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Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1906-1908, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528772


SUMMARY: The stomach receives a rich blood supply from five sets of arteries, all of which originate from the celiac trunk. During the dissection of a female cadaver that had been fixed with formalin, an atypical branching pattern was observed. An accessory left gastric artery was found to originate from the left hepatic artery and send small branches to the esophagus, cardia, and fundus of the stomach. However, there was no anastomosis between the lower accessory left gastric artery and the left gastric artery. This is a rare variant of the gastric artery that has not been previously described in detail. It is important to recognize this variation for safe and effective interventional diagnosis and treatment techniques if dealing with the liver or gastric arteries.

El estómago recibe un rico suministro de sangre de cinco conjuntos de arterias, todas las cuales se originan en el tronco celíaco. Durante la disección de un cadáver femenino que había sido fijado con formalina, se observó un patrón de ramificación atípico. Se encontró una arteria gástrica izquierda accesoria que se originaba en la arteria hepática izquierda y enviaba pequeñas ramas al esófago, el cardias y el fondo del estómago. Sin embargo, no hubo anastomosis entre la arteria gástrica izquierda accesoria inferior y la arteria gástrica izquierda. Se trata de una variante rara de la arteria gástrica que no se ha descrito previamente en detalles. Es importante reconocer esta variación para la aplicación de técnicas de diagnóstico y tratamiento intervencionistas seguras y efectivas a nivel del hígado o las arterias gástricas.

Humans , Female , Aged , Anatomic Variation , Gastric Artery/anatomy & histology , Cadaver
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 43(4)oct. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536367


Abdominal pain is severe in the vast majority of patients with pancreatic cancer. In some cases, chronic use of analgesics markedly reduces quality of life due to side effects. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided celiac plexus neurolysis is a procedure that controls cancerassociated pain in this population and consists of injecting a neurolytic agent around or within the celiac plexus. In this report, we present three cases with different technical approaches for celiac plexus neurolysis.

El cáncer de páncreas se puede presentar con dolor abdominal intenso, siendo necesario el uso de analgésicos a largo plazo en muchos de los pacientes. Sin embargo, estos medicamentos pueden tener efectos adversos que finalmente reducen la calidad de vida de los pacientes. La neurólisis del plexo celíaco guiada por ecoendoscopia es un procedimiento que controla el dolor asociado a este tipo de neoplasia y consiste en inyectar un agente neurolítico en o alrededor del plexo celíaco. Presentamos tres casos en los cuales se realizan diferentes técnicas de abordaje terapéutico.

J. Vasc. Bras. (Online) ; J. vasc. bras;22: e20230030, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448586


Resumo A síndrome de Dunbar constitui um diagnóstico de exclusão dentro dos quadros de dor abdominal. O tratamento cirúrgico consiste na dissecção completa do ligamento e do gânglio nervoso circundante. Dessa forma, o presente caso refere-se a um paciente do sexo masculino, 45 anos, previamente hígido, com queixa de dor abdominal epigástrica com irradiação para o dorso e fraqueza. Inicialmente, foi realizada tomografia computadorizada de abdome para complementação do quadro, que evidenciou arteriopatia do tronco celíaco e da artéria mesentérica em associação com estenose. Optou-se por tratamento cirúrgico devido à refratariedade da dor, mas os achados foram inespecíficos. Houve necessidade de complementação da propedêutica com angiotomografia seriada para acompanhamento do caso. Após cerca de 6 meses, notou-se espessamento do ligamento arqueado, com compressão do terço proximal do tronco celíaco e estenose de 80%. Em meio a esse cenário, o paciente foi submetido a laparoscopia para descompressão do tronco celíaco, evoluindo satisfatoriamente no pós-operatório.

Abstract Dunbar syndrome is diagnosed by excluding other possible causes of abdominal pains. Surgical treatment comprises complete dissection of the ligament and the surrounding nerve ganglion. This report describes the case of a previously healthy 45-year-old male patient who presented with epigastric abdominal pain irradiating to the back and weakness. Initially, abdominal computed tomography was ordered, showing arteriopathy of the celiac trunk and mesenteric artery with stenosis. The patient underwent surgical treatment because of the refractory pain, but findings were nonspecific. It was necessary to continue workup with serial angiotomography to follow the case. After around 6 months, thickening of the arcuate ligament was found, with compression of the proximal third of the celiac trunk and 80% stenosis. The patient therefore underwent laparoscopy to relieve celiac trunk compression, with satisfactory postoperative recovery.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);82(6): 955-958, dic. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422093


Resumen La gastropatía isquémica es una entidad rara, cuya etiología más frecuente es la obstrucción al flujo sanguíneo secundaria a aterosclerosis. Sus manifestaciones clínicas y endoscópicas son inespe cíficas, pudiendo simular afecciones más prevalentes. La sospecha clínica en pacientes con factores de riesgo cardiovascular permite un diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento adecuado. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con gastropatía isquémica crónica que se manifestó con dolor abdominal, pérdida de peso y hallazgos endoscópicos compatibles con linitis plástica. Se arribó al diagnóstico con una biopsia endoscópica en bloque luego de haber obtenido dos biopsias previas no concluyentes.

