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Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 30(4): 769-779, out.-dez. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423041


Resumo Este estudo teórico discorre sobre a bioética no sentido de promover e assegurar a dignidade do paciente de uma forma segura, que obedeça a sua tomada de decisão, seguindo normativas e protocolos que garantam o cumprimento dessa vontade, e trazendo também segurança para equipe assistencial. A ausência de consenso no meio jurídico, por falta de regulamentações que explicitem as regras para a elaboração de um modelo de diretivas de vontade, gera insegurança nos profissionais de saúde envolvidos, familiares e paciente. Para garantir esse direito, além da normatização jurídica, é necessário que os profissionais tenham pleno conhecimento do assunto, a fim de orientar e informar corretamente seus pacientes. Não basta assegurar ao indivíduo o direito de manifestar sua vontade, é preciso ainda a certeza de que esta será cumprida. Há a necessidade de ampliar discussões acerca da temática, com ênfase na realidade brasileira.

Abstract This theoretical study discusses bioethics in the sense of safely promoting and ensuring the patients' dignity, respectful of their decision making, following regulations and protocols that help fulfill this will and bring safety to the care team. The lack of clear and consensual legal regulations on how to elaborate an advance directive generates uncertainty among healthcare providers, patients and their families. Beyond legal standardization, professionals must also have full knowledge on the topic to correctly guide and inform their patients, thus guaranteeing this right. But ensuring the right to express one's will is not enough—one must be assured that such whishes will be fulfilled. Further and broader discussions on this topic anchored on the Brazilian reality are needed.

Resumen Este estudio teórico trata la bioética en el sentido de promover y garantizar la dignidad del paciente de forma segura, que acepte su toma de decisiones, siguiendo normas y protocolos que garanticen el cumplimiento de esa voluntad, además de brindar seguridad al equipo de atención. La falta de consenso en el ámbito legal respecto a normativa para la elaboración de un modelo de directivas de voluntad produce inseguridad en los profesionales de la salud involucrados, familiares y pacientes. La garantía de este derecho, además de la regulación legal, requiere que los profesionales conozcan el tema para orientar e informar correctamente a sus pacientes. No basta con garantizar al individuo el derecho a expresar su voluntad, sino que también es necesario la certeza de que esta se cumplirá. Son necesarios más estudios para ampliar las discusiones sobre el tema, con énfasis en el contexto brasileño.

Right to Die , Advance Directives , Living Wills
Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 50(2): e203, Jan.-June 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376819


Abstract Introduction: The Advanced Directives Document (ADD) is a bioethical quality benchmark for healthcare and assurance of compliance with the rights of autonomy, self-determination and dignity of the patient. This document was established over the past decade and currently there is no evidence about the attitudes and knowledge of the healthcare professionals with regards to the use of this tool in clinical practice in Colombia. Objective: To describe the knowledge and experiences of healthcare professionals members of six Colombian Scientific Societies regarding the right to sign an ADD and explore the barriers to its applicability in clinical daily practice. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted using an anonymous and voluntary e-survey with the participation of six Colombian Medical Societies. A questionnaire was designed comprising five groups of variables: general, ADD knowledge, medical experiences and personal experiences regarding advanced directives and potential obstacles to its implementation. Results: 533 professionals participated in the survey. 54 % (n = 286) expressed their lack of awareness about the fact that there is law governing the ADD in Colombia; 34.33 % (n = 183) said they were familiar with the requirements of the document. Over the last year, 24 % of the professionals received one or more ADDs from their patients. Only 11.7 % of healthcare practitioners had themselves completed an ADD. 77.1 % of the professionals surveyed believe that the number of individuals with an ADD has not changed after the approval and regulation of the right to an advanced directives document. 86.6 % of the practitioners said they respected the ADD, notwithstanding the fact that the patient could benefit otherwise. Conclusions: The overall perception of healthcare professionals with regards to the number of ADDs signed by patients is that the number has not changed after the approval of the Law in Colombia. This study evidenced that medical practitioners have a poor knowledge about the ADD and that there is a need to educate healthcare professionals about the ADD and to promptly implement institutional programs about Planning of Advanced Directives (PAD). Both strategies are challenging for the applicability of AD in Colombia.

Resumen Introducción: El Documento Voluntades Anticipadas (DVA) es un referente bioético de calidad de atención en salud y garantía de cumplimiento de los derechos de autonomía, autodeterminación y dignidad de los pacientes. Este documento fue reglamentado en la última década, y actualmente, no existe evidencia sobre las actitudes y conocimientos de los profesionales de la salud sobre el uso de esta herramienta en la práctica clínica en Colombia. Objetivo: Describir los conocimientos y experiencias de los profesionales de la salud pertenecientes a seis sociedades científicas colombianas frente al derecho de suscribir el DVA e investigar sobre las barreras para la aplicabilidad del DVA en la práctica clínica diaria. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, realizado mediante encuesta electrónica anónima y voluntaria en seis sociedades médicas colombianas. Se diseñó un cuestionario compuesto por cinco grupos de variables: generales, conocimiento de DVA, experiencias médicas y experiencias personales sobre voluntad anticipada y posibles limitaciones para su aplicación. Resultados: Participaron 533 profesionales. El 54 % (n = 286) afirmó no saber que existe la ley que regula el DVA en Colombia; un 34,33 % (n = 183) manifestó conocer los requisitos que debe cumplir dicho documento. En el último año, el 24 % de los profesionales recibió de sus pacientes uno o más DVA. Solo el 11,7 % de los profesionales de salud tenía un DVA elaborado. El 77,1 % de los encuestados perciben que el número de personas con DVA sigue igual después de aprobado y reglamentado el derecho de DVA. El 86,6 % de los profesionales de salud aseguraron respetar el DVA, aunque el paciente pueda beneficiarse de lo contrario. Conclusiones: La percepción general de los profesionales de la salud sobre el número de DVA suscrito por los pacientes sigue igual después de reglamentada la Ley en Colombia. Este estudio permitió evidenciar que los profesionales de la salud poseen poco conocimiento sobre el DVA. Es indispensable capacitar a todos los profesionales de salud sobre el DVA y la pronta implementación institucional de programas sobre Planificación de Decisiones Anticipadas (PDA). Ambas estrategias constituyen un desafío para la aplicabilidad de las VA en Colombia.

