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J Voice ; 2024 Jan 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38302406


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and correlate the risk of dysphonia, the presence of vocal changes and their associated factors, and the vocal self-perception of transgender women. METHOD: Observational cross-sectional study in Brazilian transgender women. The analysis addressed their age, length of experience in the gender, perceptual-auditory and acoustic vocal aspects, scores in the General Dysphonia Risk Screening Protocol (DRSP-G), and the Voice Questionnaire for Male-to-Female Transsexuals (TVQ(MtF)). The sample was divided into two groups based on the grade of vocal deviation (Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice)-with (G.W.C.) and without vocal changes (G.N.C.)-to verify the association between the presence of vocal changes and other variables. The correlation between the grade of vocal deviation and DRSP and TVQ(MtF) scores was also verified. RESULTS: The sample included 32 transgender women with a mean age of 30.1 and 11.52 years of experience as females. Over half declared themselves Black, and a third of the sample did not have a defined profession. Use of female hormones was reported by 71.9%, the majority without a medical prescription. The mean grade of vocal deviation was 22, the dysphonia risk score was 43.47, and the TVQ(MtF) score was 59.46. Nasal and pharyngeal resonance was observed in 59.4%, and the mean fundamental frequency (f0) was 156.14 Hz. G.W.C. had a shorter experience living in the redesignated genre. The participants idealized more feminine voices than they currently had. The DRSP-G and TVQ(MtF) scores had a moderate positive correlation. CONCLUSION: The study sample had characteristics compatible with some degree of social and health vulnerability. There was a moderate impact of voice on their quality of life, and despite the high risk of dysphonia, there was a low occurrence of vocal changes. There was a correlation between the DRSP-G and TVQ(MtF) scores.

Rev. CEFAC ; 26(1): e11022, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529405


ABSTRACT Purpose: to characterize the actions of vocal health promotion and/or prevention of vocal disorders applied to voice professionals. Methods: a scoping review following the PRISMA-ScR guidelines in SciELO and PubMed databases was conducted. Articles that had as participants voice professionals without concomitant vocal treatment, that described proposals for health promotion or vocal disorders prevention, published between 2010 and 2023, were included. They were grouped into categories and data were presented descriptively. Literature Review: eighteen articles with artistic and non-artistic voice professionals, mostly teachers, were included. Most of the studies focused on healthy voices, aiming at primary prevention. Many articles presented guidance on vocal hygiene and health and used resources such as vocal enhancement, voice workshop, voice amplifiers and apps. All the articles positively mentioned their results, especially with regard to self-perception in relation to voice, vocal quality and quality of life, awareness of positive and harmful practices to the voice. Conclusion: the proposals contemplated different levels of prevention, but most focused on primary prevention, including vocally healthy participants; all articles indicated positive results in voice self-perception, voice quality and quality of life, and awareness of positive and harmful voice practices.

RESUMO Objetivo: caracterizar as ações de promoção de saúde vocal e/ou prevenção de distúrbios vocais aplicadas em profissionais da voz. Métodos: foi conduzida uma revisão de escopo seguindo as diretrizes do PRISMA-ScR nas bases de dados SciELO e PubMed. Foram incluídos artigos que tivessem como participantes profissionais da voz sem tratamento vocal concomitante, que descrevessem propostas de promoção da saúde ou prevenção de distúrbios vocais, publicados entre 2010 e 2023. Os artigos foram agrupados em categorias e os dados apresentados de forma descritiva. Revisão da Literatura: foram incluídos 18 artigos com profissionais da voz artística e não-artística, em sua maioria professores. A maior parte dos estudos tinha como foco vozes saudáveis, visando a prevenção primária. Muitos artigos apresentaram orientações sobre higiene e saúde vocal e utilizaram recursos como aprimoramento vocal, oficina de voz, amplificadores de voz e aplicativos. Todos os artigos mencionam resultados benéficos, principalmente no que se refere à autopercepção em relação a voz, qualidade vocal e de vida, conscientização de práticas positivas e prejudiciais à voz. Conclusão: as propostas contemplaram diferentes níveis de prevenção, mas a maioria tinha como foco a prevenção primária, incluindo participantes vocalmente saudáveis; todos os artigos indicaram resultados favoráveis na autopercepção em relação à voz, qualidade vocal e de vida e conscientização de práticas benéficas e prejudiciais à voz.

Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2842, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557154


RESUMO Objetivo Descrever o conhecimento de cantores amadores que se apresentam em cultos religiosos sobre saúde e higiene vocal e comparar esses achados em dois momentos distintos. Métodos Pesquisa descritiva, longitudinal, com 100 participantes que praticavam canto amador em cultos religiosos; idades entre 18 e 82 anos (média 33,72 anos), 54 mulheres e 46 homens. Os participantes responderam ao Questionário Inicial, que inclui dados pessoais e autoavaliação vocal, e ao Questionário de Saúde e Higiene Vocal, este em dois momentos, com intervalo de 20 dias e com as questões aleatorizadas. Foi dada devolutiva desse questionário após cada aplicação, por meio da apresentação das respostas corretas de cada um de seus itens. Os dados foram analisados de forma descritiva e inferencial. Resultados A maior parte dos cantores referiu algum grau de alteração vocal e relatou ao menos um sintoma vocal (principalmente pigarro e falha na voz). A pontuação foi maior na segunda aplicação do questionário e não houve correlação entre a autoavaliação vocal e a pontuação obtida. Conclusão Cantores amadores de ambos os gêneros que se apresentam em cultos religiosos demonstraram conhecimento sobre saúde e higiene vocal correspondente ao de indivíduos vocalmente saudáveis, acima do ponto de corte em ambas as aplicações do Questionário de Saúde e Higiene Vocal. Contudo, a maioria referiu alterações e sintomas vocais. Verificou-se aumento do conhecimento sobre saúde e higiene vocal na segunda aplicação, ainda que discreto. O nível de conhecimento sobre saúde e higiene vocal não se correlacionou com o grau de alteração vocal.