Abstract Chronic ischemic gastropathy is a rare entity, being the atheroesclerotic vascular the most prevalent cause. Clinical and endoscopic manifestations are unspecific and may simulate more frequent pathologies. Cardio vascular risk factors allow us to diagnose and treat these patients earlier. We present the case of a patient with chronic ischemic gastropathy that manifested abdominal pain, weight loss and endoscopic findings as a simula tor of linitis plastica. The diagnosis was made with an endoscopic block biopsy after two inconclusive biopsies.

Int. j. morphol ; 39(6): 1743-1748, dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385533


RESUMEN: El tronco celíaco (TC) es la rama de la arteria aorta abdominal (AA) que aporta la irrigación a la porción distal del esófago, parte media del duodeno, al estómago, páncreas, bazo y suple adicionalmente al hígado; sus diferentes expresiones anatómicas son reportadas en los diferentes grupos poblacionales con incidencia variable. Se evaluó las características morfológicas del TC y sus ramas en 26 bloques del piso supramesocólico de cadáveres masculinos adultos no reclamados, del grupo poblacional mestizo, a quienes se les practico autopsia en el Instituto de Medicina Legal de Bucaramanga - Colombia. Se observo el tipo I del TC en 23 especímenes (88,4 %), del cual correspondió 16 muestras (61,5 %). Al subtipo Ia con bifurcación y formación de tronco hepatoesplénico. Hubo un caso (3,8 %) en donde las ramas del T se originaron de manera independiente de la AA. El TC presentó una longitud promedio de 18,6 DE 7,53 mm y un diámetro externo de 7 DE 1,24 mm. De las ramas del TC, la AE presentó un diámetro promedio de 5,89 DE 1,04 mm sin diferencias estadísticamente significativa con relación al diámetro de la AHC, pero si con relación al diámetro de la AGI (P= 0,70; p<0,001 respectivamente). La gran mayoría de la muestra avaluada muestra la presencia de tronco hepatoesplénico seguido de la trifurcación en una verdadera configuración de trípode. El conocimiento de los patrones de ramificación del TC debe ser tomado en cuenta por cirujanos gastroenterólogos, radiólogos intervencionistas y oncólogos para evitar complicaciones durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos abdominales.

SUMMARY: The celiac trunk (CT) is the branch of the abdominal aorta artery (AA) that provides irrigation to the distal portion of the esophagus, the middle part of the duodenum, the stomach, pancreas, spleen and additionally supplies the liver; its different anatomical expressions are reported in the different population groups with variable incidence. The morphological characteristics of the CT and its branches were evaluated in 26 blocks of the supramesocolic floor of unclaimed adult male corpses, of the mestizo population group, who were autopsied at the Institute of Legal Medicine of Bucaramanga - Colombia. Type I CT was observed in 23 specimens (88.4 %), of which 16 samples (61.5 %) corresponded. to subtype Ia with bifurcation and formation of the hepatosplenic trunk. There was one case (3.8 %) in which the branches of the CT originated independently of the AA. The CT had an average length of 18.6 SD 7.53 mm and an external diameter of 7 SD 1.24 mm. Of the CT branches, the splenic artery presented an average diameter of 5.89 SD 1.04 mm without statistically significant differences in relation to the diameter of the AHC, but if in relation to the diameter of the IGA (P = 0.70; p <0.001 respectively). The vast majority of the sample evaluated shows the presence of a hepatosplenic trunk followed by trifurcation in a true tripod configuration. Knowledge of CT branching patterns should be taken into account by gastroenterological surgeons, interventional radiologists, and oncologists to avoid complications during abdominal surgical procedures.

Humans , Male , Adult , Celiac Artery/anatomy & histology , Splenic Artery/anatomy & histology , Cadaver , Cross-Sectional Studies , Colombia , Anatomic Variation , Gastric Artery/anatomy & histology , Hepatic Artery/anatomy & histology
Pediátr. Panamá ; 50(1): 5-12, june 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1253896


Introducción: La enfermedad celíaca es un proceso sistémico de carácter inmunológico, desencadenado por el consumo de gluten, que se da en sujetos genéticamente predispuestos. Es una condición prevalente a nivel mundial con síntomas comunes con otras patologías gastrointestinales y no gastrointestinales. En Panamá es una entidad conocida pero poco estudiada. Materiales y Método: El diseño del estudio fue observacional, descriptivo y de carácter retrospectivo en población pediátrica y adulta de la República de Panamá en unidades de gastroenterología públicas y privadas que proporcionaron sus archivos clínicos recolectados en un documento elaborado para uniformidad de las variables. Resultados: Se analizó la información de 171 expedientes. Se dividió la información en pacientes pediátricos y pacientes adultos encontrando 68 casos menores de 15 años y 103 casos mayores de 15 años. La proporción de casos masculinos y femenino fue de 1:1. De la totalidad de casos estudiados, la mayoría eran de la ciudad de Panamá en un 77% y de los extranjeros diagnosticados la población israelí fue la más frecuentemente encontrada en un 76%. Los síntomas gastrointestinales más frecuentemente encontrados fueron la distensión abdominal, diarrea crónica y pérdida de peso respectivamente. La dermatitis herpetiforme, patología tiroidea y las aftas orales fueron las condiciones no gastroenterológicas más frecuentemente encontradas. La Diabetes mellitus tipo I fue la patología encontrada que coexistió con enfermedad celíaca. Conclusión: Con este estudio de carácter epidemiológico, se ha demostrado que la enfermedad celíaca es prevalente en nuestro medio sin poder mostrar un porcentaje específico.

