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Horiz. enferm ; (Número especial: Investigación y práctica en condiciones crónicas de salud): 384-406, 28 dic. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, MINSALCHILE | ID: biblio-1553594


INTRODUCCIÓN: Las prácticas de crianza en alimentación y la conducta alimentaria han sido ampliamente estudiadas en niños, sin embargo, es necesario proporcionar información sobre su impacto en adultos. La evidencia sugiere que las prácticas de crianza en alimentación pueden tener un impacto en la conducta alimentarias emocional, descontrolada, restrictiva y desordenada, las cuales están asociadas con el incremento del Índice de masa corporal (IMC), el sobrepeso y la obesidad, mismos que se encuentran como principal factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de DT2. OBJETIVO: analizar través de una revisión sistemática la evidencia existente acerca de la relación entre las prácticas de crianza en alimentación, la conducta alimentaria y el riesgo de diabetes en adultos. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó una búsqueda de literatura publicada de 2013 a 2023 en las bases de datos Pubmed, Scopus, EBSCOhost, Clarivate Science Citation Index Expanded y SpringerLink. Se identificaron 459 estudios, luego de aplicar los criterios de exclusión, se revisaron 15 estudios en total. RESULTADOS: Las subescalas de las prácticas de crianza en alimentación más empleadas fueron: preocupación, control, presión para comer y restricción. Se encontró asociación entre las prácticas de crianza en alimentación, la conducta alimentaria y el incremento del IMC. CONCLUSIÓN: Se consideran insuficientes las investigaciones que muestran el impacto de las prácticas de crianza en alimentación sobre la conducta alimentaria y si estas a su vez tienen efectos en el riesgo de diabetes en la etapa adulta.

INTRODUCTION: Parenting practices in feeding and eating behavior have been widely studied in children, however, it is necessary to provide information on their impact on adults. The evidence suggests that parenting practices in feeding can have an impact on emotional, uncontrolled, restrictive and disordered eating behavior, which are associated with an increase in BMI, overweight and obesity, which are found as the main factor of risk for the development of T2D. OBJECTIVE: To analyze, through a systematic review, the existing evidence about the relationship between parenting feeding practices, eating behavior and the risk of diabetes in adults. METHODOLOGY: A search of literature published from 2013 to 2023 was carried out in the Pubmed, Scopus, EBSCOhost, Clarivate Science Citation Index Expanded and SpringerLink databases. 459 studies were identified, after applying the exclusion criteria, 15 studies in total were reviewed. RESULTS: The subscales of the most frequently used parenting practices in feeding were: concern, control, pressure to eat and restriction. An association was found between parenting feeding practices, eating behavior and increased BMI. CONCLUSION: Research showing the impact of parenting feeding practices on eating behavior and whether these in turn have effects on the risk of diabetes in adulthood are considered insufficient.

Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 21(2): [1-14], 20230509.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510516


Introducción: la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es una enfermedad crónica que puede causar estrés psicológico en el desarrollo de la enfermedad y como suceso estresante, mientras que la angustia por la diabetes se asocia con estresores como el descontrol de las concentraciones de glucosa, presencia de complicaciones agudas o crónicas, disciplina y apego en el tratamiento integral. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la literatura científica disponible sobre el estrés psicológico y angustia por diabetes en relación con el con- trol glucémico en adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Materiales y métodos: para la búsqueda de literatura se utilizaron las bases de datos Pubmed, Medline, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, CINAHL, EBSCO, Wiley y Google Académico. Se incluyeron artículos indexados en bases de datos con idioma inglés, español y portugués, de diseños descriptivos, correlacionales y experimentales publicados en el periodo 2010-2020. Los artículos se evaluaron a través de la lista de revisión del Joanna Briggs Institute. Resultados: se encontró que el estrés psicológico ocurre mayormente en mujeres y que la angustia por diabetes es predictora del control glucémico pobre, provoca un manejo inadecuado de la glucosa, aumenta la hemoglobina glucosilada y también es una de las causas de mortalidad en hombres. Conclusiones: los hallazgos muestran que existe mayor relación entre la angustia por diabetes y el control glucémico en estos pacientes

Introduction: type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that can cause psychological stress in the development of the disease and as a stressful event, while diabetes distress is associated to stressors such as uncontrolled diabetes, presence of acute or chronic complications, discipline and adherence in comprehensive treatment. The aim of the study is to analyze the available scientific literature on psychological stress and diabetes distress in relation to glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Materials and methods: For the literature search, Pubmed, Medline, Virtual Health Library, CINAHL, EBSCO, Wiley and Google databases were used. Articles indexed with English, Spanish and Portuguese languages, with descriptive, correlational and experimental designs published in the period 2010 to 2020. The articles were evaluated through the Joanna Briggs Institute Check list. Results: 10 articles that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed, some studies showed an associated of psychological stress and diabetes distress with glycated hemoglobin, in addition, it was found that psychological stress is mostly in women and diabetes distress is a predictor of poor glycemic control, it causes inadequate glucose management, increases glycated hemoglobin and is also one of the causes of mortality in men. Conclusions: The findings show that there is a relationship mainly between diabetes distress and glycemic control in these patients.

