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Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535321


Objective: To verify the relationship between smoking, age, schooling, and the vocal self-perception of trans women. Methods: Cross-sectional observational quantitative study conducted with 24 trans women over 18 years old, living in their affirmed gender for a minimum of 6 months. Data collection involved selected questions from the translated and authorized Portuguese version of the Trans Woman Voice Questionnaire (TWVQ) and information regarding age, education, occupation, and smoking status. All variables were analyzed descriptively, and the association with smoking was assessed using Pearson's Chi-square, Fisher's Exact, Student's T, and Mann-Whitney tests, with a significance level of 5%. Results: The mean age of trans women was 28.2 +/- 6.5 years (range: 21 - 48). Most participants (41.6%) had completed their high school education and pursued diverse careers. Regarding smoking habits, 58.3% of women were either current smokers or had smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime. A statistically significant association was found between smoking and age (p = 0.001), with smokers having a lower average age (24.9 years) compared to nonsmokers (32.9 years). However, no statistical significance was observed between smoking, education, and self-perception of vocal femininity. Only 9 (37.5%) trans women perceived their voices as feminine, while 17 (70.7%) desired a more feminine-sounding voice. Limitation: The limited sample size in this study may have constrained the ability to detect significant differences between the analyzed groups using statistical tests. Conclusion: The smoking prevalence was notably high among younger trans women. However, there was no statistically significant difference in vocal self-perception between those who smoked and those who did not. The majority of trans women expressed a desire for their voices to sound more feminine, particularly among smokers.

Objetivo: Verificar la relación entre el tabaquismo, edad, escolaridad y la autopercepción vocal de mujeres trans. Métodos: Estudio observacional transversal cuantitativo realizado con 24 mujeres trans mayores de 18 años, que viven en su género afirmado durante 6 meses. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron preguntas seleccionadas de la versión portuguesa traducida y autorizada del Trans Woman Voice Questionnaire (TWVQ) y datos sobre edad, educación, ocupación y tabaquismo. Todas las variables se analizaron descriptivamente y la asociación con el tabaquismo se realizó mediante las pruebas Chi-cuadrado de Pearson, Exacta de Fisher, T de Student y Mann Whitney, con un nivel de significación del 5%. Resultados: La edad promedio de las mujeres trans fue de 28,2 +/- 6,5 (rango 21 - 48). La mayoría de las participantes (41,6%) había terminado la escuela secundaria con carreras muy diversas. Respecto al tabaquismo, el 58,3% de las mujeres fuman actualmente o han fumado al menos 100 cigarrillos en su vida. Hubo una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el tabaquismo y la edad (p = 0,001), en la que la edad promedio entre los fumadores (24,9 años) fue menor que la de los no fumadores (32,9 años). No hubo significación estadística entre el tabaquismo, la educación y la autopercepción vocal. Solo 9 (37,5%) mujeres trans actualmente consideran su voz femenina y 17 (70,7%) dijeron que la voz ideal podría sonar más femenina. Limitación: La pequeña casuística puede haber limitado la identificación de diferencias entre los grupos analizados a través de pruebas estadísticas. Conclusión: El tabaquismo fue alto entre las mujeres trans, especialmente las más jóvenes. La autopercepción vocal no fue estadísticamente diferente entre los grupos de fumadores y no fumadores. La mayoría de las mujeres trans dijeron que sus voces podrían sonar más femeninas, especialmente las fumadoras.

Diagn. tratamento ; 28(3): 117-20, jul-set de 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517919


Indivíduos transgêneros (ou trans) apresentam diferença entre a sua identidade de gênero e o sexo que lhe foi atribuído ao nascimento, o que provoca sofrimento grave, nomeado como disforia de gênero, estado que apresenta melhora após a transição para o gênero autor-reconhecido. Pessoas transgêneras apresentam os piores marcadores de saúde mental entre os LGBTQIA+. O objetivo deste texto é levantar aspectos psicossociais e sexuais de indivíduos transgêneros e trazer algumas recomendações para profissionais de saúde. Os tratamentos disponibilizados para essa população são os de afirmação de gênero (supressão da puberdade, tratamento hormonal cruzado, cirurgia reconstrutiva torácica e cirurgias genitais afirmativas de gênero). Muitas vezes, as alterações corporais conseguem diminuir os sintomas de disforia, melhorando a qualidade de vida. Porém, para muitos deles, apenas a mudança do papel social de gênero é suficiente. As disfunções sexuais mais frequentes experimentadas por mulheres e homens trans são dificuldades para iniciar e buscar contato sexual (mulheres, 26%, homens, 32%) e para atingir o orgasmo (29% e 15%). A atenção à saúde transgênera deve conter cuidados inter e multidisciplinares holísticos, envolvendo endocrinologia, cirurgia, voz e comunicação, atenção primária, saúde reprodutiva, saúde sexual e mental para acompanhar intervenções de afirmação de gênero, bem como prevenção, cuidado e gerenciamento de doenças crônicas. Indivíduos transgêneros enfrentam, além de todas as questões que afligem a sociedade contemporânea, a invisibilidade reforçada principalmente pela falta de conhecimento e pelos preconceitos. Faz-se necessário um atendimento que seja acolhedor, educativo, não preconceituoso e que respeite a individualidade daqueles que carregam em suas histórias sofrimento e violência.

Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological , Health Personnel , Sex Reassignment Surgery , Gender Dysphoria , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Gender Identity
Actas esp. psiquiatr ; 51(3): 98-119, Mayo - Junio 2023. mapas, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-223400


Introducción. La destransición de género es el acto de detenero revertir los cambios sociales, médicos y/o administrativos conseguidos durante un proceso de transición de género. Se trata de un fenómeno emergente de gran interés a nivel clínico y social. Método. Se condujo una búsqueda sistemática en siete bases de datos entre 2010 y 2022, se rastrearon manualmente las referencias de los artículos y se consultaron libros especializados. Se realizó un análisis cuantitativo y de contenido. Resultados. Se incluyeron 138 registros, 37% correspondientes a estudios empíricos y 38,4% publicados en 2021. Se identifican al menos ocho términos para hacer referencia a la destransición, con diferencias en sus definiciones. La prevalencia difiere en función del criterio utilizado, siendo menor para la destransición/arrepentimiento (0-13,1%) que para la descontinuación de la asistencia/tratamiento médico (1,9%-29,8%),y menor para la destransición/arrepentimiento tras cirugía (0-2,4%) que para la destransición/arrepentimiento tras tratamiento hormonal (0-9,8%). Se describen más de 50 factores psicológicos, médicos y socioculturales que influyen en la decisión de destransicionar, así como 16 factores predictores/asociados a la destransición. No se encuentran guías de abordaje sanitario ni legislativo. Los debates actuales se centran en los interrogantes sobre la naturaleza de la disforia de género y el desarrollo de la identidad, el papel de los profesionales con respecto al acceso a los tratamientos médicos y el impacto de las destransiciones sobre la futura accesibilidad a dichos tratamientos. Conclusiones. La destransición de género es una realidad compleja, heterogénea, poco estudiada y escasamente comprendida. Se requiere un abordaje y estudio sistemático que permita comprender su prevalencia real, implicaciones y manejo a nivel sanitario. (AU)

Introduction. Gender detransition is the act of stoppingor reversing the social, medical, and/or administrative changesachieved during a gender transition process. It is an emergingphenomenon of significant clinical and social interest.Methods. We systematically searched seven databasesbetween 2010 and 2022, manually traced article references,and consulted specialized books. Quantitative and contentanalyses were carried out.Results. We included 138 registers, 37% of which were empirical studies and 38.4% of which were published in 2021. Atleast eight terms related to detransition were identified, withdifferences in their definitions. Prevalence estimates differ according to the criteria used, being lower for detransition/regret (0-13.1%) than for discontinuation of care/medical treatment (1.9%-29.8%), and for detransition/regret after surgery(0-2.4%) than for detransition/regret after hormonal treatment (0-9.8%). More than 50 psychological, medical, and sociocultural factors influencing the decision to detransition and16 predictors/associated factors are described. No health orlegal guidelines are found. Current debates focus on the nature of gender dysphoria and identity development, the role ofprofessionals in accessing medical treatments, and the impactof detransition on future access to these treatments.Conclusions. Gender detransition is a complex, heterogeneous, under-researched, and poorly understood reality. Asystematic study and approach to the topic is needed to understand its prevalence, implications, and management from a healthcare perspective. (AU)

Humans , Gender Studies , Gender Identity , Review Literature as Topic
Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(2): 53-72, abr.-jun. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-220981


There has been growing interest about gender identity and sexual orientation in people with autism spectrum disorder. This systematic review analyses 18 studies conducted since 2016 that met the inclusion criteria. The aim was to gather evidence of gender identity, gender dysphoria, and sexual orientation in the ASD population. The results indicate an increased prevalence of non-conforming gender identity and gender dysphoria in people with ASD. There was also evidence of greater prevalence of non-heterosexual orientation in people with ASD than people without ASD. These results were particularly found in women with ASD. However, more studies are needed, especially about women, children and adolescents, to ensure that there are suitable support and resources to meet the needs of this population. (AU)

En los últimos años ha surgido un creciente interés en relación con la identidad de género y la orientación sexual de las personas con trastorno del espectro del autismo (TEA). La presente revisión sistemática analiza un total de 18 estudios, publicados a partir de 2016, con la finalidad de obtener evidencias acerca de la identidad y disforia de género, y la orientación sexual en la población con TEA. Los resultados indicaron que existe una mayor prevalencia de identidad de género no conforme y de disforia de género en la población con TEA. Se encontró una mayor prevalencia de orientación no heterosexual en las personas con TEA en comparación con la población sin TEA. Estos resultados se encuentran preferentemente en las mujeres con TEA. No obstante, es necesario disponer de más y mejores evidencias sobre esta temática, especialmente en mujeres, y en las etapas de la niñez y la adolescencia, con el fin de implementar apoyos y recursos adecuados para dar respuesta a las necesidades de estas personas. (AU)

Humans , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Sexual Behavior , Gender Identity , Gender Dysphoria , Transgender Persons
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531906


Objetivo. Presentar el manejo rehabilitador del piso pélvico para la prevención del dolor en un paciente en posoperatorio de cirugía de reasignación de sexo.Caso clínico. Paciente masculino de 23 años con disforia de género que inició la transición de hombre a mujer hace siete años y es llevado a cirugía de reasignación de sexo mediante los procedimientos de orquiectomía, penectomía parcial, vaginoplastia, clitoroplastia y labioplastia, en mayo de 2023.Intervención. El paciente recibió un proceso de rehabilitación intrahospitalaria durante 10 días que incluyó abdominales hipopresivos, reeducación del patrón respiratorio, entrenamiento en activación muscular del core abdominal y esfínteres, movilidad lumbo-pélvica, uso de dilatadores dos veces al día con una duración de dos horas y ejercicios de neurodinamia, retorno venoso y readaptación a la marcha.Resultados. Al cabo de 10 días de hospitalización con atención temprana en rehabilitación pélvica, el paciente informó una mejoría en el síntoma de dolor; adicionalmente se evidenció optimización de la fuerza muscular funcional y de la movilidad del complejo lumbo-pélvico-cadera, así como una adaptación satisfactoria a las terapias dilatadoras. Conclusión. Los pacientes transgéneros sometidos a la cirugía de reasignación de sexo experimentan múltiples cambios en su cuerpo los cuales generan la necesidad de intervención por parte del área de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación para implementar la rehabilitación integral del piso pélvico con el fin de prevenir futuras complicaciones y facilitar el proceso de adaptación a las actividades básicas cotidianas; ello, sumado a la consecución de la satisfacción personal y sexual. Palabras clave. Disforia de género, cirugía de reasignación de sexo, piso pélvico, rehabilitación