Introduction: celiac disease is a systemic process of an immunological nature, triggered by the consumption of gluten, which occurs in genetically predisposed subjects. It is a prevalent condition worldwide with symptoms common with other gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal pathologies. In Panama it is a known but little studied entity. Method and materials:The study design was observational, descriptive, and retrospective in pediatric and adult population of the Republic of Panama in public and private gastroenterology units that provided their clinical files collected in a document prepared for uniformity of the variables. Results: Information from 171 files that met the inclusion criteria was analyzed. The information was divided into pediatric patients and adult patients, finding 68 cases under 15 years of age and 103 cases over 15 years of age. The ratio of male and female cases was 1: 1. Of the totality of cases studied, the majority were from Panama City in 77% and of the foreigners diagnosed, the Israeli population was the most frequently found in 76%. The most frequently encountered gastrointestinal symptoms were abdominal distension, chronic diarrhea, and weight loss, respectively. Dermatitis herpetiformis, thyroid disease, and oral thrush were the non-gastroenterological conditions most frequently encountered. Type I Diabetes mellitus was the pathology found that coexisted with celiac disease. Conclusion: With this epidemiological study, it has been shown that celiac disease is prevalent in our environment without being able to show a specific percentage.

Int. j. morphol ; 39(2): 355-358, abr. 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385362


SUMMARY: The celiac, cranial mesenteric and celiacomesenteric ganglia of the paca (Cuniculus paca) were found between the celiac and cranial mesenteric arteries. Two predominant patterns were found: isolated celiac and cranial mesenteric ganglion and the celiacomesenteric ganglion. At the microscopic level, the ganglia are constituted by an agglomeration of neurons surrounded by capsule of connective tissue. Most of these neurons had a single eccentric nucleus. Satellite cells and mast cells were found around the soma. The mast cells were also found ar ound blood vessels and in the capsule of the ganglia.

RESUMEN: Los ganglios celíacos, mesentérico-craneales y celíaco mesentéricos de la paca (Cuniculus paca) se encontraron entre las arterias celíaca y mesentérica craneal. Se visalizaron dos patrones predominantes: celiaca aislada y ganglio mesentérico craneal y ganglio celiaco mesentérico. A nivel microscópico, los ganglios están constituidos por una aglomeración de neuronas rodeadas por una cápsula de tejido conectivo. La mayoría de estas neuronas tenían un solo núcleo excéntrico. Se encontraron células satélites y mastocitos alrededor del soma. Los mastocitos también se encontraron alrededor de los vasos sanguíneos y en la cápsula de los ganglios.

Animals , Male , Female , Celiac Plexus/anatomy & histology , Cuniculidae/anatomy & histology , Ganglia, Sympathetic/anatomy & histology , Celiac Plexus/ultrastructure , Ganglia, Sympathetic/ultrastructure
J. Vasc. Bras. (Online) ; J. vasc. bras;20: e20200032, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154763


Abstract We describe a case of unusual development of the celiac trunk observed in the cadaver of 1-year old male child. The celiac trunk branched into five vessels: the splenic, common hepatic and left gastric arteries, the left inferior diaphragmatic artery, and a short trunk that branched into the right inferior diaphragmatic artery and right accessory hepatic artery. Additionally, the manner of branching of the vessel was unusual: it was possible to distinguish two branching points that corresponded to its s-shaped trajectory. There were also other variations of vascular supply, such as the presence of a left accessory hepatic artery, an additional superior pancreatoduodenal artery, and others. It should be noted that multiple developmental variations can be common in clinical practice and clinicians should be aware of them during diagnostic and interventional procedures.

Resumo Apresentamos um relato de caso de desenvolvimento incomum do tronco celíaco em um cadáver do sexo masculino de 1 ano de idade. O tronco celíaco ramificou-se para cinco vasos: as artérias esplênica, hepática comum e gástrica esquerda, a artéria diafragmática inferior esquerda e um tronco pequeno que se ramificou para a artéria diafragmática inferior direita e para a artéria hepática direita acessória. Além disso, a forma como o vaso se ramificou foi incomum: é possível distinguir dois pontos de ramificação que correspondem à trajetória em formato de S. Também houve outras variações do suprimento vascular, como a presença da artéria hepática esquerda acessória, da artéria pancreaticoduodenal superior acessória e outras. Cabe observar que a variação de desenvolvimento múltipla pode ser comum na prática clínica, e os médicos devem estar cientes dela durante os procedimentos de diagnóstico e intervenção.

