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Heliyon ; 8(12): e12360, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36582729


In this study, a prediction model based on transient heat transfer was modified and validated using experimental data. The time required to cool tubers from field temperature of 30 ± 2 °C to the target storage temperature of 12 ± 0.2 °C was predicted directly from the model. Moreover, total cooling time ranged from 127.8 - 154.2 min for small tubers and 190.8-262.2 min for large tubers while the field heat removed ranged from 9.61 - 10.17 kJ for small tubers and 24.78-31.90 kJ for large tubers between the extremes of the air velocity. Tuber orientation to airflow neither influenced the heat transfer coefficients and Biot numbers nor the cooling time and amount of field heat removed. The results from this study could be applied in the design and optimisation of forced convection cooling systems to precool tubers immediately after harvest and for extended duration storage.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 4(24): 4196-200, 2013 Dec 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26296164


Electromagnetic radiative heat exchange involving graphene nanostrucrures is studied using an atomistic approach based on the coupled dipole method modified by the fluctuation dissipation theorem. This method includes taking into account many-particle electromagnetic contributions and enables treating two or more nanostructures with nontrivial boundary conditions at different temperatures. We present a microscopic picture of the heat exchange process in graphene nanostructured based systems in terms of a transmission coefficient, characteristic temperature function, and atomic morphology. Our studies provide general pathways of near-field radiation control at the nanoscale.

Ciênc. rural ; 39(8): 2373-2379, nov. 2009. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-529897


Este experimento visou a estudar o efeito de diferentes temperaturas e tempos de pré-resfriamento em água sobre a qualidade de lichias 'B3', após a frigoconservação. Os tratamentos foram: T1 = controle (sem pré-resfriamento); T2 = imersão por cinco minutos em água a 2,5°C; T3 = imersão por 10 minutos em água a 2,5°C; T4 = imersão por 20 minutos em água a 2,5°C; T5 = imersão por sete minutos em água a 6°C; T6 = imersão por 20 minutos em água a 8°C e T7 = imersão por 10 minutos em água a 10°C. Após a aplicação dos respectivos tratamentos, os frutos foram acondicionados em filmes de polietileno de 24µm, selados e posteriormente armazenados a 5°C e 90 por cento UR, por um período de sete dias, seguido por três dias de comercialização simulada a 20°C e 70 por cento UR. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, com tratamentos fatoriais de 7x3 (tratamentosxtempo). Foram utilizadas quatro repetições por tratamento, sendo cada uma composta por 150g de frutos. Determinaram-se: perda de massa fresca, coloração (L*, a e b), escurecimento ( por cento) e podridões ( por cento). De acordo com os resultados, o pré-resfriamento com água reduz a percentagem de escurecimento, o decréscimo da luminosidade (L*) e os valores de a. Por outro lado, esse tratamento favorece o surgimento de altos índices de podridão.

This project studied the effects of different precooling temperatures and times with water on lychee 'B3' fruit quality cold storage. The treatments were: T1 = control (without precooling); T2 = immersed in water at 2.5°C for five minutes; T3 = immersed in water at 2.5°C for ten minutes; T4 = immersed in water at 2.5°C for 20 minutes; T5 = immersed in water at 6°C for seven minutes; T6 = immersed in water at 8°C for 20 minutes and T7 = immersed in water at 10°C for ten minutes. After treatments application, the fruits were then placed into polyethylene bags of 24µm, sealed, and stored for seven days at 5°C and 90 percent RH, plus 3 days at 20°C and 70 percent RH to simulate commercial conditions. Completely randomized experimental design, with factorial 7x3 (treatments x time). The research used four replicates for treatment, approximately 150g. It was determined: weight loss, color (L*, a and b), browning ( percent) and rots ( percent). According to the results, the lychee hydrocooling reduced the browning percentage, the brightness decrease (L *) and a values. In the other hand, this treatment also resulted in higher percentage of rots.