Objective. To present the rehabilitation management of the pelvic floor for the prevention of pain in a patient in the postoperative period after sex reassignment surgery. Clinical case. A 23-year-old male patient with gender dysphoria who started the transition from man to woman seven years ago and was taken to sex reassignment surgery through the procedures of orchiectomy, partial penectomy, vaginoplasty, clitoroplasty and labiaplasty in May 2023. Intervention. The patient underwent an in-hospital rehabilitation process for 10 days that included hypopressive abdominal exercises, re-education of the respiratory pattern, training in muscle activation of the abdominal core and sphincters, lumbopelvic mobility, use of dilators twice a day for two hours and exercises of neurodynamics, venous return and gait readaptation. Results. After 10 days of hospitalization with early attention in pelvic rehabilitation, the patient reported an improvement in the symptom of pain; in addition, optimization of functional muscle strength and mobility of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex was evidenced, as well as a satisfactory adaptation to dilator therapies. Conclusion. Transgender patients who undergo sex reassignment surgery experience multiple changes in their body, which generate the need for intervention by the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation area to implement comprehensive pelvic floor rehabilitation in order to prevent future complications and facilitate the process of adaptation to basic daily activities; this, added to the achievement of personal and sexual satisfaction

Humans , Male
Rev. int. androl. (Internet) ; 20(4): 249-256, oct.-dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-210765


Antecedentes y objetivo: La elevada demanda asistencial sanitaria realizada por las personas trans en los últimos años ha dirigido el foco de la investigación hacia el estudio de sus aspectos clínicos y sociodemográficos. Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo comparar y analizar algunas variables sociodemográficas en personas trans en 2 períodos temporales: el período de inicio de funcionamiento de la unidad y el período más reciente. Materiales y método: Se comparó una muestra de 131 usuarios que asistió a la Unidad de Tratamiento de Identidad de Género del Principado de Asturias (UTIGPA) entre 2015-2019, con una muestra de 33 que acudió entre 2007-2009. Los datos se extrajeron de historias clínicas. Resultados: Respecto al período 2007-2009 entre 2015-2019 la ratio se invierte a favor de los hombres trans (HT). Los usuarios de ambos géneros solicitan consulta a edades más tempranas (especialmente los HT), provienen menos del extranjero, alcanzan una mayor cualificación educativa y laboral, presentan menos paro y solicitan más el cambio registral; y aunque las mujeres trans (MT) continúan siendo las que, mayoritariamente, se dedican a la prostitución y se autohormonan, en este período más reciente lo reportan menos y, además, conviven más acompañadas. Conclusiones: Se observan cambios en las variables sociodemográficas de los usuarios de la UTIGPA entre 2007-2009 y 2015-2019, en dirección a una mayor inclusión. No obstante, las condiciones sociodemográficas de las MT siguen en desventaja en comparación con las de los HT. (AU)

Background and objective: The high demand of assistance made by trans people in recent years has directed the focus of research towards the study of their clinical and sociodemographic aspects. The objective of this work was to compare and analyze some sociodemographic variables in trans people in two periods: the period when the unit began to operate and the most recent period. Materials and method: A sample of 131 users who attended the Gender Identity Treatment Unit of the Principality of Asturias (UTIGPA) between 2015-2019 was compared with a sample of 33 who attended between 2007-2009. Data were extracted from medical records. Results: Regarding 2007-2009, in 2015-2019 the ratio is inverted in favor of Trans Men (TM). Users of both genders request consultation at an earlier age (specially TM), come less from abroad, achieve higher educational and work qualifications, are less unemployed and request more name changes. And, although Trans Women (TW) continue to be those who are mostly engaged in prostitution and self-administration of hormones, in the most recent period they report it less and, furthermore, they live more accompanied tan in the past. Conclusions: Changes are observed in the sociodemographic variables of UTIGPA users between 2007-2009 and 2015-2019, in the direction of a greater inclusion. However, the sociodemographic conditions of the TW are still at a disadvantage in comparison to those of the TM. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Transsexualism , Transgender Persons , Gender Identity , Hormones , Gender Dysphoria
Psicosom. psiquiatr ; (23): 16-25, Oct-Dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-214077


Introducción: Diferentes estudios señalan una gran variación en las tasas de persistencia identitaria en niños, niñas y adolescentes con incongruencia de género. Objetivo: Describir el porcentaje de persistencia y de desistencia identitaria de niñas, niños y púberes atendidos/as, por manifestación de expresiones y sentimientos de género no congruente en la Unidad de Identidad de Género (UIG). Material y Métodos: Estudio transversal en una cohorte de niñas, niños y púberes que han sido atendidos entre los años 2012 y 2020, con edades comprendidas entre 3 y los 11 años. La recogida de datos se hizo mediante la información registrada en las historias clínicas y se completó con entrevistas telefónicas a menores y progenitores que no habían sido atendidos en los últimos seis meses. Resultados: La muestra final fue de 71 sujetos, 15 (21,1%) chicos trans, 45 (63,4%) chicas trans y 11 (15,5%) no binarios/variantes de género. Vinieron 39 (54,9%) en la primera infancia (0-6 años) y 32 (45,1%) en la segunda infancia-pubertad (7-11 años). El tiempo medio de seguimiento entre la primera visita a la última fue de 2,55 años. En 65 casos (91,5%) se mantuvo persistente la incongruencia de género y en seis (8,5%) hubo desistencia. 22 (30,9%) casos habían manifestado disforia corporal, 12 (16,9%) habían comenzado tratamiento hormonal para bloquear la pubertad y de estos, la mitad, habían iniciado tratamiento hormonal cruzado. Conclusiones: La persistencia de la incongruencia de género en el grupo de infancia-pubertad es mayoritaria (91,5%). La ratio sexo-género va a favor de las niñas trans (niño a niña) y hay un incremento de sujetos no binarios/variantes de género.(AU)