Humans , Male , Infant , Aorta, Abdominal/anatomy & histology , Splenic Artery/anatomy & histology , Gastric Artery/anatomy & histology , Hepatic Artery/anatomy & histology , Aorta, Abdominal/abnormalities , Splenic Artery/abnormalities , Gastric Artery/abnormalities , Hepatic Artery/abnormalities
Int. j. morphol ; 38(6): 1662-1667, Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134495


SUMMARY: The celiac trunk is the first major unpaired branch of the abdominal aorta found at the twelfth vertebral level (T12). It gives off branches supplying the spleen, liver and the stomach. However, the branching patterns of the celiac trunk tend to vary by population throughout the world. We sought to investigate the branching patterns of the celiac trunk in a South African Caucasian sample. The celiac trunk was assessed by visual observation in 66 dissected bodies comprised of both males (n= 30) and females (n=36). These samples were obtained at the School of Anatomical Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. The celiac trunk arose directly from the abdominal aorta in all cases, with none connected to the superior mesenteric artery. We observed celiac trunk trifurcation in 84.84 % of the sample, although a celiac trunk with four branches was observed in 10.61 %. Bifurcation into the common hepatic and splenic arteries forming a hepatosplenic trunk (2 females) or into the left gastric artery and splenic artery forming a splenogastric trunk (1 male) was also observed. The results are largely comparable with other studies in Caucasians, showing a high rate of celiac trunk trifurcation (above 75 %). Our sample exhibited fewer variations than reported in previous studies worldwide. Therefore, a larger study with more samples may be required in the future to ascertain all the existing celiac trunk branching patterns in the South African Caucasian population.

RESUMEN: El tronco celíaco es la primera rama principal de la parte abdominal de la aorta en el nivel de la duodécima vértebra torácica (T12), con ramas que irrigan el bazo, el hígado y el estómago. Sin embargo a nivel mundial, las ramificaciones del tronco celíaco tienden a variar según la población. En este estudio se investigaron los patrones de ramificación del tronco celíaco en una muestra caucásica sudafricana. El tronco celíaco se analizó mediante observación visual en 66 cuerpos disecados compuestos por hombres (n = 30) y mujeres (n = 36). Estas muestras se obtuvieron en la Facultad de Ciencias Anatómicas de la Universidad de Witwatersrand, Johannesburgo. El tronco celíaco surgió directamente de la parte abdominal de la aorta en todos los casos, sin que ninguno estuviera unido a la arteria mesentérica superior. Se observó trifurcación del tronco celíaco en el 84,84 % de la muestra, aunque en el 10,61 % se observó un tronco celíaco con cuatro ramas. También se observó bifurcación en las arterias hepática y esplénica común formando un tronco hepatoesplénico (2 mujeres) o en la arteria gástrica izquierda y la arteria esplénica formando un tronco esplenogástrico (1 hombre). Los resultados son comparables con otros estudios en caucásicos que muestran una alta tasa de trifurcación del tronco celíaco (mayor al 75%). Nuestra muestra presentó menos variaciones que las reportadas en estudios previos. Por lo tanto, es posible que se requieran estudios más amplios con más muestras en el futuro, para determinar todos los patrones de ramificación del tronco celíaco en la población caucásica sudafricana.

Humans , Male , Female , Celiac Artery/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation , Aorta, Abdominal , South Africa , Splenic Artery , Stomach/blood supply , Mesenteric Artery, Superior , Liver/blood supply
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 33(1): e1495, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130501


ABSTRACT Background: Median arcuate ligament syndrome(MALS) is a rare condition thatmay cause significant clinical manifestations, including abdominal pain and weight loss. Its diagnosis may be difficult and very often delayed. The laparoscopic approach became the standard treatment of MALS. Aim: To assess the outcome of laparoscopic treatment in patients with MALS. Method: The data of sixpatients with MALS who were subjected to laparoscopic sectioning of the median arcuate ligament were retrospectively reviewed.The following data were evaluated: age, gender, clinical and diagnostic tests findings, ASA score, operative findings and complications, postoperative complications and mortality, hospital stay duration, and hospital readmission.The diagnosis of MALS was established by CT angiography and/or MR angiography. Results: There were four (66.7%) women and two (33.3%) men aged from 32 to 60 years. The main symptoms were epigastric pain (100%) and weight loss (66.7%). The findings of high-grade stenosis of the proximal celiac axis and poststenotic dilation confirmed on angiography confirmed the diagnosis in all patients. Surgical procedure was uneventful in all patients. The only postoperative complication was urinary retention that occurred in a male. At three-month follow-up, all patients were asymptomatic. Conclusion: Laparoscopic treatment of MALS is safe and effective in relieving the clinical manifestations of patients.

RESUMO Racional: A síndrome do ligamento arqueado mediano (SLAM) é condição rara que pode causar manifestações clínicas significativas, incluindo dor abdominal e perda de peso. Seu diagnóstico pode ser difícil e muitas vezes estabelecido tardiamente. A abordagem laparoscópica tornou-se o tratamento padrão para ela. Objetivo: Avaliar o resultado do tratamento laparoscópico em pacientes com SLAM. Método: Os dados de seis pacientes com SLAM submetidos a ressecção laparoscópica do ligamento arqueado mediano foram revisados ​​retrospectivamente. Os seguintes dados avaliados foram: idade, gênero, resultados dosexames clínicos e complementares, escore ASA, achados e complicações operatórias, complicações e mortalidade pós-operatórias, tempo de internação e readmissão hospitalar. O diagnóstico de SLAM foi estabelecido por angiotomografia e/ou angiorressonância. Resultados: Havia quatro (66,7%) mulheres e dois (33,3%) homens com idades entre 32 e 60 anos. Os principais sintomas foram dor epigástrica (100%) e perda de peso (66,7%). Os achados de estenose de alto grau do tronco celíaco proximal e dilatação pós-estenótica observados na angiografia confirmaram o diagnóstico em todos os pacientes. O procedimento cirúrgico transcorreu sem intercorrências em todos os pacientes. A única complicação pós-operatória foi retenção urinária, que ocorreu em um homem. No seguimento de três meses, todos os pacientes estavam assintomáticos. Conclusão: O tratamento laparoscópico da SLAM é seguro e eficaz no alívio das manifestações clínicas dos pacientes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Laparoscopy/methods , Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome/surgery , Prospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 71(4): 335-340, ago. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058281


