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Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35270238


Obesity is increasing globally, affecting children's health and development. This study examines the influence of a motor skill intervention on the daily routine, self-perceptions, body mass index, motor development, and engagement in physical education lessons of children with obesity and overweight with motor delays. Children were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. The daily routine at home, self-perceptions, motor development, BMI, and engagement were assessed. Significant group by time interactions were found for play (p < 0.0001) and television (p < 0.0001) time, perceived social (p = 0.003) and motor (p < 0.0001) competence, global self-worth (p < 0.0001), BMI (p = 0.001), motor development (p < 0.0001), and engagement (p = 0.029). From pre-to-post intervention, children with obesity and overweight in the intervention group increased (1) playtime at home; (2) self-perceptions of social and motor competence and global worth; (4) engagement in the lessons, and improved scores, in motor skills; and (6) reduced BMI and screen time. The intervention promoted the health and improved the self-concept of children with obesity/ overweight.

Obesity , Overweight , Body Mass Index , Child , Humans , Motor Skills , Self Concept
Cienc. act. fís. (Talca, En línea) ; 21(2): 1-13, jul.-dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1401410


OBJETIVO. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar si mejorar el desempeño motor, predice la autopercepción en adultos. MÉTODOS: Un total de 55 personas (M = 20 ± 2 años) fueron asignadas aleatoriamente a uno de tres grupos: práctica en bloque, práctica aleatoria y grupo control. Para evaluar la autopercepción se utilizó el Perfil de Autopercepción para Adultos, en los dominios de habilidades deportivas y apariencia física. El Instrumento para la Evaluación de los Patrones Básicos de Movimiento en Adultos, se utilizó para evaluar el desempeño motor, en las destrezas básicas de saltar y lanzar. Se aplicó una intervención motriz de siete sesiones, utilizando práctica en bloque y aleatoria. RESULTADOS: Los resultados determinaron que los grupos que realizaron práctica en bloque o aleatoria mejoraron significativamente el desempeño en saltar y lanzar, y fueron superiores al grupo control en el post test. El análisis de regresión múltiple indicó que el cambio en el desempeño, el sexo o el tipo de práctica realizada no predicen significativamente el cambio en la competencia percibida en habilidades deportivas (R2 = .038; p = .739), ni en la autopercepción de la apariencia física (R2 = .008; p = .366). CONCLUSIÓN: En conclusión, la práctica en bloque y práctica aleatoria mejoraron el desempeño en los patrones, pero esta mejoría no predice cambios en la autopercepción de esta muestra.

PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to determine whether improving motor performance predicts self-perception in adults. METHODS: A total of 55 participants (M = 20 ± 2 years old) were randomly assigned to one of three groups: blocked practice, random practice, and the control group. To evaluate self-perception, The Self-Perception Profile for Adults was used in the sports skills and physical appearance domains. The Test of Fundamental Motor Skills in Adults was used to evaluate motor performance in jumping and throwing skills. A seven-session motor intervention was applied, using blocked and random practice. RESULTS: The results showed that the groups that performed blocked or random practice significantly improved their jump and throw performances and were superior to the control group in the post-test. Multiple regression analysis indicated that the improvement in motor performance, sex or type of practice performed did not significantly predict a change in perceived competence in sports skills (R2 = .038; p = .739), nor in self-perception of physical appearance (R2 = .008; p = .366). CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the blocked practice and random practice improved the performance in the motor skill, but this improvement does not predict changes in the self-perception of this sample

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Self Concept , Motor Skills , Perception , Students , Analysis of Variance , Self Report
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 39(1): e370, ene.-mar. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126574


Introducción: La infancia se caracteriza por ser un periodo trascendental en el ciclo vital de la persona, es donde se inicia la formación de la personalidad y la adquisición de hábitos de vida saludables. Objetivo: Analizar la autopercepción de competencia motriz en relación al género, el estado de peso y el número de hermanos. Métodos: Participaron en el estudio 310 escolares de sexto curso (M ± DE; 10,87 ± 0,54) ubicados en la comunidad Autónoma de Castilla La Mancha. El instrumento utilizado para medir este constructo es la percepción de la competencia motriz en Educación Física. Resultados: La percepción de competencia motriz es un factor más a desarrollar en la adquisición de estilos de vida saludables, especialmente en las chicas. El contexto educativo en colaboración con los padres debe favorecer la formación de una personalidad completa y equilibrada del escolar junto con la adquisición de hábitos de vida saludables. Conclusiones: El análisis estadístico efectuado pone de manifiesto una mayor percepción de competencia motriz a favor de los varones, los escolares normopeso y los escolares sin hermanos en los factores de experiencia personal y compañeros (p < 0,05)(AU)

Introduction: Childhood is a crucial period in a person's life cycle. It is the time when the personality begins to take definitive shape and healthy daily habits are acquired. Objective: Analyze the self-perception of motor competence in relation to gender, body weight and number of siblings. Methods: The study population was 310 sixth-grade students (M ± SD; 10.87 ± 0.54) from the Autonomous Community of Castile-La Mancha. The tool used to measure this construct was motor competence perception in physical education. Results: Motor competence perception is yet another factor to be developed as part of the acquisition of a healthy lifestyle, particularly by girls. The educational setting in joint coordination with the parents should contribute to the formation of the students' full, well-balanced personality alongside the acquisition of healthy daily habits. Conclusions: The statistical analysis performed revealed greater motor competence perception among male, normal weight, only child students in terms of their own experience and that of their schoolmates (p < 0.05)(AU)

