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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 31(1): e25847, Jan.-Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565770


Resumen Austrocylindropuntia pachypus (K.Schum.) Backeb. es un cactus endémico de Perú, cuya distribución conocida estaba restringida a las vertientes occidentales de La Libertad, Áncash y Lima. En base a expediciones botánicas por las estribaciones andinas de Ica, en este trabajo reportamos nuevas localidades con pequeñas poblaciones, lo que amplía en más de 260 km al sur la distribución conocida de A. pachypus. Además, en base a 42 registros georreferenciados, se amplía la información sobre sus localidades, poblaciones, distribución potencial, hábitats, amenazas y estado de conservación. El modelo de distribución potencial mostró altos niveles predictivos o de idoneidad con valores de AUC = 0.96 en base a siete variables climáticas, siendo Bio17, Bio2 y Bio7 las variables con mayor contribución; mostrando a Lambayeque, La Libertad, Áncash, Lima, Ica y Huancavelica los departamentos con mayores valores de idoneidad. Las poblaciones con mayor concentración de individuos, pero que a su vez se encuentran seriamente perturbadas por actividades antropogénicas, son las de los valles del río Chillón (Santa Rosa de Quives, Canta) y Rímac (Santa Eulalia, Huarochirí) en Lima. Asimismo, se estima que cerca del 70% de las poblaciones de A. pachypus se encuentran amenazadas por derechos mineros, extracción de hidrocarburos, sobrepastoreo y expansión urbana o agrícola, incrementando la fragmentación de sus hábitats, por lo que se propone categorizar a este cactus endémico como En Peligro (EN).

Abstract Austrocylindropuntia pachypus (K.Schum.) Backeb. is an endemic cactus of Peru, whose known distribution was restricted to the western slopes of La Libertad, Áncash, and Lima. Based on botanical expeditions along the Andean foothills of Ica, this study reports new localities with small populations, thereby extending the known distribution of A. pachypus by over 260 km to the south. Additionally, based on 42 georeferenced records, information on its localities, populations, potential distribution, habitats, threats, and conservation status is expanded. The potential distribution model exhibited high predictive or suitability levels with AUC values of 0.96 based on seven climatic variables, with Bio17, Bio2, and Bio7 being the most contributory variables; Lambayeque, La Libertad, Áncash, Lima, Ica, and Huancavelica demonstrated the highest suitability values. Populations with the highest concentration of individuals, yet significantly disturbed by anthropogenic activities, are those in the valleys of the Chillón River (Santa Rosa de Quives, Canta) and Rímac River (Santa Eulalia, Huarochirí) in Lima. Furthermore, it is estimated that approximately 70% of A. pachypus populations are threatened by mining rights, hydrocarbon extraction, overgrazing, and urban or agricultural expansion, exacerbating habitat fragmentation. Hence, it is proposed to categorize this endemic cactus as Endangered (EN).

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(2)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536283


Al desarrollar modelos de predicción para su aplicación en la práctica clínica, los profesionales de la salud suelen categorizar las variables clínicas que son de naturaleza continua. En muchas ocasiones estos modelos constituyen la base para la confección de escalas predictivas, a partir de las cuales se estratifica a los pacientes en varias categorías atendiendo al fenómeno estudiado. En estos casos se requiere la determinación de uno o varios puntos de cortes que permitan dividir el recorrido de la variable, variables continuas o puntuaciones de una escala, en dos o más categorías. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la automatización de diferentes métodos para dicotomizar variables continuas en modelos de predicción clínica, donde la variable respuesta es dicotómica, y determinar el punto de corte óptimo en la estratificación de pacientes en dos categorías, a partir de escalas de predicción. Para ello se elaboró un software en el lenguaje de programación R, que implementa diferentes métodos para la determinación del punto de corte óptimo, lo cual agiliza el trabajo investigativo de los especialistas de salud en el proceso de elaboración de modelos predictivos y/o escalas de predicción.

When developing predictive models for application in clinical practice, health professionals often categorize clinical variables that are continuous in nature. In many cases, these models are the basis for the development of predictive scales from which patients are stratified into various categories according to the phenomenon under study. In both cases, it is necessary to determine one or more cut-off points that allow dividing the path of the variable, continuous variables, or scores of a scale into two or more categories. The aim of the present work is to automate different existing methods for dichotomizing continuous variables in clinical prediction models where the response variable is dichotomous, as well as to determine the optimal cut-off point for stratifying patients into two categories, based on prediction scales. For this purpose, a software was developed in the R programming language, which implements different existing methods for the determination of the optimal cut-off point, speeding up the research work of health specialists in the process of developing predictive models and/or prediction scales.