INTRODUCCIÓN: El adenocarcinoma de cuerpo y cola de páncreas corresponde a cerca de un tercio del total de cánceres pancreáticos. Evoluciona en forma silenciosa hasta alcanzar estadios avanzados, llegando a comprometer muchas veces grandes vasos como tronco celíaco y sus ramas, y la arteria mesentérica superior. La resolución quirúrgica parece ser la única alternativa en estos casos. OBJETIVO: Presentar dos casos de adenocarcinoma de cuerpo y cola de páncreas tratados en nuestro hospital con pancreatectomía corpo-caudal y resección en bloque de tronco celíaco (procedimiento de Appleby modificado). DISCUSIÓN: Este procedimiento ha demostrado aumentar la sobrevida de estos pacientes, además de generar un alivio inmediato y duradero del dolor. Sin embargo, corresponde a una intervención con una alta morbilidad, siendo la fístula pancreática y la gastropatía isquémica las complicaciones más frecuentes. La evaluación del flujo de los vasos colaterales es un paso crítico para evitar las complicaciones isquémicas. CONCLUSIONES: La pancreatectomía corpo-caudal con resección en bloque de tronco celíaco, es una alternativa factible en adenocarcinoma de cuerpo y cola de páncreas localmente avanzado. Su indicación debe ser cuidadosa debido a que corresponde a un procedimiento con alta morbilidad.

INTRODUCTION: Adenocarcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas corresponds to about one third of all pancreatic cancers. It evolves silently to reach advanced stages, often involving large vessels such as the celiac trunk and its branches, and the superior mesenteric artery. Surgical resolution seems to be the only alternative in these cases. AIM: To present two cases of adenocarcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas treated in our hospital with distal pancreatectomy and celiac trunk en block resection (modified Appleby procedure). DISCUSSION: This procedure has been shown to increase the survival of these patients, in addition to generating immediate and lasting pain relief. However, it corresponds to an intervention with a high morbidity, being the pancreatic fistula and the ischemic gastropathy the most frequent complications. The evaluation of the flow of the collateral vessels is a critical step to avoid ischemic complications. CONCLUSIONS: Distal pancreatectomy with en bloc resection of the celiac trunk is a feasible alternative in locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas. Its indication must be careful since is a procedure with high morbidity.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Pancreatectomy/methods , Pancreatic Neoplasms/surgery , Celiac Artery/surgery , Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal/surgery , Adenocarcinoma/surgery
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 34(1): 38-51, ene.-mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003836


Resumen La pancreatitis crónica es un trastorno irreversible y progresivo del páncreas caracterizado por inflamación, fibrosis y cicatrización. Las funciones exocrinas y endocrinas se pierden, lo que a menudo conduce al dolor crónico. La etiología es multifactorial, aunque el alcoholismo es el factor de riesgo más importante en los adultos. Si se sospecha pancreatitis crónica, la tomografía computarizada con contraste es la mejor modalidad de diagnóstico por imágenes. Aunque los narcóticos y los antidepresivos proporcionan el mayor alivio del dolor, más de la mitad de los pacientes eventualmente requiere una intervención por endoscopia o cirugía. La colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica es una alternativa eficaz para una variedad de terapias en el tratamiento de enfermedades benignas y malignas del páncreas. En los últimos 50 años, la endoterapia ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en la terapia de primera línea en la mayoría de las enfermedades inflamatorias agudas y crónicas del páncreas. A medida que avanza este campo, es importante que los gastroenterólogos mantengan un conocimiento adecuado de la indicación del procedimiento, mantengan el volumen de procedimiento suficiente para manejar la endoterapia pancreática compleja y comprendan enfoques alternativos a las enfermedades pancreáticas, incluidos el tratamiento médico, la terapia guiada por ecografía endoscópica, el manejo de las estenosis sintomáticas y cálculos, las intervenciones sobre el plexo celíaco y el drenaje de los pseudoquistes pancreáticos.

Abstract Chronic pancreatitis is an irreversible and progressive disorder of the pancreas characterized by inflammation, fibrosis and scarring. Exocrine and endocrine functions are lost often leading to chronic pain. Its etiology is multifactorial, although alcoholism is the most important risk factor in adults. If chronic pancreatitis is suspected, computed tomography with contrast is the best imaging modality. Although narcotics and antidepressants provide the greatest pain relief, more than half of all patients eventually require intervention by endoscopy or surgery. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is an effective alternative for a variety of therapies for treating benign and malignant diseases of the pancreas. In the last 50 years, endoscopic treatment has evolved to become the first-line therapy for most acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the pancreas. As this field progresses, it has become important for gastroenterologists to keep their knowledge of indications for this procedure up-to-date and to perform a sufficient volume of procedures to allow them to manage complex pancreatic endoscopic therapy. Keeping up-to-date should include an understanding of alternative approaches to pancreatic diseases including medical treatment, therapy guided by endoscopic ultrasound, management of symptomatic stenoses and stones, interventions on the celiac plexus, and drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts.