Introdução: A diabetes mellitus tipo 2 é uma doença crônica que pode causar estresse psicológico no surgimento da doença e ser um evento estressante, enquanto que a angústia por diabetes está associada a estressores como os níveis glicose descontrolados, presença de complicações agudas ou crônicas, disciplina e aderência a um tratamento integral. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a literatura científica disponível sobre o estresse psicológico e a angústia por diabetes em relação ao controle glicêmico em adultos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Materiais e métodos: As bases de dados Pubmed, Medline, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, CINAHL, EBSCO, Wiley e Google foram utilizadas para a pesquisa bibliográfica. Foram incluídos artigos indexados em bases de dados em inglês, espanhol e português, com desenhos descritivos, correlacionais e experimentais publicados no período de 2010 a 2020. Os artigos foram avaliados através do Check List do Instituto Joanna Briggs. Resultados: Foram analisados 10 artigos que cumpriram com os critérios de inclusão, alguns estudos mostraram associação do estresse psicológico e angústia por diabetes com a hemoglobina glicosilada, além disso, descobriu-se que o estresse psicológico apresenta principalmente nas mulheres e a angústia por diabetes é um preditor de controle glicêmico deficiente, provocando manejo inadequado da glicose, aumentando a hemoglobina glicosilada e também, é uma das causas de mortalidade nos homens. Conclusões: Os resultados mostraram que existe uma maior relação entre a angustia por diabetes e o controle glicêmico nestes pacientes

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 21(2): 326-334, May.-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448420


Resumen: Objetivo: Identificar la literatura científica disponible, sobre factores de riesgo para desarrollar diabetes tipo 2 en homosexuales. Material y Métodos: Se realizaron búsquedas de artículos científicos publicados entre el año 2014 y 2020 en idioma inglés y español, en 5 bases de datos electrónicas: Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, Google Académico, Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal, Scientific Electronic Library Online y Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de los Estados Unidos. Se hicieron combinaciones con los descriptores y operadores lógicos booleanos AND y OR: Obesidad OR Diabetes AND Risk AND Homosexual, Diabetes AND Homosexual, Obesity AND Homosexual, Obesity AND Diabetes AND Homosexual, Risk AND Diabetes AND Obesidad AND Homosexual de acuerdo al Medical Subject Headings. Para seleccionar los estudios se siguió la guía de Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tools en español para estudios de prevalencia analíticos. Resultados: De 98 estudios, se incluyeron 8 estudios de origen de Estados Unidos y publicados en inglés. La muestra de los estudios oscilo entre 219 y 136,878 participantes con edad entre 18 y 65 años. La evidencia disponible sugiere que los principales factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de diabetes tipo 2 en homosexuales son: obesidad, depresión, estrés, falta de atención a la salud, la inactividad física, consumo de tabaco y alcohol, tener pre diabetes, hipertensión arterial, altos niveles de colesterol y antecedentes familiares con diabetes tipo 2. Conclusiones: En conclusión, algunos de estos factores de riesgos no son considerados por las organizaciones de diabetes, mostrando diferencias en la población heterosexual.

Abstract: Objective: To identify the available scientific literature on risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes in homosexuals. Material and Methods: Scientific articles published between 2014 and 2020 in English and Spanish were searched in 5 electronic databases: Virtual Health Library, Google Scholar, Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, Scientific Electronic Library Online and National Library of Medicine of the United States. Combinations were made with the Boolean logical descriptors and operators AND and OR: Obesity OR Diabetes AND Risk AND Homosexual, Diabetes AND Homosexual, Obesity AND Homosexual, Obesity AND Diabetes AND Homosexual, Risk AND Diabetes AND Obesity AND Homosexual according to Medical Subject Headings. To select the studies, the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tools guide in Spanish for analytical prevalence studies was followed. Results: Of 98 studies, 8 studies of United States origin and published in English were included. The sample of the studies ranged between 219 and 136 878 participants aged between 18 and 65 years. The available evidence suggests that the main risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes in homosexuals are obesity, depression, stress, lack of health care, physical inactivity, tobacco and alcohol consumption, having prediabetes, high blood pressure, high Cholesterol levels and family history with type 2 diabetes. Conclusions: In conclusion, some of these risk factors are not considered by diabetes organizations, showing differences in the heterosexual population.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1384360


RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir el cuidado al personal de enfermería desde la perspectiva del supervisor en el contexto hospitalario. Material y Método: Estudio exploratorio con aproximación cualitativa en el que se empleó el diseño sistemático de la Teoría Fundamentada; la población se conformó por supervisores de enfermería en dos hospitales públicos de segundo nivel en la ciudad de Chihuahua, México; la recolección de datos se llevó a cabo durante agosto y septiembre de 2017 a través de un muestreo teórico, respetando los aspectos éticos de investigación. Resultados: Con diez participantes, hasta llegar a la saturación de datos, predominó el sexo femenino (7), en su mayoría casados (6) y con estudios de posgrado (6). Surgieron tres categorías: 1) Cuidado desde la perspectiva del supervisor de enfermería; 2) Interacción entre el supervisor de enfermería y sus compañeros de trabajo y 3) Desarrollo profesional como parte del cuidado al supervisor de enfermería. Conclusiones: La mayoría conceptualiza el cuidado como una actividad dirigida a otros pero no a sí mismos. La comunicación efectiva y estilo de liderazgo desempeñan una función importante para la interacción del supervisor de enfermería con el personal de enfermería operativo y sus directivos, pero estos atributos no se perciben de manera adecuada por ellos mismos.

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe nursing staff care from the supervisor's perspective in the hospital setting. Material and Methods: Exploratory study with a qualitative approach using the systematic design of the Grounded Theory. The population consisted of nursing supervisors in two secondary care public hospitals in the city of Chihuahua, Mexico; data collection was carried out during August and September 2017 through theoretical sampling, respecting ethical aspects of research. Results: With ten participants until reaching data saturation, female sex predominated (7), mostly married (6) and with postgraduate studies (6). Three categories emerged from this study: 1) Care from the nursing supervisor's perspective; 2) Interaction between the nursing supervisor and their coworkers and 3) Professional development as part of the nursing supervisor care. Conclusions: Most supervisors conceptualize care as an activity aimed at others, but not at themselves. Effective communication and leadership style play an important role in the interaction between nurse supervisors with operational nursing staff and their managers, but these attributes are not properly perceived by themselves.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever os cuidados do pessoal de enfermagem da perspectiva do supervisor no contexto hospitalar. Material e Método: Estudo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa usando o desenho sistemático da teoria fundamentada ou Grounded Theory. A população consistiu de gerentes de enfermagem em dois hospitais públicos de cuidados secundários na cidade de Chihuahua, México; a coleta de dados foi realizada nos meses de agosto e setembro de 2017 por amostragem teórica, respeitando os aspectos éticos da pesquisa. Resultados: com dez participantes até atingir a saturação de dados, predominando o sexo feminino (7), a maioria casada (6) e com estudos de pós-graduação (6). Três categorias emergiram deste estudo: 1) percepção do gerente de enfermagem sobre o cuidado; 2) interação entre o gerente de enfermagem e colegas de trabalho e 3) desenvolvimento profissional como parte do atendimento do gerente de enfermagem. Conclusões: A maioria dos enfermeiros gerentes conceitua o cuidado como uma atividade voltada para os outros, mas não para si mesmos. O estilo eficaz de comunicação e liderança desempenha um papel importante na interação do gerente de enfermagem com a equipe de enfermagem e seu diretor executivo, mas esses atributos não são percebidos adequadamente por eles mesmos.

Aten. prim. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 52(8): 548-554, oct. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-200906


OBJETIVO: Analizar la asociación entre funcionalidad familiar, crianza parental y estado nutricional en preescolares. DISEÑO: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo correlacional y transversal. EMPLAZAMIENTO: Instituciones públicas de educación preescolar en el estado de Nuevo León, México. Atención Primaria. PARTICIPANTES: Muestra compuesta por 228 diadas (madre o padre y preescolar); se tomó como único criterio de inclusión ser el responsable principal de la crianza del preescolar. MEDICIONES PRINCIPALES: Se empleó un cuaderno de recogida datos sociodemográficos, el estado nutricional se determinó basándose en recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, se utilizaron la Escala de Evaluación de la Cohesión y la Adaptabilidad Familiar y el cuestionario de Estilos de Crianza Parental. Se obtuvo estadística descriptiva y el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. RESULTADOS: El promedio de edad de los padres fue de 32,09 años, el 60,5% de las madres se dedican al hogar y el 100% de los padres trabaja; la media de escolaridad en años fue de 12,16; el 68,9% de los participantes son casados; referente a los preescolares, el 29,4% presentó sobrepeso u obesidad. En cuanto a la funcionalidad familiar, se identificó que en la dimensión de cohesión es semirrelacionada el 44,3%. El estilo de crianza parental que predominó en los padres fue el permisivo con el 62,3%. CONCLUSIONES: La mayoría de los padres de familia presentaron desequilibrio en la funcionalidad familiar. No se encontró significación estadística entre funcionalidad familiar y crianza parental con estado nutricional en preescolares (p < 0,05)