Humans , Child , Physical Education and Training , Body Weight , Mental Competency , Healthy Lifestyle , Body Mass Index
BMC Med Educ ; 19(1): 464, 2019 Dec 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31842855


AIM: To assess the self-perceived competencies in diagnosing and treating patients with mental health disorders, among recently graduated general practitioners (GPs) from Lima, Peru. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed in April 2017 at a General Practitioner's meeting held for those who were going to perform the social service, by the Peruvian College of Physicians in Lima. Attendees were invited to answer a questionnaire that evaluated their self-perception of competence in diagnosing and treating four different mental health disorders; major depression, anxiety disorder, alcohol dependence, and schizophrenia. RESULTS: Out of 434 evaluated GPs, the following percentages were self-perceived as competent in their adequate diagnosis of depression (70.5%), anxiety (73.3%), alcohol dependence (67.6%), and schizophrenia (62.0%). Concerning pharmacological treatment, these percentages were 46.6, 47.5, 39.0 and 37.6%, respectively. Referring to all the studied mental disorders, 41.6% of participants self-perceived competence in providing an adequate diagnosis, 36.1% in providing non-pharmacological treatment, and 20.1% in providing pharmacological treatment. CONCLUSION: The rate of adequate self-perceived competences was higher for diagnosis than for treatment of patients with mental health disorders. These results highlight the importance of designing and implementing interventions to improve medical education so as to develop the skills necessary to confront mental health disorders.

Clinical Competence , General Practitioners/psychology , Mental Disorders/diagnosis , Mental Disorders/therapy , Self Concept , Adult , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Peru
Educ. fis. deporte ; 38(1):, Enero 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1104405


La percepción de competencia física (PCF) es un constructo psicológico que puede estar influenciado por factores culturales. Objetivo: analizar la PCF en una muestra de escolares españoles e iraníes. Método: en el estudio participaron 910 escolares, con edades entre 10 y 12 años, pertenecientes a Castilla la Mancha (España) y Golestan (Irán). El instrumento utilizado para medir este constructo fue la Percepción de la competencia en Educación Física, y se aplicó la prueba U-Mann Whitney. Resultados: los varones y las mujeres de España obtuvieron valores superiores en los factores de experiencia personal (p< .05) y compañeros (p<.05). A nivel global, solo los varones españoles presentaron una mayor PCF que sus homólogos iraníes (p<.05). Estos resultados muestran diferencias interculturales en la PCF a favor de los escolares españoles. Conclusión: conocer la PCF permite adecuar el desarrollo de las clases de Educación Física con el fin de influir en la intención de ser físicamente activo y un mayor ajuste psicológico del escolar.

The perception of physical competence (PPC) is a psychological construct that may be influenced by cultural factors. The objective was to analyze the PPC in a sample of Spanish and Iranian schoolchildren. 910 schoolchildren (ages 10-12 years) belonging to Castilla la Mancha (Spain) and Golestan (Iran) participated in the study. The instrument used to measure this construct is the perception of the competence in Physical Education. The U-Mann Whitney test has shown that men and women in Spain obtain higher values in personal experience factors (p <.05) and partners (p <.05). At a global level, Spanish schoolchildren present a higher perception of physical competence than their Iranian counterparts (p <.05). These results show intercultural differences in the PPC in favor of Spanish schoolchildren. Knowing the perception of physical competence allows adapting the development of Physical Education classes in order to influence the intention to be physically active and a greater psychological adjustment of the school.

A percepção de concorrência física (PCF) é um conceito psicológico que pode estar influenciado por fatores culturais. Objetivo: analisar a PCF em uma mostra de escolares espanhóis e iranianos. Método: no estudo participaram no estudo 910 escolares, com (idades entre 10 e- 12 anos,) pertencentes a Castilla a Mancha (Espanha) e Golestan (Irão). Instrumento utilizado para medir este conceito foi é a percepção da concorrência em Educação Física, e aplicou-se a prova Ou-Mann Whitney. Resultados: os varões e as mulheres de Espanha obtiveram valores superiores nos fatores de experiência pessoal (p< .05) e colegas (p<.05) A nível global, só os varões espanhóis apresentaram uma maior percepção de concorrência física que seus homólogos iranianos (p<.05) Estes resultados mostram diferenças interculturais na PCF a favor de os escolares espanhóis. Conclusão: conhecer a percepção de concorrência física permite adequar o desenvolvimento das classes de Educação Física com o fim de influir na intenção de ser fisicamente ativo e um maior ajuste psicológico do escoar.