Humans , Pancreas , Calculi , Cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic Retrograde , Pancreatitis, Chronic , Pancreatic Pseudocyst
Int. j. morphol ; 37(1): 174-177, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-990023


RESUMEN: Las variantes anatómicas del tronco celíaco (TC) son relevantes en el ámbito quirúrgico e intervencionista. Existen diferentes estudios a nivel mundial que han demostrado las variaciones que puede presentar el TC tanto en longitud como en estructura; dichos estudios han sido realizados predominantemente en población asiática y europea. Por lo anterior, realizamos un estudio que caracterizó esta estructura y que sea referente para la población mexicana. Se analizó una muestra de 50 especímenes cadavéricos humanos embalsamados de origen mexicano. El promedio de longitud del TC a su primera rama fue de 12,44 mm; de su origen a la segunda rama fue de 17,07 mm; y hasta la tercera fue de 19,15 mm. En la muestra de estudio se encontraron variantes en el 20 % de los especímenes, de éstos el 14 % presentaron variantes morfométricas en cuanto a longitud y 6 % en estructura. Respecto a las variantes morfométricas, destacó la presencia de un TC de 3 mm de longitud. En cuanto a las variantes morfológicas dos individuos presentaron un tronco gastro-esplénico con tronco hepato-mesentérico; y el tercero un tronco bifurcado hepato-gástrico con la arteria esplénica naciendo de la arteria hepática común. Éste último no reportado en la literatura.

SUMMARY: Anatomical variants in the celiac trunk (CT) are important in surgical and interventional fields. Studies worldwide have demonstrated length and structure variations in the celiac trunk. These studies have predominantly been carried out in Asian and European population. Therefore, we considered it necessary to realize a study to describe this structure and serve as a reference in the Mexican population. A sample of 50 human cadaveric specimens of Mexican origin was analyzed. The average length of the celiac trunk from its origin to its first branch was 12.44 mm, to the second branch was 17.07 mm, and to the third branch was 19.15 mm. In the studied sample, variants were found in 20 % of the specimens, 14 % of these presented morphometric variations in terms of length, and 6 % in terms of structure. In reference to the morphometric variants, the presence of one 3 mm length CT was noteworthy. Morphological variants were found in two specimens presenting a gastro-splenic trunk with a hepatomesenteric trunk, and a third specimen with hepatogastric bifurcated trunk, with the splenic artery originating from the common hepatic artery was observed. No reports were found in the literature concerning the latter.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Celiac Artery/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation , Cadaver , Mexico
Int. j. morphol ; 36(4): 1525-1528, Dec. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-975732


El estudio de los patrones arteriales de distribución vascular requiere un conocimiento preciso de las variaciones anatómicas, tanto de origen y distribución de las arterias, como de sus correspondientes ramas arteriales. En este trabajo se describe la presencia de un tronco hepato-espleno-mesentérico, disposición arterial altamente infrecuente. El conocimiento de las distintas posibilidades de disposición de las arterias correspondientes al tronco celíaco y sus ramas será de importancia para la interpretación adecuada de estudios imagenológicos, como así también para la planificación precisa de actos quirúrgicos e intervencionistas en la región abdominal.

The study of arterial patterns of vascular distribution requires a precise knowledge of the anatomical variations of both origin and distribution of the corresponding arteries and arterial branches. In this work, the presence of a hepatosplenic-mesenteric trunk is described, a highly infrequent arterial disposition. The knowledge of the different possibilities of disposition of the arteries corresponding to the celiac trunk and its branches will be of importance for the adequate interpretation of imaging studies, as well as for the precise planning of surgical and interventional acts in the abdominal region.

Humans , Male , Adult , Splenic Artery/anatomy & histology , Celiac Artery/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation , Hepatic Artery/anatomy & histology , Mesenteric Arteries/anatomy & histology , Splenic Artery/abnormalities , Cadaver , Celiac Artery/abnormalities , Hepatic Artery/abnormalities , Mesenteric Arteries/abnormalities
Ci. Rural ; 48(6): e20170732, June 28, 2018. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738911


Brazilian pine seeds (pinhão) are gluten-free seeds produced by the native pine species named Araucaria angustifolia. In this study, gluten-free cake mixes composed of Brazilian pine seed flour and rice flour were developed. The cake mixes were produced following a Simplex Centroid experimental design, with rice flour and Brazilian pine seed flour contents ranging from 50 to 100% and from 0 to 50%, respectively. Mixes were analyzed for chemical composition, apparent paste viscosity, and particle size distribution. The resulting cakes were analyzed for sensory acceptance, texture, specific volume and chemical composition. The Brazilian pine seed flour showed a peak viscosity on heating of 1.761Pa.s against 4.747Pa.s for the 100% rice flour sample. The variation of firmness of cakes decreased with increasing percentage of Brazilian pine seed flour. Cakes containing Brazilian pine seed flour at 25-37.5% of the formulation presented highest overall acceptance.(AU)