AIM: To analyze association among family functioning, parental rearing and nutritional status in preschoolers. DESIGN: Quantitative, descriptive and correlational cross-sectional study. LOCATION: Preschool public institutions in Nuevo León, Mexico. Primary Care. PARTICIPANTS: Sample of 228 dyads (mother or father and preschooler); sole inclusion criterion was to be main responsible for the upbringing of the preschooler. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Sociodemographic data questionnaire was used, nutritional status was determined based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization, Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale and Parental Rearing Style Questionnaire were used. Descriptive and Spearman's correlation coefficient were obtained. RESULTS: Mean age of parents was 32.09 years, 60.5% of mothers were housewives and 100% of fathers had a job; mean years of schooling were 12.16, 68.9% of participants were married; 29.4% of preschoolers were overweight or obese. Regarding family functioning it was identified that 44.3% is semi-related in cohesion dimension. The parental rearing style that prevailed was the permissive with 62.3%. CONCLUSIONS: Most parents presented an imbalance in family functioning. No statistical significance was found among family functioning and parental rearing with nutritional status in preschoolers (P < .05)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Adult , Family Relations/psychology , Child Rearing/psychology , Overweight/psychology , Pediatric Obesity/psychology , Family Health , Socioeconomic Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , 24960
Aten Primaria ; 52(8): 548-554, 2020 10.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32605723


AIM: To analyze association among family functioning, parental rearing and nutritional status in preschoolers. DESIGN: Quantitative, descriptive and correlational cross-sectional study. LOCATION: Preschool public institutions in Nuevo León, Mexico. Primary Care. PARTICIPANTS: Sample of 228 dyads (mother or father and preschooler); sole inclusion criterion was to be main responsible for the upbringing of the preschooler. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Sociodemographic data questionnaire was used, nutritional status was determined based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization, Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale and Parental Rearing Style Questionnaire were used. Descriptive and Spearman's correlation coefficient were obtained. RESULTS: Mean age of parents was 32.09 years, 60.5% of mothers were housewives and 100% of fathers had a job; mean years of schooling were 12.16, 68.9% of participants were married; 29.4% of preschoolers were overweight or obese. Regarding family functioning it was identified that 44.3% is semi-related in cohesion dimension. The parental rearing style that prevailed was the permissive with 62.3%. CONCLUSIONS: Most parents presented an imbalance in family functioning. No statistical significance was found among family functioning and parental rearing with nutritional status in preschoolers (P<.05).

Nutritional Status , Parents , Adult , Child, Preschool , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Obesity , Overweight
Nutr. hosp ; 35(5): 1024-1032, sept.-oct. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-179904


Introducción: a pesar de que la obesidad infantil es un problema de salud serio, poco se sabe de los factores relacionados con esta en la primera infancia. Objetivo: evaluar qué factores maternos, cognitivos y del lactante influyen en la ingesta energética del lactante y si estos a la vez influyen en su estado nutricional antes del año. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de correlación. Participaron 267 diadas (madre/hijo). Los cuestionarios consistieron en cuatro instrumentos para las variables cognitivas de la madre (autoeficacia materna, actitud en la alimentación, percepción sobre señales de hambre, saciedad y peso delhijo), aporte energético mediante recordatorio de 24 horas y datos sociodemográficos y antropométricos de la madre y del niño, mediante los que se han calculado el índice de masa corporal (IMC) materno y Z-score de peso/talla del lactante. Resultados: el modelo fue significativo para la ingesta de kcal/kg peso (F = 8,624; p < 0,001; R2 = 0,104), correlacionando negativamente con la percepción materna del peso del hijo (B = -9,73; p = 0,002), las horas de sueño (B = -2,19; p = 0,044) y la edad del hijo (B = -2,26; p = 0,001). También para el Z-score (peso/longitud) (F = 68,979; p < 0,001; R2 = 0,564), y se explicó de manera positiva con percepción del peso del hijo (B = 1,133; p < 0,001) y edad del hijo (B = 0,054; p = 0,006) y negativamente con horas de sueño de la madre (B = -0,07; p = 0,040) e ingesta calórica (B = -0,004; p = 0,027).Conclusión: las madres de hijos lactantes que subestiman el peso de su hijo y duermen menos horas proporcionan más ingesta calórica y sus niños presentan mayor Z-score del peso/longitud