Pancreas Divisum
Inf. psiquiátr ; (246): 69-80, 1er trimestre 2022.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-208059


Las instrucciones previas, también denominadas decisiones o voluntades anticipadas,o testamento vital, constituyen una manifestación de la voluntad de los pacientes y, por tanto, son expresión de la autonomía de la persona. Se definen como el proceso en el que una persona planifica los cuidados sanitarios y la asistencia que desea recibir en el futuro, en el momento en que no sea capaz de tomar decisiones por sí misma.La planificación anticipada de cuidados y decisiones (PACD), que incluye elaborar esos documentos de voluntades anticipadas, es un modo de relación asistencial sobre la que todavía hay poca experiencia en nuestro país.La PACD se define como un "proceso voluntario de comunicación y deliberación entre una persona capaz y profesionales implicados en su atención, acerca de los valores, deseosy preferencias que quiere que se tengan encuenta en la atención sanitaria que recibirácomo paciente, fundamentalmente en losmomentos finales de la vida" (1).El objetivo es que la persona, junto conlos profesionales, delibere y establezca cómoquiere ser tratada durante el proceso terapéutico.Incluye los valores relevantes delpaciente, las preferencias sanitarias de caráctergeneral, las indicaciones sanitariasconcretas (rechazo o solicitud de intervenciones,donación de órganos...), expresiónde sentimientos hacia otros ("lo siento","gracias", "te perdono", etc), y/o designarun representante.A través del documento de instruccionesprevias que confirma que se ha dado el procesode reflexión, comunicación y descripciónde esas voluntades anticipadas, las personaspueden decidir acerca de los tratamientos ycuidados de salud que desean o no recibircuando se encuentren en una circunstanciaen la que no puedan manifestar su voluntadpersonalmente.Su fundamento ético es:Respetar y promover la autonomía del paciente.Asegurar que se valoren las situaciones decompetencias limitadas o inexistentes. (AU)

Advance instructions, also called decisionsor advance directives, or living wills,constitute a manifestation of the will of the patients and, therefore, are an expression of the autonomy of the person. They are defined as the process in which a person plans the health care and assistance they want to receive in the future, at the time when they are not able to make decisions for themselves. Advance Care Planning and Decisions(ACPD) which includes developing these advance directives documents. It is something that the law does not collect but does not prevent, and there is very little experience and research on it. They define it as a "voluntary process of communication and deliberation between a capable person and professionals involved in their care, about the values, desires and preferences that they want to betaken into account in the health care thatthey will receive as a patient, fundamentallyin the moments end of life" (1).The objective is for the person, togetherwith the professionals, to establish how theywant to be treated during the therapeuticprocess. It includes the relevant values ofthe patient, general health preferences, specifichealth indications (refusal or requestfor interventions, organ donation ...), expressionof feelings towards others ("I'm sorry","thank you", "I forgive you", etc), and/or appoint a representative.Through the advance directive documentthat confirms that the process of reflection,communication and description of these advancedirectives has been given, people candecide about the treatments and health carethey want or not to receive when they are ina circumstance in the one that cannot expresstheir will personally.Its ethical foundation is:Respect and promote the autonomy of thepatient.Preserve that value in situations of limited or nonexistent skills. (AU)

Humans , Advance Directives/classification , Advance Directives/trends , Advance Directive Adherence/classification , Living Wills
Pers. bioet ; 23(2): 224-244, jul.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | COLNAL, BDENF - Nursing, LILACS | ID: biblio-1115067


Resumen Las voluntades anticipadas en salud tienen como finalidad que la persona manifieste de manera anticipada su voluntad sobre los cuidados y el tratamiento de su salud, lo cual le permite expresar personalmente y de forma previa sus preferencias. Esta revisión de la literatura tiene por objetivo describir el concepto y la estructura de las voluntades anticipadas, así como los aspectos éticos involucrados durante el cuidado del paciente. Con las palabras clave "Advanced Health Care Directive" AND "Ethical Implication" y sus símiles en español (voluntades anticipadas, implicaciones éticas), se revisaron cinco bases de datos: ProQuest, Philosophy (JSTOR), PubMed, Web of Science y SciELO; las publicaciones se agruparon entre los años 2010 y 2018. Se obtuvieron 31 artículos de los cuales se realizó una lectura crítica. Los resultados de esta revisión fueron agrupados en las siguientes categorías: concepto, estructura, situaciones clínicas donde se aplican las voluntades anticipadas, fortalezas y limitaciones; así como los aspectos éticos involucrados. Actualmente, son más comunes las vivencias relacionadas con las situaciones al final de la vida, donde la persona pierde su capacidad de decidir y no puede manifestar sus deseos, por lo que es imposible conocer su voluntad. Gran parte de los profesionales de la salud no tienen capacitación adecuada sobre el desarrollo y la aplicación de las voluntades anticipadas, escenario que se convierte en una oportunidad para la investigación y profundización sobre el tema. Las voluntades anticipadas son una herramienta que proporciona al equipo de salud información fidedigna de los valores y deseos del paciente, por lo que es importante capacitar a estos profesionales para brindar una atención respetuosa y de calidad.

Abstract Advance healthcare directives are intended for the individual to personally express their will and preferences about healthcare and treatment ahead of time. This literature review aims to describe the concept and structure of advance directives and the ethical aspects involved in patient care. Using the keywords "Advance Healthcare Directive" AND "Ethical Implication" and its Spanish equivalents (voluntades anticipadas, implicaciones éticas), five databases were accessed: ProQuest, Philosophy (JSTOR), PubMed, Web of Science and Scielo. Publications were narrowed down to the 2010-2018 period. Thirty-one articles were obtained and read critically. Results of this review were grouped into the following categories: concept, structure, clinical situations in which advance directives apply, strengths and limitations, as well as the ethical aspects involved. End of life-related experiences in which a person loses their ability to make decisions and cannot express their wishes, so it is impossible to know their will, are more common nowadays. Most health workers are not appropriately trained in the preparation and application of advance directives, which becomes an opportunity to research and delve deeper into the subject. Advance directives are a tool that gives health workers reliable information on a patient's values and wishes, so it is vital to train them to provide respectful quality care.