Introduction: Different studies indicate a great variation in the rates of identity persistence in boys, girls and adolescents with gender incongruity. Objective: To describe the percentage of identity persistence and desistance of girls, boys and adolescents attended to, due to expressions and feelings of non-congruent gender in the Gender Identity Unit (GIU). Material and methods: Cross-sectional study in a cohort of girls, boys and pubescents who have been attended between 2012 and 2020, aged between 3 and 11 years. The data collection was done through the information recorded in the medical records and was completed with telephone interviews with minors and parents who had not received care in the last six months. Results: The final sample consisted of 71 subjects, 15 (21.1%) trans boys, 45 (63.4%) trans girls, and 11 (15.5%) gender variants. 39 (54.9%) came in early childhood (0-6 years) and 32 (45.1%) in middle childhood-puberty (7-11 years). The mean follow-up time between the first visit and the last was 2.55 years. In 65 cases (91.5%) the gender inconsistency remained persistent and in six (8.5%) there was desistance. 22 cases (30.9%) had manifested body dysphoria, 12 (16.9%) had started hormonal treatment to block puberty and of these, half had started cross-hormonal treatment. Conclusions: The persistence of gender incongruity in the childhood-puberty group is the majority (91.5%). The sex-gender ratio is in favor of trans girls and there is an increase in gender variants.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Gender Dysphoria , Gender Identity , Puberty , Cohort Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies
Pap. psicol ; 43(3): 185-199, Sept. 2022. tab
Article in English, Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-212852


La disforia de género en la infancia y la adolescencia está hoy en día más bajo el domino de la ideología queer que dentro de los conocimientos científicos y profesionales. Este dominio de la ideología se traduce en importantes consecuencias prácticas como la autodeterminación de la identidad de género con base en el sentimiento y la terapia afirmativa de la identidad sentida como la única opción aceptable. Como resultado, quedan fuera de evaluación los aspectos psicológicos y se emprenden transiciones fármaco-quirúrgicas que no resuelven el problema para todos. En particular, surge el nuevo fenómeno de los arrepentidos de haber cambiado de género y destransicionistas que quisieran volver atrás. Las profesiones sanitarias incluida la psicología, así como la psiquiatría y la pediatría, debieran reclamar ante la disforia de género los mismos estándares científicos y profesionales que aplican en los demás problemas, empezando por la exploración, la evaluación, el análisis funcional, el diagnóstico, la prudencia, la espera atenta, en vez de asumir sin más la terapia afirmativa.(AU)

Gender dysphoria in childhood and adolescence is today more under the domain of queer ideology than within scientific and professional knowledge. This dominance of ideology translates into important practical consequences such as self-determination of gender identity based on sentiment and affirmative therapy of felt identity as the only acceptable option. As a result, psychological aspects are left out of evaluation and pharmaco-surgical transitions are undertaken that do not solve the problem for everyone. In particular, there is the new phenomenon of those who regret having changed their gender and detransitionists who would like to reverse the process The health professions, including psychology, as well as psychiatry and paediatrics, should claim the same scientific andprofessional standards for gender dysphoria as they apply to other problems, starting with exploration, evaluation, functional analysis, diagnosis, prudence, attentive waiting, instead of simply assuming affirmative therapy.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Gender Dysphoria , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Gender Identity , Emotions , Transsexualism , Psychology , Psychology, Clinical , Psychology, Social
Rev Int Androl ; 20(4): 249-256, 2022.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35933292


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The high demand of assistance made by trans people in recent years has directed the focus of research towards the study of their clinical and sociodemographic aspects. The objective of this work was to compare and analyze some sociodemographic variables in trans people in two periods: the period when the unit began to operate and the most recent period. MATERIALS AND METHOD: A sample of 131 users who attended the Gender Identity Treatment Unit of the Principality of Asturias (UTIGPA) between 2015-2019 was compared with a sample of 33 who attended between 2007-2009. Data were extracted from medical records. RESULTS: Regarding 2007-2009, in 2015-2019 the ratio is inverted in favor of Trans Men (TM). Users of both genders request consultation at an earlier age (specially TM), come less from abroad, achieve higher educational and work qualifications, are less unemployed and request more name changes. And, although Trans Women (TW) continue to be those who are mostly engaged in prostitution and self-administration of hormones, in the most recent period they report it less and, furthermore, they live more accompanied tan in the past. CONCLUSIONS: Changes are observed in the sociodemographic variables of UTIGPA users between 2007-2009 and 2015-2019, in the direction of a greater inclusion. However, the sociodemographic conditions of the TW are still at a disadvantage in comparison to those of the TM.

Gender Identity , Transsexualism , Female , Humans , Male , Hormones , Referral and Consultation
An Pediatr (Engl Ed) ; 96(4): 349.e1-349.e11, 2022 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35534418


Some people, including minors, have a gender identity that does not correspond to the sex assigned at birth. They are known as trans* people, which is an umbrella term that encompasses transgender, transsexual, and other identities not conforming to the assigned gender. Healthcare units for trans* minors require multidisciplinary working, undertaken by personnel expert in gender identity, enabling, when requested, interventions for the minor and their social-familial environment, in an individualized and flexible way during the gender affirmation path. This service model also includes hormonal treatments tailored as much as possible to the individual's needs, beyond the dichotomic goals of a traditional binary model. This guide addresses the general aspects of professional care of trans* minors and presents the current evidence-based protocol of hormonal treatments for trans* and non-binary adolescents. In addition, it details key aspects related to expected body changes and their possible side effects, as well as prior counselling about fertility preservation.