ABSTRACT Purpose To describe the knowledge of amateur singers who perform in religious services, about vocal health and hygiene, and compare these findings at two different moments. Methods Descriptive, longitudinal research with 100 participants who practice amateur singing in religious services; ages between 18 and 82 years (average 33.72 years), 54 women and 46 men. Participants answered the Initial Questionnaire (Q1), which includes personal data and vocal self-assessment, and the Vocal Health and Hygiene Questionnaire (QSHV), on two occasions with an interval of 20 days and with the questions randomized. The participants were given a feed-back of the QSHV after each application i.e. the correct answers to each item. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. Results Most singers reported some degree of self-assessed vocal alteration and reported at least one vocal symptom (mainly throat clearing and voice failure). The score was higher in the second application of the QSHV and there was no correlation between the vocal self-assessment and the score obtained in the QSHV. Conclusion Amateur singers of both sexes who perform in religious services demonstrated knowledge about vocal health and hygiene corresponding to that of vocally healthy individuals, above the cutoff point in both applications; however, the majority reported vocal changes and symptoms. There was an increase in knowledge about vocal health and hygiene in the second application, however discreet. The level of knowledge about vocal health and hygiene did not correlate with the degree of vocal alteration.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Trastornos de la Voz/diagnóstico , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Autoevaluación Diagnóstica , Canto
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535332


Introduction: Due to the communicative requirements inherent to the profession, the legal professional benefits from speech therapy monitoring for the proper use of the voice and to avoid the occurrence of vocal disorders. The development of specific instruments will contribute with more relevant data to guide this monitoring. Objective: To verify the applicability of the General Dysphonia Risk Screening Protocol (DRSP-G) and the Specific Dysphonia Risk Screening Protocol for Legal Professionals (DRSP-LP) and to correlate the average scores of both with vocal deviation, sex, age, professional performance time, vocal signs and symptoms, and vocal self-assessment. Methods: Fifty legal professionals participated. All participants completed the DRSP-G and DRSP-LP and recorded their voices for detection of the presence of altered vocal quality. Results: Most participants presented a high risk of dysphonia, which was higher in men. Altered vocal quality was observed in 34% of the participants. The items with the highest scores in the DRSP-G were talking a lot (76%), excessive daily coffee intake (70%), contact with smokers (60%), and insufficient hydration and sleep (48%); in the DRSP-LP, alcohol consumption (68%) and exposure to air conditioning (64%). There was no correlation between risk scores and the degree of dysphonia, or with age or length of professional experience. The DRSP-G score correlated with vocal signs and symptoms and vocal self-perception. Conclusions: The joint application of the DRSP-G and the DRSP-LP enabled a quantitative and qualitative analysis of risk factors for dysphonia in legal professionals.

Introducción: Debido a las exigencias comunicativas inherentes a la profesión, el profesional del derecho se beneficia del seguimiento logopédico para el correcto uso de la voz y para evitar la aparición de trastornos vocales. El desarrollo de instrumentos específicos contribuirá con datos más relevantes para guiar este seguimiento. Objetivo: Verificar la aplicabilidad del Protocolo General de Detección de Riesgo de Disfonía (DRSP-G) y el Protocolo de Detección de Riesgo Específico para Profesionales del Derecho (DRSP-LP) y correlacionar las puntuaciones de ambos con varias variables de interés. Metodología: Participaron 50 profesionales del derecho. Todos completaron el DRSP-G y DRSP-LP y grabaron sus voces para detectar la presencia de alteraciones en la calidad de la voz. Resultados: La mayoría presentó un alto riesgo de disfonía, que fue mayor en los hombres. Se observó alteración en la calidad de la voz en el 34% de los participantes. Los ítems con puntajes más altos en el DRSP-G fueron hablar mucho (76%), ingesta diaria excesiva de café (70%), contacto con fumadores (60%) e hidratación y sueño insuficientes (48%); y en el DRSP-LP, consumo de alcohol (68%) y exposición al aire acondicionado (64%). No hubo correlación entre las puntuaciones de riesgo y el grado de disfonía, ni con la edad o la antigüedad profesional. La puntuación DRSP-G se correlacionó con los signos y síntomas vocales y la autopercepción vocal. Conclusiones: La aplicación conjunta del DRSP-G y el DRSP-LP permitió un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los factores de riesgo de disfonía en profesionales del derecho.

Codas ; 35(4): e20220036, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37610967


PURPOSE: To analyse the relationship between the risk of dysphonia and vocal quality in undergraduate performing arts students. METHODS: Observational cross-sectional study with 38 undergraduate students in Performing Arts. We applied screening protocols for general and specific risk of dysphonia for actors and made recordings of sustained emission of the vowel /a/, spontaneous speech and reading a text, used for perceptual analysis performed by three evaluators using the GRBASI scale. After intra and inter-rater reliability tests it was obtained final classification of the general degree of vocal deviation parameter for each participant. Comparisons were made considering groups that had or did not have other profession/activity with the use of voice, and the groups were formed from the general grade. RESULTS: Most students were at high risk for dysphonia. All had vocal alteration, with a predominance of mild degree. Students who had another profession/activity with voice use scored higher in the specific protocol for actors, and in the sum of this protocol with the general screening protocol. There was no relationship between the degree of vocal alteration and the risk of dysphonia. Students who did not yet work professionally had more moderate or severe vocal alterations, and those who did work professionally had a higher frequency of mild vocal alterations. CONCLUSION: Most students were at high risk for dysphonia. All had vocal alteration, with a predominance of mild alteration. There was no relationship between the risk of dysphonia and the degree of vocal alteration.