Resumo As diretivas antecipadas de vontade na saúde têm como finalidade que o paciente manifeste, de maneira antecipada, sua vontade e preferências sobre os cuidados e o tratamento de sua saúde. Esta revisão da literatura tem como objetivo descrever o conceito e a estrutura das diretivas antecipadas de vontade, bem como os aspectos éticos envolvidos durante o cuidado do paciente. Com as palavras-chave "advanced health care directive" AND "ethical implication" e seus equivalentes em espanhol ("voluntades anticipadas", "implicaciones éticas"), foram revisadas cinco bases de dados: ProQuest, Philosophy (JSTOR), PubMed, Web of Science e SciELO; as publicações são de 2010 a 2018. Foram obtidos 31 artigos, dos quais foi realizada uma leitura crítica. Os resultados desta revisão foram agrupados nas seguintes categorias: conceito, estrutura, situações clínicas em que são aplicadas as diretivas antecipadas de vontade, fortalezas, limitações, bem como aspectos éticos envolvidos. Atualmente, são mais comuns as vivências relacionadas com as situações no final da vida, em que a pessoa perde sua capacidade de decidir e não pode manifestar seus desejos, portanto é impossível conhecer sua vontade. Grande parte dos profissionais da saúde não tem capacitação adequada sobre o desenvolvimento e a aplicação das diretivas antecipadas de vontade, o que se torna uma oportunidade para pesquisar e aprofundar sobre o tema. As diretivas antecipadas de vontade são uma ferramenta que proporciona, à equipe de saúde, informação fidedigna dos valores e desejos do paciente, por isso é importante capacitar os profissionais para oferecer uma atenção respeitosa e de qualidade.

Humans , Advance Directives , Living Wills , Disclosure , Decision Making , Clinical Decision-Making
Bragança; s.n; 20190000. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1222896


Este estudo diz respeito a um fenómeno que trata de preparar um futuro, no qual o ser humano se antevê a si próprio, e nessa circunstância se pretende proteger, ou pelo menos, poupar a sofrimentos ou explorações magoadoras: o Testamento Vital (TV). Por isso fez todo o sentido a criação legal e legitimada do documento que corporiza as Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade. Todavia, e como é entendível, o conceito inerente às Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade é algo pouco usado e pouco estudado, em Portugal. A história reflexiva, ético jurídica é recente, pelo que estas palavras e conceitos, representam figuras que são ainda pouco conhecidas e usadas pelo grande público, em geral, e pelos técnicos de saúde em particular. Objetivos: Reconhecer o nível de conhecimentos e os tipos de atitudes dos enfermeiros relativamente ao TV; reconhecer a atribuição da pertinência à temática em estudo e sensibilizar os enfermeiros para a vontade manifestada por cada doente, na sua prática profissional, através da apresentação dos resultados do estudo em contexto laboral. Métodos: É um estudo de natureza mista, quantitativa (exploratório e descritivo), relativamente a 80% de questões e qualitativo, considerando que 20% de questões apresentam respostas que solicitam análise de conteúdo, aplicado a uma amostra de 304 enfermeiros, respondentes, a um IRD produzido para o efeito, através de aplicação em Google Docs entre Janeiro de 2019 e Março de 2019. Resultados: verificou-se que a maioria da amostra (86,3%), apesar de insuficientes, tem conhecimentos acerca do TV. Os resultados revelam que a amostra respondente, demonstra 3 componentes atitudinais: uma boa aceitação relativamente ao tema, outra que refere curiosidade acerca do mesmo, e outra, curiosamente desocultadora, assumindo a falta de formação e informação como o maior obstáculo à utilização e sensibilização para o tema; A pertinência na prática é atribuída por 75% dos respondentes pese embora, haja 7,6% que consideram não ter aplicabilidade e 6,6% que além de não terem formação, não considera ter relevância na prática. Conclusão: o nível de conhecimentos (insuficiente) verificado e a atribuição de pertinência na prática clinica revelam ser essencial o desenvolvimento de esforços para a sensibilização destes profissionais e a formação específica acerca do TV

This study concerns a phenomenon that tries to prepare a future in which the human being foresees itself, and in this circumstance it is intended to protect, or at least to spare, the sufferings or exploits that are hurtful: the Living Will. Therefore, the legal and legitimate creation of the document embodying the Advance Directives of Will has made perfect sense. However, and as it is understandable, the concept inherent to the Directives Advance of Will is little used and little studied, in Portugal. The reflective, ethical legal history is recent, so these words and concepts represent figures that are still little known and used by the general public in general and by health care professionals in particular. Objectives: To recognize the level of knowledge and types of nurses' attitudes towards LW; to recognize the attribution of pertinence to the subject under study and to sensitize nurses to the expressed will of each patient in their professional practice, through the presentation of the results of the study in a work context. METHODS: This is a mixed, quantitative (exploratory and descriptive) study, with respect to 80% of questions and qualitative, considering that 20% of questions present answers that require analysis of content, applied to a sample of 304 nurses, responders, to an instrument of data collection produced for this purpose, through application in Google Docs between January 2019 and March 2019. Results: it was verified that the majority of the sample (86.3%), although insufficient, has knowledge about LW. the results show that the respondent sample shows 3 attitudinal components: a good acceptance in relation to the subject, another that refers to curiosity about the subject, and another, curiously disembodied, assuming the lack of training and information as the biggest obstacle to the use and awareness of the theme; The relevance in practice is attributed by 75% of the respondents even though there are 7.6% who consider that there is no applicability and 6.6% that besides not having training, do not consider it to be relevant in practice. Conclusion: the (insufficient) level of knowledge verified and the attribution of pertinence in clinical practice show that it is essential to develop efforts to raise awareness among these professionals and specific training about LW.