Gender Dysphoria , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Transgender Persons , Transsexualism , Adolescent , Female , Gender Dysphoria/drug therapy , Gender Identity , Humans , Male , Minors , Transsexualism/therapy
An. pediatr. (2003. Ed. impr.) ; 96(4): 349.e1-349.e11, abril 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-205461


Algunas personas, también las menores de edad, tienen una identidad de género que no se corresponde con el sexo asignado al nacer. Se les conoce como personas trans*, que es el término paraguas que engloba transgénero, transexual y otras identidades no conformes con el género asignado. Las unidades de asistencia sanitaria a menores trans* requieren un trabajo multidisciplinario, realizado por personal experto en identidad de género, que permita, cuando así lo soliciten, intervenciones para el menor y su entorno sociofamiliar, de forma individualizada y flexible durante el camino de afirmación de género. Este modelo de servicio también incluye tratamientos hormonales adaptados en la medida de lo posible a las necesidades del individuo, más allá de los objetivos dicotómicos de un modelo binario tradicional. Esta guía aborda los aspectos generales de la atención profesional de menores trans* y presenta el protocolo actual basado en evidencia de tratamientos hormonales para adolescentes trans* y no binarios. Además, detalla aspectos clave relacionados con los cambios corporales esperados y sus posibles efectos secundarios, así como el asesoramiento previo sobre preservación de la fertilidad. (AU)

Some people, including minors, have a gender identity that does not correspond to the sex assigned at birth. They are known as trans* people, which is an umbrella term that encompasses transgender, transsexual, and other identities not conforming to the assigned gender. Healthcare units for trans* minors require multidisciplinary working, undertaken by personnel expert in gender identity, enabling, when requested, interventions for the minor and their social–familial environment, in an individualized and flexible way during the gender affirmation path. This service model also includes hormonal treatments tailored as much as possible to the individual's needs, beyond the dichotomic goals of a traditional binary model. This guide addresses the general aspects of professional care of trans* minors and presents the current evidence-based protocol of hormonal treatments for trans* and non-binary adolescents. In addition, it details key aspects related to expected body changes and their possible side effects, as well as prior counselling about fertility preservation. (AU)

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Gender Dysphoria , Transgender Persons , Gender Identity , Health Services for Transgender Persons , Fertility/drug effects
Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(2): 149-156, abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388352


Resumen La infección por VIH es una epidemia global (prevalencia de 0,8%). En Latinoamérica, Chile, Brasil y Uruguay son los países con mayores índices. Entre las más afectadas están la población transgénero (OR 48,8 respecto a la población general). Múltiples factores bio-psico-sociales explican estas cifras. Bajo uso del preservativo, la idea de reafirmación de género, el temor a ser reemplazadas(os) por personas cisgéneros, presencia de comercio sexual, entre otros, influyen en las mayores tasas de infección. Se han implementado medidas de prevención del VIH, pero pocas dirigidas en específico a personas transgénero. La profilaxis preexposición (PreP) parece ser una nueva alternativa de prevención en este grupo, y la integración de las unidades de apoyo en la reafirmación de género con las unidades que entregan PreP, podrían aumentar su adherencia y cobertura. En las personas transgénero con infección por VIH existe baja adherencia a terapia antirretroviral (TARV), en parte por priorización del tratamiento hormonal y miedo a que la TARV altere su proceso de hormonización. Los pocos datos existentes muestran que la hormonización no se afecta con la mayoría de la TARV, pero algunos tratamientos hormonales podrían disminuir las concentraciones plasmáticas y tisulares de ciertos antirretrovirales. Faltan estudios que evalúen la interacción entre antirretrovirales y tratamiento hormonal de reafirmación de género.

Abstract HIV infection is a global epidemic, with a prevalence of 0.8%. In Latin America, Chile, Brazil and Uruguay are the countries with the highest rates. The transgender population is the most affected (OR of 48.8 compared to the general population). Multiple bio-psycho-social factors explain these issues. The low use of condoms for pressure from the partner, the idea of reaffirmation of gender, the fear to be replaced by a cisgender person, the presence of commercial sex, among others, influence the highest rates of infection. HIV prevention measures have been implemented, but few specifically targeted at transgender people. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PreP) seems to be a new prevention alternative in this group, and the integration of support units in gender reaffirmation with units that deliver PreP could increase their adherence and coverage. In HIV (+) transgender people there is low adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART), in part due to the prioritization of hormonal treatment and the fear that ART will alter their hormonalization process. The few data that exist show that hormonalization is not affected by ART, but that some hormonal treatments could lower the levels of certain antiretrovirals. More studies must be done to evaluate the interaction between antiretrovirals and gender affirming hormone therapy.