Physical Education and Training , Education, Primary and Secondary
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 30: e3008, 2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002390


ABSTRACT The objectives of this narrative review were to describe: 1) the concept of self-perception of competence and the relationship with the concept of the self; 2) the characteristic changes in self-perceived competence that occur during childhood using a developmental theoretical perspective as the main reference; 3) the results of studies on the self-perceived competence of boys and girls of different ages. Methods: Studies published in electronic databases, studies identified by manually searching the references of the published studies, and the main theoretical bases of the self-concept in childhood were reviewed. Considering the theoretical basis adopted, self-perception is the judgment of individuals about their own competencies to satisfy the requirements of a task. In childhood, self-perception is an important indicator of the self, since children naturally describe themselves taking the judgment about their own competencies as a parameter. Several cognitive changes and diversity in experiences are observed between 5 and 10 years of age that guide children to move from internal and general parameters in their judgments to external sources of information in the different domains of competence with increasing age. The results of the studies suggest a plateau in the self-perceptions of competence in relation to age and higher self-perception in boys, which result respectively from the lack of experiences to optimize development and from the beliefs of gender-specific roles.

RESUMO Esta revisão narrativa tem como objetivos descrever: 1) o conceito de auto-percepção de competência e a relação com o conceito de self; 2) as mudanças características na auto-percepção de competência na infância tendo como principal referência uma perspectiva teórica desenvolvimentista; 3) os resultados de pesquisa sobre autopercepçōes de competência de meninos e meninas de diferentes idades. Método: Foram revisadas pesquisas em bases de dados, busca manual nas referências de estudos publicados e as principais bases teóricas do auto-conceito na infância. Considerando a base teórica adotada, a auto-percepção é compreendida como o julgamento dos indivíduos sobre suas competências para satisfazer exigências de uma tarefa. Na infância, a auto-percepção é um importante indicador do self, pois as crianças naturalmente descrevem a si mesmas tendo como parâmetros o julgamento sobre as suas próprias competências. Entre os 5 e 10 anos de idade, ocorrem várias mudanças cognitivas e as experiências se diversificam guiando as crianças a transitarem de parâmetros mais internos e generalistas nos seus julgamentos para, com o avanço da idade, usar fontes externas de informações nos diferentes domínios de competência. Os resultados das pesquisas sugerem platô nas percepções de competência em relação as idades e percepções mais elevadas em meninos decorrentes, respectivamente, de poucas experiências potencializadoras de desenvolvimento e de crenças de papéis específicos para os gêneros.

Aptitude , Self Concept , Child Development
Child Abuse Negl ; 80: 335-345, 2018 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29702472


Being at risk or in social vulnerability situations can affect important aspects of child development. The aim of this study was to investigate fundamental motor skills (locomotor and object control) and school (writing, arithmetic, reading) performances, the perceived competence and the nutritional status of girls and boys living in social vulnerability in the poorest regions of Brazil. Two hundred eleven (211) children (87 girls, 41%), 7-10-year-old (M = 8.3, SD = 0.9), from public schools in Ceará (Brazil), living in social vulnerability, participated in the study. Children were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development - 2, the Body Mass Index (BMI), the Self-Perception Profile for Children, and the School Performance Test. Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), adjusted for age, did not show any significant effect for locomotion. There was an effect of gender on the object control. Boys showed higher scores in striking, kicking, throwing, and rolling a ball. Quade's nonparametric analysis showed no difference in BMI between the genders. Most children presented healthy weight. The MANCOVA showed no effect of gender on children's scores on perceived competence on the subscales; moderate scores were found for most children. There were no gender effects on school performance; both boys and girls demonstrated inferior performance. Boys and girls in social vulnerability showed inferior performance in most motor skills, moderate perceived competence and inferior school performance. These results reveal that the appropriate development of these children is at risk and that intervention strategies should be implemented to compensate the difficulties presented.

Academic Performance/psychology , Child Development/physiology , Motor Skills/physiology , Nutritional Status/physiology , Self Concept , Analysis of Variance , Body Mass Index , Body Weight/physiology , Brazil , Child , Exercise/physiology , Female , Humans , Male , Poverty , Schools , Sex Distribution , Vulnerable Populations/psychology
Front Psychol ; 9: 2691, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30662424


The present experiment investigated the influence of temporal-comparative feedback in young adults learning a sport motor skill. A positive temporal-comparative feedback group and a control group practiced putting golf balls to a target from a distance of 150 cm and received augmented feedback (deviation in cm) in addition to their intrinsic visual feedback. The temporal-comparative feedback group was given additional feedback after each block of 10 trials, suggesting that their average performance was better than it was in the previous block. One day after the practice phase a retention test was performed, to observe learning effects. The results showed that positive temporal-comparative feedback enhances the learning of a putting golf task. Greater putting accuracy was observed on the retention test for the temporal comparison group relative to the control group. Questionnaire results also indicated that participants in this group reported higher perceived competence at the end of practice relative to control participants. The findings provide further indication that temporal comparison affects the learning of motor skills and highlight the important motivational role of feedback in motor learning.