Humans , Living Wills , Advance Directives
Leiria; s.n; 21 dez 2018.
Thesis in Portuguese | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1438483


O avanço científico e tecnológico interfere cada vez mais nos processos da morte. Nas situações clínicas em que não existem expectativas de recuperação, a pessoa maior de idade pode manifestar a sua vontade de recusar cuidados de saúde inúteis ou desproporcionados, com recurso às Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade (DAV), legisladas em Portugal desde julho de 2012. Este trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer as atitudes da população portuguesa sobre as DAV e relacionar as atitudes com variáveis sociodemográficas, vivências de situações de morte e conhecimento sobre as DAV. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, correlacional, com recurso a um questionário divulgado por via eletrónica. Este continha uma escala de atitudes sobre as DAV, que foi testada nas suas propriedades psicométricas. Fizeram parte da amostra 1024 indivíduos, na maioria mulheres, católicas e licenciadas, com uma média de idade de 40 anos e com formação na área da saúde. Grande parte já tinha passado por situações de morte de familiares ou amigos, mas apenas 1/3 vivenciou situações de cuidados paliativos. A maioria já tinha ouvido falar sobre as DAV, mas apenas 2,34% referem ter feito uma. No global as atitudes são favoráveis às DAV e o nível de conhecimentos é positivo. Há diferenças significativas nas atitudes face às DAV e o género, religião e formação relacionada com a saúde. A vivência de situações de familiares ou amigos em cuidados paliativos não foi determinante nas atitudes perante as DAV. Quanto maior o conhecimento, mais favoráveis as atitudes face às DAV. Os resultados relevam a necessidade de investir no aumento do conhecimento da população sobre as DAV.

Scientific and technological advances increasingly interfere with the processes of dying. In clinical situations in which there is no expectation of recovery, the person of legal age can express their will to refuse useless or disproportionate health care, using Advance Directives of Will (ADW), legislated in Portugal since July 2012. The aim of this study was to understand the attitudes of the Portuguese population towards Advance Directives and to relate these attitudes to sociodemographic variables, experiences of death and knowledge of Advance Directives. This was a quantitative, descriptive, correlational study using a questionnaire published electronically. The questionnaire contained a scale of attitudes towards AD, which was tested for its psychometric properties. The sample comprised 1024 individuals, mostly women, Catholic and university graduates, with an average age of 40 years and with a health background. Most of them had experienced the death of family members or friends, but only 1/3 had experienced palliative care. The majority had heard about ADV, but only 2.34% reported having done one. Overall, attitudes are favourable to ADC and the level of knowledge is positive. There are significant differences in attitudes towards AWD and gender, religion and health-related education. The experience of family members or friends in palliative care was not a determining factor in attitudes towards ADVs. The greater the knowledge, the more favourable the attitudes towards ADVs. The results highlight the need to invest in increasing the population's knowledge of AD.

Humans , Advance Directives , Living Wills , Decision Making , Nursing Care
J Healthc Qual Res ; 33(5): 270-277, 2018.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30401422


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The advanced healthcare directive is a new style of health care relationship, based on the respect of the patients autonomous decisions: as well as a valuable tool that enables a proper management of the decisions made at the end of life. The objective of this study was to explore the knowledge and attitudes of the health care professionals regarding the advance directives, as well as the resources for advanced care planning in a municipality of Madrid during 2016-2017. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on a population of Health care professionals of Primary and Specialised Care. The knowledge and attitudes questionnaire about the advance directives was used. Sociodemographic and knowledge variables related to resources for the advanced care planning. Statistical-descriptive analysis was performed. RESULTS: A total of 431 professionals were included, with a mean age of 44.55 years (SD: 11.1). As regards knowledge about advance directives, the mean score was 5.08 (SD 2.4), with statistically significant differences being found between professional groups. A small percentage (4.6%) of the professionals had their document of Advance directives ready, and 42% of professionals did not know if they were regulated by the Community of Madrid. Less than half (41.5%) of the professionals knew the palliative resources of their institution. CONCLUSIONS: The health care professional's knowledge about advance directives, as well as the resources for the advanced care planning, show deficiencies at training and information level. Almost half of the professionals did not know if these are regulated in the Community of Madrid. They also believe that it would be useful to plan, and very useful to have the Advance directives document ready.

Advance Directives/psychology , Attitude of Health Personnel , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Health Personnel/psychology , Adult , Advance Directives/ethics , Aged , Bioethical Issues , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Hospitals, University , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Primary Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Prospective Studies , Sample Size , Spain , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data , Young Adult
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 34(2): e1612, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, CUMED | ID: biblio-1099039


RESUMEN Introducción: Las voluntades anticipadas o testamento vital permiten que una persona pueda, anticipadamente, manifestar sus deseos y opciones para que se tengan en cuenta cuando no pueda hacerlo personalmente. En la planificación anticipada de decisiones la enfermera participa activamente en la explicación del proceso compartido. Su conocimiento y actitud ante las voluntades anticipadas son clave. Objetivo: Identificar el grado de conocimiento de los profesionales de Enfermería sobre las voluntades anticipadas, y conocer su actitud y opinión respecto al documento de voluntades anticipadas. Métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo transversal entre marzo y agosto 2016 en el 100 por ciento del equipo de Enfermería del Instituto Clínico de Enfermedades Hemato-Oncológicas del Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (n=59) mediante cuestionario validado de 12 preguntas, con respuestas tipo Likert escala 1-10 (1 menos favorable-10 más favorable) a las cuestiones planteadas sobre las voluntades anticipadas. Se realizaron estadísticos de tendencia central, dispersión y contraste. Resultados: La edad media fue 36,92 (IC95 por ciento 33,85 39,98); años experiencia media: 13,41 (IC95 por ciento 10,37 16,44), media de conocimientos sobre voluntades anticipadas: 5,59 (IC95 por ciento 5,0 6,19), media puntuación total: 8,63 (IC95 por ciento 8,42 8,85). La edad, años de experiencia y tipo de contrato son las variables que ofrecieron diferencias significativas en conocimientos sobre el documento de voluntades anticipadas y en su predisposición realizarlo el próximo año. Conclusiones: Los conocimientos sobre las voluntades anticipadas entre enfermeras expertas son mejorables, especialmente entre las de menor edad y experiencia. Sin diferencias entre grupos, la actitud de las enfermeras hacia el registro del documento de voluntades anticipadas es muy favorable y lo consideran muy útil para familias y profesionales(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Anticipated wills or the life will allow a person to express, in advance, his/her wishes and options, so that they are taken into account when they cannot do it personally. In advanced decision planning, the nurse participates actively in the explanation of the shared process. Their knowledge and attitude towards the anticipated wills are essential elements. Objective: To identify the degree of knowledge among nursing professionals about anticipated wills, and to know their attitude and opinion regarding the papers for anticipated wills. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and observational study carried out between March and August 2016 in 100 percent of the nursing team at the Clinical Institute of Hemato-Oncological Diseases of Hospital Clínic of Barcelona (n=59) through a validated questionnaire made up by 12 questions, with Likert type responses scale 1-10 (1: less favorable-10: more favorable) to the questions raised about the anticipated wills. Statistics for central tendency, dispersion and contrast were used. Results: The average age was 36.92 (95 percent CI 33.85, 39.98); years of average experience: 13.41 (95 percent CI 10.37 16.44), average knowledge about anticipated wills: 5.59 (IC95 percent 5.0 6.19), average total score: 8.63 (95 percent CI 8), 42, 8.85). The age, years of experience, and type of contract are the variables that offered significant differences in knowledge about the papers for anticipated wills and their willingness for presenting such paper next year. Conclusions: The knowledge about anticipated wills among expert nurses is improvable, especially among those at younger ages and with less experience. Without differences among groups, the nurses' attitude towards the registration of the paper for anticipated wills is very favorable, as they consider it very useful for families and professionals(AU)