Humans , HIV Infections/prevention & control , HIV Infections/drug therapy , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Anti-HIV Agents/therapeutic use , Transgender Persons , Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis , Sex Work
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 44(3): 258-263, Mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387879


Abstract Objective To identify the age when individuals first perceive gender incongruence (GI) and to compare sociodemographic data of female-to-male (FtM) and male-tofemale (MtF) transgender individuals assisted at an outpatient service. Methods The present cross-sectional study was conducted through a review of the medical records of individuals diagnosed with GI at a single specialized outpatient service in the city of Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Results A total of 193 medical records from 2010 to 2018 were evaluated, and 109 (56.5%) patients had GI since childhood. The FtM transgender individuals perceived GI in childhood more often than the MtF transgender individuals (odds ratio [OR]: 2.06, 95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 1.11-3.81) Unattended hormone use was highest among the MtF group (69.6% versus 32.3%; OR: 4.78, 95%CI: 2.53-9.03). All of the individuals who were engaged in prostitution or were diagnosed with a sexuallytransmitted infection, including HIV, were in the MtF group. Conclusion Despite the more prevalent perception of GI in childhood among the FtM group, social issues were more prevalent among the MtF group, which may be the result of social marginalization.

Resumo Objetivo Identificar o período da vida emque indivíduos indentificaram pela primeira vez sua incongruência de gênero (IG), e comparar os dados sociodemográficos de homens e mulheres transgêneros (trans) atendidos em um ambulatório. Métodos Estudo transversal realizado por meio de revisão dos prontuários de pessoas com IG em ambulatório especializado de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil. Resultados Foram avaliados 193 prontuários de 2010 a 2018, e 109 (56.5%) pacientes apresentavamIG desde a infância. Homens trans perceberam a IG na infância com mais frequência do que as mulheres trans (razão de probabilidades [RP]: 2.06, intervalo de confiança de 95% [IC95%]: 1.11-3.81). O uso de hormônio sem supervisão foi maior entre as mulheres trans (69.6% versus 32.3%; RP: 4.78; IC95%: 2.53-9.03). Todos as pessoas que estavam inseridas na prostituição ou que apresentavam algum diagnóstico de infecção sexualmente transmissível, incluindo o HIV, eram mulherestrans. Conclusão Apesar da percepção mais prevalente da IG na infância entre homens trans, os agravos sociais foram mais prevalentes entre as mulheres trans, o que pode ser resultado da marginalização social.

Humans , Male , Female , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis , Sex Workers , Gender Dysphoria , Sexual and Gender Minorities
Rev. ABENO ; 22(2): 1542, jan. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1391423


A população LGBTQIA+ ainda hoje sofre com o preconceito e estigma, o que pode dificultar o acesso aos serviços de saúde, aumentando a presença de morbidades neste grupo. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão de literatura com dois enfoques: o acesso aos serviços de saúde e odontológicos por pacientes LGBTQIA+ e quais as medidas educacionais que estão sendo implementadas com alunos dos cursos de Odontologia para diminuir o estigma sobre essa população e universalizar o acesso ao tratamento odontológico. Foi realizada uma revisão de literaturade estudospublicados entre 1995 e 2020nas bases de dados PubMed, SciELOe Google Scholar.Foram selecionados19 artigos, relatando principalmente aspectos das experiências de acesso àsaúde bucal por pacientes LGBTQIA+; a experiência dos alunos de graduação em Odontologia com essa população; a inserção de atividades focadas na desmistificação desta população em cursos de graduação e o suporte fornecido pelas instituições de ensino aos alunos que se identificam como LGBTQIA+. Apenas dois estudos foram conduzidos no Brasil. Existem evidênciasprovenientes principalmente de estudos internacionaispara afirmar que a população LGBTQIA+ possui menor acesso aos serviços de saúde e há uma falta de preparo formal dos alunos de graduação para o atendimento destas pessoas (AU).

LGBTQIA+ population (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and or questioning, intersex, asexual and/or allied) still suffers prejudice and stigma, they face significantly more barriers in accessing health services, thus increasing the morbidities within this group. The objective of this study was to bring a literature review focusing on the health and dental services access to LGBTQIA+ population and shed a light on which educational efforts are being implemented during the Dentistry graduation in order to minimize the LGBTQIA+ stigma. A literature review was performed focusing on papers published between 1995 and 2020, in PubMed, SciELO and Google Scholar. Nineteen studies were elicitable. They reported mainly experiences of LGBTQIA+ population's access to dental health services, the experiences of undergraduate students in the attendance of this population; the activities focusing on diminishing the LGBTQIA+ stigma in the graduation environment and the universities support for students who identify themselves as LGBTQIA+. Only two studies were conducted in Brazilian institutions. There is evidence collected from foreign studies that LGBTQIA+ population has less access to health services and there is a lack of formal training on the treatment of this community to undergraduate students (AU).

Humans , Dental Care , Dentists/psychology , Education, Dental/methods , Gender Dysphoria , Sexual and Gender Minorities/psychology , Health Services Accessibility , Gender Diversity
Int. j. clin. health psychol. (Internet) ; 22(1): 1-10, jan.-apr. 2022. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-203388


Background/Objective The most recent versions of the two main mental disorders classifications—the World Health Organization's ICD-11 and the American Psychiatric Association's DSM–5—differ substantially in their diagnostic categories related to transgender identity. ICD-11 gender incongruence (GI), in contrast to DSM-5 gender dysphoria (GD), is explicitly not a mental disorder; neither distress nor dysfunction is a required feature. The objective was compared ICD-11 and DSM-5 diagnostic requirements in terms of their sensitivity, specificity, discriminability and ability to predict the use of gender-affirming medical procedures. Method A total of 649 of transgender adults in six countries completed a retrospective structured interview. Results Using ROC analysis, sensitivity of the diagnostic requirements was equivalent for both systems, but ICD-11 showed greater specificity than DSM-5. Regression analyses indicated that history of hormones and/or surgery was predicted by variables that are an intrinsic aspect of GI/GD more than by distress and dysfunction. IRT analyses showed that the ICD-11 diagnostic formulation was more parsimonious and contained more information about caseness than the DSM-5 model. Conclusions This study supports the ICD-11 position that GI/GD is not a mental disorder; additional diagnostic requirements of distress and/or dysfunction in DSM-5 reduce the predictive power of the diagnostic model