OBJETIVO: Analisar a relação entre o risco de disfonia e a qualidade vocal em estudantes de graduação em Artes Cênicas. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal observacional com 38 estudantes de graduação em Artes Cênicas. Foram aplicados protocolos de rastreio de risco de disfonia geral e específico para atores, e realizadas gravações da emissão sustentada da vogal /a/, fala espontânea e leitura de texto, usadas para análise perceptivo-auditiva, efetuada por três avaliadores, com o uso da escala GRBASI. Após testes de confiabilidade intra e interavaliadores chegou-se à classificação final do grau geral do desvio vocal para cada participante. Foram feitas comparações entre grupos que tinham ou não outra profissão/atividade com o uso da voz e os grupos formados a partir do grau geral. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos estudantes apresentou alto risco para disfonia. Todos apresentaram alteração vocal, com predominância de grau leve. Os estudantes que tinham outra profissão/atividade com uso da voz obtiveram maior pontuação no protocolo específico para atores, bem como na soma desse protocolo com o de rastreio geral. Não houve relação entre o grau de alteração vocal e o risco de disfonia. Os estudantes que ainda não atuavam profissionalmente apresentaram mais alterações vocais de grau moderado ou severo, e os que atuavam profissionalmente apresentaram com maior frequência alteração vocal de grau leve. CONCLUSÃO: A maior parte dos estudantes apresentou alto risco para disfonia. Todos apresentaram alteração vocal, com predomínio de grau leve. Não houve relação entre o risco de disfonia e o grau de alteração vocal.

Disfonía , Humanos , Disfonía/diagnóstico , Disfonía/etiología , Calidad de la Voz , Estudios Transversales , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Estudiantes
J Voice ; 2023 May 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37244760


OBJECTIVE: To propose a Dysphonia Risk Screening Protocol for Actors (DRSP-A), test its usability in conjunction with the General Dysphonia Risk Screening Protocol (G-DRSP), determine the cut-off point for a high risk of dysphonia in actors, and compare the risk of dysphonia between actors with and without voice disorders. METHOD: Observational cross-sectional study with 77 professional actors or students. The questionnaires were applied individually and the total scores were summed to calculate the final score of the Dysphonia Risk Screening (DRS-Final). The validity of the questionnaire was verified from the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve, and cut-offs were obtained based on diagnostic criteria for screening procedures. Voice recordings were collected for auditory-perceptual analysis and subsequent division into groups with and without vocal alteration. RESULTS: The sample showed a high risk of dysphonia. Higher scores in the G-DRSP and in the DRS-Final were found in the group that presented vocal alteration. The cut-off points established for the DRSP-A and DRS-Final were 0.623 and 0.789, respectively, with higher degrees of sensitivity than specificity. Thus, above these values, the risk of dysphonia is greater. CONCLUSION: A cut-off value was calculated for the DRSP-A. This instrument was proven to be viable and applicable. The group with vocal alteration had a higher score in the G-DRSP and DRS-Final, but there was no difference in the DRSP-A.

Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 27(1): 10-15, Jan.-Mar. 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421686


Abstract Introduction The acoustic analysis of speech (measurements of the fundamental frequency and formant frequencies) of different vowels produced by speakers with the Angle class II, division 1, malocclusion can provide information about the relationship between articulatory and phonatory mechanisms in this type of maxillomandibular disproportion. Objectives To investigate acoustic measurements related to the fundamental frequency (F0) and formant frequencies (F1 and F2) of the oral vowels of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) produced by male speakers with Angle class II, division 1, malocclusion (study group) and compare with men with Angle class I malocclusion (control group). Methods In total, 60 men (20 with class II, 40 with class I) aged between 18 and 40 years were included in the study. Measurements of F0, F1 and F2 of the seven oral vowels of BP were estimated from the audio samples containing repetitions of carrier sentences. The statistical analysis was performed using the Student t-test and the effect size was calculated. Results Significant differences (p-values) were detected for F0 values in five vowels ([e], [i], [o], [o] and [u]), and for F1 in vowels [a] and [ɔ], with high levels for class II, division 1. Conclusion Statistical differences were found in the F0 measurements with higher values in five of the seven vowels analysed in subjects with Angle class II, division 1. The formant frequencies showed differences only in F1 in two vowels with higher values in the study group. The data suggest that data on voice and speech production must be included in the protocol's assessment of patients with malocclusion.