Palliat Support Care ; 16(3): 269-277, 2018 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28464972


ABSTRACTObjective:The aim of our study was to identify the influence of such psychological factors as emotional intelligence and perceived competence on caregiver burden in those who care for patients with advanced cancer. METHOD: A total of 50 informal caregivers completed self-report assessments of resilience, perceived competence, emotional regulation, positive aspects of care, emotional distress, and burden. We conducted a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. Descriptive statistics were obtained. Associations between the different variables were assessed using nonparametric and multiple regression analyses. RESULTS: Participants were mainly female (88%) and had an average of 20 months of caregiving. Their mean age was 47 years (range = 20-79). More than half of scored high on resilience, positive aspects of caring, and emotional distress, moderately on perceived competence, and low on burden. Most caregivers used cognitive restructuring and social support as coping strategies. Inverse negative correlations were observed among emotional distress, emotional state, and burden with perceived competence and positive aspects of caring (p < 0.05). Significant differences were obtained for emotional distress, cognitive restructuring, and resiliency. Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that perceived competence, resiliency, and positive aspects of caring were the main predictors of burden. SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: Resilience, perceived competence, emotional regulation, and positive aspects of care constitute protective factors against caregiver burden. Taken together, these aspects should be promoted by the healthcare staff in order to facilitate caregiver adaptation and well-being.

Caregivers/psychology , Neoplasms/complications , Perception , Adult , Aged , Cost of Illness , Cross-Sectional Studies , Emotional Intelligence , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Neoplasms/psychology , Psychology , Psychometrics/instrumentation , Psychometrics/methods , Social Support , Statistics, Nonparametric , Surveys and Questionnaires
Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 34: e3433, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020148


Resumo As concepções pessoais de competência (CPC) influenciam o rendimento escolar e/ou o contrário? Com base nesse questionamento, neste estudo pretendeu-se analisar a relação entre CPC (concepções pessoais de inteligência, atribuições causais, autoconceito, autoeficácia e competência emocional) e o rendimento escolar ao longo do ensino secundário, especificamente em Português. Com esse objetivo, administrou-se o Questionário Compósito de Competência Percebida (162 itens) para 433 alunos, entre os quais estão 52,8% de meninas com idade entre 14 e 18 anos (M=15,3; DP=0,63), num desenho longitudinal com três momentos separados por um ano de intervalo. Globalmente, os resultados revelaram relações recíprocas: o rendimento de um ano influenciou as CPC no ano seguinte e o autoconceito e a autoeficácia foram os principais preditores do rendimento escolar.

Abstract Do personal conceptions of competence (PCC) influence academic achievement and/or academic achievement influences PCC? In this context we sought to examine the relationship between PCC (personal conceptions of intelligence, causal attributions, self-concept, self-efficacy and emotional competence) and academic achievement throughout secondary school in Portugal. With this aim, the Composite Questionnaire of Perceived Competence (162 items) was administered to a sample of 433 students, 52.8% girls, aged between 14 and 18 years (M=15.3; SD=.63), in a three-wave longitudinal design separated by a gap of one year. Overall, the results evidenced reciprocal relationships: the achievement in the first year influenced PCC in the following year and self-concept and self-efficacy were the main predictors of academic achievement.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 45(1): 30-39, ene.-mar. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-844970


Introdução: evidências sugerem que o tempo de reação (TR) é uma variável sensível na avaliação de desempenho e predisposição motivacional de policiais. Esse componente motivacional pode indicar a percepção da pessoa sobre sua capacidade de responder a demandas específicas. Possivelmente apresentando melhores respostas a situações em que a exigência envolve velocidade e escolha, como o TR. Objetivo: determinar a relação entre o desempenho no tempo de reação e a percepção de competências físicas em policiais civis de unidades de operações especiais. Métodos: participaram 22 policiais civis (34,5 ± 9,1 anos) do estado de Santa Catarina, integrantes da Coordenadoria de Operações Especiais (COPE). O TR foi medido pelo Software Vienna Test System. Para avaliar a percepção de competência foram utilizadas perguntas sobre os seguintes indicadores: força, flexibilidade e resistência aeróbia. O nível de atividade física foi avaliado através do Questionário de Avaliação da Atividade Física. Os dados foram tratados com estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: a percepção de competências está relacionada ao TR (r= -0,69; p< 0,001). Quanto maior a percepção de competências menor o TR. As percepções de flexibilidade (r= -0,50; p< 0,01) e de resistência aeróbica (r= -0,55; p< 0,001) estiveram negativamente relacionadas com o TR. A prática de atividade física relacionou-se negativamente ao TR (r= -0,48; p< 0,05) e o tempo semanal exposto à atividades físicas gera maiores percepções de competência (r= 0,59; p< 0,01). Conclusão: conclui-se que a percepção de competências físicas está relacionada ao tempo de reação de policiais de unidades especiais. Melhores percepções de competência parece implicar na motivação do policial em realizar com comprometimento suas tarefas. Observa-se que estas percepções são componentes emocionais relacionados a um melhor processamento cognitivo, resultando assim em menor tempo de resposta(AU)