Antecedentes/Objetivo Las versiones más recientes de las clasificaciones de trastornos mentales —CIE-11 de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y DSM–5 de la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana— difieren en sus categorías diagnósticas relacionadas con la identidad transgénero. La discordancia de género (DiscG) de la CIE-11, en contraste con la disforia de género (DisfG) del DSM-5, no es considerada un trastorno mental; el distrés y la disfunción no son características requeridas para el diagnóstico. El objetivo fue comparar los requisitos diagnósticos de la CIE-11 y el DSM-5 en términos de sensibilidad, especificidad y capacidad para discriminar casos y predecir el uso de procedimientos médicos de afirmación de género. Método 649 adultos transgénero de seis países completaron una entrevista estructurada retrospectiva. Resultados De acuerdo con el análisis ROC, la sensibilidad de ambos sistemas fue equivalente, aunque la CIE-11 mostró mayor especificidad que el DSM-5. Los análisis de regresión indicaron que la historia de uso de hormonas o cirugía se predijo por variables intrínsecas a la DiscG/DisfG y no por el distrés o disfunción. Según los análisis de respuesta al ítem (TRi) la formación CIE-11 resulta más parsimoniosa y contiene mayor información sobre los casos. Conclusiones Se aporta evidencia a favor de que la DiscG/DisfG no es un trastorno mental; los criterios diagnósticos adicionales de distrés y/o disfunción del DSM-5 reducen su poder predictivo.

Adult , Health Sciences , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , World Health Organization , Gender Identity , Transgender Persons
Rev. int. androl. (Internet) ; 20(1): 41-48, ene.-mar. 2022. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-205398


Antecedentes y objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio es investigar las características contextuales de la aparición de la disforia de género (DG) en menores trans.Materiales y método: Participaron todos los menores de edad que solicitaron consulta en la Unidad de Tratamiento de Identidad de Género desde marzo de 2007 hasta junio de 2019. Se procedió a la revisión de historias clínicas para la obtención de los datos. Se garantizó la confidencialidad.Resultados: Demandaron atención 64 menores, el 39,1% eran mujeres trans (MT) y el 60,9% hombres trans (HT). El rango de edad estuvo comprendido entre los 6 y los 17 años, con una media de 14,98. El 75% de los menores trans ubicaron el inicio de la DG en la infancia y el 25% en la adolescencia. La reacción de los progenitores fue de sospecha en un 55,6% de los casos y de sorpresa en un 36,5%. El 55,6% presentaron malestar psicológico importante previamente a acudir a la unidad.El apoyo familiar estuvo presente en el 57,1%. El papel de las redes sociales e Internet fue relevante para el 39,7% de la muestra. Tenían pertenencia o contacto con grupos de pares o asociaciones LGTBIQ el 44,4% de los menores. Se analizaron los resultados en función del género sentido.Conclusiones: Los menores continúan demandando atención en las unidades, sobre todo las MT. Aunque la DG aparece en ambos grupos fundamentalmente en la infancia, en la adolescencia es más frecuente en los HT. Los menores trans nacen, se desarrollan y construyen su identidad en un contexto determinado que está en interacción. (AU)

Background and objective: The objective of the present study is to investigate the contextual characteristics of the onset of gender dysphoria (GD) in trans minors.Materials and method: All minors who requested consultation in the Gender Identity Treatment Unit from March 2007 to June 2019 participated. Clinical histories were reviewed to obtain the information. Confidentiality was guaranteed.Results: Sixty-four minors required care, 39.1% were trans women (TW) and 60.9% trans men (TM). The age range was between 6-17 years, with a mean of 14.98. Seventy-five percent of the trans minors located the onset of DG in childhood and 25% in adolescence. Parental reaction was suspicious in 55.6% of cases and surprise in 36.5%; 55.6% presented significant psychological distress before going to the unit.Family support was present in 57.1%. The role of social networks and the Internet was relevant for 39.7% of the sample. Of the minors, 44.4% had membership or contact with peer groups or LGTBIQ associations. Results were analysed according to sense of gender.Conclusions: Minors continue to require care in the units, especially TW. Although GD onset in both groups is mainly in childhood, in adolescence it is more frequent in TM. Trans minors are born, develop and build their identity in a specific context, which is in interaction. (AU)

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Transgender Persons , Gender Dysphoria , Gender Identity , Medical Records
Cuad. bioét ; 33(107): 1-11, enero abril, 2022.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-203237


En la práctica médica pediátrica, se presenta el caso de menores de 18 años con disforia de género o con discordancia de género, caracterizadas por una incongruencia entre el sexo biológico y el género sentido. De esta manera, se ofrece la posibilidad médica y jurídica de iniciar un tratamiento de afirmación de género en niños y adolescentes. Aunque el tratamiento indicado para lograr dicho objetivo ha sido avalado por algunas asociaciones científicas, también ha sido objeto de serios cuestionamientos por la posible irreversibilidad de los procedimientos que se realizan en el cuerpo del menor. Por este motivo, si bien la leyle reconoce cierta autonomía al menor para tomar la decisión de iniciar un tratamiento de afirmación de género, la falta de madurez para entender y asumir la información que se le brinda podría llegar a cuestionar la validez del consentimiento informado.