O pinhão trata-se de uma semente sem glúten, produzida pelo pinheiro da espécie Araucaria angustifolia. Neste estudo, foram desenvolvidas misturas de bolo sem glúten, compostas por farinha de pinhão e farinha de arroz. As misturas de bolo foram produzidas conforme o modelo experimental Simplex Centroid, que definiu as proporções entre a farinha de arroz e a farinha de pinhão na variação de 50 a 100% e 0 a 50%, respectivamente. As misturas foram analisadas quanto à composição química, viscosidade aparente da pasta e distribuição de tamanho de partícula. Os bolos resultantes foram submetidos às análises de aceitação sensorial, textura volume específico e composição química. A farinha de pinhão demostrou ocorrência do pico de viscosidade ao aquecimento no valor de 1,761Pa.s contra 4,747Pa.s da amostra composta por 100% de farinha de arroz. A variação da firmeza dos bolos diminuiu com o aumento da porcentagem de farinha de pinhão. Em termos sensoriais, os bolos contendo entre 25 a 37,5% de farinha de pinhão apresentaram maior aceitação geral.(AU)

Rheology , Dietary Fiber , Flour Industry , Sensation , Diet, Gluten-Free , Food Industry
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 31(4): e1403, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-973368


ABSTRACT Introduction: The celiac trunk (CT) is one of the abdominal portion branches of the aortic artery and, together with the superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric arteries, participates in the abdominal viscera vascularization through a series of anastomoses. Absence of CT or variation in the number of terminal branches implies in varied abdominal arteries origins, which may have implication in surgical approaches. Objective: To analyze the anatomical variations of the celiac trunk and possible associated surgical clinical implications. Methods: It is a systematic review of articles indexed in the PubMed, Lilacs, SciELO, Springerlink, Scienc Direct and Latindex databases from August to September 2017. Original articles involving the anatomical variations of the celiac trunk in humans were included. The presence/absence of the celiac trunk, the number of terminal branches and the place of origin of its branches in variant cases of the normal anatomical pattern, were considered for this study. Results: At the end of the research, 12 articles were selected, characterized by sample, anatomical structure evaluation method and main results. The normal anatomical pattern was the most prevalent in most studies (75.0%). CT was absent in 41.7% of the findings. The most prevalent anatomical variation was the presence of CT with bifurcation (66.7%). It was also observed the origin of the common and splenic hepatic arteries from the mesenteric arteries (25.0%). The presence of only one branch (16.7%) and quadrifurcation (8.33%) were other findings. Conclusion: CT variations are not uncommon findings, with different anatomic variants being reported. Thus, the importance of knowing the possible variations of this structure is emphasized, which may have implications for surgical interventions and imaging studies related to the abdominal region.

RESUMO Introdução: O tronco celíaco (TC) surge da aorta abdominal e juntamente com as artérias mesentérica superior e mesentérica inferior participa da vascularização de vísceras abdominais por meio de uma série de anastomoses. Ausência do TC ou variação no número de ramos terminais implica em origens variadas das artérias abdominais, o que pode ter implicação em abordagens cirúrgicas. Objetivo: Analisar as variações anatômicas do TC e as possíveis implicações clínico/cirúrgicas associadas. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática de artigos indexados nas bases de dados PubMed, Lilacs, SciELO, Springerlink, Scienc Direct e Latindex, no período de agosto a setembro de 2017. Foram incluídos artigos originais envolvendo as variações anatômicas do TC em humanos. Considerou-se para este estudo a presença/ausência do TC, o número de ramos terminais e o local de origem de seus ramos em casos variantes do padrão anatômico normal. A coleta foi realizada por dois revisores independentes. Resultados: Ao final da busca foram selecionados 12 artigos, caracterizados quanto à amostra, método para avaliar a estrutura anatômica e principais resultados. O padrão anatômico normal foi o mais prevalente na maioria dos trabalhos (75,0%). O TC foi ausente em 41,7% dos achados. A variação anatômica mais prevalente foi a presença do TC com bifurcação (66,7%). Observou-se, ainda, a origem das artérias hepática comum e esplênica a partir das artérias mesentéricas (25,0%). A presença de apenas um ramo (16,7%) e quadrifurcação (8,33%) foram outros achados presentes. Conclusão: Variações do TC não são achados incomuns, sendo relatados diferentes variantes anatômicas. Desse modo, ressalta-se a importância sobre o conhecimento das possíveis variações dessa estrutura, o que pode ter implicação em intervenções cirúrgicas e exames de imagem relacionados à região abdominal.