Introducción: hay evidencias de que el tiempo de reacción es una variable sensible en la evaluación del desempeño y la predisposición motivacional de policías. El componente motivacional puede indicar la percepción de la persona sobre su capacidad de responder a demandas específicas, presentando mejores respuestas a situaciones en que la exigencia incluye la velocidad de selección, tales como el tiempo de reacción (TR). Objetivo: determinar la relación entre el desempeño del tiempo de reacción y la percepción de competencias físicas en policías civiles de unidades de operaciones especiales. Métodos: participaron 22 policías civiles (34,5 ± 9,1 años) del estado de Santa Catarina, integrantes de la Coordinadora de Operaciones Especiales (COPE). El tiempo de reacción fue medido con el Software Vienna Test System. Para evaluar la percepción de competencias fueron utilizadas preguntas sobre los siguientes indicadores: fuerza, flexibilidad y resistencia aerobia. El nivel de actividad física fue evaluado a través del Cuestionario de Evaluación de la Actividad Física. Los datos fueron tratados con estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: la percepción de competencias está relacionada con el tiempo de reacción (r= -0,69; p< 0,001). A mayor percepción de competencias, menor el tiempo de reacción. Las percepciones de flexibilidad (r= -0,50; p< 0,01) y de resistencia aeróbica (r= -0,55; p< 0,001) estuvieron negativamente relacionadas con el tiempo de reacción. La práctica de actividad física se relacionó negativamente al tiempo de reacción (r= -0,48; p< 0,05) el tiempo semanal expuesto a actividades físicas genera mayores percepciones de competencia (r= 0,59; p< 0,01). Conclusión: la percepción de competencias físicas está relacionada con el tiempo de reacción de policías de unidades especiales. Mejores percepciones de competencia parece implicar la motivación del policía en realizar con compromiso sus tareas. Se observa que estas percepciones son componentes emocionales relacionados a un mejor procesamiento cognitivo, resultando en menor tiempo de respuesta(AU)

Introduction: evidences suggest that reaction time (RT) is a sensible variable in the performance and motivational predisposition assessment of police officers. Such motivational component may indicate the person's ability perception to respond to specific demands, and it may present better responses to situations which requires speed and choice reaction time. Objective: our study aimed to determine the relationship between reaction time performance and physical competence perception of police officers at special operation units. Methods: a total of 22 police officers from Santa Catarina State, all of them, members of Special Operation Coordination (COPE), average age 34.5 ± 9.1 years-old, were investigated. Reaction time was investigated by Vienna Test System Software. Strength, flexibility, and aerobic endurance questions were used to evaluate physical competence perception. Assessment Questionnaire of Physical Activity was carried out to evaluate Physical activity level. Data was analized by descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: results indicated that physical competence perception is related to RT (r= -0.69; p< 0.001). As higher was perception, lower was RT. Flexibility (r= -0.50; p< 0.01) and aerobic endurance (r= -0.55; p< 0.001) perceptions were negatively related to RT. Physical activity practice was negatively related to RT (r= -0.48; p< 0.05) and weekly time exposed to physical activity leads to a higher perception of competence (r= 0.59; p< 0.01). Conclusion: physical competence perception is related to RT of Police Officers at Special Operation Units. A higher competence perception seems to influence police motivation and their performance. Perceptions are an emotional component and is related to a better cognitive processing, resulting in better RT(AU)

Humans , Perception , Exercise/psychology , Police , Reaction Time
Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum ; 25(3): 271-276, 2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-772555


Practising sport contributes tothe reinforcement of important psychological features such as self-perception of competence, especially when participants are children from socially vulnerable contexts OBJECTIVE: to compare the socially vulnerable children's self-perception of competence, assisted and unassisted by social sports projects METHOD: a total of 235 children (male and female), aged between seven and ten years, participated in this comparative study. They were divided into two groups: one group was formed by 106 children participating in social sports projects; the other was 129 children who did not participate in social sports projects. The self-perception of competence was assessed by the Brazilian version of the Self-Perception Profile for Children. We used a three-way ANOVA to assess the possible interaction effect between gender, age and group (children assisted and unassisted) in the different dimensions of perceived competence RESULTS: The children attending sports projects reported higher overaL global self-worth (F1.234) = 6,132, p = 0.014, η² = 0.026). It was observed that there was an effect of interaction between the variable age x group (F1,234) = 6.673, p = 0.010, η² = 0.029) on the self-perception of social acceptance. There were no significant effects of group on the other dimensions of self-perception of competence CONCLUSION: the children participatingin social sports projects showed more self-perception in terms of social acceptance and self-concept compared to non participatory children. This project does not help in other dimensions of self-perception...

Contextos de prática esportiva podem contribuir para o fortalecimento de características psicológicas importantes como a autopercepção de competência, sobretudo quando os participantes são crianças provenientes de contextos de vulnerabilidade social OBJETIVO: comparar a autopercepção de competência de crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade social, assistidas e não assistidas por projetos sociais esportivos MÉTODO: participaram deste estudo comparativo causal 235 crianças, de ambos os gêneros, com idade entre sete e 10 anos provenientes de diferentes contextos do Ceará - Brasil. As crianças foram divididas em dois grupos: Um grupo formado 106 por crianças que participavam de projetos sociais de cunho esportivo. O outro constituído por 129 crianças não assistidas por projetos sociais esportivos. A percepção de competência foi avaliada através da versão brasileira da Self-Perception Profile for Children. Utilizou-se uma análise de variância three way para avaliar o possível efeito de interação entre o gênero, idade e grupo (crianças assistidas e não assistidas) nas diferentes dimensões da percepção de competência RESULTADOS: as crianças assistidas reportaram maior auto conceito (F(1,234)) = 6,132 p = 0,014 η² = 0,026). Observou-se efeito do grupo e da idade (F(1,234)) = 6,673 p = 0,010 η² = 0,029) sobre a percepção de aceitação social. Não foram observados efeitos significativos do grupo nas demais dimensões da autopercepção de competência CONCLUSÃO: crianças participantes dos projetos sociais esportivos mostraram maior autopercepção na aceitação social e no autoconceito comparadas as crianças não participantes. Os projetos não auxiliaram no fortalecimento das outras dimensões da autopercepção. Assim, é importante refletir sobre a implementação de metodologias, em projetos dessa natureza, que contemplem o desenvolvimento da autopercepção de competência neste público...