J Voice ; 2023 Jan 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36610808


INTRODUCTION: The analysis of drugs with adverse effects on voice provides relevant data for the vocal clinic. It is essential that professionals involved in voice care are aligned on the topic of voice pharmacovigilance in order to understand adverse effects from safe and reliable sources. OBJECTIVES: To compare the voice adverse effects of self-reported medications by dysphonic individuals in different sources of information. METHODS: Descriptive and analytical study based on self-reported active ingredients by dysphonic individuals and their adverse effects on voice listed in Electronic Database of the National Health Surveillance Agency of Brazil (Anvisa). Adverse effects were comparatively analyzed between the Anvisa's Electronic Database and information from the Micromedex and UpToDate databases. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics that compared the three sources researched in relation to the number of adverse effects and in relation to the occurrence of adverse effects to the voice. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference between the databases regarding the occurrence of adverse effects of cough, dyspnea, xerostomia, vomiting and hoarseness, with a higher occurrence in the UpToDate database. The UpToDate database showed a statistically significant difference in the amount of drug effects compared to the Anvisa database (P < 0.001, d = 0.744) and compared to the Micromedex database (P < 0.001, d = 0.598), and in the two cases the mean number of drug effects was higher for the UpToDate database. CONCLUSIONS: UpToDate proved to be the most suitable source to complement the data from the medication package inserts at the time of the speech-language pathology assessment. It is recommended that professionals from all countries involved in voice care seek additional evidence-based sources of information to gain access to accurate and up-to-date data on adverse effects of drugs on voice.

Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol ; 27(1): e10-e15, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36714887


Introduction The acoustic analysis of speech (measurements of the fundamental frequency and formant frequencies) of different vowels produced by speakers with the Angle class II, division 1, malocclusion can provide information about the relationship between articulatory and phonatory mechanisms in this type of maxillomandibular disproportion. Objectives To investigate acoustic measurements related to the fundamental frequency (F0) and formant frequencies (F1 and F2) of the oral vowels of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) produced by male speakers with Angle class II, division 1, malocclusion (study group) and compare with men with Angle class I malocclusion (control group). Methods In total, 60 men (20 with class II, 40 with class I) aged between 18 and 40 years were included in the study. Measurements of F0, F1 and F2 of the seven oral vowels of BP were estimated from the audio samples containing repetitions of carrier sentences. The statistical analysis was performed using the Student t -test and the effect size was calculated. Results Significant differences ( p -values) were detected for F0 values in five vowels ([e], [i], [ᴐ], [o] and [u]), and for F1 in vowels [a] and [ᴐ], with high levels for class II, division 1. Conclusion Statistical differences were found in the F0 measurements with higher values in five of the seven vowels analysed in subjects with Angle class II, division 1. The formant frequencies showed differences only in F1 in two vowels with higher values in the study group. The data suggest that data on voice and speech production must be included in the protocol's assessment of patients with malocclusion.

CoDAS ; 35(4): e20220036, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506045


RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a relação entre o risco de disfonia e a qualidade vocal em estudantes de graduação em Artes Cênicas. Método Estudo transversal observacional com 38 estudantes de graduação em Artes Cênicas. Foram aplicados protocolos de rastreio de risco de disfonia geral e específico para atores, e realizadas gravações da emissão sustentada da vogal /a/, fala espontânea e leitura de texto, usadas para análise perceptivo-auditiva, efetuada por três avaliadores, com o uso da escala GRBASI. Após testes de confiabilidade intra e interavaliadores chegou-se à classificação final do grau geral do desvio vocal para cada participante. Foram feitas comparações entre grupos que tinham ou não outra profissão/atividade com o uso da voz e os grupos formados a partir do grau geral. Resultados A maioria dos estudantes apresentou alto risco para disfonia. Todos apresentaram alteração vocal, com predominância de grau leve. Os estudantes que tinham outra profissão/atividade com uso da voz obtiveram maior pontuação no protocolo específico para atores, bem como na soma desse protocolo com o de rastreio geral. Não houve relação entre o grau de alteração vocal e o risco de disfonia. Os estudantes que ainda não atuavam profissionalmente apresentaram mais alterações vocais de grau moderado ou severo, e os que atuavam profissionalmente apresentaram com maior frequência alteração vocal de grau leve. Conclusão A maior parte dos estudantes apresentou alto risco para disfonia. Todos apresentaram alteração vocal, com predomínio de grau leve. Não houve relação entre o risco de disfonia e o grau de alteração vocal.

ABSTRACT Purpose To analyse the relationship between the risk of dysphonia and vocal quality in undergraduate performing arts students. Methods Observational cross-sectional study with 38 undergraduate students in Performing Arts. We applied screening protocols for general and specific risk of dysphonia for actors and made recordings of sustained emission of the vowel /a/, spontaneous speech and reading a text, used for perceptual analysis performed by three evaluators using the GRBASI scale. After intra and inter-rater reliability tests it was obtained final classification of the general degree of vocal deviation parameter for each participant. Comparisons were made considering groups that had or did not have other profession/activity with the use of voice, and the groups were formed from the general grade. Results Most students were at high risk for dysphonia. All had vocal alteration, with a predominance of mild degree. Students who had another profession/activity with voice use scored higher in the specific protocol for actors, and in the sum of this protocol with the general screening protocol. There was no relationship between the degree of vocal alteration and the risk of dysphonia. Students who did not yet work professionally had more moderate or severe vocal alterations, and those who did work professionally had a higher frequency of mild vocal alterations. Conclusion Most students were at high risk for dysphonia. All had vocal alteration, with a predominance of mild alteration. There was no relationship between the risk of dysphonia and the degree of vocal alteration.

Codas ; 34(5): e20210241, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36000681


This text is the continuation of the XVIII SBFa Congress publication. In part "A" we presented the analyses on clinical vocal evaluation. Part "B" focuses on vocal rehabilitation: 4. Traditional techniques of vocal therapy; 5. Modern techniques of electrostimulation and photobiomodulation applied to vocal rehabilitation. The numerous studies on the various programs, methods, and techniques of traditional rehabilitation techniques, and many with high quality of evidence, allow us to consider such procedures relatively well described, safe, and with known effects, accounting for the treatment of various vocal disorders. The scientific evidence with traditional techniques is recognized worldwide. New fronts of evolution, with electrostimulation or photobiomodulation used to handle voice problems, seem to be promising as coadjutant approaches. There are more studies on electrostimulation in vocal rehabilitation than with photobiomodulation; however, scientific evidence for these two modern techniques is still limited. Knowledge and caution are required for the application of either technique.

