RESUMEN Fundamento: la neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica representa uno de los mayores problemas en las unidades de cuidados intensivos debido a que agrava el cuadro clínico del paciente, prolonga su estancia en el hospital e incrementa el costo, por todo esto es que el personal de enfermería es el principal actor en el control de estas infecciones ya que estos son eventos asociados a la asistencia sanitaria y en su mayoría prevenibles. Objetivo: evaluar el conocimiento y la práctica del personal de enfermería acerca de las medidas de prevención de neumonía nosocomial en los pacientes con ventilación mecánica. Métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal con enfoque cuantitativo durante el 1ro de junio hasta 31 agosto de 2018, la población de estudio fueron el personal de enfermería de la unidad de cuidados intensivos constituida por 22 enfermeros a los que se les aplicó un cuestionario y una guía de observación estructurada. Resultados: de los enfermero/as evaluados, se evidencia que poseen conocimientos teóricos y prácticos, se resalta los relacionados con el uso de barreras de protección, posición adecuada para realizar la aspiración endotraqueal así como la frecuencia en que se debe aplicar. Conclusiones: existe un adecuado conocimiento teórico y desempeño práctico del personal de enfermería en la atención al paciente crítico ventilado, donde se evidencia que la cantidad de la experiencia laboral no afecta la calidad del cuidado brindada a los pacientes.
ABSTRACT Background: ventilator associated pneumonia represents one of the major problems in the intensive care unit due to the fact that it aggravates the patient's clinical condition, prolongs hospital stay and increases the cost of hospitalization. As infection is preventable and healthcare related, its control is mainly attributed to the nursing staff. Objective: to evaluate the knowledge and nursing practice involved in the methods of prevention of hospital acquired pneumonia in patients with mechanical ventilation. Methods: a quantitative, cross-sectional study was employed from June 1st until August 31st, 2018. A structured, observational guide and a questionnaire was applied to the population composed of 22 nursing personnel in the intensive care unit. Results: of the evaluated nurses, it was found out that they possess knowledge of both theory and practice, particularly, regarding the use of protective barriers, correct position for endotracheal aspiration and as well as the number of times the procedure should be applied. Conclusions: adequate knowledge about theory and practice exists among nurses who attended mechanically ventilated patients in critical condition. Moreover, the quantity of nursing work experience does not affect the quality of care given to the patients.
Se realizó un estudio analítico de casos y controles de lactantes de 6 meses, pertenecientes al Consejo Popular Heredia del Policlínico Docente "Camilo Torres Restrepo" de Santiago de Cuba, durante 2012, con vistas a identificar los factores de riesgo de la anemia carencial en esta población infantil. El universo estuvo constituido por 120 pacientes: 40 casos y 80 controles, seleccionados a razón de 1:2, a partir de las cifras de hemoglobina en estos neonatos. Para la validación estadística se utilizaron la razón de productos cruzados y el riesgo atribuible en expuestos porcentual. Entre los factores desencadenantes del mencionado trastorno figuraron: lactancia artificial, antecedentes familiares de madre con anemia en el embarazo, desnutrición por defecto e infecciones respiratorias.
An analytic case-control study of 6 months infants, belonging to Heredia People's Council of "Camilo Torres Restrepo" Teaching Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba was carried out during 2012, with the objective of identifying the risk factors of the iron-deficiency anemia in this infant population. The universe was constituted by 120 patients: 40 cases and 80 controls, selected at a ratio of 1:2, taking into account the hemoglobin figures in these neonates. For the statistical validation the odds ratio and the attributable risk were used in exposed percentages. Among the triggering factors of the mentioned disorders there were: artificial nursing, mother's history with anemia during pregnancy, malnutrition by defect and breathing infections.
Infant Nutrition Disorders , Infant , Anemia , Primary Health Care , Respiratory Tract Infections , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
Tweint-Four Holstein calves were used distributed on a completely radomized, with eight repetition and three treatments: integral milk (IM) and two types of comercial milk replacer DestetorÒ (CMRD) and LactalÒ (CMRL), during the period of suckling (60 days), and the studied variables were: dry matter intake (DMI) , total digestible nutrients intake (TDNI), crude protein intake (CPI) and feed conversion (FC). The consumption of total dry matter pre weaning, during 60 days, was higher to the treatment CMRD (P 0.05). The daily averages of total DMI were 0.79; 0.94 and 0.68kg calf-1 to the treatments IM, CMRD and CMRL respectively. Both the TDNI and the CPI slowed no differences (P>0.05) at the sucking period, and the daily averages to the treatments IM, CMRD and CMRL respectively of 0.19; 0.28 and 0.21kg calf-1, to TDNI and 0.04; 0.06 and 0.05kg calf-1 to CPI. The FC was similar to the three treatments (P>0.05) at the total period (TP), even so, at the intermediate period, the treatment CMRD slow better responses (P 0.05). The averages of FC at the total period were 2.68; 2.14 and 2.95 to the treatments WM, CMRD and CMRL, respectively.