Humans , Oncology Nursing/methods , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Living Wills/ethics , Informed Consent/ethics , Nursing Care/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Observational Studies as Topic
Gac Sanit ; 32(4): 339-345, 2018.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29110888


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the degree of knowledge and attitudes of medical and nursing professionals in two health departments to advance directives, as well as to examine their association with the sociodemographic and occupational variables of the professionals. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey on 329 health professionals was carried out through the internet and a standardised procedure. The knowledge and attitudes of the professionals about advance directives were examined using two validated questionnaires of 17 and 12 items, respectively. Sociodemographic and professional data were also collected from the participants. RESULTS: 45% of the professionals were physicians, with X¯=13,1 (SD: 8.3) years of professional experience. Sixty-seven point five percent were women and the mean age was 38.9 (SD: 9.2) years. Professionals had very positive attitudes towards the advance directives document (X¯=75.37;SD: 11.97;R=0-90), although their level of knowledge about them was medium-low (X¯=9.31;SD: 2.73;R=0-18). Both the level of knowledge and self-perception were associated with previous training in palliative care, experience with document management, reading, or the demand for information. Completing the document related to self-perception of knowledge. Attitudes towards the document related to experience in its use and a positive attitude toward training. CONCLUSIONS: The professionals showed positive attitudes towards the advance directive document although low knowledge about it. Experience with the document was the only variable associated with both the knowledge and the attitudes of the professionals.

Rev. colomb. bioét ; 13(2): 36-49, 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1254372


Las Voluntades Anticipadas (vvaa) son una herramienta recomendada para la toma de decisiones en salud al final de la vida, fundamentadas en los principios de respeto por la autonomía y de beneficencia. En Chile no son reconocidas jurídicamente y no configuran una práctica habitual, existiendo escasa literatura teórica y empírica sobre el tema. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar el nivel de conocimientos y actitudes sobre las vvaa en profesionales ­médicos(as), enfermeros(as), psicólogos(as)­ de cuidados paliativos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo trasversal por medio de un cuestionario diseñado por la investigadora. Se invitó a participar a 107 profesionales de las 19 Unidades de Cuidados Paliativos del sistema de salud público de la Región Metropolitana, con una tasa de respuesta de 76.6% (n=82). La edad media de los participantes era de 40.4 ± 12 años, 80% mujeres. El 45.1% son médicos(as), el 34.1% enfermeros(as) y 20.7% psicólogos(as).El 98.8% refiere estar muy de acuerdo con que es conveniente para las personas planificar sus deseos sobre cuidados del final de la vida ­79% y 19.8% respectivamente­. Un 87% declara haber escuchado el término de las vvaa. En cuanto a conocimientos, sobre un total de 6 preguntas, el 64.6% de los participantes contestó menos de 4 correctas. El 70.8% responde acertadamente a la definición más apropiada. Se observa un alto reconocimiento del término de las VVAA, contrastando con un nivel de conocimiento relativamente bajo sobre los elementos específicos y legislativos de las mismas. Estos resultados demuestran una actitud positiva de los participantes hacia la planificación de cuidados al final de la vida.

Advance Directives are grounded on the principles of respect for autonomy and beneficence. They are recommended in order to facilitate better health decision-making at the end of life. In Chile, they are not legally recognised, and there is limited evidence on the practice, attitudes and knowledge of Advance Directives in our setting.This study aims to determine the degree of knowledge and attitudes towards Advance Directives in palliative care professionals (medical doctors, nurses, psychologists). A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out by means of a questionnaire specifically designed for this study by the researcher. 107 professionals from the 19 Palliative Care Units in the public healthcare system in the Metropolitan Region were invited to participate. The response rate was 76.6% (n=82). Participant's average age was 40.4 ± 12 years, and 80% were women. Among the professionals, 45.1% were physicians, 34.1% nurses and 20.7% psychologists.A 98.8% of participants agree/strongly agree ­19.8% and 79% respectively­ that it is convenient for people to plan and write their wishes about end-of-life care. The term Advance Directives has been heard by 87% of respondents. Regarding knowledge, 64.6% of the participants answered correctly less than 4 over 6 questions, and 70.8% responded correctly to the most appropriate definition of Advance Directives. The high recognition of the term Advance Directives contrasts with a relatively low level of knowledge about specific and legislative elements of this issue. These results demonstrate a positive attitude of the participants towards end-of-life care planning.

As Diretrizes Avançadas são uma ferramenta recomendada para tomar decisões de saúde no final da vida, com base nos princípios de respeito à autonomia e da beneficência. No Chile, eles não são legalmente reconhecidos e há evidências limitadas sobre a prática, atitudes e conhecimento sobre o Diretrizes Avançadas em nosso meio.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo determinar o nível de conhecimentos e atitudes sobre Diretrizes Avançadas em profissionais (médicos, enfermeiros, psicólogos) de cuidados paliativos. Um estudo descritivo transversal foi realizado por meio de um questionário elaborado pelo pesquisador. Particioaram 107 profissionais das 19 Unidades de Cuidados Paliativos do sistema de saúde pública da Região Metropolitana, com una taxa de resposta de 76.6% (n=82). A idade média de 40.4 ± 12 anos, 80% mulheres. 45.1% médicos, 34.1% enfermeiros e 20.7% psicólogos.98.8% disseram então muito de acordo/de acordo (79% e 19.8% respetivamente) que é conveniente para as pessoas planejar e escrever seus desejos em relação aos cuidados de fim de vida. 87% afirmam ter ouvido o termo Diretrizes Antecipadas. Em termos de conhecimento, de um total de 6 perguntas, 64.6% dos participantes responderam menos de 4 corretas. 70.8% respondem corretamente à definição considerada mais apropriada. Há um alto reconhecimento do termo Diretrizes Antecipadas, contrastando com um nível relativamente baixo de conhecimento sobre elementos específicos e legislativos do mesmo. Estes resultados demonstram uma atitude positiva dos participantes em relação ao planejamento dos cuidados no final da vida.