Front Sociol ; 8: 1084429, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37274603


While acknowledging the important role of shelter organizations in protecting migrant rights, recent debates point to the thin line between care and control practices within shelters. This study seeks to deepen this observation by approaching shelters as spaces defined by a constant inward/outward mobility of people. From this starting point, we use the de-migranticization framework to understand and question the normalization of difference that divides migrant people (being reproduced as the typical guest) from international volunteers (being reproduced as the typical host) through sheltering practices in two rather different geopolitical contexts (Mexico and the Netherlands). We use our ethnographic insights to not only illustrate how difference is reproduced but also to analyze the practices that seek to transgress and undo these divides. We argue that highlighting the conviviality and interconnectedness between these differentiated actors in the broader context of cross-border mobility is of vital importance to question and overcome the coloniality of contemporary border regimes. However, we do not imply that these aspects have the potential to completely undo difference, as they are a constant struggle embedded in the relational practices of the people composing such a divide.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36674051


This study examined how Brazilian schoolchildren identified, classified, and labeled foods and beverages. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 133 schoolchildren aged 7 to 10 years old from a public school located in southern Brazil in 2015. A set of cards with pictures of 32 food and beverage items from the web-based Food Intake and Physical Activity of Schoolchildren tool (Web-CAAFE) were used. Participants identified each item, formed groups for them based on similarity, and assigned labels for those groups. Student's t-tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were used to verify the mean difference between the groups of items. K-means cluster analysis was applied to identify similar clusters. Schoolchildren made an average of 9.1 piles of foods and beverages that they thought were similar (±2.4) with 3.0 cards (±1.8) each. Five groups were identified: meats, snacks and pasta, sweets, milk and dairy products, and fruits and vegetables. The most frequently used nomenclature for labeling groups was taxonomic-professional (47.4%), followed by the specific food item name (16.4%), do not know/not sure (13.3%), and evaluative (health perception) (8.8%). The taxonomic-professional category could be applied to promote improvements in the identification process of food and beverage items by children in self-reported computerized dietary questionnaires.

Bebidas , Frutas , Niño , Humanos , Brasil , Verduras , Conducta Alimentaria
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (39): e22314, 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530511


Resumen El derecho de los niños a una vida libre de violencias es una categoría disputada y polisémica. En este artículo se analizan las diferentes interpretaciones sobre tal derecho y las formas de abordar las violencias que tiene lugar en el marco de las actuales contiendas en torno a la generización del estado. Para ello, se describen las principales características de las transformaciones en la interpretación y tratamiento de las violencias de género y hacia la niñez, y se analizan las diferentes posturas en pugna que emergieron a partir de un caso de extrema violencia contra un niño que tuvo una enorme repercusión en Argentina.

Abstract Children's right to life without violence is disputed and polysemic. In this article we analyze different interpretations about such right, and the modes of intervention about violence against children in the midst of political debates about the "gender of the state". To do so, we describe the main transformations in the interpretations and treatment of gender violence and violence against children, and we analyze the different perspectives emerging around a case of extreme violence against a child that was virally diffused in the media.

Resumo O direito das crianças a uma vida livre de violência é uma categoria controversa e polissêmica. Este artigo analisa as diferentes interpretações deste direito e as formas de abordar a violência no âmbito das atuais disputas sobre gênero e Estado. Para tanto, são descritas as principais características das transformações na interpretação e tratamento da violência de gênero e da violência contra crianças, e as diferentes posições conflitantes que surgiram a partir de um caso de violência extrema contra uma criança que teve um enorme impacto na Argentina.

Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr;61(1)2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431725