Humans , Celiac Artery/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation , Arteries/anatomy & histology , Arteries/surgery , Celiac Artery/surgery
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 48(6): e20170732, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045139


ABSTRACT: Brazilian pine seeds (pinhão) are gluten-free seeds produced by the native pine species named Araucaria angustifolia. In this study, gluten-free cake mixes composed of Brazilian pine seed flour and rice flour were developed. The cake mixes were produced following a Simplex Centroid experimental design, with rice flour and Brazilian pine seed flour contents ranging from 50 to 100% and from 0 to 50%, respectively. Mixes were analyzed for chemical composition, apparent paste viscosity, and particle size distribution. The resulting cakes were analyzed for sensory acceptance, texture, specific volume and chemical composition. The Brazilian pine seed flour showed a peak viscosity on heating of 1.761Pa.s against 4.747Pa.s for the 100% rice flour sample. The variation of firmness of cakes decreased with increasing percentage of Brazilian pine seed flour. Cakes containing Brazilian pine seed flour at 25-37.5% of the formulation presented highest overall acceptance.

RESUMO: O pinhão trata-se de uma semente sem glúten, produzida pelo pinheiro da espécie Araucaria angustifolia. Neste estudo, foram desenvolvidas misturas de bolo sem glúten, compostas por farinha de pinhão e farinha de arroz. As misturas de bolo foram produzidas conforme o modelo experimental Simplex Centroid, que definiu as proporções entre a farinha de arroz e a farinha de pinhão na variação de 50 a 100% e 0 a 50%, respectivamente. As misturas foram analisadas quanto à composição química, viscosidade aparente da pasta e distribuição de tamanho de partícula. Os bolos resultantes foram submetidos às análises de aceitação sensorial, textura volume específico e composição química. A farinha de pinhão demostrou ocorrência do pico de viscosidade ao aquecimento no valor de 1,761Pa.s contra 4,747Pa.s da amostra composta por 100% de farinha de arroz. A variação da firmeza dos bolos diminuiu com o aumento da porcentagem de farinha de pinhão. Em termos sensoriais, os bolos contendo entre 25 a 37,5% de farinha de pinhão apresentaram maior aceitação geral.

Int. j. morphol ; 35(3): 938-941, Sept. 2017. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-893077


We report the first case of a newborn presenting with a celio-mesenteric trunk variation associated with a giant omphalocele. The celio-mesenteric trunk was unexpected and unseen during the staged surgical closure. After partial reintegration of the liver, the newborn presented refractory hypovolemia with anuria, leading to redo surgery. This procedure revealed ischemia of the liver and necrosis of the entire gastrointestinal tract except the colon. Despite treatment, including liver externalization, the infant did not survive. The autopsy revealed a celio-mesenteric trunk, a rare anomaly characterized by a common origin of the celiac axis and the superior mesenteric artery from the aorta. This association may explain the dramatic consequences of the staged closure procedure. Awareness of the association of celio-mesenteric trunk and omphalocele would allow the surgeon to take extra care during this delicate surgery.

Presentamos el primer caso de un recién nacido que presenta una variación del tronco celíaco-mesentérico asociada con un onfalocele gigante. El tronco celíaco-mesentérico fue inesperado y no se vio durante las etapas del cierre quirúrgico. Después de la reintegración parcial del hígado, el recién nacido presentó hipovolemia refractaria con anuria, lo que condujo a la repetición de la cirugía. Este procedimiento reveló isquemia del hígado y necrosis de todo el tracto gastrointestinal excepto el colon. A pesar del tratamiento, incluyendo la externalización hepática, el bebé no sobrevivió. La autopsia reveló un tronco celíaco-mesentérico, una rara anomalía caracterizada por un origen común del tronco celíaco y la arteria mesentérica superior, a partir de la aorta. Esta asociación puede explicar las dramáticas consecuencias del procedimiento durante las etapas del cierre. El conocimiento de la asociación de tronco celíaco-mesentérico y onfalocele permitiría al cirujano tomar especial cuidado durante esta delicada cirugía.

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Hernia, Umbilical/complications , Mesenteric Arteries/abnormalities , Mesenteric Ischemia/pathology , Fatal Outcome , Hernia, Umbilical/surgery
Iatreia ; Iatreia;30(2): 194-198, abr.-jun. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-892655


RESUMEN La disección aislada y espontánea de la arteria celíaca es una entidad clínica rara. Es la cuarta causa de aneurismas abdominales por detrás de los que ocurren en las arterias esplénica, hepática y mesentérica superior. Es importante sospechar el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad cuyos síntomas son inespecíficos. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 60 años de edad atendido en nuestro hospital por esta enfermedad, y hacemos una revisión del tema con énfasis en el diagnóstico y en los diferentes tratamientos disponibles.

SUMMARY Spontaneous and isolated celiac artery dissection is a rare clinical disease. It is the fourth cause of abdominal aneurysms behind those that occur in the splenic, hepatic, and superior mesenteric arteries. It is important to suspect the diagnosis of this entity whose clinical symptoms are unspecific. We report the case of a 60 year-old male treated in our hospital because of this illness, and present a review of this pathology, specially focused on the diagnosis and the different treatments available.

RESUMO A dissecção isolada e espontânea da artéria celíaca é uma entidade clínica rara. É a quarta causa de aneurismas abdominais por detrás dos que ocorrem nas artérias esplénica, hepática e mesentérica superior. É importante suspeitar o diagnóstico desta doença cujos sintomas são inespecíficos. Apresentamos o caso de um homem de 60 anos de idade atendido no nosso hospital por esta doença, e fazemos uma revisão do assunto com ênfase no diagnóstico e nos diferentes tratamentos disponíveis.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Celiac Artery , Aneurysm , Dissection