Palliative Care , Cross-Sectional Studies , Delivery of Health Care
Geriatr., Gerontol. Aging (Online) ; 11(4): 193-193, out.-dez. 2017.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-876612


O crescente envelhecimento mundial é acompanhado pelo aumento da expectativa de vida, especialmente nas pessoas de idade mais avançada, expandindo o número de idosos com doenças cronicodegenerativas, dentre as quais se destaca a demência, notadamente a Doença de Alzheimer. Essas pessoas, que demandam tratamentos e cuidados especializados, apresentam-se como um desafio à prática médica, pela multidimensionalidade de questões implicadas na sua saúde, ressaltando-se a perda da capacidade cognitiva, com dano irreversível à autonomia, um princípio pilar da Bioética. Nesse cenário, realizamos este estudo, com o objetivo de, no desenvolvimento das buscas teóricas, proceder a uma investigação reflexiva sobre a perda de autonomia da pessoa com demência, considerando as Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade ­ um instrumento de proteção e garantia da preservação quando já se encontrar incapacitada de expressar a sua vontade. O caminho metodológico é o da pesquisa qualitativa em saúde, centrado na investigação reflexiva, promovendo um diálogo entre fatos biomédicos e referenciais bioéticos. A revisão de literatura foi realizada em livros e em periódicos indexados dos últimos dez anos nas bases de dados do PubMed e LILACS. Discutimos a pertinência das Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade como instrumento que representa um êxito da civilização atual ao priorizar a autonomia do indivíduo e lhe assegurar o exercício pleno da cidadania. Esse instrumento, se aplicado a idosos saudáveis, antecipa-se à possível instalação de dano cognitivo posterior, apontado pelos dados demográficos e epidemiológicos. No curso evolutivo da demência, mesmo na fase inicial, não é confiável o registro da legítima vontade da pessoa sobre o que quer ou não para si em termos de tratamento e cuidado. Finalizando o estudo, propomos uma articulação da Geriatria com a Bioética, em que profissionais qualificados possam orientar pessoas idosas e seus familiares a procederem a uma reflexão profunda sobre saúde e doença, autonomia e incapacidade, para assumirem a liberdade de fazerem valer a sua vontade num futuro incerto em que talvez não mais possam fazer essa escolha para si mesmo.

The growth in world ageing is associated with an increase in life expectancy particularly in persons of more advanced ages, which expands the number of older persons with chronic-degenerative diseases, Alzheimer's disease in particular. Such individuals require specialized treatment and care. They challenge medical practice because they present multidimensional health conditions, notably cognitive impairment, which irreversibly compromises their autonomy, one of the pillars of Bioethics. In this context, this study was conducted so that, in proceeding with the search of theories, we could reflect on the loss of autonomy of the person with dementia, considering Advance Directives as an instrument provinding protection and assurance that the person's wishes will be complied with in the future. The methodology chosen was qualitative health research centered in a reflexive investigation, promoting a dialogue between biomedical facts and bioethical frameworks. For the review of literature, we examined to books and journals posted on PubMed and LILACS databases over the past 10 years. We have discussed the pertinence of Advance Directives as a successful construct of our civilization for prioritizing the autonomy of the individual and ensuring the full exercise of their rights as citizens. This instrument should be created by health older individuals prior to the development of cognitive impairment that may occur in keeping with demographic and epidemiological data. In the progressive course of dementia, even in its early stages, the recording of the person's wishes about what they want or not for themselves in terms of treatment and care is not reliable. In the conclusion of our study, we propose that Geriatrics and Bioethics be connected, so that qualified practitioners could guide older people and their family in an in-depth reflection about health and disease, autonomy and impairment, so that they can make their wishes count in an uncertain future, when they may no longer be able to make this choice themselves.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Aging , Advance Directives , Dementia , Alzheimer Disease
Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 6(supl.2): 465-474, dez. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047324


El presente trabajo de investigación realiza un estudio descriptivo sobre los caracteres legales del testamento vital en España para, ante su escassa aplicación práctica, tratar de acercar su contenido y funciones a los profesionales sanitarios y a la población en general. Se pretende también demostrar los múltiples beneficios que aportan estos documentos en aquellos supuestos en que los pacientes no pueden manifestar su voluntad por sí mismos

Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 25(1): 168-178, jan.-abr. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-843329


Resumo O testamento vital é tema discutido no âmbito da saúde e do direito, e importante instrumento para direcionar a assistência prestada ao paciente terminal de acordo com suas aspirações. Esta pesquisa exploratória com abordagem qualitativa estuda a opinião de 36 médicos, residentes em hospital público, acerca da inserção das diretivas antecipadas da vontade do paciente ou testamento vital na prática médica. A coleta de dados ocorreu em agosto de 2013. Evidenciou-se a relevância do testamento vital no respeito à autonomia do paciente terminal, propiciando humanização do seu atendimento. Este artigo demonstra igualmente a necessidade de criação de dispositivo legal que regulamente sua utilização formal no Brasil, além de ampliar discussões acerca da temática, com ênfase na realidade brasileira, a fim de promover maior compreensão sobre o posicionamento de médicos quanto aos últimos momentos da vida dos pacientes.

Abstract The living will is a relevant theme to be discussed from the sanitary and legal points of view and is also an important instrument to drive the assistance to terminally ill patients according to their final wills. We performed this exploratory and qualitative research to study the opinion of 36 resident doctors in Brazil public hospitals, regarding to the inclusion of the living will in medical practice. Data were collected in August, 2013. Our results stressed the relevance of living will for the autonomy of the terminally ill patient, providing the humanization of his treatment. This article shows the need of a law to rule the formal use of this directory in Brazil. It is also important to point out the necessity to broaden the discussions about the theme in Brazilian reality, in order to promote a larger comprehension of those physicians' point of view when dealing with the last moments of their patients' lives.