In pediatric medical practice, there is the case of children and young persons under 18 with gender dysphoria or gender discordance, characterized by an incongruity between biological sex and gender identity. In this way, the medical and juridical possibility of gender affirmation treatment is offered to minors. Although this treatment has been endorsed by some scientific associations, it has also been the subject of serious questioning due to the possible irreversibility of the procedures performed on the minor’s body. For this reason, although the law recognizes some autonomy to the minor to make the decision to initiate a gender affirmation treatment, the lack of maturity to understand and assume the information that isprovided could affect the validity of the informed consent

Humans , Adolescent , Health Sciences , Gender Dysphoria , Informed Consent By Minors , Gender Identity , Minors , Child Health , Pediatrics , Bioethics , Therapeutics
Rev Int Androl ; 20(1): 41-48, 2022.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33622617


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study is to investigate the contextual characteristics of the onset of gender dysphoria (GD) in trans minors. MATERIALS AND METHOD: All minors who requested consultation in the Gender Identity Treatment Unit from March 2007 to June 2019 participated. Clinical histories were reviewed to obtain the information. Confidentiality was guaranteed. RESULTS: Sixty-four minors required care, 39.1% were trans women (TW) and 60.9% trans men (TM). The age range was between 6-17 years, with a mean of 14.98. Seventy-five percent of the trans minors located the onset of DG in childhood and 25% in adolescence. Parental reaction was suspicious in 55.6% of cases and surprise in 36.5%; 55.6% presented significant psychological distress before going to the unit. Family support was present in 57.1%. The role of social networks and the Internet was relevant for 39.7% of the sample. Of the minors, 44.4% had membership or contact with peer groups or LGTBIQ associations. Results were analysed according to sense of gender. CONCLUSIONS: Minors continue to require care in the units, especially TW. Although GD onset in both groups is mainly in childhood, in adolescence it is more frequent in TM. Trans minors are born, develop and build their identity in a specific context, which is in interaction.

Gender Dysphoria , Transsexualism , Adolescent , Child , Ecosystem , Female , Gender Dysphoria/diagnosis , Gender Dysphoria/psychology , Gender Dysphoria/therapy , Gender Identity , Humans , Male , Minors
Fisioter. Mov. (Online) ; 35: e35107, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364861


Abstract Introduction: Chest binders are an important resource for building masculinity in transgender men without mastectomy, although they can cause respiratory and thoracic damage if misused. Objective: To analyze the association between chest binding and chest complaints in transgender men. Methods: This was a quantitative cross-sectional study conducted at the Trans Space of the Hospital das Clínicas de Pernambuco and the LGBTQI Patrícia Gomes outpatient clinic of the Lessa de Andrade polyclinic in Recife (Pernambuco State, northeastern Brazil). Sixty transgender men aged >18 years were included, and data on sociodemographics, general health, chest binding, and respiratory complaints in the thoracic region were collected. Descriptive analysis was performed, and prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated with a confidence interval (CI) of 95% to associate between binder use and complaints in the chest region. Results: The average was 27.25 years, of which 81.7% did not undergo mastectomy and 53.3% used chest binders. The use of chest binders was significantly associated with complaints in the chest region (PR = 2.73), difficulty breathing (PR = 2.27), and chest pain (PR = 1.82). Conclusion: This study demonstrated a higher prevalence of complaints in the chest and respiratory region in transgender men who use chest binders. This reinforces the need to broaden the view on the health of this population. Gender construction strategies are essential for the quality of life and mental health of transgender men, and binders are an important ally in this process.

Resumo Introdução: O uso de binder é um importante recurso para a construção da masculinidade nos homens transexuais não mastectomizados, contudo, pode acarretar danos respiratórios e torácicos se usado de forma inadequada. Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre o uso de binder e as queixas torácicas em homens transexuais. Métodos: Estudo transversal quantitativo realizado no Espaço Trans do Hospital das Clínicas de Pernambuco e no ambulatório LGBTQI Patrícia Gomes da Policlínica Lessa de Andrade, em Recife, PE. Foram incluídos 60 homens transexuais, com idade acima de 18 anos, e foram coletadas informações sociodemográficas, de saúde geral, uso de binder e queixas na região torácica. Foi realizada a análise descritiva e estimadas as razões de prevalência (RP) com intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95% para a associação entre o uso de binder e queixas na região do tórax. Resultados: A média foi de 27,25 anos; destes, 81,7% não realizaram mastectomia e 53,3% faziam uso de binder. O uso de binder teve associação significativa com queixas na região do tórax (RP = 2,73), dificuldade para respirar (RP = 2,27) e dor no tórax (RP = 1,82). Conclusão: Este estudo demonstrou que há prevalência maior de queixas na região do tórax e queixas respiratórias nos homens transexuais que fazem uso de binder. Isto reforça a necessidade de ampliar o olhar sobre a saúde dessa população. Estratégias de construção de gênero são essenciais para a qualidade de vida e saúde mental de homens transexuais, sendo o uso de binder um importante aliado neste processo.

Humans , Male , Transsexualism , Transgender Persons , Gender Dysphoria , Chest Pain , Health Centers , Masculinity , Coral Reefs , Mastectomy
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1369794


Las temáticas referentes a la identidad de género han ganado amplia atención en las últimas décadas. Desde las primeras descripciones clásicas del autismo, ha existido interés en el estudio del proceso identitario en dicha población. En este contexto, la comprensión del desarrollo psicosexual de niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) con condición del espectro autista (CEA) ha cobrado relevancia dada la evidencia sugerente de una relación entre CEA y diversidad de género incluida disforia de género (DG). Este documento pretende realizar una revisión del tema desde una perspectiva del desarrollo.

Issues related to gender identity have gained wide attention in recent decades. Since the first classical descriptions of autism, there has been interest in the study of the identity process in this population. In this context, the understanding of the psychosexual development of boys, girls and adolescents (NNA) with autism spectrum condition (ASC) has gained relevance given the suggestive evidence of a relationship between ASC and gender diversity (including gender dysphoria (GD) This document aims to carry out a review of the subject from a developmental perspective.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Psychosexual Development , Autism Spectrum Disorder/psychology , Gender Dysphoria/psychology , Gender Identity