Introducción: Existen múltiples factores que dificultan el acceso a la terapia de alta intensidad y pocos estudios han considerado la efectividad de la Neurorehabilitación motora ambulatoria basada en atención directa al paciente, ejercicios guiados por el cuidador y entrenamiento de autogestión en rehabilitación. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto en los resultados funcionales, de movilidad y equilibrio en los pacientes atendidos por un programa de Neurorehabilitación motora ambulatoria categorizados por complejidad en rehabilitación en el Hospital Carlos van Buren de Valparaíso. Material y Método: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo. Se analizaron los registros de los pacientes atendidos en 2018 en el policlínico de Neurorehabilitación del Hospital Carlos van Buren, se recopilaron los datos desde las historias clínicas, se categorizaron en tres niveles de complejidad en rehabilitación y se hizo el análisis estadístico. Resultados: Se estudiaron 34 usuarios, el diagnóstico más recurrente fue el accidente cerebro vascular en el 82,3%. En las escalas funcionales, todos los valores cambiaron de mayor a menor severidad, luego de la rehabilitación (Rankin modificado, índice de Barthel, el nivel funcional y velocidad de marcha). En relación con la recuperación proporcional, los pacientes de baja complejidad lograron un 13,5%, los de mediana el 83% y los de alta un 25%. Conclusiones: Los resultados indican que un programa de Neurorehabilitación motora ambulatorio proporciona cambios funcionales favorables a los pacientes de mediana complejidad en rehabilitación. El uso de una categorización de rehabilitación basada en la complejidad es una opción útil en el entorno clínico, pero se requiere de mayores investigaciones.

Background: There are multiple factors that hinder access to high intensity therapies. Few studies have considered the effectiveness of outpatient motor neurorehabilitation based on direct patient care, caregiver-mediated exercises and self-directed exercises. Objetive: Evaluate the effect of an categorized outpatient motor neurorehabilitation program in a Public Hospital with respect to functionality, mobility and balance. Material and Method: Retrospective cohort study. The patients seen in 2018 at the Neurorehabilitation polyclinic of the Carlos Van Buren Hospital were analyzed, the data was collected from the medical records, they were categorized into three levels of complexity in rehabilitation and the statistical analysis was performed. Results: A total of 34 users were studied, the most recurrent diagnosis was stroke in 82.3%. On the functional scales, all values changed from highest to lowest severity post intervention (modified Rankin, Barthel index, functional level and walking speed). In relation to proportional recovery, low complexity patients achieved 13.5%, median 83% and high 25%. Conclusions: The results indicate that an outpatient motor Neurorehabilitation program provides favorable functional changes for patients of medium complexity in rehabilitation. The use of a complexity-based categorization of rehabilitation is a useful option in the clinical setting, but further research is required.

eNeurologicalSci ; 27: 100407, 2022 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35669231


During a social evaluation, the right temporo-parietal junction (rTPJ) plays an important role according to its contribution in making inferences about the mental states of others. However, what is the neural response if rTPJ function is inhibited during a mentalizing task? In this study, participants played the Dictator Game with two confederates: one playing cooperation (C) and other playing non-cooperation (NC) role and then they were scanned during a mentalizing test. However, we inhibited rTPJ using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) after they played the game and before they were scanned. In this test, participants read negative (Neg) or positive (Pos) personal situations and then they watched confederate's pictures. Images from the TMS group were compared against controls with no TMS stimulation. After statistical comparison, we found a significantly higher activity in right and left visual association areas (BA 18) during the NCPos > NCNeg condition in the TMS group compared with the No-TMS group. Same visual association areas have been described before when participants are processing visual emotional information or when making a fast social categorization. This could reflect a neural mechanism of socio - emotional categorization that emerges after rTPJ inhibition.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 18(1): 120-129, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421362


Resumen El consumo de cigarrillo ha tenido un gran impacto en la salud, por lo que es urgente y necesario trabajar en la generación de interés en la cesación. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue el diseño y validación del Cuestionario de Clasificación de Etapas de Cambio y Cesación de Consumo de Cigarrillo/Tabaco CCET, que permite la categorización del consumidor de acuerdo con las siete etapas descritas en el modelo teórico Proceso de Adopción de Precauciones que propuso Weinstein en 1988. El CCET consta de 16 ítems que interrogan acerca de las características definidas para cada fase de cambio de la conducta del individuo, consumo y el logro de la cesación. La muestra estuvo conformada por 200 estudiantes de educación superior fumadores (138 hombres y 62 mujeres) entre los 18 y 57 años. Se determinó la validez de contenido a través del juicio de expertos quienes analizaron los criterios de redacción, pertinencia y suficiencia de cada una de las preguntas utilizadas en dicho cuestionario, se realizó la aplicación en su versión definitiva para determinar las características técnicas de acuerdo con el Modelo de Rasch. Del mismo modo que en estudios previos buena parte de la muestra presento ubicación en las primeras etapas, es decir no necesariamente con deseo de dejar de fumar.