Resumen El testamento vital es un tema debatido en el contexto de la salud y del derecho y es, también, un instrumento importante para guiar la asistencia prestada al paciente terminal de acuerdo con sus aspiraciones. Esta investigación exploratoria, con enfoque cualitativo, estudia la opinión de 36 médicos residentes en hospitales públicos sobre la inserción de las instrucciones anticipadas de la voluntad del paciente o testamento vital en la práctica médica. La recolección de los datos fue en agosto de 2013. Se puso en evidencia la importancia del testamento vital respecto a la autonomía del paciente terminal, favoreciendo la humanización de su atención. Este artículo también demuestra la necesidad de crear un dispositivo legal que regularice su uso formal en Brasil, además de ampliar el debate sobre el tema, con énfasis en la realidad brasileña, a fin de promover una mayor comprensión sobre la posición de los médicos ante los últimos momentos de vida de los pacientes.

Humans , Male , Female , Health Personnel , Medical Care , Personal Autonomy , Professional Practice , Right to Die , Terminally Ill , Professional-Family Relations , Professional-Patient Relations , Qualitative Research
Aten Primaria ; 49(4): 233-239, 2017 Apr.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27914719


OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the validity and reliability of the knowledge and attitudes of health professionals questionnaire on the Living Will Declaration (LWD) process. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study structured into 3 phases: (i)pilot questionnaire administered with paper to assess losses and adjustment problems; (ii)assessment of the validity and internal reliability, and (iii)assessment of the pre-filtering questionnaire stability (test-retest). LOCATION: Costa del Sol (Malaga) Health Area. January 2014 to April 2015. PARTICIPANTS: Healthcare professionals of the Costa del Sol Primary Care District and the Costa del Sol Health Agency. There were 391 (23.6%) responses, and 100 participated in the stability assessment (83 responses). MAIN MEASUREMENTS: The questionnaire consisted of 2 parts: (i)Knowledge (5 dimensions and 41 items), and (ii)Attitudes (2 dimensions and 17 items). RESULTS: In the pilot study, none of the items lost over 10%. In the evaluation phase of validity and reliability, the questionnaire was reduced to 41 items (29 of knowledge, and 12 of attitudes). In the stability evaluation phase, all items evaluated met the requirement of a kappa higher than 0.2, or had a percentage of absolute agreement exceeding 75%. CONCLUSIONS: The questionnaire will identify the status and areas for improvement in the health care setting, and then will allow an improved culture of LWD process in general population.

Attitude of Health Personnel , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Living Wills , Self Report , Adult , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Reproducibility of Results
Med Intensiva ; 40(3): 154-62, 2016 Apr.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26072095


OBJECTIVE: To identify knowledge, skills and attitudes among physicians and nurses of adults' intensive care units (ICUs), referred to advance directives or living wills. DESIGN: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out. SETTING: Nine hospitals in the Community of Madrid (Spain). PARTICIPANTS: Physicians and nurses of adults' intensive care. INTERVENTIONS: A qualitative Likert-type scale and multiple response survey were made. VARIABLES: Knowledge, skills and attitudes about the advance directives. A descriptive statistical analysis based on percentages was made, with application of the chi-squared test for comparisons, accepting p < 0.05 as representing statistical significance. RESULTS: A total of 331 surveys were collected (51%). It was seen that 90.3% did not know all the measures envisaged by the advance directives. In turn, 50.2% claimed that the living wills are not respected, and 82.8% believed advance directives to be a useful tool for health professionals in the decision making process. A total of 85.3% the physicians stated that they would respect a living will, in cases of emergencies, compared to 66.2% of the nursing staff (p = 0.007). Lastly, only 19.1% of the physicians and 2.3% of the nursing staff knew whether their patients had advance directives (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Although health professionals displayed poor knowledge of advance directives, they had a favorable attitude toward their usefulness. However, most did not know whether their patients had a living will, and some professionals even failed to respect such instructions despite knowledge of the existence of advance directives. Improvements in health professional education in this field are needed.

Advance Directives , Critical Care , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Professional Competence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Humans , Spain , Surveys and Questionnaires
Brasília; Conselho Federal de Medicina;Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto; 2016. 132 p.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437547


Atual presidente da Associação de Bioética Portuguesa, o professor Rui Nunes assumiu, recentemente, a Coordenação Mundial do Departamento de Investigação da Cátedra de Bioética da Unesco. Trata-se de um reconhecimento internacional do mais alto nível, que coroa sua trajetória e, por extensão, agrega valor ao Programa Doutoral em Bioética, mantido pela parceria existente entre o Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM) e a Universidade do Porto. Assim, a publicação deste livro no Brasil configura mais uma ação dentro desse importante projeto, responsável pela criação de um espaço para a qualificação de especialistas e de formuladores de políticas públicas. Nesta obra, certamente, os leitores encontrarão um trabalho de alta densidade, que contribui para o avanço do conhecimento e da ciência em benefício da humanidade e na aplicação da ética à vida.

Humans , Advance Directives , Personal Autonomy , Patient Rights
Acta bioeth ; 21(2): 163-172, nov. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-771570


La discrepancia que genera la institución de las instrucciones previas se aprecia en distintos niveles -ético, jurídico social-, y alcanza incluso al ámbito terminológico, esto es, los términos empleados para referirse a esta institución no son en absoluto pacíficos o unívocos: desde testamentos vitales, voluntades o directivas anticipadas, deseos expresados anteriormente, etc., lo que lleva a cierta confusión sobre si se trata o no de la misma figura y a cierta inseguridad jurídica, ámbito por cierto sumamente prolijo en este sentido. No obstante la abundante legislación y doctrina sobre el particular, existe poca información acerca de la forma de registrar el documento, la posibilidad de consultarlo o los límites para su cumplimiento. Este artículo trata de ofrecer mayor luz al respecto, en el seno de la normativa española.