O presente texto é a continuação da publicação referente ao XVIII Congresso da SBFa. Na parte "A" apresentamos análises sobre avaliação clínica vocal. O foco da parte "B" são aspectos de reabilitação vocal: 4. Técnicas tradicionais de terapia vocal; 5. Técnicas modernas de eletroestimulação e fotobiomodulação aplicadas à reabilitação. Os inúmeros estudos sobre os diversos programas, métodos ou técnicas tradicionais de reabilitação, muitos de elevada qualidade de evidência, permitem considerar tais procedimentos relativamente bem descritos, seguros e com efeitos conhecidos, dando conta do tratamento de diversos distúrbios vocais. As evidências científicas com as técnicas tradicionais são reconhecidas mundialmente. Novas frentes de evolução, como o uso da eletroestimulação ou fotobiomodulação em voz parecem ser promissoras como abordagens coadjuvantes. Há mais estudos sobre eletroestimulação em voz do que com fotobiomodulação, contudo, evidências científicas para essas duas técnicas modernas são ainda limitadas. Conhecimento e cautela são necessários para a aplicação de quaisquer técnicas.

Terapia por Estimulación Eléctrica , Trastornos de la Voz , Terapia por Estimulación Eléctrica/métodos , Humanos , Práctica Profesional , Trastornos de la Voz/terapia , Entrenamiento de la Voz
Codas ; 34(5): e20210240, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35920467


During the XXVIII Brazilian Congress of SBFa, 24 specialists met and, from a leading position on scientific research as a tool for connecting laboratory and clinic, five fronts of knowledge of the voice specialty were discussed as following: Perceptual-auditory judgment of vocal quality; 2. Acoustic analysis of the vocal signal; 3. Voice self-assessment; 4. Traditional techniques of therapy; 5. Modern techniques of electrostimulation and photobiomodulation (PBMT) in voice. Part "a" of this publication was associated with the consolidation of the analyses of the first three aspects. The trend in the perceptual-auditory judgment of vocal quality was related to the use of standard protocols. The acoustic evaluation of the vocal signal is accessible and can be done descriptively or by extraction of parameters, thus preferring multiparametric measures. Finally, the analysis of the individual himself closes this triad of voice documentation, which will be the basis for the conclusion of the evaluation, reference for monitoring progress, and evaluation of treatment results.

No XXVIII Congresso Brasileiro da SBFa, 24 especialistas reuniram-se e, a partir de um posicionamento condutor sobre pesquisa científica como ferramenta de conexão entre laboratório e clínica, cinco frentes de conhecimento da especialidade de voz foram discutidas: 1. Julgamento perceptivo-auditivo da qualidade vocal; 2. Análise acústica do sinal vocal; 3. Autoavaliação em voz; 4. Técnicas tradicionais de terapia; 5. Técnicas modernas de eletroestimulação e fotobiomodulação em voz. A parte "a" desta publicação é a consolidação das análises dos três primeiros aspectos. A tendência no julgamento perceptivo-auditivo da qualidade vocal é o uso de protocolos padrão. A avaliação acústica do sinal vocal é acessível e pode ser feita de modo descritivo ou por extração de parâmetros, preferindo-se medidas multiparamétricas. Finalmente, a análise do próprio indivíduo fecha essa tríade de documentação fonoaudiológica, que será base para a conclusão da avaliação, referência para monitoramento do progresso e avaliação de resultado de tratamento.

Juicio , Autoevaluación (Psicología) , Acústica , Humanos , Práctica Profesional , Acústica del Lenguaje , Calidad de la Voz/fisiología
J Voice ; 36(3): 440.e1-440.e9, 2022 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32713760


INTRODUCTION: The voice production of actors is complex and can be assessed by different professionals. The objective of this study was to measure actor's global vocal performance (GVP) based on overall voice quality (OVQ) and overall severity (OS), by consensus auditory-perceptual evaluation of voice (CAPE-V), and to investigate the possible correlation between these two analyses in actors without self-reported vocal complaints. METHODS: A total of 39 actors participated in this study, including 20 men and 19 women. Their ages ranged from 18 to 53 years (mean of 33.3 years), with a mean duration of eight years of professional experience. The referred actors were asked to perform predefined CAPE-V tasks and provide one voice sample in which they read a poem at normal loudness; all tasks were recorded. A professional speech-language therapist evaluated the OS based on CAPE-V vocal tasks; scores up to 35.5 mm represented normal parameters, while those from 35.6 to 50.5 mm represented mild deviation, 50.6 to 90.5 mm indicated moderate deviation, and 90.6 to 100 mm indicated severe deviation. A theater director and another speech-language therapist classified the voice samples using the OVQ scale. The OVQ was measured using a 200-mm visual analogue scale. The calculation of terciles allowed the division into three groups regarding the GVP: lowest score group; intermediate score group; and highest score group. The scores of both analyses were compared by sex and groups. Lastly, a correlation analysis was performed between the two analyses for the total sample. RESULTS: There was a significant difference among the three groups and a mild vocal deviation in the lowest score group. In addition, an inversely proportional correlation was observed between GVP and OS. No sex-related differences were observed in the scores for either analyses. CONCLUSION: The actors without self-reported voice complaints presented differences on GVP scores and their distribution was independent of sex and length of professional experience. Vocal deviation, although mild, on average was greater in actors who had the lowest scores in GVP, with an inversely proportional correlation between these two parameters.