Abstract Cigarette consumption has had a great impact on health, so it is urgent and necessary to work on generating interest in cessation. The purpose of the present investigation was the design and validation of the Questionnaire for the Classification of the Stages of Change and Cessation of Consumption of Cigarette/Tobacco, which allows the categorization of the consumers according to the seven stages exposed in the theoretical Precaution Adoption Process Model proposed by Weinstein in 1988. The questionnaire consists of 16 items that ask about the characteristics defined for each stage of individual behavior change, consumption, and achievement of cessation. The sample consisted of 200 smoking students in higher education (138 men and 62 women) between 18 and 57 years of age. The validity of the content was determined through the judgment of experts who analyzed the wording, relevance, and sufficiency of each of the questions used in the questionnaire. The final version of the questionnaire was applied to determine the technical characteristics according to the Rasch Model. As in previous studies, a good part of the sample was located in the early stages, that is, not necessarily with a desire to quit smoking.

Kinesiologia ; 41(2): 101-107, 15 jun 2022.
Artículo en Español, Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552395


Introducción. La pandemia por coronavirus trajo consigo una modificación y una reestructuración de las unidades de cuidados intensivos(UCI). Además se produjo un cambio en el perfil de pacientes que ingresan y egresan en estas unidades. Objetivo. Valorar el impacto de la presente pandemia en el perfil de ingreso y egreso de pacientes en UCI según escala de categorización kinesiológica de la unidad. Métodos. Estudio observacional descriptivo que incluyó 50 sujetos de UCI que contaran con escala de categorización kinesiológica (ECK) al ingreso y egreso de la unidad. La ECK contemplo 3 item de evaluación: Función ventilatoria, manejod e secreciones, grado de cooperación y nivel de actividad. El registro de la ECK se planteó de manera retrospectiva para los periodos Julio-agosto 2018 (prepandemia) y Julio - Agosto 2020 (pandemia). Se utilizó estadística descriptiva, utilizando porcentaje y/o promedio para cada variable según corresponda. Resultados. Al observar la función ventilatoria, el requerimiento de soporte ventilatorio varió de un 64% a un 16% pre ­ pandemia, y de un 100% a un 88% durante la pandemia. Respecto al manejo de secreciones, se observó que los sujetos con tos efectiva varío desde un 60% a un 22% en el periodo pandemia Por otra parte, los pacientes que requirieron succión traqueal de manera constante en pandemia, se mantuvo. entre un 88% a un 92% durante la estadía en UCI. En relación al grado de cooperación, un 78% de los pacientes con COVID-19 ingresó con una dependencia severa o nula cooperación, y al momento del egreso de UCI un 54% se mantenía en la misma condición. Respecto al nivel de actividad, durante el periodo pandemia, un 100% de los ingresos y un 96% de los egresos presentó dependencia total. Conclusión. La pandemia causada por SARS-CoV-2 ha influido directamente en el perfil de ingreso y egreso de pacientes UCI, lo cual enfrentó al personal de salud a un aumento considerable en la carga de trabajo.

Introduction. The coronavirus led to a modification and a building of new intensive care units (ICU). In addition, there was a change in the profile of patients admitted and discharged from these units. Objetive. Assess the impact of this pandemy on the admission and discharge profile of patients in the ICU according to a kinesiological categorization scale of the unit. Methods. Descriptive observational study that included 50 ICU subjects who had a Kinesiology Categorization Scale (ECK) at admission and discharge from the unit. The ECK contemplates 3 evaluation elements: ventilatory function, management and secretions, degree of cooperation and level of activity. The ECK registry was considered retrospectively for the periods July-August 2018 (pre-pandemy) and July-August 2020 (pandemy). Descriptive statistics was developed, using percentage and/or average for each variable as appropriate. Results: Looking at ventilatory function, the requirement for ventilatory support varied from 64% to 16% pre-pandemic, and from 100% to 88% during the pandemic. Regarding the management of secretions, it was shown that the subjects with effective cough varied from 60% to 22% in the pandemic period. On the other hand, the patients who required tracheal suctioning constantly in the pandemic were maintained. between 88% and 92% during the ICU stay. Regarding the degree of cooperation, 78% of the patients with COVID-19 were admitted with a severe dependency or no cooperation, and at the time of discharge from the ICU, 54% were pressed in the same condition. Regarding the level of activity, during the pandemic period, 100% of income and 96% of expenses presented total dependency. Conclusion. The pandemy caused by SARS-CoV-2 has directly influenced the admission and discharge profile of ICU patients, which confronted health personnel with a considerable increase in workload.