Introduction: despite the fact that childhood obesity is a serious health problem, little is known about its related factors in early childhood. Objective: to evaluate which maternal, cognitive and infant factors influence the infant’s energy intake and if these influence their nutritional status before the year. Methods: descriptive study of correlation. Two hundred and sixty-seven dyads (mother/child) participated. The questionnaires consisted of four instruments for the cognitive variables of the mother (maternal self-efficacy, attitude in the diet, perception of signs of hunger, satiety and weight of the child), energy intake through a 24-hour reminder and sociodemographic and anthropometric data of the mother and child, through which maternal body mass index (BMI) and Z-score of infant weight/height have been calculated. Results: the model was significant for the intake of kcal/kg weight (F = 8.624, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.104), negatively correlating with the maternal perception of the weight of the child (B = -9.73, p = 0.002), hours of sleep (B = -2.19, p = 0.044) and age of the child (B = -2.26, p = 0.001). Also for the Z-score (weight/length) (F = 68.979, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.564) and explained positively with perception of the weight of the child (B = 1.133, p < 0.001) and age of the child (B = 0.054, p = 0.006) and negatively with hours of sleep of the mother (B = -0.07, p = 0.040) and caloric intake (B = -0.004, p = 0.027). Conclusion: mothers of nursing infants who underestimate their child’s weight and sleep fewer hours provide more caloric intake and their children have a higher Z-score weight/length

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Obesity/epidemiology , Attitude to Health , Body Mass Index , Diet Surveys , Mexico/epidemiology , Mothers , Socioeconomic Factors
Nutr Hosp ; 35(5): 1024-1032, 2018 Oct 05.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30307282


INTRODUCTION: despite the fact that childhood obesity is a serious health problem, little is known about its related factors in early childhood. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate which maternal, cognitive and infant factors influence the infant's energy intake and if these influence their nutritional status before the year. METHODS: descriptive study of correlation. Two hundred and sixty-seven dyads (mother/child) participated. The questionnaires consisted of four instruments for the cognitive variables of the mother (maternal self-efficacy, attitude in the diet, perception of signs of hunger, satiety and weight of the child), energy intake through a 24-hour reminder and sociodemographic and anthropometric data of the mother and child, through which maternal body mass index (BMI) and Z-score of infant weight/height have been calculated. RESULTS: the model was significant for the intake of kcal/kg weight (F = 8.624, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.104), negatively correlating with the maternal perception of the weight of the child (B = -9.73, p = 0.002), hours of sleep (B = -2.19, p = 0.044) and age of the child (B = -2.26, p = 0.001). Also for the Z-score (weight/length) (F = 68.979, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.564) and explained positively with perception of the weight of the child (B = 1.133, p < 0.001) and age of the child (B = 0.054, p = 0.006) and negatively with hours of sleep of the mother (B = -0.07, p = 0.040) and caloric intake (B = -0.004, p = 0.027). CONCLUSION: mothers of nursing infants who underestimate their child's weight and sleep fewer hours provide more caloric intake and their children have a higher Z-score weight/length.

INTRODUCCIÓN: a pesar de que la obesidad infantil es un problema de salud serio, poco se sabe de los factores relacionados con esta en la primera infancia.Objetivo: evaluar qué factores maternos, cognitivos y del lactante influyen en la ingesta energética del lactante y si estos a la vez influyen en su estado nutricional antes del año. MÉTODOS: estudio descriptivo de correlación. Participaron 267 diadas (madre/hijo). Los cuestionarios consistieron en cuatro instrumentos para las variables cognitivas de la madre (autoeficacia materna, actitud en la alimentación, percepción sobre señales de hambre, saciedad y peso delhijo), aporte energético mediante recordatorio de 24 horas y datos sociodemográficos y antropométricos de la madre y del niño, mediante losque se han calculado el índice de masa corporal (IMC) materno y Z-score de peso/talla del lactante. RESULTADOS: el modelo fue significativo para la ingesta de kcal/kg peso (F = 8,624; p < 0,001; R2 = 0,104), correlacionando negativamente con la percepción materna del peso del hijo (B = -9,73; p = 0,002), las horas de sueño (B = -2,19; p = 0,044) y la edad del hijo (B = -2,26; p = 0,001). También para el Z-score (peso/longitud) (F = 68,979; p < 0,001; R2 = 0,564), y se explicó de manera positiva con percepción del peso del hijo (B = 1,133; p < 0,001) y edad del hijo (B = 0,054; p = 0,006) y negativamente con horas de sueño de la madre (B = -0,07; p = 0,040) e ingesta calórica (B = -0,004; p = 0,027). CONCLUSIÓN: las madres de hijos lactantes que subestiman el peso de su hijo y duermen menos horas proporcionan más ingesta calórica y sus niños presentan mayor Z-score del peso/longitud.