Disfonía , Voz , Adolescente , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Ocupaciones , Calidad de la Voz , Entrenamiento de la Voz , Adulto Joven
CoDAS ; 34(5): e20210241, 2022. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394301


RESUMO O presente texto é a continuação da publicação referente ao XVIII Congresso da SBFa. Na parte "A" apresentamos análises sobre avaliação clínica vocal. O foco da parte "B" são aspectos de reabilitação vocal: 4. Técnicas tradicionais de terapia vocal; 5. Técnicas modernas de eletroestimulação e fotobiomodulação aplicadas à reabilitação. Os inúmeros estudos sobre os diversos programas, métodos ou técnicas tradicionais de reabilitação, muitos de elevada qualidade de evidência, permitem considerar tais procedimentos relativamente bem descritos, seguros e com efeitos conhecidos, dando conta do tratamento de diversos distúrbios vocais. As evidências científicas com as técnicas tradicionais são reconhecidas mundialmente. Novas frentes de evolução, como o uso da eletroestimulação ou fotobiomodulação em voz parecem ser promissoras como abordagens coadjuvantes. Há mais estudos sobre eletroestimulação em voz do que com fotobiomodulação, contudo, evidências científicas para essas duas técnicas modernas são ainda limitadas. Conhecimento e cautela são necessários para a aplicação de quaisquer técnicas.

ABSTRACT This text is the continuation of the XVIII SBFa Congress publication. In part "A" we presented the analyses on clinical vocal evaluation. Part "B" focuses on vocal rehabilitation: 4. Traditional techniques of vocal therapy; 5. Modern techniques of electrostimulation and photobiomodulation applied to vocal rehabilitation. The numerous studies on the various programs, methods, and techniques of traditional rehabilitation techniques, and many with high quality of evidence, allow us to consider such procedures relatively well described, safe, and with known effects, accounting for the treatment of various vocal disorders. The scientific evidence with traditional techniques is recognized worldwide. New fronts of evolution, with electrostimulation or photobiomodulation used to handle voice problems, seem to be promising as coadjutant approaches. There are more studies on electrostimulation in vocal rehabilitation than with photobiomodulation; however, scientific evidence for these two modern techniques is still limited. Knowledge and caution are required for the application of either technique.

CoDAS ; 34(5): e20210240, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384625


RESUMO No XXVIII Congresso Brasileiro da SBFa, 24 especialistas reuniram-se e, a partir de um posicionamento condutor sobre pesquisa científica como ferramenta de conexão entre laboratório e clínica, cinco frentes de conhecimento da especialidade de voz foram discutidas: 1. Julgamento perceptivo-auditivo da qualidade vocal; 2. Análise acústica do sinal vocal; 3. Autoavaliação em voz; 4. Técnicas tradicionais de terapia; 5. Técnicas modernas de eletroestimulação e fotobiomodulação em voz. A parte "a" desta publicação é a consolidação das análises dos três primeiros aspectos. A tendência no julgamento perceptivo-auditivo da qualidade vocal é o uso de protocolos padrão. A avaliação acústica do sinal vocal é acessível e pode ser feita de modo descritivo ou por extração de parâmetros, preferindo-se medidas multiparamétricas. Finalmente, a análise do próprio indivíduo fecha essa tríade de documentação fonoaudiológica, que será base para a conclusão da avaliação, referência para monitoramento do progresso e avaliação de resultado de tratamento.

ABSTRACT During the XXVIII Brazilian Congress of SBFa, 24 specialists met and, from a leading position on scientific research as a tool for connecting laboratory and clinic, five fronts of knowledge of the voice specialty were discussed as following: Perceptual-auditory judgment of vocal quality; 2. Acoustic analysis of the vocal signal; 3. Voice self-assessment; 4. Traditional techniques of therapy; 5. Modern techniques of electrostimulation and photobiomodulation (PBMT) in voice. Part "a" of this publication was associated with the consolidation of the analyses of the first three aspects. The trend in the perceptual-auditory judgment of vocal quality was related to the use of standard protocols. The acoustic evaluation of the vocal signal is accessible and can be done descriptively or by extraction of parameters, thus preferring multiparametric measures. Finally, the analysis of the individual himself closes this triad of voice documentation, which will be the basis for the conclusion of the evaluation, reference for monitoring progress, and evaluation of treatment results.

J Voice ; 2021 Sep 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34610882


OBJECTIVES: Given the transformations in teaching modalities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, this study aimed to evaluate the factors associated with vocal self-perception during the pandemic and to investigate the ability of selected variables to predict changes in vocal self-perception in teachers with professional vocal demands during the investigated period. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. METHOD: A total of 1,126 teachers of both genders (ages 19-78 years, average 43.23 years) who were participating in remote teaching activities using their voice answered the online questionnaire. To characterize vocal changes (improvement, worsening or no change), the teachers' self-assessment of their voice quality was considered; the association between the variables reported in the questionnaire and vocal changes was analyzed, as was the capacity of these variables for predicting voice changes. RESULTS: Most of the teachers worked at a public school, reported having no previous voice changes or difficulties with their voice during online classes and indicated that they began to use their voice less often and with reduced intensity during the pandemic. Vocal demands were divided between teaching synchronous online classes, recording video lessons and participating in online meetings. Several variables were associated with voice improvement and worsening, and some had the capacity to predict voice changes: improvement in voice quality was associated with working in a public school or as an autonomous teacher, reduced voice use and, to a lesser extent, participating in online meetings, certain vocal habits and a reduction in vocal symptoms; worsening voice quality was associated with working in a private school, increased voice use, using the voice at a higher intensity, difficulty with the voice in online classes, vocal habits and vocal symptoms. CONCLUSION: The context of remote education has changed the way teachers communicate during classes, and monitoring is necessary to ensure that necessary adaptations are made to preserve the voice and ensure effective communication.