Cogn Process ; 23(3): 393-405, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35513744


We use a feature-based association model to fit grouped and individual level category learning and transfer data. The model assumes that people use corrective feedback to learn individual feature to categorization-criterion correlations and combine those correlations additively to produce classifications. The model is an Adaptive Linear Filter (ALF) with logistic output function and Least Mean Squares learning algorithm. Categorization probabilities are computed by a logistic function. Our data span over 31 published data sets. Both at grouped and individual level analysis levels, the model performs remarkably well, accounting for large amounts of available variances. When fitted to grouped data, it outperforms alternative models. When fitted to individual level data, it is able to capture learning and transfer performance with high explained variances. Notably, the model achieves its fits with a very minimal number of free parameters. We discuss the ALF's advantages as a model of procedural categorization, in terms of its simplicity, its ability to capture empirical trends and its ability to solve challenges to other associative models. In particular, we discuss why the model is not equivalent to a prototype model, as previously thought.

Probabilidad , Humanos
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 56(1): 100-133, jan.-fev. 2022. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365457


Resumo Este artigo analisa categorias operadas por burocratas ao classificar tipos de usuários e seus efeitos em distribuição de serviços, observando contextos de alta desigualdade e políticas universais. Para tanto, analisa de que modo professores, como burocratas de nível de rua, implementam a política categorizando diferentes tipos de alunos. Adotamos aqui a lente analítica de esquemas culturais, que considera que indivíduos internalizam associações entre categorias oficiais e sociais (informais). Os dados analisados foram coletados de vinhetas aplicadas com 40 professores da rede municipal de São Paulo. Investigamos o uso de categorias por meio de redes sociossemânticas e semânticas de categorizações e construção de cadeias de encaminhamentos. Os resultados apontam que os professores mobilizam de forma concomitante categorias oficiais e sociais, bem como que a introdução da variável "vulnerabilidade" nos casos abre espaço para introdução de categorias sociais que geram diferentes tipos de tratamento para alunos com comportamentos similares.

Resumen Este artículo analiza las categorías operadas por los burócratas al clasificar los tipos de usuarios y sus efectos en la distribución de servicios, observando contextos de alta desigualdad y políticas universales. Para ello, analiza cómo los docentes, como burócratas a nivel de calle, implementan la política categorizando diferentes tipos de estudiantes. Adoptamos aquí la lente analítica de los esquemas culturales, que considera que los individuos internalizan las asociaciones entre categorías oficiales y sociales (informales) a partir de sus experiencias. Los datos analizados se recolectaron a través de viñetas aplicadas a 40 docentes de la red municipal de São Paulo. Analizamos el uso de categorías a través de redes sociosemánticas y semánticas de categorización y construcción de redes de referencia. Los resultados muestran que los docentes movilizan simultáneamente categorías políticas y sociales y que la introducción de la variable "vulnerabilidad" en los casos abre espacio para la introducción de categorías sociales que generan diferentes tipos de tratamiento para estudiantes con comportamientos similares.

Abstract This article analyzes categories operated by bureaucrats when classifying types of users and their effects on the distribution of services, observing contexts of high inequality and universal policies. We analyze how teachers, as street-level bureaucrats, implement the policy by categorizing different types of students. We adopt an analytical lens of cultural schemes, which considers that individuals internalize associations between official and social (informal) categories from their experiences. The analyzed data were collected through vignettes applied to 40 teachers from the municipal education system of São Paulo, Brazil. We analyzed the use of categories through socio-semantic and semantic networks of categorizations and the construction of referral networks. The results show that teachers simultaneously mobilize political and social categories and that the introduction of the variable vulnerability in cases opens space for the introduction of social categories that generate different types of treatment for students with similar behaviors.

Política Pública , Estudiantes , Educación , Docentes , Políticas , Sector Público
Front Psychol ; 12: 786054, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34956010


Formative intervention is a participatory methodology that supports organizational change by means of an interactive and systematic dialogue carried out by researchers and participants. In this process, the researchers contribute to expanding the conversational space in the organization by supporting participants in examining and reflecting on their own work practices, as well as in modeling, shaping, and experimenting with innovations. Drawing on transcripts of videotaped sessions, this study analyzes how change is discursively sustained by the researchers who conduct the meetings within a formative intervention in a Mexican hospital. The quantitative and qualitative analysis focuses on the collective pronoun "we" as a membership categorization device deployed by the researchers for rhetorical and pragmatical aims, such as questioning about the state of necessity for the intervention, engaging the participants, or introducing a proposal of innovation with the participants. Results show how group membership and social identity markers are used by researchers to support emerging forms of collaboration, involvement of participants and the creation of common ground during the intervention process. In terms of the practical implications of the study, an informed and strategic use of membership categorization devices used by the researcher can increase the effectiveness of their formative and expansive role.