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Learning , Motivation , Motor Activity , Motor Skills , Perception , Projects , Self Concept , Social Vulnerability , Sports , Analysis of Variance , Child Development , Interpersonal Relations , Quality of Life
Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum ; 25(3): 271-276, 2015. tab
Article in English | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-67313


INTRODUCTION: practising sport contributes tothe reinforcement of important psychological features such as self-perception of competence, especially when participants are children from socially vulnerable contexts OBJECTIVE: to compare the socially vulnerable children's self-perception of competence, assisted and unassisted by social sports projects METHOD: a total of 235 children (male and female), aged between seven and ten years, participated in this comparative study. They were divided into two groups: one group was formed by 106 children participating in social sports projects; the other was 129 children who did not participate in social sports projects. The self-perception of competence was assessed by the Brazilian version of the Self-Perception Profile for Children. We used a three-way ANOVA to assess the possible interaction effect between gender, age and group (children assisted and unassisted) in the different dimensions of perceived competence RESULTS: The children attending sports projects reported higher overaL global self-worth (F1.234) = 6,132, p = 0.014, η² = 0.026). It was observed that there was an effect of interaction between the variable age x group (F1,234) = 6.673, p = 0.010, η² = 0.029) on the self-perception of social acceptance. There were no significant effects of group on the other dimensions of self-perception of competence CONCLUSION: the children participatingin social sports projects showed more self-perception in terms of social acceptance and self-concept compared to non participatory children. This project does not help in other dimensions of self-perception.(AU)

INTRODUÇÃO: contextos de prática esportiva podem contribuir para o fortalecimento de características psicológicas importantes como a autopercepção de competência, sobretudo quando os participantes são crianças provenientes de contextos de vulnerabilidade social OBJETIVO: comparar a autopercepção de competência de crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade social, assistidas e não assistidas por projetos sociais esportivos MÉTODO: participaram deste estudo comparativo causal 235 crianças, de ambos os gêneros, com idade entre sete e 10 anos provenientes de diferentes contextos do Ceará - Brasil. As crianças foram divididas em dois grupos: Um grupo formado 106 por crianças que participavam de projetos sociais de cunho esportivo. O outro constituído por 129 crianças não assistidas por projetos sociais esportivos. A percepção de competência foi avaliada através da versão brasileira da Self-Perception Profile for Children. Utilizou-se uma análise de variância three way para avaliar o possível efeito de interação entre o gênero, idade e grupo (crianças assistidas e não assistidas) nas diferentes dimensões da percepção de competência RESULTADOS: as crianças assistidas reportaram maior auto conceito (F(1,234)) = 6,132 p = 0,014 η² = 0,026). Observou-se efeito do grupo e da idade (F(1,234)) = 6,673 p = 0,010 η² = 0,029) sobre a percepção de aceitação social. Não foram observados efeitos significativos do grupo nas demais dimensões da autopercepção de competência CONCLUSÃO: crianças participantes dos projetos sociais esportivos mostraram maior autopercepção na aceitação social e no autoconceito comparadas as crianças não participantes. Os projetos não auxiliaram no fortalecimento das outras dimensões da autopercepção. Assim, é importante refletir sobre a implementação de metodologias, em projetos dessa natureza, que contemplem o desenvolvimento da autopercepção de competência neste público.(AU)

Child , Perception , Sports , Child Development
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 21(2): 123-134, 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-733860


O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a Autopercepção de competência pedagógica de 33 professores, da rede municipal de ensino de Florianópolis, frente ao ensino inclusivo nas aulas de Educação Física regular. Utilizou-se, como instrumento, um questionário composto por 46 questões, paraobter dados biográficos e da Autopercepção de competência profissional em Educação Física. Os dados foram tratados com estatística descritiva e inferencial, teste “t” de Student e Qui-quadrado. Verificou-se que os professores perceberam-se menos competentes em relação às dimensões Conhecimentos do que das dimensões Habilidades e que a experiência de intervenção com alunos com deficiência não interferiu no nível de autopercepção de competência profissional.