Codas ; 33(6): e20200126, 2021.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34524363


PURPOSE: To verify if there are differences in the vocal aspects of older people from three different age groups with presbyphonia diagnosis. METHODS: Sixty older adults joined this study. They were both female and male, with an age range from 60 to 90 years old (average: 72.3) and with presbyphonia diagnosis established after otolaryngology evaluation. From their voice recordings, it was possible to make the acoustic and auditory-perceptual analysis. The data collected was compared through statistical tests considering the division of the participants into the following groups: 60-70 years old, 71-80 years old, and 81-90 years old. RESULTS: Even though the older people from all of the three groups have presented deviation in multiple vocal aspects such as instability and vocal noise in low frequencies, those with more than 80 years old have presented a higher deviation of the general grade of dysphonia, roughness, breathiness, and pitch. In this group, it was also observed higher deviations in jitter, shimmer, vocal breaks, and the GNE measure on the edge of normality. All the differences were statistically significant. The majority of the older participants from that group presented even a deviation in the phonatory deviation diagram and frequency break. CONCLUSION: Various acoustic and auditory-perceptual aspects had a higher deviation in the older adults over 80 years old, which reinforces the need to consider those specificities in the evaluation of the vocal aging impacts and also in the development of actions to minimize vocal declination.

OBJETIVO: Verificar se existem diferenças em aspectos vocais entre idosos com presbifonia, divididos em três faixas etárias. MÉTODO: Participaram 60 idosos de ambos os sexos com idades entre 60 e 90 anos (média=72,3), com diagnóstico de presbifonia estabelecido em avaliação otorrinolaringológica. A partir da gravação das vozes foi realizada análise perceptivo-auditiva e acústica e os dados foram comparados por meio dos testes estatísticos com os participantes divididos nos grupos etários 60-70 anos, 71-80 anos e 81-90 anos. RESULTADOS: Ainda que os idosos dos três grupos tenham apresentado alterações em aspectos vocais variados, como instabilidade e ruído em frequências graves, aqueles com mais de 80 anos apresentaram maior grau de disfonia, rugosidade, soprosidade e pitch. Também foram observados neste grupo maiores desvios em jitter, shimmer e irregularidade e a medida GNE no limite da normalidade. Todas as diferenças foram estatisticamente significativas. A maioria dos idosos dessa faixa etária apresentou ainda alteração no diagrama de desvio fonatório e quebra de frequência. CONCLUSÃO: Diversos aspectos perceptivo-auditivos e acústicos se apresentaram mais desviados nos idosos mais velhos, o que reforça a necessidade de serem consideradas essas especificidades tanto na avaliação dos efeitos do envelhecimento na voz quanto no desenvolvimento de ações para minimizar o declínio vocal.

Disfonía , Voz , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Disfonía/diagnóstico , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Fonación , Acústica del Lenguaje , Calidad de la Voz
Codas ; 33(1): e20190190, 2021.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33909842


PURPOSE: To verify the immediate effect of the Excitomotor Electrical Current, called Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES), on vocal quality, Maximum Phonation Time (MPT) and possible discomfort, in women without vocal alteration, with application at Maximum Supported Intensity (MSI) and associated with phonation. METHODS: Experimental study with 20 normophonic adult women. They emitted the sustained vowel / a / and then it was applied to FES during emission of the same vowel. There were five series with three minutes of emission each, interspersed with passive rest. The electrical stimulus was at the MSI by the participant, adjusted by series. Before and after the emissions the voices were recorded and the MPT and the intensity of the stimuli were collected. The vocal quality was rated by judges. Statistical analysis made it possible to compare pre and post emission / electrostimulation data in each phase. Qualitative analysis was performed based on self-reported symptoms. RESULTS: There was no difference in vocal quality and MPT between pre and post moments in both phases. The difference between MSI and stimulus perception intensity was greater in series 1 than in series 2. There was an increase in MSI in series 5 compared to series 1. No significant negative symptoms or within 48h after procedures were reported. CONCLUSION: The FES at MSI, associated with phonation, did not generate an immediate change in vocal quality, in the MPT or self-reported discomforts by women without vocal alteration, even with a gradual increase in the stimulus, series by series.

OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito imediato da corrente elétrica excitomotora, denominada FES, na qualidade vocal e no tempo máximo de fonação (TMF), e possíveis desconfortos, em mulheres sem alteração vocal, com aplicação em intensidade máxima suportada (IMS) e associada à fonação. MÉTODO: Estudo experimental com 20 mulheres adultas normofônicas. Elas emitiram a vogal /a/ sustentada e depois foi aplicada a FES durante emissão da mesma vogal. Foram cinco séries com três minutos de emissão cada, intercaladas com descanso passivo; o estímulo elétrico foi na IMS pela participante, ajustado por série. Antes e após as emissões as vozes foram gravadas e coletados os TMF e a intensidade dos estímulos. A qualidade vocal foi classificada por juízes. Foram comparados os dados pré e pós emissão/eletroestimulação em cada fase. A análise qualitativa foi realizada a partir de sintomas autorreferidos. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença na qualidade vocal e nos TMF entre os momentos pré e pós nas duas fases. A diferença entre a IMS e a intensidade de percepção do estímulo foi maior na série 1 em relação à série 2. Houve aumento da IMS na série 5 em relação à série 1. Não foram relatados sintomas negativos imediatos ou em até 48 horas após os procedimentos. CONCLUSÃO: A corrente FES em IMS, associada à fonação, não gerou mudança imediata na qualidade vocal, nos TMF ou desconfortos autorreferidos pelas mulheres sem alteração vocal, mesmo com aumento gradual do estímulo.