Rev. medica electron ; 43(6): 1713-1718, dic. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409670


RESUMEN El Programa de Acreditación Universitaria tiene como propósito fundamental la elevación continua de la calidad del proceso de formación en las diferentes carreras universitarias. El nivel de desarrollo de los centros de educación superior y su desempeño como institución está determinado por la preparación y el nivel que posea su claustro. La preparación de los docentes de las ciencias médicas para realizar cambio de categoría docente, es un aspecto importante para el correcto desarrollo del proceso de categorización y de acreditación de las universidades. En el ejercicio académico que deben realizar los profesores para el cambio de categoría se aprecian dificultades que denotan falta de preparación. La autora se pronuncia acerca de este tema y propone que se programen cursos de perfeccionamiento para estos profesores, los que deben ser impartidos por aquellos docentes de mayor experiencia y mejor preparación. Así se elevará la preparación profesoral y se garantizará mayor calidad en la acreditación institucional (AU).

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the University Accreditation Process is the continuous improvement of the quality of the training process in the different university courses. The level of development of the high education centers and their performance as institution are determined by the training and level their staff have. The training of the medical sciences teachers to change their teaching category is an important aspect for the correct development of the categorization and accreditation process of the universities. In the academic exercise to be carried out by the professors for the change of category there are difficulties that denote lack of training. The author makes a statement on this subject and proposes to schedule training courses for these professors, which should be provided by those teachers with more experience and better training. Professors' training will increase that way and greater quality in institutional accreditation will be ensured (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Capacitación Profesional , Acreditación/normas , Estudiantes , Enseñanza , Universidades/organización & administración , Docentes/educación
Psicol Reflex Crit ; 34(1): 24, 2021 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34328567


BACKGROUND: The emergent categorization involving paintings by renowned painters and their corresponding names was demonstrated by previous studies. However, the results of these studies suggest that the colors of the pictures may have played a preponderant role, obscuring other aspects of the stimuli that could be more directly related to the style of each painter. To verify this possibility, the present study used the same methodology of Ferreira et al. to investigate the establishment of emergent conditional relations between categories composed of black and white paintings and the names of their authors. METHOD: The procedure consisted of the training of relations between each of the ten paintings and an abstract picture, for each of the three painters Botticelli, Monet, and Picasso. Relations between each of the three abstract figures and the printed name of one of the painters were verified in sequence. Finally, tests of relations between five trained and five untrained paintings of each artist and the printed names were conducted. RESULTS: The participants' performance suggests that the outcome was properly controlled by aspects pertinent to the paintings that belonged to each painter's category. CONCLUSIONS: The results reinforced the data obtained previously with colored pictures, suggesting that the process of emergent categorization involving artificial categories of paintings is robust. It also indicates possibilities for future investigations, for example, using stimuli of other artistic productions, such as sculpture and music.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;86(2): 152-162, abr. 2021. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388646


INTRODUCCIÓN: La red de atención de urgencia es fundamental en la salud de cualquier país. En Chile, los servicios de urgencia periódicamente están saturados por usuarios con patologías de carácter leve; lo mismo ocurre en las atenciones de urgencias gineco-obstétricas (UGO) en los centros de mediana y alta complejidad. OBJETIVO: Describir la categorización de las consultas de urgencias gineco-obstétricas en un hospital público de Chile, atendidas durante el año 2018. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio descriptivo y transversal que abarcó 3.077 consultas obtenidas de datos estadísticos anonimizados. RESULTADOS: De las UGO, el 58,3% fueron consultas obstétricas, el 36,9% ginecológicas y 4.8% neonatológicas; el 96% fueron consultantes mujeres; el 80,3% eran adultos y el 11,6% adolescentes; el 92,5% eran usuarios pertenecientes a la comuna de Penco; el mes más consultado fue mayo con 292 atenciones y el 71,5% de las consultas fueron atendidas en horario diurno. Los principales motivos de consulta obstétrica y ginecológica fueron el dolor y el sangramiento genital; en las urgencias neonatológicas, la ictericia fue el principal motivo de consulta. El diagnóstico más frecuente en las consultas obstétricas según clasificación CIE _10 fue la supervisión de embarazo normal, en las ginecológicas fue el dolor abdomino-pélvico y en las consultas neonatológicas, la ictericia; del total de consultas UGO un 91,1% fueron resueltas a nivel local. El 0,1% de las UGO fueron categorizadas como c1 y el 0,3% como c2, siendo la gran mayoría, consultas de baja complejidad. CONCLUSIONES: Existe un gran porcentaje de consultas de baja complejidad que sobrecargan el servicio de urgencia, afectando la calidad de la atención del hospital.