Obesity/epidemiology , Adolescent , Adult , Attitude to Health , Body Mass Index , Diet Surveys , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Mexico/epidemiology , Mothers , Socioeconomic Factors , Young Adult
Index enferm ; 25(3): 166-170, jul.-sept. 2016. graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-158183


Las interacciones madre-hijo durante la alimentación en el primer año de vida tienen impacto duradero en la regulación del apetito y el desarrollo de obesidad actual y futura del individuo. Para los profesionales de enfermería es un reto y una nueva función prevenir problemas nutricionales en los lactantes. Contar con teorías de rango medio propias de enfermería que guíen el cuidado diario resulta indispensable. El presente trabajo presenta el desarrollo de la teoría de rango medio Modelo de rol materno en la alimentación del lactante, mediante el método de derivación teórica de Fawcett. Este modelo tiene como objetivo explicar cómo características maternas y del lactante influyen en el rol materno de alimentación y estado nutricional del hijo en el primer año de vida. Mediante este modelo se ofrece sustento teórico para la investigación e intervenciones de enfermería enfocadas a prevenir problemas de nutrición en el lactante

The mother-child interactions during feeding in the first year of life have lasting impact on appetite regulation and development of current and future obesity individual. For nursing professionals is a challenge prevent nutritional problems in infants. Having middle range theory own of nursing that guide daily care is indispensable. This work presents the theory of mid-range model maternal role in infant feeding, developed with the method of theoretical derivation of Fawcett´s. This model aims to explain how maternal and infant characteristics influence the maternal role of feeding and nutritional status of the child in the first year of life. This model offers theoretical basis for research and nursing interventions focused on preventing nutritional problems in infants

Humans , Infant , Adult , Maternal Behavior/psychology , Pediatric Obesity/prevention & control , Breast Feeding/statistics & numerical data , Infant Nutrition , Mother-Child Relations , Risk Factors , Role
Enferm. glob ; 15(42): 472-480, abr. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-150816


Objetivo: Revisar la evidencia disponible que demuestre la relación que existe entre el control glucémico, función cognitiva y las funciones ejecutivas en el AM con DT2. Métodos: La búsqueda de la literatura se realizó en idioma inglés y español, en 14 bases de datos, Open acces, y en el buscador Google. En base al modelo propuesto por Cooper (2007), para la síntesis de la literatura. Los estudios fueron evaluados para su validez, a través de la guía CASPe para estudios de casos y controles. Resultados: Se analizaron 11estudios de correlación, el 100% de los estudios mostró relación del control glucémico con el deterioro cognitivo y la función ejecutiva en AM con DT2. Los estudios concuerdan que los AM con DT2 presentan deterioro cognitivo, comparado con los AM sin DT2, por lo tanto existe déficit en el AM al realizar las funciones ejecutivas. Conclusiones: Según la evidencia disponible existe una relación significativa en el control glucémico y el deterioro cognitivo en el AM con DT2, así mismo un menor desempeño en la movilidad funcional y la fluidez verbal (AU)

Aim: To review the available evidence to show the relationship between glycemic control, cognitive function and executive functions in the AM with T2D. Methods: The literature search was conducted in English and Spanish, in 14 databases, Open Access, and the Google search engine. Based on the model proposed by Cooper (2007), for the synthesis of the literature. The studies were assessed for validity through CASPe guide for case-control studies. Results: We analyzed correlation 11estudies 100% of the studies showed glycemic control relationship to cognitive impairment and executive function in AM with DT2. Studies agree that the AM with DT2 have cognitive impairment, compared with AM without DT2, therefore there is a deficit in the AM to perform executive functions. Conclusions: Based on the available evidence there is a significant relationship in glycemic control and cognitive impairment in the AM with DT2, also a lower performance in functional mobility and verbal fluency (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Glycemic Index/physiology , Cognitive Dissonance , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/trends , Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care/methods , Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies/statistics & numerical data
Enferm. glob ; 13(36): 289-297, oct. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-127758


Antecedentes: La obesidad (OB) es un problema de salud pública. En el intento de encontrar otras variables que expliquen mejor esta problemática se ha señalado que el grupo sanguíneo de las personas juega un rol importante. Se dice que de acuerdo al grupo sanguíneo ABO, las personas tienen mayor probabilidad de desarrollar este padecimiento si los alimentos que consumen no son compatibles con dicho grupo sanguíneo. Objetivo: Revisar la literatura disponible para comprender la relación entre el grupo sanguíneo, tipo de alimentos y el riesgo de desarrollar OB. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión e literatura en el mes de octubre del 2012 en diferentes bases de datos en inglés y español de artículos que abordaran la relación entre el grupo sanguíneo ABO con la alimentación y la OB. Resultados: Se encontraron 6 artículos teóricos relacionados con el tema. De ellos, un artículo correlacional, un estudio longitudinal (seguimientos de 26 años) y 4 artículos descriptivos teóricos relacionados con el grupo sanguíneo ABO y la alimentación. Los artículos teóricos mencionan que las personas que consumen alimentos no compatibles con su tipo de sangre predisponen a desarrollar OB. En los artículos correlacional y longitudinal se encontró una relación con el grupo sanguíneo ABO y la OB en la interacciones de otros factores del medio ambiente. Conclusiones: Dado a la falta de estudios científicos en el tema, se requiere mayor investigación que demuestren la relación entre el grupo sanguíneo y la alimentación y la OB (AU)