Terapia por Estimulación Eléctrica , Trastornos de la Voz , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Fonación , Factores de Tiempo , Calidad de la Voz
Codas ; 33(1): e20190112, 2021.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33909841


PURPOSE: To propose the Dysphonia Risk Screening Protocol for Musical Theatre Actors (DRSP-MTA), to verify its applicability in association with the General Dysphonia Risk Screening Protocol (G-DRSP), to correlate the final scores of both, and these with the total risk score, and to compare the risk of dysphonia measured in musical theater actors with and without vocal complaint. METHODS: An observational cross-sectional study with 34 musical theater actors, adults, of both genders, with and without vocal complaints and regardless of whether they are professionals or students. The questionnaires were applied individually. Statistical analysis made it possible to verify the correlation between the dysphonia risk scores and to compare the groups with and without vocal complaint. RESULTS: Most of the participants were male, young adults, professional actors and without vocal complaint. There was a high risk of dysphonia, evidenced by the application of G-DRSP, with means scores compatible with values found in individuals with dysphonia, and reinforced by the indices found with DRSP-MTA application. There was a moderate and directly proportional correlation between the two questionnaire scores; and a correlation of both with the total risk score. Higher G-DRSP scores were observed in the vocal complaint group. CONCLUSION: DRSP-MTA was feasible and easy to apply and was positively correlated with the total score and G-DRSP score. A high risk of dysphonia was evidenced in individuals with vocal complaints. Although the specific DRSP-MTA score did not differentiate musical theatre actors with and without vocal complaints, the G-DRSP score and the total risk score performed such differentiation.

OBJETIVO: Propor o Protocolo de Rastreio do Risco de Disfonia para Atores do Teatro Musical (PRRD-TM), verificar sua aplicabilidade em associação ao Protocolo de Rastreio do Risco de Disfonia Geral (PRRD-G), correlacionar escores finais de ambos, e desses com o escore total, e comparar o risco de disfonia entre atores com e sem queixa vocal. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal observacional com 34 atores de teatro musical adultos, ambos os sexos, com e sem queixa vocal, profissionais ou estudantes. Os questionários foram aplicados individualmente. A análise estatística possibilitou verificar a correlação entre os escores de risco de disfonia e para comparação entre os grupos com e sem queixa vocal. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos participantes era do gênero masculino, jovens adultos, atores profissionais e sem queixa vocal. Observou-se elevado risco de disfonia, evidenciado pela aplicação do PRRD-G, com escores médios compatíveis com valores encontrados em indivíduos com disfonia, e reforçado pelos índices encontrados com aplicação do PRRD-TM. Observou-se correlação moderada e diretamente proporcional entre os escores dos dois questionários e desses com o escore total. Escores mais elevados do PRRD-G foram encontrados no grupo que apresentou queixa vocal. CONCLUSÃO: O PRRD-TM mostrou-se viável e de fácil aplicabilidade e apresentou correlação positiva com o escore do PRRD-G e com o escore total. Elevado risco de disfonia foi evidenciado em indivíduos com queixa vocal. Apesar do escore específico do PRRD-TM não diferenciar atores de teatro musical com e sem queixa vocal, tanto o escore do PRRD-G quanto o escore total realizaram tal diferenciação.

Disfonía , Voz , Estudios Transversales , Disfonía/diagnóstico , Femenino , Ronquera , Humanos , Masculino , Calidad de la Voz , Adulto Joven
Clinics (Sao Paulo) ; 76: e2641, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33787658


OBJECTIVES: We aimed to analyze the vocal self-perception of Brazilian teachers and their communication needs, vocal signs and symptoms, and voice-related lifestyles during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and, based on this information, to develop guidance materials intended for dissemination to these teachers and the general community. METHODS: An online questionnaire designed for this survey was distributed via the researchers' networks and was available for completion by any teacher, except those who were not working at the time. There were 1,253 teachers from all over Brazil, of both sexes, covering a wide age range, working at different levels of education, and most with more than ten years of experience. Descriptive and inferential analyses of the data were performed. RESULTS: On comparing the prepandemic period with the current one, participants indicated voice improvements. In contrast, they presented symptoms such as dry throat, effort in addressing remote classes, hoarseness after classes, and difficulties with the use of headphones, among others. They further indicated stress, general fatigue, impact of the pandemic on mental health, and the overlapping of many home tasks with professional tasks. Some smoked, and others hydrated insufficiently. CONCLUSION: Although teachers generally noticed voice improvements during the pandemic, a proportion of them perceived worsening of voices. Many indicated several factors in which speech-language pathologists could guide them with the aim of improving performance and comfort during remote and hybrid classes, an initiative that will positively impact not only their voice and communication but also their quality of life.

COVID-19 , Coronavirus , Enfermedades Profesionales , Trastornos de la Voz , Brasil , Niño , Comunicación , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Enfermedades Profesionales/epidemiología , Enfermedades Profesionales/terapia , Pandemias , Calidad de Vida , SARS-CoV-2 , Autoimagen , Logopedia , Trastornos de la Voz/epidemiología , Trastornos de la Voz/terapia , Calidad de la Voz