis showed that the ability of BA.5 to disrupt the respiratory epithelial and endothelial barriers is enhanced among Omicron subvariants. Furthermore, in our hamster model, in vivo replication of BA.5 is comparable with that of the other Omicrons and less than that of the ancestral B.1.1. Importantly, inflammatory response against BA.5 is strong compared with BA.1 and BA.2. Our data suggest that BA.5 is still low pathogenic compared to ancestral strain but evolved to induce enhanced inflammation when compared to prior Omicron subvariants.

Preprint in English | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-493539


After the global spread of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2 lineage, some BA.2-related variants that acquire mutations in the L452 residue of spike protein, such as BA.2.9.1 and BA.2.13 (L452M), BA.2.12.1 (L452Q), and BA.2.11, BA.4 and BA.5 (L452R), emerged in multiple countries. Our statistical analysis showed that the effective reproduction numbers of these L452R/M/Q-bearing BA.2-related Omicron variants are greater than that of the original BA.2. Neutralization experiments revealed that the immunity induced by BA.1 and BA.2 infections is less effective against BA.4/5. Cell culture experiments showed that BA.2.12.1 and BA.4/5 replicate more efficiently in human alveolar epithelial cells than BA.2, and particularly, BA.4/5 is more fusogenic than BA.2. Furthermore, infection experiments using hamsters indicated that BA.4/5 is more pathogenic than BA.2. Altogether, our multiscale investigations suggest that the risk of L452R/M/Q-bearing BA.2-related Omicron variants, particularly BA.4 and BA.5, to global health is potentially greater than that of original BA.2. HighlightsO_LISpike L452R/Q/M mutations increase the effective reproduction number of BA.2 C_LIO_LIBA.4/5 is resistant to the immunity induced by BA.1 and BA.2 infections C_LIO_LIBA.2.12.1 and BA.4/5 more efficiently spread in human lung cells than BA.2 C_LIO_LIBA.4/5 is more pathogenic than BA.2 in hamsters C_LI

Preprint in English | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-480335


Soon after the emergence and global spread of a new severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Omicron lineage, BA.1 (ref1, 2), another Omicron lineage, BA.2, has initiated outcompeting BA.1. Statistical analysis shows that the effective reproduction number of BA.2 is 1.4-fold higher than that of BA.1. Neutralisation experiments show that the vaccine-induced humoral immunity fails to function against BA.2 like BA.1, and notably, the antigenicity of BA.2 is different from BA.1. Cell culture experiments show that BA.2 is more replicative in human nasal epithelial cells and more fusogenic than BA.1. Furthermore, infection experiments using hamsters show that BA.2 is more pathogenic than BA.1. Our multiscale investigations suggest that the risk of BA.2 for global health is potentially higher than that of BA.1.

Preprint in English | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-258459


We screened steroid compounds to obtain a drug expected to block host inflammatory responses and MERS-CoV replication. Ciclesonide, an inhaled corticosteroid, suppressed replication of MERS-CoV and other coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, in cultured cells. The effective concentration (EC90) of ciclesonide for SARS-CoV-2 in differentiated human bronchial tracheal epithelial cells was 0.55 M. Ciclesonide inhibited formation of double membrane vesicles, which anchor the viral replication-transcription complex in cells. Eight consecutive passages of 43 SARS-CoV-2 isolates in the presence of ciclesonide generated 15 resistant mutants harboring single amino acid substitutions in non-structural protein 3 (nsp3) or nsp4. Of note, ciclesonide still suppressed replication of all these mutants by 90% or more, suggesting that these mutants cannot completely overcome ciclesonide blockade. These observations indicate that the suppressive effect of ciclesonide on viral replication is specific to coronaviruses, highlighting it as a candidate drug for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. ImportanceThe outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, is ongoing. To identify the effective antiviral agents to combat the disease is urgently needed. In the present study, we found that an inhaled corticosteroid, ciclesonide suppresses replication of coronaviruses, including beta-coronaviruses (MHV-2, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2) and an alpha-coronavirus (HCoV-229E) in cultured cells. The inhaled ciclesonide is safe; indeed, it can be administered to infants at high concentrations. Thus, ciclesonide is expected to be a broad-spectrum antiviral drug that is effective against many members of the coronavirus family. It could be prescribed for the treatment of MERS, and COVID-19.

Preprint in English | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-987016


Steroid compounds, which are expected to have dual functions in blocking host inflammation and MERS-CoV replication, were screened from a chemical library. Within this library, ciclesonide, an inhaled corticosteroid, suppressed human coronavirus replication in cultured cells, but did not suppress replication of respiratory syncytial virus or influenza virus. The effective concentration of ciclesonide to block SARS-CoV-2 (the cause of COVID-19) replication (EC90) was 6.3 M. After the eleventh consecutive MERS-CoV passage in the presence of ciclesonide, a resistant mutation was generated, which resulted in an amino acid substitution (A25V) in nonstructural protein (NSP) 15, as identified using reverse genetics. A recombinant virus with the mutation was also resistant to ciclesonide suppression of viral replication. These observations suggest that the effect of ciclesonide was specific to coronavirus, suggesting this is a candidate drug for treatment of patients suffering MERS or COVID-19.