INTRODUCTION: the urgent care network is fundamental in the health of any country. In Chile, the emergency services are periodically saturated with users with mild pathologies; the same occurs in gynecological-obstetric emergency care (UGO) in more complex centers. OBJECTIVE: to describe the categorization of gynecological-obstetric emergency consultations in a public hospital in Chile, attended in 2018. METHODOLOGY: descriptive and cross-sectional study; covered 3,077 queries of anonymized statistical data. RESULTS: of the UGO, 58.3% were obstetric consultations, 36.9% gynecological and 4.8% neonatological; 96% were women; 80.3% were adults and 11.6% adolescents; 92.5% were from Penco; the month most consulted was may with 292 visits and 71.5% of the consultations were during daytime hours. The main reasons for obstetric and gynecological consultation were pain and genital bleeding; in neonatal emergencies, jaundice was the main reason for consultation. The most repeated diagnosis in obstetric consultations was the supervision of normal pregnancy; in gynecological cases, it was abdominal-pelvic pain and in neonatological consultations, jaundice; there was 91.1% local resolution. 0.1% of the UGO were categorized as c1 and 0.3% as c2, the vast majority being low complexity queries. CONCLUSIONS: there is a large percentage of low complexity consultations that overload the emergency service, affecting the quality of hospital care.

Humanos , Femenino , Recién Nacido , Lactante , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Adulto Joven , Servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia en Hospital/estadística & datos numéricos , Triaje/estadística & datos numéricos , Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital/estadística & datos numéricos , Complicaciones del Embarazo , Servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia en Hospital/organización & administración , Chile , Estudios Transversales , Triaje/métodos , Urgencias Médicas , Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital/organización & administración , Atención Hospitalaria , Enfermedades de los Genitales Femeninos , Hospitales Públicos/estadística & datos numéricos
Sensors (Basel) ; 21(1)2021 Jan 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33401639


This paper analyzes 12 years of tropospheric ozone (O3) concentration measurements using robust techniques. The measurements were taken at an air quality monitoring station called Belisario, which is in Quito, Ecuador; the data collection time period was 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2019, and the measurements were carried out using photometric O3 analyzers. Here, the measurement results were used to build variables that represented hours, days, months, and years, and were then classified and categorized. The index of air quality (IAQ) of the city was used to make the classifications, and robust and nonrobust confidence intervals were used to make the categorizations. Furthermore, robust analysis methods were compared with classical methods, nonparametric methods, and bootstrap-based methods. The results showed that the analysis using robust methods is better than the analysis using nonrobust methods, which are not immune to the influence of extreme observations. Using all of the aforementioned methods, confidence intervals were used to both establish and quantify differences between categories of the groups of variables under study. In addition, the central tendency and variability of the O3 concentration at Belisario station were exhaustively analyzed, concluding that said concentration was stable for years, highly variable for months and hours, and slightly changing between the days of the week. Additionally, according to the criteria established by the IAQ, it was shown that in Quito, the O3 concentration levels during the study period were not harmful to human health.

BMC Neurosci ; 22(1): 1, 2021 01 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33397293


BACKGROUND: A common problem in neurophysiological signal processing is the extraction of meaningful information from high dimension, low sample size data (HDLSS). We present RoLDSIS (regression on low-dimension spanned input space), a regression technique based on dimensionality reduction that constrains the solution to the subspace spanned by the available observations. This avoids regularization parameters in the regression procedure, as needed in shrinkage regression methods. RESULTS: We applied RoLDSIS to the EEG data collected in a phonemic identification experiment. In the experiment, morphed syllables in the continuum /da/-/ta/ were presented as acoustic stimuli to the participants and the event-related potentials (ERP) were recorded and then represented as a set of features in the time-frequency domain via the discrete wavelet transform. Each set of stimuli was chosen from a preliminary identification task executed by the participant. Physical and psychophysical attributes were associated to each stimulus. RoLDSIS was then used to infer the neurophysiological axes, in the feature space, associated with each attribute. We show that these axes can be reliably estimated and that their separation is correlated with the individual strength of phonemic categorization. The results provided by RoLDSIS are interpretable in the time-frequency domain and may be used to infer the neurophysiological correlates of phonemic categorization. A comparison with commonly used regularized regression techniques was carried out by cross-validation. CONCLUSION: The prediction errors obtained by RoLDSIS are comparable to those obtained with Ridge Regression and smaller than those obtained with LASSO and SPLS. However, RoLDSIS achieves this without the need for cross-validation, a procedure that requires the extraction of a large amount of observations from the data and, consequently, a decreased signal-to-noise ratio when averaging trials. We show that, even though RoLDSIS is a simple technique, it is suitable for the processing and interpretation of neurophysiological signals.