Foram utilizados 24 bezerros da raça Holandesa com idade de 6 dias distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com oito repetições, e três tratamentos: leite integral (LI) e dois tipos de sucedâneos comerciais DestetorÒ (DES) e LactalÒ (LAC), durante o período de aleitamento de 60 dias. Avaliou-se o consumo diário de matéria seca, de proteina bruta (PB), de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) e a conversão alimentar (CA). O consumo de matéria seca total (CMST) durante a fase de aleitamento foi maior para os bezerros que receberam o sucedâneo DestetorÒ, comparados àqueles que receberam o sucedâneo LactalÒ (P 0,05). As médias diárias de CMST foram de: 0,79; 0,94 e 0,68kg/bezerro nos tratamentos LI, DES e LAC respectivamente. Tanto o consumo NDT quanto o de PB não diferiram entre os tratamentos (P>0,05), sendo as respectivas médias diárias no período total para os tratamentos LI, DES e LAC de 0,19; 0,28 e 0,21 kg/bezerro de NDT e, 0,04; 0,06 e 0,05kg/bezerro de PB. A CA no período total (PT) também foi semelhante entre os tratamentos (P>0,05) embora no período intermediário (29 a 56 dias) o tratamento DES proporcionou melhor CA (P 0,05). As médias de CA no período total foram de 2,68; 2,14 e 2,95 respectivamente para os tratamentos LI, DES e LAC.
Tweint-Four Holstein calves were used distributed on a completely radomized, with eight repetition and three treatments: integral milk (IM) and two types of comercial milk replacer DestetorÒ (CMRD) and LactalÒ (CMRL), during the period of suckling (60 days), and the studied variables were: dry matter intake (DMI) , total digestible nutrients intake (TDNI), crude protein intake (CPI) and feed conversion (FC). The consumption of total dry matter pre weaning, during 60 days, was higher to the treatment CMRD (P 0.05). The daily averages of total DMI were 0.79; 0.94 and 0.68kg calf-1 to the treatments IM, CMRD and CMRL respectively. Both the TDNI and the CPI slowed no differences (P>0.05) at the sucking period, and the daily averages to the treatments IM, CMRD and CMRL respectively of 0.19; 0.28 and 0.21kg calf-1, to TDNI and 0.04; 0.06 and 0.05kg calf-1 to CPI. The FC was similar to the three treatments (P>0.05) at the total period (TP), even so, at the intermediate period, the treatment CMRD slow better responses (P 0.05). The averages of FC at the total period were 2.68; 2.14 and 2.95 to the treatments WM, CMRD and CMRL, respectively.
Foram utilizados 24 bezerros da raça Holandesa com idade de 6 dias distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com oito repetições, e três tratamentos: leite integral (LI) e dois tipos de sucedâneos comerciais DestetorÒ (DES) e LactalÒ (LAC), durante o período de aleitamento de 60 dias. Avaliou-se o consumo diário de matéria seca, de proteina bruta (PB), de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) e a conversão alimentar (CA). O consumo de matéria seca total (CMST) durante a fase de aleitamento foi maior para os bezerros que receberam o sucedâneo DestetorÒ, comparados àqueles que receberam o sucedâneo LactalÒ (P 0,05). As médias diárias de CMST foram de: 0,79; 0,94 e 0,68kg/bezerro nos tratamentos LI, DES e LAC respectivamente. Tanto o consumo NDT quanto o de PB não diferiram entre os tratamentos (P>0,05), sendo as respectivas médias diárias no período total para os tratamentos LI, DES e LAC de 0,19; 0,28 e 0,21 kg/bezerro de NDT e, 0,04; 0,06 e 0,05kg/bezerro de PB. A CA no período total (PT) também foi semelhante entre os tratamentos (P>0,05) embora no período intermediário (29 a 56 dias) o tratamento DES proporcionou melhor CA (P 0,05). As médias de CA no período total foram de 2,68; 2,14 e 2,95 respectivamente para os tratamentos LI, DES e LAC.