Objective: Find scientific studies demonstrating the relationship if the blood type is related to food preference and thus increased risk of developing OB. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of literature in the month of October 2012 in different databases, without language restriction, in articles that addressed the relationship with ABO blood group food preference and OB. Results: There were 6 studies related to th is. A correlational article and a longitudinal (follow-ups of 26 years) studies were find. Also 4 descriptive theories on the ABO blood group and food preference. Within the correlational articles and longitudinal relationship was found with the ABO blood group and the OB on the interactions of other environmental factors. The theoretical papers mention that people who eat foods compatible with your blood type predispose to developing OB. Conclusions: We need more scientific studies proving whether or not related to the blood group and the OB (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , ABO Blood-Group System/chemistry , Obesity/epidemiology , 24457 , Risk Factors
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 22(2): 286-292, Mar-Apr/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: lil-710310


OBJECTIVES: to describe the maternal eating and physical activity strategies (monitoring, discipline, control, limits and reinforcement) [MEES]; to determine the relation between MEES and the child's nutritional status [body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage (BFP)]; to verify whether the MEES differ according to the child's nutritional status. METHOD: participants were 558 mothers and children (3 to 11 years of age) who studied at public schools. The Parental Strategies for Eating and Activity Scale (PEAS) was applied and the child's weight, height and BFP were measured. For analysis purposes, descriptive statistics were obtained, using multiple linear regression and the Kruskal-Wallis test. RESULTS: the highest mean score was found for reinforcement (62.72) and the lowest for control (50.07). Discipline, control and limits explained 12% of the BMI, while discipline and control explained 6% of the BFP. Greater control is found for obese children (χ2=38.36, p=0.001) and greater reinforcement for underweight children (χ2=7.19, p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: the mothers exert greater control (pressure to eat) over obese children and greater recognition (congratulating due to healthy eating) in underweight children. Modifications in parental strategies are recommended with a view to strengthening healthy eating and physical activity habits. .

OBJETIVOS: descrever as estratégias maternas referentes à alimentação e à atividade física (monitoramento, disciplina, controle, limites e reforço), determinar a relação entre as estratégias maternas referentes à alimentação e à atividade física e o estado nutricional da criança (índice de massa corporal e porcentagem de gordura corporal) e verificar se as estratégias maternas diferem de acordo com o estado nutricional da criança. MÉTODO: participaram 558 mães e filhos (3 a 11 anos), estudantes em escolas públicas. A Escala Estratégias Parentais referentes à Alimentação e à Atividade foi aplicada, e o peso, a altura e a porcentagem de gordura corporal da criança foram medidos. Para a análise, foram obtidas estatísticas descritivas e foram aplicados a regressão linear múltipla e o teste de Kruskal-Wallis. RESULTADOS: o reforço apresentou a média mais alta (62,72) e o controle, a mais baixa (50,07). Disciplina, controle e limites representaram 12% do índice de massa corporal, e disciplina e controle, os 6% da porcentagem de gordura corporal. O maior controle é exercido em crianças que apresentam obesidade (χ2=38,36, p=0,001), e o maior reforço, em crianças com baixo peso (χ2=7,19, p<0,05). CONCLUSÕES: mães exercem maior controle (pressão para comer) sobre crianças obesas e concedem maior reconhecimento (elogio por uma alimentação saudável) às crianças com baixo peso. Recomenda-se que as estratégias parentais sejam modificadas, a fim de fortalecer hábitos saudáveis de alimentação e atividade física. .

OBJETIVOS: describir las estrategias maternas de alimentación y actividad física (monitoreo, disciplina, control, límites y reforzamiento) [EMAA]; Determinar la relación de EMAA con el estado nutricional del hijo [índice de masa corporal (IMC) y porcentaje de grasa corporal (PGC)]; Verificar si las EMAA son diferentes de acuerdo al estado nutricional del hijo. MÉTODO: participaron 558 madres e hijos (3 a 11 años) estudiantes de escuelas públicas. Se aplicó la Escala Estrategias Parentales de Alimentación y Actividad (PEAS), se midió peso, talla y PGC del hijo. Para el análisis se obtuvieron estadísticas descriptivas, se aplicó regresión lineal múltiple y prueba de Kruskal Wallis. RESULTADOS: reforzamiento presentó la media más alta (62.72) y control la más baja (50.07). Disciplina, control y límites explicaron 12% del IMC, disciplina y control el 6% del PGC. Se ejerce mayor control en hijos con obesidad (χ2=38.36, p=0.001) y mayor reforzamiento en hijos con bajo peso (χ2=7.19, p<0.05). CONCLUSIONES: las madres ejercen mayor control (presión para comer) en hijos con obesidad y otorgan mayor reconocimiento (felicitar por comer saludable) en hijos con bajo peso. Se recomienda modificar las estrategias parentales para fortalecer hábitos saludables de alimentación y actividad física. .