Encéfalo/fisiología , Electroencefalografía/métodos , Modelos Teóricos , Procesamiento de Señales Asistido por Computador , Potenciales Evocados/fisiología , Humanos , Tamaño de la Muestra
Virchows Arch ; 478(5): 925-932, 2021 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32955604


Stromal categorization has been used to classify many epithelial cancer types. We assessed the desmoplastic reaction and compared its significance with other stromal characteristics in early (cT1-2N0) oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC). In this multi-institutional study, we included 308 cases treated for early OTSCC at five Finnish university hospitals or at the A.C. Camargo Cancer Center in São Paulo, Brazil. The desmoplastic reaction was classified as immature, intermediate, or mature based on the amount of hyalinized keloid-like collagen and myxoid stroma. We compared the prognostic value of the desmoplastic reaction with a stromal grading system based on tumor-stroma ratio and stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. We found that a high amount of stroma with a weak infiltration of lymphocytes was associated statistically significantly with a worse disease-free survival with a hazard ratio (HR) of 2.68 (95% CI 1.26-5.69), worse overall survival (HR 2.95, 95% CI 1.69-5.15), and poor disease-specific survival (HR 2.66, 95% CI 1.11-6.33). Tumors having a high amount of stroma with a weak infiltration of lymphocytes were also significantly associated with a high rate of local recurrence (HR 4.13, 95% CI 1.67-10.24), but no significant association was found with lymph node metastasis (HR 1.27, 95% CI 0.37-4.35). Categorization of the stroma based on desmoplastic reaction (immature, intermediate, mature) showed a low prognostic value for early OTSCC in all survival analyses (P > 0.05). In conclusion, categorization of the stroma based on the amount of stroma and its infiltrating lymphocytes shows clinical relevance in early OTSCC superior to categorization based on the maturity of stroma.

Linfocitos Infiltrantes de Tumor/patología , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeza y Cuello/patología , Células del Estroma/patología , Neoplasias de la Lengua/patología , Brasil , Supervivencia sin Enfermedad , Femenino , Finlandia , Humanos , Metástasis Linfática , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Recurrencia Local de Neoplasia , Estadificación de Neoplasias , Estudios Retrospectivos , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeza y Cuello/mortalidad , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeza y Cuello/terapia , Neoplasias de la Lengua/mortalidad , Neoplasias de la Lengua/terapia , Microambiente Tumoral
Soc Neurosci ; 16(1): 83-91, 2021 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31340722


In his many writings, John Cacioppo stressed how neural and physiological events could reveal psychological phenomena. Far from merely "physiologizing" psychology, John advocated social neuroscience in service of theory development and causal inference. These themes can be seen in his ERP work, which he began in the early 1990s to answer basic questions about attitudes. Fortuitously, his foray into ERP research overlapped with the dominance of the social cognition perspective in social psychology, which argues that complex thoughts and behaviors can be understood by breaking them into their underlying elements. ERPs are a natural methodological complement to this perspective, assuming that complex thoughts and behaviors are composed to separable information processing stages that manifest on the scalp as ERPs. Social cognitive theories, with their roots in mental chronometry, are thus fertile ground for researchers possessing a way to quantify underlying mental operations. This review illustrates John's influence by tracing its impact on our own research.

Potenciales Evocados , Psicología Social , Cognición , Humanos , Masculino , Teoría Psicológica
Med Anthropol ; 40(1): 79-97, 2021 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33275461


Nutrition policymakers frequently treat their knowledge of nutrition as acultural and universal. We analyze food guidelines in Mexico and Guatemala to draw attention to embedded, but often unrecognized, cultural values of standardization and individual responsibility. We suggest that nutrition policy would be improved by attending to the cultural values within nutrition science, and that nutrition guidelines should attend not only to other people's cultures but to what we are calling "cultures of nutrition." We conclude by offering an example of an adaptive approach to policy-making that may be useful for handling situations where many different cultures of nutrition collide.

Dieta/etnología , Política Nutricional , Salud Pública , Antropología Médica , Guatemala/etnología , Guías como Asunto , Humanos , México/etnología