The discrepancy generated by advanced directives is observed in several levels -ethical, legal and social-, and reaches even the terminological field, that is, the terms employed to refer to the issue are not distinct or indifferent at all: from living will to advanced directives to wishes previously expressed, etc., which confers some confusion about whether it refers to the same issue or to some legal insecurity, field otherwise very complex in this sense. In spite of the abundant legislation and doctrine about the issue, there is little information about the way to register the document, the possibility to consult it and the limits about its fulfillment. This article tries to offer more understanding of the issue considering the norms of Spain.

A discrepância que gera a instituição das instruções prévias é apreciada em distintos níveis -ético, jurídico social-, e alcança inclusive o âmbito terminológico, isto é, os termos empregados para se referir a esta instituição não são em absoluto pacíficos ou unívocos: desde testamentos vitais, vontades ou diretivas antecipadas, desejos expressados anteriormente, etc., o que leva a certa confusão sobre se se trata ou não da mesma figura e a certa insegurança jurídica, âmbito por certo sumamente prolixo neste sentido. Não obstante a abundante legislação e doutrina sobre o particular, existe pouca informação acerca da forma de registrar o documento, a possibilidade de consultá-lo ou os limites para seu cumprimento. Este artigo trata de oferecer maior luz a respeito, no seio da normativa espanhola.

Humans , Informed Consent , Personal Autonomy , Living Wills/ethics , Living Wills/legislation & jurisprudence
Aten Primaria ; 47(8): 514-22, 2015 Oct.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25555491


OBJECTIVE: To identify the underlying interests of the Living Will Declaration (LWD) process and to determine the consensus, using a questionnaire, of the knowledge and attitudes of health professionals. DESIGN: A study was performed in two phases using a Delphi technique with a Rand method. 1. Dimensions proposed: generation of ideas and their subsequent prioritizing; 2. Proposal and prioritizing of items grouped into blocks of Knowledge and Attitudes, developed between August 2012 and January 2013. SETTING: The work was carried out by initial telephone contact with panellists, and then later by the panellists belonged to the Andalusia Public Health System. PARTICIPANTS: The criteria for selecting the eight components of the panel were knowledge and experience in the field of the freedom of the patient in Andalusia. RESULTS: The Knowledge identified included: 1 A) Legal and general aspects; 2 A) A conceptual definition; 3 A) Standardised LWD documents: 4 A) Practical experience; 5 A) Procedure and registering of the LWDs. The second block included Attitudes: 1 B) Attitudes of the professional in the application of LWDs in clinical practice, and 2 B) Attitudes of the professional in «complex¼ ethical scenarios The 7 panellists who finally took part proposed 165 items. After applying the prioritizing criteria, scores, and scenario selection, 58 (35.2%) items were identified as suitable scenarios. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed questionnaire included wide parcels of concepts and contents that, once validated, will help to measure the training interventions carried out on health professionals in order to improve knowledge and attitudes on the subject of LWDs.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Health Personnel , Living Wills , Humans , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 22(3): 397-406, set.-dez. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDS | ID: lil-732757


Os avanços tecnocientíficos das últimas décadas contribuíram para o aumento do número de pacientes com doenças terminais no mundo. Em decorrência da milenar conexão entre a fase de terminalidade de vida e os processos espiritualistas, esse fato assumiu aspectos peculiares no Brasil, país em que o número de segmentos religiosos/espiritualistas multiplicou-se nas últimas décadas. Este trabalho procura mostrar que a diversificação das necessidades de pacientes brasileiros com referência ao bemestar espiritual na fase final da vida pode gerar dilemas bioéticos novos para o profissional da saúde que não conheça os fundamentos das principais correntes espiritualistas do país. Defendendo que tal conhecimento é ferramenta útil para o profissional da saúde que quer observar os princípios da beneficência e do respeito à autonomia do paciente, o texto disponibiliza algumas orientações básicas das principais linhas espiritualistas brasileiras sobre os processos da morte e do morrer...

The techno scientific advances in the last decades have contributed to increase the number of terminally ill patients in the world. Given the millenary connection between life's terminal phase and spiritualist processes, this fact has gained peculiar shades in Brazil, a country where the number of religious/spiritualist-oriented segments has also multiplied in the last decades. This study seeks to demonstrate that the diversification of Brazilian terminally ill patients' needs regarding the spiritual wellbeing may bring about new bioethical dilemmas for health professionals who are not familiar with the tenets of the current main spiritualist followings in Brazil. Supporting the fact that this knowledge is an important tool for health professionals who seek to observe the principles of beneficence and patient's autonomy, this paper provides some basic orientations of the main Brazilian spiritualist tenets about the processes of death and dying...

Los avances tecnocientíficos de las últimas décadas contribuyeron para aumentar la cantidad de pacientes con enfermedades terminales en el mundo. Por consecuencia de la milenaria conexión entre la fase de terminación de la vida y los procesos espiritualistas, este hecho adquirió aspectos peculiares en Brasil, país en que el número de segmentos religiosos/espiritualistas se multiplicó los últimos años. El presente trabajo busca mostrar que la diversificación de las necesidades de pacientes brasileños en relación al bienestar espiritual en la fase final de la vida puede generar nuevos dilemas bioéticos al profesional de salud que ignore los fundamentos de las principales corrientes espiritualistas del país. Defendiendo que este conocimiento se constituya en herramienta útil para el profesional de sanidad que desee observar los principios de beneficencia y respeto a la autonomía del paciente, el texto dispone las orientaciones básicas de las principales líneas espiritualistas brasileñas sobre los procesos de muerte y de morir...

Humans , Male , Female , Bioethics , Critical Illness , Health Personnel , Hospice Care , Living Wills , Personal Autonomy , Religion , Technological Development , Terminally Ill
Rev. AMRIGS ; 58(2): 162-165, abr.-jun. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-835405


O presente artigo tem como objetivo introduzir o tema das diretivas antecipadas de vontade do paciente, proposto na Resolução nº 1995/2012, do Conselho Federal de Medicina, analisando algumas das questões jurídicas pertinentes, bem como apresentar sugestões para sua implementação no cotidiano da prática clínica.

This article aims to introduce the topic of advance directives by the patient, proposed in Resolution No. 1995/2012 of the Conselho Federal de Medicina, analyzing some of the relevant legal issues and make suggestions for their use in everyday clinical practice.

Humans , Hospice Care , Patient Rights , Terminally Ill , Living Wills