The aim of this study was to analyze the self-perception of teaching competence of 33 teachers of municipal schools of Florianopolis, compared to inclusive education in regular Physical Education classes. It was used as an instrument a questionnaire composed of 46 questions, for biographical data and the perception of professional competence in Physical Education. The data were processed with descriptive and inferential statistics, "t" test of Student and Chi-square. It was found that teachers perceived to be less competent in terms of Knowledge than Skill and that experience of intervention with students with disabilities did not affect the level of perception of professional competence.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Faculty , Mainstreaming, Education , Physical Education and Training , Professional Competence , Self Concept , Educational Measurement
Front Psychol ; 3: 458, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23130006


Recent studies examining the role of self-controlled feedback have shown that learners ask for feedback after what they believe was a "good" rather than "poor" trial. Also, trials on which participants request feedback are often more accurate than those without feedback. The present study examined whether manipulating participants' perception of "good" performance would have differential effects on learning. All participants practiced a coincident-anticipation timing task with a self-controlled feedback schedule during practice. Specifically, they were able to ask for feedback after 3 trials in each of three 10-trial practice blocks. While one group (Self-30) was told that an error of 30 ms or less would be considered good performance, another group (Self-4) was informed that an error of 4 ms or less would be considered a good trial. A third, self-control group (Self) did not receive any information about what constituted good performance. The results showed that participants of all groups asked for feedback primarily after relatively good trials. At the end of practice, both the Self-30 and Self groups demonstrated greater perceived competence and self-efficacy than the Self-4 group. The Self-30 and Self groups also performed with greater accuracy and less variability in retention and transfer (non-dominant hand) 1 day later. The present findings indicated that the typical learning benefits of self-controlled practice can be thwarted by depriving learners of the opportunity of experiencing competence through good performance. They add to the accumulating evidence of motivational influences on motor learning.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 18(3): 361-374, jul.-set. 2012. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-658097


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of practicum experiences on pre-professional physical education teachers' intentions toward working with individuals with disabilities. Pre-professional physical education teachers were students in their respective university's PETE programs and were categorized based on level of practicum experience. Over a three year period, a total of 596 PETE students completed the Physical Educators' Intention toward Teaching Individuals with Disabilities (PEITID) questionnaire (Rizzo, 2007). Significant differences were found among groups for overall intention to teach students with disabilities in their general physical education classroom. Additionally, trends of more positive intentions among pre-professionals with greater practicum experiences lead to higher Quality of Experience and Perceived Competence. The results of this study indicated that the level and quality of practicum experience significantly influence pre-professional teachers' intentions and competence toward teaching individuals with disabilities. (138 words).

O objetivo deste estudo foi examinar o efeito de experiências práticas nas intenções dos professores de educação física não capacitados com relação ao trabalho com pessoas com deficiência. Participaram da pesquisa professores de educação física matriulados como estudantes em programas de capacitação (PETE) em suas respectivas universidades, categorizados com base no nível de experiência prática. Num período de três anos, 596 alunos PETE preencheram o questionário PEITID - Physical Educators' Intention toward Teaching Individuals with Disabilities (Rizzo, 2007). Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos que tinham a intenção de ensinar alunos com deficiência em turmas regulares de educação física. Além disso, as intenções mais positivas entre os professores não capacitados com mais experiência prática se relacionam com a maior Qualidade de Experiência e Competência por eles Percebida. Os resultados deste estudo indicaram que o nível e a qualidade da experiência prática influenciaram significativamente nas intenções dos professores não capacitados e na competência para o ensino de pessoas com deficiência.

Psico USF ; 16(3): 265-273, set.-dez. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-611173


O objetivo do presente trabalho é proceder à adaptação e validação de duas escalas breves de avaliação da motivação na aprendizagem: a Escala de Escolha Percebida na Aprendizagem e a Escala de Competência Percebida na Aprendizagem. O estudo abrangeu 510 participantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 9 e os 16 anos. Após a análise exploratória de dados, o trabalho envolveu a avaliação da consistência interna, sucedida de uma análise fatorial exploratória de ambas as escalas. Foram estudadas, também, a sua validade convergente, bem como a sua estabilidade temporal. Foi ainda realizada uma análise diferencial dos resultados quanto às variáveis gênero e ano de escolaridade. Os instrumentos revelam valores moderados a elevados no nível da consistência interna e estruturas unidimensionais à semelhança das versões originais em língua inglesa. Confirmam-se, também, várias das hipóteses colocadas quanto à sua validade convergente. Estudos adicionais relativamente à estabilidade temporal desses instrumentos parecem ser pertinentes.

The aim of this study was to adapt and validate two brief scales in order to assess the subjective motivation for learning: the Perceived Choice for Learning Scale and the Perceived Competence for Learning Scale. The study involved 510 participants, ages 9-16 years old. After an exploratory data analysis, the study involved the assessment of internal consistency, followed by an exploratory factor analysis of both scales. Convergent validity and temporal stability of the two scales were also tested, along with a differential analysis regarding gender and school level of the participants. The instruments showed moderate to high levels of internal consistency and one-dimensional structures similar to their original versions in English. Several hypotheses concerning convergent validity were also supported by the study. Additional research seems to be recommendable to address temporal stability issues.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Internal-External Control , Learning , Motivation , Personal Autonomy
Psico USF ; 16(3): 265-273, set.-dez. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-50669