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Exercise , Nutritional Status , Eating , Maternal Behavior , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem ; 22(2): 286-92, 2014.
Article in English, Portuguese, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26107837


OBJECTIVES: to describe the maternal eating and physical activity strategies (monitoring, discipline, control, limits and reinforcement) [MEES]; to determine the relation between MEES and the child's nutritional status [body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage (BFP)]; to verify whether the MEES differ according to the child's nutritional status. METHOD: participants were 558 mothers and children (3 to 11 years of age) who studied at public schools. The Parental Strategies for Eating and Activity Scale (PEAS) was applied and the child's weight, height and BFP were measured. For analysis purposes, descriptive statistics were obtained, using multiple linear regression and the Kruskal-Wallis test. RESULTS: the highest mean score was found for reinforcement (62.72) and the lowest for control (50.07). Discipline, control and limits explained 12% of the BMI, while discipline and control explained 6% of the BFP. Greater control is found for obese children (χ²=38.36, p=0.001) and greater reinforcement for underweight children (χ²=7.19, p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: the mothers exert greater control (pressure to eat) over obese children and greater recognition (congratulating due to healthy eating) in underweight children. Modifications in parental strategies are recommended with a view to strengthening healthy eating and physical activity habits.

Eating , Exercise , Maternal Behavior , Nutritional Status , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem ; 20(2): 274-81, 2012.
Article in English, Portuguese, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22699727


The aim was to analyze well child nursing care (WCC) and to distinguish if the care is procedure or user centered. The concepts of the nursing work process and the micro-politics of health work supported this qualitative study. Systematic direct observation of 87 WCC consultations was accomplished at one Family Medicine Unit and semistructured interviews were held with 25 mothers who attended WCC consultations with their child. Data saturation and understanding of the meaning were the criteria used to determine the number of observations and interviews. Thematic analysis was applied. The activity was focused on procedures, which cannot be considered WHCC. The mothers value comprehensive care and request information on the growth and development of their children. Educative topic should be addressed and trust relations should be established with a view to user-centered care delivery.

Attitude , Child Care , Child Welfare , Mothers/psychology , Adult , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant
Rev. latinoam. enferm ; 20(2): 274-281, May-Apr. 2012.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: lil-626606


The aim was to analyze well child nursing care (WCC) and to distinguish if the care is procedure or user centered. The concepts of the nursing work process and the micro-politics of health work supported this qualitative study. Systematic direct observation of 87 WCC consultations was accomplished at one Family Medicine Unit and semistructured interviews were held with 25 mothers who attended WCC consultations with their child. Data saturation and understanding of the meaning were the criteria used to determine the number of observations and interviews. Thematic analysis was applied. The activity was focused on procedures, which cannot be considered WHCC. The mothers value comprehensive care and request information on the growth and development of their children. Educative topic should be addressed and trust relations should be established with a view to user-centered care delivery.

O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o Cuidado à Criança Sadia (CCS) e distinguir se é cuidado baseado nos procedimentos ou cuidado baseado no usuário. Os conceitos do processo de trabalho de enfermagem e micropolítica do trabalho em saúde fundamentaram o presente estudo qualitativo. Realizou-se observação sistemática direta de 87 atenções de CCS em uma Unidade de Medicina Familiar e entrevista semiestruturada a 25 mães que compareceram, junto a seu filho, à atenção de CCS. A saturação dos dados e a compreensão do significado foram os critérios para o número de observações e entrevistas. Aplicou-se a análise temática. Encontrou-se que a atividade está baseada nos procedimentos, o que não pode se considerar CCS. As mães valorizam a atenção integral e solicitam informação relacionada ao crescimento e desenvolvimento de seu filho. Recomenda-se abordar tópicos educativos e estabelecer relação de confiança que permita fornecer cuidado baseado no usuário.

El objetivo del estudio fue analizar el cuidado de enfermería del niño sano (CNS) y distinguir si se trata de cuidado centrado en procedimientos o centrado en el usuario. Los conceptos del proceso de trabajo de enfermería y micro política del trabajo en salud fundamentaron el presente estudio cualitativo. Se realizó observación sistemática directa a 87 consultas de CNS en una Unidad de Medicina Familiar y entrevista semi-estructurada a 25 madres que acudieron con su hijo a la consulta de CNS. La saturación de datos y comprensión del significado fueron los criterios para el número de observaciones y entrevistas. Se aplicó análisis temático. Se encontró que la actividad se centra en procedimientos, lo que no puede ser considerado CNS. Las madres valoran la atención integral y solicitan información del crecimiento y desarrollo de su hijo. Se recomienda abordar tópicos educativos y establecer relación de confianza que permita brindar cuidado centrado en el usuario.

Adult , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Attitude , Child Care , Child Welfare , Mothers/psychology