O objetivo do presente trabalho é proceder à adaptação e validação de duas escalas breves de avaliação da motivação na aprendizagem: a Escala de Escolha Percebida na Aprendizagem e a Escala de Competência Percebida na Aprendizagem. O estudo abrangeu 510 participantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 9 e os 16 anos. Após a análise exploratória de dados, o trabalho envolveu a avaliação da consistência interna, sucedida de uma análise fatorial exploratória de ambas as escalas. Foram estudadas, também, a sua validade convergente, bem como a sua estabilidade temporal. Foi ainda realizada uma análise diferencial dos resultados quanto às variáveis gênero e ano de escolaridade. Os instrumentos revelam valores moderados a elevados no nível da consistência interna e estruturas unidimensionais à semelhança das versões originais em língua inglesa. Confirmam-se, também, várias das hipóteses colocadas quanto à sua validade convergente. Estudos adicionais relativamente à estabilidade temporal desses instrumentos parecem ser pertinentes.(AU)

The aim of this study was to adapt and validate two brief scales in order to assess the subjective motivation for learning: the Perceived Choice for Learning Scale and the Perceived Competence for Learning Scale. The study involved 510 participants, ages 9-16 years old. After an exploratory data analysis, the study involved the assessment of internal consistency, followed by an exploratory factor analysis of both scales. Convergent validity and temporal stability of the two scales were also tested, along with a differential analysis regarding gender and school level of the participants. The instruments showed moderate to high levels of internal consistency and one-dimensional structures similar to their original versions in English. Several hypotheses concerning convergent validity were also supported by the study. Additional research seems to be recommendable to address temporal stability issues.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Motivation , Learning , Internal-External Control , Personal Autonomy
Univ. psychol ; 10(3): 669-680, sep. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-650098


In order to test the mediating role of perceived competence between each goal orientation (i.e. task and ego orientations) and intrinsic motivation in a motivational sequence in the context of university education, two models based on the cognitive evaluation theory and the achievement goal theory were tested with 276 Bolivian undergraduate students (138 males, 138 females), who completed Spanish versions of instruments designed to assess motivation, perceived competence, and positive emotions and interest. Two models were found with structural equation modeling techniques, one for ego orientation and one for task orientation. Results showed that perceived competence acts as a good mediator in the relation between ego orientation and intrinsic motivation, and as a partial mediator in the relation between task orientation and intrinsic motivation.

Con el objetivo de probar el rol mediador de la competencia percibida entre cada una de las orientaciones de meta (ego y tarea) y la motivación intrínseca en una secuencia motivacional en el contexto universitario, se examinaron dos modelos basados en la teoría de la evaluación cognitiva y en la teoría de metas de logro. Las versiones en español de varias pruebas de motivación para evaluar la competencia percibida y las emociones positivas y el interés, fueron completadas por 276 (138 hombres y 138 mujeres) estudiantes universitarios bolivianos. Mediante la técnica de ecuaciones estructurales se verificaron dos modelos, uno para la orientación al ego y otro para la orientación a la tarea. Los resultados mostraron que la competencia percibida resulta un buen mediador en la relación entre orientación al ego y motivación intrínseca, y un mediador parcial en la relación entre orientación a la tarea y motivación intrínseca.

Rev. bras. ter. cogn ; 7(1): 21-29, jun. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-54669


A supervisão em psicoterapia é uma atividade inerente à formação de qualquer psicólogo, visa ao desenvolvimento de competências em psicoterapia, porém os estudos que orientam esta prática acadêmica são incipientes, tornando-os imprescindíveis nesta área. Com o objetivo de descrever a percepção de 15 terapeutas iniciantes no último ano de graduação sobre seu próprio desenvolvimento em Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental (TCC), foram realizados dez meses de supervisão de estágio, no formato da estrutura da sessão clínica, totalizando 34 encontros com duração média de 3 horas e 40 minutos. A maioria dos participantes era do sexo feminino (93,3 por cento), com idade média de 22,6 anos, que foram separados em dois grupos (GA, GB). Foram feitas cinco sessões de discussão teórica e atividades formativas. Em seguida, sessões com discussão de caso e texto, atividade formativa e/ou autoavaliação. Estas avaliações aconteceram em três momentos: 15 dias após o início do atendimento, quatro meses depois e dez meses depois. O principal resultado encontrado foi o aumento nas três dimensões da competência - conhecimento, habilidades e atitudes - embora não tenha ocorrida linearmente ao longo das supervisões. Ressalta-se a importância da continuidade do treinamento para que o psicoterapeuta seja considerado hábil na prática da TCC

Supervision in psychotherapy is an activity inherent to the formation of any psychologist, it aims to develop psychotherapy's skills, but studies that guide its academic practice are incipient, making them essential in this area. In order to describe the perception of fifteen new therapists in the last year of graduation of their own development in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), there have been ten months of probation supervision in the format of the structure of the clinic session, totaling 34 meetings with average duration of 3 hours and 40 minutes. Most participants were female (93.3 per cent), mean age 22.6 years, which were separated into two groups (GA, GB). It has been five sessions of theoretical discussion and training activities. After that, there were sessions with discussion case and text, training activity and / or self-assessment. These evaluations took place in three stages: 15 days after the beginning of service, four months and ten months later. The main result found was the increase in the three dimensions of competence - knowledge, skills and attitudes - although it has not occurred linearly over the supervision. We stress the importance of continued training for the therapist to be considered skilled in the practice of CBT